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Comparisons and Applications of Quantitative Signal Detections for Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): An Empirical Study Based On The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) And A Large Medical Claims DatabaseCHEN, YAN 23 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação dos níveis plasmáticos e possíveis alterações clínico-laboratoriais em pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial sistêmica na terapia com nifedipina / Evaluation of plasma levels and possible clinical-laboratory changes in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in nifedipine therapyAmaral, Renata Teixeira do 04 March 2005 (has links)
A nifedipina atua como bloqueador de canais de cálcio inibindo o fluxo transmembrânico de ions Ca2+ no interior das células do músculo cardíaco e células do músculo liso vascular, o qual induz ao relaxamento do músculo liso e diminuição da resistência vascular periférica. É utilizado no Brasil no tratamento de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), faz parte da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais do Ministério da Saúde e vem sendo distribuída pela Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo. Uma vez que a determinação plasmática do fármaco contribui para maior segurança de seu uso, o objetivo deste trabalho se prendeu em padronizar e validar um método analítico em cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por captura de elétrons, sensível, específico e reprodutível para a quantificação das concentrações plasmáticas com a finalidade de avaliar a relação entre a dose diária de 60mg e a concentração plasmática versus a resposta da pressão arterial sistêmica, observando a ocorrência de possíveis reações adversas, alterações bioquímicas e hematológicas, em pacientes portadores de HAS, submetidos à farmacoterapia. O método apresentou linearidade na faixa de 10 a 200 ng.mL-1 , com coeficiente de correlação (r) igual a 0,9977. Coeficientes de variação de precisão intra e interensaio menor que 10% e recuperação absoluta da nifedipina de 74,47 a 75,97%. Os limites de detecção e quantificação do método foram de 1,0 e 2,0 ng.mL-1, respectivamente e o fármaco demonstrou ser estável por 90 dias quando armazenado a -70°C ao abrigo da luz. Os dados observados no presente estudo permitiram evidenciar que os pacientes apresentaram concentrações plasmáticas no intervalo terapêutico preconizado, as quais foram efetivas na redução da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica. Estas concentrações não acarretaram efeitos adversos em nível do sistema hematológico e bioquímico estatisticamente significativos e em relação às reações adversas relacionadas ao medicamento, tais como: cefaléia, edema periférico vascular, tontura, hipotensão arterial, rubor, tosse e cãibras, apesar de relatadas de forma significativa pelos pacientes no inicio do tratamento, foram ao longo do mesmo minimizadas e pouco relatadas. / Nifedipine, a compound of dihydropyridine class, is a calcium-channel antagonists drug that inhibits the transmembrane influx of Ca+2 into cardiac muscle cells and vasculas smooth muscle cells throught specific ion channels. It induces smooth muscle relaxation and decreases peripheral vascular resistance. It is widely used for the treatment of high blood pressure, and is considered as a essencial medicine by the Brazilian government. In Sao Paulo state, this drug has been distributed to hypertensive patients in treatment. Since the drug quantification in plasma contributes for a drug safety use, the objective of the present study was to develop and validate a accurate, specific and reproducible method for the determination of nifedipine in plasma by gas chromatography with eletron capture detection. The validated method was applied in samples of hipertensive patients on 60 mg daily dose of nifedipine with the purpose to evaluate the relation between drug plasma concentration and it\'s daily dose versus the hemodymamic effects, possible side effects and biochemical and hematologic alterations. The method was linear over a concentration range of 10 -200 ng.mL-1 (r2>0,99). The coefficient of variation of intra- and inter-assay precision less than 10% and the recovery was higher than 74%. The limit of detection and quantification were 1,0 and 2,0 ng.mL-1, respectively. Nifedipine was found to be stable in samples stored at -70ºC for 90 days and protect from light. The result showed that patients with drug plasma concentration within therapeutics levels also showed systolic and diastolic blood pressure succesfully controled. Therefore, these patients do not manifested any adverse effects specially in biochemical and hematologic systems. Other adverse efects of nifedipine such as headache, peripheral edema, hypotension, redness, cramp and cough reported by the patients at the beggining of thetreatment, were gradually diminishing and rarely related.
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Incidência e fatores de risco de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes hospitalizados em clínicas de especialidades do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP / Incidence and risk factors for adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients at the \"Hospital das Clínicas\" of the University of São Paulo School of MedicineRibeiro, Marisa Rosimeire 17 June 2015 (has links)
A identificação de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) nos hospitais constitui uma importante medida da morbidade associada a medicamentos e de seu ônus sobre o sistema de saúde. Este estudo observacional não intervencionista teve por objetivo avaliar a incidência de RAM em pacientes hospitalizados, as características clínicas das reações e fatores de risco associados. Foram avaliados 472 pacientes de cinco clínicas do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP (Clínica Médica, Cirurgia Geral, Neurologia, Geriatria, Alergia e Imunologia Clínica), com formação de coorte prospectiva, analisando as características demográficas, comorbidades, número de medicações utilizadas antes e durante a hospitalização e tempo de internação. A prevalência das RAM foi de 1,7% e a incidência geral de RAM foi 16,2%, variando conforme a clínica avaliada, sendo maior na Clínica Médica (30%). As reações mais frequentes foram as do tipo A, predominando as manifestações gastrointestinais. A maior parte das reações foi classificada de gravidade moderada. O maior número de medicações utilizadas por paciente, insuficiência renal crônica e tempo de internação foram fatores de risco para RAM, porém não houve associação das reações com idade avançada. Antecedente de RAM anterior à internação foi identificado como fator de proteção. A incidência de reações de hipersensibilidade a medicamentos (RHM) foi de 3,2%, com maior número de medicações utilizadas por paciente como único fator de risco isolado, sem associação com as clínicas avaliadas ou gênero dos pacientes. As medicações mais associadas às RAM e RHM foram os antibióticos, opióides e contrastes iodados. Os medicamentos mais prescritos foram os sintomáticos. O estudo concluiu que as RAM são frequentes e potencialmente evitáveis. O conhecimento da incidência e dos fatores associados pode estimular a prevenção. A prescrição de medicações para pacientes internados deve ser mais criteriosa, especialmente para os mais susceptíveis, evitando a polifarmácia / The detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in hospitalized patients is an important measure of morbidity associated with drugs and its burden on the health system. The objective of this non-interventionist observational study was to assess the incidence of ADRs in hospitalized patients, the clinical characteristics of reactions and associated risk factors. We evaluated 472 patients from five medical specialties of the Hospital das Clínicas-FMUSP (Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Neurology, Geriatrics, Clinical Immunology and Allergy). We performed a prospective cohort, analyzing the demographics features, comorbidities, number of medications used before and during hospitalization and length of stay in the hospital. The prevalence of ADRs was 1.7% and the overall incidence of ADRs was 16.2%, varying according to the specialty assessed, higher in the Internal Medicine (30%). The most frequent reactions were type A, with gastrointestinal manifestations being the most frequent. Most of the reactions were classified as moderate in severity. The greater number of drugs used, chronic renal failure and longer hospital stays were risk factors for ADRs, but there was no association between reactions and age. History of previous ADRs to admission was identified as a protective factor. The incidence of hypersensitivity drug reactions (HDRs) was 3.2%, with the greater number of medications used per patient as the sole isolated risk factor, without association with specialty or patient\'s gender. The main medications associated with ADRs and HDRs were antibiotics, opioids and iodinated contrast media. The most commonly prescribed medications were symptomatic ones. The study concluded that the ADRs are frequent and potentially preventable. Knowledge of the incidence and associated factors can stimulate prevention. The pharmacotherapy of in-patients should be more careful, especially for the more susceptible patients, avoiding polypharmacy
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Évaluation de la performance du système de pharmacovigilance au Sud-Sud du Nigéria / Evaluation of pharmacovigilance system performance in South- South NigeriaOlowofela, Abimbola 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’évolution du système de pharmacovigilance au Nigéria a été associée à une croissance modeste et les hôpitaux universitaires ont été identifiés comme des partenaires importants du système de pharmacovigilance. Cependant, aucune étude n'a encore été réalisée sur les performances du système de pharmacovigilance dans les hôpitaux universitaires nigérians. Cette étude visait à évaluer l'état de la pharmacovigilance, en particulier les réactions indésirables aux médicaments dans le sud et le sud du Nigéria, en se référant à des médicaments sélectionnés. Le système de pharmacovigilance ainsi que le schéma posologique des médicaments ont été évalués à l'aide des indicateurs de pharmacovigilance de base de l'OMS et des indicateurs de prescription de base de l'OMS, respectivement. Cela a été suivi d'une intervention éducative avec des messages texte envoyés via le système de messagerie courte (SMS) pour améliorer les connaissances, l'attitude et la pratique de la pharmacovigilance parmi les professionnels de la santé. Le nombre, la qualité et le profil des effets indésirables du médicament ont également été évalués avant et après l'intervention. Les facteurs probables susceptibles de contribuer à une mauvaise notification des problèmes de pharmacovigilance ont été recherchés en effectuant une enquête sur les connaissances, la sensibilisation et les pratiques des professionnels de la santé travaillant dans la zone. Ces faiblesses de la pharmacovigilance étaient essentiellement. Les résultats ont montré que des structures étaient en place pour les activités de pharmacovigilance, même si certaines étaient peu fonctionnelles. Les indicateurs de processus et de résultat / impact ont révélé des systèmes de santé faibles et une attention générale insuffisante à la pharmacovigilance dans les hôpitaux. Il a également montré que, même si le groupe possédait une connaissance modeste et une perception juste de la pharmacovigilance, la pratique était médiocre et peu de réactions indésirables au médicament étaient répertoriées dans les bases de données des hôpitaux locaux. Celles-ci ont été attribuées à une connaissance insuffisante de la pharmacovigilance sur ce qui peut être signalé, à des processus de notification médiocres, à de fausses croyances selon lesquelles leur notification ne fera aucune différence et à la difficulté de déterminer les éléments à signaler. Une perception insuffisante de l’intérêt de la notification des effets indésirables. Les connaissances et les pratiques en matière de pharmacovigilance se sont améliorées, de même que le nombre de déclarations d'effets indésirables au médicament suite à une intervention éducative. Cette étude a également mis en évidence le profil des effets indésirables associés aux médicaments couramment utilisés dans la zone et les problèmes inhérents à la notification spontanée. Il souligne également que la pharmacovigilance, discipline en pleine croissance, peut être améliorée par des évaluations fréquentes du système, la formation des professionnels de la santé et le renforcement général du système de santé nigérian. Des études plus approfondies seraient nécessaires pour mieux évaluer la sécurité des médicaments dans cette population noire homogène. / The evolution of the pharmacovigilance system in Nigeria has been associated with modest growth and teaching hospitals have been identified as important partners in the pharmacovigilance mechanism. However, there have been no studies evaluating the performance of the pharmacovigilance system in Nigerian Teaching hospitals prior to this time. This study set out to evaluate the state of pharmacovigilance specifically adverse drug reactions in South-South Nigeria. The pharmacovigilance system as well as the prescribing pattern of medicines was evaluated using the WHO Core Pharmacovigilance indicators and WHO Core Prescribing indicators respectively. This was followed by an educational intervention with text messages sent via the Short Messaging System (SMS) to improve the knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance amongst healthcare professionals. The number, quality and profile of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) were also assessed before and after the intervention. Factors likely to contribute to poor reporting of pharmacovigilance issues were sought by conducting knowledge, awareness, and practice survey of healthcare professionals working in the zone.The findings showed that of the six teaching hospitals assessed, only three could be described as functional or partly functional although all had some structures in place for pharmacovigilance activities. The process and outcome/impact indicators revealed weak health systems and overall insufficient attention to pharmacovigilance in the hospitals as only one centre had committed their ADR reports to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre and there were few documented medicines related admissions ranging from 0.0985/1000 to 1.67/1000 admissions. It further showed that although a modest knowledge and fair perception of pharmacovigilance existed among the group, practice was poor as only 12% of the 811 healthcare Professionals had ever used the national ADR reporting form and there were few adverse drug reaction reports in the local hospital databases. These were attributed to insufficient awareness of pharmacovigilance on what can be reported, poor reporting processes, wrong beliefs that their reporting will not make a difference and difficulty in determining what to report. There was an improvement in the knowledge and practice of pharmacovigilance, with a 31.6% increase in the number of adverse drug reaction reports following an educational intervention. This study also highlighted the ADR profile to commonly used medicines in the zone and the inherent problems associated with spontaneous reporting. It further highlights that the growing discipline of pharmacovigilance can be improved through frequent assessments of the system, training of the healthcare professionals and general strengthening of the Nigerian healthcare system. More in-depth studies would be required to further evaluate the safety of medicines in the Nigerian population.
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Avaliação dos níveis plasmáticos e possíveis alterações clínico-laboratoriais em pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial sistêmica na terapia com nifedipina / Evaluation of plasma levels and possible clinical-laboratory changes in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in nifedipine therapyRenata Teixeira do Amaral 04 March 2005 (has links)
A nifedipina atua como bloqueador de canais de cálcio inibindo o fluxo transmembrânico de ions Ca2+ no interior das células do músculo cardíaco e células do músculo liso vascular, o qual induz ao relaxamento do músculo liso e diminuição da resistência vascular periférica. É utilizado no Brasil no tratamento de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), faz parte da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais do Ministério da Saúde e vem sendo distribuída pela Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo. Uma vez que a determinação plasmática do fármaco contribui para maior segurança de seu uso, o objetivo deste trabalho se prendeu em padronizar e validar um método analítico em cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por captura de elétrons, sensível, específico e reprodutível para a quantificação das concentrações plasmáticas com a finalidade de avaliar a relação entre a dose diária de 60mg e a concentração plasmática versus a resposta da pressão arterial sistêmica, observando a ocorrência de possíveis reações adversas, alterações bioquímicas e hematológicas, em pacientes portadores de HAS, submetidos à farmacoterapia. O método apresentou linearidade na faixa de 10 a 200 ng.mL-1 , com coeficiente de correlação (r) igual a 0,9977. Coeficientes de variação de precisão intra e interensaio menor que 10% e recuperação absoluta da nifedipina de 74,47 a 75,97%. Os limites de detecção e quantificação do método foram de 1,0 e 2,0 ng.mL-1, respectivamente e o fármaco demonstrou ser estável por 90 dias quando armazenado a -70°C ao abrigo da luz. Os dados observados no presente estudo permitiram evidenciar que os pacientes apresentaram concentrações plasmáticas no intervalo terapêutico preconizado, as quais foram efetivas na redução da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica. Estas concentrações não acarretaram efeitos adversos em nível do sistema hematológico e bioquímico estatisticamente significativos e em relação às reações adversas relacionadas ao medicamento, tais como: cefaléia, edema periférico vascular, tontura, hipotensão arterial, rubor, tosse e cãibras, apesar de relatadas de forma significativa pelos pacientes no inicio do tratamento, foram ao longo do mesmo minimizadas e pouco relatadas. / Nifedipine, a compound of dihydropyridine class, is a calcium-channel antagonists drug that inhibits the transmembrane influx of Ca+2 into cardiac muscle cells and vasculas smooth muscle cells throught specific ion channels. It induces smooth muscle relaxation and decreases peripheral vascular resistance. It is widely used for the treatment of high blood pressure, and is considered as a essencial medicine by the Brazilian government. In Sao Paulo state, this drug has been distributed to hypertensive patients in treatment. Since the drug quantification in plasma contributes for a drug safety use, the objective of the present study was to develop and validate a accurate, specific and reproducible method for the determination of nifedipine in plasma by gas chromatography with eletron capture detection. The validated method was applied in samples of hipertensive patients on 60 mg daily dose of nifedipine with the purpose to evaluate the relation between drug plasma concentration and it\'s daily dose versus the hemodymamic effects, possible side effects and biochemical and hematologic alterations. The method was linear over a concentration range of 10 -200 ng.mL-1 (r2>0,99). The coefficient of variation of intra- and inter-assay precision less than 10% and the recovery was higher than 74%. The limit of detection and quantification were 1,0 and 2,0 ng.mL-1, respectively. Nifedipine was found to be stable in samples stored at -70ºC for 90 days and protect from light. The result showed that patients with drug plasma concentration within therapeutics levels also showed systolic and diastolic blood pressure succesfully controled. Therefore, these patients do not manifested any adverse effects specially in biochemical and hematologic systems. Other adverse efects of nifedipine such as headache, peripheral edema, hypotension, redness, cramp and cough reported by the patients at the beggining of thetreatment, were gradually diminishing and rarely related.
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Drug-related morbidity and mortality : Pharmacoepidemiological aspectsJönsson, Anna K. January 2007 (has links)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) constitute a significant health problem with consequences for the patient as well as for society. Suspected ADRs have been reported to occur in about 2-14% of hospitalised patients. In about 5% of deceased hospitalised patients suspected ADRs may have caused or contributed to the fatal outcome. When a pharmaceutical drug is approved for marketing, the drug has been tested only on a limited number of patients (often <6000) for a limited time period in a controlled environment. Hence mostly common ADRs are detected in these trials. Moreover, certain patient groups, for example patients with co-morbidities, elderly patients, children and pregnant women are often not included in these studies. Thus, it is important to closely monitor the use of drugs after marketing to observe new effects and detect new ADRs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the pattern of pharmaceutical substance use related to morbidity and mortality and to investigate two serious ADRs. We have studied the incidence of fatal ADRs, fatal intoxications, cerebral haemorrhage related to warfarin treatment and venous thromboembolism (VTE) related to treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Observational studies form the basis for this thesis. Data from the Swedish Cause of Death Register, medical case records, the Swedish database on ADRs, the forensic pathology and forensic toxicology databases, and Swedish and Danish hospital discharge registers, Danish prescription registers, and civil registry systems were used. In Paper I we found that 3% of all fatalities in a Swedish population were related to a suspected ADR. Of the deceased hospitalised patients, 6% were related to a suspected ADR. Haemorrhage was the most commonly observed fatal suspected ADR, accounting for almost two-thirds of the events and anticoagulantia was the most common drug group associated with fatal suspected ADRs (almost 50%). A suspected intoxication could have contributed to the fatal outcome in 0.6% of the deceased. Among the fatal intoxications in Swedish medico-legal autopsies studied in Paper II, on average four substances were detected per case. The five most commonly detected substances in individuals with a fatal intoxication were ethanol, propoxyphene, paracetamol, diazepam and flunitrazepam. Among patients diagnosed with cerebral haemorrhage, 10% (59 cases) were treated with warfarin at onset of symptoms (Paper III). Of these, 7 cases (12%) were considered to have been possibly avoidable since the patients were treated with concomitant drugs that have the potential to enhance warfarin effects. The results from Paper IV and Paper V in combination with the published literature suggest that patients treated with antipsychotic drugs have an increased risk for VTE. Compared with non-users, an adjusted odds ratio for VTE of 2.0 was found for users of any antipsychotic drugs in a Danish population. In a medico-legal autopsy series, an adjusted odds ratio for fatal pulmonary embolism of 2.4 and 6.9 was found for users of first-generation low-potency antipsychotics and second-generation antipsychotics, respectively. In summary, drug-related morbidity and mortality is a significant problem and suspected ADRs contribute to a substantial number of deaths. Fatal intoxications are relatively common and it is important to observe changes in patterns of substances associated with fatal intoxications to be able to discover new trends and monitor effects of preventive work. A significant proportion of warfarin-related cerebral haemorrhage was caused by drug-drug interactions and was considered possible to avoid. Users of antipsychotic drugs may increase the risk of VTE. / Idag finns det säkra och effektiva behandlingar mot många sjukdomar. Läkemedel är den vanligaste behandlingsformen i sjukvården och under 2006 hämtade sex miljoner svenskar (68%) ut ett eller fler recept på ett apotek i Sverige. Även om läkemedelsbehandling har många positiva effekter kan även oönskade och skadliga effekter vid läkemedelsbehandling uppkomma, dvs. läkemedelsbiverkningar. Innan ett läkemedel kommer ut för försäljning har man studerat effekter och biverkningar på ett begränsat antal individer (ofta <6000) under en begränsad tidsperiod där patienterna övervakas noga. Dessutom är det i regel enbart patienter med få andra sjukdomar och läkemedel som ingår i dessa studier. Därför är oftast enbart de vanligaste biverkningarna kända när ett läkemedel börjar säljas till allmänheten. När ett läkemedel blir tillgängligt för ett stort antal patienter är det därför viktigt att man med olika metoder fortsätter att följa läkemedlets effekter och biverkningar. Tidigare har man visat att ungefär 2-14% av inläggningar på sjukhus beror på läkemedelsbiverkningar. Dessutom kan biverkningar ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 5% av de som avlider på sjukhus. Biverkningar orsakar mycket lidande för patienten och kostar samhället både tid och pengar. Om det skulle vara möjligt att förhindra några av dessa sjukhusinläggningar eller dödsfall skulle man vinna mycket. Det är svårt att uppskatta hur många biverkningar som kan förhindras. Genom att studera faktorer som kan öka risken för en oönskad effekt kan man bättre anpassa behandlingen till den enskilde patienten och därmed förhindra biverkningar. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att beskriva mönster av läkemedelsrelaterade sjukdomar och dödsfall, och att undersöka risken för två allvarliga läkemedelsbiverkningar. Förekomsten av misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningar, vilka faktorer som kan öka risken för att få en läkemedelsbiverkan, samt vilka läkemedel och biverkningar som förekommer har studerats. Detta gjordes utifrån uppgifter hämtade från dödsorsaksregistret, svenska biverkningsregistret, journaler, rättsmedicinska register, slutenvårdsregister och receptregister. Genom att utnyttja sådan information har vi i närmare detalj studerat förekomsten av dödsfall där ett eller flera läkemedel kan ha haft betydelse för dödsfallet, förgiftningsdödsfall, blödningar i samband med blodförtunnande medicinering och blodproppar i samband med antipsykotisk medicinering. I de arbeten som ingår i avhandlingen har vi funnit att en läkemedelsbiverkan misstänks ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 3% av de som avlidit i en svensk population (Arbete I). Blödningar står för nästan två tredjedelar av dessa biverkningar och blodförtunnande medel misstänks vara inblandade i nästan hälften av de misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningarna. I den här svenska populationen avled 0,6% till följd av misstänkt läkemedelsförgiftning. Bland rättsmedicinskt undersökta förgiftningsdödsfall påvisades i genomsnitt fyra substanser per fall (Arbete II). De fem vanligaste påvisade substanserna i studien var alkohol, dextropropoxifen, paracetamol, diazepam och flunitrazepam. Bland patienter som får hjärnblödning behandlades 10% vid blödningstillfället med ett blodförtunnande medel, warfarin (Arbete III). I 7 fall (12%) skulle hjärnblödningen möjligen kunna ha förhindrats då patienterna samtidigt behandlades med andra läkemedel som kan ha ökat blödningsrisken. Den sammantagna bilden av den litteratur som finns publicerad och resultatet av Arbete IV och Arbete V, tyder på att patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska preparat har en ökad risk för att få blodpropp. Flera faktorer har föreslagits som kan förklara den ökade risken för blodpropp bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotika som har med sjukdomen att göra och/eller behandlingen med antipsykotiska läkemedel. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta avhandlingsprojekt att läkemedelsbiverkningar är ett väsentligt sjukvårdsproblem som bidrar till ett betydande antal dödsfall. Förgiftningsdödsfall med läkemedel är också relativt vanliga och det är viktigt att bevaka effekter av preventiva åtgärder och se om de substanser som används ändras över tid. En del läkemedelsrelaterade biverkningar skulle kunna förhindras då t.ex. en betydande andel av warfarinrelaterade hjärnblödningar beror på läkemedelsinteraktioner. Förekomsten av venösa blodproppar verkar vara förhöjd bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska läkemedel, men fler studier behövs för att avgöra detta och vad det i så fall beror på.
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Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie / Vergleich der schweren unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen von Citalopram und Escitalopram / Comparison of the severe adverse drug reaction of citalopram versus escitalopram / Results of the German drug safety programme in psychiatry AMSPBauer, Kathrin 29 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise do uso de medicamentos para hepatite C / Analysis of the use of drugs for hepatitis CRios, Marcos Cardoso 23 February 2017 (has links)
Introduction: The dynamics in the development and use of drugs, as an essential part of the care
process for patients with hepatitis C, requires equal dynamics in the evaluation of their use, as a way to
improve the offer of patient care. Objective: To evaluate the profile of use, effectiveness and safety of
medications for the treatment of hepatitis C. Materials and Methods: The thesis was divided into
four chapters that sought to respond to the specific objectives of the research. To do so: 1 - a
transverse review of the medical records of all patients with hepatitis C who received antiviral therapy
with interferon / peginterferon and ribavirin between 2002 and 2012; 2-. The charts of all patients with
hepatitis C treated with boceprevir or telaprevir in combination with peginterferon and ribavirin
between the years of 2013 and 2015 were analyzed; 3 - a systematic review was conducted to assess
the incidence of adverse reactions associated with pharmacotherapies; 4- the perception of a group of
patients treated or under treatment with one of the therapeutic regimens for hepatitis C on the impact
of adverse reactions was analyzed. Results: In article 1, 298 treatments of hepatitis C with interferon /
peginterferon were analyzed, and the sustained response ranged from 40.8% to 58.3% among
untreated and previously treated patients with recurrent disease. Regarding article 2, 48 treatments
were analyzed that associated the use of telaprevir or boceprevir with peginterferon and ribavirin,
presenting sustained response rates ranging from 61.5% associated with telaprevir to 50% to
boceprevir. Response rates decreased to 22.8% with telaprevir and 15.4% with boceprevir, when
considering the intentions to be treated. In article 3, 13 studies were selected that included 8,221
patients and highlighted 4,801 reports of adverse reactions with 41 different manifestations. The
selection ranking shows preferences for the use of direct-acting antivirals and lower recommendation
of protease inhibitors. The analysis of patient perceptions (article 4) showed that negative experiences
associated with pharmacotherapy are among the main barriers in treatment. Conclusions: The largest
cohort of the analyzed universes indicates that the main pharmacotherapy for hepatitis C between the
years 2002 and 2015 was the association with peginterferon and ribavirin, remaining as
immunomodulants and virustatics used in association with protease inhibitors. The use of
combinations with boceprevir or telaprevir has not been shown to be satisfactory and should be
avoided. Classical therapy with peginterferon and ribavirin should be preferred over aggregative
therapy with protease inhibitors, since the reactions are more insidious and difficult to treat. Directacting
antivirals are safer, although the evidence is less robust. Adverse drug reactions affect the daily
and the way patients relate to disease and treatment in the perception of a group of patients. Analyzes
of the results contribute to the medico-social and economic basis of regulatory activities and other
decisions in the field of medication policy and treatment of hepatitis C. / Introdução: A dinâmica no desenvolvimento e uso de medicamentos, como parte essencial no processo de
cuidado ao paciente com hepatite C, exige igual dinâmica na avaliação de sua utilização, como forma de
melhorar a oferta de assistência ao paciente. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil de uso, efetividade e segurança dos
medicamentos para o tratamento da hepatite C. Materiais e Métodos: A tese foi dividida em quatro
capítulos que buscaram responder aos objetivos específicos da pesquisa. Para tanto: 1- foi realizada uma
revisão transversal dos prontuários de todos os pacientes com hepatite C que receberam terapia antiviral
com interferon/peginterferon e ribavirina entre os anos de 2002 e 2012; 2-. foram analisados os prontuários
de todos os pacientes com hepatite C, tratados com boceprevir ou telaprevir em associação com
peginterferon e ribavirina, entre os anos de 2013 a 2015; 3- uma revisão sistemática foi realizada a fim de
avaliar a incidência de reações adversas associadas às farmacoterapias; 4- analisou-se a percepção de um
grupo de pacientes tratados ou em tratamento com um dos esquemas terapêuticos para hepatite C sobre o
impacto das reações adversas. Resultados: no artigo 1 foram analisados 298 tratamentos da hepatite C com
interferon/peginterferon, sendo que a resposta sustentada variou de 40,8% a 58,3% entre os pacientes não
tratados e previamente tratados com doença recorrente. Quanto ao artigo 2 foram analisados 48 tratamentos
que associaram o uso do telaprevir ou boceprevir com peginterferon e ribavirina, apresentando taxas de
resposta sustentada que variaram de 61,5% associados ao telaprevir e 50% ao boceprevir. As taxas de
resposta diminuíram para 22,8% com telaprevir e 15,4% com boceprevir, quando consideradas as intenções
em tratar. No artigo 3 foram selecionados 13 estudos que incluíram 8.221 pacientes e destacaram 4.801
relatos de reações adversas com 41 manifestações diferentes. O ranking de seleção mostra preferências para
o uso de antivirais de ação direta e menor recomendação dos inibidores de protease. A análise das
percepções de pacientes (artigo 4) mostraram que as experiências negativas associadas à farmacoterapia
estão entre as principais barreiras no tratamento. Conclusões: a maior coorte dos universos analisados
indica que a principal farmacoterapia para hepatite C entre os anos de 2002 a 2015 foi a associação com
peginterferon e ribavirina, permanecendo como imunomodualdores e virustáticos usados em associação
com os inibidores de proteases. A utilização das associações com boceprevir ou telaprevir não se
mostraram satisfatórias e devem ser evitadas. A terapia clássica com peginterferon e ribavirina deve ser
preferida em relação à terapia agregativa com inibidores de protease, uma vez que nestas, as reações são
mais insidiosas e de difícil manejo. Os antivirais de ação direta são mais seguros, embora as evidências
sejam menos robustas. As reações adversas provocadas pelos medicamentos afetam o cotidiano e a maneira como os pacientes se relacionam com a doença e o tratamento, na percepção de um grupo de pacientes. As análises dos resultados contribuem para a base médico-social e econômica das atividades de
regulamentação e outras decisões no campo da política de medicamentos e tratamento da hepatite C.
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Incidência e fatores de risco de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes hospitalizados em clínicas de especialidades do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP / Incidence and risk factors for adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients at the \"Hospital das Clínicas\" of the University of São Paulo School of MedicineMarisa Rosimeire Ribeiro 17 June 2015 (has links)
A identificação de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) nos hospitais constitui uma importante medida da morbidade associada a medicamentos e de seu ônus sobre o sistema de saúde. Este estudo observacional não intervencionista teve por objetivo avaliar a incidência de RAM em pacientes hospitalizados, as características clínicas das reações e fatores de risco associados. Foram avaliados 472 pacientes de cinco clínicas do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP (Clínica Médica, Cirurgia Geral, Neurologia, Geriatria, Alergia e Imunologia Clínica), com formação de coorte prospectiva, analisando as características demográficas, comorbidades, número de medicações utilizadas antes e durante a hospitalização e tempo de internação. A prevalência das RAM foi de 1,7% e a incidência geral de RAM foi 16,2%, variando conforme a clínica avaliada, sendo maior na Clínica Médica (30%). As reações mais frequentes foram as do tipo A, predominando as manifestações gastrointestinais. A maior parte das reações foi classificada de gravidade moderada. O maior número de medicações utilizadas por paciente, insuficiência renal crônica e tempo de internação foram fatores de risco para RAM, porém não houve associação das reações com idade avançada. Antecedente de RAM anterior à internação foi identificado como fator de proteção. A incidência de reações de hipersensibilidade a medicamentos (RHM) foi de 3,2%, com maior número de medicações utilizadas por paciente como único fator de risco isolado, sem associação com as clínicas avaliadas ou gênero dos pacientes. As medicações mais associadas às RAM e RHM foram os antibióticos, opióides e contrastes iodados. Os medicamentos mais prescritos foram os sintomáticos. O estudo concluiu que as RAM são frequentes e potencialmente evitáveis. O conhecimento da incidência e dos fatores associados pode estimular a prevenção. A prescrição de medicações para pacientes internados deve ser mais criteriosa, especialmente para os mais susceptíveis, evitando a polifarmácia / The detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in hospitalized patients is an important measure of morbidity associated with drugs and its burden on the health system. The objective of this non-interventionist observational study was to assess the incidence of ADRs in hospitalized patients, the clinical characteristics of reactions and associated risk factors. We evaluated 472 patients from five medical specialties of the Hospital das Clínicas-FMUSP (Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Neurology, Geriatrics, Clinical Immunology and Allergy). We performed a prospective cohort, analyzing the demographics features, comorbidities, number of medications used before and during hospitalization and length of stay in the hospital. The prevalence of ADRs was 1.7% and the overall incidence of ADRs was 16.2%, varying according to the specialty assessed, higher in the Internal Medicine (30%). The most frequent reactions were type A, with gastrointestinal manifestations being the most frequent. Most of the reactions were classified as moderate in severity. The greater number of drugs used, chronic renal failure and longer hospital stays were risk factors for ADRs, but there was no association between reactions and age. History of previous ADRs to admission was identified as a protective factor. The incidence of hypersensitivity drug reactions (HDRs) was 3.2%, with the greater number of medications used per patient as the sole isolated risk factor, without association with specialty or patient\'s gender. The main medications associated with ADRs and HDRs were antibiotics, opioids and iodinated contrast media. The most commonly prescribed medications were symptomatic ones. The study concluded that the ADRs are frequent and potentially preventable. Knowledge of the incidence and associated factors can stimulate prevention. The pharmacotherapy of in-patients should be more careful, especially for the more susceptible patients, avoiding polypharmacy
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Creation of a Next-Generation Standardized Drug Groupingfor QT Prolonging Reactions using Machine Learning TechniquesTiensuu, Jacob, Rådahl, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
This project aims to support pharmacovigilance, the science and activities relating to drug-safety and prevention of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). We focus on a specific ADR called QT prolongation, a serious reaction affecting the heartbeat. Our main goal is to group medicinal ingredients that might cause QT prolongation. This grouping can be used in safety analysis and for exclusion lists in clinical studies. It should preferably be ranked according to level of suspected correlation. We wished to create an automated and standardised process. Drug safety-related reports describing patients' experienced ADRs and what medicinal products they have taken are collected in a database called VigiBase, that we have used as source for ingredient extraction. The ADRs are described in free-texts and coded using an international standardised terminology. This helps us to process the data and filter ingredients included in a report that describes QT prolongation. To broaden our project scope to include uncoded data, we extended the process to use free-text verbatims describing the ADR as input. By processing and filtering the free-text data and training a classification model for natural language processing released by Google on VigiBase data, we were able to predict if a free-text verbatim is describing QT prolongation. The classification resulted in an F1-score of 98%. For the ingredients extracted from VigiBase, we wanted to validate if there is a known connection to QT prolongation. The VigiBase occurrences is a parameter to consider, but it might be misleading since a report can include several drugs, and a drug can include several ingredients, making it hard to validate the cause. For validation, we used product labels connected to each ingredient of interest. We used a tool to download, scan and code product labels in order to see which ones mention QT prolongation. To rank our final list of ingredients according to level of suspected QT prolongation correlation, we used a multinomial logistic regression model. As training data, we used a data subset manually labeled by pharmacists. Used on unlabeled validation data, the model accuracy was 68%. Analyzing the training data showed that it was not easily separated linearly explaining the limited classification performance. The final ranked list of ingredients suspected to cause QT prolongation consists of 1086 ingredients.
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