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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heterojunctions and Schottky Diodes on Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell Applications

Liu, Piao 01 January 2010 (has links)
Photovoltaic devices are receiving growing interest in both industry and research institutions due to the great demand for clean and renewable energy. Among all types of solar cells, cadmium sulfide (CdS) – cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium sulfide (CdS) - copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2 or CIS) heterojunctions based thin film solar cells are of great interest due to their high efficiency and low cost. Further improvement in power conversion efficiency over the traditional device structure can be achieved by tuning the optical and electric properties of the light absorption layer as well as the window layer, utilizing nano template-assisted patterning and fabrication. In this dissertation, simulation and calculation of photocurrent generation in nanowires (NW) based heterojunction structure indicated that an estimated 25% improvement in power conversion efficiency can be expected in nano CdS – CdTe solar cells. Two novel device configurations for CdTe solar cells were developed where the traditional thin film CdS window layer was replaced by nanowires of CdS, embedded in aluminum oxide matrix or free standing. Nanostructured devices of the two designs were fabricated and a power conversion efficiency value of 6.5% was achieved. Porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) was used as the template for device fabrication. A technology for removing the residual aluminum oxide barrier layer between indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate and AAO pores was developed. Causes and remedies for the non-uniform barrier layer were investigated, and barrier-free AAO on ITO substrate were obtained. Also, vertically aligned nanowire arrays of CIS of controllable diameter and length were produced by simultaneously electrodepositing Cu, In and Se from an acid bath into the AAO pores formed on top of an aluminum sheet. Ohmic contact to CIS was formed by depositing a 100 nm thick gold layer on top and thus a Schottky diode device of the Au/CIS nanowires/Al configuration was obtained. Material properties of all these nanowires were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption measurement. Current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and low-temperature measurements were performed for all types of devices and the results were analyzed to advance the understanding of electron transport in these nano-structured devices.


Mishra, Shounak 01 January 2008 (has links)
This work aims to study the variation in electrical and optical properties of nanoscale Schottky diodes by varying their dimensions in the nanoscale. Experimental conditions for fabricating porous alumina with varying pore diameters and inter-pore distances were first optimized by anodizing Aluminum tape with variable currents. Cadmium Sulfide nanowires were then synthesized inside the membranes by dc electrodeposition. Finally a high work function metal was deposited on top as a contact for the metal-semiconductor Schottky diode junction. As a comparative study, Schottky diodes fabricated using the same metals and Cadmium Sulfide thin films deposited on conducting glass substrates using electro-deposition and annealed in different ambient were also studied. Device characterizations were carried out by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), current voltage (I-V) measurements, ultraviolet-visual (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy and X-Ray diffraction.

Nondestructive Investigation of Guest Evaporation and Dynamics in Nanoporous Hosts.

Ichilmann, Sachar 08 February 2016 (has links)
Non-destructive investigation methods where applied to study evaporation dynamics and other dynamic processes of volatile and non-volatile fluids from different porous membranes. While evaporation dynamics from porous alumina didn't show any irregularities, it was shown that evaporation of ethanol from porous glasses can be divided into two different phases - linear endothermal evaporation and adiabatic burst evaporation.

Development of Noble Metal Nanowires with Ultrahigh Surface to Volume Ratios

Shrivastava, Isha January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Anodisierungseigenschaften von gesputterten Aluminiumdünnschichten zur optimierten Herstellung von plasmonischen Nanorodarrays

Patrovsky, Fabian 20 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Im Bereich opto-elektronischer Sensortechnik ist ein eindeutiger Trend hin zu immer kleineren Bauelementen und immer spezifischeren Messanwendungen zu erkennen. Plasmonische Materialien auf der Basis von Nanostrukturen bieten sich hierbei hervorragend für dieses Aufgabenfeld an. Deren optische Absorbanzpeaks lassen sich über die geometrischen Parameter der Nanostrukturen einfach und präzise steuern und reagieren äußerst empfindlich auf Brechungsindexänderungen im Umgebungsmedium. Die Herstellung von aufrecht stehenden, teppichartig angeordneten Nanorods auf Basis von anodisierten Aluminiumoxidmatrizen bietet als skalierbares Bottom-up-Verfahren eine einzigartige Kombination aus Prozessgeschwindigkeit, Steuerbarkeit und Kosteneffizienz. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, wie sich verschiedene Sputterparameter während der Herstellung von Aluminiumdünnschichten auf deren Anodisierungseigenschaften, sowie die anschließende Porenbefüllung und die plasmonischen Eigenschaften des so erzeugten Materials auswirken. Hierzu wurde reines Aluminium bei verschiedenen Sputterleistungen und -raten abgeschieden und hinsichtlich seiner Oberflächenkonfiguration und Prozessierbarkeit im bereits etablierten Nanorodproduktionsverfahren untersucht. Gleichwohl fanden Versuche statt, Aluminiumschichten mit einer schwachen Siliziumlegierung sowie durch reaktives Sputtern mit Sauerstoff voroxidiertes Aluminium zu anodisieren und für die Nanorodherstellung zu nutzen. Als typisches Ergebnis dieser Versuche zeigt sich eine deutliche Verbesserung des Anodisierungs- und Abscheideverhaltens, wenn die Sputterparameter so gewählt werden, dass eine möglichst feinkristalline Schicht abgeschieden wird. Während die Variation der Sputterleistung nur in einer mäßigen Verbesserung und die Siliziumlegierung sogar in einer Verschlechterung der optischen Eigenschaften resultieren, zeigt sich die Sauerstoffzugabe als äußerst vorteilhaft für den Herstellungsprozess sowie die plasmonischen Eigenschaften der fertigen Strukturen. Hierbei weisen Aluminiumschichten mit einem Sauerstoffanteil von 10 22 at.% die gleichmäßigste Anodisierung sowie die schmalsten Plasmonenresonanzpeaks auf, bei gleichzeitig hoher Reproduzierbarkeit. Für derartige Proben konnte eine annähernd vollständige Porenbefüllung erreicht werden. Weiterhin ist die Breite der Plasmonenresonanz hier vergleichbar mit der eines simulierten, defektfreien Nanorodarrays mit perfekt hexagonaler Nanorodanordnung, sodass von einer deutlichen Optimierung gesprochen werden kann, welche nun weitere Untersuchungen an diesem System oder sogar eine großtechnische Produktion ermöglicht Letztendlich offenbart eine quantitative Analyse der Strom-Zeit-Kurve der Anodisierung, dass diese in Form und Ausprägung mit der Güte der plasmonischen Eigenschaften der so produzierten Strukturen korreliert. Somit bietet sich diese als schnelles und günstiges Verfahren zur Qualitätskontrolle in einem sehr frühen Prozessstadium an. / Optical sensing witnesses an increasing trend towards smaller components and more specific applications. Nanostructure-based materials excellently fulfil these kinds of task. Their optical absorbance peaks are easily and precisely controllable by changing the structures‘ geometrical parameters, and have shown to be highly sensitive to refractive index changes of the surrounding medium. The fabrication of free-standing arrays of metallic nanorods based on anodised aluminium oxide matrices as a scalable bottom-up process offers a unique combination of throughput in production, process control and cost efficiency. The scope of the present dissertation thesis is the exploration of different sputtering parameters and techniques for the fabrication of aluminium thin-films, their influence on the anodisation properties as well as subsequent pore filling, and of course the optical properties of the final plasmonic structure. For this, pure aluminium was deposited at different sputtering powers and rates, and was investigated regarding its surface configuration as well as its usability within the well-established nanorod fabrication process. Similarly, attempts were made to anodise aluminium alloyed with small quantities of silicon as well as substoichiometric aluminium oxide, which was prepared by reactive sputtering under partial oxygen pressure. As a typical result of these studies, it was found that a considerable improvement of anodisation and electroplating behaviour could be achieved, provided the sputtering conditions were chosen such that the deposited films\' crystal size becomes as small as possible. While the variation of the sputtering power lead only to a marginal improvement and the silicon admixture even deteriorated the sample quality, the use of partially oxidised aluminium layers proved to be highly advantageous for the fabrication process as well as the plasmonic properties of the final structures. The optimal oxygen content was found to be 10 22 at.%, with these samples showing the most regular anodisation behaviour, the smallest absorbance peak width, and at the same time a high reproducibility. Furthermore, the peak width of these samples is comparable to that of simulated, defect-free nanorod arrays in a perfect hexagonal arrangement. These fabrication parameters can therefore be viewed as highly optimised and well-suited for further investigations of this material or even a large-scale production process. Finally, a quantitative analysis of the current-time-curve of an anodisation process reveals a correlation between its characteristics and the samples’ plasmonic qualities. Hence, the analysis of this curve may be used as a fast and cheap method of quality control at the early stages of the fabrication process.

Design of a suitable material at the nano to micrometer scale as support for electrolysis. : Study of the electropolymerization of concentrated L-amino acids in aqueous solutions / Etude de l'électropolymérisation des acides aminés très concentrés en solution aqueuses

Alhedabi, Taleb Flieh Hassen 24 November 2015 (has links)
L'oxyde d'aluminium anodique poreux (AAO) est formé par anodisationde l'aluminium dans une solution électrolytique acide, sous une tensionconstante et de la température de l'électrolyte. Des techniques spectroscopiquespareilles que la spectroscopie infrarouge FT (ATR-FTIR), diffraction des rayonsX (XRD), spectroscopie Raman, la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) etmicroscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) utilisés pour caractériser la matrice.L'oxydation anodique d'acides L-aminés et des mélanges de monomèrescomprenant 0,1 M aniline et des acides L-aminés dans le milieu aqueux acide deplatine et électrode lisses électrodes Pt modifié (Pt / AAO) est étudié.L'oxydation des acides L-aminés et les électropolymérisation de l'aniline 0,1 Mavec des acides L-aminés tels que la L-alanine, la L-sérine, la L-méthionine,acide L-aspartique, la L-lysine, et phénylalanine en acide le milieu a étéeffectuée par voltammetric cyclique électrochimique couplée à microbalance àcristal de quartz (EQCM). La concentration des acides aminés, le pH del'électrolyte et les effets de balayage de numéros de voltamétrie cyclique ont étéexaminées. L'analyse spectroscopique comme réflectance totale atténuée FTspectroscopie infrarouge (ATR-FTIR), UV-visible, la spectroscopiephotoélectronique à rayons X (XPS), la spectroscopie Raman, et la diffractiondes rayons X (XRD) sont utilisés pour caractériser les couches minces obtenues.Microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) utilisé pour étudier la morphologiede surface mince de films. La solubilité pour les polymères sont étudiées. Laprésence de liaisons peptidiques est clairement mise en évidence. DFTmodélisation de poly-L-acides aminés volet sur Pt (001) couplée à des mesuresspectroscopiques sont en faveur de L-amino-acides électropolymérisation enacides poly-L-aminés d'une manière irréversible.Les électrosynthèses de poly-L-amino acides, la polyaniline et depolymères ont été utilisées en tant que récepteur de protons à l'état solide pHcapteur solide. / Anodic aluminum oxide porous (AAO) is formed by the anodization ofaluminum in acidic electrolytic solution under at constant voltage and electrolytetemperature. Spectroscopic techniques such as FT infrared spectroscopy (ATRFTIR),X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy(AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) used to characterize thetemplate.The anodic oxidation of L-amino acids and monomer mixtures comprising0.1 M aniline and some L-amino acids in acidic aqueous medium on platinumsmooth electrodes and modified Pt electrode (Pt/AAO) is studied. The oxidationof L-amino acids and in presence of aniline 0.1 M with L-amino acids such as Lalanine,L-serine, L-methionine, L-aspartic acid, L-lysine, and L- phenylalaninein acidic media was carried out by cyclic voltammetry coupled withelectrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). The Amino acidconcentration, pH of the electrolyte and the scan number effects on cyclicvoltammetry were examined. Spectroscopic analysis such as attenuated totalreflectance FT infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), UV-Visible, X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction(XRD) are used to characterize the resulting thin film coatings. Scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) used to study the morphology of thin films surfaceas well as the solubility are studied. The presence of peptide bonds is clearlyhighlighted. DFT modelization of poly-L-amino acids strand on Pt(001) coupledto spectroscopic measurements are in favor of L-amino acidselectropolymerization into poly-L-amino acids in an irreversible way.The electrosynthesis of poly-L-amino acids, polyaniline and polymerswere used as proton receptor for solid state pH solid sensor.

Atmospheric Circulation in Antarctica

Walther, Connie 31 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Validation of the Regional Climate Model HIRHAM with measurements, especially from radiosondes and GPS-signal-retrieval. Analysis of synoptical structures in Antarctica and comparison of the precipitation in different phases of the Antarctic Oscillation.

Atmospheric Circulation in Antarctica: Analysis of Synoptic Structures via Measurement and Regional Climate Model

Walther, Connie 20 November 2015 (has links)
Validation of the Regional Climate Model HIRHAM with measurements, especially from radiosondes and GPS-signal-retrieval. Analysis of synoptical structures in Antarctica and comparison of the precipitation in different phases of the Antarctic Oscillation.

Anodisierungseigenschaften von gesputterten Aluminiumdünnschichten zur optimierten Herstellung von plasmonischen Nanorodarrays

Patrovsky, Fabian 12 October 2017 (has links)
Im Bereich opto-elektronischer Sensortechnik ist ein eindeutiger Trend hin zu immer kleineren Bauelementen und immer spezifischeren Messanwendungen zu erkennen. Plasmonische Materialien auf der Basis von Nanostrukturen bieten sich hierbei hervorragend für dieses Aufgabenfeld an. Deren optische Absorbanzpeaks lassen sich über die geometrischen Parameter der Nanostrukturen einfach und präzise steuern und reagieren äußerst empfindlich auf Brechungsindexänderungen im Umgebungsmedium. Die Herstellung von aufrecht stehenden, teppichartig angeordneten Nanorods auf Basis von anodisierten Aluminiumoxidmatrizen bietet als skalierbares Bottom-up-Verfahren eine einzigartige Kombination aus Prozessgeschwindigkeit, Steuerbarkeit und Kosteneffizienz. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, wie sich verschiedene Sputterparameter während der Herstellung von Aluminiumdünnschichten auf deren Anodisierungseigenschaften, sowie die anschließende Porenbefüllung und die plasmonischen Eigenschaften des so erzeugten Materials auswirken. Hierzu wurde reines Aluminium bei verschiedenen Sputterleistungen und -raten abgeschieden und hinsichtlich seiner Oberflächenkonfiguration und Prozessierbarkeit im bereits etablierten Nanorodproduktionsverfahren untersucht. Gleichwohl fanden Versuche statt, Aluminiumschichten mit einer schwachen Siliziumlegierung sowie durch reaktives Sputtern mit Sauerstoff voroxidiertes Aluminium zu anodisieren und für die Nanorodherstellung zu nutzen. Als typisches Ergebnis dieser Versuche zeigt sich eine deutliche Verbesserung des Anodisierungs- und Abscheideverhaltens, wenn die Sputterparameter so gewählt werden, dass eine möglichst feinkristalline Schicht abgeschieden wird. Während die Variation der Sputterleistung nur in einer mäßigen Verbesserung und die Siliziumlegierung sogar in einer Verschlechterung der optischen Eigenschaften resultieren, zeigt sich die Sauerstoffzugabe als äußerst vorteilhaft für den Herstellungsprozess sowie die plasmonischen Eigenschaften der fertigen Strukturen. Hierbei weisen Aluminiumschichten mit einem Sauerstoffanteil von 10 22 at.% die gleichmäßigste Anodisierung sowie die schmalsten Plasmonenresonanzpeaks auf, bei gleichzeitig hoher Reproduzierbarkeit. Für derartige Proben konnte eine annähernd vollständige Porenbefüllung erreicht werden. Weiterhin ist die Breite der Plasmonenresonanz hier vergleichbar mit der eines simulierten, defektfreien Nanorodarrays mit perfekt hexagonaler Nanorodanordnung, sodass von einer deutlichen Optimierung gesprochen werden kann, welche nun weitere Untersuchungen an diesem System oder sogar eine großtechnische Produktion ermöglicht Letztendlich offenbart eine quantitative Analyse der Strom-Zeit-Kurve der Anodisierung, dass diese in Form und Ausprägung mit der Güte der plasmonischen Eigenschaften der so produzierten Strukturen korreliert. Somit bietet sich diese als schnelles und günstiges Verfahren zur Qualitätskontrolle in einem sehr frühen Prozessstadium an. / Optical sensing witnesses an increasing trend towards smaller components and more specific applications. Nanostructure-based materials excellently fulfil these kinds of task. Their optical absorbance peaks are easily and precisely controllable by changing the structures‘ geometrical parameters, and have shown to be highly sensitive to refractive index changes of the surrounding medium. The fabrication of free-standing arrays of metallic nanorods based on anodised aluminium oxide matrices as a scalable bottom-up process offers a unique combination of throughput in production, process control and cost efficiency. The scope of the present dissertation thesis is the exploration of different sputtering parameters and techniques for the fabrication of aluminium thin-films, their influence on the anodisation properties as well as subsequent pore filling, and of course the optical properties of the final plasmonic structure. For this, pure aluminium was deposited at different sputtering powers and rates, and was investigated regarding its surface configuration as well as its usability within the well-established nanorod fabrication process. Similarly, attempts were made to anodise aluminium alloyed with small quantities of silicon as well as substoichiometric aluminium oxide, which was prepared by reactive sputtering under partial oxygen pressure. As a typical result of these studies, it was found that a considerable improvement of anodisation and electroplating behaviour could be achieved, provided the sputtering conditions were chosen such that the deposited films\' crystal size becomes as small as possible. While the variation of the sputtering power lead only to a marginal improvement and the silicon admixture even deteriorated the sample quality, the use of partially oxidised aluminium layers proved to be highly advantageous for the fabrication process as well as the plasmonic properties of the final structures. The optimal oxygen content was found to be 10 22 at.%, with these samples showing the most regular anodisation behaviour, the smallest absorbance peak width, and at the same time a high reproducibility. Furthermore, the peak width of these samples is comparable to that of simulated, defect-free nanorod arrays in a perfect hexagonal arrangement. These fabrication parameters can therefore be viewed as highly optimised and well-suited for further investigations of this material or even a large-scale production process. Finally, a quantitative analysis of the current-time-curve of an anodisation process reveals a correlation between its characteristics and the samples’ plasmonic qualities. Hence, the analysis of this curve may be used as a fast and cheap method of quality control at the early stages of the fabrication process.

Synthesis, Integration, and Characterization of Functional Inorganic Nanomaterials

Duan, Huanan 28 May 2009 (has links)
"In the past decade nanomaterials have attracted the interest of scientists and engineers all over the world due to their unique properties. Through their devoted experimental efforts, limited advances have been made on the synthesis of nanomaterials, the integration of nanomaterials into the structures of larger scales, and the property study of nanomaterials to explore possible applications. Despite the huge amount of money, resources, and effort invested in nanomaterials, several challenges still remain as obstacles on the way towards the successful large scale use of nanomaterials to benefit human life and society. For example, the need for low-cost, robust, and highly productive manufacturing methods and the demand for efficient integration of nanomaterials with materials and devices of larger length scales are still left unmet. The objective of this work was to utilize cost-efficient nanofabrication methods such as template-assisted fabrication, electrodeposition, and chemical vapor deposition to fabricate nanomaterials, integrate nanomaterials with larger structures to form a hierarchical composite, and explore the application of unique nanostructured electrode in lithium-ion batteries. Thus the thesis consists of three main parts: (1) fabrication of one-dimensional inorganic nanomaterials such as metal nanowires, metal nanorods, and carbon nanotubes with good control over shape and dimension; (2) synthesis of hierarchical carbon nanofibers on carbon microfibers and/or glass microfibers; and (3) development of nanostructured anodes to improve high-rate capability of lithium-ion batteries by adapting nanorod arrays as miniature current collectors. "

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