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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'autonomie financière des autorités indépendantes : contribution à la notion d'autonomie financière en droit public / The financial autonomy of the independent agencies

Palma-Amalric, Valérie 05 December 2014 (has links)
L’autonomie financière des autorités indépendantes (AI) est à la fois la plus primordiale et la plus incertaine de leurs qualités. Elle n’est certes pas totale, mais elle existe et se mesure au moyen de critères et indices variés. Celle-ci se compose notamment de deux éléments : l’autonomie budgétaire, constituée par la liberté dans la définition du budget et notamment dans l’attribution des ressources, et l’autonomie de gestion comptable et financière, caractérisée par le libre emploi des crédits et donc la maîtrise de la dépense. Or, les AI étant enserrées dans des liens de dépendance vis-à-vis de l’Etat, il convient de se demander comment s’articulent de tels liens avec l’autonomie financière des AI. L’autonomie financière mesurée au sein des autorités administratives indépendantes étant perfectible, il convient de la préserver et de l’assurer au moyen d’une protection juridique concrète et effective se manifestant par la mise en place de particularismes éloignant voire détachant les AAI du système financier de droit commun régis par la LOLF. / The financial autonomy of independent authorities (IA) is at the same time the most crucial, yet uncertain characteristic of these authorities. Although not full, this autonomy does exist and can be measured through several yardsticks. Autonomy encompasses two elements : on the one hand, fiscal autonomy, consisting in the capacity to freely define the budget, notably by deciding on the allocation of resources and, on the other hand, accounting autonomy, allowing for the free use of payment appropriations and, thus, expenditure control. However, independent authorities being enclosed in relationships of dependence with the state, that’s why we can ask us how articulate these links with the financial autonomy of IA.The financial autonomy that is measured in the independent administrative authorities can beimproved. One should preserve it and guarantee it by means of a concrete and effective legalprotection through the setting up of specificities setting apart independent administrativeauthorities from the general law of the financial system, where the LOLF is applicable.

Developmental Pathways for Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders

Phillips, Deborah 19 December 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to incorporate attachment theory and psychopathy into a transactional model to explain the development of disruptive behavior disorders in children. The model tested in this study proposed two broad pathways leading to the development of disruptive behavior disorders. Each pathway was characterized by an atrisk child temperament, negative reactivity and psychopathy, which when embedded in an at-risk environment, would result in conduct problems. Hyperactivity and negative life events were hypothesized to be broad band risk factors for both pathways. The first pathway, characterized by callous-unemotional traits (CU), was hypothesized to be positively associated with thrill seeking behavior and proactive aggression in the child, and insecure attachment in the caregiver. A second pathway, characterized by child negative reactivity, was hypothesized to be positively associated with reactive aggression in the child and disorganized attachment in the caregiver. Data was collected from 48 low income caregiver/child dyads. Children were between the ages of 6 and 12 (mean age=9.3, SD=1.85), and received services from a state mental health clinic. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were performed to evaluate the relationship between the predictor variables and conduct problems. A primary finding was an extremely strong positive correlation between CU traits and conduct problems. Also, several distinct differences were found between groups of children low and high on CU traits. For those children low on CU traits, thrill seeking behaviors were positively associated with conduct problems, while negative life events, attachment insecurity, and attachment disorganization were all negatively associated with conduct problems. For the children high on CU traits, thrill seeking and attachment insecurity had no meaningful impact on conduct problems, while negative life events and attachment disorganization were positively associated with conduct problems. Hyperactivity, proactive aggression, reactive aggression, and negative reactivity were all broad risk factors for conduct problems in this study. The findings of this study suggest that several developmental pathways do exist for children who develop conduct problems, and that future research should utilize developmental models that include a number of broad risk factors, as well as factors that may be specific to certain developmental pathways.

La séparation entre droit et morale : analyse d'une thèse constitutive du positivisme juridique

Cottereau, Marc 26 November 2018 (has links)
La distinction entre positivisme et antipositivisme est érigée en opposition canonique. Cependant, il s’avère qu’il s’agit bien souvent d’étiquettes qui sont maniées afin de caractériser une multitude de positions. Cette utilisation est alors source d’ambiguïtés et d’incompréhensions. Il s’agira ici de revenir sur ce qu’est le positivisme juridique (dans la tradition hartienne notamment) et notamment sur une de ses thèses constitutives, la thèse de la séparation entre droit et morale, dans la mesure où c’est elle qui cristallise l’opposition entre positiviste et jusnaturaliste. Cette thèse de la séparation dispose que l’existence du droit est une chose et ses mérites moraux en sont une autre (formule de John Austin). Cette séparation entre droit et morale est conceptuelle et non normative. Cela implique que la validité du droit ne dépend pas de ses mérites moraux. Ainsi, cette thèse de la séparation n’est pas équivalente à la thèse de la distinction entre droit et moral et à celle de l’absence de connexions nécessaire entre droit et moral. Elle est à la fois plus importante et plus limitée que ces dernières. L’objet de cette thèse est de clarifier nos pensées. Elle a un objectif thérapeutique en tant qu’elle vise à nous soigner de nos illusions. Cette thèse permettra alors en creux de dissoudre un certain nombre de questionnements et de controverses en montrant que les chercheurs avaient bien souvent en tête autre chose lorsqu’ils prétendaient attaquer ou refuser le positivisme juridique et sa thèse de la séparation. Une grande partie des débats n’avaient en réalité pas lieu d’être et reposaient uniquement sur une incompréhension partagée. In fine, cette thèse pourrait être comprise comme une tentative de réduction de la fracture entre des traditions juridiques différentes, mais pas incompatibles. Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait croire, le positivisme et le jusnaturalisme (moral ou fondationnaliste) ne donnent pas des réponses opposées à une seule et même question, mais répondent à des questions différentes. Cette thèse peut alors être comprise comme une tentative de justifier une sorte de réallocation des ressources intellectuelles disponibles. Elle n’a pas pour but de montrer qu’il n’y a plus rien à dire sur la séparation entre droit et morale, mais que nous en avons trop dit, délaissant ainsi d’autres domaines théoriques d’une importance pourtant cruciale pour la recherche. De même, la question de la séparation entre droit et morale ne devrait pas parasiter notre réflexion théorique, mais plutôt permettre une clarification des débats contemporains sur la question plus générale des relations (contingente ou non) entre le droit et la morale. En clarifiant ce qu’est la thèse de la séparation, ainsi que l’ensemble des croyances portant sur les conséquences de son acceptation par les chercheurs, on en viendra alors à se demander si elle n’est pas une donnée intuitive fondamentale de la pensée juridique et non plus seulement une thèse constitutive du positivisme juridique. Si c’est le cas, alors l’opposition entre positivisme et antipositivisme peut être dissoute. Nous serions tous, pour faire simple, des positivistes. Toutefois, certains seraient des libéraux, d’autres des moralistes ; certains endosseraient une forme de réalisme morale, alors que d’autres seraient plus sceptiques ; certains seraient des positivistes inclusifs alors que d’autres auraient une préférence pour le positivisme exclusif, etc. / Le résumé en anglais n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur.

Animal Assisted Interventions: Views of Social Workers from Gävleborg

Melnace, Gita, Eklund, Carin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis was conducted in order to explore the views and perception of social workers from Gävleborg on animal-assisted interventions. This study examines the attitudes of social workers towards the phenomenon of animal-assisted interventions and the importance of the animal-human bond. During the investigation process semi-structured e-mail interviews and one face-to-face interview were used as a method to collect empirical data. The results showed that social workers have a positive attitude towards animal-assisted interventions, as well as whether social workers have any knowledge regarding animal-assisted interventions. The final conclusion of this thesis presents the social workers’ desire to gain more knowledge and training on animal-assisted interventions within the social work practice in Gävleborg.

Beliefs About Animal Assisted Interventions Among Medical Social Workers

Boyd, Gyda D. 01 September 2016 (has links)
Animal‑Assisted Intervention (AAI) is used to significantly reduce pain, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, and help ease depression in people with a range of health problems; however, it is not readily used in the hospital setting. Research involving the Human‑Animal Bond (HAB) is well established, yet most social workers receive no special training or coursework about this topic as it applies to working with patients or consumers. This study sought to understand the beliefs about AAI among medical social workers in healthcare settings in order to gauge what knowledge and degree of exposure they may have had to AAI. Eighteen randomly selected social workers, holding MSW, ASW, LMSW or LCSW credentials, employed from 6 months to 26 years in hospital or cancer clinic settings across the United States were interviewed by phone, recorded, and their comments transcribed. Nine specific themes were identified. Fifteen of the 18 medical social workers had no formal training, workshop or class discussion during undergraduate or graduate school training. No one had any on the job training, unless they purposefully sought it out, as three did. All participants agreed that they would like to know more about AAI to incorporate into their workplace in order to better inform patients, doctors, nurses and staff about the benefits of animals as a natural healing modality.

Modulation of allergic airway inflammation by glucocorticoids

Karabinskaya, Anna 19 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Spinnandets effekt på människor : En experimentell studie om hur katters spinnande påverkar oss / The effect of purring on humans : An experimental study on how cats’ purring affects us

Lind, Mi January 2023 (has links)
Idéen att katters spinnande kan emotionellt och fysiologiskt påverka oss verkar resonera med många, och sprids kraftigt av media. Påståendet saknar dock vetenskaplig grund. Syftet med denna studie var att studera spinnandets effekt på människor, genom att undersöka om spinnande ger upphov till någon emotionell respons och/eller pulssänkande effekt. Studien använde en experimentell design och utgick från en dimensionell emotionsteori med skalor över valens och arousal. Deltagarna blev presenterade med isolerade auditiva stimuli innehållandes olika djurläten och ombads sedan notera sin puls och emotionstillstånd. Självskattningsformuläret SAM (The Self-Assessment Manikin) användes som metod för att mäta emotionella förändringar. Resultatet visade att katters spinnljud har en signifikant arousalsänkande effekt hos människor. Ingen signifikant påverkan på valens eller puls hittades. Studien belyser behovet av vidare forskning inom ämnet för att ytterligare förstå och kartlägga spinnandets effekt på människor. / The idea that cats’ purring can affect us emotionally and physiologically seems to resonate with many people and is widely spread by media. However, the claim lacks scientific backing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of purring on people by examining whether purring gives rise to any emotional response and/or pulse-lowering effect. The study used an experimental design and was based on a dimensional emotion theory with scales of valence and arousal. Participants were presented with isolated auditory stimulus containing various animal sounds and was then asked to note their heart rate and emotional state. The self-assessment form SAM (The Self-Assessment Manikin) was used to measure emotional changes. The results showed that the purring sound of cats has a significant arousal-reducing effect in humans. No significant effect on valence or heart rate was found. The study highlights the need for further research on the subject to deepen our understanding of the effect that purring has on humans.

Hunden som nyckel till lärandet : Fyra fallstudier om hundassisterad pedagogik

Berggren, Stefanie January 2022 (has links)
I föreliggande studie har arbetssätt, upplevelser och konsekvenser av hundassisterad pedagogik i fyra elevärenden undersökts. Studien grundas på en kvalitativ ansats genom femton semistrukturerade intervjuer med elever, hundförare, vårdnadshavare och lärare. Dessa elevärenden bildar tillsammans fyra case. Databearbetningen har skett genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och tematisering. Analys av data har även genomförts utifrån holistisk undervisningsteori samt tidigare forskning inom området djurunderstödda insatser och hundassisterad pedagogik. Resultatet har påvisat att utbildade hundar kan fungera som en holistisk undervisningsmetod genom att utgå från ett helhetsperspektiv på den lärande individen. Arbetssätten som förekommer vid hundassisterad pedagogik är sinnliga, konkreta, upplevelsebaserade och sker genom interaktioner med hunden där hundrelationen är kärnan i arbetet. Upplevelserna är genomgående positiva och relationen till hunden bidrar till lugn, trygghet och meningsfullhet. Detta skapar även goda lärmiljöer för eleverna som förstärks av hundarnas icke-dömande karaktär. I casen framkommer att hundassisterad pedagogik genererar konsekvenser såsom ökad närvaro, engagemang, välbefinnande och förbättrade attityder gentemot skola och lärande. Detta har även lett till ett ökat lärande och ökad måluppfyllelse för flera elever i casen, liksom en personlig utveckling i form av förbättrad självbild, självkänsla och självförståelse. Studiens sammantagna resultat påvisar att hundassisterad pedagogik, genom att fungera holistisikt, är en undervisningsform som ser till hela eleven och även bidrar till goda resultat avseende elevernas lärande och utveckling. Genom sitt holistiska närmande har hundassisterad pedagogik i denna studie en betydelse för elevhälsoarbetet som enligt styrdokument också ska utgå från en helhetssyn på elevers hälsa, lärande, utveckling och lärmiljö.

Paws for Progress : the development and evaluation of the first prison based dog training programme in the UK

Leonardi, Rebecca Jean January 2016 (has links)
The most common type of human animal interaction (HAI) programme used in prisons involves prisoners caring for and training unwanted dogs from rescue shelters, to prepare the dogs for rehoming. Such programmes have been previously developed specifically aimed towards male young offenders, and are claimed to improve emotional, social and practical outcomes. Paws for Progress, the first prison based dog training programme in the UK, was introduced to HM YOI Polmont in 2011. By clearly communicating each step of the 5 Step approach (1. Identify the problem; 2. Review the evidence; 3. Develop a logic model; 4. Identify indicators and monitor the logic model; 5. Evaluate the logic model), it has enhanced our understanding of the development processes required for effective prison based dog training programmes. This evaluation provides the first comprehensive quantitative analysis of short, medium and long term outcomes for Scottish young offenders serving custodial sentences (N = 70) following participation. The aims of Paws for Progress are to improve behaviour, increase engagement in education, develop employability skills, and enhance well-being. Using a mixed design with two control groups and triangulating quantitative and qualitative outcomes, the evaluation assesses the efficacy of the programme in meeting these aims. Systematic analyses of semi-structured interviews pre and post participation in the programme support findings from the quantitative analyses. Analyses of institutional behaviour, measured by Disciplinary Reports, educational progress measured by written assessments and qualifications, employability skills measured by psychometric tests, and prisoner well-being all improved for participants, but such improvements were not shown by control groups. Paws for Progress positively impacts short and medium term outcomes and data on longer term outcomes also indicate the benefits are far reaching. By clearly relating programme aims to the outcomes achieved, and considering the contribution of Paws for Progress to future desistance from crime, the value and relevance of these findings are evident. The evaluation contributes to our understanding of effective methodologies in this applied context, which can be utilised to improve research practice in interventions in criminal justice and in human animal interaction.

L'indépendance du régulateur en France et en Colombie / The independance of the regulator in France and Colombia

Sanclemente Arciniegas, Javier 04 October 2016 (has links)
Le régulateur indépendant est une institution éloignée de la tradition juridique que partagent la France et la Colombie. L’adoption de cette institution en Colombie a posé des difficultés qui ont été associées à l’influence du droit français. Or, tant en France qu’en Colombie, l’avènement du régulateur indépendant a été influencé d’une manière déterminante par des sources extra-nationales imprégnées du droit Anglo-saxon : le droit de l’Union européenne et les bailleurs de fonds internationaux, respectivement. Néanmoins, la France a réussi à surmonter les difficultés juridiques posées par cette institution. Ainsi, le dispositif légal français protège adéquatement l’indépendance du régulateur. Cela démontre que le régulateur indépendant n’est pas une institution incompatible avec la culture juridique commune. Pour consolider l’indépendance du régulateur en Colombie, il est pertinent de modérer l’influence d’une autre tradition colombienne: le présidentialisme. / The independent regulator is an institution distant from the legal tradition shared by France and Colombia. The adoption of this institution in Colombia has raised difficulties which were associated with the influence of french law. The advent of the independent regulator has been influenced in France and in Colombia by extra-national sources linked to the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition: the European law ant the international lending funds, respectively. Nevertheless, France has managed to overcome the legal challenges posed by the institution and the French legal system adequately protects the independence of the regulator. This demonstrates that the institution is not incompatible with the common legal culture. To consolidate the independence of the regulator in Colombia it is relevant to analyze the French system and to moderate the influence of another Colombian tradition: presidentialism.

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