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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Branschkontoplaner : En studie av BAS lantbruk och FastBAS

Axelsson, Sara, Jakobsson, Frida, Sohlberg Olsson, Linnéa January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att kartlägga nyttan med branschkontoplaner. Detta görs genom att påvisa eventuella fördelar respektive nackdelar. Vidare vill vi kartlägga hur branschkontoplaner uppfattas av de parter som använder den samt att förstå vad som görs för att motivera användandet av branschkontoplaner och om dessa medför ökade jämförelsemöjligheter.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och kommer beskriva problemet utifrån skaparnas perspektiv. Undersökningen präglas av tvärsnittsdesign och kommer ske med semistandardiserade intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär. Frågorna som ställs återfinns i våra intervjuguider och respondenterna har valts ut med tanke på deras anknytning till BAS, BAS lantbruk eller FastBAS. Eftersom vi undersöker två olika branscher, lantbruk och fastighetsförvaltning för allmännyttiga bostadsföretag, kommer vi få två perspektiv på problemet som senare kan jämföras.</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Resultatet pekar på att användarna har en positiv inställning till branschkontoplaner samt att fördelarna med en branschkontoplan väger upp de nackdelar vi funnit. Nyttan med branschkontoplaner är främst den jämförelsemöjlighet och statistik som dessa bidrar till. Det görs inget specifikt för att motivera alla företag inom samma bransch att följa en branschkontoplan. </p><p><strong>Vidare forskning: </strong>Jämföra resultatet mot fler branscher eller mot andra länder. Går det att få fram vissa nyckeltal som kan användas globalt?</p> / <p><strong>Aim: </strong>The essay's main purpose is to identify the benefits of using branch adapted account plans. This is done by demonstrating the potential benefits and drawbacks. Furthermore, we want to identify how branch adapted account plans are apprehended by the parties using it and to understand what is being done to justify the use of the branch adapted account plans and whether these have increased the comparison opportunity.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The study is qualitative in nature and describe the problem from the creator's perspective. The study's characterized by cross-sectional design and will be done by semi-standardized interviews of semi-structured nature. Our interview questions can be found in our interview guides and the respondents were selected in view of their relationship with the BAS, BAS lantbruk or FastBAS. Since we investigate two different branches, agricultural and real estate for public housing companies, we get two perspectives that can be compared.</p><p><strong>Result: </strong>The results indicate that users have a positive attitude towards branch adapted account plans, and that the benefits of a branch adapted account plan are weighing up the disadvantages we have found. The use of branch adapted account plan is primarily the comparison opportunity and statistics that they contribute. There is nothing specific done to motivate all companies within the same branch to follow a branch adapted account plan.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Future research: </strong>Comparing the results against more branches or to other countries. Is it possible to obtain certain financial ratios that can be used globally?</p>

Branschkontoplaner : En studie av BAS lantbruk och FastBAS

Axelsson, Sara, Jakobsson, Frida, Sohlberg Olsson, Linnéa January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att kartlägga nyttan med branschkontoplaner. Detta görs genom att påvisa eventuella fördelar respektive nackdelar. Vidare vill vi kartlägga hur branschkontoplaner uppfattas av de parter som använder den samt att förstå vad som görs för att motivera användandet av branschkontoplaner och om dessa medför ökade jämförelsemöjligheter. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och kommer beskriva problemet utifrån skaparnas perspektiv. Undersökningen präglas av tvärsnittsdesign och kommer ske med semistandardiserade intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär. Frågorna som ställs återfinns i våra intervjuguider och respondenterna har valts ut med tanke på deras anknytning till BAS, BAS lantbruk eller FastBAS. Eftersom vi undersöker två olika branscher, lantbruk och fastighetsförvaltning för allmännyttiga bostadsföretag, kommer vi få två perspektiv på problemet som senare kan jämföras. Slutsats: Resultatet pekar på att användarna har en positiv inställning till branschkontoplaner samt att fördelarna med en branschkontoplan väger upp de nackdelar vi funnit. Nyttan med branschkontoplaner är främst den jämförelsemöjlighet och statistik som dessa bidrar till. Det görs inget specifikt för att motivera alla företag inom samma bransch att följa en branschkontoplan.  Vidare forskning: Jämföra resultatet mot fler branscher eller mot andra länder. Går det att få fram vissa nyckeltal som kan användas globalt? / Aim: The essay's main purpose is to identify the benefits of using branch adapted account plans. This is done by demonstrating the potential benefits and drawbacks. Furthermore, we want to identify how branch adapted account plans are apprehended by the parties using it and to understand what is being done to justify the use of the branch adapted account plans and whether these have increased the comparison opportunity. Method: The study is qualitative in nature and describe the problem from the creator's perspective. The study's characterized by cross-sectional design and will be done by semi-standardized interviews of semi-structured nature. Our interview questions can be found in our interview guides and the respondents were selected in view of their relationship with the BAS, BAS lantbruk or FastBAS. Since we investigate two different branches, agricultural and real estate for public housing companies, we get two perspectives that can be compared. Result: The results indicate that users have a positive attitude towards branch adapted account plans, and that the benefits of a branch adapted account plan are weighing up the disadvantages we have found. The use of branch adapted account plan is primarily the comparison opportunity and statistics that they contribute. There is nothing specific done to motivate all companies within the same branch to follow a branch adapted account plan. Future research: Comparing the results against more branches or to other countries. Is it possible to obtain certain financial ratios that can be used globally?


廖詩奇 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟失衡的議題在20世紀末受到注意,泛指先進國家與新興國家經常帳發展不對稱的情形,尤以美國經常帳赤字的惡化為核心。 由於經濟失衡的現象讓未來全球的經濟成長添加了變數,經濟失衡的原因即成為專家學者間熱烈討論的議題;其中以儲蓄和投資相關的討論最多。有不少學者認為導致全球經常帳失衡的原因是美國儲蓄太低且過度消費,中國為首等新興國家卻又過度儲蓄、投資不足。作者則認為英國、日本為融通美國經常帳赤字的重要來源;先進的小國(盧森堡、新加坡、南韓、比利時)集中投資美國也是造成美國鉅額經常帳赤字的主要原因之一。另外,隨著能源價格的飆漲,油元的勢力以及其對全球經濟失衡現象所造成的影響也不容小覷。 本文以貿易依存度的高低區分出「外貿型」與「內需型」的國家,並且觀察到國際間資金淨流動的方向大致符合以下的趨勢:「外貿型」的國家傾向融資「內需型」的國家;同時金融規模較小的國家融資金融規模較大的國家。另外,金融部門的規模也和跨國資金移動的規模有關。金融規模越大的國家,跨國移動的資金規模越龐大。針對以上的觀察,作者從資金的供給與需求以及金融部門的功能提出解釋。

La "révolution agraire" de l’Écosse, 1755-1815 : une construction historiographique? : étude de cas sur l’Aberdeenshire

Sylvestre, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
L’Écosse du XVIIIe siècle connaît de grands changements qui seront à l’aune des transformations socio-économiques sous-tendant sa Révolution industrielle. L’historiographie sur le sujet est divisée entre deux visions du développement – nommées pour le bienfait de cette étude traditionnelle et révisionniste – à savoir si ces transformations valident la notion d’une « révolution agraire ». Cette étude propose une recension de ces deux courants et propose d’appliquer leur analyse sur une région circonscrite, l’Aberdeenshire. À l’aide de l’Old Statistical Account, source majeure pour l’étude de l’histoire moderne écossaise, nous tenterons de démontrer que le caractère particulier du développement des régions ne correspond pas à l’application des conclusions nationales. Nous accorderons une attention spéciale à la propriété foncière, à l’impact des enclosures et à la temporalité des changements. De par ses spécificités, et son retard de modernisation agraire et agricole, nous croyons que la région suit le schéma dressé par les historiens révisionnistes, c.-à-d. des changements structurels s’étendant sur un temps long et ne s’inscrivant pas directement dans la période 1755-1815, traditionnellement désignée comme « révolution agraire ». Il s’agirait plutôt d’une adaptation partielle et originale des nouvelles idées mises de l’avant par les protagonistes de la modernisation. / During the eighteenth century, Scotland underwent numerous structural changes that ultimately led to its entry into the Industrial Revolution. Concerning its historiography, there is an ongoing debate between two factions – named for the purpose of this study traditionalists and revisionists – in order to determine the validity of the “Agricultural revolution” notion of development. This study aims to explore both visions and to apply their conclusions to a particular region, in this case Aberdeenshire. Using the Old Statistical Account, one of the major documentary resources concerning Scottish modern history, we will try to demonstrate that the regional experience of development differs from the general assertions applied to Scotland. We will focus on land property, the impact of enclosures and the timeframe of the changes. Owing to its specific characteristics, we believe that the entry of Aberdeenshire into agricultural modernity followed the path of long-term structural changes, as favoured by the writers of the revisionist persuasion. In other words, this region did not experience but more or less adapted the new ideas and techniques to its own particular characteristics.

Lietuvos mokėjimų balansas: analizė ir perspektyvos / Lithuania national payments balance, analysis and perspectives

Dunovska, Jolanta 04 February 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas Lietuvos nacionalinis mokėjimo balansas, jo struktūra, reguliavimo metodai, plačiau nagrinėjama einamoji mokėjimo balanso sąskaita ir jos deficitas. Atliekama statistinių nacionalinio mokėjimų balanso duomenų analizė nuo 1998 iki 2007 metų. Vertinama mokėjimų balanso sąskaitų (einamosios, kapitalo, finansinės) tarpusavio priklausomybė bei nagrinėjamas ryšys visų mokėjimų balanso sąskaitų su BVP. Galiausiai atliekamas nacionalinio mokėjimų balanso prognozavimas slenkančio vidurkio bei ekponentinio išlyginimo metodai, kad galima būtų numatyti jo perspektyvas. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius Lietuvos mokėjimo balanso bei einamosios sąskaitos aspektus, pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai. / In this final master work under consideration are Lithuania national payments balance, its structure and regulation methods. Enlarge under consideration are current payments account and its deficit. Statistical national payments balance data analysis is executable from 1998 to 2007. Payments balance accounts (current, fund, financial) interdependence are well considered and relation common balance of payments account with GDP is pending in this work. At last national balance of payments prognostication is feasable in few methods to see its perspectives in future. After theoretical and practical aspects inspecting, finding and offering are proposed.


RONY CAMINITI RON-REN JUNIOR 02 August 2017 (has links)
[pt] Com a implantação das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora, criou-se a necessidade de se repensar o modelo de atuação policial nas comunidades atendidas pelo programa. Se antes as incursões policiais tinham como objetivo principal o combate ao tráfico, agora, com a instalação de uma edificação física da polícia, a construção de laços de proximidade entre policial e comunidade tornou-se crucial. Contudo, implementar um programa que pressupõe mudança radical na forma como o policial historicamente vem atuando não é uma tarefa fácil, sobretudo quando há falta de clareza sobre o que constitui um policiamento de proximidade. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo contribuir para um melhor entendimento desse novo modelo de policiamento a partir da voz de policiais atuantes no programa das UPPs. Com base em dados gerados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas e à luz dos estudos da análise de categoria de pertença e de accounts, foi possível identificar os diferentes discursos atrelados à categoria de policial e o modo como o contraste desses discursos serve à categorização negativa de quem não realiza as atividades tradicionais de policiamento. O contraste entre as atividades/ discursos aponta não só para uma visão da ineficácia da lógica da guerra à prática policial, mas também para a permanência do jargão da cultura combativa na fala dos entrevistados. Os resultados apontam também para uma visão de que a estigmatização da identidade de policial de proximidade se deve ao fato de que as métricas de desempenho são orientadas por uma cultura de combate ao crime. Com isso, o trabalho de prevenção do crime não é reconhecido. / [en] After the implementation of the Pacifying Police Units, it has become necessary to rethink the model of police action in the communities. If police raids had, as their main objective, the fight against drug trafficking, now with the installation of a physical police base, the construction of proximity ties between police and community has become crucial. However, implementing a program that presupposes radical change in the way the police has historically been performing their duty is not an easy task, especially when there is a lack of clarity about what community policing means. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of this new policing model based on the voices of police officers who work or have worked in the Pacifying Police Units program. Based on data generated from semi-structured interviews and in the light of studies of membership categorization analysis and accounts, it was possible to identify the different discourses linked to the police category and the way in which the contrast of these discourses helps produce negative categorization of those who do not conform to traditional police practice. The contrast between activities /discourses not only points to a view of the inefficacy of a war mindset to police practice, but also to the permanence of a combative jargon in the interviewees speech. The results also indicate that the stigmatization of community police identity occurs due to the fact that performance metrics are guided by a culture of crime fighting. Thus, crime prevention tasks are not recognized.


AMANDA COSTA PINTO DE MORAIS 25 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] O Brasil é o quarto país no ranking mundial de acidentes com vítimas fatais e o décimo quinto em relação aos demais acidentes de trabalho, segundo a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT). Se as empresas são obrigadas a arcar com alíquotas maiores por lei pelos acidentes, o trabalhador, além de poder arcar com a vida, arca também com a culpa. É comum a liderança relacionar a ocorrência de um acidente a um comportamento inseguro do trabalhador. Essa visão é até certo ponto alimentada por uma literatura que enfatiza a responsabilidade do empregado justificando os acidentes através de categorias, como erro humano, ato inseguro, dentre outras. Este trabalho busca contribuir para os estudos das causas de acidentes de trabalho, examinando como a questão da responsabilidade é descrita por aqueles que gerenciam a segurança do trabalho. A partir de uma perspectiva etnometodológica, pretende-se identificar que concepções de senso comum sustentam as explicações que eles apresentam. O corpus é constituído de entrevistas realizadas com profissionais cuja posição hierárquica é mais próxima do topo da pirâmide e lidam com trabalhadores que executam atividades com risco iminente. Os resultados apontam, por um lado, a persistência da noção de ato inseguro, responsabilizando o trabalhador, com base em explicações que reforçam questões como agência, conhecimento e até intenção em provocar o acidente. Por outro lado, os resultados mostram também explicações que apontam para a responsabilização da empresa, o que nem sempre é assumido em casos de acidentes. Quanto àqueles envolvidos com o gerenciamento da segurança do trabalho, explicações de base cultural servem para desresponsabilizá-los, uma vez que a cultura da empresa e do trabalhador impossibilita qualquer ação eficaz. Dados esses resultados, verifica-se que, na prática, a tendência é buscar culpados e não apurar a responsabilidade de todos na ocorrência de acidentes. / [en] Brazil is the fourth country in the world ranking of accidents with fatal victims and the fifteenth in relation to other accidents at work, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). If companies are forced to pay higher rates by law for accidents, the worker, in addition to being able to afford life, is also to blame. It is common for leadership to relate the occurrence of an accident to unsafe worker behavior. This view is to some extent fueled by a literature that emphasizes employee responsibility by justifying accidents through categories such as human error, unsafe act, among others. This research seeks to contribute to the study of the causes of occupational accidents, examining how the issue of responsibility is described by those who manage work safety. From an ethnomethodological perspective, we intend to identify which common-sense conceptions support the explanations they present. The corpus consists of interviews with professionals whose hierarchical position is closest to the top of the pyramid and deal with workers who carry out activities with imminent risk. The results indicate, on the one hand, the persistence of the concept of an unsafe act, making the worker responsible, based on explanations that reinforce issues such as agency, knowledge and even intention to cause the accident. On the other hand, the results also show explanations that point to the responsibility of the company, which is not always assumed in cases of accidents. As for those involved in the management of work safety, culturally based explanations serve to reassure them, since the culture of the company and the worker precludes any effective action. Given these results, it turns out that, in practice, the tendency is to seek guilty and not to ascertain the responsibility of all in the occurrence of accidents.

Análisis de los desequilibrios del sector externo. Aplicación al caso argentino / Análisis de los desequilibrios del sector externo. Aplicación al caso argentino

Lanteri, Luis 10 April 2018 (has links)
The financial and exchange rate crisis observed in Argentine at the end of 2001 showed the importance of understanding the factors that explain the evolution of the balance of payments and, in particular, of the current account. The objective of this work is to show recent developments in the theory of the current account and its application to the Argentine case. In the first place, short and long term correlations between national saving and domestic investment is considered through a model of a mechanism of correction of errors. Later, the paper analyzes the main shocks that affect to the current account in agreement with different theories. Finally, the paper shows the intertemporary approach of the current account. In this case, the paper considers a standard version of this approach and a model that makes flexible some of its main basic assumptions. / La crisis financiera y cambiaria que tuvo lugar en la Argentina hacia fines del año 2001 puso de relieve la importancia de entender los factores que explican la evolución de la balanza de pagos y, en particular, de la cuenta corriente. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar algunos de los desarrollos relativamente recientes en la teoría de la cuenta corriente y su aplicación al caso argentino. En primer lugar, se estima la correlación de corto y de largo plazo entre las tasas de ahorro nacional y de inversión doméstica, a través de un modelo planteado en la forma de un mecanismo de corrección de errores. Posteriormente, se analizan los principales shocks que podrían afectar a la cuenta corriente, de acuerdo con diferentes teorías. Por último, se describe la propuesta intertemporal de la cuenta corriente. Para ello, se expone, en primer lugar, la versión estándar de esta propuesta y, posteriormente, un modelo que flexibiliza algunos de sus principales supuestos básicos.

Undersökning och konsekvensbeskrivning av användartyper hos ett företag : En balansgång mellan IT-säkerhet och användbarhet.

Jonsson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
En av de svåraste utmaningarna som ett företag står inför är jämvikten mellan användbarhet och säkerhet, så att ingen av dessa väger över och på så vis påverkar organisationen negativt. Utifrån intervjuer med anställda har användbarheten undersökts, även samtal med ansvariga inom IT-säkerhet har givit förståelse för företagets arbete inom området. I det undersökta företaget kan man se att stor tyngd läggs på säkerheten, vilket kan påverkar användbarheten för användarna. Eftersom det i nuläget saknas en utredning och ett riktigt beslutsunderlag av vilka användare som skall ha vilka behörigheter på sina datorer, ges i slutet av arbetet rekommendationer till företaget gällande användartypernas fördelning utifrån säkerhetsperspektiv och ur användarnas egen användbarhetsuppfattning.

Key Account Management / Key Account Management

Dvořák, Dalibor January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to identify main activities and responsibilities of key account managers - based on example of Imperial Tobacco CR, s.r.o. company. The theoretical part describes the development of the Czech Retail market from 1989 till 2007. It is focused on international retail chains and it's entrance in the Czech market. Also main trends and possible future development are identified. The practical part provide with detailed characteristics of the Czech tobacco market as well as Imperial Tobacco CR, s.r.o. company - a representative of suppliers. Crucial part is the analysys of activities and responsibilities of Imperial Tobacco's key account managers. The authenticity is guaranteed by real business examples, situations and relationships.

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