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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Econofísica: uma proposta de atividade de física para (o)usar no ensino do conceito de juros / Econophysics: a physics activity proposal for using and daring when teaching interest concept

Sant\'Ana, Zósia Angélica de 29 November 2011 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho partiu da suposição de que os estudantes têm dificuldade de aprendizagem de conceitos abstratos. As teorias de Piaget, Dewey e Kolb foram utilizadas como referências e também trabalhos da área de ensino de Física que mostram ser praticamente consensual entre os professores que a utilização de experiências concretas em sala de aula facilita a aprendizagem de um conceito abstrato. Este trabalho se propõe a verificar a aceitação, pelos alunos do ensino médio e de cursos de Ciências Contábeis, de uma experiência de física adaptada para aula de Matemática ou Contabilidade. Ele buscará confirmar se a atividade será eficiente no seu propósito, ou seja, se facilitará a aprendizagem do conceito de juros. Para tanto, a atividade será dividida em três tarefas (1 - tarefa abstrata, 2 - tarefa abstrata, 3 - tarefa concreta), que são apresentadas em detalhes no decorrer do texto. A atividade experimental foi aplicada em sala de aula, em turmas da escola média e também de faculdades, tanto públicas quanto privadas, para que se tivesse um amplo escopo acerca do conhecimento da noção de juros por parte dos estudantes. Verificou-se que esta atividade precisa ser aperfeiçoada, mas pode ser usada como material de apoio no ensino do conceito de juros nas escolas. / The proposal of this work has arisen from a supposition that students have learning difficulties of abstract concepts. Theories formulated by Piaget, Dewey and Kolb were used as references, as well as a few works from the field of Physics learning which demonstrate that it is practically consensual among teachers that the use of concrete experiences in classroom makes the learning of an abstract concept easier. This work proposes to verify how college students and high school students accept an experience in Physics adapted for Math or Accounting classes. It will try to confirm if this activity will be efficient in its purpose, that is to say, if it will make easier to learn the concept of interest. In order to do it, the activity will be divided in three tasks (1 - abstract task, 2 - abstract task, 3 - concrete task), which are presented in details along the text. The experimental activity was applied in classroom, for high school classes and also for college students, in private and public institutions, so that a wide range of students was studied in their knowledge of the interest notion. It was verified that this experimental activity needs to be improved, but it can be used as a supplementary material for teaching the concept of interest in schools.

Conception et mise en oeuvre d’un dispositif original de lutte contre l’obésité chez l’adulte : impact durable sur les paramètres morphologiques et les habitudes de vie en matière d’activité physique / Development and application of an original intervention to fight obesity : long term impact on morphological parameters and lifestyle habit regarding physical activity

Dumoulin, Coralie 05 July 2018 (has links)
La littérature concernant l’obésité semble apporter de nombreuses connaissances quant à la mise en œuvre des dispositifs de lutte contre l’obésité mais également dans celle de la pratique d’activité physique (AP). Cependant, certains éléments comme les modalités de structuration de l’AP restent encore à approfondir. Ces travaux de recherche menés sous forme de recherche-action font appel à la fois aux données de terrain mais aussi à celles de la littérature. Complétés par un encadrement pluridisciplinaire en sciences de la vie et sciences humaines, pour répondre au caractère multidimensionnel de l’obésité, l’ensemble de cette organisation en fait son originalité.Cette recherche permet de mesurer les bénéfices d’un dispositif de terrain expérimental construit en ayant pris en compte à la fois les préconisations ou recommandations des politiques publiques (Programme National Nutrition Santé ou encore Plan Obésité) ainsi que celles émanant de la littérature. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés aux bénéfices liés aux paramètres morphologiques des personnes puis nous avons aussi noté les changements opérés dans le profil d’activité physique et des comportements sédentaires. Enfin, nous avons tenté de comprendre les éléments semblant interférer ou au contraire aider le processus de perte de poids, à travers l'étude des interactions entre les variables d'activité physique, anthropométriques, de qualité de vie et de bien-être psychologique dans le cadre du programme d'AP proposé au long cours, mais aussi l'effet de la perte de poids et de la modification du profil d'activité sur la qualité de vie et le bien-être psychologique des participantes.Ces travaux de recherche ont permis d’apporter des éléments quant à la mise en œuvre pour la prise en charge de ce public atteint d’obésité en mettant à disposition des professionnels du secteur de nombreuses connaissances scientifiques et pratiques. Ils démontrent également l’intérêt et la complémentarité de la recherche de terrain / Literature about obesity seems to bring knowledge regarding the implementation of measures to fight obesity but also in physical practice. However, some elements like the conditions of structuration of the physical practice still should be examined further. This research studies conducted under in the form of action research rely on ground data but also on literature. What makes the organization different is the use of a multidisciplinary framework in life sciences and human sciences to answer the multidimensional nature of obesity. This research allows to see / gauge the profits of such a measure of experimental ground built on both recommendations of public policies - Programme National Nutrition Santé or Plan Obésité (National Program of Health and Nutrition or Plan on obesity) – and literature. We focused particularly on profits linked to the morphological aspect of people. Then we noted the changes operated in the physical activity pattern and in sedentary behaviors. Finally, we tried to understand the conditions that seem to interfere or on the contrary help the process of weight loss through the study of interactions between the variables of physical activity, anthropometrics, quality of life and well-being psychologic of the participants. Those research studies have allowed to provide conditions about the management of that public suffering from obesity by providing sector professionals of many scientific and practical knowledge. They demonstrate also the interest and the complementarity of field work

Infinitesimal models of algebraic theories

Bár, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Smooth manifolds have been always understood intuitively as spaces that are infinitesimally linear at each point, and thus infinitesimally affine when forgetting about the base point. The aim of this thesis is to develop a general theory of infinitesimal models of algebraic theories that provides us with a formalisation of these notions, and which is in accordance with the intuition when applied in the context of Synthetic Differential Geometry. This allows us to study well-known geometric structures and concepts from the viewpoint of infinitesimal geometric algebra. Infinitesimal models of algebraic theories generalise the notion of a model by allowing the operations of the theory to be interpreted as partial operations rather than total operations. The structures specifying the domains of definition are the infinitesimal structures. We study and compare two definitions of infinitesimal models: actions of a clone on infinitesimal structures and models of the infinitesimalisation of an algebraic theory in cartesian logic. The last construction can be extended to first-order theories, which allows us to define infinitesimally euclidean and projective spaces, in principle. As regards the category of infinitesimal models of an algebraic theory in a Grothendieck topos we prove that it is regular and locally presentable. Taking a Grothendieck topos as a base we study lifts of colimits along the forgetful functor with a focus on the properties of the category of infinitesimally affine spaces. We conclude with applications to Synthetic Differential Geometry. Firstly, with the help of syntactic categories we show that the formal dual of every smooth ring is an infinitesimally affine space with respect to an infinitesimal structure based on nil-square infinitesimals. This gives us a good supply of infinitesimally affine spaces in every well-adapted model of Synthetic Differential Geometry. In particular, it shows that every smooth manifold is infinitesimally affine and that every smooth map preserves this structure. In the second application we develop some basic theory of smooth loci and formal manifolds in naive Synthetic Differential Geometry using infinitesimal geometric algebra.

Samverkan mellan BHV-sjuksköterskor och familjevägledare genom familjeanpassade hembesök

Persson, Kerstin January 2019 (has links)
Background: Parents turn to child health nurses for advice and support. The organization therefore needs to be available. The role of the child health care nurses is to promote the health of children and families, which includes supporting families based on general and individual needs. There are risk factors for children's health, including mental illness, violence and migration. It is important that authorities in society collaborate to actively reduce these risk factors. Social services should work to give children and young people a safe upbringing. The family counselor is part of the social service. The family counselor acts at the family center, as well as the child health care nurses, and here they can interact with children and families based on their respective assignments.  Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the child health care nurses and family counselor's experiences of collaboration in home visits to families with a child eight months of age.  Method: A descriptive design, an inductive approach with qualitative interviews analyzed with qualitative content analysis was used. Results: The experience of the child health care nurse and family counselor is that organizational prerequisites allow collaboration and family adapted home visits can give children and families a better back-up. When organizational prerequisites exist, and home visits can be based on the individual family needs, child health care nurses and family counselors experience that collaborating at home visits can be supportive for children and families in the moment and over time and provide better support for children and families

L'activité physique adaptée pour les personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2 : approche sociologique des "carrières de pratiquant d'APA" dans leurs relations avec la "trajectoire de maladie" / Adapeted physical activity for type 2 diabetes patients : a sociological approach investigating the relationship between "APA praticioner careers" and "illness" trajectory"

Barth, Nathalie 17 December 2012 (has links)
Outre la prescription d’un traitement médicamenteux, la pratique régulière d’une Activité Physique Adaptée (APA)est recommandée aux personnes atteintes d’un diabète de type 2 (DT2), au même titre qu’un nouvel équilibre alimentaire(HAS, 2006). Cette incitation à opérer des changements concrets dans son « style de vie » rencontre des résistances, qui sontaccentuées pour les malades n’ayant pas préalablement construit de dispositions à la pratique physique. Des dispositifsinnovants ont été imaginés dans certaines organisations de santé (réseau de santé, unité transversale d’éducation) pour rendrepossible cet engagement physique et lui permettre de se développer de manière autonome dans le cadre d’« une carrière depratiquant d’APA » au sens où la définit Becker (1985). L’objectif est d’étudier ce processus d’engagement dans ses relationsavec la « trajectoire de maladie » au sens où l’entend Strauss (1985), en rendant compte des différentes étapes de saconstruction. A l’interface de la sociologie de la santé et de la sociologie du sport, l’approche mobilise ainsi des conceptsinteractionnistes. La méthodologie articule une observation de terrain avec 52 récits d’expériences de personnes atteintes demaladie(s) chronique(s) (dont 39 de DT2) qui ont évolué dans deux dispositifs d’APA différents : l’un proposant des séancesthéoriques d’information/explication (n=17), l’autre mettant en place des séances pratiques dans un cycle éducatif en APA puisune orientation vers une association sportive de patients (n=35). L’analyse des récits utilise un logiciel de traitement dedonnées textuelles (Prospéro).Trois types d’engagement ont ainsi été repérés : Le premier s’inscrit dans la « trajectoire demaladie » mais suppose un rapport au corps renouvelé après une remise en question des représentations de l’AP du patient etde ses capacités. Le second ouvre une « carrière de pratiquant d’APA » et ajoute une sociabilité de l’entre-soi, initiée par lesdispositifs « à et via » l’APA. Le troisième consolide cette « carrière » dans une pratique davantage culturelle que médicale,en l’inscrivant dans une sociabilité plus ouverte. Ces trois formes d’engagement se succèdent selon un continuum au coursduquel s’affirment simultanément une recherche croissante d’autonomie par rapport aux prescriptions médicales, une attentiongrandissante au corps et un développement du réseau relationnel. / Alongside prescription medication, it is recommended that type 2 diabetes patients (T2D) carry out regular adaptedphysical activity (APA), in the same way that they should adopt a new dietary balance (HAS 2006). This incitement to bringabout concrete changes in lifestyle comes up against opposition which is compounded where the patient does not have ahistory of regular physical exercise. Some health organizations have devised innovative arrangements such as health networks,or inter-disciplinary patient education units, to make this engagement in physical activity possible, and to enable autonomousdevelopment within the framework of an “APA practitioner career” as defined by Becker (1985). The objective here is tostudy this process of engagement in relation to the “illness trajectory” as understood by Strauss (1985), taking into account thedifferent phases of its course. This approach brings into play the concept of Interactionism at the interface of health sociologyand sport sociology. The methodology used here links fieldwork with 52 personal narratives of people affected by chronicillness (39 of whom have T2D), which have developed through two different APA action plans, the first of which offers theorysessions providing information/explanation (n=17), and the second, the setting up of practical sessions which form a series ofAPA lessons followed by guidance towards a patients’ sports association (n=35). Textual data processing software is used toanalyse the patients’ narratives (Prospéro). Three types of engagement have thus been pinpointed: the first appears in the“illness trajectory” but assumes a new relationship with the body after challenging the patient’s pre-conceived ideas about PAand about his/her own capabilities. The second opens an “APA practitioner career” in the context of socialising with otherpeople like themselves, initiated via the apparatus of APA. The third consolidates this “career” into more of a cultural thanmedical practice, by making it part of a wider group activity. These three types of engagement progress along a continuum,over the course of which the following trends result simultaneously: a growing desire to decrease dependence on medicaladvice, an increase in physical self-awareness, and the development of a network of contacts.

Regressão não paramétrica com processos estacionários alpha-mixing via ondaletas / Nonparametric regression with stationary mixing processes.

Luz Marina Gomez Gomez 22 January 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese consideramos um modelo de regressão não paramétrica, quando a variável explicativa e um processo estritamente estacionário e alpha-mixing. São estudadas as condições sobre o processo Xt e sua estrutura de dependência, assim como do domínio da função f a ser estimada. Também são feitas as adaptações necessárias aos procedimentos para obter as taxas de convergência do risco para a norma Lp, no caso de ondaletas deformadas. Em relação às ondaletas adaptativas de Haar, obtêm-se as taxas de convergência do risco do estimador proposto. Mediante estudos de simulação, e avaliado o desempenho dos procedimentos propostos quando aplicados a amostras finitas sob diferentes níveis de perturbação do sinal e diferentes tamanhos da amostra. Também são feitas aplicações a dados reais. / In this thesis we consider a nonparametric regression model, when the exploratory variables are alpha-mixing stationary processes. We obtain convergence rates for risk for Lp norm, via warped wavelets, under suitable regularity conditions. For estimation using design adapted Haar wavelets we obtain convergence rates for the risk of the proposed estimator. The performance of the estimators are assessed via simulation studies with dierent sample sizes and dierent signal-to-noise ratios. Applications to real data are also given.

Econofísica: uma proposta de atividade de física para (o)usar no ensino do conceito de juros / Econophysics: a physics activity proposal for using and daring when teaching interest concept

Zósia Angélica de Sant\'Ana 29 November 2011 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho partiu da suposição de que os estudantes têm dificuldade de aprendizagem de conceitos abstratos. As teorias de Piaget, Dewey e Kolb foram utilizadas como referências e também trabalhos da área de ensino de Física que mostram ser praticamente consensual entre os professores que a utilização de experiências concretas em sala de aula facilita a aprendizagem de um conceito abstrato. Este trabalho se propõe a verificar a aceitação, pelos alunos do ensino médio e de cursos de Ciências Contábeis, de uma experiência de física adaptada para aula de Matemática ou Contabilidade. Ele buscará confirmar se a atividade será eficiente no seu propósito, ou seja, se facilitará a aprendizagem do conceito de juros. Para tanto, a atividade será dividida em três tarefas (1 - tarefa abstrata, 2 - tarefa abstrata, 3 - tarefa concreta), que são apresentadas em detalhes no decorrer do texto. A atividade experimental foi aplicada em sala de aula, em turmas da escola média e também de faculdades, tanto públicas quanto privadas, para que se tivesse um amplo escopo acerca do conhecimento da noção de juros por parte dos estudantes. Verificou-se que esta atividade precisa ser aperfeiçoada, mas pode ser usada como material de apoio no ensino do conceito de juros nas escolas. / The proposal of this work has arisen from a supposition that students have learning difficulties of abstract concepts. Theories formulated by Piaget, Dewey and Kolb were used as references, as well as a few works from the field of Physics learning which demonstrate that it is practically consensual among teachers that the use of concrete experiences in classroom makes the learning of an abstract concept easier. This work proposes to verify how college students and high school students accept an experience in Physics adapted for Math or Accounting classes. It will try to confirm if this activity will be efficient in its purpose, that is to say, if it will make easier to learn the concept of interest. In order to do it, the activity will be divided in three tasks (1 - abstract task, 2 - abstract task, 3 - concrete task), which are presented in details along the text. The experimental activity was applied in classroom, for high school classes and also for college students, in private and public institutions, so that a wide range of students was studied in their knowledge of the interest notion. It was verified that this experimental activity needs to be improved, but it can be used as a supplementary material for teaching the concept of interest in schools.

Proposta de um trabalho lexicográfico para as notas de rodapé da obra adaptada I Promessi Sposi de Alessandro Manzoni / A proposal for a lexicography work for the footnotes of the adapted work I Promessi Sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni

Karine Marielly Rocha da Cunha 03 December 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal a proposta de novas notas de rodapé para o livro I Promessi Sposi Adattamento del testo e note di Marisa Pasqualetti, CIDEB, 2007. Inicialmente, fizemos um levantamento dos livros de leitura graduada para estrangeiros existentes no mercado editorial italiano. Verificamos que alguns dos títulos eram adaptações de obras clássicas da literatura italiana, outros eram policiais, de aventura e romance. A característica comum a esses títulos, além da linguagem controlada, é que todos eles apresentam notas de rodapé e que, na maioria das vezes, essas notas trazem um vocabulário já conhecido pelo público brasileiro. Dessa forma, colocamos as questões que pretendemos responder ao final dessa pesquisa: para quem é destinada as notas de rodapé dessas obras? A simplificação lexical é suficiente para tornar uma obra de fácil leitura? Qual é o critério usado para a escolha das palavras que vão compor as notas de rodapé dessas obras? Para a proposta das novas notas de rodapé do livro I Promessi Sposi adaptado, aplicamos a leitura da obra a sete grupos de alunos que possuíam, de certa forma, o mesmo nível de conhecimento lexical. Foi pedido a esses alunos que ao final da primeira leitura realizassem uma segunda leitura (de modo a provocar o mínimo possível de ruído na primeira leitura) preenchendo uma tabela que continha três colunas: primeira coluna elenco das palavras que constavam nas notas de rodapé desnecessariamente; segunda coluna palavras que não constavam nas notas de rodapé, porém, que deveriam constar (nesse caso, não seria todas as palavras desconhecidas, mas aquelas, que em uma leitura global ainda apresentavam-se incompreensíveis ou duvidosas); terceira coluna palavras que constavam no rodapé cuja explicação era insuficiente. Analisamos as colunas de 50 fichas preenchidas pelos alunos e verificamos que, das 213 palavras e/ou expressões que faziam parte das notas de rodapé, 77 eram desnecessárias, 19 deveriam ser reformuladas e 55 deveriam ser inseridas. Ao final, o título analisado teria 191 notas destinadas ao público brasileiro, 22 a menos do que o número total utilizado pela editora. / This research mainly aims at proposing new footnotes to the book I Promessi Sposi Adattamento del testo e note di Marisa Pasqualetti, CIDEB, 2007. At first, we made a survey of the graded readers for foreigners that we have access to in the Italian publishing industry. We identified that some of the books are adaptations from classic books in the Italian literature; others were suspense, adventure or romance stories. The common feature in all these classics, besides the graded language, is that all of them present footnotes, and that most of the times the vocabulary used is already familiar to the Brazilian readers. This way, we placed the following queries that we want to elicit in our research: Whom are the footnotes addressed to? Is the lexical simplification sufficient in order to make the reading of a piece of art of easy attainability? What is the criterion used for choosing the words which will come as footnotes in these books? In order to propose the new footnotes for the adapted I Promessi Sposi, we asked 07 different groups that were basically in the same lexical level to read the story. The students were asked to do a second reading right after the first one (in such a way so as to provoke the least interference in the first reading) and were asked to fill in a table with three columns: the first column demanded a list of words that were unnecessarily explained in the footnotes; the second column asked for words that were not in the footnotes but should be (in this case, not all the words would be unknown, but also words that could result in doubts or misunderstandings in a global reading); and the third column asked for words that were in the footnotes but whose explanations were insufficient. We analyzed the columns in 50 records filled up by the students and we found that from the 213 words and expressions that were in the footnotes, 77 were unnecessary, 19 should be reformulated and 55 should be inserted. By the end, the title which was chosen should have 191 footnotes destined to the Brazilian readers, 22 less that the number used by the publishing house.

O ciberespaço e as reconfigurações burocráticas: a experiência atual / Cyberspace and bureaucratic reconfigurations: the current experience

Archer, Claudia Maria da Costa 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-05-09T20:34:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ClaudiaArcher.pdf: 2499542 bytes, checksum: c3798aae30fc8474ef1bf7a811476f49 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-09T20:34:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClaudiaArcher.pdf: 2499542 bytes, checksum: c3798aae30fc8474ef1bf7a811476f49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / This thesis analyzes how the reconfiguration of the state's bureaucracy occurred with the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the brazilian's Stated. It begins with the contextualization of this moment through the history of "cognitive capitalism" and the "reform of the Brazilian's state of 1995". Because these are two facts that led the Brazilian state to introduce ICT in its bureaucratic routines, reconfiguring them. This change in routines leads state workers to adapt to the introduction of ICT in their work processes. This generates a hierarchy through the various levels of adaptation found in the burearacy. One has, therefore, those bureaucrats who have not adapted and leave the State, whether by retirement, or Programs of voluntary dismissals, they do not feel able to renew their knowledge, or even have no interest. Another type of bureaucrat is one who can‘t adapt, but continues in the public service, but calls on the help of another to help him, creating the micro regulations of power, and delaying the task. This relation it was called by Crozier (1981) of "power of the expert", that the power of the one that knows. Finally, from the categorization of the adapted bureaucrats, they are those who developed the skills necessary to carry out the reconfigured bureaucratic routines. In addition to the adapted bureaucrats, based on Haraway's theory of cyborgs (2000), another category of bureaucrats is identified, those who arrive at the state already inserted in cyberspace, they are the cyberbureaucrats. / Esta tese analisa como ocorreu a reconfiguração da burocracia estatal com a introdução das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação – TICs – no Estado brasileiro. Parto da contextualização desse momento através do histórico do “capitalismo cognitivo” e da “reforma do estado brasileiro de 1995”, por serem estes dois fatos que levaram o Estado brasileiro a introduzir as TICs em suas rotinas burocráticas, reconfigurando-as. Esta mudança que acontece nas rotinas, leva os trabalhadores do Estado a se adaptarem à introdução das TICs em seus processos de trabalho. Isso gera uma hierarquização mediante os diversos níveis de adaptação que se encontram na burocracia. Há, portanto, aqueles burocratas que não se adaptaram e saem do Estado, seja por aposentadoria, ou programas de demissões voluntárias, e não se sentem capazes de renovar o seu conhecimento, ou mesmo não têm interesse. Outro tipo de burocrata é aquele que não consegue se adaptar, mas continua no serviço público, porém, solicita a ajuda de outro, criando as microrrelações de poder, além de retardar a realização da tarefa. Essa relação foi chamada por Crozier (1981) de “poder do perito”, que é o poder daquele que conhece. Por fim, da categorização dos burocratas adaptados, são aqueles que desenvolvem as habilidades necessárias para realização das rotinas burocráticas reconfiguradas. Além dos burocratas adaptados, baseando-se na teoria dos ciborgues de Haraway (2000), identifica-se outra categoria de burocratas, aqueles que chegam ao Estado já inseridos no ciberespaço, são eles, os ciberburocratas.

Les contradictions de la norme dans la maîtrise des risques bancaires : résultats d'une recherche-action conduite en position de praticien réflexif dans une banque régionale / Contradictions of the standard in controlling banking risks : results of an action research conducted as a reflexive practitioner in a regional bank

Yacoub, Imen 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les crises financières successives qu’a connues récemment le monde et qui ont failli mettre en péril l’économie mondiale et ébranler le système économique et financier international ont obligé les autorités politiques et les institutions à renforcer les législations en la matière et à multiplier les normes. Ce renforcement et cette multiplication des normes ont pour but de limiter l’apparition de crises et de risques pour le système financier. La présente thèse vise à décrire l’impact de la multiplicité des normes dans le secteur bancaire qui se traduit par des contraintes, contradictions et coût important pour la banque. Il s’agit dans ce travail de présenter les dispositifs mis en place par l’établissement bancaire pour répondre aux exigences réglementaires ainsi qu’analyser les conséquences, cohérences et enjeux des normes sur la maitrise des risques et sur l’organisation interne de l’établissement. Les résultats soulignent l’intérêt de la gestion complète et intégrée des normes dans ce secteur d’activité. En effet, les résultats de la recherche montrent que la performance d’une banque de détail dépendra directement de sa capacité à anticiper et à gérer les divers corpus de normes auxquelles elle est confrontée. La gestion de la « norme » devient actuellement un sujet majeur dans le secteur bancaire au même titre que la gestion des risques. Les deux étant intrinsèquement liés.Le fondement de ce travail repose sur une étude de cas longitudinale de quatre années construite à partir d’une recherche-action auprès d’une banque de détail. Cette approche se base sur des entretiens semi-directifs, analyse de contenu des documents internes, réunions… Nous avons mobilisé la théorie du contrôle et du risque ainsi que la théorie de la tétranormalisation afin d’analyser la gestion de la norme dans l’établissement bancaire. / The recent global financial crises that have almost jeopardized the world economy and shaken the global economic and financial systems have forced political authorities and institutions to strengthen their current laws and regulations to help safeguard against any future crises. In this context, risk control, transparency and visibility of information have become the foundations which standards seek to put in order to keep future crises at a distance. This thesis aims to describe the impact of the multiplicity of norms in the banking sector which can result in constraints, contradictions and significant costs for the bank. The purpose of this work is to present the mechanisms put in place by the banking establishment to meet the current regulatory requirements as well as analyze the consequences, coherences and stakes of the standards on risk management and on the internal organization of the establishment. The results underline the interest of the integral management of norms in the financial sector. The research results show that the performance of a retail bank will depend directly on its ability to anticipate and manage the various sets of standards it faces. The management of the "standard" is now becoming a major topic in the banking sector as well as risk management. Both are intrinsically linked.The foundation of this work is based on a four-year longitudinal case study built from action research at a retail bank. This approach is based on semi-structured interviews, content analysis of internal documents, meetings ... The study has mobilized control and risk theory as well as “tetranormalization” theory in order to analyze the management of norms in banking institutions.

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