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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration and Evaluation of Inertial Navigation with Zero Velocity Update for Industrial Fastening Tools / Kalibrering och Evaluering av Tröghetsnavigering Användandes Zero Velocity Update för Industriverktyg

Rågmark, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Indoor Positional Navigation (IPN) systems can be used to track the position of tools in factories which is crucial for quality assurance in many manufacturing industries. Inertial navigation is rarely used on its own because of the noisy Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors which contribute to large drift. Current IPN systems usually involve the installation and calibration of cameras or antennas, so achieving sufficient accuracy with inertial navigation based IPN would be very desirable. This project aims to evaluate an inertial navigation algorithm, based on Zero Velocity Update (ZUPT), for bolt level positioning by repeatability tests using an industrial robot. The ZUPT algorithm, developed at Atlas Copco, manages to effectively reduce drift and achieve moderate accuracy in position for simpler movements. The gravity tracking Kalman filter dictates the systematic errors in position that grow large with increased degree and dimension of rotation. When keeping rotations within 45◦ for a linear movement the absolute error in position is under 10%. Frequent stops are important when moving in a more complex trajectory to be able to negate drift, consequently detecting the start and stop of motion is crucial. The results show that increased frequency will improve accuracy. It is shown that averaging IMU samples before calculations can increase both truthfulness and precision by 10−25%, if sampling the IMU faster than the calculations. The ZUPT approach of inertial navigation will never yield positional results in real time, and the evaluated algorithm only performs well within certain limitations, mainly frequent stops and simple movements. Despite these limitations there is potential in using the algorithm for quality assurance purposes in hand held industrial fasteners. / Kvalitetssäkring är en central fråga för många tillverkningsindustrier, så som flygplans- och bilindustrin, där det är avgörande att varje förband har dragits åt på rätt sätt för att garantera säkerheten i produkten. Moderna fabriker har centrala styrsystem som kommunicerar med maskiner och verktyg, och ifall något blir fel är det vanligt att fabrikslinan stannar vilket blir kostsamt. Inomhuspositionering (IPS) av hög noggrannhet kan spåra vilken åtdragning som blivit fel, vilket dokumenteras och åtgärdas om möjligt senare, utan att stanna fabrikslinan. Dagens noggranna IPS system för kvalitetssäkring kräver installation och kalibrering av kameror och/eller antenner. Tröghetsnavigering kräver i grunden bara billiga sensorer installerade på verktyget men metoden är mycket opålitlig på grund av sensorernas opålitlighet och brus. I detta projekt har en metod för tröghetsnavigering, användandes Zero Velocity Update (ZUPT), evaluerats för kvalitetssäkring av handhållna verktyg genom repetabilitetstester. Tröghetsnavigeringsalgoritmen som tidigare utvecklats på Atlas Copco lyckas på effektivt sätt reducera drift och uppnår rimlig noggranhet för enklare rörelser. För linjära rörelser med rotationer under 45◦ så erhålls ett absolut positionsfel inom 10%. För att fungera väl även för mer komplexa rörelser krävs frekventa stop, och noggrann rörelsedetektion är central. Denna ZUPT-metod kommer aldrig att kunna generera position i realtid och algoritmen presterar väl endast inom vissa begränsningar. Trots detta så finns god potential för metoden inom kvalitetssäkring för handhållna industriverktyg.

Implementing a Zero Trust Environmentfor an Existing On-premises Cloud Solution / Implementering av en Zero Trust miljö för en existerande påplats molnlösning

Pero, Victor, Ekman, Linus January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project aimed to design and implement a secure system for handling and safeguarding personal data. The purpose of the work is to prevent unauthorized actors from gaining access to systems and data. The proposed solution is a Zero Trust architecture which emphasizes strong security measures by design and strict access controls. The system must provide minimal access for users and should be integrated with the existing cloud-based infrastructure. The result is a system that leverages Keycloak for identity management and authentication services, GitLab to provide a code hosting solution, GPG for commit signing, and OpenVPN for network access. Through the utilization of Gitlab, Keycloak and OpenVPN the system achieved a comprehensive design for data protection, user authentication and network security. This report also highlights alternative methods, future enhancements and potential improvements to the completed system. / Målet med denna rapport är att designa och implementera ett säkert system för hantering och skydd av personlig data. Syftet med arbetet är att förhindra obehöriga att få tillgång till system och data. Den föreslagna lösningen är en Zero Trustarkitektur som betonar skärpta säkerhetsåtgärder genom design och strikta åtkomstkontroller. Systemet måste ge minimal åtkomst för användare som brukar det och integreras med den befintliga molnbaserade infrastrukturen. Resultatet är ett system som använder Keycloak för hantering av identiteter och autentisering, GitLab för att tillhandahålla ett kodarkiv där användare kan ladda upp sin kod, GPG för att signera commits, och OpenVPN för nätverksåtkomst. Genom användning av GitLab, Keycloak och OpenVPN uppnådde systemet en omfattande design för dataskydd, användarautentisering och nätverkssäkerhet. Denna rapport nämner också alternativa metoder, framtida och potentiella förbättringar av det färdiga systemet.

Minimator: A Serious Game on Zero-Day Markets

Cseresnyes, Ehud, Sharma, Hans January 2022 (has links)
Zero-days are vulnerabilities that the software vendor does not know about and thus cannot provide a patch for. Their value has caused markets to develop, divided by the purchase intention. This thesis focuses on the white and grey markets, that is those buying to patch and those buying to exploit. While states generally have an interest in both, they currently spend money to exploit zerodays, keeping software insecure. The lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding this practice is the problem targeted in this thesis. Serious games, aiming to be both entertaining and educational, represent one opportunity to create awareness. They fit our circumstances particularly well because understanding the problem space requires adversarial thinking and lots of different concepts. Our research goal has thus been to create a serious game that accurately illuminates the dilemma experienced by states. Design science was the research strategy employed to reach the stated goal. Our main contribution is Minimator, a multiplayer, web-based game in which players, acting as states, have to protect their infrastructure and deal with zero-day markets. Additionally, we present a formal model of states’ treatment of zero-day markets developed using game theory and shown to resemble the n-players prisoners’ dilemma. An expert evaluation was conducted, delivering promising results in terms of gameplay appeal, and accuracy. A naturalistic evaluation remains, but is suggested in detail for future endeavours. Minimator is original as, to our knowledge, no similar artefact exists. It provides value by potentially creating a starting point for and encouraging an informed, public debate about the trade-off between national and infrastructure security, which is inherently political.


LUCIANA PRATES PRISCO 01 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] Cerâmicas termomióticas vem despertando interesse devido a sua propriedade de apresentar, sob aquecimento, uma expansão térmica baixa, próxima a zero ou negativa. Essa propriedade é proveniente de uma vibração transversal do ânion, que resulta numa aproximação de átomos em determinadas direções. A família A2M3O12 (A = um cátion trivalente e M = Mo6 positivo ou W6 positivo) apresenta uma transição de fase de monoclínica para ortorrômbica, sendo somente a fase ortorrômbica que apresenta o comportamento termomiótico. Essa família, especificamente, vem sendo bastante pesquisada, pois possui a vantagem de permitir uma vasta flexibilidade química, sem mudar de estrutura cristalina e por consequência, permitir ajustes no coeficiente de expansão térmica de acordo com a aplicação a qual o material se destina. A expansão térmica próxima à zero pode levar a uma promissora alta resistência ao choque térmico. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo, estudar as propriedades térmicas e mecânicas do Al2W3O12 que possui baixa expansão térmica positiva com o objetivo de determinar sua resistência ao choque térmico pela figura de mérito de Hasselman. Para isso, todas as suas propriedades térmicas (expansão térmica e condutividade) e mecânicas (módulo de elasticidade e resistência mecânica) foram obtidas experimentalmente apresentando um valor promissor de 120K (comparável ao da safira) para resistência ao choque térmico pela figura de mérito de Hasselman sob condições severas de aquecimento. A partir desse resultado foi desenvolvido uma segunda pesquisa com o objetivo de refinar a microestrutura e aumentar a densidade relativa da cerâmica maciça do Al2W3O12 e assim incrementar suas propriedades mecânicas. Uma síntese por co-precipitação, seguida de uma prensagem isostática e uma sinterização desenvolvida em três etapas foram implementadas, obtendo-se um aumento de 91 porcento para 96 porcento na densidade relativa, com aumento de 19 porcento no módulo de elasticidade e de 35 porcento na dureza vickers se comparados aos resultados obtidos pela amostra sinterizada anteriormente pelo método convencional de sinterização em uma etapa. No terceiro estágio desta tese foi estudada a expansão térmica de uma novo material (In0,5(ZrMg)0,75Mo3O12) com promissora expansão térmica próxima a zero (10-7 K-1), a partir do cálculo da regra das misturas. O material foi sintetizado por evaportação total.e seu coeficiente de expansão térmica intrínseco determinado in situ por difração de Raios-X foi de 1,6x10-7 K-1 na faixa de temperatura de 100 a 500 graus Celsius, enquanto o coeficiente de expansão térmica maciço, medido por dilatometria, foi de 6,68 x 10-7 K-1, na faixa de temperatura de 100 a 800 graus Celsius. Esse material apresenta uma transição de fase de monoclínica para ortorrômbica na temperatura de 82 graus Celsius o que limita seu uso como material termomiótico em temperaturas abaixo de 100 graus Celsius. / [en] Thermomiotic ceramics have been arousing interest due to their property of presenting a low, near or zero thermal expansion under hearing. This property comes from a transverse vibration of the anion, which results in an approximation of atoms in certain crystallographic axes. The A2M3O12 family (A = a trivalent cation and M = Mo6 positive or W6 positive) presents a phase transition from monoclinic to orthorhombic, with only the orthorhombic phase exhibiting thermomiotic behavior. This family is widely researched since it has the advantage of allowing a wide chemical flexibility without changing the crystalline structure and consequently allowing adjustments in the coefficient of thermal expansion according to the application, which the material is intended. Thermal expansion close to zero can lead to a promising high thermal shock resistance. This work aimed to study the thermal and mechanical properties of Al2W3O12 that has low thermal expansion with the goal of determining its thermal shock resistance by the Hasselman figure of merit. For this, all its thermal properties (thermal expansion and conductivity) and mechanical (Young modulus and mechanical strength) were obtained experimentally and presented a promising value of 120K (comparable to sapphire) for thermal shock resistance by the figure of merit of Hasselman under severe heating. A second research was developed with the goal of refining the microstructure and increasing the relative density of the Al2W3O12 bulk ceramics and thus increasing its mechanical properties. A synthesis by co-precipitation, folled by an isostatic pressing and a three steps sintering were carried out, obtaining an increase of 91 percent to 96 percent in the relative density, with increase of 19 percent in modulus of elasticity and 35 percent in Vickers hardness when compared to conventional sintering. The thermal expansion of a new material (In0,5(ZrMg)0,75Mo3O12) with promising thermal expansion close to zero (10-7 K1), calculated by mixing rule was studied in the third chapter of this thesis. The material was synthesized by total evaporation. Its intrinsic thermal expansion coefficient was determined in situ by X-ray diffraction and presented a value of 1.6x10-7 K-1 in the temperature range of 100 to 500 Celsius degrees, while the coefficient of expansion of the bulk obtained by dilatometry, was 6.68 x 10-7 K-1, in the temperature range of 100 to 800 Celsius degrees. This material presents a phase transition from monoclinic to orthorhombic at 82 Celsius degrees, which limits its use as thermomiothic material at temperatures above 100 Celsius degrees.

Inställningen till Zero Trust på svenska företag : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med Orange Cyberdefense / The attitude to Zero Trust in Swedish companies : A thesis in collaboration with Orange Cyberdefense

Björkman, Jonathan, Råsberg, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Dagens IT-miljöer genomgår en förändring. De tydliga gränserna mellan ett företags inre miljö och den externa miljön har förändrats och håller på att suddas ut. Zero Trust har lyfts fram som en lösning för att bättre skydda dagens IT-miljöer men trots det är det få som använder det. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad några svenska företag har för inställning till Zero Trust och om de ser några hinder med att implementera det i sina miljöer. För att besvara syftet valdes en kvalitativ ansats där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Målet var att söka beskrivande och förklarande kunskap för att bidra till en ökad förståelse kring ämnet Zero Trust. Studien uppnådde även viss form av normativ kunskap vilket resulterade i ett antal rekommendationer riktade mot företag.   Studiens resultat visar att inställningen till Zero Trust är välvillig vilket beror på att de upplever krav från ledning, regelverk och kunder. De hinder som studien identifierar är föråldrade resurser (legacy), komplexitet, tid och kostnad som avgörande hinder för att implementera Zero Trust. Studien visar även visa att företagen är delade i uppfattningen om användaren av en resurs kommer påverkas negativt eller gagnas av Zero Trust. Studien landar i ett antal rekommendationer varav en menar att företag, för att behålla den välvilliga inställningen till Zero Trust måste vara lyhörda mot krav från omvärlden. Vidare rekommenderas även att företagen håller sig uppdaterade om ämnet, att de har en planering för arbetet som krävs och att de tar aktiva val för att undvika onödiga kostnader. / Today's IT environments are undergoing a change. The clear boundaries between a company's internal environment and the external environment have changed and are being blurred. Zero Trust has been highlighted as a solution to better protect today's IT environments, but despite this, few use it. The purpose of this study was to investigate what some Swedish companies have to say about Zero Trust and whether they see any obstacles in implementing it in their environments. To answer the purpose, a qualitative approach was chosen in which six semi-structured interviews were conducted. The goal was to seek descriptive and explanatory knowledge to contribute to an increased understanding of the subject Zero Trust. The study also achieved some form of normative knowledge, which resulted in a few recommendations aimed at companies. The results of the study show that the attitude towards Zero Trust is benevolent, which is since they experience demands from management, regulations, and customers. The barriers that the study identifies are outdated resources (legacy), complexity, time, and cost as crucial barriers to implementing the Zero Trust. The study also shows that companies are divided on whether the user of a resource will be negatively affected or benefited by Zero Trust. The study lands in a few recommendations, one of which is that companies, in order to maintain the benevolent attitude to Zero Trust, must be responsive to demands from the outside world. Furthermore, it is also recommended that companies stay up to date on the subject, that they have a plan for the work required and that they make active choices to avoid unnecessary costs.


AZUCENA MIREYA DUARTE ZELAYA 05 August 2019 (has links)
[pt] Modulação Espacial com Pré-codificação Generalizada (Generalized Precoding Aided Spatial Modulation, GPSM) é uma estratégia de comunicação em sistemas MIMO em que o transmissor codifica a informação em duas entidades: a transmissão paralela de símbolos pertencentes à constelação de uma modulação digital, e os índices das posições do vetor de informação que transportam estes símbolos, denominada information bearing positions (IBP), enquanto as demais posições transportam zero. Além disto, o transmissor, previamente à transmissão dos dados pré-codifica o vetor de informação, possibilitando a redução da complexidade do nó receptor. Entre as vantagens desta estratégia destaca-se a concentração da energia transmitida apenas nas posições do vetor de informação que efetivamente contém símbolos, favorecendo o desempenho do sistema. Esta tese considera um sistema MIMO multiusuário (MU-MIMO) que emprega GPSM no enlace direto. O modelo de sinais desenvolvido para descrever este sistema evidencia a influência das matrizes que codificam as IBP no desempenho do sistema. Com base neste modelo, o sistema GPSM MU-MIMO é apresentado para três pré-codificadores lineares: Zero-Forcing, Block Diagonalization e Block Diagonalization de Duas Fases. Para cada um destes pré-codificadores são propostas estratégias de seleção das matrizes de codificação IBP, de acordo com a matriz que descreve o canal MU-MIMO corrente, a serem empregadas pelo transmissor visando melhorar o desempenho de detecção do sistema. As curvas de desempenho de detecção são comparadas a limitantes semianalíticos desenvolvidos. Por fim, considera-se o cenário em que existem mais antenas disponíveis na estação rádio-base e/ou nos usuários do que o número de cadeias de radiofrequência que os equipam. Esta tese apresenta estratégias ótimas e de complexidade reduzida de se explorar o uso das antenas mais favoráveis à transmissão e/ou recepção, em adição à escolha das matrizes de codificação IBP, com o objetivo de prover melhorias ao desempenho do sistema. / [en] Generalized Pre-coding Aided Spatial Modulation (GPSM) is a MIMO system communication strategy in which the transmitter encodes the information in two entities: the parallel transmission of symbols belonging to a digital modulation constellation, and the choice of the indices of the information vector elements that carries the informaiton symbols, denoted information bearing positions (IBP), while the remaing positions are set to zero. Besides, the transmitter precodes, prior to transmission, the information vector, which lets the receiver node benefit from complexity reduction. Among the advantages of this strategies, the concentration of the transmitted energy only on the information vector positions that transports modulated symbols, resulting in system performance improvement. This thesis considers a multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) that employs GPSM in the donwlink transmission. The presented signal model to describe this system evidences the influence of the IBP coding matrices on the system performance. Based on this model, GPSM MU-MIMO system is presented considering three linear precoders: Zero-Forcing, Block Diagonalization and Double-Stage Block Diagonalization. For each precoder, strategies to select the IBP encoding matrix, acording to the matrix that describes the current MU-MIMO channel, is proposed. These matrices are to be employed by the user, aiming at system detection performance improvement. Detection performance curves are compared to semianalytic lower bounds. Finally, a scenario in which that are a number of available antennas at the BS and/or at the users that exceed the number of radiofrequency chains. this thesis porposes optimal and reduced complexity strategies that exploit the use of the most favorable antennas for transmission and/or reception, in addition to the choice of the IBP enconding matrices, aiming at system performance improvement.


NILDO DE ABREU VIEIRA JUNIOR 29 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] A crescente contaminação das águas por atividades industriais é um dos maiores problemas da sociedade moderna, pois a água é essencial para a vida e para as atividades domésticas, agrícolas e industriais. Entre os principais poluentes orgânicos encontrados em efluentes aquosos, podemos citar o fenol e seus derivados. Estes compostos são tóxicos ao homem e as espécies aquáticas, mesmo em baixas concentrações e são gerados em quantidades consideráveis em efluentes da indústria siderúrgica, de petróleo, de resinas, papel e celulose entre outras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral investigar, dentro das técnicas de oxidação avançada, a potencialidade do ferro metálico como catalisador no processo para a degradação do fenol em efluentes industriais, utilizando para isto lã de aço comercial. O processo foi estudado em batelada, simulando um efluente com fenol na concentração de 200mg/L, típica destas indústrias. Foram avaliadas condições de pH (5, 6, 7, 8 e 9), relação de massa de lã de aço por volume de solução (1, 2,5, 5 e 7 g/L), dosagem de peróxido de hidrogênio (1, 2 e 3 g/L) e temperatura do processo (25, 35 e 45 °C). A degradação do fenol alcançou uma eficiência de 98 porcento da concentração inicial do poluente no tempo de 120 minutos. A análise de COT (Carbono Orgânico Total) mostrou uma mineralização em torno de 33 porcento. Assim, o uso de ferro metálico como catalisador na degradação oxidante de fenol em águas apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável, devido a sua eficiência e simplicidade operacional. / [en] The increasing contamination of water by industrial activities is one of the biggest problems of modern society, because water is essential for life and for domestic activities, agriculture and industry. Among the major organic pollutants found in aqueous solution can be mentioned phenol and its derivatives. These compounds are toxic to humans and aquatic species, even at low concentrations and are produced in considerable quantities in effluent of the steel industry, oil, resins, pulp and paper among others. This study aimed to investigate, within the techniques of advanced oxidation, the potential of metallic iron as a catalyst in the process for the degradation of phenol in industrial waste, using it for steel wool. The batch process was studied, simulating an effluent phenol concentration of 200mg / L, typical of these industries. We evaluated the pH conditions (5, 6, 7, 8 and 9), mass of steel wool (1, 2.5, 5 and 7 g), mass of hydrogen peroxide (1, 2 and 3g) and process temperature (25, 35 and 45 ° C). Analyses of the degradation of phenol, made by a spectrophotometer, with a specific methodology for this analysis showed a reduction of 98 percent of the initial concentration of pollutant at time of 120 minutes. The analysis of TOC (Total Organic Carbon) showed a mineralization of about 33 percent, as reported in the literature for this type of process. Thus, the use of metallic iron as a catalyst in water treatment and effluent is presented as a viable alternative in the degradation of this pollutant, due to its efficiency, in addition to low cost and operational simplicity.


ALISON TATIANA MADRID SANI 13 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] Embora a grande maioria dos materiais dilate quando aquecida e contraia quando resfriada, existe uma classe de materiais que se contrai, ou não muda de dimensões, ao aquecida, apresentando um coeficiente de expansão térmico negativo (ETN) ou próximo à zero (ETZ), respectivamente. A possibilidade de reduzir significativamente o coeficiente de expansão térmica, e ao mesmo tempo, incrementar suas propriedades físicas tem sido a principal força motriz na busca por fases cristalinas dentro da família A(2)M(3)O(12) e suas subfamílias. Tendo isso em vista, a proposta deste estudo foi sintetizar dois sistemas novos, ZrMg(1- x)Zn(x)Mo(3)O(12) (x=0,1; 0,3; 0,35; 0,4) e ZrMg(1-x)Ni(x)Mo(3)O(12) (x=0,05; 0,1; 0,15; 0,2), para tentar reduzir o coeficiente de expansão térmica da fase mãe, a ZrMgMo(3)O(12). O limite de solubilidade de Zn(2+) e Ni(2+) no sistema ZrMgMo(3)O(12) se encontra no intervalo de 0,35 menor ou igual à x menor ou igual à 0,4 e 0,1 menor ou igual à x menor ou igual à 0,2, respectivamente. O menor coeficiente de expansão térmica (alfa l =2,82x10(-7)K (-1)) foi obtido para a composição x=0,1 no sistema ZrMg(1-x)Zn(x)Mo(3)O(12) na faixa de temperatura de 213 K a 298 K. Neste sistema, a transição de fase de monoclínica para ortorrômbica foi observada, ocorrendo abaixo da temperatura ambiente para todas as composições de x=0,1 a x=0,4. Esta temperatura de transição aumenta conforme aumenta a composição de Zn(2+). As análises de termogravimetria indicaram que as fases dos dois sistemas não são higroscópicas. Aplicando a equação de Kubelka-Munk, e considerando uma transição indireta para o ZrMg(1-x)ZnxMo3O12, concluiu-se que não existem diferenças significativas na energia de banda proibida das fases analisadas. No entanto, para uma transição indireta para o ZrMg(1-x)Ni(x)Mo(3)O(12) existe um decréscimo da energia da banda de energia, conforme o conteúdo de Ni(2+) aumenta na composição, além do surgimento da absorção no espectro visível devido à transição d-d. Por fim, os resultados deste estudo mostraram que é possível obter um material cerâmico, dentro dos sistemas estudados, que apresente um comportamento de expansão térmica próxima à zero. / [en] Although the vast majority of materials dilates when heated and contract when cooled, there is a class of materials that contracts or does not change their dimensions when heated, presenting a negative thermal expansion coefficient (NTE) or close to zero (ZTE), respectively. The possibility of reducing the coefficient of thermal expansion while increasing its physical properties has been the main driving force in the search for crystalline phases within the A(2)M(3)O(12) family and its subfamilies. In the present study, we propose to synthesize two new systems, ZrMg(1-x)Zn(x)Mo(3)O(12) (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4) and ZrMg(1-x)Ni(x)Mo(3)O(12) (x = 0.05; 0.1, 0.15, 0.2), to try to reduce the coefficient of thermal expansion of the ZrMgMo(3)O(12) phase. The solubility limit of Zn(2+) and Ni(2+) in the ZrMgMo(3)O(12) system is in the range of 0.35 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4 and 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.2, respectively. The lowest coefficient of thermal expansion (alfa l=2.82x10(-7)K (-1)) was obtained for the composition x = 0.1 in the ZrMg(1-x)Zn(x)Mo(3)O(12)system in the temperature range of 213 K to 298 K. In this system, the phase transition from monoclinic to orthorhombic was observed, occurring below the room temperature for all compositions from x = 0.1 to x = 0.4. This transition temperature increases as the Zn(2+) composition increases. Analyzes of thermogravimetry indicated that the phases of the two systems are not hygroscopic. Applying the Kubelka-Munk equation, and considering an indirect transition to ZrMg(1-x)Zn(x)Mo(3)O(12), it was concluded that there are no significant differences in the band gap energy of the analyzed phases. However, for an indirect transition to ZrMg1-xNixMo3O12 there is a decrease in energy of the band energy, as Ni2+ content increases in composition, in addition to the appearance of absorption in the visible spectrum due to d-d transition. Finally, the results of this study showed that it is possible to obtain a ceramic material, within the systems studied, that presents a thermal expansion behavior close to zero.

Pris- och koldioxidutsläppsskillnader för kall- och varmformade konstruktionsrör : En undersökning av skillnaden i pris och utsläpp vid valet av pelare till en idrottshall

Zukancic, Sabina January 2024 (has links)
Koldioxidutsläppen i världen orsakar stora miljöförstöringar och byggbranschen står för en stor del av utsläppen. Samtidigt som utsläppen behöver minska finns ett behov av att bygga fler idrottshallar i Sverige. Utöver det behöver även kostnaderna hållas så låga som möjligt. Därför syftar denna studie till att klargöra hur stor skillnaden i pris och koldioxidutsläpp är beroende på val av pelare i ett verkligt fall. De pelare som undersökts och jämförts är varmformade konstruktionsrör (VKR), kallformade konstruktionsrör (KKR) och energisnåla kallformade konstruktionsrör (Zero KKR). För att genomföra studien dimensionerades pelare till en idrottshall enligt europeiska standarder, så kallade Eurokoder. Dimensioneringen utgick från stålleverantören Tibnors sortiment. Information om pris och koldioxidutsläpp för de dimensioner som togs fram samlades in från Tibnor och dess återförsäljare. En sammanställning av informationen gjordes i tabeller och diagram för jämförelse. Resultatet visar att det totala priset för pelare till idrottshallen är 20,7% lägre vid val av KKR istället för VKR. Jämförelsen visar även att det går att göra en utsläppsbesparing på 8,7% genom att, genomgående, välja KKR istället för VKR till pelare för den idrottshall som undersökts. Med Zero KKR skulle det vara möjligt att minska koldioxidutsläppen pelarna till idrottshallen orsakar med ytterligare 66,8% och slutsatsen kan dras att användning av Zero KKR alltid skulle bidra till en markant minskning av koldioxidutsläppet. / Carbon dioxide emissions worldwide cause significant environmental damage and the construction industry is responsible for many of these emissions. At the same time that emissions need to be reduced, there is a need to build more sports halls in Sweden. In addition, costs also need to be kept down. Therefore, this study aims to clarify how big the difference in price and carbon dioxide emissions is depending on the choice of columns in a real case. The colums that has been investigated and compared is Hot-Formed Hollow Sections, Cold-Formed Hollow Sections and the energy efficient Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections. To do the investigation, columns for a sports hall were dimensioned according to European standards, so-called Eurocodes. Dimensioning was based on the steel supplier Tibnor's range. Data regarding price and carbon dioxide emissions for the dimensions produced were collected from Tibnor and its dealers. A compilation was made in tables and charts for comparison. The result shows that the total price for the columns to the sportshall is 20,7% lower for Cold-Formed Hollow Sections than Hot-Formed Hollow Sections. The comparison also shows that it is possible to save 8.7% on emissons by consistently choosing Cold-Formed Hollow Section instead of Hot-Formed Hollow Sections as pillars for the investigated sports hall. With Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections, it would be possible to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions for the columns of the sports hall by a further 66.8% and the conclusion can be drawn that using Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections would always contribute to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

International Housing Markets, Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Zero Lower Bound

Huber, Florian, Punzi, Maria Teresa 25 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we propose a time-varying parameter VAR model for the housing market in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and the Euro Area. For these four economies, we answer the following research questions: (i) How can we evaluate the stance of monetary policy when the policy rate hits the zero lower bound? (ii) Can developments in the housing market still be explained by policy measures adopted by central banks? (iii) Did central banks succeed in mitigating the detrimental impact of the financial crisis on selected housing variables? We analyze the relationship between unconventional monetary policy and the housing markets by using the shadow interest rate estimated by Krippner (2013b). Our findings suggest that the monetary policy transmission mechanism to the housing market has not changed with the implementation of quantitative easing or forward guidance, and central banks can affect the composition of an investors portfolio through investment in housing. A counterfactual exercise provides some evidence that unconventional monetary policy has been particularly successful in dampening the consequences of the financial crisis on housing markets in the United States, while the effects are more muted in the other countries considered in this study. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

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