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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

家庭作業與學習成就關係之研究—以TIMSS與TEPS臺灣學生為例 / The Relationship between Homework and Learning Achievements: An Example of Taiwan Students from TIMSS and TEPS

陳俊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解家庭作業與學習成就的關係。為達研究目的,本研究以階層線性模式分析「國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查」2007年4年級學生資料;2007年8年級學生資料;以及2011年8年級學生資料,接著,本研究再以結構方程模式的長期追蹤交叉延宕模式,分析「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」2001年、2003年及2005年追蹤樣本學生資料,本研究主要發現: 一、臺灣4年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著負向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著負向地影響效果。 二、臺灣4年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就沒有顯著地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也沒有顯著地影響效果。 三、臺灣8年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 四、臺灣8年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 五、臺灣2001年7年級陸續追蹤至2005年11年級的學生,其家庭作業時間與學習成就有顯著正向地相互影響效果。 / This study aimed analyze the relationship between homework and learning achievements. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze the 4th grade of elementary school students from Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007, 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2007, and 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2011. Moreover, structural equation modeling with cross-lagged panel modeling was used to analyze the core panel sample data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001, 2003, and 2005. The major findings were as follows: 1. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could negative predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also negative predict the science learning achievements significantly. 2. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could not predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also not predict the science learning achievements significantly. 3. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 4. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 5. Taiwan 7th grade of junior high school students to 11th grade of senior high school students’ homework time could positive predict the subsequent learning achievements significantly, and learning achievements could also positive predict the subsequent homework time significantly.

The Effect of Rephrasing Word Problems on the Achievements of Arab Students in Mathematics

Mahajne, Asad, Amit, Miriam 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Language is the learning device and the device which forms the student's knowledge in math, his ability to define concepts, express mathematical ideas and solve mathematical problems. Difficulties in the Language are seen more in word problems, clarity and in the way the text is read by the student have a direct effect on the understanding of the problem and therefore, on its solution, could delay the problem solving process. The connection between language and mathematical achievements has a more distinctive significance regarding the Arab student. This is due to the fact that the language which is used in the schools and in textbooks is classical (traditional) Arabic. It is far different than the language used in everyday conversations with family and friends (the spoken Arabic). Our research examine whether rephrasing word problems can affect the achievements of the Arab students in it. The experimental group received mathematics instruction using learning materials of word problems that were rewritten in a “middle language” closer to the students’ everyday language (spoken Arabic), thus keeping the mathematical level of the problems. The research findings showed that students in the experimental group improved their achievements in word and geometric problems significantly more than students from control group.

我國政風單位績效評估制度之研究:以臺北市政府為例 / The Research of Performance Appraisal System of the Department of Civil Service Ethics in Taiwan R.O.C-An Example of Taipei City Government

李國正, Lee,Kuo cheng Unknown Date (has links)
有云:「他山之石,可以攻錯。」從西方國家經驗可知,政府績效評估對於提昇行政效率、節省行政成本發揮了極其重要的作用,成為政府改革最重要的工具。法務部為發揮政風單位功能,提昇整體政風工作績效,遂推動實施「政風機構績效評比要點」,該績效評比,如從正面角度,固可激勵單位及人員士氣,提昇組織績效,然亦可能因政風單位「分散設置,集中管理」之特殊屬性而帶來若干的負面影響。 我國政風單位在貪瀆預防與肅貪工作上係以「預防重於查處」為主要工作原則之一。一方面,貪瀆犯罪本身具隱性特質,而政風單位亦因本身組織功能與角色定位欠缺明確,以致於在過於抽象的法定職掌下,某些績效甚難單純以量化數據展現實質工作成效,從績效評比呈現數字以觀,雖然洋洋洒洒,極為亮眼,但數字背後績效好壞,則甚難論斷,頗為吊詭。另方面,政風人員在機關工作績效往往須視機關首長臉色及業務單位配合與否,一旦爆發社會矚目重大政風案件,更備受輿論、民意機關及社會大眾質疑,甚至政風人員本身亦有諸多眥言與批評,顯示評比制度本身的確存在討論與改進空間,實值得深入檢討釐清。 本研究係透過對臺北市政府政風人員進行個案實證研究,期盼瞭解該評比制度推動以來,政風人員對「制度設計合理性、公平性」、「提昇組織績效與激勵士氣等回饋功能」、「主觀上有何評價或感受認知程度」以及「實施成效」的看法,經由資料整合、統計分析、闡釋與推論之後,希冀提出切合實際問題與符合事實需要之具體發現與建議,使理論與實務能相互結合運用,作為主管機關法務部改進是項評比制度之參考。 本研究經由前面之研究結果,計有以下之研究發現: 一、在制度設計方面 (一)推動績效評估依據過於薄弱,有待提高法源位階。 (二)角色定位多元,推動工作力有未逮。 (三)所在機關環境特性不一,欲求一體適用有其困難。 (四)組織願景、策略績效目標與衡量指標的連結程度仍待加強。 (五)評估方法與工具未因時因地制宜,造成績效衡量與管理上困難。 (六)評比內容未適度簡化,無法撙節人力資源做妥適運用。 (七)獎懲設計不足,難以落實重獎重懲目的,制度推動受人質疑。 二、在實務運作方面 (一)績效評估不易,難達公平要求。 (二)訓練宣導不足,難以爭取內外部顧客認同。 (三)未落實執行績效衡量指標,有流於形式或官樣文章之虞。 (四)欠缺彈性,未放寬並授與各政風單位自訂指標項目或選擇指標項目。 (五)評估結果僅與考績連結,未擴及職務陞遷及生涯發展訓練。 (六)評比制度淪於形式,應研議重新設計一個可行制度。 本研究根據以上之研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、在制度之變革方面 (一)定量評估及質化評估宜同時兼顧。 (二)加強評比制度之宣導訓練,促使各層級政風單位環環相扣。 (三)建立客觀評估機制,並結合多元評估方式,強化評比公平性。 (四)業務項目及內容應進一步整合及簡化,策略目標與績效衡量指標之訂定應配合機關任務。 (五)考評制度之落實,須與激勵制度配合,獎勵方式則可彈性運用。 二、在回饋之功能方面 (一)落實所有政風人員之參與。 (二)主管勤加溝通並傳達正面樂觀訊息。 (三)建立管理者與被管理者之共識,發揮引導功能,促使組織與個人目標趨向一致。 (四)納入員工訓練學習內容或知識管理 / There is a saying “The stones of those hills may be used to polish gems”, meaning that another's good quality or suggestion whereby one can remedy one's own defects. The experience of western countries tells us that the performance appraisal in government organizations has exerted a substantial effect on promoting administration efficiency and reducing administrative expenditure so that it has become the significant tool of the government in many needed reforms. In order to effectively perform the function of the department of civil service ethics and to achieve a higher degree of work efficiency, the Ministry of Justice has launched to enforce the Organization Achievements Comparison and Appraisal Main Points of the Government Employee Ethics Units. The implementation of the performance appraisal can undoubtedly encourage the morale of the units and their employees and further promote the efficiency of the organization while it may bring some of the negative effects due to the distinctive characteristics of dispersed establishment and centralized management of the department of civil service ethics. “Prevention is prior to investigation and punishment” is one of the major working principles of the department of civil service ethics in Taiwan in implementing corruption prevention and eliminating corruption. On the one hand, as a result of a recessive trait of the corrupt offense and an unclear and indefinite organizational function and role orientation, the department of civil service ethics running under no concrete specifications for its duties is really unable to create efficiency simply depending on quantitative data in some ways. The performance appraisal may be basically made according to the data presented, but it cannot be directly interpreted as an ideal data presentation equaling a good work performance. On the other hand, the work performance of government ethics officials is primarily subject to the preference of their superiors and the cooperation of the business unit. Aside from the above-mentioned, when a serious corruption affair is uncovered, the public opinion, a doubt from advocacy groups and mass society, and colleagues’ criticism will also influence the performance appraisal of the alleged government ethics officials. This shows that there is a needed improvement in the appraisal system, and it is necessary to have an in-depth review and discussion. This paper is to engage in an empirical study on the government ethics officials serving in Taipei City Government for the purpose of understanding their opinions towards “Rational and equitable system design”, “Feedback function helping promote organization efficiency and encouraging its morale”, “Cognition degree for subjective judgment or perception” and “Enforcement effectiveness” when the appraisal system was launched in expectation of making concrete proposals through data integration, statistics and analysis, and empirically grounded explanation and conclusion that not only can hit the nail on the head and meet the need but also can realize a theoretical and practical combination and application to serve as reference of the Ministry of Justice while they are engaging in an improvement program of the appraisal system. The findings of this study are elaborated below: 1. System Design 1) It is necessary to upgrade the hierarchy of law so that there is a more persuadable foundation to support the development of performance appraisal. 2) The orientation of a diverse role has resulted in failure to make an all-out effort in promotion work. 3) It is difficult to apply one standardized system to different types of government organizations and environments. 4) There is a needed improvement in the connection among organizational perspective, strategical efficiency target and measurement index. 5) A rigid appraisal method and tool has resulted in the difficulties of performance measurement and management. 6) The simplified appraisal contents are needed to achieve the streamlining human resources. 7) A doubt for developing the system while an inadequate design of rewards and punishments is hindering it from being carried out. 2. Practical Operation 1) To conduct the performance appraisal is not an easy thing and to make it fair is harder. 2) Inadequate training and propagation made it difficult for winning interior and exterior customers’ recognition. 3) Without exactly fulfilling the performance measurement index, the work of the performance appraisal turns out to be a mere formality. 4) A lack of flexibility to relax of restriction for authorizing the units of civil service ethics to set or select their individual index items. 5) The appraisal results can be connected with the merit system only, not extending to position promotion and career development and training. 6) To avoid the current appraisal system from turning out to be a mere formality, it is necessary to discuss how to design a new and feasible system instead of it. The following suggestions are set forth according to the findings stated above. 1. System Reform 1) Quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation should be simultaneously considered. 2) To strengthen the propagation and training of the appraisal system for the purpose of establishing a close link between all levels of the units of civil service ethics. 3) To establish an objective appraisal mechanism that combines diverse evaluation methods and puts emphasis on the fairness of reasonable appraisals. 4) To integrate and simplify business items and contents, and to draw up strategic targets and performance measurement index that correspond with organizational tasks. 5) A practicable performance appraisal system should be carried out in conjunction with the incentive system in a flexible application of rewards. 2. Feedback Function 1) To achieve a real participation of all government ethics officials. 2) There is a frequent and fluent communication between supervisor and subordinate to convey positive and optimistic information. 3) To establish a common consensus between supervisor and employee to bring the organizational and individual goals to become identical. 4) The employee training and learning contents or knowledge management should be subsumed.

學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就之影響-以台北縣新莊市某國小為例 / The effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students' learning achievements in elementary schools- A case study of a elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County

祝實蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,英語學習在台灣已蔚為一股風潮。為使孩子日後更具國際競爭力,許多家長在幼兒學前教育時段,即紛紛選擇全美語幼稚園或雙語幼稚園就讀,但在許多幼兒教育的相關研究發現,幼兒階段學習外語,易因語言的隔閡產生偏食學習,也會造成幼兒對文化認同的危機,且使幼兒表達與思考能力受影響,導致就學後產生學習挫折與障礙。 本研究以臺北縣新莊市某國小三年級為研究對象,採問卷調查法蒐集資料,並以最小平方估計式模型(Ordinary Least Square)的估計,探究學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就的影響,及學童在不同性別、家庭子女數、有無兄姐、是否與父母同住、家庭所得及家庭社經地位(SES)等情形下與學童低年級學習成就之相關程度。實證結果發現,學童學齡前雙語教育經驗對學習一年後及二年後之學習成就(包含總成績、國語、英語及數學成績)除英語成績具有顯著影響外,其餘影響效果皆不顯著;在性別差異上,女生的學習成就均高於男生;家庭子女數多寡與學習成就呈顯著負影響;學童有無兄姐及是否與父母同住對學習成就的影響,在學習一年後有顯著影響,對學習二年後之學習成就影響則不顯著;家庭所得對學習成就影響較不顯著;另外,家庭社經地位對學習成就則呈現顯著正面影響。 / English learning has been gaining popularity recently. In order to make children more competitive internationally, many parents choose English immersion or bilingual kindergartens when their kids are in preschool ages. But according to many researches of preschool education, when preschool children learn English, it may cause them to pick what they like to learn because of the gap in languages, it may cause a crisis in children for identifying their cultures. It may affect their skills of expression and deliberation, and cause them to feel frustrated and hindered when learning. This research uses the 3rd grade students of an elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County for subjects, uses questionnaires to collect information, adopts the estimation of Ordinary Least Square, investigates the effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students’ learning achievements in elementary schools, and compares the students’ relevant degrees with different genders, family members, whether having brothers and sisters, living with their parents or not, and their parents’ income and socioeconomic status. It proves that the experiences in preschool bilingual education for the learning achievements after having learned for one or two years, including their overall scores, and scores of Chinese, English and math. It turns out to be positive affection, but besides English scores, the affections are not obvious. In gender difference, girls’ learning achievements are better than boys. The numbers of their family members for learning achievements turn out to be negative affection. It is an obvious positive affection after having learned for one year whether the students have brothers and sisters or live with their parents or not, but having learned for two years and the parents’ income do not affect the learning achievements much. Their parents’ socioeconomic positions turn out to be positive affection, too.

The use of science resource centres and laboratories to improve physical science education in Mthatha, South Africa

Danso, Sakyiwaa 12 1900 (has links)
The performance of learners in Physical Sciences in South Africa has been very poor for a very long time because of lack of basic understanding of scientific concepts. Given this background, there is the need to conduct an educational research to find pedagogical ways to improve performance in Physical Sciences in the secondary schools. Hence, the proposed study aims to investigate the use of science resource centres and laboratories to improve Physical Sciences education in Mthatha. In the light of the literature review, a list of facts were acquired which were used to develop the questionnaire for the Physical Sciences learners and their teachers. Seven public and private high schools in Mthatha were selected for the study. Stratified simple random sampling was used to select respondents. The study followed a non-experimental quantitative design to collect data. The main instruments used were questionnaire and interview. The various responses were analysed and interpreted with the literature. It was found that, the use of science resource centre and laboratory activities, together with a more learner-centred approach to teaching would significantly improve learner performance in Physical Sciences. The necessary recommendations and suggestions were made. It is hope that these recommendations would be taken up by the appropriate bodies to ensure that the needed benefits are obtained from the science resources, and laboratories. In this way, the science and technological base of the nation as a whole is strengthened for its development. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Factors affecting grade 12 learners' performance in mathematics at Nzhelele East circuit : Vhembe District in Limpopo / Factors affecting grade twelve learners' performance in mathematics at Nzhelele East circuit

Sinyosi, Livhalani Bridget January 2015 (has links)
The quality of education in South Africa has come increasingly under scrutiny for various reasons and learners ‘performance in mathematics is one of the main areas of concern. Learners in secondary schools in Nzhelele East Circuit in Limpopo Province, South Africa, are not performing well in mathematics. Learners who want to pursue careers such as civil engineering, medicine and other qualifications where mathematics is a prerequisite find it difficult to follow these careers. The study used focus group discussions with 20 Grade 12 learners, face-to-face semi-structured interviews with six teachers and four SMT to investigate factors affecting grade 12 learners performance in mathematics in two secondary schools. The study highlighted socio-cultural and psychological factors that are seen to be barriers in mathematics performance. The purpose of this study was to explore factors that affect Grade 12 learners’ performance in mathematics. As there are many factors, this study's main emphasis was on the influence of the home environment, teachers’ competence and attitudes in teaching mathematics, learners’ attitudes towards mathematics and strategies that can be used to improve learners’ performance in mathematics. The afore-said were named themes each of which related to questions contained in the semi-structured interview schedule. The study included literature review from Kenya, Ghana and South Africa. Qualitative research method was used. Interviews were conducted with SMT, teachers and learners. The researcher set out to answer the following question What are the dominant and most profound socio-cultural and psychological factors of the Grade 12 mathematics learners affecting performance in the Nzhelele East Circuit, Vhembe District of Limpopo Province? The following points will also be taken into consideration during this research. How do learner performance trends in mathematics education look like among Grade 12 mathematics learners in the Nzhelele East Circuit, Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, and South Africa? What are the teacher-based factors established to have been contributory to the state of learner performance in mathematics in the selected participant schools? What are the School Management Team (SMTs) factors established to have been contributory to the state of learner performance in mathematics in the selected participant schools? THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Aim This study investigates the dominant and most profound socio-cultural and psychological factors affecting learner performance in mathematics among Grade 12 learners in the Nzhelele East Circuit, Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, and South Africa. Objectives The objective of this study was to explore the socio-cultural and psychological factors in the home and school environment that affect Grade 12 learners performance in mathematics at Nzhelele East Circuit, Vhembe District of Limpopo Province. Based on the above question the following were findings of the research. • Mathematics is believed to be a critical school subject in most regions of the world in general, and Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. • A plethora of governments – especially those in developing economies where governments are targeting industrialization and technological development believe mathematics is crucial for facilitating development and advancement of the general populace of their regions. • Mathematics is a compulsory subject in most education systems around the world. • There are a variety of complexities and constraints affecting the teaching and learning of mathematics in most regions of the world. • There is poor learner performance in mathematics. This is indicated by high failure rate in mathematics during end-of-year learner assessments. • The reasons for the poor performance of learners in mathematics in the selected schools were vast and intertwined. • Efforts have been made at international level to intervene with regard finding solutions to complexities and constraints affecting teaching-learning environment in mathematics. • The complexities and constraints affecting the teaching-learning environment of mathematics in South Africa stem from South Africa's past era of apartheid education. • Mathematics has been a major target of improvement and transformation by the post-apartheid government in South Africa. • Regardless of the efforts made by the post-apartheid government in South Africa to improve and transform teaching-learning environment in mathematics, there are perpetual complexities and constraints still hindering progress, and this affects learner output in mathematics. • Mathematics is one of the poorly performing subjects in the post-apartheid education system in South African schools – especially those schools which are based in formerly disadvantaged areas such as homelands and townships. • There is a growing body of literature investigating the complexities and constraints affecting the teaching-learning of mathematics in South Africa. Apart from the conclusions based on general observations, the study furthermore concluded that critical learner-based factors, teacher-based factors and SMT-base factors contributed to the state of affairs in the selected participant schools. This study therefore concluded thus: • Learner-based factors Mathematics learners were poorly prepared in the lower grades for senior grades. In other words, learners lacked proper foundation and background in mathematics. Learners were not well taught the basics of mathematics in previous grades. Furthermore, mathematics learners lacked assistance with homework for example because the majority of parents were illiterate and therefore not involved in supervision of learners beyond school environment. Learners showed negative attitude towards their teachers and the subject. Learners were not self-motivated in mathematics. • Teacher-based factors Teachers did not have enough workshops on how to teach mathematics, and also on content knowledge improvement. Less creative teachers were teaching mathematics. Teachers lacked support from their principals. The majority of teachers lacked passion in mathematics. • School Management Teams (SMTs) factors This study concludes that mathematics teachers were not receiving adequate support from the School management Teams (SMTs). Lack of teacher support by SMTs stems from poor organisation of supervisory roles expected from SMTs. Teachers' work is not being properly monitored and supervised. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the conclusions drawn from the study, the following recommendations are crucial, and they have to be implemented: • Recommendations to the Department of Education This study recommends that the Department of Education should monitor or revisit the methods of teaching and learning of mathematics. Assessment should also be revisited to ensure that the mathematics paper is not too long for the learners during examinations. Enlisted service providers who facilitate teacher workshops for mathematics must be conversant with content requirements of mathematics. Considerations should be made to simplify the mathematics question paper. The Department of Education should also provide necessary resources such as textbooks timeously. Knowledgeable mathematics specialists and advisers could be enlisted to visit regular visits to schools to assist teachers and learners throughout the year. • Recommendations to the School Management Teams (SMTs) The SMT should ensure that their educators are adequately qualified to teach mathematics. as a subject as well as being able to teach their learners in a way that they understand the subject. In addition, teachers who are knowledgeable in teaching mathematics should be appointed to teach mathematics. The SMTs should also ensure that compulsory workshops are provided for mathematics teachers at school level. Furthermore, the SMTs should ensure that educators are able to identify learners that are under-performing, monitor the utilisation of study time and assist in resolving problems regarding the poor performance of such individual learners. School Management Teams shall facilitate additional after-hours lessons and sessions to assist learners identified as lacking in home environment assistance for example. Moreover, SMTs should also encourage all Grade 12 mathematics learners to participate in supervised extra mathematics lessons and extra-mural activities in order to develop and build their self-confidence and positive self-esteem. In addition, the SMT members should be more supportive to their mathematics teachers. Continuous moderation of teachers' work should be encouraged. School Management Teams (SMTs) should also develop motivational programmes and instruments to encourage and motivate learners in their respective schools. For example, performing learners could be awarded with prizes in public – especially during school organised functions which might include learners, teachers and parents. • Recommendations to the teachers The teachers should make it a point that they attended mathematics workshops as organised by various stakeholders. Teachers' interest in mathematics could be improved by improving their knowledge of subject content in mathematics, and personal recognition by authorities. Performing teachers could also be recognised and awarded with prizes publicly at school gatherings and meetings. Teachers should also be encouraged to obtain further qualifications and skills in mathematics. • Recommendations to the learners Efforts should be made to improve learners’ attitudes towards mathematics, and in addition to their mathematics teachers. Learners should be made aware of national target for mathematics education and the implications thereof. This could be achieved by utilizing educators – especially those who teach Guidance as a subject to learners to provide more convincing evidence of the spin-offs of obtaining good passes in mathematics in South Africa. SUGGESTION FOR AREAS NEEDING FURTHER STUDY There is a need to conduct follow-up research on: • applied strategies and instrument to improve learner attitude towards mathematics. • Establishing whether the complexities and constraints affecting learner performance in mathematics affect both girl and boy learners the same considering that their circumstances and conditions might materially differ. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Fatores condicionantes da relação entre indivíduos e a Iead: hipercultura, atitudes, desempenho e satisfação

ASFORA, Silvia Cauás 09 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-06-28T17:45:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FINAL_SILVIA CAUÁS ASFORA.pdf: 3365095 bytes, checksum: a39799eb8e64e2deca2accc20dd9525d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-28T17:45:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FINAL_SILVIA CAUÁS ASFORA.pdf: 3365095 bytes, checksum: a39799eb8e64e2deca2accc20dd9525d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-09 / A Educação a Distancia mediada pela internet (iEaD) é uma modalidade de ensino na qual a mediação didático-pedagógica dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem ocorre com a utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC’s), estando os estudantes e professores desenvolvendo atividades educativas em lugares ou tempos diversos. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar como a hipercultura está relacionada ao sucesso dos indivíduos em atividades de iEaD no contexto de cursos voltados para conteúdos ligados à administração de empresas, considerando as influências intervenientes de variáveis psicossociais e educacionais. O trabalho em questão apoia-se em três estudos hipotético-dedutivos, observacionais e transversais, possuindo como marco teórico a Teoria da Mediação Cognitiva (TMC) e o conceito de hipercultura. A estratégia utilizada na pesquisa foi quantitativa, seguida de análises estatísticas dos dados; quanto ao meio de investigação, foram utilizadas pesquisas de campo tipo survey com coleta de dados primários; para instrumento de coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários e também bases de dados institucionais de uso e desempenho em sistemas de iEaD. Na análise e interpretação dos dados, foram utilizados métodos estatísticos diversos bem como conceitos da teoria das probabilidades. A sociodemografia das amostras foi caracterizada por meio de estatística descritiva, o mesmo ocorrendo com as principais variáveis dependentes. Testes de hipótese e coeficientes de correlação foram utilizados para avaliar o grau de associação entre pares de variáveis. A análise de aglomerados, análise fatorial, smallest space analysis e a teoria das facetas foram usadas para avaliações multivariadas. Em função dos resultados obtidos, foram empregadas ainda técnicas de regressão múltipla para o levantamento de modelos e análises de confiabilidade para determinar a consistência de indicadores. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que o sucesso de alunos no iEaD depende da combinação do grau de internalização da hipercultura dos alunos com o grau de hiperculturalidade do curso. A hiperculturalidade dos alunos está positivamente correlacionada a um melhor desempenho e a uma menor evasão quando os cursos apresentam características mais hiperculturais. Alunos de baixa hiperculturalidade tendem a um melhor desempenho, menor insatisfação e menor evasão em curso menos hiperculturais. Cursos de baixa hiperculturalidade exercem influência negativa nos alunos de alta hiperculturalidade levando-os a um pior desempenho e à evasão. Foi evidenciado também que as atitudes de demandantes do ensino superior em relação ao iEaD são positivamente influenciadas pelo seu grau de internalização da hipercultura e que existe correlação positiva e estatisticamente significativa entre os valores atribuídos a todos os aspectos do iEaD e a disposição em cursar o ensino superior nesta modalidade. Foi também observado que a hipercultura está associada a um determinado tipo de cognição (pensamento visual, busca por atualização e obtenção de notícias) e também associada a determinados tipos de atitudes (abertura, extroversão, sociabilidade) / Internet based distance education (iEaD) comprises teaching methods in which the didactic-pedagogic mediation of the teaching processes occurs with the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with teachers and students developing educational activities in different sites at different times. The main goal of this research work is to investigate the hyperculture related with individuals accomplishments on iEaD, associated to Business Administration courses, considering the influence of psycho-social and educational variables. This research is based on three hypothetic-deductive, observational, and cross-sectional studies, using Cognitive Mediation Theory and Hyperculture as theoretical framework. This research utilizes a quantitative strategy, followed by data statistical analysis. Data collection was driven by students' surveys, as well as online institutions' information regarding iEaD use and performance. Data analysis was based on various statistical methods, and probability theory. The sampling frame socio-demographic aspect, as well as the dependent variables, were defined by descriptive statistics. Hypothesis tests and correlation coefficients were used to measure the degree of association between variables. Multivariate evaluation utilized cluster sample analysis, factorial analysis, smallest space analysis, and facet theory. On the basis of the results, consistency indicators were determined by using multiple regression techniques and reliability analysis. The results obtained showed that students' performance is based on students specific levels of Hyperculture and iEaD courses hyperculture. When students and courses are hypercultural, better performance and lower drop rate were found. Less hypercultural students have better performance with less hypercultural courses. Courses with less hypercultural aspects have a negative influence on hypercultural students showing a lower performance and higher drop rate. Students' attitude towards internet based distance education (iEaD) is influenced by their hypercultural aspects. There is a correlation between iEaD course value and the desire to take online classes for post-secondary education. This research also found that hyperculture is associated with some kinds of cognition (visual thinking, search for up-to-date information, news search), and attitudes (openness, extroversion, socialization).

The challenges facing teachers with regard to the management of learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder towards their academic achievements in schools in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province

Tshubwana, Shumani Samuel 11 October 2013 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

The Effect of Rephrasing Word Problems on the Achievements of Arab Students in Mathematics

Mahajne, Asad, Amit, Miriam 07 May 2012 (has links)
Language is the learning device and the device which forms the student''s knowledge in math, his ability to define concepts, express mathematical ideas and solve mathematical problems. Difficulties in the Language are seen more in word problems, clarity and in the way the text is read by the student have a direct effect on the understanding of the problem and therefore, on its solution, could delay the problem solving process. The connection between language and mathematical achievements has a more distinctive significance regarding the Arab student. This is due to the fact that the language which is used in the schools and in textbooks is classical (traditional) Arabic. It is far different than the language used in everyday conversations with family and friends (the spoken Arabic). Our research examine whether rephrasing word problems can affect the achievements of the Arab students in it. The experimental group received mathematics instruction using learning materials of word problems that were rewritten in a “middle language” closer to the students’ everyday language (spoken Arabic), thus keeping the mathematical level of the problems. The research findings showed that students in the experimental group improved their achievements in word and geometric problems significantly more than students from control group.

Well-being žáků 1. stupně ZŠ ve vztahu k přístupu učitele a školním výsledkům / Well-being in relation to teaching methods and school achievements of elementary students

Janotová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This work presents the topic of well-being, also called mental health, in connection with the school education in the primary school. Well-being is becoming more and more current topis as it is turning out that well-being in school can affect students' attitude to learning and school in general, even their school results. In the theoretical part, the term well-being is introduced from more different perspectives, definitions are being introduced used for different purposes and focusing on diverse aspects of well-being. Researches investigating well-being particularly in the primary school are presented, also programs promoting well-being by children and the connection of well-being with behaviour of students' feelings, school results and the teacher's attitude. Further the role of well-being in children's education and taking it into consideration in curriculum of different countries is presented and the situation of involving students' well-being in the practice at the primary school. The practical part presents results of a questionnaire survey, aimed at comparison of the degree of well-being in three classes of fifth graders at the primary school with a different approach of the teacher to teaching and managing the class. At the same time, relationship between well- being and school results of...

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