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Meditative Art: A Diversion from Stress and AnxietyJustis, Hannah T., 4239670221 01 May 2017 (has links)
I wished to present a body of work that visually represented my own meditative process of managing stress and anxiety. Towards the end of studying for my undergraduate, I began preparing for my Final Exhibition Show, and with these preparations, my life, as well as my work, changed drastically. Within the past two years, my drawings began to take on a meditative therapeutic process. It was this development that then helped manage my growing stress levels and well as the symptoms that stemmed from high levels of anxiety and bloomed from losing control in my day to day life. It was then conceived, through this carefully crafted systematic means of creation, the notion that my mind could relax and take time to resolve the matters that plagued it, while at the same time, construct something artistically productive. While drawing, I achieved a juxtaposition of varying means of visually representing the idea of control and order within my work as well as within my mind and body. It was this, the creation of these drawings, that hence became my meditative escape in managing my stress and anxieties as well as my obsessive compulsive tendencies, where; without structure, had the potential to turn self-hindering and painful.
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Typologie et analyse des discours savants et profanes sur le terrorisme / Typology and analysis of saving and profanted speeches on terrorismMousa, Faraj 10 December 2018 (has links)
Durant ces dernières années, le terme terrorisme djihadiste est devenu un vocable des plus récurrents au niveau international. Il est fortement présent dans le discours académique, ce particulièrement depuis l'apparition de ce qu'on appelle l'organisation de l'État islamique (Daesh) et également des attaques terroristes qui se sont succédé. Notre étude aborde, en première partie, les approches qui traitent du terrorisme ainsi que les facteurs qui ont été à l’origine de la propagation de ce phénomène et de l'extrémisme. La seconde partie est consacrée à l’analyse des discours académiques ayant traité des attentats terroristes en France en 2015/2016. Notre thèse tend à mettre en avant une approche analytique opérationnelle à travers l'utilisation de méthodes quantitatives. Nous nous proposons ainsi de prolonger la recherche actuelle en abordant plusieurs innovations méthodologiques relatives à l’analyse du discours universitaire sur le djihad afin d’en déterminer les similitudes et les différences, selon une approche multidisciplinaire et par une enquête analytique dans l’objectif d’en caractériser les relations et d’en expliquer la conjoncture. Il sera alors question de se demander s’il s’agit d’éléments spécifiques ou de la combinaison d’un ensemble d’éléments, présents dans une structure particulière, qui marginalisent ou criminalisent certains types de discours classés dans la catégorie du discours universitaire sur le djihad / In recent years, the term jihadist terrorism has become a term of recurrent at the international level. He is present in the academic discourse, this particularly since the appearance of what is called the Organization of the Islamic state (Daech) and the successive terrorist attacks. Our study first addresses the approaches that deal with terrorism as well as the factors that have led to the spread of this phenomenon and extremism. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of academic discourses dealing with terrorist attacks in France in 2015/2016. Our thesis tends to put forward an operational analytical approach through the use of quantitative methods. We propose to extend the current research by addressing several methodological innovations related to the analysis of the academic jihad discourse in order to determine the similarities and differences, using a multidisciplinary approach and an analytical survey with the aim of characterize the relationships and explain the situation. It will therefore be a question of whether they are specific elements or the combination of a set of elements in a particular structure that marginalizes or criminalizes certain types of discourse classed as academic discourse about jihad
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Determining the feasibility of automatically translating SMILE to a Java frameworkAspen, Said January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>MTsim (Mobile Traffic Simulator) is an Ericsson AB internal software application that is part of 2Gsim. It is used to simulate elements of a GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) network for feature testing and automated testing. It is written in the programming language TSS Language, also known as SMILE which is a proprietary Ericsson programming language. SMILE is based on the principles of state matrix programming which in essence means that each program is on its own a finite state machine. The language is old and was originally intended as a macro language for smaller test programs, not for applications the size of MTsim.</p><p>It is of interest to evaluate the feasibility of performing an automatic conversion of applications written in SMILE, with special interest in converting MTsim, to a Java framework since Java has many advantages compared to SMILE. Java, as a language, is well suited for larger applications, there are numerous well supported tools and there is a much wider spread competence than there is for SMILE.</p><p>It is clear that in order to do a full conversion of a SMILE program to a Java framework two applications must be implemented. First a Java framework, which acts as a run time environment, must be designed which can host the translated programs. The other part is an actual translator which takes a SMILE program as input and ouputs a translated Java program. A more sophisticated framework is preferred since it makes the actual translated programs more light weight and easy to read which means higher degree of maintainability.</p><p>There are different ways to implement state machines in Java but the most flexible and versatile is to implement it as a black-box framework in an object oriented way where the framework has sophisticated mechanisms for message and event handling which is central to any state machine framework.</p><p>The translation for SMILE can easily be done by using a AST (abstract syntax tree) representation, which is a full representation of the SMILE program in tree-form. The AST is obtained from an intermediate state of the SMILE program compiler.</p><p> </p>
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Abstrakt konst idag : En studie av Ann Edholm och Jacob Dahlgrens förhållande till modernismenKrispinsson, Charlotta January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper presents an approach in contemporary, abstract art for a new way of experiencing modernist abstraction. This has not been possible until now, about 40 years after the postmodern turn against modernism in art, and the closely connected formalism. This new approach is represented in this paper by the Swedish contemporary artists Ann Edholm and Jacob Dahlgren. Modernist artists such as Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian receives a new relevance to contemporary abstract art. This opens up for a new, more complex and more dialectical understanding and re-evaluation of modernism and its abstract art.This is shown by a historical and chronological investigation which highlights modernist abstract art, formalism, and the critical and post-modern Neo-geometric ‘abstraction’ of the eighties. This background has been a way of proving how modernist abstraction still can possess a validity for contemporary art today, and even vitalize a continuation for abstract art as a contemporary practice.</p>
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Prospects for a Deflationary Account of the Ontology of PropositionsMcCracken, Michael 09 March 2010 (has links)
A proposition ontology occupies a potentially rich and foundational place in a good deal of contemporary philosophical theorizing. Some of the biggest roadblocks to a wider acceptance and employment of propositions have been legitimate worries about their nature, or ontological "explanatory" power of theories that employ them. This dissertation attempts to understand and construct a deflationary or minimalist understanding of the notion of a proposition and its theoretical roles. On the basis of this understanding, following Stephen Schiffer (2003), I attempt to construct an ontology of propositions -focusing on general propositions- which avoids or dissolves the most pressing worries about their ontological nature, and the epistemological and explanatory statuses of propositions. In chapter one, I discuss the primary theoretical motivations for positing propositions, and argue for a general set of ontological constraints that fall out of a consideration of entities posited according to these motivations. In chapter two, after arguing that propositions are substantially ontologically independent of mind and language, I argue that propositions are conceptually mind- dependent, but that conceptual dependence of this kind does not amount to any sort of ontological dependence. In chapter three, drawing heavily on the work of Stephen Schiffer (2003), I substantially address the epistemological worries about propositions, arguing that propositions are pleonastic entities whose natures and existence we can know simply by reflecting on our proposition- introducing linguistic practices. In chapter four, I argue that propositions may or may not, in virtue of their status as pleonastic entities, play any substantial explanatory role, but that by utilizing the notion of a proposition, which, according to the pleonastic conception of them, guarantees their existence independent of our practices, is useful and perhaps indispensable to certain of our communicative and epistemic practices. Our propositional linguistic practices, involving essentially our reference to propositions, are thus pragmatically justified.
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Supervisory control of infinite state systems under partial observation / Contrôle supervisé des systèmes à états infinis sous observation partielleKalyon, Gabriel 26 November 2010 (has links)
A discrete event system is a system whose state space is given by a discrete set and whose state transition mechanism is event-driven i.e., its state evolution depends only on the occurrence of discrete events over the time. These systems are used in many fields of application (telecommunication networks, aeronautics, aerospace,...). The validity of these systems is then an important issue and to ensure it we can use supervisory control methods. These methods consist in imposing a given specification on a system by means of a controller which runs in parallel with the original system and which restricts its behavior. In this thesis, we develop supervisory control methods where the system can have an infinite state space and the controller has a partial observation of the system (this implies that the controller must define its control policy from an imperfect knowledge of the system). Unfortunately, this problem is generally undecidable. To overcome this negative result, we use abstract interpretation techniques which ensure the termination of our algorithms by overapproximating, however, some computations. The aim of this thesis is to provide the most complete contribution it is possible to bring to this topic. Hence, we consider more and more realistic problems. More precisely, we start our work by considering a centralized framework (i.e., the system is controlled by a single controller) and by synthesizing memoryless controllers (i.e., controllers that define their control policy from the current observation received from the system). Next, to obtain better solutions, we consider the synthesis of controllers that record a part or the whole of the execution of the system and use this information to define the control policy. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be used to control an interesting class of systems: the distributed systems. We have then defined methods that allow to control distributed systems with synchronous communications (decentralized and modular methods) and with asynchronous communications (distributed method). Moreover, we have implemented some of our algorithms to experimentally evaluate the quality of the synthesized controllers. /
Un système à événements discrets est un système dont l'espace d'états est un ensemble discret et dont l'évolution de l'état courant dépend de l'occurrence d'événements discrets à travers le temps. Ces systèmes sont présents dans de nombreux domaines critiques tels les réseaux de communications, l'aéronautique, l'aérospatiale... La validité de ces systèmes est dès lors une question importante et une manière de l'assurer est d'utiliser des méthodes de contrôle supervisé. Ces méthodes associent au système un dispositif, appelé contrôleur, qui s'exécute en parrallèle et qui restreint le comportement du système de manière à empêcher qu'un comportement erroné ne se produise. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au développement de méthodes de contrôle supervisé où le système peut avoir un espace d'états infini et où les contrôleurs ne sont pas toujours capables d'observer parfaitement le système; ce qui implique qu'ils doivent définir leur politique de contrôle à partir d'une connaissance imparfaite du système. Malheureusement, ce problème est généralement indécidable. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, nous utilisons alors des techniques d'interprétation abstraite qui assurent la terminaison de nos algorithmes au prix de certaines sur-approximations dans les calculs. Le but de notre thèse est de fournir la contribution la plus complète possible dans ce domaine et nous considèrons pour cela des problèmes de plus en plus réalistes. Plus précisement, nous avons commencé notre travail en définissant une méthode centralisée où le système est contrôlé par un seul contrôleur qui définit sa politique de contrôle à partir de la dernière information reçue du système. Ensuite, pour obtenir de meilleures solutions, nous avons défini des contrôleurs qui retiennent une partie ou la totalité de l'exécution du système et qui définissent leur politique de contrôle à partir de cette information. Malheureusement, ces méthodes ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour contrôler une classe intéressante de systèmes: les sytèmes distribués. Nous avons alors défini des méthodes permettant de contrôler des systèmes distribués dont les communications sont synchrones (méthodes décentralisées et modulaires) et asynchrones (méthodes distribuées). De plus, nous avons implémenté certains de nos algorithmes pour évaluer expérimentalement la qualité des contrôleurs qu'ils synthétisent.
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Are Colours Worth Protecting? : An Examination of Abstract Colour Marks’ Scope of ProtectionNilsson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
In the search for companies to distinguish themselves from the mass, so called non-traditional trade marks have become increasingly popular, and in particular colour marks. It is now clear that abstract colour marks can be registered as trade marks, and the number of registered colour marks has increased considerably in recent years. However, it remains a lot more uncertain, mainly due to lack of case law, what the extent of colour marks’ scope of protection is. Are colours actually worth protecting? The purpose of this thesis is to examine the scope of protection of registered abstract colour marks from an EU perspective. Through this examination it will also be established whether colours are worth protecting. The essential function of trade marks is to indicate the origin of products. Signs that are capable of being represented graphically and capable of distinguishing goods and services from one undertaking from those of other undertakings can be registered as trade marks. Colours can fulfil these criteria in certain circumstances, however, colours can practically never have distinctive character per se. Instead, they must have acquired distinctive character through use. Since it is quite difficult to register colour marks, a colour mark proprietor should be prepared to have the validity of his trade mark challenged if he issues proceedings for infringement. There are a few national cases from EU Member States that have concerned infringement of colour marks, and in all of these the plaintiff was successful in claiming infringement. Through the decisions in these cases, general legal principles and statements made in literature, the scope of protection of colour marks has been examined. Infringement of a colour mark occurs in three different situations: where there is likelihood of confusion, where there is double identity and where there is dilution of a trade mark with a reputation. Some of the most important findings are that confusingly similar colours include adjacent shades, but in order to prove likelihood of confusion, the infringing colour must probably be perceived by the public as an indication of origin and other signs that appear together with the colour must probably be taken into account, which limits the scope of protection to some extent. However, since colour marks must almost always have acquired distinctive character through use, consumers are used to perceiving that colour as a trade mark in relation to those types of goods/services, and are therefore more likely to do so also when the colour is used by the third party. Furthermore, there have to be an individual assessment in each case in order to determine whether surrounding signs exclude a likelihood of confusion, where all factors should be considered, including the distinctiveness of the colour mark and how clear and prominent the other signs are. In situations of double identity, the infringing sign does not have to be used as a trade mark, which is advantageous for colour mark owners. Furthermore, identical colours can possibly include other shades if they are so similar that the difference is barely perceptible in a direct comparison. Colour marks can often qualify as trade marks with a reputation, since the assessment of whether trade marks have a reputation is similar to the assessment of whether trade marks have acquired distinctive character through use. Trade marks with a reputation has an extended protection meaning that if a third party uses a sign that is identical or similar to a trade mark with a reputation, and that use without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the trade mark, then that use constitutes infringement. This applies both in relation to identical, similar and dissimilar products, however, it will probably only apply in relation to identical or similar products when it comes to colour marks, due to the extensive use of colours in the market. The extended protection could be relevant in particular in situations where likelihood of confusion cannot be proven, because the public does not perceive the infringing sign as a trade mark or because of surrounding prominent signs. This examination shows that the scope of protection of colour marks is not great, it has some weaknesses. However, it is definitely not worthless either, which clearly shows in the fact that the plaintiffs were successful in claiming infringement in all of the infringement cases. By registering a colour as a trade mark, a company can to some extent stop others from using the same or similar colour, and it will also most likely have a discouraging effect. However, some carefulness should still be applied in relation to colour marks, since this is still a very new phenomenon and additional case law can take another direction. But considering how the situation looks today, colours are worth protecting as trade marks.
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Abstrakt konst idag : En studie av Ann Edholm och Jacob Dahlgrens förhållande till modernismenKrispinsson, Charlotta January 2007 (has links)
This paper presents an approach in contemporary, abstract art for a new way of experiencing modernist abstraction. This has not been possible until now, about 40 years after the postmodern turn against modernism in art, and the closely connected formalism. This new approach is represented in this paper by the Swedish contemporary artists Ann Edholm and Jacob Dahlgren. Modernist artists such as Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian receives a new relevance to contemporary abstract art. This opens up for a new, more complex and more dialectical understanding and re-evaluation of modernism and its abstract art.This is shown by a historical and chronological investigation which highlights modernist abstract art, formalism, and the critical and post-modern Neo-geometric ‘abstraction’ of the eighties. This background has been a way of proving how modernist abstraction still can possess a validity for contemporary art today, and even vitalize a continuation for abstract art as a contemporary practice.
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Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case StudyMartin, Alan J. 24 January 2011 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.
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Birth and Women in MythologyLee, Chanju 21 November 2008 (has links)
The Birth is a multi-media video installation inspired by my personal experiences of a miscarriage and the births of my two children. The work is influenced by the mythologies found in Korean culture that focus on the mother figure as a ¡°Great Mother¡±. She is an ¡°ideal woman¡±, a ¡°good mother¡± and a ¡°sincere wife¡±. Working abstractly across the media of painting, video, digital animation, and the paintings of my son, The Birth exploits metaphors and symbols, to tell the story of women, especially the stories of mothers. The work speaks to motherly love and my own identity as an artist and a mother.
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