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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer som bidrar till framgångsrik implementering av affärssystem

Soro, Vanja January 2020 (has links)
There is enormous pressure on organizations that they need to change to become more efficient, andmany changes are related to IT. Tougher competition in the market forces organizations to beinnovative. Being innovative does not necessarily mean that you have product innovations but also thatyou best can take advantage of new knowledge. In recent years, many companies have replaced itslegacy systems with a fully integrated ERP system. Majority of these organizational changes, due to theimplementations of ERP, fail.It is one of the reasons that many researchers have been interested in identifying factors critical forsuccessful change. In this study are the most common critical success factors, according to previousstudies, set in contrast to the change process that was carried out on Axfood. Many people havehighlighted the change process in Axfood as a successful example and it is therefore interesting to see ifwe can draw some lessons from the successful example that may be of benefit to other companies.In addition to previous research on the subject, I use the theories of Change Management andAbsorption Ability as a theoretical frame of reference.The study shows that the work of change management and the work of strengthening the organization'sabsorption capacity were two parallel ongoing processes that are to be regarded as interdependent foroptimal success. Corporate management's commitment is also considered a critical success factor. Workwith change management is considered by the respondents to be essential for all organizational changes.The respondents emphasized the importance of not neglecting the work of continuously strengtheningthe organisation's absorption capacity. The respondents believe that the continuous work to strengthenAxfood's absorption capacity was what permeated the entire change process and is the key to successwith the change work. / Organisationer måste anpassas och därmed förändras för att fortleva. Flera av dessa förändringar ärrelaterade till IT. Ett ökat konkurrenstryck på marknaden har resulterat i organisationer förväntas varainnovativa. Att vara innovativ behöver nödvändigtvis inte innebära att man har produktinnovationerutan också att man på bästa sätt kan tillvara på ny kunskap. På senare år har många företag ersatt sinatidigare system med ett övergripande affärssystem. Med övergripande affärssystem menas att systemetger kontroll och översikt över hela verksamheten. Många av dessa organisationsförändringar, till följdav implementeringar av affärssystem, misslyckas. Misslyckas på så sätt att implementeringsprocessendrar över den planerade tiden och den tänkta budgeten, missnöje bland anställda uppstår och väsentligaffärsnytta drabbas. Många företag går in i en implementeringsprocess utan att riktigt veta vad de har att ståinför. Det är en av anledningar att flera forskare har varit intresserade av att identifiera faktorer som ärkritiska för en framgångsrik implementering av ett nytt affärssystem.Flera har lyft fram implementeringen av affärssystemet SAP på Axfood som ett framgångsrikt exempeloch därför är det intressant att se om vi kan dra några lärdomar från det som kan komma andra till del.Förutom tidigare forskning i ämnet, använder jag mig av teorierna Förändringsledning ochAbsorptionsförmåga som en teoretisk referensram. Av studien framgår att arbetet medförändringsledning och arbetet med att stärka organisationens absorptionsförmåga var två parallelltpågående processer som är att betrakta som ömsesidigt beroende för optimal framgång.Företagsledningens engagemang betraktas också som en kritisk framgångsfaktor. Arbete medförändringsledning anses av respondenterna som essentiellt för alla organisationsförändringar.Respondenterna framhävde vikten av att inte försumma arbetet med att kontinuerligt stärkaorganisationens absorptionsförmåga. Respondenterna menar att det kontinuerliga arbetet med att stärkaAxfoods absorptionsförmåga var det som genomsyrade hela förändringsprocessen och är nyckeln tillframgång med förändringsarbetet.

Les déterminants-cles de l’innovation et de la performance financiere du capital-risque d’entreprise / Key-drivers of innovation success and financial performance in corporate venture capital

Shuwaikh, Fatima 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les enjeux encore non explorés du capital-risque d’entreprise (Corporate Venture Capital, ou CVC). Cette recherche mobilise l’approche basée sur les ressources, l’approche fondée sur les connaissances, l’apprentissage organisationnel avec un focus particulier sur le concept d'ambidextérité, l’approche par les options réelles et la théorie des réseaux. L’analyse empirique couvre la période de 1998 à 2017 et est basée sur 4 206 entreprises américaines pour le premier essai, 1 547 entreprises américaines de biotechnologie pour le deuxième et 12 895 investissements effectués par 274 investisseurs en CVC nord-américains pour le troisième. Pour tester toutes nos hypothèses, nous utilisons des régressions multiples (MCO, régression binomiale négative, méthode des doubles moindres carrés,…). Dans le premier essai, nous montrons, en utilisant l’approche par les options réelles, que lorsque l’incertitude exogène est réduite, les entreprises financées par CVC bénéficient de montants d’investissement plus élevés et d’une durée d’investissement plus longue. Deux facteurs réduisent l'incertitude et améliorent le processus d'apprentissage organisationnel: la force des liens et la proximité géographique entre l'investisseur et l’entreprise financée. Les apports supplémentaires d’investissement conduisent à une entrée en bourse plus fréquente pour les entreprises soutenues par le capital-risque indépendant tandis qu’une durée plus importante de l’investissement débouche sur une sortie par acquisition plus fréquente pour les entreprises soutenues par le CVC pour des raisons liées à l’apprentissage organisationnel. Dans le deuxième essai, les entreprises soutenues par CVC affichent des taux d'innovation plus élevés que leurs homologues soutenues par IVC. La performance en termes d’innovation des entreprises soutenues par CVC dépend de leur capacité à tirer parti des ressources complémentaires de leurs investisseurs. Nous proposons trois mécanismes qui améliorent le taux d'innovation: la capacité d'absorption des entreprises financées, la force des liens et la proximité géographique entre les entreprises qui financent et les entreprises financées. Dans le troisième essai, l'ambidextérité séquentielle conduit à une meilleure performance financière pour l’investisseur que les formes équilibrées ou simultanées d'ambidextérité des investissements en CVC. Enfin, la combinaison des formes d'ambidextérité équilibrées et simultanées produit des synergies et améliore la performance financière de l’investissement en CVC. / This thesis addresses unexplored issues on corporate venture capital (CVC). This research is designed on insights from resource-based view, knowledge-based view, organizational learning with a special focus on ambidexterity, real options lens, network theory. Our empirical analysis covers the period between 1998 and 2017 and is based on 4206 U.S. companies for the first essay, 1547 U.S. biotechnology companies for the second essay and 12895 investment-deals from 274 North American corporate investors for the third one. To test all hypotheses, we employ multivariate -regression analyses (e.g., ordinary least squares, negative binomial regression, two-staged least squares). In the first essay, we find that CVC-backed companies exercise real options when exogenous uncertainty is mitigated and as a result, experience higher financial injections and prolonged duration. Two influential factors reduce uncertainty and improve the organizational learning process: tie strength and geographic proximity between the corporate investor and the entrepreneurial company. Additional investment amounts lead to a higher frequency of IPO exit for independent venture capital (IVC) backed companies while longer investment durations motivate a higher frequency of acquisition exit for CVC-backed companies for organizational learning reasons. In the second essay, CVC-backed companies display higher rates of innovation output than their IVC-backed counterparts. The performance of CVC-backed companies is responsive to their ability to leverage the complementary resources of corporate investors. We propose three mechanisms that improve the innovation output: absorptive capacity of entrepreneurial companies, tie strength, geographic proximity. In the third essay, sequential ambidexterity drives to higher corporate investors’ financial performance than balanced or simultaneous forms of ambidexterity in CVC investments. Finally, the combination of balanced and simultaneous forms of ambidexterity produce synergy and enhance the financial performance of CVC investments.

Die Wirkung der organisationalen Absorptionsfähigkeit auf die Innovationsbereitschaft von Führungskräften: Modell und empirische Überprüfung im Kontext von Prozessinnovationen

Puggel, Annett 26 January 2012 (has links)
Die individuelle Bereitschaft für organisationale Veränderungen stellt eine zentrale Determinante des innovationsförderlichen Führungsverhaltens sowie der Innovativität von Unternehmen dar. Die Dissertation fragte daher nach der Entstehung und Förderung der Innovationsbereitschaft von Führungskräften und untersuchte die darauf bezogene Wirkung der organisationalen Absorptionsfähigkeit. Innovationsbereitschaft wurde hierbei verstanden als das Erkennen und positive Bewerten eines Veränderungsbedarfes sowie einer Veränderbarkeit der unternehmensinternen Situation. Organisationale Absorptionsfähigkeit wurde definiert als dreidimensionales Konstrukt des Erkennens, Aufnehmens und Verwertens von neuem, unternehmensexternem Wissen. Das postulierte Wirkungsmodell wurde mit einer quantitativen Untersuchung an einer nach Größe und Branche für Deutschland repräsentativen Stichprobe von 668 kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen empirisch überprüft. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Kontakt zu externem Wissen den wahrgenommenen Veränderungsbedarf erhöhte, während die systematische Verarbeitung und Weitergabe dieses Wissens die wahrgenommene Veränderbarkeit der Unternehmenssituation positiv beeinflussten. Bisherige Prozessinnovationen reduzierten den wahrgenommenen Veränderungsbedarf, während inkrementelle Prozess- und Strukturveränderungen des Unternehmens positiv auf die Einschätzung der Veränderbarkeit wirkten. Damit konnte der Einfluss der organisationalen Absorptionsfähigkeit auf die Innovationsbereitschaft von Führungskräften differenziert werden, forschungstheoretische und forschungsmethodische Implikationen sowie Empfehlungen für die Unternehmenspraxis wurden entsprechend abgeleitet.

Managing Successful Strategic Turnarounds: A Mixed Methods Study of Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities

Askarova, Samira H. 30 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.


GABRIEL LIMA SILVA QUEIROZ 29 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desse trabalho é contribuir com a literatura de alianças estratégicas e desempenho de inovação.Especificamente, pretende investigar o papel da Diversidade nos portfolios de Aliança e seu impacto no desempenho das firmas.Este estudo busca replicar e adaptar relações e construtos observados em outros artigos para um país latino americano. É utilizado modelo de modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) através de micro-dados fornecidos pesquisa nacional de Inovação da Colômbia baseadas no manual de Oslo. A presente dissertação desenvolve um estudo cross-sectional do país selecionado, faz uma breve revisão dos modelos anteriores e propõe um nova modelo para estudar suas hipóteses. O trabalho tem observações significativas que apoiam o impacto da Diversidade, tanto na inovação como no desempenho financeiro. Foram também estudadas as relações entre os diferentes tipos de inovação e a Capacidade Absortiva de Construção. / [en] The objective of this work is to contribute to the literature on strategic alliances and innovation performance. Specifically, it aims to investigate the role of Diversity in Alliance portfolios and its impact on firm performance.This study seeks to replicate and adapt relationships of constructs observed in other articles to a Latin American country. It uses structural equation modeling (SEM) through micro-data provided by the National Innovation Research of Colombia based on the Oslo manual.This dissertation elaborates on a cross-sectional study of the selected country, makes a brief revision on past models and proposes a new one to assert about its hypotheses. The work has meaningful observations that supports the impact of Diversity both on the innovation and financial perfomance. Relationships between different types of innovation and the construct Absorptive Capacity were also studied.


RODRIGO JORGE SILVA ROCHA 01 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] A acirrada competição em um mercado globalizado tornou de extrema importância que as empresas adquiram vantagens competitivas para conseguirem conquistar a preferência dos consumidores. Uma das formas de se obter tal vantagem em relação aos concorrentes é através da diferenciação. Para isso, as organizações devem se empenhar nas suas atividades de inovação. Contudo, gerar inovação é uma tarefa árdua para ser feita de forma isolada e por isso, algumas empresas têm se organizado em clusters (no Brasil conhecido como arranjos produtivos locais – APL) para facilitar a busca por inovação, produtividade e melhores resultados financeiros. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo desta pesquisa é comparar a produtividade e o desempenho da inovação de produtos, de empresas brasileiras inseridas ou não em clusters, considerando as estratégias de P&D interno e externo implementadas. Através de uma equação de modelos estruturais, usando a técnica de multigrupo, pôde-se chegar a resultados que suportam um impacto positivo do P&D externo e interno no desempenho de inovação, além de suportar a hipótese de que desempenho de inovação, independente de estar ou não inserida em um cluster, impacta positivamente na produtividade das empresas. Concluiu-se, de acordo com os resultados, o aumento da intensidade de P&D tanto interno como externo são fundamentais para se aumentar o desempenho de inovação da firma. Este por sua vez, quanto maior for, maior será a produtividade da firma. Por outro lado o efeito moderador da capacidade absortiva mostrou-se benéfico apenas para empresas inseridas em cluster. / [en] Fierce competition in a globalized market has made it extremely important for companies to acquire competitive advantages in order to achieve consumer preference. One of the ways to obtain such an advantage in relation to competitors is through differentiation. To this end, organizations must engage in their innovation activities. However, generating innovation is an arduous task to be done in isolation and for this reason some companies have organized themselves into clusters (in Brazil known as local productive arrangements - APL) to facilitate the search for innovation, productivity and better financial results. In this perspective, the objective of this research is to compare the productivity and performance of product innovation, of Brazilian companies inserted or not in clusters, considering the implemented internal and external R&D strategies. Through an Structural Equation Modelling, using the multigroup technique, it was possible to obtain results that support the positive effect of internal and external R&D in the innovation performance, in addition to supporting the hypothesis that innovation performance, regardless of whether or not inserted in a cluster, positively impacts the productivity of companies. It was concluded, according to the results, the increase in the intensity of R&D, both internal and external, are fundamental to increase the firm s innovation performance. This in turn, the higher it is, the greater the productivity of the firm. On the other hand, the moderating effect of absorptive capacity proved beneficial only for companies in a cluster.


Klossner, David 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Antecedents, Consequences, and Boundary Conditions of Customer Participation in the New Product Development Process

Morgan, Todd A. 08 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.


LUIZ FERNANDO DE PARIS CALDAS 07 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A inovação impulsiona o crescimento econômico e se conecta com o ciclo evolutivo das firmas, que lançam novos produtos em uma busca contínua pela melhoria do desempenho. Com o advento da inovação aberta, mais firmas passaram a complementar sua base de conhecimentos e a abastecer o processo inovador com fontes externas. Entretanto, quando a inovação é desenvolvida, parte dos novos conhecimentos também se torna pública por meio dos knowledge spillovers, potencialmente beneficiando outras firmas. A relação entre o desempenho inovador e as fontes externas de conhecimento, como a colaboração da firma com seus parceiros, foi amplamente estudada em mercados desenvolvidos. Contudo, o mesmo não se observa para os knowledge spillovers, especialmente no caso de países menos avançados em relação a inovação. Este estudo analisou em que medida os conhecimentos externos fornecidos pela colaboração com parceiros, e, em especial, pelos knowledge spillovers da indústria, afetam o desempenho inovador de produto e o crescimento das firmas. Foi proposto um modelo conceitual para mensurar a contribuição relativa dessas fontes, bem como o impacto exercido pelo porte das firmas sobre as relações estudadas. A análise foi conduzida para uma amostra de 913 firmas de manufatura colombianas, com dados extraídos da pesquisa sobre inovação EDIT, para o período de 2011 a 2016. As hipóteses foram testadas utilizando a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Para entender o impacto do porte das firmas foi empregada a análise multigrupo. Os resultados apoiaram a maioria das hipóteses e forneceram alguns insights. Os efeitos positivos da colaboração da firma sobre o desempenho inovador de produto foram corroborados, revelando que ambientes escassos em recursos, como o da Colômbia, incentivam a colaboração independentemente do porte da firma. Quanto aos efeitos positivos dos knowledge spillovers da indústria sobre o desempenho inovador de produto, o suporte foi dependente do porte da firma. Para as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs), esses efeitos não apenas foram confirmados, como se provaram superiores aos da colaboração com parceiros. Esse achado evidenciou que os knowledge spillovers da indústria são a fonte mais relevante na explicação do desempenho inovador de produto das PMEs colombianas, mesmo quando a colaboração da firma também é significativa. No caso das grandes empresas (GEs), a contribuição direta dos knowledge spillovers da indústria sobre o desempenho inovador de produto não foi significativa, possivelmente relacionada a sua maior abundância interna de recursos. Já para o efeito moderado pela capacidade absortiva, a contribuição foi negativa, possivelmente indicando que as perdas de conhecimentos geradas pelos outgoing spillovers estão prejudicando o desempenho inovador de produto das GEs. O estudo também corroborou que o crescimento das firmas de ambos os portes é positivamente influenciado pelo seu desempenho inovador. Entretanto, os resultados para os knowledge spillovers da indústria sugerem que as PMEs colombianas podem estar se comportando oportunisticamente, pegando carona excessiva nos investimentos em P&D das GEs, o que pode reduzir os incentivos dessas últimas em seguir investindo em inovação. Espera-se que os achados desse estudo contribuam com os esforços da Colômbia em criar melhores condições para que a inovação prospere. / [en] Innovation drives economic growth and connects with the firms evolutionary cycle that launches new products in a continuous quest for performance improvement. With the advent of open innovation, more firms have begun to complement their knowledge base and to fuel the innovative process with external sources. However, when innovation is developed, part of the new knowledge also becomes public through knowledge spillovers, thus potentially benefiting other firms. The relation between innovation performance and external knowledge sources, such as the firm s collaboration with partners, has been extensively studied in developed markets. However, the same is not observed for knowledge spillovers, especially in the case of countries that are less advanced with respect to innovation. This study analyzed the extent to which external knowledge provided by the collaboration with partners and especially the industry knowledge spillovers affect product innovation performance and firm growth. A conceptual model was proposed to measure the relative contribution of these sources as well as the impact of the firm size on the studied relations. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 913 Colombian manufacturing firms with data extracted from EDIT innovation research for the period 2011 to 2016. The hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modeling technique. To understand the impact of firm size on the model relationships, a multigroup analysis was carried out. The results supported most hypotheses and provided some interesting insights. The positive effects of the firm collaboration on product innovation performance were corroborated, revealing that resource-scarce environments, such as Colombia, encourage collaboration regardless of the size of the firm. As for the positive effects of industry knowledge spillovers on product innovation performance, support was contingent on the firm size. For small and medium enterprises (SMEs), not only were these effects confirmed but also proved to be superior to those of collaboration with partners. This finding makes it evident that knowledge spillovers are the most relevant source in explaining the product innovation performance of Colombian SMEs, even when the firm collaboration is also significant. In the case of the large enterprises (LEs), the direct contribution of the industry knowledge spillovers on product innovation performance was not significant, possibly due to their greater internal abundance of resources. For the effect moderated by the absorptive capacity, the contribution was negative, possibly indicating that the knowledge losses generated by outgoing spillovers are detrimental to the innovation performance of these firms. The study also corroborated that the growth of firms of both sizes is positively influenced by their innovation performance. However, the findings for industry knowledge spillovers suggest that Colombian SMEs may be behaving opportunistically, excessively free-riding on R&D investments of LEs which may reduce the incentives for the latter to keep investing in innovation. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to Colombia s efforts to create better conditions for innovation to thrive.

Managing Radical Technological Changes in the Swedish Insurance Industry: the Challenge of Regulatory Compliance / Hanterandet av Radikala Teknologiska Förändringar i den Svenska Försäkringsbranschen: Utmaningen av Regelefterlevnad

Lindahl, Linnéa, Liu, Julia January 2020 (has links)
This study concerns investigating an industry, i.e. system, which is subject to radical technological changes, and how actors within the system can enhance their innovation processes and manage technological shifts efficiently. The specific context in which these processes are investigated is the compliance departments within the Swedish insurance industry. The Swedish insurance industry constitutes a central pillar in the national economy, which is why the stability of the industry must be ensured. As a result, the insurance industry is subject to various regulations and the scope and amount of regulations have increased since the global financial crisis in 2008. In other words, the regulatory burden has increased while the risks of non-compliance pose a threat to incumbents' competitive position. In order to meet the pressure of increased regulatory burden as well as leverage on the pressure of digitalization, Regulatory Technology (RegTech) has been identified as a key focus area for Swedish insurance companies in enhancing their operational efficiency as well as reduce the risk of non-compliance. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to identify system challenges to adoption of RegTech as well as system enablers which suggest how the related innovation processes can be facilitated. The empirical data in this study consists of ten in-depth interviews with representatives from Swedish insurance companies as well as knowledge providers within RegTech. The study reveals 38 system challenges and 38 system enablers to adoption of RegTech in various dimensions related to market forces, organizational factors and product development aspects, to mention a few. The most commonly raised system challenges are based on that RegTech is related to cost-reduction and thus has limited impact on revenue-generation as well as the fact that the insurance industry is characterized for being conservative and rigid, to name a few. Two examples of commonly mentioned system enablers are increasing regulatory pressure which leads to uneconomical and resource-intensive compliance operations with an increasingly high risk of non-compliance, as well as that younger insurance companies have to deploy RegTech in order to survive in the long run. The results from the study are presented at landscape-, regime- and niche-level according to the theoretical frameworks of Multi-level Perspective of Sociotechnical Systems and Absorptive Capacity in conjunction with a relevant theoretical framework within compliance management, denoted the Efficient-investment-risk model. / Denna studie inkluderar undersökandet av en industri, med andra ord ett system, som genomgår radikala tekniska förändringar samt hur aktörerna inom detta system kan förbättra sina innovationsprocesser och hantera teknikskiften mer effektivt. Det specifika fallet i vilket dessa processer undersöks i är complianceavdelningar hos svenska försäkringsbolag. Den svenska försäkringsbranschen utgör en central pelare i den nationella ekonomin, vilket är anledningen till varför industrins stabilitet behöver värnas. På grund av detta omfattas industrin av en mängd olika regelverk och vidare har omfattningen samt antalet regelverk ökat sedan den globala finanskrisen 2008. Med andra ord har den regulatoriska bördan ökat medan risken av icke-compliance fortsätter att utgöra ett hot mot försäkringsbolagens marknadspositioner. För att möta det ökade regulatoriska trycket och dessutom dra fördel av trycket från digitaliseringsvågen har Regulatory Technology (RegTech) identifieras som ett nyckelområde för svenska försäkringsbolag i deras strategi att förbättra operationell effektivitet samt bibehålla låg risk av non-compliance. Följaktligen är syftet med denna studie att identifiera systemutmaningar inom anammandet av RegTech samt systemmöjliggöranden som kan underlätta innovationsprocesser relaterat till anammandet av RegTech. Den empiriska datan i studien består av tio djupgående intervjuer med representanter från svenska försäkringsbolag samt RegTech-experter som utgörs av bland annat konsultbolag samt teknikföretag. Studien avslöjar 38 systemutmaningar samt 38 systemmöjliggörare relaterat till anammandet av RegTech i en bredd av olika dimensioner så som marknadskrafter, organisatoriska faktorer, produktutveckling m.m. Bland de vanligast identifierade systemutmaningarna presenteras faktumet att RegTech är begränsat till kostnadsreducering och därmed inte har en direkt positiv inverkan på intäktsdrivandet. En annan vanlig systemutmaning är faktumet att försäkringsbranschen är konservativ och stel i dess natur. Ett exempel på systemmöjliggörare å andra sidan är trenden att det regulatoriska trycket ökar, vilket leder till att complianceprocesser behöver effektiviseras för att försäkringsbolag ska kunna bibehålla konkurrenskraft samt att konsekvenserna av non-compliance blir allvarligare. En annan möjliggörande faktor inom systemet är att unga försäkringsbolag är i stort behov av att anamma RegTech för att överleva ekonomiskt i det långa loppet. Studiens resultat är presenterat på landskap, regim samt nichenivå i enlighet med teorin multi-nivåperspektivet av sociotekniska system samt i enlighet med teoriområdet absorptionsförmåga. Utöver detta har även en teori inom compliance management vid namn Effektiv-investering-riskmodellen tillämpats.

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