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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förväntningar och utfall av revisionen i nystartade mikroföretag / Expectations and outcomes of the audit in newly established micro-enterprises

Åström, Pia January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Sedan 1988 har alla svenska aktiebolag oavsett storlek varit tvungna att ha en kvalificerad revisor som granskar företagets räkenskaper. Idag är Sverige ett av två länder i EU som fortfarande har kvar revisionsplikten för små företag. Inom EU finns bestämmelser som medger medlemsländerna att undanta små företag från revisionsplikt. Utifrån undantagsbestämmelserna har en utredning gjorts i Sverige och ett lagförslag har lagts fram som innebär att 96,5 procent av alla företag i Sverige kan välja om de vill bli reviderade eller inte. Revisionspliktens vara eller inte vara har diskuterats flitigt i Sverige och studier har gjorts avseende vilken relation företagen har med revisorn, vilken nyttan är med revisionen och vilka faktorer som spelar in vid frivillig revision. En inriktning som inte närmare undersökts är hur nystartade mikroföretag ser på revisionsplikten, vilket leder fram till uppsatsens frågeställning.</p><p><strong>Frågeställning:</strong> Vilka förväntningar hade mikroföretag på revisionen och revisorn när företagen startades? Efter första revisionen, uppfylldes förväntningarna på revisionen och revisorn? Hur kommer mikroföretagen att handla om revisionsplikten försvinner?</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Att beskriva nystartade mikroföretags förväntningar och uppfattning av revisionen och revisorn samt att beskriva vad mikroföretagen får ut av revisionstjänsten.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har en kvalitativ studie genomförts. Insamlingen av data har skett genom personliga intervjuer med fem företagsledare i mikroföretag hemmahörande i Skellefteå. Intervjuerna har skett med utgångspunkt från en intervjuguide. Övrig information har insamlats från artiklar, avhandlingar, tryckta verk och internetsidor.          </p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Mikroföretagen verkar vara nöjda med vad revisorn presterar och majoriteten tror att de kommer att behålla revisorn om revisionsplikten tas bort. Företagen efterfrågar då att revisorn har en mer rådgivande roll. En faktor är dock priset som avgör hur mycket revisorn kommer att anlitas.        </p> / <p> </p><p><strong>Background: </strong>Since 1988, all Swedish limited companies, regardless of size have been obliged to have a qualified auditor to examine the accounts of the company. Today, Sweden is one of two countries in Europe that still has the auditing duty for small businesses. In the EU, there are provisions, which allow Member States to exempt small companies from auditing duty. Based on the exemption provisions, an investigation has been made in Sweden and an act proposal has been presented where 96.5 percent of all enterprises in Sweden can  choose if they want to be revised or not. The auditing duty's be or not to be has been discussed widely in Sweden and studies have been made concerning the relationship that the companies have with the auditor, the use of the audit and the factors that might come into play if audit is made voluntary. A focus that is not thoroughly explored is how newly established micro-enterprises view the audit duty, which leads up to the research questions.</p><p><strong>Research questions:</strong> What expectations had micro-enterprises on the audit and the auditor when starting their businesses? After the first audit, were the expectations of the audit and the auditor met? How will the micro-enterprises deal if the auditing duty disappears?</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong><strong> </strong>To describe newly established micro-enterprises' expectations and perceptions of the audit and the auditor, and to describe what the micro-enterprises benefit from the audit service.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>To achieve the purpose of the paper, a qualitative study has been done. Data collection was done through personal interviews with five managers in micro-enterprises in Skellefteå. The interviews have been done on the basis of an interview guide. Other information was collected from articles, dissertations, printed works and homepages on internet.                   </p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Micro-enterprises appear to be satisfied with what the auditor is performing and the majority thinks that they will keep the auditor if the auditing duty removes. Companies are demanding that the auditor will have a more advisory role. One factor, however, is the price that determines how much the auditor will be hired.</p>

Förväntningar och utfall av revisionen i nystartade mikroföretag / Expectations and outcomes of the audit in newly established micro-enterprises

Åström, Pia January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan 1988 har alla svenska aktiebolag oavsett storlek varit tvungna att ha en kvalificerad revisor som granskar företagets räkenskaper. Idag är Sverige ett av två länder i EU som fortfarande har kvar revisionsplikten för små företag. Inom EU finns bestämmelser som medger medlemsländerna att undanta små företag från revisionsplikt. Utifrån undantagsbestämmelserna har en utredning gjorts i Sverige och ett lagförslag har lagts fram som innebär att 96,5 procent av alla företag i Sverige kan välja om de vill bli reviderade eller inte. Revisionspliktens vara eller inte vara har diskuterats flitigt i Sverige och studier har gjorts avseende vilken relation företagen har med revisorn, vilken nyttan är med revisionen och vilka faktorer som spelar in vid frivillig revision. En inriktning som inte närmare undersökts är hur nystartade mikroföretag ser på revisionsplikten, vilket leder fram till uppsatsens frågeställning. Frågeställning: Vilka förväntningar hade mikroföretag på revisionen och revisorn när företagen startades? Efter första revisionen, uppfylldes förväntningarna på revisionen och revisorn? Hur kommer mikroföretagen att handla om revisionsplikten försvinner? Syfte: Att beskriva nystartade mikroföretags förväntningar och uppfattning av revisionen och revisorn samt att beskriva vad mikroföretagen får ut av revisionstjänsten. Metod: För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har en kvalitativ studie genomförts. Insamlingen av data har skett genom personliga intervjuer med fem företagsledare i mikroföretag hemmahörande i Skellefteå. Intervjuerna har skett med utgångspunkt från en intervjuguide. Övrig information har insamlats från artiklar, avhandlingar, tryckta verk och internetsidor.           Slutsats: Mikroföretagen verkar vara nöjda med vad revisorn presterar och majoriteten tror att de kommer att behålla revisorn om revisionsplikten tas bort. Företagen efterfrågar då att revisorn har en mer rådgivande roll. En faktor är dock priset som avgör hur mycket revisorn kommer att anlitas. / Background: Since 1988, all Swedish limited companies, regardless of size have been obliged to have a qualified auditor to examine the accounts of the company. Today, Sweden is one of two countries in Europe that still has the auditing duty for small businesses. In the EU, there are provisions, which allow Member States to exempt small companies from auditing duty. Based on the exemption provisions, an investigation has been made in Sweden and an act proposal has been presented where 96.5 percent of all enterprises in Sweden can  choose if they want to be revised or not. The auditing duty's be or not to be has been discussed widely in Sweden and studies have been made concerning the relationship that the companies have with the auditor, the use of the audit and the factors that might come into play if audit is made voluntary. A focus that is not thoroughly explored is how newly established micro-enterprises view the audit duty, which leads up to the research questions. Research questions: What expectations had micro-enterprises on the audit and the auditor when starting their businesses? After the first audit, were the expectations of the audit and the auditor met? How will the micro-enterprises deal if the auditing duty disappears? Purpose: To describe newly established micro-enterprises' expectations and perceptions of the audit and the auditor, and to describe what the micro-enterprises benefit from the audit service. Method: To achieve the purpose of the paper, a qualitative study has been done. Data collection was done through personal interviews with five managers in micro-enterprises in Skellefteå. The interviews have been done on the basis of an interview guide. Other information was collected from articles, dissertations, printed works and homepages on internet.                    Conclusion: Micro-enterprises appear to be satisfied with what the auditor is performing and the majority thinks that they will keep the auditor if the auditing duty removes. Companies are demanding that the auditor will have a more advisory role. One factor, however, is the price that determines how much the auditor will be hired.

Využitelnost zpráv z psychologického vyšetření pro pedagogickou intervenci / The applicability of psychological reports within the educational intervention

Vetchá Puškášová, Irena January 2016 (has links)
One of the standard roles of educational psychologists is to conduct assessment and communicate the outputs in a form of psychoeducational reports, to suggest a guide for appropriate prevention and intervention work with children and adolescents with a variety of special educational needs to their parents, teachers and other professionals. However, the outcome of the examination is often not presented sufficiently, on an adequate level, to become a useful source of information for further work of educators, for reasonable accommodations and support. The presented diploma thesis aims to contribute on the basis of theoretical background and a presented qualitative research to extend a general theoretical framework on real usability of psychoeducational reports, implemented by school psychologists and the possibilities of optimizing the form and content of these reports. Specifically, the point is to improve the efficacy and usefulness of the report and make it optimally usable for the teacher or educational advisor when designing and implementing an individualized training plan for the pupil with special educational needs in an inclusive school-based setting. The thesis tries to map the usefulness of different kinds of psychological reports. Data collection was conducted via interviews. The target group...

Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la satisfacción laboral de los asesores comerciales en el sector Telecomunicaciones en Lima, 2021 / Influence of the organizational culture on job satisfaction of commercial advisers in the telecommunications sector in Lima, 2021

Centeno Copa, Graciela Edeleine, Cumapa Gutierrez, Ana María 03 March 2022 (has links)
En la actualidad existe una importancia relevante en el factor humano, frente a ello las organizaciones en el Perú deben evaluar la influencia de los elementos culturales que condicionan la obtención de mejores resultados en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de la presente investigación se determinó con el propósito de identificar la cultura organizacional y su influencia en la satisfacción laboral de los asesores comerciales del sector de telecomunicaciones de Lima, en el año 2021. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional no experimental y transeccional, un procedimiento de encuestas en una muestra representativa de 374 asesores comerciales en el sector de telecomunicaciones. Se construyó una escala de preferencias tipo Likert con sólidas evidencias de validez y confiabilidad. Se encuentra que la cultura organizacional si es un factor de influencia en la satisfacción laboral de los asesores comerciales, debido a que existen variables propias de la cultura, tales como los valores, el artefacto interacción y cultura de mercado que existe una correlación significativa. Por otra parte, se determinó que la variable identidad no existe una relación significativa con la satisfacción laboral. Por consiguiente, estos resultados proporcionan sobre la importancia de la cultura organizacional y sobre que ítems se debe diseñar planes de acción que permitirán la mejora de la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores. / At present there is a relevant importance in the human factor, so organizations in Peru must evaluate the influence of cultural elements that condition the achievement of better results in the work performance of employees. For this reason, the objective of this research was determined with the purpose of identifying the organizational culture and its influence on the job satisfaction of commercial consultants in the telecommunications sector in Lima, in the year 2021. A descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional correlational design was used, a survey procedure in a representative sample of 374 commercial advisors in the telecommunications sector. A Likert p-type preference scale was constructed with strong evidence of validity and reliability. It is found that organizational culture is an influential factor in the job satisfaction of sales consultants, because there are variables of culture, such as values, interaction artifact and market culture that are significantly correlated. On the other hand, it was determined that the identity variable does not have a significant relationship with job satisfaction. Therefore, these results provide information on the importance of organizational culture and on which items should be designed action plans that will allow the improvement of workers' job satisfaction. / Tesis

Revisorns dilemma : En kvalitativ studie om svårigheterna mellan revisorns rådgivande och granskande roll

Göker, Baris, Bethmorad, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
The standard for the auditing profession is not only to review the client's financial reports, but to also offer advice to clients in the form of independent advisory services. This entails potential risks that may mean that the auditor's independent role is affected. In addition, there are discussions that professionalism and commercialism are found as two contradictory institutional logics in the auditing profession. Others believe that the logics can instead integrate with each other and thus do not have to be contradictory. At the same time, some believe that the audit quality increases when the auditor performs both auditing andi ndependent advisory services to the same client, while others believe that different conflicts can arise between these two roles. Therefore, we have chosen to examine how auditors work to deal with the potential conflict between the auditor's audit and advisory role and also the two logics professionalism, commercialism. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of the auditor’s approach to the professional, commercial logic and also two roles as independent advisors and auditors. A qualitative method has been used in this study, we have conducted personal interviews with six certified public accountants who are active in the industry as both independent advisors and auditors. A comparison of the empirical data has been made between the auditors opinions to identify different methods that can be applied to maintain auditor independence. After gathering the empirical evidence, we can state that the conflicts the theory describes exist between an auditors two roles as an advisor, auditor and the logics of professionalism, commercialism are not present. Instead, our study shows that both logics can integrate with each other in the auditor's work as an advisor and auditor as Carrington et al. (2013) mean. The auditor can use several methods to maintain independence, for example through the use of the analysis model and by referring the client to another auditor when the auditor has trouble maintaining an independent role. / Idag så är standarden för revisionsyrket inte bara att revidera klientens finansiella rapporter, utan även att erbjuda rådgivning till klienten i form av fristående rådgivningstjänster. Detta medför potentiella risker som kan innebära att revisorns oberoende roll påverkas. Utöver det så råder det diskussioner om att professionalism och kommersialism påträffas som två motsägelsefulla institutionella logiker inom revisionsyrket. Andra menar att logikerna istället kan integrera med varandra och behöver alltså inte vara motsägelsefulla. Samtidigt så menar vissa att revisionskvalitén ökar när revisorn utför både revision och fristående rådgivning till samma klient medans andra menar att olika konflikter kan uppstå. Därför har vi valt att undersöka hur revisorer arbetar för att hantera den potentiella konflikten mellan revisorns granskande, rådgivande roll och de två logikerna professionalism, kommersialism. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en djupare förståelse för revisorns förhållningssätt till den professionella, kommersiella logiken och två roller som fristående rådgivare, granskare. I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod valts där vi har genomfört personliga intervjuer med sex auktoriserade revisorer som är verksamma i branschen som både fristående rådgivare och granskare. En jämförelse av empirin har gjorts mellan revisorernas synpunkter för att identifiera olika metoder som kan tillämpas för att upprätthålla oberoendet. Efter att ha samlat in empirin kan vi konstatera att de konflikter som teorin beskriver existerar mellan revisorns två roller och logikerna professionalism, kommersialism inte är föreliggande. Istället visar vår studie att båda logikerna kan integrera med varandra i revisorns arbete som rådgivare och granskare som Carrington et al. (2013) menar. Revisorn kan använda sig av flera metoder för att upprätthålla oberoendet, bland annat genom användning av analysmodellen och genom att hänvisa klienten vidare till en annan revisor.

Riskperception och kundupplevelse: Potentiella kunders syn på automatiserade finansiella robotrådgivare : En kvantitativ studie om unga småsparares möjliga övergång till robotrådgivning och dess påverkan av beslutet

Ibrahim, Gabriel, Shemoun, Carolin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bakgrunden presenterar digitaliseringens utveckling och jämför det med media som tidigare varit analogt. Därefter redogörs för utvecklingen av automatiserade finansiella rådgivare och de utvecklingsstadier det genomgått. I samband med utvecklingen påträffas olika aspekter hos unga småsparare som påverkar förtroendet som övergången från att använda mänskliga finansiella rådgivare till robotrådgivare. Syftet: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företag inom fondförsäljning och aktiemäklarbanker kan nyttja robotrådgivningstjänster bland unga småsparare. Undersökningen fokuserar främst på aspekterna informationsspridning och riskupplevelse.  Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie utgår från tre olika teorier, vilka omfattar Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, Theory of perceived risk och Innovation Diffusion Theory. Metod: Studien utför en kvantitativ ansats genom en tvärsnittsdesign. Urvalsramen inkluderar unga vuxna som är 18 till 30 år. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via sociala medier och skolplattformar, och totalt deltog 151 unga högskolestudenter i enkätundersökningen.  Slutsats: Utifrån resultaten förekommer det en positiv korrelation mellan användningen och riskupplevelsen, vilket gör att robotrådgivare har en möjlighet att attrahera unga vuxna till segmentet.

Projet managérial de professionnalisation et processus de socialisation au travail : une sociologie des conseillers financiers de La Poste / Managerial project of professionalisation and process of socialisation at work : Sociology of financial advisers at La Poste

Gilson, Adeline 02 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la confrontation entre les réformes postales inspirées du nouveau management public, cristallisées dans la politique de rationalisation de l’activité de travail, et les pratiques professionnelles des salariés. Elle étudie les enjeux, les modalités et les limites de la définition normative du travail des conseillers financiers. Désignés par l’organisation comme des acteurs du changement, ces derniers doivent gérer la tension entre logique de marché et mission de service public, qui persiste à travers un double langage de La Poste. Sont ainsi mis en évidence des positionnements professionnels qui se construisent en décalage par rapport à la norme de référence du conseiller idéal portée par l’entreprise. Cette dernière mise donc sur ses jeunes recrues, supposées réceptives aux nouvelles logiques managériales. L’étude du processus de socialisation professionnelle de ces conseillers potentiels, inscrit dans les parcours individuels, permet d’interroger l’homogénéisation des pratiques et la persistance du modèle social postal. L’approche repose sur une comparaison territoriale (Méditerranée/Île-de-France) et générationnelle. La combinaison de plusieurs techniques d’investigation (observation participante au sein de la DRH de La Banque Postale, enquête longitudinale prospective par panel menée auprès d’apprentis conseillers financiers, monographie de bureaux de poste et exploitation de données statistiques) permet de croiser les parcours biographiques et les éléments structurels d’analyse des politiques d’emploi, de travail et de formation de La Poste. / This thesis analyses the confrontation between postal reforms inspired by the new public management, fulfilled in the rationalisation politics of the working activity, and employee professional practices. It studies the stakes, the modalities and the limits of the financial advisers normative work definition. Designated as change agents by the organisation, they must manage the dynamics between market logic and the public services mission which persists through a double language at La Poste. This puts into evidence the professional positioning that is constructed based on the referential norm of the ideal adviser portrayed by the organisation. The latest therefore counts on its young recruits, excepted to be receptive to the new managerial logics. The study of the socialisation process of its potential advisers, registered on individual career paths, allows questioning the homogenisation in the practices and persistence of the social postal model. The approach is based on a territorial comparison (Mediterranean/Parisian region) as well as generational. The combination of several investigation techniques (participative observation within the HR Direction at La Banque Postale, longitudinal panel survey conducted on financial adviser apprentices, monograph of post offices and exploitation of statistic data) allows crossing of biographical paths (personal and career) and the structural elements of employment politics analysis, work, and training at La Poste.

Profese daňového poradce ve vybraných zemích EU / Profession of the tax advisor in selected countries of the EU

Tuček, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is provide a basic overview about conditions which has to be met for providing of tax advisory in selected countries of the European Union. The first part contains information about legislation of European Union which has significant influence on the tax advisory. The European legislation is followed by a description of the regulation of the profession of tax advisor and tax advisory in the Czech Republic, including a description of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic. The last part of the diploma thesis, based on the questionnaire survey, is the comparison of the situation and regulation of the tax adviser profession in selected countries of the European Union. After comparing the situation in individual member states, the principles of regulation in selected European Union countries are described and a description of the facts and conditions that must be accepted when a foreign entity decides to provide tax advisory in that member country.

Ajustement d’enseignantes et d’enseignants immigrants aux conventions professionnelles de l’École québécoise au cœur de l’accompagnement offert par des conseillères pédagogiques

Youyou, Don Durvil 12 1900 (has links)
L’intégration des enseignantes et des enseignants immigrants dans le milieu scolaire québécois devient un sujet d’importance. Dans le contexte actuel de pénurie en personnel enseignant, ils pourraient représenter une sortie de crise (Despatie, 2019). Ils permettraient aussi d’atteindre un objectif de diversité culturelle et serviraient de modèles positifs pour les aspirations des élèves de diverses origines (Niyubahwe et al.,2018). Lorsqu’ils s’intègrent à l’École québécoise, ils découvrent des « conventions de métier » (Becker, 2010) souvent différentes de celles imbriquées aux routines de travail dans leurs pays d’origine. Ces conventions sont découvertes au travers des interactions avec les autres partenaires de travail (Morrissette et Demazière, 2018), notamment avec les conseillères et conseillers pédagogiques (CP). Or, l’accompagnement offert aux enseignantes et enseignants immigrants par les CP n’a encore jamais été étudié dans le contexte de l’École québécoise. S’adossant à une perspective interactionniste (Becker,1985), ce mémoire propose d’examiner la socialisation aux conventions du métier d’enseignant qui s’exerce particulièrement lors de cet accompagnement. Quatre enseignantes et enseignants immigrants et quatre CP ont participé à des entretiens individuels afin de documenter cette socialisation. La stratégie analytique a misé sur l’analyse thématique (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2016, 2021) et la comparaison de cas (Becker, 2016; Freidson, 1960) pour faire émerger les conventions qui font l’objet de discussions entre ces actrices et acteurs. Les résultats articulent les conventions les plus discutées lors des séances de travail ainsi que les stratégies déployées par les CP pour amener les enseignantes et les enseignants immigrants à s’y ajuster. Ces conventions sont la gestion de classe démocratique, la pédagogie interactive, l’enseignement différencié et la collaboration avec les autres partenaires. Or, l’adoption de certaines d’entre elles semble se poser en défi, tandis que d’autres font l’objet d’une adhésion plus aisée. Ce décalage est discuté à partir d’un nouvel éclairage sur les représentations sociales (Abric, 2003), lequel met en lumière un processus de recomposition des représentations de certaines conventions professionnelles chez les enseignantes et enseignants immigrants perçues comme non opératoires par les CP dans le contexte de l’École québécoise. / The integration of immigrant teachers into the Quebec school environment is becoming an important subject. In the current shortage of teaching staff, immigrant teachers could represent a way out of the crisis (Despatie, 2019). They would also increase cultural diversity and serve as positive role models for the aspirations of students from diverse backgrounds (Niyubahwe et al., 2018). When they integrate into the Quebec school system, they discover “professional conventions” (Becker, 2010) that are often different from those embedded in the work routines of their countries of origin. These conventions are discovered through interactions with other work partners (Morrissette and Demazière, 2018), in particular pedagogical advisors. However, the support offered to immigrant teachers by pedagogical advisors has never been studied in the context of the Quebec school system. Based on an interactionist perspective (Becker, 1985), this thesis proposes to examine the socialization to the conventions of the teaching profession which is exercised particularly during this accompaniment. Four immigrant teachers and four pedagogical advisors participated in individual interviews to document this socialization process. The analytical strategy relied on thematic analysis (Paillé and Mucchielli, 2016, 2021) and case comparison (Becker, 2016; Freidson, 1960) to bring out the conventions that are the subject of discussions between these actors. The results articulate the conventions most discussed during the work sessions as well as the strategies deployed by the pedagogical advisors to bring immigrant teachers to adjust to them. These conventions are democratic class management, interactive pedagogy, differentiated instruction and collaboration with other educational partners. However, the adoption of some of them seems to pose a challenge, while others are easier to adhere to. This discrepancy is discussed from a new light on social representations (Abric, 2003), which suggests a process of recomposition of representations on certain professional conventions among immigrant teachers, conventions that are perceived as non-operative by the pedagogical advisors in the context of the Quebec school system.

Etika auditorů, daňových poradců a účetních / Ethics of Auditors, Tax Advisers and Accountants

Jakoubková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the ethics of auditors, tax advisers and accountants. It focuses on the basic characteristics of these professions and especially their codes of ethics - Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic and the Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Ceritified Accountants. It also includes a comparison of these ethical codes. Finally, the results of the survey on the topic "Ethics and ethical codes of selected professions" are analyzed.

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