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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle des autorités de concurrence et des autorités de régulation sectorielle dans la surveillance de la libéralisation des marchés de l'énergie / The role of competition authorities and sectoral regulators in supervising the liberalisation of energy markets

Blottin, Benoît 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’ouverture à la concurrence des marchés de l’électricité et du gaz peine à aboutir aux effets escomptés. Si les directives issues du troisième « paquet » ont été en grande partie transposées au sein des États membres, les obstacles à la réalisation effective d’une Europe de l’énergie demeurent nombreux. Dans ce contexte nébuleux, une surveillance aux yeux d’Argus a émergé. En effet, comme pour forcer le processus de libéralisation, les autorités de concurrence et les autorités de régulation sectorielle redoublent d’efforts pour achever rapidement le marché intérieur de l’énergie, quitte à aller parfois, semble-t-il, à contre-courant de leur mission originelle. D’un côté, les autorités de concurrence semblent de plus en plus enclines à se comporter en « constructeurs » des marchés de l’énergie, agissant davantage sur la structure de ces derniers que sur les comportements dommageables. À l’inverse, les autorités de régulation sectorielle, dont les pouvoirs ne cessent d’être renforcés, sont de plus en plus incitées à détecter les entraves à la concurrence et à les sanctionner. De ce contrôle bicéphale résulte une confusion des rôles qui n’est pas totalement atténuée par la mise en place des « passerelles » entre les deux types de régulateurs. Au demeurant, face à cet enchevêtrement de compétences, les opérateurs évoluent sur des marchés peu propices au jeu de la concurrence et dans un cadre réglementaire aussi complexe qu’instable, sclérosant les investissements nécessaires pour dynamiser ces marchés. Toutefois, le système mis en place, que beaucoup aimeraient voir clarifié, peut être amélioré. Alors qu’une partie de la doctrine appelle à la fusion des autorités, hypothèse pourtant peu réaliste, la voie du réaménagement du cadre de surveillance, basée sur un renforcement de l’interrégulation, mais également sur l’établissement d’une véritable régulation européenne, ne semble pas avoir été suffisamment explorée. / The opening to competition of the markets in gas and electricity has hardly produced the desired impact. To a large extent, the directives flowing from the third package have been transposed amongst the Member States. However, the effective implementation of a European energy is still facing several challenges ahead. With this nebulous background, supervision has become all-seeing, Argus-like. In fact, while competitions authorities and sectoral regulators are significantly stepping up theirs efforts so as to push forward the liberalization process towards the swift completion of the internal energy market, they seem, at times, to work against the grain of their original assignment. On the one hand, competition authorities appear to be increasingly willing to act as « builders » for the energy markets as they tackle market structures rather than harmful behaviours. Conversely, sectoral regulators, with their ever-strengthening powers, are more and more incited to track down and take sanctions against barriers to competition. Such bicephalous management has resulted in a confusion of roles which has not been alleviated by the « bridges »built between both types of regulators. At any rate, in the face of such a tangled web of competences, operators find themselves in markets that are not very conducive to competition and in a regulatory framework which is both volatile and complex, thereby paralysing the investments required to render such markets more dynamic. The system as it stands may still be improved and many would like to see it clarified. Although the prospect is not very realistic, some commentators have called for the merger of authorities. It appears nonetheless that reworking the supervision framework with a view to strengthening inter-regulation but also implementing actual European regulations is a route that has not yet been sufficiently explored.

Insuffisance de la régénération naturelle dans les jeunes forêts de feuillus du sud du Québec issues de la déprise agricole

Orangeville, Loïc d' January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Optimiser l'établissement d'arbres feuillus (Acer saccharinum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica et Quercus macrocarpa) en friche herbacée par la facilitation artificielle

Laliberté, Etienne January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Shifts in sapling regeneration over 25 years in forest ecosystems of Appalachian Ohio

Ballweg, Savannah Lynn January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Vegetation Dynamics of an Old-growth Mixed Mesophytic Forest in Southeastern Ohio, USA

Murphy, Stephen J. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Critical Temperature Threshold for Early Leaf Litter Decomposition and Microbial Enzyme Activity

Thoman, Heather Marie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


黃清茂 Unknown Date (has links)
小筆電可說是筆記型電腦所演化的新產品,這個新產品在近兩年經濟不景氣的時代背景之下,迅速熱賣,市場的接受度可說是非常的高。本研究以文獻分析法探討小筆電的興起、宏碁公司的經營策略、筆記型電腦產業的競爭策略、筆記型電腦產業的核心能力分析模式、以及科技行銷策略,以「技術採用生命週期」的分析理論,建構研究模式。 近兩年小筆電的熱銷讓宏碁Aspire One出奇致勝,即使宏碁並不是首推小筆電的廠商,卻迅速反應,在很短的時間內,搶佔市場。Aspire One的熱銷是宏碁不巧受到幸運之神眷顧?還是宏碁在策略上運用得宜?小筆電的興起對宏碁筆記型電腦經營的策略有何特別的意涵? 本論文以個案研究法,除了相關文獻的蒐集與分析之外,輔以筆者在筆記型電腦大廠深耕約二十年的工作經驗,深度分析小筆電的興起、以及宏碁公司的經營策略。 / Netbook can be seen as the new product developed from Notebook computer. In the wake of economic recession in recent two years, market acceptance for Netbook has become extremely high. This research is based on literature analysis, aims to analyze the rise of Netbook era, Acer‟s corporate strategy, the competitive approach in Notebook computer industry, the analysis model upon core competition in Notebook computer industry, and technology marketing strategy. The study is taking “Technology Life Circle” as research model . Acer‟s Aspire One is the biggest winner in Netbook selling record. Even Acer is not the first one to promote Netbook, its prompt response to the market brings Acer to the biggest Netbook player. Is Acer just lucky for perfect timing heading to this triumph, or it indicates Acer‟s strategies properly deployed? Besides, does the rise of the Netbook era since change the direction of Acer‟s business strategy? The research is doing in the manner of case study. On top of related literature analysis, my professional working experience within Notebook computer industry nearly twenty years is crucial for insight analysis of the rise of Netbook era and Acer‟s business strategy. Hopefully, this research brings reference value to industry.

Sosnovskio barščio (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden) ir uosialapio klevo (Acer negundo L.) plitimo ypatumai / Spread peculiarities of Sosnowski's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden) and box elder (Acer negundo L.)

Valantinaitė, Audronė 01 June 2011 (has links)
Sosnovskio barščio ir uosialapio klevo plitimo tyrimai buvo atliekami Pasvalio ir Kauno rajonuose. Tyrimo metu buvo nustatoma šių augalų plitimo ypatumai, efektyviausios kontrolės priemonės, invazijos agresyvumo lygmenys. Gauti tyrimai parodė, kad vanduo daro didesnę įtaką uosialapio klevo išplitimo atstumams nei vėjas, nes jų buvo aptinkama visame 10 km tirtos upės pakrantės ruože, o toliausiai vėjo pagalba atsiradę savaiminukai buvo aptikti iki 100 metrų nuo motininio medžio. Šie augalai dera gausiai, vidutiniškai vienas uosialapio klevo medis subrandina 70 tūkst. Sėklų. Sosnovskio barščio 1 m2 aptikta apie 7,5 tūkst. sėklų. Veiksmingiausia kontrolės priemonė uosialapiui klevui yra mažų savaiminukų naikinimas, nes kertant paaugusius medžius jie sėkmingai atželia iš kelmo ataugų. Sosnovskio barščio kontrolei, jų kasimas yra veiksmingiau nei purškimas, nes kasant atželia 45 % naikinamų augalų, o tik purškiant – 85 %. Apskaičiuotas invazyvumo lygmuo parodo, jog Sosnovskio barštis yra invazyvesnis nei uosialapis klevas. Uosialapio klevo invazyvumo lygmuo yra 0,42, o Sosnovskio barščio - 0,56. / The research on the spread of heracleum sosnowskyi and acer negundo was carried out in the regions of Pasvalys and Kaunas. The research focuses on the spread features of these plants, most effective control measures and the level of invasion. The results showed that water had larger influence on the spread of acer negundo than wind as some spontaneous trees were found in all 10 kilometers onshore area. The longest distance from the parent tree revealed to be approximately 100 meters. These plants fruit abundantly, approximately one mature tree of acer negundo produces 70 thousands of seeds. Heracleum sosnowskyi matures about 7.5 thousands of seeds / 1 m2. The most effective control measure of acer negundo is destroying spontaneous seedlings because cutting of the grown trees isn’t effective, they regrow from the stumps. For a control of heracleum sosnowskyi digging is more effective than spraying, because 45 % of the spontaneous seedlings regrow after digging while 85 % of them regrow after spraying. Calculated level of invasion shows that heracleum sosnowskyi is more invasive than acer negundo. A level of invasion of acer negundo is 0.42, heracleum sosnowskyi – 0.56.

Species-specific fine root biomass, morphology and dynamics of six co-occurring deciduous tree species in the Hainich National Park and a conifer tree species at the alpine treeline

Kubisch, Petra 09 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

多國企業整合與協調之研究--以宏碁集團之主從架構為例 / The coordination & integration mechanisms of multinational enterprises - the case of Acer's client-server structure

許宗哲, Hsu, Tsung-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討多國企業面對全球環境變化與全球策略的改變時,如何針對不同角色的子公司進行整合與協調。另外,並提出多國企業整合與協調的權變模式,試圖瞭解在不同的全球環境與全球策略下,子公司角色如何變化、資本流與知識流如何移動、應採取何種整合與協調機制。本研究採用個案研究法,以國內國際化程度最深之一的宏碁集團為對象,針對集團總部與六個子公司進行研究,並以 Client-ServerO.X、Client-Server l.X 與 LOB 將宏碁集團整合與協調分為三個階段,兼用結構化問卷與對子公司高階經理的深度訪談取得詳細資訊。另外並椅子公司的「相對優勢」、「全球整合/地方回應」與「策略重要性」將子公司角色分成八類,亦定義出六個整合與協調的機制。研究結果發現,當全球整合壓力增強時,多國企業將增加成本領導策略與與複雜創新策略的權重,優先促使全球整合導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司改變其角色,此時對不同角色的子公司仍需採取不同的整合與協調機制,但皆加強結構調整機制與資源管理機制的使用;當地方回應壓力增強時,多國企業將增加行銷差異化策略與廣度策略的權重,優先促使地方回應導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司角色移動,但較不強調資源管理機制的使用。 / This paper investigate how a Multinational Corporation(MNC) integrates and coordinates subsidiaries with different roles, in the context of global competition . A contingency model MNC's integration & coordination is proposed in order to provide a in-depth understanding of how to deal with the flows of knowledge and capital. Integration and coordination mechanisms are also suggested to manage the strategic role changes of subsidiaries. A qualitative approach consists of questionnaires and interviewing of CEOs is used to explore the relationships among global environment, global strategy, subsidiary's roles and mechanisms to integrate and coordinate the activities of a MNC. One of the MNCs in Taiwan with high degree of internationalization, Acer Group is the focus of the study. The head office and six subsidiaries were interviewed and the following three phases of Acer's history were examined: Client-Server O.X, Client-Server l.X and LOB. Three dimensions, relative advantage, integration/responsiveness and strtrgic importance, were used to classified the roles of subsidiaries into eight categories. We also identified six mechanisms of intrgration and coordinition. The research findings suggest two important patterns to integrate and coordinate. First, increasing pressure to integrate will push MNCs to strengthen the cost strategy and complex innovation strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles. The head office should adopt different integration and coordination mechanisms to deal with subsidiaries with different roles. Two types of the mechanisms, the microtructural arrangement mechanism and the resource management mechanism should be emphasized in all subsidiaries. Second, increasing pressure to response to host demands will push MNCs to strengthen the marketing differentiation strategy and breadth strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles as well.

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