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XSLTHübsch, Chris 18 May 2004 (has links)
Workshop "Netz- und Service-Infrastrukturen"
Überblicksvortrag XSLT.
Arbeitsweise, Kontrollfluss, Elemente und Funktionen
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Back and Forth ConversionBetween PEPPOL and Odo / Konvertering Fram och tillbaka mellan PEPPOL och OdooHayer, Björn January 2022 (has links)
The use of fully digital means of transmitting, receiving and handling financial messages between companies and public institutions are becoming increasingly common and is indeed already required by some public institution, particularly in the European Union. The standard used for the EU is the Pan-European Public Procurement Online (PEPPOL), which provides a framework for how invoices, orders and other financial messages, are not only to be transmitted but also encoded in a standardised way, so that they can be ’read’ by the receiving system, without the need for manual human intervention. This paper describes a design and implementation of a program that will convert invoices and other financialmessages from Odoo, a business management program, into PEPPOL, as well as convert from PEPPOL to Odoo. With this experience as a basis, general problems which may occur when converting from and to PEPPOL are discussed, such as the problem of understanding the PEPPOL description’s financial language, and the more specific problems which occur with Odoo, specifically the problem of validating XML files of XSLT 2.0 and higher in Odoo.
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Représentation OWL de la ressource lexicale LVF et son utilisation dans le traitement automatique de la langueAbdi, Radia 09 1900 (has links)
Le dictionnaire LVF (Les Verbes Français) de J. Dubois et F. Dubois-Charlier représente une des ressources lexicales les plus importantes dans la langue française qui est caractérisée par une description sémantique et syntaxique très pertinente. Le LVF a été mis disponible sous un format XML pour rendre l’accès aux informations plus commode pour les applications informatiques telles que les applications de traitement automatique de la langue française. Avec l’émergence du web sémantique et la diffusion rapide de ses technologies et standards tels que XML, RDF/RDFS et OWL, il serait intéressant de représenter LVF en un langage plus formalisé afin de mieux l’exploiter par les applications du traitement automatique de la langue ou du web sémantique. Nous en présentons dans ce mémoire une version ontologique OWL en détaillant le processus de transformation de la version XML à OWL et nous en démontrons son utilisation dans le domaine du traitement automatique de la langue avec une application d’annotation sémantique développée dans GATE. / The LVF dictionary (Les Verbes Français) by J. Dubois and F. Dubois-Charlier is one of the most important lexical resources in the French language, which is characterized by a highly relevant semantic and syntactic description. The LVF has been available in an XML format to make access to information more convenient for computer applications such as NLP applications for French language. With the emergence of the Semantic Web and the rapid diffusion of its technologies and standards such as XML, RDF/RDFS and OWL, it would be interesting to represent LVF in a more formalized format for a better and more sophisticated usage by natural language processing and semantic web applications. We present in this paper an OWL ontology version of LVF by demonstrating the mapping process between the data model elements of the XML version and OWL. We give account about its use in the field of natural language processing by presenting an application of semantic annotation developed in GATE.
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Erstellung eines WMS zur Blattschnittübersicht aus CSW Metadaten / Creation of a WMS for map sheet index of CSW metadataKnappe, Madeleine, Wunderlich, André 04 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit sollte die technische Machbarkeit der Verwendung digitaler Metadaten in Geodateninfrastrukturen aufzeigen und wenn möglich prototypisch umsetzen. Dabei sollten die Metadaten über Topographische Karten, welche in dem Metainformationssystem GeoMIS.Sachsen und über einen entsprechenden Katalogdienst (CSW) verfügbar sind, in einem Geoportal visualisiert werden.
Im Ergebnis wurde ein Workflow entwickelt und umgesetzt, welcher die Metadaten automatisch abruft, die Metadaten entsprechend transformiert und abschließend die Metadaten über einen Kartendienst (WMS) für beliebige Geoportale bereitstellt. Dadurch ist es möglich die Aktualität von bereits vorhanden Kartendiensten bzw. deren Daten abzufragen.
Durch die zyklische Ausführung des Prozesses auf dem Server stehen dem Nutzer jederzeit aktuelle Blattschnittübersichten zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus steht ebenfalls ein Kartendienst für Vektordaten bereit über den die Geometriedaten und zusätzliche Sachinformationen direkt abgerufen werden können. Außerdem wird ein direkter Verweis (Link) auf den entsprechenden Metadatensatz im GeoMIS.Sachsen angegeben.
Weiterhin wurde eine Transformation entwickelt, welche die im XML vorliegenden Metadaten in eine SVG überführt. Diese interaktive Blattschnittübersicht kann direkt auf Webseiten eingebunden werden. Außerdem kann aus dem SVG Format wiederum automatisiert ein PDF Dokument erstellt werden.
Die Arbeit konnte nachweisen, dass zukünftig eine doppelte und getrennte Datenführung von Metadaten und Blattschnittübersichten nicht notwendig ist. Die Verwendung der IT Standardtechnologie XSLT zur Transformation von XML Daten hat sich bewährt und ermöglicht auch die Unterstützung weiterer Formate wie z.B. XHTML, KML (google) oder XCPF. Der erarbeitete Ansatz ist auch für andere Geodaten wie z.B. Luftbilder, historische Karten oder Bebauungspläne anwendbar. Durch die Visualisierung der textbasierten Metadaten war außerdem eine Qualitätssicherung der Metadaten möglich. / The work shows the technical feasibility of digital metadata within Spatial Data Infrastructures. The visualization of digital geo-metadata in geoportals was prototypical implemented. The use case was a map sheet index of topographical maps who is prepared automatically. Geo-metadata are described in the metadata information system GeoMIS.Sachsen and provided by a catalogue service (CSW).
As a result a workflow was developed and implemented which calls the metadata automatically, transforms the metadata into GML and finally prepares the metadata through a web map service in geoportals. Thereby it is possible to analyze the actuality of the topographical maps through map sheet index.
Because of the cyclical update of the data the map patterns are always up to date. There is also a map service for vector data (WFS) implemented which enables a user to directly retrieve additional factual information. Furthermore a direct URL to the metadataset in the GeoMIS.Sachsen is stated.
Besides the GML transformation another one was developed, which converts the metadata in XML format into scalable vector graphics (SVG). This interactive map sheet index could be integrated directly on websites. It is also possible to create a PDF document automatically out of the SVG with appropriate software tools.
By using the XSLT standard additional formats could also be served. For example a transformation of the XML source data into KML (Google), XHTML or XCPF is possible.
This work demonstrates that there is no need for a separation of metadata and map sheet index any more. The usage of XSLT was profitable and supports a lot of formats. The workflow is also usable for other geo data like air photography, historical maps or development plans. In addition it is possible to use the workflow to visualize other metadata like resolution or prices of each map. Because of the visualization of the text based metadata a quality check of the data is possible.
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Représentation OWL de la ressource lexicale LVF et son utilisation dans le traitement automatique de la langueAbdi, Radia 09 1900 (has links)
Le dictionnaire LVF (Les Verbes Français) de J. Dubois et F. Dubois-Charlier représente une des ressources lexicales les plus importantes dans la langue française qui est caractérisée par une description sémantique et syntaxique très pertinente. Le LVF a été mis disponible sous un format XML pour rendre l’accès aux informations plus commode pour les applications informatiques telles que les applications de traitement automatique de la langue française. Avec l’émergence du web sémantique et la diffusion rapide de ses technologies et standards tels que XML, RDF/RDFS et OWL, il serait intéressant de représenter LVF en un langage plus formalisé afin de mieux l’exploiter par les applications du traitement automatique de la langue ou du web sémantique. Nous en présentons dans ce mémoire une version ontologique OWL en détaillant le processus de transformation de la version XML à OWL et nous en démontrons son utilisation dans le domaine du traitement automatique de la langue avec une application d’annotation sémantique développée dans GATE. / The LVF dictionary (Les Verbes Français) by J. Dubois and F. Dubois-Charlier is one of the most important lexical resources in the French language, which is characterized by a highly relevant semantic and syntactic description. The LVF has been available in an XML format to make access to information more convenient for computer applications such as NLP applications for French language. With the emergence of the Semantic Web and the rapid diffusion of its technologies and standards such as XML, RDF/RDFS and OWL, it would be interesting to represent LVF in a more formalized format for a better and more sophisticated usage by natural language processing and semantic web applications. We present in this paper an OWL ontology version of LVF by demonstrating the mapping process between the data model elements of the XML version and OWL. We give account about its use in the field of natural language processing by presenting an application of semantic annotation developed in GATE.
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Interaktiv visualisering av IP-nätverkEriksson, Steve January 2011 (has links)
Ett icke trivialt IP-nätverk består av många noder som är förbundna med varandra genom olika typer av transmissionsmedier. Man kan föreställa sig nätverket som ett moln av noder och förbindelser. Nätverksvisualisering handlar om att kika in i molnet och snabbt få en övergripande bild över de komplexa relationer som finns i det. Genom att skapa nätverkskartor som grafiskt beskriver ett IP-nätverk kan arbetet med att övervaka och felsöka det underlättas. Telenors svenska nätverksövervakning har utvecklat ett system för att automatiskt generera nätverkskartor i formatet SVG. De har ställt frågan om det går att göra dessa interaktiva och koppla ihop dem med befintliga verktygsprogram. Denna rapport visar exempel på tekniker, baserade på öppen källkod och öppna standarder, som kan användas för att utveckla ett system som gör nätverkskartor i dokumentformatet SVG interaktiva i en webbläsare. Problemet att göra nätverkskartorna interaktiva analyseras och olika lösningsalternativ tas fram och jämförs med varandra. Ett system baserat på öppen mjukvara och öppna standarder utvecklas för att visa hur de redovisade teknikerna kan användas i praktiken. Systemets arkitektur beskrivs i tre systemvyer. Nätverkskartorna berikas med bindningar mellan händelser i webbläsaren och JavaScript-funktioner genom att transformera dem med XSLT. Användargränssnittet utgörs av SVG-objekt och JavaScript varifrån det går att asynkront anropa program på en webbserver. Systemet saknar kopplingar till Telenors verktygsprogram. Flera CGI-skript skapas som visar att det från webbservern går att anropa externa program. Det finns inga funktionella begränsningar som hindrar systemet från att kopplas ihop med verktygsprogrammen. Det implementerade systemet kan användas som en grund för att vidareutveckla ett mer komplett system för interaktiv visualisering av IP-nätverk. Systemets funktionalitet avgränsades och har enabart utvecklats för att fungera väl i webbläsaren Firefox. Om systemet ska användas i skarp miljö måste det impementeras stöd för de populäraste webbläsarna. Systemet innehåller inga funktioner rörande säkerhet, till exempel saknas krypterad förbindelse mellan klient och server. Rapporten avslutas med test och utvärdering av systemet och förslag ges på hur det kan förbättras.
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Erstellung eines WMS zur Blattschnittübersicht aus CSW MetadatenKnappe, Madeleine, Wunderlich, André 27 October 2009 (has links)
Die Arbeit sollte die technische Machbarkeit der Verwendung digitaler Metadaten in Geodateninfrastrukturen aufzeigen und wenn möglich prototypisch umsetzen. Dabei sollten die Metadaten über Topographische Karten, welche in dem Metainformationssystem GeoMIS.Sachsen und über einen entsprechenden Katalogdienst (CSW) verfügbar sind, in einem Geoportal visualisiert werden.
Im Ergebnis wurde ein Workflow entwickelt und umgesetzt, welcher die Metadaten automatisch abruft, die Metadaten entsprechend transformiert und abschließend die Metadaten über einen Kartendienst (WMS) für beliebige Geoportale bereitstellt. Dadurch ist es möglich die Aktualität von bereits vorhanden Kartendiensten bzw. deren Daten abzufragen.
Durch die zyklische Ausführung des Prozesses auf dem Server stehen dem Nutzer jederzeit aktuelle Blattschnittübersichten zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus steht ebenfalls ein Kartendienst für Vektordaten bereit über den die Geometriedaten und zusätzliche Sachinformationen direkt abgerufen werden können. Außerdem wird ein direkter Verweis (Link) auf den entsprechenden Metadatensatz im GeoMIS.Sachsen angegeben.
Weiterhin wurde eine Transformation entwickelt, welche die im XML vorliegenden Metadaten in eine SVG überführt. Diese interaktive Blattschnittübersicht kann direkt auf Webseiten eingebunden werden. Außerdem kann aus dem SVG Format wiederum automatisiert ein PDF Dokument erstellt werden.
Die Arbeit konnte nachweisen, dass zukünftig eine doppelte und getrennte Datenführung von Metadaten und Blattschnittübersichten nicht notwendig ist. Die Verwendung der IT Standardtechnologie XSLT zur Transformation von XML Daten hat sich bewährt und ermöglicht auch die Unterstützung weiterer Formate wie z.B. XHTML, KML (google) oder XCPF. Der erarbeitete Ansatz ist auch für andere Geodaten wie z.B. Luftbilder, historische Karten oder Bebauungspläne anwendbar. Durch die Visualisierung der textbasierten Metadaten war außerdem eine Qualitätssicherung der Metadaten möglich.:1 Ziel des Projektes
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Geoportale
2.2 Geodienste
2.2.1 OGC WMS
2.2.2 MapServer
2.3 Metadaten
2.4 XSL Transformation
3 Entwurfsentscheidung
4 Implementierung
4.1 Verwendete Programme
4.2 Datenabfrage
4.3 Transformation
4.4 Aufsetzen eines WMS
4.4.1 Installation MapServer
4.4.2 Mapfile
4.4.3 HTML Template
4.4 Aktualisierung der Daten
5 Ergebnis und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
6 Aufwand und Nutzen
6.1. Einarbeitung
6.2. Produktion
6. 3. Nutzen
7 Ausblick
7.1 Klassifizierung
7.2 Direkte Verlinkung zum GeoMIS.Sachsen
7.3 Anwendung auf weitere Daten
7.4 Bereitstellung als WFS
7.5 Direkte Anbindung der Datenbank des GeoMIS und ggf. on-the-fly Visualisierung
7.6 Bereitstellung der Daten als Download
7.7 Verknüpfung der Produktionsdaten mit dem GeoMIS
8 Quellenverzeichnis
8.1 Literaturquellen
8.2 Internetquellen
A Übersicht der einzelnen Blattschnitte
B Empfohlene Verzeichnisstruktur
C Übersicht Transformationen
D Übersicht MAP File
E Übersicht HTML Templates
F Installation des Map Server und Einrichtung des Web Map Service
G Aufruf des Web Map Service
I WFS / The work shows the technical feasibility of digital metadata within Spatial Data Infrastructures. The visualization of digital geo-metadata in geoportals was prototypical implemented. The use case was a map sheet index of topographical maps who is prepared automatically. Geo-metadata are described in the metadata information system GeoMIS.Sachsen and provided by a catalogue service (CSW).
As a result a workflow was developed and implemented which calls the metadata automatically, transforms the metadata into GML and finally prepares the metadata through a web map service in geoportals. Thereby it is possible to analyze the actuality of the topographical maps through map sheet index.
Because of the cyclical update of the data the map patterns are always up to date. There is also a map service for vector data (WFS) implemented which enables a user to directly retrieve additional factual information. Furthermore a direct URL to the metadataset in the GeoMIS.Sachsen is stated.
Besides the GML transformation another one was developed, which converts the metadata in XML format into scalable vector graphics (SVG). This interactive map sheet index could be integrated directly on websites. It is also possible to create a PDF document automatically out of the SVG with appropriate software tools.
By using the XSLT standard additional formats could also be served. For example a transformation of the XML source data into KML (Google), XHTML or XCPF is possible.
This work demonstrates that there is no need for a separation of metadata and map sheet index any more. The usage of XSLT was profitable and supports a lot of formats. The workflow is also usable for other geo data like air photography, historical maps or development plans. In addition it is possible to use the workflow to visualize other metadata like resolution or prices of each map. Because of the visualization of the text based metadata a quality check of the data is possible.:1 Ziel des Projektes
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Geoportale
2.2 Geodienste
2.2.1 OGC WMS
2.2.2 MapServer
2.3 Metadaten
2.4 XSL Transformation
3 Entwurfsentscheidung
4 Implementierung
4.1 Verwendete Programme
4.2 Datenabfrage
4.3 Transformation
4.4 Aufsetzen eines WMS
4.4.1 Installation MapServer
4.4.2 Mapfile
4.4.3 HTML Template
4.4 Aktualisierung der Daten
5 Ergebnis und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
6 Aufwand und Nutzen
6.1. Einarbeitung
6.2. Produktion
6. 3. Nutzen
7 Ausblick
7.1 Klassifizierung
7.2 Direkte Verlinkung zum GeoMIS.Sachsen
7.3 Anwendung auf weitere Daten
7.4 Bereitstellung als WFS
7.5 Direkte Anbindung der Datenbank des GeoMIS und ggf. on-the-fly Visualisierung
7.6 Bereitstellung der Daten als Download
7.7 Verknüpfung der Produktionsdaten mit dem GeoMIS
8 Quellenverzeichnis
8.1 Literaturquellen
8.2 Internetquellen
A Übersicht der einzelnen Blattschnitte
B Empfohlene Verzeichnisstruktur
C Übersicht Transformationen
D Übersicht MAP File
E Übersicht HTML Templates
F Installation des Map Server und Einrichtung des Web Map Service
G Aufruf des Web Map Service
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RDF na interoperabilidade entre domínios na web.SANTOS, Domingos Sávio Apolônio. 24 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-24T17:16:28Z
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DOMINGOS SÁVIO APOLÔNIO SANTOS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2002.pdf: 785821 bytes, checksum: ad5def5ae29a4a397b01429c9d573491 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-24T17:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DOMINGOS SÁVIO APOLÔNIO SANTOS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2002.pdf: 785821 bytes, checksum: ad5def5ae29a4a397b01429c9d573491 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2002-07-30 / Este trabalho trata da aplicabilidade da tecnologia Resource Description Framework – RDF na interoperabilidade entre diferentes domínios. O tema é desenvolvido com uma fundamentação teórica e com um estudo de caso, através do qual são desenvolvidas aplicações para a Web, interoperáveis via RDF. O objetivo específico é traçar uma estratégia para aplicar RDF, exemplificando-a através do estudo de caso. Neste estudo, promove-se a interoperabilidade entre dois domínios (Anúncios Classificados e Serviços de Cartórios), aplicando Resource Description Framework em serviços na Web. Algumas características deste trabalho são: o processo de desenvolvimento das aplicações é baseado no RUP – Rational Unifield Process; os esquemas RDF dos domínios são criados durante a fase de elaboração de cada aplicação a partir do modelo de classes do domínio inicialmente representado através da UML; as aplicações Web para cada domínio são desenvolvidas com características das chamadas Semantic Web Applications, utilizando as especificações RDF para mostrar a interoperabilidade entre elas. Por fim, o trabalho é concluído com algumas análises e comentários acerca dos resultados alcançados com o estudo de caso, e são feitas algumas sugestões para subsidiar trabalhos futuros na área. / This work is a study of the applicability of The Resource Description Framework (RDF) on the interoperability of data between different domains. First, the theoretical context of the theme is given, followed by a case study about the development of Interoperable Web Applications by RDF. The specific objective is presented a strategy for the application of the RDF, demonstrating it through a case study. In this work, the interoperability of two domains (Classified Ads and Notorial Services) is demonstrated through web applications. Some features of this work are presented as the following. The development process of the solution is RUP based (Rational Unifield Process). The RDF schemas of the domains are created during the elaboration phase of each application using the UML language. The Applications for each domain are built with features of Semantic Web Applications, applying RDF specifications, to promote the interoperability between them. In conclusion, some final analyses, comments and conclusions are made about the results of the case study, as well as suggestions for future research are presented.
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Conversão de registros em XML para MARC 21: um modelo baseado em folhas de estilo XSLTAssumpção, Fabrício Silva [UNESP] 20 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2013Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:34:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
assumpcao_fs_me_mar.pdf: 1888783 bytes, checksum: 4fc52a39fc613fe753cbf10caf283719 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os Formatos MARC 21 são padrões de metadados internacionalmente utilizados no domínio bibliográfico para o intercâmbio de registros. Apesar da importância desses e de outros padrões de metadados internacionalmente aceitos, existem sistemas de gerenciamento de bibliotecas que utilizam padrões de metadados próprios, o que reduz as possibilidades de intercâmbio de registros e pode ocasionar conflitos durante a migração entre sistemas. Diante dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bibliotecas que não utilizam qualquer padrão de metadados internacionalmente aceito, tem-se como problema a conversão dos registros desses sistemas em registros nos Formatos MARC 21. Para que possam ser processados, os registros nos Formatos MARC 21 devem estar codificados de forma que seu conteúdo possa ser identificado por aplicações de informática. As tecnologias para essa codificação têm evoluído da tradicional norma ISO 2709 até a Extensible Markup Language (XML). A codificação com a XML trouxe a possibilidade de converter os registros utilizando folhas de estilo de transformação elaboradas com a linguagem Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation (XSLT). Considerando a necessidade de converter registros para os Formatos MARC 21 e as possibilidades trazidas pela XML, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é elaborar um modelo para a conversão de registros de distintos padrões de metadados codificados com a XML em registros nos Formatos MARC 21, tendo como um dos pontos centrais desse modelo a utilização de folhas de estilo de transformação elaboradas com a XSLT. Para esse objetivo, é realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre a conversão de registros, os Formatos MARC 21, a ISO 2709, a XML, a XSLT e o MARCXML. São destacados os principais aspectos da utilização da XML na codificação de documentos e as possibilidades oferecidas pela XSLT. Para discutir a relação entre os Formatos MARC 21 e a XML é apresentada a linguagem de marcação MARCXML. A partir do estudo teórico, é elaborado um modelo para a conversão de registros. São descritas as etapas e os componentes do modelo, assim como sua validação por meio da aplicação na conversão de registros bibliográficos exportados pelo sistema de gerenciamento de bibliotecas Personal Home Library (PHL). Como considerações finais, são destacadas as características do modelo e são sumarizadas algumas questões sobre sua utilização e sobre os instrumentos resultantes de sua aplicação na conversão de registros do PHL. / MARC 21 Formats are metadata standards internationally used for records interchange in bibliographic domain. Despite the importance of the MARC 21 Formats and other international metadata standards, there are integrated library systems that use their own metadata standard. The non-use of international metadata standards decreases the possibilities of records interchange and it might cause problems during data migration between systems. In face to the integrated library systems that do not use international metadata standards, our research question is the conversion of the records from these systems to MARC 21 records. In order to be read, MARC 21 records must be coded in such a way that allows informatics applications to recognize the record content. The technologies used for this codification have evolved from traditional ISO 2709 standard to Extensible Markup Language (XML). The use of XML in the codification gave us the possibility to use transformation stylesheets created with Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation (XSLT) for the records conversion. Considering the need of records conversion and the possibilities brought by XML, we aim to develop a model for conversion of records that were created with different metadata standards and are coded in XML to MARC 21 records using XSLT stylesheets. For this purpose, we made a literature review about record conversion, MARC 21 Formats, ISO 2709, XML, XSLT and MARCXML. We highlighted the main issues on the use of the XML for documents codification and the possibilities provided by XSLT. In order to discuss the relation between MARC 21 and XML, we presented MARCXML markup language. Starting from the literature review, we developed a model for record conversion and described its components and its steps, as well as its validation through the use in the conversion of bibliographic records from Personal Home Library (PHL) integrated library systems. In conclusion, we highlighted the characteristics of the model and we summarized some issues related to the use of the model and to the instruments that came from the application of the model in the PHL records conversion.
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Conversão de registros em XML para MARC 21 : um modelo baseado em folhas de estilo XSLT /Assumpção, Fabrício Silva. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos / Banca: Zaira Regina Zafalon / Banca: Silvana Aparecida Borsetti G. Vidotti / Resumo: Os Formatos MARC 21 são padrões de metadados internacionalmente utilizados no domínio bibliográfico para o intercâmbio de registros. Apesar da importância desses e de outros padrões de metadados internacionalmente aceitos, existem sistemas de gerenciamento de bibliotecas que utilizam padrões de metadados próprios, o que reduz as possibilidades de intercâmbio de registros e pode ocasionar conflitos durante a migração entre sistemas. Diante dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bibliotecas que não utilizam qualquer padrão de metadados internacionalmente aceito, tem-se como problema a conversão dos registros desses sistemas em registros nos Formatos MARC 21. Para que possam ser processados, os registros nos Formatos MARC 21 devem estar codificados de forma que seu conteúdo possa ser identificado por aplicações de informática. As tecnologias para essa codificação têm evoluído da tradicional norma ISO 2709 até a Extensible Markup Language (XML). A codificação com a XML trouxe a possibilidade de converter os registros utilizando folhas de estilo de transformação elaboradas com a linguagem Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation (XSLT). Considerando a necessidade de converter registros para os Formatos MARC 21 e as possibilidades trazidas pela XML, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é elaborar um modelo para a conversão de registros de distintos padrões de metadados codificados com a XML em registros nos Formatos MARC 21, tendo como um dos pontos centrais desse modelo a utilização de folhas de estilo de transformação elaboradas com a XSLT. Para esse objetivo, é realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre a conversão de registros, os Formatos MARC 21, a ISO 2709, a XML, a XSLT e o MARCXML. São destacados os principais aspectos da utilização da XML na codificação de documentos e as possibilidades oferecidas pela XSLT... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: MARC 21 Formats are metadata standards internationally used for records interchange in bibliographic domain. Despite the importance of the MARC 21 Formats and other international metadata standards, there are integrated library systems that use their own metadata standard. The non-use of international metadata standards decreases the possibilities of records interchange and it might cause problems during data migration between systems. In face to the integrated library systems that do not use international metadata standards, our research question is the conversion of the records from these systems to MARC 21 records. In order to be read, MARC 21 records must be coded in such a way that allows informatics applications to recognize the record content. The technologies used for this codification have evolved from traditional ISO 2709 standard to Extensible Markup Language (XML). The use of XML in the codification gave us the possibility to use transformation stylesheets created with Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation (XSLT) for the records conversion. Considering the need of records conversion and the possibilities brought by XML, we aim to develop a model for conversion of records that were created with different metadata standards and are coded in XML to MARC 21 records using XSLT stylesheets. For this purpose, we made a literature review about record conversion, MARC 21 Formats, ISO 2709, XML, XSLT and MARCXML. We highlighted the main issues on the use of the XML for documents codification and the possibilities provided by XSLT. In order to discuss the relation between MARC 21 and XML, we presented MARCXML markup language. Starting from the literature review, we developed a model for record conversion and described its components and its steps, as well as its validation through the use in the conversion... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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