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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse des [NiFe]-Zentrums und der Kofaktoren im H 2-Sensor von Ralstonia eutropha H16

Gebler, Antje 20 November 2008 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Das beta-Proteobakterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 besitzt zwei [NiFe]-Hydrogenasen, die dem Organismus das Wachstum mit H2 als alleiniger Energiequelle unter aeroben Bedingungen ermöglichen. Reguliert wird die Expression dieser [NiFe]-Hydrogenasen durch ein bakterielles Zweikomponentensystem. Die Signaltransduktionskette besteht aus einer H2-sensierenden, regulatorischen [NiFe]-Hydrogenase (RH), einer Histidin-Proteinkinase und einem Response-Regulator. Um Einblicke in die Struktur-Funktions-Beziehung der H2-sensierenden Komponente zu bekommen, wurden Aminosäure-Austausche in konservierten Bereichen nahe des NiFe-Zentrums der RH durchgeführt. Der Austausch des invarianten Glu13 (E13Q, E13L) resultierte im Verlust der regulatorischen, der H2-oxidierenden und der H/D-Austauschaktivitäten. Spektroskopische Daten wiesen auf ein vollständig assembliertes NiFe-Zentrum hin. Mit Hilfe der ortho-/para-Konversionsaktivität wurde gezeigt, dass dieses Zentrum nach wie vor H2 binden kann. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass eine H2-Bindung am aktiven Zentrum nicht für die regulatorische Funktion der RH ausreicht. Durch den Austausch des Asp15 in His wurde der Konsensus eines konservierten Motivs der Standard-Hydrogenasen hergestellt. Das entstandene RH-Mutantenprotein besaß nur noch eine sehr niedrige H2-oxidierende Aktivität, bei nahezu unveränderter H/D-Austauschrate sowie intakter regulatorischer Aktivität. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass der H2-Umsatz nicht entscheidend für die H2-Sensierung ist. Um Informationen über die Struktur des aktiven Zentrums der RH zu erhalten, war es notwendig, große Mengen RH zu isolieren. Hierfür wurde die Strep-tag-Technologie eingesetzt, die es ermöglichte, die RH als natives Doppeldimer und als homodimeres Protein zu reinigen. Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie ergab erstmals, dass sich die Koordination des Nickel-Atoms im aktiven Zentrum sowohl im oxidierten als auch im reduzierten Zustand der RH deutlich von der in Standard-Hydrogenasen unterscheidet. / The beta-proteobacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 is capable of using H2 as a facultative energy source by means of two distinct, energy-converting [NiFe]-hydrogenases. Transcription of the hydrogenase genes is regulated in response to the availability of H2 via a histidyl-aspartyl phosphorelay comprising a heterodimeric, regulatory [NiFe]-hydrogenase (RH), a histidine protein kinase and a response regulator. In order to gain insights into the mechanism of H2-mediated signal transduction, conserved amino acid residues close to the NiFe active site of the RH were exchanged. Replacement of the strictly conserved Glu13 within the RH large subunit by glutamine and leucine resulted in the loss of the regulatory, H2-oxidizing and hydrogen/deuterium exchange activities. Infrared spectroscopic analysis revealed, that the RH E13Q and E13L derivatives contained a fully assembled NiFe active site and showed para-/ortho-H2 conversion activity. These results indicated that H2-binding at the active site is not sufficient for H2 sensing. Replacement of Asp15, a residue unique in H2 sensors, by histidine restored the consensus of energy-linked [NiFe]-hydrogenases. The resulting RH mutant protein showed only traces of H2-oxidizing activity, whereas the H/D-exchange activity and the regulatory activity were nearly unaffected. H2-dependent signal transduction in the respective mutant strain was less sensitive to O2 than in the wild type. These results suggest that the H2 sensing is independent of H2 turnover. To get insights into the structure of the RH it was necessary to isolate large amounts of RH. By establishing the Strep-tag technology, allowing a fast, mild and efficient purification, it was possible to isolate the native RH-double dimer as well as the modified monodimeric RHstop protein in sufficient amounts for spectroscopic analyses. X-ray absorption spectroscopy showed for the first time that the RH active site undergoes significant structural changes upon exposure to H2.

Beyond the common view of Bi cuprates

Müller, Beate 18 October 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der elektronischen Struktur von Bi-Kupraten vom Normalzustand bis in den supraleitenden Zustand. Der Normalzustand von einschichtigen Bi-Kupraten wurde mittels polarisationsabhängiger XAS untersucht. Es konnte eine deutliche Polarisationsabhängigkeit der CuL3- und OK-Kante innerhalb der Kupferoxidebene beobachtet werden. Insbesondere in den Merkmalen, die den dotierten Löchern zugeordnet werden. Die Winkelabhängigkeit geht über die erwartete Hybridisierung von Cu3dx^2-y^2- und O2px,y-Orbitalen hinaus, und unterstützt somit Theorien, die auch Orbitale ausserhalb der Kupferoxidebene zur Beschreibung der elektronischen Struktur einbeziehen. Desweiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die Ladungs-Transfer-Lücke sich mit steigender Lochkonzentration vergrößert konform zu Theorien zum Zusammenbruch der Zhang-Rice-Singuletts im überdotierten Bereich. Mittels ARPES wurden die Anregungen nahe der Fermikante in antinodaler Richtung an zweischichtigen Bi-Kupraten untersucht. Die komplexe Linienform im zweischichtigen Bi-Kuprat, die aus Interlageneffekten resultiert, wurde durch die gezielte Ausnutzung von Matrixelementeffekten vereinfacht. Dadurch konnten, in Kombination mit der spezifischen Ausrichtung der Polarisation, vorherige, sich scheinbar widersprechende Beobachtungen am einschichtigen und zweischichtigen Bi-Kuprat in Einklang gebracht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass im zweischichtigen Bi-Kuprat eine Anregung zusätzlich zum bindenden und antibindenden Band existiert, welche mit dem antibindenden Band korreliert zu sein scheint. Außerdem zeigt es Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem scharfen Peak, der im einschichtigen Bi-Kuprat gefunden wurde. So besteht es über die supraleitende Sprungtemperatur Tc hinaus, und verschwindet vermutlich bei oder über der Pseudolücken-Temperatur T*. Die ARPES Messungen lassen sich am Besten innerhalb des Modells elektronischer Inhomogenitäten erklären, welches Hochtemperatursupraleitung aus Streifen ableitet. / The electronic structure of Bi cuprates from the normal state down to the superconducting state has been investigated. The normal state electronic structure is probed by polarization dependent XAS on single layer Bi cuprates. With the x-ray beam being incident normal to the CuO2 plane the azimuthal angle was varied to explore the polarization effects on orbitals within the plane. In the CuL3- as well as the OK-edge spectra, the spectral features related to the doped holes showed a distinct polarization dependence within the CuO2 plane. The revealed polarization dependence is more complex than expected from hybridization of Cu3dx^2-y^2 and O2px,y orbitals only. Thus, the results support the inclusion of out-of-plane orbitals into the description of the electronic structure as has been previously theoretically proposed. Furthermore, the charge transfer gap has been observed to rise with rising hole concentration supporting theories of the instability of Zhang-Rice-singlets in the overdoped regime. By ARPES the excitations close to the Fermi surface in the antinodal region of double layer Bi cuprates have been investigated. The complex lineshape in double layer Bi cuprates that results from interlayer effects has been disentangled by exploiting matrix element effects. In combination with distinct polarization settings this enabled to unify seemingly inconsistent observations made on single and double layer Bi cuprates. The existence of an excitation additional to antibonding and bonding band could be shown in the double layer Bi cuprate. This additional excitation is probably connected to the antibonding band. It furthermore shows similarities to the sharp peak observed in single layer Bi cuprates. It persists to temperatures above the superconducting temperature Tc, and presumably vanishes at or above the pseudogap temperature T*. The ARPES results could be best explained within the model of electronic inhomogeneity which derives superconductivity from stripes.

Progress Toward Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy of Metalloproteins

Scott C. Jensen (5929838) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Metalloproteins, or proteins with a metal ion cofactor, are essential for biological function of both lower and higher level organisms. These proteins provide a multitude of functions from molecular transport, such as the hemoglobin transport of oxygen, to biologically important catalytic processes. As an example case, photosystem II (PSII) is studied as a representative metalloprotein. It was chosen based on the potential impact in the energy sector due to its ability to perform water oxidation using solar based energy. Understanding mechanisms by which the Mn<sub>4</sub>Ca cluster inside PSII, also known as the oxygen evolving complex (OEC), can store energy as redox equivalents for splitting water will be essential for future development of analogous artificial systems. By using time resolved x-ray spectroscopy, the electron structure of the metal in the protein was probed through the catalytic cycle. While the applications mentioned herein are based on PSII from spinach, the developments in time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy techniques are also applicable to other metalloproteins.</p><p></p><p>By creating a new x-ray spectrometer we were able to capture the difference in x-ray emission spectra between two compounds differing in a single metal bound ligand, i.e. Mn<sup>IV</sup>-OH and Mn<sup>IV</sup>=O. This both establishes the functionality of the x-ray emission spectrometer and provides useful insight into the expected changes upon an oxygen double bond formation. This change in spectroscopic signal is discussed in context of the OEC which has been hypothesized to form a Mn<sup>IV</sup>=O state.</p><p></p><p>A new sample delivery system and further developments to the x-ray spectrometer enabled both time-resolved x-ray absorption and time-resolved x-ray emission of PSII. These experiments show the potential of synchrotron sources for time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy. From our x-ray absorption measurements we were able to follow the electronic structure changes in time using a single incident photon energy. From the kinetic traces obtained, we show possible alternative interpretations of previous results showing a delay in reduction during the final step in water oxidation. From the x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) measurements of PSII we were able to reproduce previous results within a limited collection time and give estimates for data size requirements for metalloproteins using this spectrometer. Between the results of both these measurements, we show the improved capability for time resolved measurements at synchrotrons.</p><p>The development of x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) has also opened many opportunities for understanding faster electronic dynamics by providing femtosecond x-ray pulse durations with ~10<sup>12</sup> photons per pulse. While theoretical modeling of distortions to crystallographic data have been performed, little to no work has been done to understand under what conditions such an intense pulse will have on an impact on emission spectra. Here an atomistic model was developed, and data collected, to clarify the effects of sequential ionization, i.e. two single photons absorbed by the same atom at different times during a single pulse. Experimentally we found that XFELs easily achieve flux densities that invoke a different response than is classically observed for single photon absorption and emission for Mn<sup>II</sup> which was used as a representative case for 3d transition metals in general. We also give parameters by which the onset of this damage can be predicted and an approximation to its effect on 3d transition metals. Additionally this work guides the work of future XFEL facilities as it shows that shorter pulses, currently believed to be able to escape x-ray induced distortions to crystallography data, is not a viable method for overcoming changes in x-ray emission spectra.</p><div><br></div>

Electronic and Geometrical Structure of Phthalocyanines on Surfaces : An Electron Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study

Åhlund, John January 2007 (has links)
Core- and Valence Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES), X-ray- and Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS and UV-Vis), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are used to study the electronic and geometrical structure of a class of macro-cyclic molecules, Phthalocyanines (Pc), on surfaces. These molecules are widely studied due to their application in many different fields. Multilayer and monolayer coverages of Iron Phthalocyanine (FePc) and metal-free Phthalocyanine (H2Pc) deposited on different surfaces are investigated in order to get insight in the electronic and geometrical structure of the obtained overlayers, of crucial importance for the understanding of the film functionality. Sublimation of molecular thick films on Si(100) and on conducting glass results in films with molecules mainly oriented with their molecular plane orthogonal to the surface. Ex-situ deposited H2Pc films on conductive glass show different molecular orientation and morphology with respect to the vacuum sublimated films. We study the monolayer adsorption structure of FePc and H2Pc and compare our results with other Pc’s adsorbed on graphite. We find that the molecular unit cell and the superstructure is characteristic for each Pc adsorbed on graphite, even if the geometrical size of the compared molecules is the same. The PE- and XA- spectra of FePc on graphite are essentially identical for the mono- and multilayer preparations, evidencing weak intermolecular and molecular-substrate interactions of van der Waals nature. Furthermore, we characterize Pc’s on InSb (001)-c(8x2). The substrate In rows are observed to be the adsorption site for Pc’s. We find that the growth of the two-dimensional islands of FePc is prolonged in the [-110] direction, in contrast to ZnPc adsorbed on the same substrate at room temperature. We interpret this result as an indication that the adsorption is controlled by the substrate corrugation observed at 70 K.

Synthesis and characterization of refractory oxides doped with transition metal ions

Cho, Suyeon 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the oxygen-deficient TiO2, SrTiO3 systems and transition metal ion (Cr or V) doped TiO2, SrTiO3 and SrZrO3 systems have been investigated. We prepared samples as polycrystals, single crystals and thin films for various desires. Their structural, physical and electronic properties were measured by bulk-sensitive techniques (X-Ray Diffraction, SQUID and Electro Paramagnetic Resonance) or surface-sensitive techniques (Photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy). The measurement of SQUID and EPR showed not only their magnetic properties but also the valence state of Cr dopant. We verified the valence state of Cr ions in oxides and found the key parameters of sample synthesis which control the valence state of Cr ions. Segregated phases such as SrCrO4 were formed when the samples were synthesized under O2 rich environment. The surface properties of Cr doped SrZrO3 films are also discussed. We found the synthesis conditions which influence on not only the behavior of Cr ions but also the resistive-switching behaviors. Various resistive-switching behaviors seem to depend on the surface chemistry of films. We found that the accumulation of Cr3+ on film surface provides a clean interface without any non-stoichiometric oxides and that this sharp interface termination results in a good performance of resistive-switching.

Spectroscopic and Kinetic Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism of Tyrosine Hydroxylase

Eser, Bekir Engin 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TyrH) is a pterin-dependent mononuclear non-heme iron oxygenase. TyrH catalyzes the hydroxylation reaction of tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). This reaction is the first and the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters. The active site iron in TyrH is coordinated by the common facial triad motif, 2-His-1-Glu. A combination of kinetic and spectroscopic techniques was applied in order to obtain insight into the catalytic mechanism of this physiologically important enzyme. Analysis of the TyrH reaction by rapid freeze-quench Mossbauer spectroscopy allowed the first direct characterization of an Fe(IV) intermediate in a mononuclear nonheme enzyme catalyzing aromatic hydroxylation. Further rapid kinetic studies established the kinetic competency of this intermediate to be the long-postulated hydroxylating species, Fe(IV)O. Spectroscopic investigations of wild-type (WT) and mutant TyrH complexes using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) showed that the active site iron is 6-coordinate in the resting form of the enzyme and that binding of either tyrosine or 6MPH4 alone does not change the coordination. However, when both tyrosine and 6MPH4 are bound, the active site becomes 5-coordinate, creating an open site for reaction with O2. Investigation of the kinetics of oxygen reactivity of TyrH complexes in the absence and presence of tyrosine and/or 6MPH4 indicated that there is a significant enhancement in reactivity in the 5-coordinate complex in comparison to the 6-coordinate form. Similar investigations with E332A TyrH showed that Glu332 residue plays a role in directing the protonation of the bridged complex that forms prior to the formation of Fe(IV)O. Rapid chemical quench analyses of DOPA formation showed a burst of product formation, suggesting a slow product release step. Steady-state viscosity experiments established a diffusional step as being significantly rate-limiting. Further studies with stopped-flow spectroscopy indicated that the rate of TyrH reaction is determined by a combination of a number of physical and chemical steps. Investigation of the NO complexes of TyrH by means of optical absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) techniques revealed the relative positions of the substrate and cofactor with respect to NO, an O2 mimic, and provided further insight into how the active site is tuned for catalytic reactivity upon substrate and cofactor binding.

Strukturuntersuchungen zum Reaktionsmechanismus an der Alkylsulfatase AtsK aus Pseudomonas putida S-313 / Structural analysis on the reaction mechanism of the alkylsulfatase AtsK from Pseudomonas putida

Müller, Ilka 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of structural properties in biomolecular systems using synchrotron-based spectroscopies

Kummer, Kurt 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Solid state approaches to structural properties like diffraction or microscopy techniques often cannot be applied to biomolecular systems, at least not without special postpreparation which often corrupts the desired properties of the pristine systems. In this work the capabilities of synchrotron-based, soft X-ray spectroscopies as an alternative way to unravel structural properties of such systems are tested. To this end, three exemplary systems were investigated each with the focus on another facet and characteristic length scale. The first example are DNA-alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers, also known as DNA microarrays or DNA chips, for which a way to monitor and controllably tune the structural composition on the mesoscopic scale of many thousands of molecules was sought for. The second example focuses on the single-molecule and submolecular scale in metalprotein hybrid compounds with the aim to identify the binding site of metal atoms or ions within protein molecules and the underlying interaction mechanisms. The most fundamental structural scale, the level of single bonds and molecular orbitals, is addressed in the last example where it was tried to elaborate an approach to map the topology of molecular orbitals based upon X-ray absorption properties. This approach was put to the practical test for the characteristic pi*peptide orbitals in protein backbones. For all three investigated examples, spectroscopies using soft X-ray synchrotron radiation were able to extract the desired information, thus confirming that they may grant alternative access to structural properties of soft-matter systems in cases where standard approaches fail. / Klassische Festkörpertechniken zur Strukturuntersuchung, wie Streu- oder Mikroskopiemethoden, können häufig nicht auf Biomolekülsysteme angewandt werden, zumindest nicht ohne spezielle Postpräparation, die die ursprünglichen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme oft verfälscht. In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit Röntgenspektroskopien basierend auf Synchrotronstrahlung einen alternativen Zugang zu Struktureigenschaften solcher Systeme bieten. Dazu wurden drei Systeme exemplarisch untersucht, jeweils mit Schwerpunkt auf einen anderen Aspekt und charakteristischen Längenbereich. Für selbstorganisierende DNA-Alkanthiol-Schichten, sogenannte DNA-Chips, wurde nach eine Weg gesucht, ihre strukturelle Zusammensetzung auf der mesoskopischen Ebene vieler tausend Moleküle zu bestimmen und kontrolliert zu modifizieren. Metallisierte Proteinstrukturen wurden auf Einzelmolekül- bzw. submolekularer Ebene untersucht, mit dem Ziel, die Orte der Metallanlagerung innerhalb des Proteins und die zugrundeliegenden Wechselwirkungsmechanismen zu identifizieren. Die unterste strukturelle Ebene, der Bereich einzelne Bindungen und Molekülorbitale, wurde adressiert am Beispiel der pi*peptide Orbitale des Proteinrückrats. Dafür wurde eine Methode zur Kartographierung einzelner Orbitale anhand von Röntgenabsorptionseigentschaften herausgearbeitet und praktisch getestet. In allen drei Fällen konnten Röntgenspektroskopien die nötigen Informationen liefern und damit ihr Potential für Strukturuntersuchungen in weicher Materie unter Beweis stellen.

Síntese e caracterização estrutural e dielétrica de compostos ferroelétricos \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba) / Synthesis and characterization of \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba)

Alexandre Mesquita 15 March 2011 (has links)
O titanato e zirconato de chumbo \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O IND.3\' é um material ferroelétrico de estrutura perovskita que tem sido aplicado como transdutores, amplificadores, sensores piezoelétricos, piroelétricos e memórias ferroelétricas. É bem estabelecido que a incorporação de íons de \'LA POT.3+\' ou \'BA POT.2+\' nos sítios ocupados pelo \'PB\' no sistema \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O\' (PZT), formando os sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT), provoca mudanças significativas nas suas propriedades. No entanto, poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados a esses sistemas contendo altas concentrações de \'TI\', principalmente no que se refere à estrutura desses materiais. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as propriedades estruturais e suas correlações com as propriedades dielétricas dos sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PLZT100x) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PBZT100x) em função da composição e da temperatura. Foram preparadas amostras cerâmicas por meio de sinterização convencional com x variando entre 0,05 e 0,21 para o sistema PLZT e entre 0,10 e 0,50 para o sistema PBZT. Em relação à estrutura a longa distância, medidas de difração de raios X mostraram uma diminuição no grau de tetragonalidade com o aumento da concentração dos cátions substituintes, que foi atribuída à formação de vacâncias no sítio A (caso do \'LA\') e diferença entre o raio iônico (caso do \'BA\'). Estas alterações estruturais em função da composição foram também responsáveis pelo aumento do grau de difusidade das curvas de permissividade dielétrica e pela observação de um estado ferroelétrico relaxor nas amostras contendo altas concentrações de \'LA\' e \'BA\'. Em relação à estrutural local, os resultados obtidos através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) nas bordas \'K\' do \'TI\' e LIII do \'PB\' mostraram que a incorporação de átomos de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' à estrutura do PZT leva a uma redução no deslocamento do átomo de \'TI\' em relação ao centro do octaedro \'TI\'O IND.6\' e mudanças na ordem local do átomo de \'PB\'. No que tange as composições contendo 21% at. de \'LA\' e 50% at. de \'BA\', diferentemente dos resultados de DRX que mostraram uma simetria cúbica, a técnica de XAS mostrou uma simetria local tetragonal. Em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia Raman, espectros EXAFS medidos em altas temperaturas mostraram também que a estrutura local não é compatível com uma estrutura de simetria cúbica. Espectros XANES medidos na borda \'K\' do oxigênio revelaram uma redução no grau de hibridização entre os estados 2p do \'O\' com 6sp do \'PB\' à medida que a concentração de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' aumenta, que estaria relacionada com o surgimento de comportamento relaxor. Amostras cerâmicas densas nanoestruturadas de composição PZT, PLZT11 e PBZT10 foram preparadas pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) a fim de analisar a influência do tamanho de grão. Foi verificado que as amostras sinterizadas por SPS apresentam tamanho de grão em torno de 60 nm. A caracterização dielétrica destas amostras mostra que a redução do tamanho de grão causa uma redução no valor de máximo da permissividade dielétrica e características difusas da permissividade em função da temperatura devido ao aumento das regiões de contorno de grão. / Lead titanate zirconate (\'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\') are ferroelectric materials with perovskite structure which has been used as transducers, capacitors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and ferroelectric memories. The substitution of \'PB POT.+2\' ions by \'LA POT.+3\' or \'BA POT.+2\' ions in the \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\' (PZT) system, which leads to the formation of the \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) and the \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT) systems, induces several changes in the electric and structural properties of these materials. However, PLZT or PBZT systems based on \'TI\'-rich compositions have not been thoroughly investigated and the literature contains few reports concerning their structure. Thus, the main objectives of this doctoral thesis were the synthesis and structural characterization of \'PB\'1-x\'R\'x\'ZR\'0.40\'TI\'0.60\'O IND.3\' ferroelectric ceramic samples, with R = \'BA\' and \'LA\' and x between 0.00 to 0.50 (PLZT100x and PBZT100x). The characterization with X-ray diffraction technique of these samples showed a decrease of the tetragonality degree with increase of the doping cation concentration, which was related to the appearance of defects caused by the incorporation of \'LA\' or \'BA\' cations. These structural modifications were also responsible by the increase of the diffuseness at the dielectric permittivity and a relaxor behavior as a function of the \'LA\' or \'BA\' concentration. Concerning the local structure, XANES spectra in the absorption edge of various elements in PLZT and PBZT samples were performed. In the cases of \'TI\' \'K\'-edge absorption, the doping of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure leads to a reduction of the displacement of \'TI\' atom in the center of the \'TI\'O IND.6\' octahedron. However, even when the crystal structure is cubic, a local octahedron distortion remains. EXAFS measurements in \'PB\' LIII-edge and \'ZR\' \'K\'-edge were performed and also indicate that local structure around lead or zirconium atoms is also affected by the introduction of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure. In addition, XANES spectra measured at \'O\' \'K\'-edge revealed a reduction in the hybridization degree between \'O\' 2p and \'PB\' 6sp states with the addition of \'LA\' or \'BA\' atoms to the structure of PZT. It has been shown that hybridization between these states is essential to ferroelectricity and this reduction would be related to the relaxor behavior. PLZT and PBZT systems were also studied depending on the size of particle size in a nanometer scale. Thus samples PZT, PLZT11 and PBZT10 compositions were prepared using the synthesis method of precursor polymers and the process of sintering by spark plasma. A pronounced decrease in the values of maximum permittivity was observed and the dielectric curve as a function of the temperature exhibits a diffuse behavior. This size-induced diffuse phase transition and the reduction of the permittivity magnitude could be related to the differences between the core grain and the grain boundaries.

Theoretical Spectroscopy of Ga2O3

Vorwerk, Christian Wolfgang 05 January 2021 (has links)
Um neue Halbleiter-Bauelemente zu entwickeln und die Effizienz bereits existierender zu verbessern, müssen neue Materialien erkundet und untersucht werden. Für Anwendungen in Hochleistungselektronik und UV-Optoelektronik ist Ga2O3 mit seiner ultra-weiten Bandlücke von 4.8 eV ein vielversprechender Kandidat. Diese Anwendung haben zu wachsendem Interesse an seinen fundamentalen elektronischen und optischen Eigenschaften geführt. Diese Dissertation präsentiert eine umfassende ab initio-Untersuchung der elektronischen Anregungen in Ga2O3, um zu dem Verständnis dieser fundamentalen Eigenschaften beizutragen. Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Teilen: Im ersten Teil präsentieren wir eine Vielteilchen-Störungstheorie Methode zur konsistenten Berechnung der neutralen Anregungen von Valenz- und Kernelektronen in kristallinen Halbleitern. Diese ermöglicht die präzise Berechnung von Absorptions- und Streuungsspektren vom optischen bis zum Röntgenbereich. Zusätzlich präsentieren wir einen neuartigen Ausdruck für resonante inelastische Röntgenstreuung (RIXS) innerhalb unseres Vielteilchen-Formalismus, der eine detaillierte Analyse dieser Streuung erlaubt. Mit ausgewählten Beispielen demonstrieren wir das Potential unserer Implementation, die Spektren dieser verschiedenen spektroskopischen Methoden zu berechnen, zu analysieren und zu interpretieren. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation verwenden wir unsere Methode, um die Anregungen der Valenzelektronen, sowie der Ga 1s-, Ga 2p- und O 1s-Elektronen in Ga2O3 zu berechnen. Wir finden ausgeprägte Unterschiede in den diversen Röntgenabsorptionsspektren von Ga2O3 -Polymorphen, die von der unterschiedlichen lokalen elektronischen Struktur stammen. Wir bestimmen die Zusammensetzung der Valenz- und Kernanregungen und analysieren ihre Signatur in den verschiedenen Absorptions- und Streuungsspektren. Abschließend demonstrieren wir wie RIXS einen zusätzlichen Blickwinkel auf die Valenz- und Kernanregungen und deren Wechselwirkungen ermöglicht. / To develop new semiconductor devices and improve the performance of existing ones, the exploration and understanding of novel materials is required. With an ultra-wide band gap of around 4.8 eV, Ga2O3 is a promising candidate for applications in UV-optoelectronics and power electronics. These applications have led to an increasing interest in its fundamental electronic and optical properties. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive first-principles study of the electronic excitations of Ga2O3 to contribute to the understanding of these fundamental properties. The thesis consists of two parts: In the first part, we present an all-electron many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approach for consistent calculations of neutral core and valence excitations. It enables accurate calculation of absorption and inelastic scattering spectra in the optical, UV, and x-ray region. While these spectroscopic techniques probe either the valence or core excitations, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) reveals the interplay between the two. We present a novel expression for the RIXS cross section within our all-electron many-body formalism that allows for a detailed analysis of this interplay. We demonstrate the capability of our implementation to compute, analyze, and interpret the different spectroscopic techniques with selected examples of prototypical insulators. In the second part, we apply our approach to study valence excitations, as well as excitations of various core states, i.e. the gallium 1s, gallium 2p, and oxygen 1s states in Ga2O3 . Comparing the core spectra of Ga2O3 polymorphs, we find distinct differences that originate from their local environments. We determine the composition of valence and core excitons, and analyze their signatures in the various absorption and scattering spectra. Finally, we demonstrate how RIXS can be employed to provide a different viewpoint on the core and valence excitations and unravel the interplay between them.

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