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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Повышение качества профессиональной подготовки кадров для предприятий машиностроительной отрасли : магистерская диссертация / Improving the quality of professional training for the engineering industry

Шадрина, А. А., Shadrina, A. A. January 2017 (has links)
Актуальность работы. Работа направлена на решение актуальной проблемы – качественного дефицита квалифицированных кадров машиностроительной отрасли, являющийся одной из причин трудностей, которые в настоящее время испытывает машиностроительное производство в Российской Федерации. Целью исследования является разработка рекомендаций по повышению качества подготовки выпускников технического вуза. Для достижения цели были поставлены следующие задачи: 1. Исследовать уровень базовых знаний студентов, получаемых в школе и проанализировать их взаимосвязь с успеваемостью в вузе; 2. Исследовать психологический портрет студента и проанализировать связь полученных результатов с результатами учебы; 3. Разработать пути воздействия на студента, позволяющие повысить качество его профессиональной подготовки. Объектом исследования являются студенты института новых материалов и технологий и их оценки за сессии. Предмет исследования – успеваемость студентов. Методы исследования: систематизация, психологическое тестирование, обобщение, статистические методы. Публикации. По материалам работы опубликовано 3 статьи (в соавторстве): 1. Современный студент технического вуза: элементы психологического портрета // Педагогическое образование в России. 2016. №4 С.87-92. 2. К вопросу о связи результатов учебы студентов технического вуза с их ответственностью и мотивированностью // Педагогическое образование в России. 2016. №7 С.218-223. 3. О связи обучения физике и математике в общеобразовательной школе с результатами обучения этих дисциплин студентами технического вуза // Педагогическое образование в России. 2016. №10 С.68-71. Работа также представлялась на международный конкурс «Discovery Science: University-2016», где заняла третье место в направлении «Психологические науки». Объем и структура работы. Работа состоит из пояснительной записки объемом 82 страницы и включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников, состоящий из 47 наименований и 4 приложения. Во введении обоснована актуальность темы, определены цели работы и сформулированы ее задачи. В первой главе анализируется состояние машиностроительного производства в России в настоящее время и описываются факторы, влияющие на его развитие. Во второй главе исследуются причины низкой подготовки кадров для машиностроения. В третьей главе разработана система влияния на студентов с целью повышения качества их обучения. В заключении подведены итоги. Основные выводы 1. В России существует дефицит квалифицированных кадров для машиностроения; 2. Успеваемость студентов оставляет желать лучшего, несмотря на то, что их личностные качества достаточно высоки и не отличаются от качество нашего общества в целом; 3. Предложены методы «нелинейного» воздействия на студентов, основанные на использовании проблемного подхода в обучении, оптимизации речи преподавателя, грамотном оформлении иллюстративного материала, а также рационализации поведения преподавателя в аудитории. / Actuality of work. The work is aimed at solving the actual problem - the shortage of qualified personnel in the machine-building industry. This problem is one of the reasons for the difficulties that machine building in the Russian Federation is currently experiencing. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the quality of graduates of a technical university. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. To study the level of basic knowledge of students obtained at school and analyze their relationship with academic achievement in the university; 2. To explore the psychological portrait of the student and analyze the relationship between the results obtained and the results of studies; 3. To develop ways of influencing the student, allowing to improve the quality of his professional training. The object of the research is the students of the Institute of New Materials and Technologies and their evaluation for the session. The subject of the study is student performance. Methods of research: systematization, psychological testing, generalization, statistical methods. Publications. Based on the work materials, 3 articles were published (in co-authorship): 1. Modern student of a technical college: elements of a psychological portrait // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2016. №4 С.87-92. 2. On the issue of the relationship of the results of studies of students of a technical college with their responsibility and motivation // Pedagogical Education in Russia. 2016. №7 С.218-223. 3. On the relationship of academic achievement in physics and mathematics in the general education school with the results of teaching these disciplines by students of a technical college // Pedagogical Education in Russia. 2016. №10 С.68-71. The work was also presented at the international competition "Discovery Science: University-2016", where she took the third place in the direction of "Psychological Sciences". Scope and structure of work. The work consists of an explanatory note in the volume of 82 pages and includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of sources used, consisting of 47 titles and 4 annexes. In the introduction, the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the goals of the work are defined and its tasks are formulated. In the first chapter, the state of machine-building production in Russia is analyzed at the present time and the factors affecting its development are described. The second chapter explores the reasons for the low training of personnel for machine building. The third chapter developed a system of influence on students in order to improve the quality of their education. In the conclusion the results are summed up. Main conclusions 1. In Russia, there is a shortage of qualified personnel for machine building; 2. The progress of students is poor, despite the fact that their personal qualities are high enough and do not differ from the quality of our society as a whole; 3. Methods of "indirect" impact on students based on the use of a problem approach in teaching, optimizing the speech of the teacher, the competent design of illustrative material, as well as the rationalization of the teacher's behavior in the classroom are suggested.

Impact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Pre-adoption Placement on School-age Functioning of Intercountry-Adopted Children

Fago, Felicia J. 22 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Development of "Teachers Integrating Physical Activity into the Curriculum" (TIPAC) Using a Systems Model Approach

Hartman, Sheri A. 30 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling Factors Affecting Academic Performance in Swedish Schools with Multiple Linear Regression / Modellering av faktorer som påverkar studieresultat i svenska skolor med multipel linjär regression

Breivold, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines factors affecting the academic performance in Swedish schools. Specifically, the average qualification point among ninth grade students in schools in Stockholm municipality during the academic year 2021-2022 are studied. Multiple linear regression is used to identify individual, social, and school specific factors which have a significant impact on the average qualification point in schools. The purpose is to identify factors affecting the academic performance, and by that contribute to the knowledge base constituting the foundation for the work to improve the academic performance and provide equal opportunities for all students. The Swedish grading system, previous research on factors affecting students' performance, and the Swedish school in a societal perspective are also discussed. The findings indicate that the background of the students, the parents' level of education, and the number of students per teacher are good predictors for academic performance. / Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet i svenska skolor. Specifikt studeras det genomsnittliga betyget bland elever i årskurs nio i Stockholms kommuns skolor under läsåret 2021-2022. Multipel linjär regression används för att identifiera individfaktorer, sociala faktorer och skolspecifika faktorer som har en signifikant inverkan på skolors genomsnittliga betyg. Syftet är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet och därmed bidra till kunskapsbasen som utgör grunden för arbetet med att förbättra studieresultat och tillhandahålla lika möjligheter för alla elever. Det svenska betygssystemet, tidigare forskning kring faktorer som påverkar elevers studieprestation samt den svenska skolan i ett samhälleligt perspektiv diskuteras också. Resultatet tyder på att elevernas bakgrund, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå och antalet elever per lärare är bra prediktorer för akademisk prestation.

Use of Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Educational Data: the Role of ICTs in the Educational Context

Gómez Fernández, Nerea María 21 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] En las últimas décadas, la intensificación del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha supuesto grandes cambios en nuestra forma de vida. En este contexto de intensa y creciente digitalización, esta tesis doctoral estudia el papel que juegan las TIC como un factor determinante del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de educación secundaria, así como los factores que propician el uso de las TIC en el aula por parte de los docentes. La tesis se compone de tres capítulos: (1) en el primero de ellos, se analiza la relación entre distintos tipos de uso de las TIC en el contexto social y educativo y el rendimiento académico; (2) en el capítulo dos, se centra la atención en el impacto que tiene sobre el rendimiento académico el uso de las TIC en el aula para realizar tareas y ejercicios; (3) y en el capítulo tres se analizan los factores que determinan la frecuencia de uso de las TIC en el aula por parte de los docentes. Para realizar estos análisis, se estudian datos procedentes de evaluaciones educativas internacionales y nacionales mediante la aplicación de distintos métodos estadísticos: modelos multinivel, método de variables instrumentales, método de emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión, regresiones cuantílicas y técnica de imputación multivariante por ecuaciones encadenadas. Los resultados alcanzados en las distintas investigaciones proporcionan evidencia empírica novedosa que permite elaborar recomendaciones en materia de política educativa, así como abrir futuras líneas de investigación que permitirán complementar los resultados de esta tesis doctoral. / [CA] En les últimes dècades, la intensificació de l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) ha suposat grans canvis en la nostra forma de vida. En aquest context d'intensa i creixent digitalització, aquesta tesi doctoral estudia el paper que juguen les TIC com un factor determinant del rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants d'educació secundària, així com els factors que propicien l'ús de les TIC a l'aula per part dels docents. La tesi es compon de tres capítols: (1) en el primer d'ells, s'analitza la relació entre diferents tipus d'ús de les TIC en el context social i educatiu i el rendiment acadèmic; (2) en el capítol dos, se centra l'atenció en l'impacte que té sobre el rendiment acadèmic l'ús de les TIC a l'aula per a fer tasques i exercicis; (3) i en el capítol tres s'analitzen els factors que determinen la freqüència d'ús de les TIC a l'aula per part dels docents. Per a realitzar aquestes anàlisis, s'estudien dades procedents d'avaluacions educatives internacionals i nacionals mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents mètodes estadístics: models multinivell, mètode de variables instrumentals, mètode d'aparellament per puntuació de propensió, regressió quantílica i tècnica d'imputació multivariant per equacions encadenades. Els resultats aconseguits en les diferents investigacions proporcionen evidència empírica nova que permet elaborar recomanacions en matèria de política educativa, així com obrir futures línies d'investigació que permetran complementar els resultats d'aquesta tesi doctoral. / [EN] In recent decades, the intensification of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought about major changes in our way of life. In this context of intense and increasing digitalization, this doctoral thesis studies the role of ICT as a determinant of the academic performance of secondary school students, as well as the factors that favour the use of ICT in the classroom by teachers. The thesis consists of three chapters: (1) in the first one, the relationship between different types of ICT use in the social and educational context and academic performance is analysed; (2) in chapter two, attention is focused on the impact on academic performance of the use of ICT in the classroom to carry out tasks and exercises; (3) and in chapter three, the factors that determine the frequency of ICT use in the classroom by teachers are analysed. In order to carry out these analyses, data from international and national educational assessments are studied by applying different statistical methods: multilevel models, instrumental variables method, propensity score matching method, quantile regressions and multivariate imputation technique by chained equations. The results achieved in the different investigations provide novel empirical evidence that allows us to elaborate recommendations for educational policy, as well as to open future lines of research that will allow us to complement the results of this doctoral thesis. / Mi agradecimiento al Ministerio de Universidades por su apuesta en la financiación de mi proyecto de investigación mediante el contrato FPU16/04571 y por permitirme dedicarme durante estos cuatro años exclusivamente a la investigación y a la docencia universitaria. Agradezco también al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y al doctor Jorge Calero, investigador principal del proyecto “Evaluación de intervenciones educativas para la mejora de la calidad educativa”, por permitirme participar como miembro del equipo de trabajo en el proyecto EDU2016-76414-R y financiar la presentación de mis investigaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Igualmente, agradezco a la Fundación Sabadell por otorgarme una ayuda a la investigación científica en la convocatoria 2020-2021. / Gómez Fernández, NM. (2022). Use of Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Educational Data: the Role of ICTs in the Educational Context [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181000

Ameliorating chartered accountants' training at a South African university : interventions for reform / N. van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, N January 2014 (has links)
The profession of chartered accountancy (CA) is critical to the economic, social and cultural development of South Africa. It has the potential to play a broader leadership role in the development of the financial skills the country needs so desperately. Extensive research has shown that South Africa has far too few CAs to satisfy the needs of the economy. The profession itself is, however, facing numerous challenges especially given the high expectations of employers of newly qualified CAs and the image of the profession in South Africa in regard to transforming professional demographics, a vestige of the apartheid regime. Many commentators agree that the fundamental flaw in accounting education is that it has remained static while the profession has changed. There is growing consensus among accounting professionals that recent accounting graduates do not adequately meet the standards set by potential employers in the modern, globalised business environment. One university that offers an accredited CA programme is the North-West University (NWU) which is perfectly placed to draw students from rural and urban areas alike; it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the accountancy skills shortage of the country and, hence, contribute to the economy and broader society. However, being newly formed as a result of government‟s merger of various historic institutions, the NWU faces some tough challenges in its endeavours to contribute to the delivery of CAs. The NWU must identify and break down the barriers, limitations and weaknesses that prohibit its students from achieving optimal results, especially the barriers that can, at least partly, be controlled or influenced by the university. The various studies reported on in this thesis are all built around this pivotal theme, i.e. they all endeavour to reveal the hurdles the institution needs to overcome or the areas that require improvement to ensure that the NWU successfully delivers as many as possible CA graduates of the highest quality and to the optimal benefit of employers and broader society. Ultimately, this study wishes to provide the NWU with the information it needs to reform its CA programme in line with this goal. In broad terms, this study, therefore, aims to establish the extent of the barriers to success of the CA programme at the NWU and to make recommendations on appropriate interventions to address such issues. To address the broad aim of this thesis, it is divided into five subordinate research projects, each designed to identify areas in the NWU‟s CA programme that necessitate amelioration. The first project has the primary objective of comparing and critically analysing differences in curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and assessment between the NWU CA programme and the professional accountancy department of a comparable university in the United Kingdom (UK) (so as to identify possible interventions for the NWU programme). It would be imprudent for any organisation not to look first towards international best practice in search of interventions, and a comparable UK institution is an obvious choice given the similarities in degree structures, the South African higher education framework having originally developed from the UK framework. The method employed is a case study involving the comparison of the qualification frameworks of the two countries involved and of two specific accounting degrees in regard to curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment, including the inspection of institutional documentation and an analysis of focus group transcripts involving academic staff from either institution. The remainder of the projects delve into more specific internal concerns regarding the NWU‟s CA programme. The second project has the objective of identifying and gauging the strength of possible barriers to student achievement (as identified in the literature) in the NWU‟s CA programme and, with a view to gaining insight into transformation constraints, the third project aims to assess whether there are differences in the perceptions of the NWU‟s CA students from different campuses and different ethnic backgrounds regarding the efficacy of various students achievement drivers. Both these projects involve a written survey on student perceptions on achievement barriers affecting the NWU. The participants to these projects were 790 CA students and the results are analysed statistically. The strength of achievement barriers and transformation constraints indicated in the accounting education literature might not reveal the complete picture of the reasons why students fail, especially at the first-year level where failure and dropout are often of great concern. To, therefore, determine the full range of barriers, the fourth research project has the objective of diagnosing any possible reasons for student failure (that are not necessarily addressed in the literature) and, more specifically, failure to complete the first year of CA studies at the NWU successfully. This project is approached in a wholly qualitative manner through a discursive analysis of four separate focus group interview transcripts involving a total of 29 randomly selected failed CA students. The first four research objectives reveal a number of weaknesses in the NWU‟s CA programme in need of amelioration, and various recommendations are made in this regard. A major theme arising is the lack of skills development and assessment opportunities afforded to students in the NWU CA programme. The thesis then explores the use of integrated case studies and business simulation assignments as educational tools to address this problem. Faithful to the fifth research objective of developing and evaluating a prototype of the most needed tool recommended as an educational intervention, an actual inter-disciplinary integrated case study and business simulation assignment is developed to enhance students‟ professional skills. The success of the assignment is evaluated by having 56 third-year CA students actually complete the assignment and then testing their experiences thereof utilising an adapted questionnaire designed for this purpose, followed by statistical analysis of the data. The contributions of this thesis are manifold including, but not limited to, the identification of a variety of areas for amelioration in accounting education practices, being one of very few comprehensive studies that investigates many achievement barriers holistically. This thesis sheds new light on some themes that have not yet been sufficiently researched in prior literature, including the value of career-oriented communication, transformation in accounting education, student failure in South African accounting education and the usage of inter-disciplinary integrated case studies or simulations in accounting. It further contributes a new empirical questionnaire, the reliability of which has been confirmed, making further research possible in various other settings. It benchmarks South African accounting education to that of at least one developed country; such international comparisons are scarce in the accounting education field, especially involving Africa. Moreover, it offers explanations for the drivers of pedagogical approaches in accounting education with reference to various forces rooted in institutional theory and education theory. The author, however, believes that the most practical contribution of this thesis is the actual inter-disciplinary case study and business simulation assignment which can be used or adapted by accounting educators to develop and assess professional skills and which provide some evidence of students‟ experiences of such an assignment that can inform the development of future assignments. Inter-disciplinary integrated tools are scarce in this field. The thesis is of managerial value for the NWU, but its findings are not confined to the domain of this institution, as they should provide useful insight for other institutions and accounting educators, as well as government(s) and professional bodies as the guardians of the profession. Delivering a higher quantity of better qualified CAs, especially from the designated population groups, are to the benefit of the whole country. Most of all, this thesis provides evidence of efforts to make a difference in the continuous quest to ameliorate accounting education one step at a time. / PhD (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Ameliorating chartered accountants' training at a South African university : interventions for reform / N. van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, N January 2014 (has links)
The profession of chartered accountancy (CA) is critical to the economic, social and cultural development of South Africa. It has the potential to play a broader leadership role in the development of the financial skills the country needs so desperately. Extensive research has shown that South Africa has far too few CAs to satisfy the needs of the economy. The profession itself is, however, facing numerous challenges especially given the high expectations of employers of newly qualified CAs and the image of the profession in South Africa in regard to transforming professional demographics, a vestige of the apartheid regime. Many commentators agree that the fundamental flaw in accounting education is that it has remained static while the profession has changed. There is growing consensus among accounting professionals that recent accounting graduates do not adequately meet the standards set by potential employers in the modern, globalised business environment. One university that offers an accredited CA programme is the North-West University (NWU) which is perfectly placed to draw students from rural and urban areas alike; it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the accountancy skills shortage of the country and, hence, contribute to the economy and broader society. However, being newly formed as a result of government‟s merger of various historic institutions, the NWU faces some tough challenges in its endeavours to contribute to the delivery of CAs. The NWU must identify and break down the barriers, limitations and weaknesses that prohibit its students from achieving optimal results, especially the barriers that can, at least partly, be controlled or influenced by the university. The various studies reported on in this thesis are all built around this pivotal theme, i.e. they all endeavour to reveal the hurdles the institution needs to overcome or the areas that require improvement to ensure that the NWU successfully delivers as many as possible CA graduates of the highest quality and to the optimal benefit of employers and broader society. Ultimately, this study wishes to provide the NWU with the information it needs to reform its CA programme in line with this goal. In broad terms, this study, therefore, aims to establish the extent of the barriers to success of the CA programme at the NWU and to make recommendations on appropriate interventions to address such issues. To address the broad aim of this thesis, it is divided into five subordinate research projects, each designed to identify areas in the NWU‟s CA programme that necessitate amelioration. The first project has the primary objective of comparing and critically analysing differences in curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and assessment between the NWU CA programme and the professional accountancy department of a comparable university in the United Kingdom (UK) (so as to identify possible interventions for the NWU programme). It would be imprudent for any organisation not to look first towards international best practice in search of interventions, and a comparable UK institution is an obvious choice given the similarities in degree structures, the South African higher education framework having originally developed from the UK framework. The method employed is a case study involving the comparison of the qualification frameworks of the two countries involved and of two specific accounting degrees in regard to curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment, including the inspection of institutional documentation and an analysis of focus group transcripts involving academic staff from either institution. The remainder of the projects delve into more specific internal concerns regarding the NWU‟s CA programme. The second project has the objective of identifying and gauging the strength of possible barriers to student achievement (as identified in the literature) in the NWU‟s CA programme and, with a view to gaining insight into transformation constraints, the third project aims to assess whether there are differences in the perceptions of the NWU‟s CA students from different campuses and different ethnic backgrounds regarding the efficacy of various students achievement drivers. Both these projects involve a written survey on student perceptions on achievement barriers affecting the NWU. The participants to these projects were 790 CA students and the results are analysed statistically. The strength of achievement barriers and transformation constraints indicated in the accounting education literature might not reveal the complete picture of the reasons why students fail, especially at the first-year level where failure and dropout are often of great concern. To, therefore, determine the full range of barriers, the fourth research project has the objective of diagnosing any possible reasons for student failure (that are not necessarily addressed in the literature) and, more specifically, failure to complete the first year of CA studies at the NWU successfully. This project is approached in a wholly qualitative manner through a discursive analysis of four separate focus group interview transcripts involving a total of 29 randomly selected failed CA students. The first four research objectives reveal a number of weaknesses in the NWU‟s CA programme in need of amelioration, and various recommendations are made in this regard. A major theme arising is the lack of skills development and assessment opportunities afforded to students in the NWU CA programme. The thesis then explores the use of integrated case studies and business simulation assignments as educational tools to address this problem. Faithful to the fifth research objective of developing and evaluating a prototype of the most needed tool recommended as an educational intervention, an actual inter-disciplinary integrated case study and business simulation assignment is developed to enhance students‟ professional skills. The success of the assignment is evaluated by having 56 third-year CA students actually complete the assignment and then testing their experiences thereof utilising an adapted questionnaire designed for this purpose, followed by statistical analysis of the data. The contributions of this thesis are manifold including, but not limited to, the identification of a variety of areas for amelioration in accounting education practices, being one of very few comprehensive studies that investigates many achievement barriers holistically. This thesis sheds new light on some themes that have not yet been sufficiently researched in prior literature, including the value of career-oriented communication, transformation in accounting education, student failure in South African accounting education and the usage of inter-disciplinary integrated case studies or simulations in accounting. It further contributes a new empirical questionnaire, the reliability of which has been confirmed, making further research possible in various other settings. It benchmarks South African accounting education to that of at least one developed country; such international comparisons are scarce in the accounting education field, especially involving Africa. Moreover, it offers explanations for the drivers of pedagogical approaches in accounting education with reference to various forces rooted in institutional theory and education theory. The author, however, believes that the most practical contribution of this thesis is the actual inter-disciplinary case study and business simulation assignment which can be used or adapted by accounting educators to develop and assess professional skills and which provide some evidence of students‟ experiences of such an assignment that can inform the development of future assignments. Inter-disciplinary integrated tools are scarce in this field. The thesis is of managerial value for the NWU, but its findings are not confined to the domain of this institution, as they should provide useful insight for other institutions and accounting educators, as well as government(s) and professional bodies as the guardians of the profession. Delivering a higher quantity of better qualified CAs, especially from the designated population groups, are to the benefit of the whole country. Most of all, this thesis provides evidence of efforts to make a difference in the continuous quest to ameliorate accounting education one step at a time. / PhD (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The effect of single sex schooling on girls' achievement in Physical Science

Carter, Tracey-Ann 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study investigated whether girls achieve better results in Physical Science in single sex environments or in co-educational classes. Thirteen independent South African schools where children were of similar socio-economic background were considered. Grade 12 Matriculation Physical Science examination results for 1999 to 2003 were analysed using Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests. Questionnaires were completed by a small number of students in order to compare their attitudes towards Physical Science and examined qualitatively. There were significant differences found by the administration of the Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests in 2000, 2001 and 2002 to indicate that girls in single sex schools achieved better results in Science than the co-educational schools. However, in 1999 and 2003 there was no significant difference in the results achieved, and so there may be other factors that are more important predictors of achievement than whether the schools are mixed or single sex. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Teaching)

Effects of English as medium of instruction on pupils' academic achievement in social studies in primary schools in Malawi

Mchazime, Hartford Skaliot 01 January 2002 (has links)
The current language policy in education in Malawi allows pupils to be taught through local languages form Standard 1 to 4 and through English from Standard 5 upwards. However, classroom observation suggets that teachers use Chichewa as the language of learning even in areas where Chichewa is not the home language of the majority of pupils. Surveys indicate that generally parents feel that their children would be learning better if they started learning through English earlier than in Standard 5. This study was conducted with a view to finding out whether English is the most appropriate language of learning for senior primary school children in Malawi. The study specifically addressed the question of whether or not the use of English as the language of learning in Social Studies resulted in better academic performance among Standard 7 pupils in Malawi. The study also addressed the question of whether the use of English as the language of learning increased pupil participation in the learning process and whether the use of Chichewa as the language of learning favoured Chichewa home language pupils more than Chiyao home language pupils. The findings suggest that primary school children in Malawi are not linguistically prepared for instruction through the medium of English. Standard 7 pupils, the target of the study, found it difficult to learn Social Studies through English although they had had three years of English as the language of learing. Their participation in academic work was hampered by their limited mastery of the language. Pre-test and post-test results show that Standard 7 pupils receiving instruction through Chichewa obtained higher scores than those who were taught in English. When Yao and Chewa children were taught together through the Chichewa medium, the Yao children scored as well as their counterparts whose home language was Chichewa. Thus the study suggests that the use of Chichewa benefited both groups while the use of English seemed to retard their performance. These results imply that the language policy in Malawi and the way teachers are currently trained to teach English in primary schools need to be re-examined and reviewed. / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (English)

Promoting reading comprehension competence among English second language high school learners in a disadvantaged community

Coleman, Mary F. 30 June 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research study was to determine whether extensive reading, supported by the instruction and use of appropriate strategies, would a) improve learners' comprehension achievement b) increase academic achievement in English, and c) promote higher achievement in general academic performance. One hundred and twenty-one learners participated in this project. Three groups of learners: extensive readers, less extensive readers and non-extensive readers were identified and studied. The result indicated that extensive reading not only leads to improved achievement in comprehension, but that it also leads to improvement in general academic performance in all subjects across the curriculum; while lack of extensive reading has an adverse effect on both reading comprehension achievement and general academic performance as a whole. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Didactics)

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