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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mecanismos de dano em laminados de carbono/ep?xi sob fadiga e envelhecimento higrot?rmico

Fulco, Ana Paula Pereira 30 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-02-21T21:14:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPaulaPereiraFulco_TESE.pdf: 5611369 bytes, checksum: 90dd17509ac9fc7af5b3bb30ec9b9fd9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-22T20:47:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPaulaPereiraFulco_TESE.pdf: 5611369 bytes, checksum: 90dd17509ac9fc7af5b3bb30ec9b9fd9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-22T20:47:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPaulaPereiraFulco_TESE.pdf: 5611369 bytes, checksum: 90dd17509ac9fc7af5b3bb30ec9b9fd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Materiais comp?sitos de matriz polim?rica refor?ados com fibras de carbono utilizados em estruturas aeron?uticas e aeroespaciais est?o frequentemente sujeitos ? carregamentos c?clicos e condi??es ambientais de temperatura e umidade, que podem provocar degrada??o e at? a falha do componente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos do envelhecimento sob exposi??o a temperatura at? 160?C e ? umidade nos mecanismos de dano de comp?sitos carbono/ep?xi submetidos a carregamento c?clico. Um estudo preliminar de envelhecimento acelerado foi inicialmente realizado em comp?sitos unidirecionais AS4/8552 com ciclo exposi??o de 8 h de radia??o UVA-340 a 80?C seguidas de 4 h de condensa??o a 50?C, at? atingir o tempo total de 2.160 h. Os efeitos do envelhecimento do material foram evidenciados pela perda de massa, exposi??o das fibras, altera??es qu?micas, aumento da densidade de trincas em testes de cisalhamento interlaminar e flambagem das fibras em amostras fraturadas em testes de compress?o, embora n?o tenham sido observadas altera??es significativas nas propriedades mec?nicas do material. Com base neste trabalho preliminar, um estudo foi realizado em laminados [02/902]s do mesmo material, utilizando ciclo de exposi??o de 8 h a 160 ?C seguidas de 4 h com umidade relativa de 80% a 70 ?C, at? atingir o tempo total de 2.880 h. Em seguida, as amostras foram submetidas a ensaios de fadiga com controle de carga, com raz?o de tens?es R = 0,1 e frequ?ncia de 5 Hz. Os comp?sitos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), an?lise din?mico mec?nica (DMA), microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV) e varia??o de massa, antes e ap?s a exposi??o higrot?rmica. Amostras de ep?xi puro 8552 foram tamb?m expostas as mesmas condi??es de envelhecimento e caracterizadas por microscopia ?tica (MO), espectroscopia FTIR e varia??o de massa. A partir dos diagramas de vida em fadiga, uma fun??o de deslocamento (shift) foi proposta para a previs?o de n?mero de ciclos para falha de comp?sitos envelhecidos com base em dados de testes de fadiga em comp?sitos n?o envelhecidos. O estudo tamb?m mostrou que a falha por fratura pode n?o ser o melhor par?metro para avalia??o do efeito do envelhecimento higrot?rmico na vida em fadiga de materiais comp?sitos de matriz polim?rica refor?ados com fibras de carbono. Outros par?metros como delamina??o e satura??o de trincas s?o tamb?m essenciais para avaliar a durabilidade desses materiais comp?sitos. / Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites used in aeronautic and aerospace structures are often exposed to cyclic loading and environmental effects such as temperature and humidity, which can lead to degradation and failure of the component. The objective of this work was to study the effects of aging under exposure to temperature up to 160?C and humidity on the damage mechanisms of carbon/epoxy composites subjected to cyclic loading. Initially, a preliminary accelerated aging study was conducted with unidirectional AS4/8552 samples using an exposure cycle of 8 h of UVA-340 at 80 ?C followed by 4 h of condensation at 80 ?C, for a total exposure period of 2,160 h. The effects of aging were evidenced by weight loss, fiber exposure, chemical changes, increased crack density in interlaminar shear strength tests, and fiber buckling in fractured samples after compression tests, even though no significant changes mechanical properties were observed. Based on this preliminary work, a study was conducted on [02/902]s laminates of the same material, using an exposure cycle of 8 h at 160 ?C followed by 4 h of 80% relative humidity at 70 ?C, for a total exposure period of 2,880 h. Afterwards, stress-controlled tension-tension fatigue tests were conducted using a stress ratio R = 0.1 and frequency of 5 Hz. Composites were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and weight change, before and after hygrothermal exposure. Samples of plain epoxy 8552 were also exposed to the same aging conditions and characterized by optical microscopy (OM), FTIR spectroscopy and weight change. Based on the fatigue life diagrams, a shift function was proposed for the prediction of number of cycles to failure of aged composites based on data from unaged specimens. The study also showed that failure by fracture may not be the best parameter to evaluate the effect of hygrothermal aging on fatigue life of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites. Other parameters such as delamination and crack saturation are also essential to assess durability of these composites.

Caracteriza??o de comp?sito ep?xi/tecido de pet p?s-consumo

Ribeiro, Fernanda Alves 11 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-09T19:31:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaAlvesRibeiro_TESE.pdf: 4972549 bytes, checksum: 0745d78d97b0e53b086d596f53414354 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-10T23:32:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaAlvesRibeiro_TESE.pdf: 4972549 bytes, checksum: 0745d78d97b0e53b086d596f53414354 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T23:32:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaAlvesRibeiro_TESE.pdf: 4972549 bytes, checksum: 0745d78d97b0e53b086d596f53414354 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-11 / O consumo esmagador de Polietileno tereftalado (PET) grau garrafa constitui cap?tulo ? parte entre as resinas produzidas no Brasil. Embora o pa?s consiga reciclar mais da metade da produ??o de PET, ainda ? muito elevado o volume deste material em forma de garrafas. Salienta-se que, apesar do benef?cio da resina PET poder ser utilizada em in?meras aplica??es e sob diversos processos, ? necess?rio desenvolver alternativas de seu reuso na via de reciclagem. Nesta vertente, o objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a aplica??o do tecido de pet, oriundo do processo de reciclagem das garrafas, como refor?o de comp?sitos polim?ricos. Para tanto, na metodologia utilizada, ap?s a preliminar caracteriza??o do tecido de pet via ensaios t?xteis (Determina??o de gramatura; Resist?ncia ? propaga??o ao rasgo; Resist?ncia ? tra??o e alongamento), confeccionou-se laminados comp?sitos polim?ricos com matriz ep?xi e diferentes fra??es de tecido para a verifica??o e an?lise de suas principais propriedades f?sico-qu?micas, mec?nicas e t?rmicas. Os seguintes ensaios foram realizados nos corpos de prova de resina e laminado comp?sito: Densidade; Absor??o de ?gua; Teor de umidade; Tra??o uniaxial; Flex?o em tr?s pontos; Compress?o; Dureza; TG; DMA e An?lise de fratura. A an?lise dos resultados evidenciou que o incremento de camadas de tecido propicia ao comp?sito o aumento nas resist?ncias ? tra??o e ? compress?o; al?m do que, eleva a rigidez viscoel?stica do material, ao passo que diminui a resist?ncia ? flex?o. Observou-se tamb?m que as camadas de tecido de PET diminuem o teor de umidade do comp?sito, bem como a sua capacidade de absor??o de ?gua. Contudo, as propriedades Dureza e Densidade n?o apresentaram varia??o significativa com a inclus?o do tecido de PET. A configura??o P90, com o m?ximo teor de tecido de PET no laminado, exprimiu-se como a de melhor desempenho frente aos ensaios realizados. Deste modo, a utiliza??o do tecido PET evidencia aspectos atraentes para as iniciativas empresariais do setor. A composi??o P90, como refor?o de comp?sito polim?rico, foi a que apresentou melhor resultado. Esse material tr?s reflexos socio-econ?micos diretamente relacionados com a melhoria da qualidade de vida da popula??o, gera??o de renda, economia de recursos naturais e atenua??o de problemas ambientais. / There is no doubt whatsoever that the widest consumption of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle grade is a unique chapter among the resins produced in Brazil. Although the country is able to recycle more than a half of all PET production, the number of such material for bottle fabrication is still very high. It is important to remark that, though all benefits of PET resin uses in uncountable applications and under many processes; alternatives to its reuse throughout recycling dynamics must be developed. Thus, this work aims at evaluating the application of PET fabric coming from the process of bottle recycling polymeric composite reinforcements. In order to do so, after a preliminary characterization of the PET fabric by textile tests (Grammage determination; Tear propagation resistance; Tensile strength and elongation resistance), laminated polymeric composite with epoxy matrix as well as different fractions of fabric for checking and analysis of their main physicochemical, mechanical and thermal properties were engendered. The following tests were performed with the resin and with laminated composite: Density, Water absorption; Moisture content; Uniaxial tensile; Three point flexural test; Compression; Hardness; TG; DMA and Fracture analysis. By analyzing the results, it was noticed that the increase of fabric layers provide a resistance and compression gain to the composite, and it also increases the material viscoelastic stiffness, at the same time as its flexural strength is diminish. It was also noticed that its water absorption capacity was diminished. Nevertheless, its hardness and density properties did not present meaningful variation with the PET addition. The P90 setting with the highest content of PET fabric in the laminate presented itself as having the best results in the tests. Therefore the use of PET fabric presents attracting aspects to entrepreneurship. P90 configuration used as polymeric composite reinforcements were the one to present the best results. Such material brings socio-economical reflexions directly linked to the improvement of livelihood, natural resources economy and offset environment problems.

Desenvolvimento de comp?sito um de matriz polim?rica com carga/refor?o de fibras de pia?ava e pet p?s-consumo

Lima, Rudson de Souza 05 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-18T20:27:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RudsonDeSouzaLima_TESE.pdf: 3299242 bytes, checksum: 3e308727599cf78da8ad994be49620ac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-23T23:00:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RudsonDeSouzaLima_TESE.pdf: 3299242 bytes, checksum: 3e308727599cf78da8ad994be49620ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-23T23:00:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RudsonDeSouzaLima_TESE.pdf: 3299242 bytes, checksum: 3e308727599cf78da8ad994be49620ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-05 / Diante da realidade mundial de preserva??o ambiental, da necessidade de reaproveitamento de insumos, redu??o de custos e melhoramento de propriedades, tem-se desenvolvido muitas tecnologias que atendam a uma s?rie desses fatores e, se poss?vel, a todos. Nesse sentido, os materiais comp?sitos assumem um papel de destaque nesse desenvolvimento de novos materiais. O PET (Polietileno tereftalato) tem sido muito utilizado pela ind?stria mundial em v?rias aplica??es, onde a principal dessas ? a produ??o de embalagens de produtos de aliment?cios, em que as ind?strias de refrigerantes s?o os grandes consumidores desse produto. J? na linha de fibras naturais, existe uma vasta quantidade de op??es de uso em aplica??es de engenharia (Sisal, carna?ba, algod?o, pia?ava, etc.). Diante do exposto, esse trabalho visa ? produ??o, caracteriza??o (Mec?nicos, t?rmicos e f?sicos) e compara??o de uma s?rie de configura??es de materiais comp?sitos com uma matriz polim?rica (Ep?xi) com refor?o de PET p?s-consumo e pia?ava (Resina ep?xi para refer?ncia; ep?xi com fibras de PET; ep?xi com fibras de pia?ava; e comp?sito h?brido). Os comp?sitos foram produzidos com fibras bidirecionais em forma de tecido, as fibras tinham espa?amento entre elas de 1 cm. Os materiais refor?ados promoveram aumento de algumas propriedades, como flex?o, que apresentou um incremento de cerca de 25% na tens?o m?xima admiss?vel do material. Observou-se que a ordena??o das fibras em sentido unidirecional pode melhorar as resist?ncias mec?nicas do comp?sito, isso porque, de forma geral, todas as rupturas dos ensaios ocorreram em uma sec??o de fragiliza??o provocada pelas fibras transversais aos esfor?os. Quando submetidos a esfor?os mec?nicos, o comp?sito com refor?o/carga de PET apresentou-se como a melhor configura??o, o qual apresentou um m?dulo de elasticidade em regime de flex?o 24% maior que a resina pura. J? em an?lise t?rmica, o comp?sito h?brido apresentou melhores caracter?sticas para isolamento t?rmico, visto que sua condutividade t?rmica reduziu em 2% quando comparado com o ep?xi puro. / Over the world reality of environment preservation, the necessity of reuse supplies, reduction of costs and improvement of properties, it has been developed many technologies that support a series of these factors and, if possible all of them. In this sense, the composite materials assume a special role in the growth of new materials. The PET (polyethylene terephthalate) has been utilized by worldwide industries in many different applications, from which the principal one of them is the packaging of food production, wherefrom the soft drink industries are the most substantial consumer of this product. As for natural fibers research line, there is a vast quantity of options for engineering application handling (Sisal, carnauba, cotton, piassava, etc.) In the face of what has been exposed, this research strives for the production, characterization (Mechanical, thermal and physical) and comparison of a series of configurations in the composite materials with a polymer matrix (Epoxy) with reinforcement of PET after consummation and piassava (epoxy resin for reference; enhancement resin with piassava fibers; and hybrid composite). The composites were produced with bidirectional fibers in a format of tissue, the fibers had spaces between them of 1 centimeter. The reinforced materials promoted increment of some properties, such as flection, that presented an enhancement of nearly 25% of maximum tension admitted in the material. It was observed however, that the ordination of the fibers in a unidirectional way might improve the mechanic resistance of the composite, that?s because, in general form, all the ruptures occur in one section of fragilization provoked by the transversal fibers to the reinforces. While submitted to mechanic reinforces, the composite with reinforce/charge of PET presented itself with an improved configuration, Which showed a modulus of elasticity in a regime of flexion 24% larger than the pure resin. As for the thermal analysis, the hybrid composite presented enriched characteristics for the thermal insulation, since its thermal conductivity reduced by 2% when compared to the pure epoxy.

Evaluación de ensayos de forestación con Eucalyptus gunnii, Chile Chico, XI Región.

Vergara Recabal, Karina January 2004 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero Forestal

Zpravodajský servis českých médií při návštěvě čínského prezidenta Si Ťin-pchinga v ČR - případová studie: Empresa Media / Media coverage of a Chinese President Xi Jinping¨s visit to Czech Republic - case study. Empresa Media

Motejlek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis wants to analyze the media service of the Empresa Media group during the three-day visit of chinese president Xi Jinping in the Czech Republic in march of 2016. At that time 49 percent share of Empresa Media was owned by chinese company CEFC. The visit was covered with a very high importance in all of the czech media. And not only in connection with the official schedule. Series of demonstration took place in Prague and also some fights occured between supporters of the chinese presindent and his opponents. However, media of the Empresa Media group almost without any exception ignored these events. Any manifestations of disagreement with the finese presindent's visit or China's politics is missing from its coverage. It results from analyzing magazine Tyden, its online version Tyden.cz, evening news of TV Barrandov and online coverage provided by Tyden.cz. This fact stands out even more when compared to some other important czech media.

Made in China – assimilating ethnic minorities in the 21st century : An examination of Xi Jinping’s efforts to sinicise ethnic minorities in China through framing

Khalid Jamel, Wiam Lena January 2021 (has links)
The study aims to analyse how China, under the Xi Jinping administration, assimilates its ethnic minorities by exploring white papers' underlying motives. The ambition is to understand China’s actions and how they can affect the future. The research asks three questions: How does China frame ethnic minorities in white papers? What arguments are used to justify assimilation and sinicisation? How and why is China assimilating its ethnic minorities now? The results show that China depicts ethnic minorities through two accounts, oneness and backwardness. The former stresses the significance of unity within ethnic minorities and between ethnic groups. The latter describes the condition that ethnic minorities end up in if they do not conform to China’s socialist values. One can be stuck by backwardness if one follows declared enemies or shows signs of separatism, terrorism and religious extremism. The results reveal how China uses ‘war on terror’ and modernisation narratives to justify its assimilation and sinicisation acts. The results also point to three areas where ethnic minorities can stick to backwardness and should, therefore, assimilate Han Chinese. These are language, religion and employment. The study reveals that the CPC and Xi Jinping intend to fix anything that disturbs them from realising the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Consequently, China’s attempt to attain uniformity means that anything which may be prioritised above the party must be eradicated or sinicised.

Karl XI - Viljestark eller viljelös? : En kvalitativ och komparativ studie om hur Karl XI har skildrats i historieböcker mellan 1886-2019 / Karl XI - strong-willed or weak-willed? : A qualitative and comparative study of how Karl XI has been portrayed in history books between 1886-2019

Lundqvist, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur och varför historiker har porträtterat Karl XI i historieböcker mellan perioden 1886–2019, samt hur Karl XI beskrivs i samband med scenarierna slaget vid Lund och reduktionen. Studien har en historiekulturell ansats och har utgått från en historiebrukstypologi. Denna studie har med hjälp av typologin undersökt hur historieskrivningen har sett ut under undersökningsperioden. Vidare består typologin utav följande fem historiebruk: nationalistiskt-ideologiskt historiebruk, demokratiskt-ideologiskt historiebruk, existentiellt historiebruk, vetenskapliga historiebruk och icke-bruk. Studien visar att Karl XI har beskrivits främst positivt runt sekelskiftet 1900 med inslag av ett nationalistiskt och existentiellt perspektiv. Omkring 1950-talet förändras porträtteringen och gestalten beskrevs mestadels i en negativ bemärkelse. Karl XI används inte längre utifrån ett nationalistiskt perspektiv. I stället flyttades fokuset till Karl XI:s omgivning och hur medborgarna i Sverige drabbades under hans regeringstid. Vidare runt 1950-talet framställdes Karl XI mer utifrån ett vetenskapligt perspektiv och historikerna är noga med att hänvisa sina källor. Från 1960-talet fram till 1990-talet kritiseras inte gestalten i lika stort omfång som under 1950-talet. Omkring denna period beskrevs Karl XI endast översiktligt i samband med vad som faktiskt skedde under hans regeringstid, då det är medborgarnas historia som står i fokus. Omkring början av 1990-talet har intresset för den svenska stormaktstiden återkommit och fokus flyttas återigen till Karl XI. Gestalten beskrevs utifrån en rojalistisk beskrivning och nya tolkningar kring vem gestalten var återges, något som går emot den kritik som han fick under1950-talet. Från 1990-talet och fram till 2019 redogörs Karl XI utifrån en mer positiv bemärkelse än tidigare och han både hyllas och kritiseras för sina insatser. Under denna period går det även att se ett existentiellt behov, men inte utifrån samma nationalistiska syfte som historikerna runt sekelskiftet 1900 har haft. Under perioden 2001–2019 beskrevs Karl XI snarlik den historieskrivning som förekom runt 1990-talet. Historikerna beskrev Karl XI mer ingående och med nya tolkningar som går emot den tidigare historieskrivningen och det är främst en positiv redogörelse som återges kring Karl XI, men inte utifrån samma rojalistiska historieskrivning som förekom tidigare.

Graph Invariants - A Tool to Analyze Hydrogen Bonding in Ice and Water Clusters

Kuo, Jer-Lai January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Uthi stora landsplågor : 23 psalmer om krig, pest och hungersnöd i 1695 års psalmbok och 1697 års koralpsalmbok / In great national plagues : 23 hymns about war, plague and famine in the 1695 hymnal and the 1697 choral hymnal

Hillborg, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Die Kündigung langfristiger Prämiensparverträge – zugleich Besprechung von BGH, Urteil vom 14. 5. 2019 – XI ZR 345/18

Schultheiß, Tilman 27 May 2024 (has links)
Spätestens seit 2016 sind die Medienberichte über die Kündigung von Sparverträgen durch Sparkassen allgegenwärtig. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2019 hat die Präsenz der Thematik massiv zugenommen, was maßgeblich mit der hier zu besprechenden BGH-Entscheidung vom 14. 5. 2019 zusammenhängt.1 Denn diese Entscheidung darf als Zäsur bezeichnet werden, da sie die Rechtssicherheit bei Kündigungen von Sparverträgen für die gesamte Bankenbranche2 merklich erhöht und deshalb auch zu einer entsprechenden Aktivität geführt hat. Mit der vorliegenden Entscheidung hat der BGH im Einklang mit den zuvor ergangenen oberlandesgerichtlichen Entscheidungen3 das Recht der betroffenen Sparkasse zur ordentlichen Kündigung von Prämiensparverträgen nach Nr. 26 AGB-Sparkassen bestätigt. Die Entscheidung ist überwiegend auf Zustimmung4 gestoßen und zum Teil auf Ablehnung5 in der verbraucherfreundlichen Literatur. Die instanzgerichtliche Rechtsprechung hat sich nach ersten praktischen Beobachtungen des Verfassers mittlerweile auf die Vorgaben dieser BGH-Entscheidung eingestellt, wobei freilich stets zu bedenken bleibt, dass aufgrund der Vielzahl verschiedener Sparverträge kein Fall dem anderen gleicht.

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