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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Bedeutung genetischer Polymorphismen im Enzym Cytochrom P450 2C9 für Pharmakokinetik und Wirkungen der nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika Diclofenac und Ibuprofen

Freytag, Georg Tobias Heinrich 08 April 2005 (has links)
Die Bedeutung genetischer Polymorphismen im Enzym Cytochrom P450 2C9 für Pharmakokinetik und Wirkungen von Diclofenac und Ibuprofen Es wird angenommen, dass Cytochrom-P450 2C9 die 4’-Hydroxylierung des Nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistikums Diclofenac und die Hydroxylierung von S-Ibuprofen beim Menschen katalysiert. Es existieren zwei Varianten von Cyp2C9. Deren Auswirkungen auf die Diclofenac- bzw. Ibuprofen-Pharmakokinetik und die Hemmung von Cox-1 und -2 wurde an 21 gesunden Probanden, die sämtliche Kombination der genetischen Varianten *2 und *3 aufwiesen, untersucht. Es zeigten sich keinerlei Hinweise auf eine Einschränkung des Metabolismus von Diclofenac bei heterozygoten und homozygoten Trägern der Cyp2C9-Allele *2 und *3. Darüber hinaus lagen auch die Serumkonzentrationen des Metaboliten 4’-OH-Diclofenac bei Trägern der Allele Cyp2C9 *2 und *3 nicht niedriger. Obwohl verschiedene in vitro-Untersuchungen Cyp2C9 als metabolisierendes Enzym identifizierten, ist die Pharmakokinetik von Diclofenac ist beim Menschen entweder überhaupt nicht oder nur in geringem Ausmaß von Cyp2C9-Aminosäurenpolymorphismen abhängig. Möglicherweise sind die Auswirkungen der Cyp2C9-Aminosäurenvarianten substratabhängig, oder es ist in vivo ein anderes Enzym als Cyp2C9 verantwortlich für die Bildung von 4’-OH-Diclofenac. Im Unterschied dazu hing die Pharmakokinetik von razemischem und von S-Ibuprofen vom Cyp2C9 *3-Polymorphismus ab. Die Bildung von Tx B2 (Cox-1) hing signifikant von Cyp2C9 *3-Polymorphismus ab, derselbe Trend ließ sich auch für Pg E2 (Cox-2) beobachten. Die eingeschränkte Clearance von S-Ibuprofen, die mit einer erhöhten pharmakodynamischen Aktivität einhergeht, legt nahe, dass Träger des Allels Cyp2C9*3 ein höheres Risiko tragen, nach Einnahme einer oralen Standarddosis unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen zu erleiden. / Consequences of genetic polymorphisms in Cytochrome P450 2C9 for pharmacokinetics and effects of Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. Cytochrome-P450 2C9 is considered to catalyse the 4’-hydroxylation of the nonsteroidal analgesic drug diclofenac and the hydroxylation of S-ibuprofen in humans. There are two variants of Cyp2C9. Their impact on diclofenac/ ibuprofen pharmacokinetics and on the inhibition of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 was studied in 21 healthy volunteers with all combinations of the Cyp2C9 variants *2 and *3. Blood concentrations of diclofenac/ racemic ibuprofen (and of S-ibuprofen and R-ibuprofen) were measured by HPLC. Thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin E2 were measured with use of an enzyme immunoassay. There was no evidence of impaired metabolism of diclofenac in heterozygous and homozygous carriers of the Cyp2C9 alleles *2 and *3 compared to the wildtype. Furthermore, plasma concentrations of the metabolite 4’-OH-diclofenac were not lower in carriers of Cyp2C9*2 and *3. Marked diclofenac mediated inhibition of Cox-1- and Cox-2 activity was detected in all individuals without any Cyp2C9 genotype dependent differences. Even though several in vitro studies identified Cyp2C9 as the metabolising enzyme, Diclofenac pharmacokinetics in humans is either not or only to a minor extend dependent on the Cyp2C9 amino acid polymorphisms. It may be that the Cyp2C9 amino acid variants have differential effects depending on the substrates. Alternatively, an enzyme other than Cyp2C9 may be responsible for 4’-OH-Diclofenac formation in vivo.In contrast, the pharmacokinetics of racemic and of S-ibuprofen depended on the Cyp2C9 *3-polymorphism. The Cyp2C9 variant *2 exhibited no significant effect. Formation of Tx B2 (cox-1) depended significantly on the Cyp2C9 polymorphism, the same trend was observed for Pg E2 (cox-2). The reduced S-ibuprofen total clearance accompanied by increased pharmacodynamic activity indicates an increased risk for carriers of Cyp2C9*3 to suffer from adverse effects after intake of a standard oral dose.

Autonome, kardiovaskuläre und metabolische Wirkungen kombinierter pharmakologischer Noradrenalin- und Serotonin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmung

Birkenfeld, Andreas L. 20 October 2004 (has links)
Hintergrund. Sibutramin ist ein Medikament, das häufig zur Gewichtsreduktion eingesetzt wird. Es hemmt die Wiederaufnahme von Noradrenalin und Serotonin. Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmung könnte zu arterieller Hypertonie führen. Methoden. In einer doppelt-blinden, randomisierten Cross-Over Studie untersuchten wir 11 junge, gesunde Probanden (7 Männer, 4 Frauen, Alter 27±2 Jahre, BMI 23.1±0.7Kg/m2). Sie nahmen 26 Stunden (h) und 14h vor Studienbeginn 10mg Sibutramin ein, und 2h vor Untersuchungsbeginn 20mg. Die Wirkung verglichen wir mit Placebo und der Kombination von Sibutramin und 200mg des Beta1-Adrenorezeptor-Blockers Metoprolol. Autonome Reflextests, eine graduelle Kipptischuntersuchung, Plasmakatecholamin-Bestimmungen und eine indirekt kalorimetrische Messung wurden durchgeführt. Herzfrequenz- und Blutdruckbestimmungen erfolgten kontinuierlich und nichtinvasiv. Wir zeichneten das Schlagvolumen, das Herzzeitvolumen und den peripheren Widerstand impedanzkardiografisch auf. Ergebnisse. Sibutramin verursachte einen leichten Anstieg der Herzfrequenz in Ruhe (p / Background. Sibutramine, a serotonin and norepinephrine transporter blocker, is widely used as an adjunctive obesitytreatment. Norepinephrine reuptake inhibition with sibutramine conceivably could exacerbate arterial hypertension andpromote cardiovascular disease. Methods. In 11 healthy subjects (7 men, age 27±2 years, body mass index 23.1±0.7 kg/m2), we compared the effect of sibutramine or matching placebo (ingested 26, 14, and 2 hours before testing) on cardiovascular responses to autonomic reflex tests and to a graded head-up tilt test. In addition, we tested sibutramine in combination with metoprolol. Testing was conducted in a double-blind and crossover fashion. Results. Supine systolic blood pressure was 113±3 mm Hg with placebo, 121±3 mm Hg with sibutramine (P

抗戰前「西南」的宣傳措施及抗日主張(1932-1936年). / Kang zhan qian "Xi nan" de xuan zhuan cuo shi ji kang Ri zhu zhang (1932-1936 nian).

January 2002 (has links)
何致遠. / "2002年8月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 附參考文獻. / 附中英文提要. / "2002 nian 8 yue" / He Zhiyuan. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Fu can kao wen xian. / Fu Zhong Ying wen ti yao. / 前言 --- p.01-05 / Chapter 第一章: --- 西南執行部的政治宣傳措施 --- p.06-36 / Chapter 第二章: --- 西南的抗曰言論一一環繞中國對日整體方針的討論 --- p.37-51 / Chapter 第三章: --- 西南的抗日言論´ؤ´ؤ從九一八事變至長城抗戰 --- p.52-80 / Chapter 第四章: --- 西南的抗日言論一一從塘沽善後談判至胡漢民逝世 --- p.81-100 / 總結 --- p.101-102 / 參考書目

摩登長廊裡的傳奇──論西西的香港都市書寫 / The legend in the modern arcade──Xi Xi's Hong Kong City writing

張丰慈, Chang, Feng Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「都市」作為分析西西作品裡的切入點,探討西西創作歷程中以城 市作為主題或場景的作品,呈現出作家眼中的獨特城市風景,書寫與客觀環境 間的關係以及書寫對作家、城市的重要。香港作為一個現代化的城市,其殖民 經驗和九七回歸的政治、社會經驗刺激作家思考本地情感與文化認同。從西西 早期的作品,如《我城》、《美麗大廈》等作品,已呈現細緻流動的城市生 活,瑣碎平凡的文字間透露作家對香港本地的情感與記憶,並以個體實踐和生 命歷程為城市注入新的活力和風采。對城市生活的情感和記憶為香港主權回歸 中國帶來的文化認同思考,帶來穩固的基礎。西西在八○年代後的肥土鎮系列 作品,漸次地反思不同年代的政治、社會問題,看見作家思考問題時轉折的態 度和情感,直至九○年代的《飛氈》追述和想像香港歷史,確立西西對香港的 文化想像和認同情感。隨著時代之變遷,二十一世紀後的小說裡,其城市面貌 與過去有所區別,其因不免是由於政權更易、社會現象改變的客觀環境因素, 亦有作家個人境遇改變的主觀因素。在分析後期作品裡的城市時,西西以其女 性的生命情態與城市之間的思考、寫作對城市背後的政治、經濟思維系統的解 構作用,使西西看待城市時帶著敏銳又滿懷情感的眼光。

Contra o liberalismo, a favor da democracia: a concepção política da igreja católica em meados do século XX

Cardoso, Elza Silva [UNESP] 12 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:34:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 cardoso_es_me_fran.pdf: 632992 bytes, checksum: eb81b73e5b0c236f693b20eaa70e4eaa (MD5) / A Igreja Católica se posicionou contra o liberalismo desde seu surgimento no século XVIII. Ao longo do século XIX travou uma luta sem tréguas contra a ideologia liberalista. Os papas do século XIX condenaram o liberalismo de forma aberta e direta. A condenação recaiu sobre as mais diversificadas áreas de influencia liberal, com destaque para o laicismo e a democracia. Já no inicio do século XX o ocidente se encontrava na eminência de uma crise e toda a euforia anterior passou a ser superficial e ilusória. O primeiro resultado da crise foi a eclosão da Primeira Guerra Mundial (1914 a 1918). Com o findar da guerra diversas nações européias estavam enfraquecidas e destruídas. Outras humilhadas, traídas, culpadas. Esse clima de instabilidade política, social e econômica possibilitou a ascensão de governos totalitários e autoritários, tanto de direita com de esquerda em alguns países europeus. Os governos totalitários de direta se mantiveram no poder até o findar da Segunda Guerra Mundial e os de esquerda até a década de noventa do século XX. Em ambos houve perseguição, de forma declarada ou não, a Igreja e ao clero. Diante desse contexto de discórdia e desentendimento, de desrespeito e injustiça, a Igreja agiu a sua maneira. A Instituição católica não deixou de lado seus valores, princípios e não abriu não de seus dogmas, no entanto foi obrigada, em decorrência das necessidades do período a reavaliar seus posicionamentos e aconselhamentos para a sociedade civil. Em conjunto com o abuso e a decorrente falência dos governos totalitários, a Igreja aceitou, por meio do papa Pio XII em 1944, a democracia como a mais justa forma de governo, mesmo sendo a democracia um regime fruto do liberalismo / The Catholic Church has spoken out against liberalism since its inception in the eighteenth century. Throughout the nineteenth century waged a relentless fight against the liberal ideology. The popes of the nineteenth century liberalism condemned in an open and direct. The condemnation fell on the most diverse areas of liberal influence, especially secularism and democracy. Since the beginning of the twentieth century the West was on the verge of a crisis and all the previous euphoria has become superficial and illusory. The first result of the crisis was the outbreak of World War (1914 to 1918). With the close of the war several European nations were weakened and destroyed. Other humiliated, betrayed, guilty. This climate of political instability, social and economic enabled the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian governments, both right to left in some European countries. The totalitarian governments of direct remained in power until the close of the Second World War and left until the nineties of the twentieth century. In both there was persecution, so declared or not, the Church and the clergy. Given this context of discord and misunderstanding, disrespect and injustice, the Church acted his way. The Catholic institution did not put aside their values, principles, and not opened not his dogmas, but was forced, due to the needs of the period to reassess their positions and advice for the society. In conjunction with the abuse and the resulting collapse of totalitarian governments, the Church accepted by Pope Pius XII in 1944, democracy as the fairest form of government, even though the fruit of democracy a system of liberalism


DAYSE VOLFZON 09 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] O estudo do Grande Templo Israelita do Rio de Janeiro buscou trazer, a partir da análise do projeto arquitetural, a análise das grandes sinagogas do século XIX na Europa, que se tornarem símbolos da Emancipação Judaica ao representarem instrumentos das simbioses culturais que ocorreram no Ocidente entre o judaísmo e as culturas dominantes. Diante dos debates sobre a arte e arquitetura judaica que se ampliaram na trilha dos movimentos nacionalistas do século XIX, os edifícios sinagogais apontaram para a busca de elementos arquitetônicos que pudessem fundamentar na possível origem oriental e semita. Assim influenciando tardiamente o projeto do Grande Templo que foi elaborado somente no final da década de 1920. A forma organizacional da comunidade de imigrantes e a contratação do arquiteto italiano de influência eclética foram determinantes para a concepção com grande complexidade e singularidade em uma estrutura moderna com elementos ornamentais das sinagogas europeias que aludiam a possível origem judaica mourisca e oriental. / [en] The study of the Great Israelite Temple of Rio de Janeiro brought, from the analysis of the architectural design, the analysis of the great synagogues of the nineteenth century in Europe, which become symbols of the Jewish Emancipation as representing instruments of cultural symbioses that occurred in the West between Judaism and dominant cultures. Before the debates about art and Jewish architecture that extended the trail of the nationalist movements of the nineteenth century, the synagogue buildings pointed to the pursuit of architectural elements that could justify the possible eastern and Semitic origin. So influencing the Great Temple of the project that was prepared only at the end of the 1920s.The organizational form of the immigrant community and the hiring of Italian eclectic architect were determinant in the design with great complexity and uniqueness in a modern structure with ornamental elements of European synagogues that alluded to possible Moorish and oriental Jewish origin.

Rights and obligations : conceptions of social relations viewed through the treatment of possessions in the Biblical poems of Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Junius XI

Jarc, Jaka January 2015 (has links)
My thesis examines social conceptions framing rights and obligations by reviewing how possessions are used and exchanged in the poems of MS Junius XI. I identify several major additions to the scriptural source material of the poetic narrative where the poems present a unique treatment of possessions in a social environment. These poetic additions often feature novel combinations of events and even entirely new sub-stories. In reviewing these departures I focus specifically on possessions and examine how they frame the rights and obligations within social interactions. Focusing on objects of social exchange enables the discussion of the literary narrative to relate to secondary historical literature on possessions as well as social conceptions. This has not yet been done for the poems of Junius XI. This thesis is divided into four thematic chapters ordered from the most tangible to the most abstract: moveable objects, landed possessions, degrees of possession of people, and abstract notions of authority framing social interactions tied to holding and exchanging possessions. In chapter two moveable possessions will be discussed in relation to social status, cultural identity, exchange and hierarchy. The third chapter will examine the interplay between the allegorical and practical notions of land possession. The fourth chapter will discuss social hierarchy framed as a range of rights and obligations discussing to what degree people are themselves treated as possessions. The discussion will examine what types and levels of relative personal freedom is detectable in the Junius XI poems. The final chapter will amalgamate findings and issues of the previous chapters by examining how the exchange and treatment of possessions impact various types of authority which frame social interactions, hierarchies and values.


康長健, KANG, CHANG-JIAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共壹冊,約七萬餘字,計分立章十六節,分述如次: 第一章:緒論。計分三節,分別說明本文之研究動機與研究目的、研究方法與研究範 圍。 第二章:生平及其政治思想的基礎。計分三節,陳述黃氏個人的經歷,並交代其所處 的時代理境及思想的脈絡。 第三章:政治秩序的建構。計分四節,分別剖析黃氏皂政治基本假設,統治權力之規 範、執行與調整。 第四章:政治秩序的持續。計分四節,分別採究黃氏之教育、土地、社經及國防等公 共政策。 第五章:政治思想的突破與困局。計分二節,分別檢討黃氏在政治思想上的突破及其 所面臨的困境。 第六章:結論。說明其政治思想對後世之影響,並提出研究者的觀點。


杜梅生, DU, MEI-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
前言部份,將先界定本論文的起止斷限─一八九七年至一九二七年,並說明研究動機 。 第一章定名:張國燾的早年生涯,計分二小節,就傳統與西化衝擊的背景及革命運動 的響往這兩條主脈,探究張氏的早年生活。 第二章定名:逐步走向馬克思主義之路,計分三小節,就時代背景及張氏所受教育環 境的影響,探究其走向馬克思主義的緣由。 第三章定名:張國燾及中國共產黨的成立,計分三小節,由張氏參與中共建黨的實際 工作,及對工人運動的積極態度,探討張氏在中共黨內所扮演的角色。 第四章定名:從容共到清黨,計分三小節,將以國共之分合為經,以中共政策轉變之 緣由為緯,經緯交錯,說明張氏在中共黨內所堅持的理想為何?並解釋之。 結論中將綜合各章,分別就張氏的人格、時代背景、教育環境等等,說明張氏成為中 共黨員的一個歷程,並提昇它的時代意義。

習近平的「中國夢」到「一帶一路」的實踐 / The Belt and Road Initiative :How Xi jin-ping Realizes his"Chinese Dream"

謝采彤 Unknown Date (has links)
習近平出身紅二代,不同於前幾代中國大陸領導人以傳統意識形態路線為施政主軸,習近平卻提出了訴諸情感的「中國夢」。 既稱之為夢,即有無限想像空間,難加以具體化。而「中國夢」的戰略觀構想,不僅為主導與型塑著習近平時代中共的對外政策、戰略規劃與全球佈局。當前,「中國夢」的內涵伴隨著情勢發展和現實需要不斷的擴充,不僅積極應處周邊關係,穩定亞太地區、妥善處理海權爭議、牽制美國亞太「再平衡」戰略,並向西推進「一帶一路」戰略。 「一帶一路」不僅是彰顯習近平中國特色的大國外交理念,也創新發展中國外交思想和國際戰略,使對外工作具有鮮明的中國特色、中國風格、中國氣派,更推進中國新一輪對外開放並與沿線國家合作共贏的外交方略。 因此,從習近平擘劃的「中國夢」藍圖下,透由「一帶一路」戰略構想,開創對外政經合作的新格局,將成為習近平「中國夢」的歷史定位。

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