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”Man måste ju tillåta sig själv att ha känslor, det är ju ändå människor vi har att göra med” : En kvalitativ undersökning om utredande socialsekreterares hantering av sina emotioner utifrån mötet med klientenTörnkvist, Anna, Cohen, Jacline January 2015 (has links)
Studien avser att genom ett kvalitativt fältarbete få förståelse för hantering av känslor för socialsekreterare inom socialt arbete på en socialförvaltning. Syftet är även att få en inblick i vilka faktorer som eventuellt har en inverkan på denna hantering och vad denna emotionella hantering kan ha för konsekvenser för socialsekreteraren. Det insamlade materialet i studien baseras på intervjuer för att få en detaljrik uppfattning om informanternas arbetssituation. Intervjuerna utfördes med åtta socialsekreterare som utreder ärenden angående barn, unga och familjer inom en specifik kommun. Att de arbetade under en gemensam arbetsstruktur och kultur underlättade ytterligare vår undersökning. Resultatet visar att det som minskar risken för psykisk ohälsa hos socialsekreterarna är social respons och stöd från bl.a. kollegor där de får möjlighet till utrymme och utlopp för sina känslor i en avslappnad miljö. Till följd av att socialsekreterarna är i behov av att bygga en relation med sina klienter, befinner de sig i ett komplext läge i klientmötet där de använder sig av en kombination mellan ett ytligare och djupare agerande. Socialsekreterarna måste således visa sig mänskliga under samtalet för att konstruera en känsla av trygghet, vilket kräver en balans av en viss känslomässig frihet att respondera utan att göra avsteg från rollen som professionell. / The study’s intention is to achieve an understanding for social workers' management of feelings within social work at a social service centre through qualitatively fieldwork. Our intention is also to receive an insight of the components that might have an impact on the feeling management and also what consequences this feeling management might have for the social worker. The gathered material in the study is based on interviews to receive a detailed view of the informants' work situation. The interviews were performed on eight social workers investigating cases concerning children, young adults and families in a specific county, which contributed to a common working structure and culture that have simplified our research. The result shows that what reduces the risk of psychological illness for the social workers is social response and support from, among others, colleagues where they have a chance of space and can express their feelings in a relaxed environment. Because of the need for social workers to build a relationship to their clients, they are in a complex situation in the meeting with the client where they have a combination of a more surfaced acting and a deeper acting. Therefore social workers must show their humanity during the client meetings to construct a feeling of security, which demands a balance between having a certain emotional freedom to express oneself without breaking the role as a professional.
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Vem får jobbet? : En studie om de kompetenser som efterfrågas för yrket inköpsassistent / Who gets hired? : A study regarding the competences that are required for a job as a buying assistantDahlberg, Lisa, Olsson, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersökts det hur rekryteringsprocessen av inköpsassistenter ser ut i teori och praktik och vilka kompetenser yrket efterfrågar. Ämnet är aktuellt då yrkesrollen som inköpsassistent är svår att definiera och teori har påvisat att rekrytering försvåras av det faktum. Det kan i sin tur leda till felrekryteringar som kan ge stora konsekvenser i ett företag. Ämnet är också relevant då förändringar inom modebranschen har påverkat yrkesrollerna inom branschen i hög takt vilket resulterat i att samma yrkesroll har olika innebörd på olika företag. Förändringar ställer högre och delvis helt nya krav på rekryterare inom branschen. Samtidigt har det inte påträffats någon definition av rollen som inköpsassistent. Studiens syfte är därför att klargöra vilka kompetenser som eftersöks för att bli anställd som inköpsassistent. Studien utreder frågeställningen: Vilken kompetens efterfrågas i yrkesrollen som inköpsassistent? Rekryteringsprocessen kommer också undersökas i studien. Utifrån frågeställningen och syftet gjordes en kvalitativ undersökning där rekryterare och inköpare intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer om rekrytering av inköpsassistenter. Urvalet bestod av sju modeföretag från Sverige och Norge. Data från intervjuerna transkriberades och presenterades i en resultatdel. Studiens resultat presenteras inom följande teman: Rekryteringsprocessen, Social rekrytering, Felrekrytering, Konkret kompetens och Abstrakt kompetens. Sammanfattningsvis tyder studiens resultat på att yrkesrollen skiljer sig mellan olika företag och att det faktum att rollen är odefinierad påverkar rekryteringen och kan delvis bidrar till felrekrytering. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns både abstrakta och konkreta kompetenser som stämmer in på flertalet av företagen och därför kan bidra till en del av definieringen av yrkesrollen som inköpsassistent. / This thesis is investigating how the recruitment process of buying assistants is working in theory and practice, and what competences the profession demands. This issue is currently important since the professional role as a buying assistant is difficult to define and theory has demonstrated that recruitment is aggravated by that. This may therefore lead to misrecruitments that can provide major consequences in a company. The topic is also relevant when changes in the fashion industry have influenced professional roles within the industry at a high rate, resulting in that the same profession has different meanings in different companies. The changes are requiring higher and partly new demands on recruiters in the industry. At the same time, a definition of the role as buying assistant has not been found. The study's purpose is to clarify the competences that are required to be employed as a buying assistant. The study investigates the question: What competences are required for a job as a buying assistant? The recruitment process will also be investigated. Based on the issue and the purpose, a qualitative study was most suitable. In the study, recruiters and buyers were interviewed through semi-structured interviews about the recruitment of buying assistants. The sample consisted of seven fashion companies from Sweden and Norway. Data from the interviews were transcribed and presented in the result chapter. The study’s results are presented in the following themes: Recruitment process, Social recruitment, Misrecruitment, Concrete competences and Abstract competences. In summary, the result of this study indicates that the professional role differs between different companies and that the fact that the role is undefined affects recruitment and may partly contribute to misrecruitment. Furthermore, the results show that there are both abstract and concrete competences that apply to the majority of companies and therefore contribute to the definition of the professional role as a buying assistant.
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Evaluation of Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain for Multicore Targets in regard to Architectural Estimation Decisions at Design TimeRoßbach, André Christian 29 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this decade the emerging multicore technology will hit the automotive industry. The increasing complexity of the multicore-systems will make a manual verification of the safety and realtime constraints impossible. For this reason, dedicated methods and tools are utterly necessary, in order to deal with the upcoming multicore issues. A lot of researchprojects
for new hardware platforms and software frameworks for the automotive industry are running nowadays, because the paradigms of the “High-Performance Computing” and “Server/Desktop Domain” cannot be easily adapted for the embedded systems. One of the difficulties is the early suitability estimation of a hardware platform for a software architecture design, but hardly a research-work is tackling that.
This thesis represents a procedure to evaluate the plausibility of software architecture estimations and decisions at design stage. This includes an analysis technique of multicore systems, an underlying graph-model – to represent the multicore system – and a simulation tool evaluation. This can guide the software architect, to design a multicore system, in full consideration of all relevant parameters and issues. / In den nächsten Jahren wird die aufkommende Multicore-Technologie auf die Automobil-Branche zukommen. Die wachsende Komplexität der Multicore-Systeme lässt es nicht mehr zu, die Verifikation von Sicherheits- und Echtzeit-Anforderungen manuell auszuführen. Daher sind spezielle Methoden und Werkzeuge zwingend notwendig, um gerade
mit den bevorstehenden Multicore-Problemfällen richtig umzugehen. Heutzutage laufen viele Forschungsprojekte für neue Hardware-Plattformen und Software-Frameworks für die Automobil-Industrie, weil die Paradigmen des “High-Performance Computings” und der “Server/Desktop-Domäne” nicht einfach so für die Eingebetteten Systeme angewendet werden
können. Einer der Problemfälle ist das frühe Erkennen, ob die Hardware-Plattform für die Software-Architektur ausreicht, aber nur wenige Forschungs-Arbeiten berücksichtigen das.
Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Vorgehens-Model auf, welches ermöglicht, dass Software-Architektur Abschätzungen und Entscheidungen bereits zur Entwurfszeit bewertet werden können. Das beinhaltet eine Analyse Technik für Multicore-Systeme, ein grundsätzliches Graphen-Model, um ein Multicore-System darzustellen, und eine Simulatoren Evaluierung. Dies kann den Software-Architekten helfen, ein Multicore System zu entwerfen, welches alle wichtigen Parameter und Problemfälle berücksichtigt.
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New Techniques for Building Timing-Predictable Embedded SystemsGuan, Nan January 2013 (has links)
Embedded systems are becoming ubiquitous in our daily life. Due to close interaction with physical world, embedded systems are typically subject to timing constraints. At design time, it must be ensured that the run-time behaviors of such systems satisfy the pre-specified timing constraints under any circumstance. In this thesis, we develop techniques to address the timing analysis problems brought by the increasing complexity of underlying hardware and software on different levels of abstraction in embedded systems design. On the program level, we develop quantitative analysis techniques to predict the cache hit/miss behaviors for tight WCET estimation, and study two commonly used replacement policies, MRU and FIFO, which cannot be analyzed adequately using the state-of-the-art qualitative cache analysis method. Our quantitative approach greatly improves the precision of WCET estimation and discloses interesting predictability properties of these replacement policies, which are concealed in the qualitative analysis framework. On the component level, we address the challenges raised by multi-core computing. Several fundamental problems in multiprocessor scheduling are investigated. In global scheduling, we propose an analysis method to rule out a great part of impossible system behaviors for better analysis precision, and establish conditions to guarantee the bounded responsiveness of computing tasks. In partitioned scheduling, we close a long standing open problem to generalize the famous Liu and Layland's utilization bound in uniprocessor real-time scheduling to multiprocessor systems. We also propose to use cache partitioning for multi-core systems to avoid contentions on shared caches, and solve the underlying schedulability analysis problem. On the system level, we present techniques to improve the Real-Time Calculus (RTC) analysis framework in both efficiency and precision. First, we have developed Finitary Real-Time Calculus to solve the scalability problem of the original RTC due to period explosion. The key idea is to only maintain and operate on a limited prefix of each curve that is relevant to the final results during the whole analysis procedure. We further improve the analysis precision of EDF components in RTC, by precisely bounding the response time of each computation request.
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Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case StudyMartin, Alan J. 24 January 2011 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.
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Internetgenerationen bit för bit : Representationer av IT och ungdom i ett informationssamhälleZimic, Sheila January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding in relation to the construction of a ‘Net Generation’. With regards to the idea of an information society, technologies and young people are given certain positions, which are not in any sense natural but are socially constructed. This thesis explores these socially given meanings and shows what types of meanings are prioritized and legitimized. The exploration is conducted by examining, both externally and internally, given meanings of a generation identity. The external (nominal identification) in this study is understood as the construction of an abstract user and is studied by means of academic texts concerning the ‘Net Generation’. The internal (virtual identification) involves young people’s construction of their generation identity and is studied by means of collage. The collages are used to understand how the young participants position themselves in contemporary society and how they, as concrete users, articulate their relationship with information technologies. The findings show that the ‘type of behavior’ which is articulated in the signifying practice of the construction of the abstract user, ‘Net Generation’, reduces users and technology to a marketing / economical discourse. In addition the idea of the abstract user implies that all users have the same possibilities to achieve ‘success’ in the information society, by being active ‘prosumers’. The concrete users articulate that they feel stressed and pressured in relation to all the choices that they are expected to make. In this sense, the participants do not articulate the (economical) interests as assumed for the ‘Net Generation’, but, rather articulate interests to play, to have a hobby and be social when using information technologies. What this thesis thus proposes, is to critically explore the ‘taken for granted’ notions of a technological order in society as pertaining to young people. Only if we understand how socially given meaning is constructed can we break loose from the temporarily prioritized values to which the position of technology and users are fixed.
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Out of MinimalismHedlin Hayden, Malin January 2003 (has links)
The dissertation involves a threefold investigation of sculpture. Firstly, the interpretations are focused on particular artworks by three British sculptors: Antony Gormley (b. 1950), Anish Kapoor (b. 1954), and Rachel Whiteread (b. 1963), respectively. The notion of applied minimalism is tentatively applied to their sculptures. A primary argument is that these works are idiomatically, thematically, and theoretically founded on the heritage of American Minimalism from the 1960s. The sculptures by these three artists are seen as readings and transformations in themselves of the Minimalist sculptural idiom. Secondly, the dissertation aims at an investigation of the notion of sculpture, which is explored as a discursive term, i.e. as a working notion. Therefore, each specific sculpture in the study is analysed in terms of the means it is manifested as such. Thirdly, interpretation per se is recognised as a performative act inscribed and restricted by specific contextual features. The constituent aspects are acknowledged and employed in terms of the white cube gallery locality, minimalist theory, sign theory, sculpture as staged, and the crucial recognition of a/the corporeal viewer's own presence and movements within the gallery space. Especially pertinent to the interpretations are Michael Fried's notion of theatricality, notions of performativity, and meaning as site-specific, respectively. The dissertation argues that the notion of sculpture, specifically in the wake of Minimal sculpture and the artworks inscribed by that category in art critical discourse, relies on the imperative of a corporeal acknowledged viewer/interpreter and that significant relations as regards the notion of sculpture are therefore external to a high degree.
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How Information Retrieval Systems Impact on Designers' Searching Strategies Within the Early Stages of the Design ProcessFrancis, Caroline M. January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influences that Information Retrieval Systems such as online Search Engines and Databases have on designers' early searching strategies. The study involves the observation of designers transforming early design language into query 'keyword' language for the operation of Information Retrieval Systems and how this transition causes a shift in early design exploration. This transformation is referred to in this research as the CLASS activity; Converting Language from Abstract Searching to Specific. Findings show a common pattern across the activity of both professional and advanced student designers. Information Retrieval Systems are seen to drive the searching process into specific, explored domains rather than stimulate an 'abstract' broad investigation. The IR systems are built upon categories that are created to manage the information content. It is these categories that require a person to use defined keywords and query sentences to operate the Information Retrieval Systems. The findings suggest that using Information Retrieval Systems prior to defining the scope of a design problem causes designers to prematurely focus on specific searching.
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Figuring space : considering the figure in the construction of space as materialist filmKuronen, Suzanne January 2004 (has links)
Figuring Space; considering the figure in the construction of space in materialist film is an analysis of film space that uses either the image of a figure or the actual figure of the viewer in its construction. The thesis focuses on particular screen works of William Raban, Guy Sherwin, Malcolm Le Grice, Chris Welsby, Nicky Hamlyn, Peter Gidal (all members of the London Filmmakers’ Cooperative) and the Canadian artist Michael Snow. It discusses the works in relation to the basic materials of time, light and sound found in film and video. The thesis looks at the way the film frame was implemented in the work of these artists to challenge preconceived notions of film space. It also highlights the uncertainty of spatial relativity within the screen image once the techniques imposed by the artist undermine previous determinations of positions in space. The frame provides necessary elements with which a reading of a pictorial space can be made. In addition, with some of the works discussed, the frame defines an exterior screen space that at times questions the boundaries between on-screen and off-screen, and fictive space and real space. While in other works that are addressed, binaries exist within which the boundaries of a picture plane are utilized to determine an object’s spatial relativity, which in turn questions the relativity of those boundaries that determine it. The frame that previously confirmed the illusions of space within the pictorial plane could no longer be prescribed as definitive. Calculations of the film space would become dependent upon a point of origin that is situated within actual time and space at the position of the viewer. The figure of paramount importance, when considering the constructs of space within materialist film, is that of the viewer
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Déconstruction et des constructions /Paquet, Bernard. January 1988 (has links)
Mémoire (M.A.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1988. / Ce travail de recherche a été réalisé à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi dans le cadre du programme de maîtrise en arts plastiques extentionné de l'Université du Québec à Montréal à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. CaQCU Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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