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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elever mår bra av att bli lyssnade på : En studie i musiklärares syn på bemötandet av elever i kulturskolan / Students feel good when listened to : A study of music teachers view on treatment of students in music education

Nilzon, Eva January 2014 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie belyses lärares syn på bemötande av elever inom musik- och kulturskolor. Syftet är att visa hur tre lärare resonerar om fenomenet bemötandet av enskilda elever inom musik- och kulturskolan samt på vilka sätt de ser något samband mellan bemötande och elevers musikaliska kunskapsutveckling. Datamaterialet består av intervjuer med tre musiklärare från olika musikskolor i Sverige. Studien utgår från hermeneutiskt perspektiv såsom förståelse och tolkning, och resultaten visar följande tre temata: Faktorer som påverkar bemötandet i undervisningssituationen, samband mellan lärarens bemötande och elevens utveckling samt musiklärares samtal om bemötande. I sista kapitlet diskuteras bland annat lärarnas upplevelse av att inte frågan om bemötande har vidrörts under musiklärarutbildningen. / This interview study describes music teachers’ views on treatment of pupils in music education in Swedish music and arts schools. The purpose of the study is to show how three music teachers talk about treatment of pupils in music education, and its impact upon student musical learning. Data consists of interviews with three music teachers from different music schools in Sweden. The study is based on hermeneutic perspective such as understanding and interpretation, and the result show the following five themes: Factors that impact the treatment in the classroom situation, connections between teacher treatment and student progression, and music teachers’ dialogue on treatment. In the last chapter, among other things, the teachers’ experiences of not having learnt about treatment during their teacher training are discussed.

The Donald VS. Sleepy Joe : En kvalitativ studie om hur Donald Trump och Joe Biden gestaltas i nyhetsartiklar under det amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 / The Donald VS. Sleepy Joe : A qualitative study about how Donald Trump and Joe Biden are portrayed in news articles during the 2020 presidential election

Holmgren, Joel, de Kriek, Janet January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine differences and similarities in the news coverage among the presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the presidential election 2020. We also examined how the candidates are framed in the different newspapers. In this study, similarities and differences regarding national variances in news articles from Swedish and American newspapers, also where a important part of the research. We did a qualitative text analysis based on 48 online articles from 6 different newspapers, the 3 largest from each country. The newspapers in question are USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times from USA and Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen from Sweden. The result showed that there were more differences between the two candidates than similarities, in the way they were presented in news media. Donald Trump was often portrayed as the president that had a very harsh tone in his statements, and he was throwing out accusations towards Biden and the Democrats without having any facts to back them up. This made him look rather ignorant and sometimes even dumb. Biden, on the other hand, was portrayed as the one who is more fitting for the role as president, based on the writings about his previous experience, and many of the articles in the analysis portrayed him as a friendly family man. The focus point on both candidates during the election was who was leading the election, who was leading in which state, and how much that specific candidate was winning by. This was a topic that frequently showed up in articles from both countries and they often portrayed the whole election as some kind of contest or game, instead of focusing on what the candidates wanted to do and change about the country. The American newspapers more frequently wrote about the statistics when it came to who was leading the election, and their news coverage wasn't as clear as the Swedish news coverage. The Swedish newspaper often used secondary sources, for example from American newspapers, since they weren't able to be where the election takes place, which means they are re-telling the things that happened during the election. Other than that, there weren't that many differences between the news coverage in the US and Sweden.

Något eget, något nytt, något lånat och någonting skräddarsytt : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares tolkningar av och arbete med skapande i musik- och kulturskolan / Something of your own, something new, something borrowed, and something tailored just for you : A qualitative interview study on teachers’ interpretations of and work with creating music in the nonobligatory music- and culture school

Östlund, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kulturskolepedagogers uppfattningar om skapande i musikundervisning. Detta har gjorts genom att besvara tre frågeställningar: Hur tolkar kulturskolepedagoger aktiviteten skapande i musikundervisning? Hur beskriver kulturskolepedagoger sitt arbete med skapande i musikundervisning? Vilka hinder ser kulturskolepedagoger för elevers skapande i musikundervisning? Arbetet har haft ett genomgående hermeneutiskt perspektiv och vilar på en interpretativistisk kunskapssyn. Tidigare forskning presenteras såväl som språkliga definitioner av de centrala begreppen i studien. Studien är en intervjustudie. De genomförda intervjuerna har transkriberats och sedan analyserats tematiskt för att därefter forma ett resultat. Resultatet visar på en tolkning av skapande som en aktivitet där individen (eleven) producerar något eget och något nytt. Det framkom i intervjuerna att lärarna beskriver sitt arbete med skapande i egenskap av en lek utan rätt eller fel. I resultatet framkommer att kulturskolepedagogerna upplever det främsta hindret för elevens skapande är eleven själv. Därefter diskuteras resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning där likheter och skillnader i resultat lyfts fram. Sist i arbetet presenteras en metoddiskussion som problematiserar studiens utförande. / The aim of this study is to investigate what music-making means to four music teachers in the nonobligatory music- and culture school. This has been investigated by answering three main questions: How do music teachers interpret music-making as an activity in teaching? How do music teachers describe their work with music-making in their own teaching? What obstacles for pupils’ music-making do music teachers experience? The study is based on a hermeneutic perspective and based on an interpretative view of epistemology. In the study, earlier research is presented along with linguistical definitions of the words central for this study. The study is based on interviews which have been transcribed and then analyzed thematically to present a result. The result shows an interpretation of the activity music-making as something new to the individual (the pupil) produces, something of their own. It was shown in the interviews that the music-teachers describe their work with music-making as a form of play, which cannot be subject to outer conceptions of right or wrong. In the result it is presented that the informants of the study experience the pupils themselves as the main obstacle for their music-making. Then the result is discussed in the context of previous research, where similarities and differences in the findings are shown.

Att rekrytera mellanchefer : ett innovationsperspektiv / Recruitment of middle managers – the innovative perspective

Eistrand, Ellen, Engelbrektsson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mellanchefer intar en allt mer central roll i organisationer vilket resulterar i ökat ansvar både operativt och strategiskt. Huruvida mellanchefer bör rekryteras internt eller externt är svårt att fastställa. Då arbetsmarknad och samhället kräver en ständig utveckling och förnyelse av organisationer bör ledning arbeta strategiskt med att främja en ständig utveckling. Syftet med denna studie blir därför att öka kunskapen om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga och hur mellanchefsrekrytering, ur en strategisk synvinkel, kan bidra till innovation.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ analys med semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenter med erfarenhet av chefsrekrytering i organisationer från tre olika branscher har deltagit. Branscherna som studerats är industribranschen, servicebranschen och detaljhandelsbranschen för att fastställa eventuella skillnader i synen på innovation och mellanchefens roll i strävan mot denna i de olika branscherna. Studien har en komparativ design med ett målstyrt urval. Totalt deltog sex respondenter i studien med sina berättelser och erfarenheter kring chefsrekrytering. I analysen har vi arbetat utifrån en abduktiv ansats inspirerat av ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Den teoretiska referensramen har utvecklats med hjälp av tidigare litteratur kring mellanchefsrekrytering, innovation samt intern och extern rekryteringens för- och nackdelar som sedan används som utgångspunkt för att kategorisera de textavsnitt som identifierades i respektive analys.Vår forskning om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga leder till resultatet att majoriteten av respondenterna förespråkar karriärsutveckling genom intern rekrytering. Detta skulle leda till ökad innovation i högre grad än den externa rekryteringen. Att värna om befintliga medarbetare och låta dem växa och utvecklas gynnar organisationens innovationsförmåga och anses vara en mer effektiv rekryteringsmetod i strävan efter innovation. Något avvikande från detta är resultatet från analysen av serviceorganisationen som är medvetna om fördelarna med intern karriärutveckling men anser att den externa rekryteringens fördelar ändå väger tyngre utifrån innovationssynpunkt. Detta då de utifrån innovationsperspektivet ser nyskapande som resultat av att rekrytera externa individer som bidrar med nya idéer och tankesätt. Vår forskning bidrar med att öka kunskapen om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga. / Middle managers today have an increasingly central role in business organizations resulting in increased responsibility both operationally and strategically. Whether it is advisable to recruit middle managers internally or externally is a debated topic and seemingly a situation driven decision. As the labor market and society requires a continuous development and innovation of organizations the management should work strategically to promote a continuous development. The purpose of this study is therefore to increase the knowledge of how internal and external recruitment of middle managers can affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation and how recruitment of middle managers, from a strategic point of view, can contribute to innovation.We have conducted a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews where respondents with experience of executive recruitment in organizations from three different sectors participated. The sectors studied were; the industrial sector, the service sector and the retail sector in order to determine the possible differences in views on innovation and the manager's role in pursuing this in their respective industries. The study has a comparative design with a purposive sampling. A total of six respondents were interviewed and their stories and experiences were included in this study. In the analysis, we have worked with an abductive approach inspired by a hermeneutic perspective. The theoretical framework has been developed by using previous literature on middle management recruitment and innovation and the internal and external recruitment advantages and disadvantages which later on have been used as the basis for structuring the text in the analysis.Our research of how the internal and external recruitment of middle managers can affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation leads to the result that most respondents advocate career development through internal recruitment. This would lead to greater innovation, to a greater extent than the external recruitment. Our results suggests that by retaining existing employees and allow for them to grow and develop, the organization promotes innovation and could be assumed to hold a more effective recruitment method in the pursuit of innovation. In contrast, the result of the analysis of the service organization shows that the respondents are well aware of the advantages of internal career development however despite these benefits they still debate that numerous advantages do prevail from an innovation perspective when recruiting middle managers externally. This due to, from an innovation perspective, the external recruitment would allow for the organization to host new objective individuals contributing with innovative ways of working and perhaps new sought after perspectives previously unknown to the organization. To summarize this study shall aim to contribute to an increased knowledge of how internal and external recruitment of middle managers affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation.This paper is written in Swedish.

HR-funktionen : en praktiknära studie om HR-arbete / The Function of HR – a practice-oriented study about the work of HR

Rehnberg, Rebecka, Svensson, Gabrielle January 2016 (has links)
HR är ett yrkesfält som avser en verksamhets personalförvaltning, men har sedan det uppkom varit tvetydigt och under ständig utveckling. Många av de studier som bedrivits kring fältet har till följd av detta fokuserat på att fastställa vad HR är och vad dess funktion bör vara. Forskning har fokuserat på att finna universella svar, men det saknas studier som låter dessa frågor besvaras utifrån en specifik organisationskontext. Vidare finns även en brist på empirinära studier inom HR-fältet. Genom detta samt den tvetydighet och föränderliga bakgrund HR-fältet präglas av, har vi identifierat HR-funktionen som vagt inramad inom forskningen. Utifrån detta är studiens syfte att bidra med praktiknära kunskap om hur HR-arbetet sker i praktiken.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med en jämförande design. Baserat på ett teoretiskt urval inkluderades, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, totalt tre företag med fristående HR-avdelning. I Varje företag intervjuades en HR-ansvarig respektive tre avdelningschefer. Analysen har tagit form utifrån en abduktiv ansats föranledd av ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Den teoretiska modell som tillämpades i analysen utvecklades via tidigare forskning och användes i syfte att belysa eventuella motsättningar i respondenternas synsätt avseende HR.Vår studie har lett till en slutsats om att HR som funktion inte bör fastställas i specifika termer, utan att vikten ligger i att skapa en för organisationen intern samstämmighet gällande HR’s roll och sedan kommunicera det till organisationens medlemmar. Detta för att främja enhetliga förväntningar kring funktionen och således minimera missriktad kritik. I samtliga företag framträder främst dualistisk HRM, genom vilken både mjuk och hård HRM återfinns. Till skillnad från en stor del av tidigare forskning som bedrivits inom fältet, inriktar sig denna studie på att undersöka HR praktiknära i sitt specifika sammanhang. Således bidrar studien till en djupare förståelse för hur HR-arbetet sker i praktiken givet en viss kontext. / HRM, human resource management, is a profession concerning, as its name indicates, managing the human resources of an organization. Ever since emerging, it has been ambiguous and constantly evolving. Many of the studies conducted in the field has therefore focused on identifying what HR is and what its function should be. Research has focused on finding universal answers, but there are few studies that allow these questions to be answered on the basis of a specific organizational context. Furthermore, there is also a lack of empirical studies in the field of HR. Through this, as well as through the ambiguity and changing background the field of HR is characterized by, we have, in research, identified the HR function as vaguely framed. Based on this, the purpose of the study is to contribute with practice oriented knowledge about how HR work is managed in practice.We have conducted a qualitative study, on which we have applied a comparative design. Based on a theoretical sample, three corporations with an independent HR department were included in the study through semi-structured interviews. In every corporation a HR manager and three department heads were interviewed. The analysis has been shaped by an abductive approach, inspired by a hermeneutic perspective. The theoretical model used in the analysis, was developed on the basis of previous research and served purpose to help emphasize, possibly opposing, differences in the interviewees views, regarding HR.The findings of this study has led to conclusions that HR as a function should not be determined in specific terms. However, the importance is to create an internal consistency regarding the role of HR and then to communicate this throughout the organization. This, in order to promote consistent expectations of the function and thus minimize misguided criticism. In all the corporations, dualistic HRM was the most appearing approach, in which both soft and hard HRM exist. Opposed to the majority of previous presented research of the field, this study focus on exploring HR-practice in its specific context, thus it contributes to a deeper understanding the practice of the field. This paper is written in Swedish.

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