Spelling suggestions: "subject:"young learners"" "subject:"young earners""
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Lokalhistoria som resurs : en studie av lågstadielärares användning av lokalhistoria för att utveckla historiemedvetande. / Local history as a resource : a study of primary teachers´ use of local history to develop history awareness.Hammar, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of my investigation is to see if and, if so, how teachers for the younger ages work with local history as a resource in history teaching. And if the teachers believe that the use of local history gives a greater historical awareness and makes it easier to remember the knowledge when the teaching becomes closer to the students compared to the more nationally adapted textbook.The focus is on the concepts of historical awareness, time perspective and place identity.The method I used is semi-structured interviews with teachers. I even took part in their planning, how they carried out the teaching and assessed it, based on the teachers' own stories. I have also analyzed the curriculum for the history subject and the textbook used as a basis.The results of the work are linked to previous research results and strengthen the previous theories that concrete teaching where the students are more involved and can relate to their local environment strengthens their awareness of history and gives a greater interest in their own history and in their home village.The survey is important when teachers plan their teaching in the subject of history and can give inspiration to how the teaching can be carried out to increase students' knowledge and commitment to the subject in both a national and a local context.
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”Jag brukar läsa undertexter om jag inte hör vad de säger” : En studie om barns läsvanor på fritiden i det digitaliserade samhället / "I usually read subtitles if I can't hear what they say" : A study about childrens' leisure reading in the digitalised societyKreku, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka yngre barns fritidsläsning med målet att generera kunskap kring vilken kontakt yngre generationer har med skriftspråket idag. Tesen som denna studie utgår ifrån är att skolan behöver ökade insikter i elevers läsvanor eftersom det finns oroväckande trender som visar på att barn generellt läser allt mindre på grund av digitaliseringen. I studien har det undersökts vilka typer av texter 10-åriga svenska elever läser på sin fritid, både via skärm och utan skärm, samt vilka språk som är vanligast förekommande i deras läsning. En förklarande-sekventiell design har gjorts för denna studie där respondenterna inledningsvis förde dagbok under fem dagar. Dagböckerna kompletterades med efterföljande interjuver för varje respondent. Resultatet visar att elever har en daglig kontakt med skriftspråket då de läser en mängd olika typer av texter i sin vardag. De vanligaste språken som förekommer i elevernas läsning är svenska och engelska. Utöver den traditionella läsningen som består av tryckta texter, i synnerhet skönlitterära, kan denna studie visa på att det även finns en annan läskultur som skolan behöver förhålla sig till. / The purpose of this study is to investigate younger children's leisure reading with the aim of generating knowledge about the contact younger generations have with the written language today. The theory from which this study is based is that schools need increased insights into students’ reading habits, partly because there are worrying trends that show that children are in general reading less and less due to digitalisation. This study investigates what types of texts 10-year-old Swedish students read in their spare time, both with and without screens, as well as which languages are most common in their reading. An explanatory-sequential design was created for this study where the respondents initially kept a diary for five days. The diaries were supplemented with subsequent interviews for each respondent. The results show that the students have daily contact with the written language as they read a variety of different types of texts in their everyday life. The most common languages used in children's reading are Swedish and English. Besides the traditional reading culture of printed texts, especially fiction, this study will show that another reading culture has emerged that schools need to address.
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Exploring young learners’ L2 development and perceptions of mixed-age and same-age peer interactions in EFL mixed-age classroomsKos, Tomas 19 June 2024 (has links)
Although foreign language instruction in mixed-age (M-A) is gaining
popularity (Heizmann and Ries and Wicki 2015; Lau and Juby-Smith and Desbiens, 2017; Shahid Kazi and Moghal and Aziz 2018; Thurn 2011), the research is
scarce. Drawing from multiple data sources, this study investigated to what extent
do peer interactions among M-A and same-age (S-A) pairs aid L2 development and
how students perceive their interactions. In this study, the same learners (N=24)
aged between 10 and 12 interacted with the same and different age partners during common classroom lessons in two EFL classrooms. The results suggest that
both S-A and M-A peer interactions aided L2 development. Although S-A pairs
outperformed M-A pairs on the post-test, the results are not statistically significant. The analysis of students’ perceptions revealed that the majority of students
prefer working in S-A to M-A pairs. In addition to age/proficiency differences,
factors such as students’ relationships and perceptions of one’s own and partner’s proficiency greatly impact how they interact with one another.
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Využití portfolia v dramatické výchově / Usage of portfolios in drama classesKozlová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
I divided my thesis "The usage of portfolios in drama classes " into two parts. The first part of my thesis is theoretical and it deals with different types of portfolios and rates the usage of them in different drama classes. I tried to see the portfolios from the user's point of view. The whole collection of portfolios is a valuable tool that reflects the personality and social development of my students. It allows the observation of a student's attitude and value development. The list of methods and techniques can be found in my thesis, and can be used to plan lessons with the planned portfolio's output. The second part of my thesis shows illustrations of practical drama class lessons and the worksheets that can be used as a basis for future portfolios. The lesson samples contain methods, and information about the realization and reflection of the lessons as well. My thesis contains samples from the children enriched with worksheet evaluations.
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Bible a její adaptace pro děti / Bible and Its Adaptations for ChildrenJečmenová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis The Bible and Its Adaptations for Children addresses the question of the quality of children's Biblical adaptations. It aims to compile a comprehensive set of criteria based on relevant literature which children's adaptations should meet. These criteria should become a practical tool for primary school teachers to make it easier for them to select quality stories for their lessons. The entire first chapter is devoted to the Bible and should serve as a general knowledge base of the book. The second chapter describes children's literature in terms of its specifics and psychological characteristics of young readers. A special place in this chapter belongs to myth (as one of the essential biblical genres) and the Bible itself, and the examination of their place in children's literature. The chapter on children's literature also includes a section the aim of which is to explain the role of illustration in children's books and to remind us of its crucial position in children's literature. The following chapter deals with the term adaptation, first from the general literary point of view, and then it focuses on the child recipient and the peculiarities of adapting the Bible. At the end of this chapter, the planned set of criteria is created on the bases of the previous theoretical part...
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Os formadores e o desenvolvimento profissional de professores de inglês: diferentes olhares, diferentes práticas / Trainers and professional development for teachers of English: different looks, different practicesMoretti, Lindiane Viviane 24 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender de que maneira o olhar do formador influencia nas práticas e contribui para as aprendizagens de professores de inglês dentro de um contexto de formação em que o diálogo entre esses agentes é parte das premissas do programa de formação. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória (COHEN, MANION, 2002). Utiliza-se dos procedimentos delineados pela metodologia de análise de conteúdo (MORAES, 1999) para encontrar e compreender as mudanças e permanências de ações dos professores após a participação em Oficinas de Formação e durante as sessões de Acompanhamento (Feedback). Apoia-se, principalmente, nos conceitos de desenvolvimento profissional (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009), nos saberes docentes (TARDIF, 2012) e nos modelos de formação de professores com perspectiva crítico-reflexiva (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). Reflete sobre a formação inicial do professor de inglês e a valorização das línguas estrangeiras nas escolas públicas brasileiras (FERRO,1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010) e consequentemente sobre os desafios para a formação contínua de professores de inglês para crianças (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). Conclui que um olhar que integra os conhecimentos dos agentes da formação (professor e formador) aos conhecimentos da formação promove mais aprendizagens, contudo, não é determinante, há mais o que se considerar. Finalmente, aponta para a necessidade de valorização dos saberes da prática e das concepções de ensino-aprendizagem, não só dos saberes disciplinares, para a criação de programas de formação de formadores. / This dissertation aims to understand how the vision of the education influences and contributes to teacher development in a context where dialogue between them is part of the premise of the teacher educator program. It is a qualitative research of exploratory and descriptive nature (COHEN, MANION, 2002). It relies on procedures from content analysis (MORAES, 1999) to search and comprehend changes or stagnation of teachers action after the course of workshops and during feedback meetings. The text is mainly grounded in the concepts of professional development (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009) and teacher knowledge (TARDIF, 2012) as well as model for teacher development based on a critical-reflective perspective (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). It discusses under-graduation courses for English teachers and the value or not - of foreign languages in Brazilian public schools (FERRO, 1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010); therefore, it brings out the challenges for English teachers when they attend in-service courses for teaching children (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). It concludes that if the trainer looks at the teacher and his/her knowledge in an integrative way, the teacher is more likely to gain new knowledge. However, the look is not determining, there is more to it. Finally, this dissertation suggests the need to value not only teacher educators academic knowledge, but experience and learning and teaching concepts as principles for being a teacher educator, among other criteria.
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O ensino de língua inglesa para alunos da educação infantil em Porto Alegre : uma leitura crítica acerca do uso da linguagem, do letramento e de crençasForte, Janaína da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, foi crescente e notório o aumento de escolas de educação infantil em nosso país. Expandiu-se, em igual proporção, o número de turmas da educação infantil em escolas regulares, já que a própria LDB considera esse âmbito de ensino como parte integrante da educação básica. A fim de agregar um diferencial em sua grade curricular, aulas de língua inglesa como língua adicional são inseridas no currículo de um sem número de instituições nas mais variadas modalidades: aulas de 30 minutos ou 1 hora uma vez por semana, às vezes duas vezes por semana e, até mesmo, em propostas bilíngues, com aulas todos os dias da semana, em cargas horárias das mais diversas. Assim, este estudo propõe-se a uma análise crítica do ensino de língua inglesa como língua adicional para crianças de educação infantil. Foram selecionados como foco de pesquisa o uso da linguagem, a promoção do letramento na língua alvo e as crenças de professores, pais de alunos e coordenadores das instituições de ensino. Para a geração dos dados, duas escolas exclusivamente de educação infantil, duas escolas de educação básica e três escolas de idiomas foram visitadas. Procederam-se observações de aulas, entrevistas com os professores de língua inglesa, com pais de alunos e com as coordenadoras das escolas. Verificou-se que, independentemente da carga-horária oferecida pela escola, usar mais ou menos inglês em sala de aula era uma opção do professor, em acordo com as coordenações das escolas. Observou-se, também, que quanto mais comunicativa a abordagem de ensino, mais havia espaço para a promoção do letramento. E constatou-se que as crenças de pais, professoras e coordenadoras de escolas são pertinentes mas precisam ser ouvidas no contexto escolar de forma a produzir um ensino efetivo e prazeroso para os alunos. / Throughout the last decades, it was noticeably increasing the number of kindergarten schools in our country. It has expanded, in the same proportion, the number of kindergarten classes in regular schools, since LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) considers this scope of teaching as part of the primary education. In order to add some particularities in its curricula, classes of English as a foreign language has been inserted in hundreds of institutions, in many different approaches: thirty-minute or one hour classes once a week, sometimes twice a week and also in bilingual projects, with everyday classes, in several workloads. So, the aim of this search is to hold a critical analysis on the teaching of English as a foreign language to very young learners. The use of language, the promotion of literacy in the target language and the beliefs of teacher, students’ parents and schools coordinators were selected as the focus of this work. In order to generate the data, two kindergarten schools, two primary schools and three language schools were visited. Classes were observed and interviews with the teachers of English, with the students’ parents and with the schools coordinators were conducted. It was verified that, independently of the workload offered by the school, using less or more English in the classroom was an option made by the teacher, in accordance to the school’s coordination. It was also observed that the most communicative the approach was, the more space to literacy was given. And it was checked that parents’, teachers’, and coordinators’ beliefs are pertinent but need to be heard in the context of the school in order to offer an effective and pleasant learning environment for the pupils.
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O ensino de língua inglesa para alunos da educação infantil em Porto Alegre : uma leitura crítica acerca do uso da linguagem, do letramento e de crençasForte, Janaína da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, foi crescente e notório o aumento de escolas de educação infantil em nosso país. Expandiu-se, em igual proporção, o número de turmas da educação infantil em escolas regulares, já que a própria LDB considera esse âmbito de ensino como parte integrante da educação básica. A fim de agregar um diferencial em sua grade curricular, aulas de língua inglesa como língua adicional são inseridas no currículo de um sem número de instituições nas mais variadas modalidades: aulas de 30 minutos ou 1 hora uma vez por semana, às vezes duas vezes por semana e, até mesmo, em propostas bilíngues, com aulas todos os dias da semana, em cargas horárias das mais diversas. Assim, este estudo propõe-se a uma análise crítica do ensino de língua inglesa como língua adicional para crianças de educação infantil. Foram selecionados como foco de pesquisa o uso da linguagem, a promoção do letramento na língua alvo e as crenças de professores, pais de alunos e coordenadores das instituições de ensino. Para a geração dos dados, duas escolas exclusivamente de educação infantil, duas escolas de educação básica e três escolas de idiomas foram visitadas. Procederam-se observações de aulas, entrevistas com os professores de língua inglesa, com pais de alunos e com as coordenadoras das escolas. Verificou-se que, independentemente da carga-horária oferecida pela escola, usar mais ou menos inglês em sala de aula era uma opção do professor, em acordo com as coordenações das escolas. Observou-se, também, que quanto mais comunicativa a abordagem de ensino, mais havia espaço para a promoção do letramento. E constatou-se que as crenças de pais, professoras e coordenadoras de escolas são pertinentes mas precisam ser ouvidas no contexto escolar de forma a produzir um ensino efetivo e prazeroso para os alunos. / Throughout the last decades, it was noticeably increasing the number of kindergarten schools in our country. It has expanded, in the same proportion, the number of kindergarten classes in regular schools, since LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) considers this scope of teaching as part of the primary education. In order to add some particularities in its curricula, classes of English as a foreign language has been inserted in hundreds of institutions, in many different approaches: thirty-minute or one hour classes once a week, sometimes twice a week and also in bilingual projects, with everyday classes, in several workloads. So, the aim of this search is to hold a critical analysis on the teaching of English as a foreign language to very young learners. The use of language, the promotion of literacy in the target language and the beliefs of teacher, students’ parents and schools coordinators were selected as the focus of this work. In order to generate the data, two kindergarten schools, two primary schools and three language schools were visited. Classes were observed and interviews with the teachers of English, with the students’ parents and with the schools coordinators were conducted. It was verified that, independently of the workload offered by the school, using less or more English in the classroom was an option made by the teacher, in accordance to the school’s coordination. It was also observed that the most communicative the approach was, the more space to literacy was given. And it was checked that parents’, teachers’, and coordinators’ beliefs are pertinent but need to be heard in the context of the school in order to offer an effective and pleasant learning environment for the pupils.
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Os formadores e o desenvolvimento profissional de professores de inglês: diferentes olhares, diferentes práticas / Trainers and professional development for teachers of English: different looks, different practicesLindiane Viviane Moretti 24 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender de que maneira o olhar do formador influencia nas práticas e contribui para as aprendizagens de professores de inglês dentro de um contexto de formação em que o diálogo entre esses agentes é parte das premissas do programa de formação. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória (COHEN, MANION, 2002). Utiliza-se dos procedimentos delineados pela metodologia de análise de conteúdo (MORAES, 1999) para encontrar e compreender as mudanças e permanências de ações dos professores após a participação em Oficinas de Formação e durante as sessões de Acompanhamento (Feedback). Apoia-se, principalmente, nos conceitos de desenvolvimento profissional (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009), nos saberes docentes (TARDIF, 2012) e nos modelos de formação de professores com perspectiva crítico-reflexiva (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). Reflete sobre a formação inicial do professor de inglês e a valorização das línguas estrangeiras nas escolas públicas brasileiras (FERRO,1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010) e consequentemente sobre os desafios para a formação contínua de professores de inglês para crianças (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). Conclui que um olhar que integra os conhecimentos dos agentes da formação (professor e formador) aos conhecimentos da formação promove mais aprendizagens, contudo, não é determinante, há mais o que se considerar. Finalmente, aponta para a necessidade de valorização dos saberes da prática e das concepções de ensino-aprendizagem, não só dos saberes disciplinares, para a criação de programas de formação de formadores. / This dissertation aims to understand how the vision of the education influences and contributes to teacher development in a context where dialogue between them is part of the premise of the teacher educator program. It is a qualitative research of exploratory and descriptive nature (COHEN, MANION, 2002). It relies on procedures from content analysis (MORAES, 1999) to search and comprehend changes or stagnation of teachers action after the course of workshops and during feedback meetings. The text is mainly grounded in the concepts of professional development (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009) and teacher knowledge (TARDIF, 2012) as well as model for teacher development based on a critical-reflective perspective (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). It discusses under-graduation courses for English teachers and the value or not - of foreign languages in Brazilian public schools (FERRO, 1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010); therefore, it brings out the challenges for English teachers when they attend in-service courses for teaching children (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). It concludes that if the trainer looks at the teacher and his/her knowledge in an integrative way, the teacher is more likely to gain new knowledge. However, the look is not determining, there is more to it. Finally, this dissertation suggests the need to value not only teacher educators academic knowledge, but experience and learning and teaching concepts as principles for being a teacher educator, among other criteria.
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O ensino de língua inglesa para alunos da educação infantil em Porto Alegre : uma leitura crítica acerca do uso da linguagem, do letramento e de crençasForte, Janaína da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, foi crescente e notório o aumento de escolas de educação infantil em nosso país. Expandiu-se, em igual proporção, o número de turmas da educação infantil em escolas regulares, já que a própria LDB considera esse âmbito de ensino como parte integrante da educação básica. A fim de agregar um diferencial em sua grade curricular, aulas de língua inglesa como língua adicional são inseridas no currículo de um sem número de instituições nas mais variadas modalidades: aulas de 30 minutos ou 1 hora uma vez por semana, às vezes duas vezes por semana e, até mesmo, em propostas bilíngues, com aulas todos os dias da semana, em cargas horárias das mais diversas. Assim, este estudo propõe-se a uma análise crítica do ensino de língua inglesa como língua adicional para crianças de educação infantil. Foram selecionados como foco de pesquisa o uso da linguagem, a promoção do letramento na língua alvo e as crenças de professores, pais de alunos e coordenadores das instituições de ensino. Para a geração dos dados, duas escolas exclusivamente de educação infantil, duas escolas de educação básica e três escolas de idiomas foram visitadas. Procederam-se observações de aulas, entrevistas com os professores de língua inglesa, com pais de alunos e com as coordenadoras das escolas. Verificou-se que, independentemente da carga-horária oferecida pela escola, usar mais ou menos inglês em sala de aula era uma opção do professor, em acordo com as coordenações das escolas. Observou-se, também, que quanto mais comunicativa a abordagem de ensino, mais havia espaço para a promoção do letramento. E constatou-se que as crenças de pais, professoras e coordenadoras de escolas são pertinentes mas precisam ser ouvidas no contexto escolar de forma a produzir um ensino efetivo e prazeroso para os alunos. / Throughout the last decades, it was noticeably increasing the number of kindergarten schools in our country. It has expanded, in the same proportion, the number of kindergarten classes in regular schools, since LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) considers this scope of teaching as part of the primary education. In order to add some particularities in its curricula, classes of English as a foreign language has been inserted in hundreds of institutions, in many different approaches: thirty-minute or one hour classes once a week, sometimes twice a week and also in bilingual projects, with everyday classes, in several workloads. So, the aim of this search is to hold a critical analysis on the teaching of English as a foreign language to very young learners. The use of language, the promotion of literacy in the target language and the beliefs of teacher, students’ parents and schools coordinators were selected as the focus of this work. In order to generate the data, two kindergarten schools, two primary schools and three language schools were visited. Classes were observed and interviews with the teachers of English, with the students’ parents and with the schools coordinators were conducted. It was verified that, independently of the workload offered by the school, using less or more English in the classroom was an option made by the teacher, in accordance to the school’s coordination. It was also observed that the most communicative the approach was, the more space to literacy was given. And it was checked that parents’, teachers’, and coordinators’ beliefs are pertinent but need to be heard in the context of the school in order to offer an effective and pleasant learning environment for the pupils.
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