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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Busca de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes internados em Clínica Médica usando rastreadores / Surveillance of adverse drug reactions in internal medicine inpatients using triggers

Diana Carolina Cortes Salazar 24 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: As reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) seguem constituindo um problema importante dentro do âmbito hospitalar. Na clínica médica, as reações adversas apresentam-se com alta frequência, pois os pacientes recebem maior número de medicamentos e apresentam maior número de comorbidades. Portanto, são necessárias abordagens que permitam a detecção precoce dos eventos, de maneira que possam ser propostas intervenções que minimizem o dano ao paciente. A busca ativa de rastreadores, sendo estes, resultados alterados de exames laboratoriais, administração de medicamentos específicos e certos acontecimentos, tem se mostrado aplicável e efetiva para o monitoramento das reações adversas a medicamentos. Objetivo: Identificar reações adversas a medicamentos na enfermaria da Clínica Médica de um hospital de nível secundário a partir de rastreadores. Métodos: Desenvolveu-se um estudo de coorte prospectiva na clínica médica do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, sendo utilizada uma lista de 34 rastreadores. Pacientes maiores de 15 anos que permaneceram no mínimo 24 horas na enfermaria foram aleatorizados para compor a amostra. Em cada caso, foram coletadas, de forma cronológica, informações relacionadas aos medicamentos administrados, resultados de exames laboratoriais e a evolução médica. Todos os prontuários foram discutidos por profissionais de saúde, sendo avaliada a causalidade e a gravidade. Realizou-se uma análise univariada comparando pacientes com e sem RAM. Adicionalmente estudou-se o desempenho dos rastreadores usados. Resultados: No período de agosto de 2015 até abril de 2016 foram monitorados 116 pacientes. Identificaram-se reações adversas a medicamentos em 37,9 por cento dos pacientes, sendo achadas 47 suspeitas de RAM em cada 1000 paciente-dia. Pacientes que apresentaram RAMs foram internados mais vezes em leitos classificados como alta-dependência, apresentaram maior duração da internação, maior número de medicamentos usados e menor grau de escolaridade. Em relação ao nível de gravidade, a maioria das suspeitas de RAM (49 eventos, 89,1 por cento ) foram classificadas como moderadas e afetaram o sistema gastrointestinal. Foram identificados 429 rastreadores. Os rastreadores que apresentaram melhor desempenho foram menção da hipotensão, diminuição de plaquetas maior que 50 por cento , administração de glicose hipertônica em 25 ou 50 por cento e suspensão abrupta da medicação. Conclusão: A aplicação prospectiva do método de rastreadores a uma coorte aberta de pacientes da clínica médica permitiu a identificação de suspeitas de reações adversas, a caracterização dos pacientes, as suspeitas, os medicamentos envolvidos e o desempenho dos rastreadores. / Introduction: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) continues to represent a major problem at hospitals. In internal medicine wards, adverse drug reactions present high frequencies, as patients receive more medicines and have higher number of comorbidities. Therefore, approaches are needed that allow early detection of events, so, interventions could be proposed to minimize harm to patients. The active surveillance using triggers, which are, abnormal laboratory values, administration of specific drugs and certain events, has been proven applicable and effective for monitoring adverse drug reactions. Objective: To identify adverse drug reactions in the internal medicine ward of a secondary university hospital using triggers. Methods: a prospective cohort study was developed in the teaching hospital of the University of São Paulo, using a list of 34 sentinel words. Patients aged 15 years or more, who were hospitalized at least 24 hours, were randomized for the sample. For each case, information related to administered drugs, laboratory results and progress notes were collected chronologically. All charts were discussed by health professionals, assessing causality and severity. A univariate analysis was developed comparing patients with and without ADRs. Additionally, the performance of each trigger was studied. Results: In the period from August 2015 to April 2016, 116 patients were monitored. Adverse drug reactions were identified in 37.9 per cent of patients, presenting a rate of 47 suspected ADRs per 1,000 patient-days. Patients who experience ADRs were frequently classified as nursing high dependency, had longer length of stay, lower education level and used larger number of medicines. Regarding to severity, most of the suspected ADRs (49 cases, 89.1 per cent ) was classified as mild and affected the gastrointestinal system. 429 triggers were identified. Triggers with high performances were \"mention of hypotension\", \"platelets decrease greater than 50 per cent ,\" \"administration of dextrose 25 or 50 per cent \" and \"abrupt medication stop\". Conclusion: The prospective surveillance using triggers in an open cohort of internal medicine inpatients allowed the identification of adverse drug reactions and the characterization of patients, drugs involved and triggers.

Construção da informação sobre segurança de medicamentos : a contribuição dos relatos de caso e dos ensaios clínicos randomizados

Maggi, Cátia Bauer January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Na fase pré-comercialização, os ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) constituem-se em ferramenta primordial no acúmulo de informação sobre a segurança de um medicamento. Recomendações têm sido publicadas no sentido de que a informação sobre eventos adversos seja adequadamente descrita nesses estudos. Na fase pós-comercialização, vigilância ativa e passiva complementam-se e relatos de caso de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs) publicados em revistas médicas deveriam contribuir no processo de geração de sinal, alertando o meio científico e auxiliando na adoção de medidas pelas agências regulatórias de medicamentos. Seu impacto, no entanto, é incerto, seja na geração de estudos confirmatórios ou incorporação das RAMs em fontes de informação sobre medicamentos utilizadas na prática médica. Objetivo: avaliar, em revistas de alto impacto da área médica: 1) a adoção das recomendações da versão do CONSORT “Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement” e das recomendações propostas por outros autores em ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009; 2) o impacto de relatos de caso de RAMs novas publicados em 1998, através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios e inclusão na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no British National Formulary (BNF). Metodologia: Através de buscas no Medline, foram selecionados todos os ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009 nas revistas British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet e The New England Journal of Medicine e os relatos de caso publicados em 1998 nas revistas Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association e New England Journal of Medicine. Baseando-se nas recomendações propostas por Ioannidis e Lau e na versão ampliada do CONSORT, as informações sobre eventos adversos foram extraídas dos ECRs. O impacto dos relatos de caso foi avaliado através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios publicados em revistas indexadas no Medline e/ou EMBASE e da incorporação da informação na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no BNF. Resultados: Dos 122 ECRs analisados, 32,8% objetivaram avaliar desfechos de segurança do medicamento em questão (posicionando-se a este respeito na introdução), 72,1% mencionaram riscos no título ou resumo; 10,7% esclareceram como a informação sobre riscos foi coletada; 46,7% apresentaram as frequências dos eventos adversos, separando-os por tipo e braço do estudo e especificando se algum tipo de evento adverso não ocorreu; e 18,0% apresentaram discussão balanceada sobre riscos e benefícios. Dos 32 relatos de caso de RAMs novas avaliados, verificou-se a inclusão da RAM em questão no MICROMEDEX em 16 (50%) relatos de caso e, no BNF, em 10 (32,1%). Observou-se geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios para 4 (12,5%) relatos. Conclusões: Informações importantes sobre eventos adversos permanecem insuficientemente atendidas em ECRs. Relatos de caso publicados em revistas médicas desempenham papel importante no processo de geração de sinal, impactando relativamente na geração de estudos confirmatórios e em fontes de informação da prática médica. / Introduction: In pre-commercialization phase, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) represent an essential tool for obtaining information on drug safety. Recommendations have been published so that the information about adverse events is properly described in these studies. In the pre-commercialization phase, active and passive vigilance complement one another, and case reports of adverse reactions to drugs (ADRs) published in medical journals should contribute for the process of sign generation, making the scientific world alert and supporting the adoption of measures by the regulatory drug agencies. Its impact, nonetheless, remains uncertain, both regarding the generation of confirmation studies and the ADR acceptance in the drug information sources used in the medical practice. This study aims at assessing, in highly-impacting medical journals: the compliance with the recommendations from the CONSORT version ‘Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement’ , as well as with the ones proposed by other authors in RCTs involving drugs, published in 2009; the impact of new ADR case reports published in 1998, through carrying out controlled confirmation studies and including them in the MICROMEDEX databank and in the British National Formulary (BNF). Methodology: Through Medline search, all the RCTs involving drugs published in 2009 in the journals British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine were chosen. The same was done for the case reports published in 1998 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association and New England Journal of Medicine. Based on the recommendations proposed by Ioannidis and Lau and in the CONSORT comprehensive version, the information on adverse events was extracted from the RCTs. The impact of the case reports was assessed through carrying out controlled confirmation studies published in journals indexed in the Medline and/or EMBASE and the inclusion of this information in the MICROMEDEX databank and the BNF. Outcomes: Among the 122 RCTs analyzed, 72.1% mentioned risks in the title or abstract; 10.7% explained how information on risks had been collected; 46.7% presented adverse event frequency, sorting them by kind and study ramification, and also specifying whether some kind of adverse event had not occurred; and 18.0% presented a balanced discussion on risks and benefits. Among the 32 new ADR case reports analyzed, it was verified that these ADRs were included in the MICROMEDEX in 16 (50%) of the case reports, and in the BNF in 10 (32.1%). It was observed that controlled confirmation studies were designed for 4 (12.5%) of these studies. Conclusions: Relevant information on adverse events remains insufficient in RCTs. Case reports published in medical journals play an important part in the sign generating process, and they also relatively impact the carrying out of confirmation studies and the information sources of the medical practice.

Computational Method for Drug Target Search and Application in Drug Discovery

Chen, Yuzong, Li, Zerong, Ung, C.Y. 01 1900 (has links)
Ligand-protein inverse docking has recently been introduced as a computer method for identification of potential protein targets of a drug. A protein structure database is searched to find proteins to which a drug can bind or weakly bind. Examples of potential applications of this method in facilitating drug discovery include: (1) identification of unknown and secondary therapeutic targets of a drug, (2) prediction of potential toxicity and side effect of an investigative drug, and (3) probing molecular mechanism of bioactive herbal compounds such as those extracted from plants used in traditional medicines. This method and recent results on its applications in solving various drug discovery problems are reviewed. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions : Possibilities and limitations

Bäckström, Martin January 2005 (has links)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) constitute a major problem in society and in drug therapy. They are a common cause of short-term hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization and death. Spontaneous reporting of ADRs remains one the most effective methods for detecting new and serious drug reactions. In Sweden physicians are legally required to report fatal and serious ADRs. We know from previous studies that there is a substantial degree of under-reporting of ADRs also in Sweden. Attitudes towards reporting of ADRs among physicians in the northern region of Sweden were investigated using a questionnaire. The most important factor for not reporting ADRs among physicians and general practioners in our region was that the reaction was considered to be well known. However, their attitudes could also allow for a considerable rate of under-reporting. The effect on the reporting rate when nurses received instruction and were encouraged to report ADRs was studied. During a 12-month study period, 18 ADR reports with a total number of 22 ADRs were sent in by the nurses participating in the study to test nurses as reporters of ADRs. Using the Swedish ADR database, we calculated the risk of agranulocytosis associated with the use of metamizole by using consumption data from the case records of scrutinized patients’ and stored prescriptions. Over the period from 1996 to 1999, ten cases of agranulocytosis during treatment with metamizole were reported to SADRAC. Metamizole was prescribed to 666 (19%) inpatients during the 3-month study period and 112 prescriptions were identified at the participating pharmacies. Thirty-eight percent of them indicated treatment for more than 15 days. Making certain assumptions, the calculated risk of agranulocytosis was one out of every 31 000 inpatients and one out of every 1400 outpatients. The degree of under-reporting of serious ADRs was studied in five hospitals. More than 1300 case records were scrutinized and among these we found 107 cases that according to current rules for ADR reporting, should have been reported. Only fifteen of these were found in the SADRAC database, indicating a under-reporting rate of 86%.The effect on the reporting rate of ADRs was studied in an intervention study in which a small economical inducement was given to those who reported ADRs. The effect of a small economical stimulation to increase the reporting rate was studied. From the intervention area we received 62 suspected ADRs compared with 50 from the control area. The increase in the number of reports was 59% compared with an unchanged reporting rate from the control area. The physicians in northern Sweden have a relatively good knowledge of the existing rules for ADR reporting. Nurses could play an important role in detecting and reporting suspected ADRs. The risk of developing an metamizole induced agranulocytosis is considerably increased if metamizole is given to patients for a longer time than recommended. The rate of reported ADRs is very low, also for serious and fatal reactions. An increase in the reporting rate of suspected ADRs was observed during study period.

Construção da informação sobre segurança de medicamentos : a contribuição dos relatos de caso e dos ensaios clínicos randomizados

Maggi, Cátia Bauer January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Na fase pré-comercialização, os ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) constituem-se em ferramenta primordial no acúmulo de informação sobre a segurança de um medicamento. Recomendações têm sido publicadas no sentido de que a informação sobre eventos adversos seja adequadamente descrita nesses estudos. Na fase pós-comercialização, vigilância ativa e passiva complementam-se e relatos de caso de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs) publicados em revistas médicas deveriam contribuir no processo de geração de sinal, alertando o meio científico e auxiliando na adoção de medidas pelas agências regulatórias de medicamentos. Seu impacto, no entanto, é incerto, seja na geração de estudos confirmatórios ou incorporação das RAMs em fontes de informação sobre medicamentos utilizadas na prática médica. Objetivo: avaliar, em revistas de alto impacto da área médica: 1) a adoção das recomendações da versão do CONSORT “Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement” e das recomendações propostas por outros autores em ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009; 2) o impacto de relatos de caso de RAMs novas publicados em 1998, através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios e inclusão na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no British National Formulary (BNF). Metodologia: Através de buscas no Medline, foram selecionados todos os ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009 nas revistas British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet e The New England Journal of Medicine e os relatos de caso publicados em 1998 nas revistas Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association e New England Journal of Medicine. Baseando-se nas recomendações propostas por Ioannidis e Lau e na versão ampliada do CONSORT, as informações sobre eventos adversos foram extraídas dos ECRs. O impacto dos relatos de caso foi avaliado através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios publicados em revistas indexadas no Medline e/ou EMBASE e da incorporação da informação na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no BNF. Resultados: Dos 122 ECRs analisados, 32,8% objetivaram avaliar desfechos de segurança do medicamento em questão (posicionando-se a este respeito na introdução), 72,1% mencionaram riscos no título ou resumo; 10,7% esclareceram como a informação sobre riscos foi coletada; 46,7% apresentaram as frequências dos eventos adversos, separando-os por tipo e braço do estudo e especificando se algum tipo de evento adverso não ocorreu; e 18,0% apresentaram discussão balanceada sobre riscos e benefícios. Dos 32 relatos de caso de RAMs novas avaliados, verificou-se a inclusão da RAM em questão no MICROMEDEX em 16 (50%) relatos de caso e, no BNF, em 10 (32,1%). Observou-se geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios para 4 (12,5%) relatos. Conclusões: Informações importantes sobre eventos adversos permanecem insuficientemente atendidas em ECRs. Relatos de caso publicados em revistas médicas desempenham papel importante no processo de geração de sinal, impactando relativamente na geração de estudos confirmatórios e em fontes de informação da prática médica. / Introduction: In pre-commercialization phase, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) represent an essential tool for obtaining information on drug safety. Recommendations have been published so that the information about adverse events is properly described in these studies. In the pre-commercialization phase, active and passive vigilance complement one another, and case reports of adverse reactions to drugs (ADRs) published in medical journals should contribute for the process of sign generation, making the scientific world alert and supporting the adoption of measures by the regulatory drug agencies. Its impact, nonetheless, remains uncertain, both regarding the generation of confirmation studies and the ADR acceptance in the drug information sources used in the medical practice. This study aims at assessing, in highly-impacting medical journals: the compliance with the recommendations from the CONSORT version ‘Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement’ , as well as with the ones proposed by other authors in RCTs involving drugs, published in 2009; the impact of new ADR case reports published in 1998, through carrying out controlled confirmation studies and including them in the MICROMEDEX databank and in the British National Formulary (BNF). Methodology: Through Medline search, all the RCTs involving drugs published in 2009 in the journals British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine were chosen. The same was done for the case reports published in 1998 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association and New England Journal of Medicine. Based on the recommendations proposed by Ioannidis and Lau and in the CONSORT comprehensive version, the information on adverse events was extracted from the RCTs. The impact of the case reports was assessed through carrying out controlled confirmation studies published in journals indexed in the Medline and/or EMBASE and the inclusion of this information in the MICROMEDEX databank and the BNF. Outcomes: Among the 122 RCTs analyzed, 72.1% mentioned risks in the title or abstract; 10.7% explained how information on risks had been collected; 46.7% presented adverse event frequency, sorting them by kind and study ramification, and also specifying whether some kind of adverse event had not occurred; and 18.0% presented a balanced discussion on risks and benefits. Among the 32 new ADR case reports analyzed, it was verified that these ADRs were included in the MICROMEDEX in 16 (50%) of the case reports, and in the BNF in 10 (32.1%). It was observed that controlled confirmation studies were designed for 4 (12.5%) of these studies. Conclusions: Relevant information on adverse events remains insufficient in RCTs. Case reports published in medical journals play an important part in the sign generating process, and they also relatively impact the carrying out of confirmation studies and the information sources of the medical practice.

Construção da informação sobre segurança de medicamentos : a contribuição dos relatos de caso e dos ensaios clínicos randomizados

Maggi, Cátia Bauer January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Na fase pré-comercialização, os ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) constituem-se em ferramenta primordial no acúmulo de informação sobre a segurança de um medicamento. Recomendações têm sido publicadas no sentido de que a informação sobre eventos adversos seja adequadamente descrita nesses estudos. Na fase pós-comercialização, vigilância ativa e passiva complementam-se e relatos de caso de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs) publicados em revistas médicas deveriam contribuir no processo de geração de sinal, alertando o meio científico e auxiliando na adoção de medidas pelas agências regulatórias de medicamentos. Seu impacto, no entanto, é incerto, seja na geração de estudos confirmatórios ou incorporação das RAMs em fontes de informação sobre medicamentos utilizadas na prática médica. Objetivo: avaliar, em revistas de alto impacto da área médica: 1) a adoção das recomendações da versão do CONSORT “Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement” e das recomendações propostas por outros autores em ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009; 2) o impacto de relatos de caso de RAMs novas publicados em 1998, através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios e inclusão na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no British National Formulary (BNF). Metodologia: Através de buscas no Medline, foram selecionados todos os ECRs envolvendo medicamentos publicados em 2009 nas revistas British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet e The New England Journal of Medicine e os relatos de caso publicados em 1998 nas revistas Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association e New England Journal of Medicine. Baseando-se nas recomendações propostas por Ioannidis e Lau e na versão ampliada do CONSORT, as informações sobre eventos adversos foram extraídas dos ECRs. O impacto dos relatos de caso foi avaliado através da geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios publicados em revistas indexadas no Medline e/ou EMBASE e da incorporação da informação na base de dados MICROMEDEX e no BNF. Resultados: Dos 122 ECRs analisados, 32,8% objetivaram avaliar desfechos de segurança do medicamento em questão (posicionando-se a este respeito na introdução), 72,1% mencionaram riscos no título ou resumo; 10,7% esclareceram como a informação sobre riscos foi coletada; 46,7% apresentaram as frequências dos eventos adversos, separando-os por tipo e braço do estudo e especificando se algum tipo de evento adverso não ocorreu; e 18,0% apresentaram discussão balanceada sobre riscos e benefícios. Dos 32 relatos de caso de RAMs novas avaliados, verificou-se a inclusão da RAM em questão no MICROMEDEX em 16 (50%) relatos de caso e, no BNF, em 10 (32,1%). Observou-se geração de estudos controlados confirmatórios para 4 (12,5%) relatos. Conclusões: Informações importantes sobre eventos adversos permanecem insuficientemente atendidas em ECRs. Relatos de caso publicados em revistas médicas desempenham papel importante no processo de geração de sinal, impactando relativamente na geração de estudos confirmatórios e em fontes de informação da prática médica. / Introduction: In pre-commercialization phase, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) represent an essential tool for obtaining information on drug safety. Recommendations have been published so that the information about adverse events is properly described in these studies. In the pre-commercialization phase, active and passive vigilance complement one another, and case reports of adverse reactions to drugs (ADRs) published in medical journals should contribute for the process of sign generation, making the scientific world alert and supporting the adoption of measures by the regulatory drug agencies. Its impact, nonetheless, remains uncertain, both regarding the generation of confirmation studies and the ADR acceptance in the drug information sources used in the medical practice. This study aims at assessing, in highly-impacting medical journals: the compliance with the recommendations from the CONSORT version ‘Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement’ , as well as with the ones proposed by other authors in RCTs involving drugs, published in 2009; the impact of new ADR case reports published in 1998, through carrying out controlled confirmation studies and including them in the MICROMEDEX databank and in the British National Formulary (BNF). Methodology: Through Medline search, all the RCTs involving drugs published in 2009 in the journals British Medical Journal, The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine were chosen. The same was done for the case reports published in 1998 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association and New England Journal of Medicine. Based on the recommendations proposed by Ioannidis and Lau and in the CONSORT comprehensive version, the information on adverse events was extracted from the RCTs. The impact of the case reports was assessed through carrying out controlled confirmation studies published in journals indexed in the Medline and/or EMBASE and the inclusion of this information in the MICROMEDEX databank and the BNF. Outcomes: Among the 122 RCTs analyzed, 72.1% mentioned risks in the title or abstract; 10.7% explained how information on risks had been collected; 46.7% presented adverse event frequency, sorting them by kind and study ramification, and also specifying whether some kind of adverse event had not occurred; and 18.0% presented a balanced discussion on risks and benefits. Among the 32 new ADR case reports analyzed, it was verified that these ADRs were included in the MICROMEDEX in 16 (50%) of the case reports, and in the BNF in 10 (32.1%). It was observed that controlled confirmation studies were designed for 4 (12.5%) of these studies. Conclusions: Relevant information on adverse events remains insufficient in RCTs. Case reports published in medical journals play an important part in the sign generating process, and they also relatively impact the carrying out of confirmation studies and the information sources of the medical practice.

Variantes genéticas da N-acetiltransferase 2, CYP2E1 e glutationa S-transferase: relação com a segurança terapêutica em pacientes com tuberculose / Genetic variants of N-acetyltransferase 2, CYP2E1 and Glutathione S-transferase: relation with therapeutic safety in patients with tuberculosis

Francisco José Forestiero 30 April 2009 (has links)
Polimorfismos nos genes da n-acetiltransferase 2 (NAT2), CYP2E1 e glutationa S-transferase (GST) têm sido associados a diferenças na resposta ao tratamento da tuberculose. O papel de variantes dos genes NAT2, CYP2E1 e GSTM1/GSTT1, no perfil de segurança do tratamento da tuberculose, foi avaliado em 99 pacientes com tuberculose, sem co-infecção por HIV ou vírus da hepatite, tratados por 6 meses. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas antes e durante o tratamento para avaliação de marcadores de lesão hepatocelular (ASLT e AST), colestase (ALP, GGT e bilirrubinas) e função renal (creatinina). O DNA genômico foi extraído de sangue colhido em EDTA pelo método precipitação salina. Os polimorfismos NAT2 foram analisados por PCR-RFLP e seqüenciamento de DNA. Os polimorfismos da região promotora do CYP2E1 foram detectados por PCR-RFLP e para a análise dos genótipos nulos de GSTM1 (GSTM1*0) e GSTT1 (GSTT1*0) foi utilizada a PCR multiplex. Durante o tratamento, 59,6% dos pacientes apresentaram reações adversas aos medicamentos (RAM) e alterações nos marcadores de lesão hepatocelular e colestase, com aumento de 1 a 4 vezes o limite superior de referência. Foi observada forte relação entre RAM e alterações nos marcadores séricos (p< 0,05) e também com o uso de medicação concomitante (p< 0,001). As freqüências dos alelos NAT2*4 e NAT2*6 foram maiores e menores, respectivamente, quando comparadas com outros estudos na população brasileira. O perfil de acetilador lento (alelos NAT2*5, NAT2*6 e NAT2*7) foi associado com manifestação de RAM e hepatotoxicidade. Os portadores dos genótipos NAT2*4/*5 e NAT2*5/*5 apresentaram, respectivamente, risco 2,4 e 5,0 vezes maior de RAM que os portadores dos demais genótipos NAT2 (p< 0,05). O genótipo funcional GSTM1*1/GSTT1*1 foi associado com alterações acentuadas de ALT, AST e ALP (p< 0,05). Enquanto que as variantes da CYP2E1 não foram associadas a alterações no perfil bioquímico ou com risco de RAM ou hepatotoxicidade. Em conclusão, o perfil de acetilação lenta de NAT2 e o genótipo funcional de GSTM1/GSTT1 aumentam a susceptibilidade de lesão hepatocelular e outras RAM induzidas pelos antimicobacterianos utilizados no tratamento da tuberculose. / Polymorphisms in N-acetiltransferase 2 (NAT2), CYP2E1 and glutatione S-transferase (GST) have been associated with differences in response to antituberculosis drugs. The role of the NAT2, CYP2E1 and GSTM1/GSTT1 variants on safety profile of the anti-tuberculosis therapy was evaluated in 99 tuberculosis patients, without co-infection by HIV or hepatitis virus, treated during 6 months. Blood samples were collected before and after the therapy to evaluate serum markers for hepatocelullar damage (ASLT and AST), cholestasis (ALP, GGT and bilirrubin) and kidney function (creatinine). Genomic DNA was extracted from EDTA-blood samples by salting-out method. NAT2 polymorphisms were analyzed by PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing. CYP2E1 promoter region polymorphisms were detected by PCR-RFLP and for analysis of the null genotypes GSTM1 (GSTM1*0) e GSTT1 (GSTT1*0) PCR multiplex technique was used. During the therapy, 59.6% of the patients had adverse drug reactions (ADR) and alterations on hepatocellular damage and cholestasis serum markers, with increase of 1 to 4 times the upper limit reference level. There was a significant relationship between ADR and serum markers alterations (p< 0,05), as well as, the concomitant medicine (p< 0,001). The frequencies of the NAT2*4 and NAT2*6 alleles were higher and lower, respectively, when compared to other studies in the Brazilian population. The slow acetilator profile (NAT2*5, NAT2*6 and NAT2*7 alleles) was associated with ADR and hepatotoxicity manifestations. The NAT2*4/*5 and NAT2*5/*5 genotypes carriers had, respectively, 2.4 and 5.0 times higher risk for ADR than those carrying the other NAT2 genotypes (p< 0,05). The functional genotype GSTM1*1/GSTT1*1 was associated with enhanced variations on ALT, AST and ALP (p< 0.05). No relationship was found between CYP2E1 variants and variations on biochemical profile or risk for ADR or hepatotoxicity. In conclusion, the NAT2 slow acetilator profile and the GSTM1/GSTT1 functional genotype increase the susceptibility to hepatocellular damage and other ADR induced by antibiotics used in tuberculosis therapy.

Farmacovigilância na terapêutica específica de Leishmaniose visceral em hospital de referência de Belém do Pará

Silva, Jorge Yuichi Takata 28 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-29T14:11:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jorge Yuichi Takata Silva.pdf: 1595788 bytes, checksum: e2f14ba0ab1571dc7b28b9930cb48569 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-07-30T19:23:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jorge Yuichi Takata Silva.pdf: 1595788 bytes, checksum: e2f14ba0ab1571dc7b28b9930cb48569 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-07-30T19:28:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jorge Yuichi Takata Silva.pdf: 1595788 bytes, checksum: e2f14ba0ab1571dc7b28b9930cb48569 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-30T19:28:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jorge Yuichi Takata Silva.pdf: 1595788 bytes, checksum: e2f14ba0ab1571dc7b28b9930cb48569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Retrospective descriptive and analytical, systematic analysis of the records of patients admitted to the hospital of infectious and parasitic diseases with the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis between the years 2004 to 2009, analyzing the clinical, therapeutic and laboratory features of 348 patients with objective to determine the occurrence and frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADR) used in the specific therapy. The indication of meglumine antimoniate (GNM) was the predominant drug of first choice in 318 patients (91.38%), and the mean treatment of 18.6 days (SD ± 1.95) and the average concentration of 611mg/dose ( SD ± 294.4) while the second choice of therapy with amphotericin B deoxycholate (ABDC), we identified a mean of 22.67 days (SD ± 8.14) and average concentration of 24.33 mg / dose (± 13 , 79). We identified the occurrence of ADR 342 in 184 patients (52%), and Type A reactions (N = 337/98, 54%) were predominant and algorithms Karch & Lasagna, provided better sensitivity for determination of causality of ADR. Patients using GMN had 291 responses (85.09%), and the frequent occurrence of hyperthermia (N = 109) in patients aged 5 years or less. Pancreatitis drug was identified on two occasions and classified as serious and identified six cases of elevated transaminase levels after instituting the use of GML and one after therapy with ABDC, as drug-induced hepatitis. Approximately 9.28% of ADR associated with the use of GML, were related to cardiovascular changes. The occurrence of hypokalemia in twelve patients was associated with the ADR frequent use of ABDC. There is need to establish routine monitoring of hospital performance ADR to anti-leishmanial and prospective studies from the results shown in order to evaluate the dose-response relationship for the occurrence of preventable ADR. / Realizado estudo retrospectivo analítico e descritivo, de análise sistemática em prontuários de pacientes admitidos em hospital de referência em doenças infecto-parasitárias com diagnóstico de Leishmaniose Visceral entre os anos de 2004 a 2009, analisando os aspectos clínicos, terapêuticos e laboratoriais de 348 pacientes com objetivo de verificar a ocorrência e frequência de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) utilizados na terapêutica específica. A indicação de antimoniato de meglumina (NMG) predominou como medicamento de primeira escolha em 318 pacientes (91,38%), sendo a média de tratamento de 18,6 dias (DP±1,95) e a concentração média de 611mg/dose (DP±294,4) enquanto na terapêutica de segunda escolha, com anfotericina B desoxicolato (ABDC), identificou-se tempo médio de 22,67dias (DP±8,14) e concentração média de 24,33mg/dose (DP±13,79). Foi identificada a ocorrência de 342 RAM em 184 pacientes (52%), sendo reações Tipo A (N=337/98,54%) predominantes e o algoritmos de Karch & Lasagna, apresentou melhor perfil de sensibilidade para determinação de causalidade de RAM. Pacientes em uso de NMG apresentaram 291 reações (85,09%), sendo freqüente a ocorrência de hipertermia (N=109), em pacientes de idade igual ou inferior a 5 anos. A pancreatite medicamentosa foi identificada em duas ocasiões e classificadas como graves e identificados seis casos de elevação de transaminases após instituição do uso de NMG e um após terapia com ABDC, como hepatite medicamentosa. Cerca de 9,28% de RAM associadas ao uso de NMG, foram relacionados a alterações cardiovasculares. A ocorrência de hipocalemia em doze pacientes foi a RAM freqüente associada ao uso de ABDC. Há necessidade de estabelecimento de rotina de monitoramento hospitalar de RAM a leishmanicidas e execução de estudos prospectivos a partir dos resultados demonstrados a fim de avaliar a relação dose-dependente para a ocorrência de RAM preveníveis.

Semantic Spaces of Clinical Text : Leveraging Distributional Semantics for Natural Language Processing of Electronic Health Records

Henriksson, Aron January 2013 (has links)
The large amounts of clinical data generated by electronic health record systems are an underutilized resource, which, if tapped, has enormous potential to improve health care. Since the majority of this data is in the form of unstructured text, which is challenging to analyze computationally, there is a need for sophisticated clinical language processing methods. Unsupervised methods that exploit statistical properties of the data are particularly valuable due to the limited availability of annotated corpora in the clinical domain. Information extraction and natural language processing systems need to incorporate some knowledge of semantics. One approach exploits the distributional properties of language – more specifically, term co-occurrence information – to model the relative meaning of terms in high-dimensional vector space. Such methods have been used with success in a number of general language processing tasks; however, their application in the clinical domain has previously only been explored to a limited extent. By applying models of distributional semantics to clinical text, semantic spaces can be constructed in a completely unsupervised fashion. Semantic spaces of clinical text can then be utilized in a number of medically relevant applications. The application of distributional semantics in the clinical domain is here demonstrated in three use cases: (1) synonym extraction of medical terms, (2) assignment of diagnosis codes and (3) identification of adverse drug reactions. To apply distributional semantics effectively to a wide range of both general and, in particular, clinical language processing tasks, certain limitations or challenges need to be addressed, such as how to model the meaning of multiword terms and account for the function of negation: a simple means of incorporating paraphrasing and negation in a distributional semantic framework is here proposed and evaluated. The notion of ensembles of semantic spaces is also introduced; these are shown to outperform the use of a single semantic space on the synonym extraction task. This idea allows different models of distributional semantics, with different parameter configurations and induced from different corpora, to be combined. This is not least important in the clinical domain, as it allows potentially limited amounts of clinical data to be supplemented with data from other, more readily available sources. The importance of configuring the dimensionality of semantic spaces, particularly when – as is typically the case in the clinical domain – the vocabulary grows large, is also demonstrated. / De stora mängder kliniska data som genereras i patientjournalsystem är en underutnyttjad resurs med en enorm potential att förbättra hälso- och sjukvården. Då merparten av kliniska data är i form av ostrukturerad text, vilken är utmanande för datorer att analysera, finns det ett behov av sofistikerade metoder som kan behandla kliniskt språk. Metoder som inte kräver märkta exempel utan istället utnyttjar statistiska egenskaper i datamängden är särskilt värdefulla, med tanke på den begränsade tillgången till annoterade korpusar i den kliniska domänen. System för informationsextraktion och språkbehandling behöver innehålla viss kunskap om semantik. En metod går ut på att utnyttja de distributionella egenskaperna hos språk – mer specifikt, statistisk över hur termer samförekommer – för att modellera den relativa betydelsen av termer i ett högdimensionellt vektorrum. Metoden har använts med framgång i en rad uppgifter för behandling av allmänna språk; dess tillämpning i den kliniska domänen har dock endast utforskats i mindre utsträckning. Genom att tillämpa modeller för distributionell semantik på klinisk text kan semantiska rum konstrueras utan någon tillgång till märkta exempel. Semantiska rum av klinisk text kan sedan användas i en rad medicinskt relevanta tillämpningar. Tillämpningen av distributionell semantik i den kliniska domänen illustreras här i tre användningsområden: (1) synonymextraktion av medicinska termer, (2) tilldelning av diagnoskoder och (3) identifiering av läkemedelsbiverkningar. Det krävs dock att vissa begränsningar eller utmaningar adresseras för att möjliggöra en effektiv tillämpning av distributionell semantik på ett brett spektrum av uppgifter som behandlar språk – både allmänt och, i synnerhet, kliniskt – såsom hur man kan modellera betydelsen av flerordstermer och redogöra för funktionen av negation: ett enkelt sätt att modellera parafrasering och negation i ett distributionellt semantiskt ramverk presenteras och utvärderas. Idén om ensembler av semantisk rum introduceras också; dessa överträffer användningen av ett enda semantiskt rum för synonymextraktion. Den här metoden möjliggör en kombination av olika modeller för distributionell semantik, med olika parameterkonfigurationer samt inducerade från olika korpusar. Detta är inte minst viktigt i den kliniska domänen, då det gör det möjligt att komplettera potentiellt begränsade mängder kliniska data med data från andra, mer lättillgängliga källor. Arbetet påvisar också vikten av att konfigurera dimensionaliteten av semantiska rum, i synnerhet när vokabulären är omfattande, vilket är vanligt i den kliniska domänen. / High-Performance Data Mining for Drug Effect Detection (DADEL)

Deep Neural Networks for Inverse De-Identification of Medical Case Narratives in Reports of Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions / Djupa neuronnät för omvänd avidentifiering av medicinska fallbeskrivningar i biverkningsrapporter

Meldau, Eva-Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Medical research requires detailed and accurate information on individual patients. This is especially so in the context of pharmacovigilance which amongst others seeks to identify previously unknown adverse drug reactions. Here, the clinical stories are often the starting point for assessing whether there is a causal relationship between the drug and the suspected adverse reaction. Reliable automatic de-identification of medical case narratives could allow to share this patient data without compromising the patient’s privacy. Current research on de-identification focused on solving the task of labelling the tokens in a narrative with the class of sensitive information they belong to. In this Master’s thesis project, we explore an inverse approach to the task of de-identification. This means that de-identification of medical case narratives is instead understood as identifying tokens which do not need to be removed from the text in order to ensure patient confidentiality. Our results show that this approach can lead to a more reliable method in terms of higher recall. We achieve a recall of sensitive information of 99.1% while the precision is kept above 51% for the 2014-i2b2 benchmark data set. The model was also fine-tuned on case narratives from reports of suspected adverse drug reactions, where a recall of sensitive information of more than 99% was achieved. Although the precision was only at a level of 55%, which is lower than in comparable systems, an expert could still identify information which would be useful for causality assessment in pharmacovigilance in most of the case narratives which were de-identified with our method. In more than 50% of the case narratives no information useful for causality assessment was missing at all. / Tillgång till detaljerade kliniska data är en förutsättning för att bedriva medicinsk forskning och i förlängningen hjälpa patienter. Säker avidentifiering av medicinska fallbeskrivningar kan göra det möjligt att dela sådan information utan att äventyra patienters skydd av personliga data. Tidigare forskning inom området har sökt angripa problemet genom att märka ord i en text med vilken typ av känslig information de förmedlar. I detta examensarbete utforskar vi möjligheten att angripa problemet på omvänt vis genom att identifiera de ord som inte behöver avlägsnas för att säkerställa skydd av känslig patientinformation. Våra resultat visar att detta kan avidentifiera en större andel av den känsliga informationen: 99,1% av all känslig information avidentifieras med vår metod, samtidigt som 51% av alla uteslutna ord verkligen förmedlar känslig information, vilket undersökts för 2014-i2b2 jämförelse datamängden. Algoritmen anpassades även till fallbeskrivningar från biverkningsrapporter, och i detta fall avidentifierades 99,1% av all känslig information medan 55% av alla uteslutna ord förmedlar känslig information. Även om denna senare andel är lägre än för jämförbara system så kunde en expert hitta information som är användbar för kausalitetsvärdering i flertalet av de avidentifierade rapporterna; i mer än hälften av de avidentifierade fallbeskrivningarna saknades ingen information med värde för kausalitetsvärdering.

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