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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivační funkce školního hodnocení / Motivational function of educational evaluation

Kubíková, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focusing on school evaluation from the point of view of its specifics and functionality in regard to its motivation purpose. The findings regarding evaluation are shown in an independent chapter showing the positive and negative aspects of forms of assessment in practical application. Following chapter dealing with motivation describes needs in relation to school activities as well as brief explanation of causal attribution. More attention is paid to the achievement motivation, especially to characteristics of needs for achievement in relation to pupils' responses to mental stress in task situations. There are briefly mentioned some of the newer motivational theories and their application in school showing the possible modification of outer motivation to autonomy. Widely processed are methods and aspects of evaluation that support motivation and provide pupils with examples for self- assessment. Qualitative research is focused on assessment processes leading to positive motivation. Concluding proposition summarizes several recommendations for teacher in the role of evaluator. Keywords School evaluation, motivation, achievement motivation, self-appraisal.

Psychological Consequences of Causal Attributions of Social Success and Failure: An Analysis in Terms of Social Anxiety

Sabogal, Fabio 12 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to extend the concept of achievement motivation, as proposed by Weiner's attributional model, to social affiliative contexts. It was proposed that low social anxiety individuals behave like high achievement motivation individuals who make more self-attributions for success, but more external attributions for failure, whereas high social anxiety individuals take more personal responsibility for failure social outcomes, but make more external attributions when successful. Subjects were 243 undergraduate students, 143 females and 100 males. They completed the Leary Social Anxiety Scale, the Lefcourt Affiliation Locus of Control Scale, the Fenigstein Social Anxiety Scale, the Social Attribution Scale, and the Russell Causal Dimension Scale.

Sour Grapes While You're Down and Out: Self-Serving Bias and Applicant Attributions for Test Performance

Mack, Kyle Garret 01 January 2010 (has links)
Recent research has shown that outcome favorability (Ryan & Ployhart, 2000) and perceived performance (Chan, Schmitt, Jennings, Clause, & Delbridge, 1998a) are key determinates of justice judgments, suggesting that self-serving bias is a critical mechanism in the formation of applicant reactions. However, organizational justice theory continues to be the dominant paradigm for understanding applicant reactions. Chan and Schmitt (2004) have suggested a far ranging agenda for research into reactions, which includes considering reactions in a longitudinal framework and considering the natural effect of time on reactions. The current study incorporates these theoretical approaches and addresses these gaps in the research by examining applicant reactions at four time points during and after a selection procedure. This study also uses a multi-dimensional measure of test taking motivation (TTM) based on expectancy theory which enables me to explicate the effect of test performance, expectations, and outcome feedback on each motivational component. Using a sample of 227 student participants, this study provides evidence that an applicant's expectations regarding the selection outcome and the selection outcome itself have strong effects on fairness perceptions and TTM. Some key findings are the following: I) negative selection decisions and negative expectations tend to reduce fairness perceptions and TTM in applicants, while for the most part, positive expectations and positive selection decisions do little to increase these reactions and 2) valence, or the desire for the job, seems to be the motivational component most affected by the selection procedure. These findings have important implications for future research into applicant reactions.

Motivational processes involved in academic help seeking and help avoidance

Marchand, Gwen Catherine 01 January 2004 (has links)
During middle childhood, help seeking and avoidance are two ways children deal with academic problems. For this study, the dominant view of help seeking as a strategy of self-regulated learning was elaborated to consider it a way of coping framed within the Self-System Model of Motivational Development. This framework allows for the consideration of (1) the opposite of help seeking (help avoidance) as a motivated way of coping, (2) the central role of teachers, and (3) the operation of multiple self-system processes in shaping students' coping behaviors. Self-report, teacher-report, and school record data from 765 3rd through 61 h grade students and their teachers were analyzed to determine the structure of help seeking and avoidance, the antecedents and consequences of these ways of coping, and developmental differences that may account for age-related changes in coping. Data were available from two time points, the fall and spring of one academic year, allowing for concurrent and change over time analyses.

Level of aspiration and the Type A coronary-prone pattern in children

Kliewer, Wendy L. 01 January 1983 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine aspects of assessment of the Type A behavior pattern, goal-setting behaviors displayed by Type A and B children, and parents' goal-setting behaviors toward their offspring.

Parent and Teacher Influences on Children's Academic Motivation

Snyder, Tatiana 01 January 2011 (has links)
The current study developed a comprehensive theoretical framework of joint multiple contextual influences (JMCI framework) to guide empirical investigation of combine influences of social contexts on children's academic outcomes. Drawn from several general frameworks, four models of joint social influences were proposed: Independent, Interactive, Differential, and Sequential. Using a motivational framework, all four models were tested empirically for joint effects of parents and teachers on children's self-perceptions (relatedness, competence, and autonomy) and classroom engagement. Overall, this study provided some empirical support for every category of models proposed in the JMCI framework. The joint influences of parents and teachers on children's self-perceptions were mostly independent and unique. Most joint influences were additive: one social context couldn't buffer or amplify the effects of the other context. Only joint effects of Non-Supportive parents and Supportive teachers interacted in their influences on children's competence: Supportive teachers were able to safeguard and counterbalance the negative influences of Non-Supportive parents. The study also indicated that self-system processes are possible pathways through which parents and teachers exert their influences on children's academic engagement and that this influence depends on the age of the developing child. The study also suggested that children's engagement may be a mechanism that mediates the relationship between parents' and teachers' contexts.

Self-esteem and anxiety among high and low achieving gifted and nongifted students and their parents

Polansky, Jaclyn January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Achievement Motivation of African American Girls in High School

Whittle, Lindsay 17 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Исследование структуры мотивации достижения в связи с отношением к неопределенности и стрессу : магистерская диссертация / Research of achievement motivation structure in relation to uncertainty and stress

Заложных, А. И., Zalozhnykh, A. I. January 2019 (has links)
Объектом исследования является мотивация достижения, а предметом – структура мотивации достижения в связи с такими факторами как отношение к стрессу и неопределенности. Цель исследования: выявить взаимосвязь структурных компонентов мотивации достижения с отношением к неопределенности и стрессу. В качестве гипотезы данного исследования выступило предположение о том, что «достиженческие» черты личности и мотивация достижения в целом положительно связаны с толерантностью к неопределенности и с имплицитной теорией «полезности стресса».Это предположение конкретизируется в более частных гипотезах о том, что: Толернатные и интолерантные к неопределенности испытуемые отличаются по уровню мотивации достижения за счет лишь некоторых ее компонентов. Испытуемые, придерживающиеся теории «полезности стресса», имеют более выраженные «достиженческие» черты по сравнению с теми, кто придерживается теории «вредности стресса». При проведении исследования были использованы следующие методики: «Новый опросник толерантности-интолерантности к неопределенности» (Корнилова Т. В., 2009) [19]; «Опросник мотивации достижения» Г. Шулера (2004) [66] в адаптации Виндекер О. С. (2010) [7], исследовательский опросник «Имплицитные теории стресса», разработанный на кафедре педагогики и психологии образования. Для статистического анализа полученных данных использовались критерий Манна-Уитни (U), критерий Спирмена (rs) и дисперсионный анализ. Корреляционное исследование было проведено в октябре 2018 года. В качестве выборочной совокупности выступили студенты первого курса департамента психологии ИСПН УрФУ. Всего в исследовании приняли участие 107 человек, из них 19 юношей и 88 девушки, средний возраст – 19 лет. Предложенная гипотеза о положительной связи диспозиционной мотивации достижения и ее отдельных составляющих с толерантностью к неопределенности и с имплицитной теорией «полезности стресса» подтвердилась. Гипотеза о том, что толернатные и интолерантные к неопределенности испытуемые отличаются по уровню мотивации достижения за счет лишь некоторых ее компонентов, подтвердилась. Испытуемые, спокойно относящиеся к ситуациям двусмысленности, непредрешенности и хаоса, более мотивированы на достижения. У «толерантных» испытуемых более выражены такие черты мотивации достижения, как гибкость, независимость и уверенность в успехе. Интолерантные к неопределенности могут обладать разным уровнем мотивации достижения. Интересно отметить, что для испытуемых с высокими показателями по шкале «Поток» характерно сочетание высокой толерантности и интолерантности к неопределенности. При исследовании корреляционной связи мотивации достижения с межличностной интолерантностью пришли к выводу, что люди, стремящиеся к ясности и контролю в межличностных отношениях, имеют низкий уровень мотивации достижения. Гипотеза о том, что высокий уровень мотивации достижения связан с имплицитной теорией полезности стресса подтвердилась. Испытуемые, воспринимающие стресс как источник роста и развития, более независимы и чаще предпочитают решать трудные задачи, чем те, кто придерживается имплицитной теории вредности стресса. Лица, придерживающиеся теории «полезности стресса», имеют более высокую мотивацию достижения по сравнению с теми, кто придерживается теории «вредности стресса». / The object of the research is achievement motivation, and the subject is the structure of achievement motivation in connection with such factors as attitude to stress and uncertainty. Objective: to identify the relationship of the structural components of achievement motivation with the attitude to uncertainty and stress. The hypothesis of this study is that "achievable" personality traits and achievement motivation are generally positively associated with tolerance to uncertainty and with the implicit theory of "usefulness of stress".This assumption is concretized in more particular hypotheses that: 1) Tolerate and intolerant to ambiguity subjects differ in the level of achievement motivation due to only some of its components. 2) Subjects who adhere to the theory of "usefulness of stress" have more pronounced "achievable" features in comparison with those who adhere to the theory of "harmfulness of stress". The following methods were used in the study: "New questionnaire of tolerance-tolerance to uncertainty" (Kornilova T. V., 2009) [19]; "Questionnaire of achievement motivation" by G. Schuler (2004) [66] in the adaptation of Vindeker O. S. (2010) [7], research questionnaire "Implicit theories of stress", developed at the Department of pedagogy and psychology of education. The Mann-Whitney (U) test, Spearman (rs) test and variance analysis were used for statistical analysis of the obtained data. The correlation study was conducted in October 2018. As a sample were first-year students of the Department of psychology ISPN Urfu. A total of 107 people took part in the study, including 19 boys and 88 girls, the average age – 19 years. The proposed hypothesis about the positive connection of the dispositional motivation of achievement and its individual components with the tolerance to uncertainty and with the implicit theory of the "usefulness of stress" was confirmed. The hypothesis that tolerate and intolerant to ambiguity subjects differ in the level of achievement motivation due to only some of its components were confirmed. Subjects who are calmly dealing with situations of ambiguity, non-resolution and chaos are more motivated to achieve. The "tolerant" subjects have more pronounced features of achievement motivation, such as flexibility, independence and confidence in success. Those who are tolerant to uncertainty may have different levels of achievement motivation. It is interesting to note that subjects with high rates on the "Flow" scale are characterized by a combination of high tolerance and tolerance to uncertainty. In the study of the correlation between achievement motivation and interpersonal intolerance, it was concluded that people seeking clarity and control in interpersonal relationships have a low level of achievement motivation. The hypothesis that the high level of achievement motivation is associated with the implicit theory of the usefulness of stress was confirmed. Subjects who perceive stress as a source of growth and development are more independent and often prefer to solve difficult problems than those who adhere to the implicit theory of the harmfulness of stress. Individuals who adhere to the theory of "usefulness of stress" have a higher motivation to achieve compared to those who adhere to the theory of "harmfulness of stress".

Исследование субъективного ощущения одиночества и мотивации к достижениям у студентов : магистерская диссертация / Research of subjective feeling of loneliness and achievement motivation among students

Ершова, А. Ю., Ershova, A. Y. January 2020 (has links)
The first chapter covers the theoretical aspects of loneliness as a social and psychological phenomenon. The second chapter studies the theoretical approaches to understanding the achievement motivation, it gives the justification of the hypothesis, and explains the choice of the sampling. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the results of the empirical study. The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research and gives the proposals on the application of the findings in scientific and practical work. / В работе раскрываются теоретические аспекты феномена одиночества как социально-психологического явления. Изучаются теоретические подходы к понятию мотивации достижений, приводится обоснование гипотезы исследования, обозначается актуальность исследования изучаемых психологических явлений у студентов. Представлены основные выводы исследования, и предложения по дальнейшему использованию полученных результатов в научной и практической деятельности.

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