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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Church and medicine : the role of medical missionaries in Malawi 1875-1914

Rennick, Agnes January 2003 (has links)
This is the first systematic account of early mission medical activities in the Malawi Region (comprising present day Malawi, north eastern Zambia and the eastern shore of Lake Malawi). It compares the policies and practices of three missions - Livingstonia, Blantyre and the UMCA - between 1875 and 1914, from pioneering medical provision through to the establishment of hospitals and participation in largescale public health campaigns. The study acknowledges Megan Vaughan's important analysis of the discourse of missionary medicine, but suggests the need to reflect the different religious and professional influences informing the practice of individual mission doctors. The study further suggests that the organisation and professionalising of medicine within the three missions, from 1900, was dependent upon the activities of those doctors who prioritised their professional rather than their evangelising roles. The study also considers the important contribution of missionary nursing personnel and African medical assistants in delivering both hospital and out-patient services, and identifies the professional, gender and racial factors which influenced their status and roles. The study also considers, as far as sources allow, the African patient's experience of missionary medical services. In particular, it identifies the key role of referring agents, such as African medical assistants and European employers, in directing African patients to mission medical services. It suggests that, in contrast to the conflict in belief systems presented by the mission medical discourse, Western medicine was incorporated alongside indigenous treatments within a plurality of healing systems. Finally, the study assesses the impact of missionary medical provision within the Malawi region up to 1914. It demonstrates that, during the period of this study, the Blantyre, UMCA and Livingstonia missions remained the principal sources of both curative and palliative Western medicine for the African sick, contributing towards the wider development of the missions and the European settler economy.

African theology and social change : an anthropological approach

Ritchie, Ian January 1993 (has links)
The dissertation documents the rise of African Christian theology in anglophone and francophone Africa, exploring the possibility that following the development of the two long-recognized phases of "adaptation" and "incarnation" there has been a "third phase." In the period since 1980 we find an explosion into theological diversity and maturity, marked by serious wrestling with all the social problems facing Africans in contemporary African life. Since 1980 there is a proliferation of new Christological paradigms, and increased inter-religious tensions have brought new urgency to inter-faith dialogue, with a growing number of theological responses. An explosion in the numbers of African women theologians brings a new voice on women's roles. Economic and ecological crises bring increasing reflexion on justice, peace and the integrity of creation. / The paradigmatic diversity is strongly linked with changes in the concrete social conditions in which the various theologians live. This discovery confirms the thesis that theology in Africa is always related to social context.

The historical productions of Cecil John Rhodes in 20th century Cape Town

Mdudumane, Khayalethu January 2005 (has links)
This thesis analysed the historical productions of Rhodes in 20th century Cape Town. The critique of this study was that Cape Town embodies the history of imperialism in maintaining the memory of Rhodes. The thesis examined the following sites: Rhodes Cottage Museum, Rhodes Groote Schuur minor house, Rhodes Memorial and two statues, one in the Company Gardens at Cape Town and the other at the University of Cape Town.

Die geskiedenis van houtvoorsiening aan die Kaap, 1652-1795

Appel, A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 1966. / INHOUD: Die inheemse bosse van die teenswoordige Kaapkolonie was die beste ontwikkel gedurende die prehistoriese tyd. Die primitiewe lewenswyse van die Hottentotte en ander inheemse bevolkingsgroepe hat min eise aan die bosse gestel. Die bevolking was ook in verhouding klein. Die enigste skade wat aangerig is, was deur bosbrande veroorsaak. In vergelyking met hierdie eenvoudige behoeftes, het 'n snelle en onoordeelkundige ontginning sedert 1652 plaasgevind.

The location shall be called Kaya Mandi : a history of Kaya Mandi

Rock, David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Throughout South Africa there has been a greater emphasis on township history in recent years. However little has been written about the townships of the Western Cape. This research about the history of Kaya Mandi is subsequently one of the first of its kind and provides unique insights into a world that has not garnered much attention. Due to the fact that there has been little research done on the subject, a considerable amount of information was gathered through archival research. Additionally, oral testimonies of individuals who, in some cases, have lived their entire lives in Kaya Mandi have been invaluable. Books, theses and articles were primarily used as guidelines to provide additional context and understanding within the greater picture of South African history. The only exception was the use of the master.s thesis, Bantoegesinne in Kaya Mandi, done by Cornelia Drotske in 1956 which provided information from that period. As a result of this research the history of Kaya Mandi may be regarded as much more complex then had previously been assumed. Kaya Mandi has not just been a passive location in the Western Cape subject to the whims of those in power. Instead, they struggled to maintain their culture and often their very existence. At times this meant a battle between the people and the local government and other times it meant a battle from within, between the different segments of Kaya Mandi itself. Researching the history of Kaya Mandi provided an understanding of how it came to be what it is today. It also gave a deeper comprehension of the current issues and situations facing the people. This is especially important for making informed decisions regarding necessary development and expansion. Overall Kaya Mandi is a microcosm of township life in the Western Cape and the current research has highlighted the complexity of these communities and the necessity for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope paar jaar is daar regoor Suid-Afrika groter klem op die geskiedenis van townships. Daar is egter min geskryf oor die townships van die Wes-Kaap. Hierdie tesis oor die geskiedenis van Kaya Mandi is gevolglik een van die eerstes van sy soort en bied 'n unieke insig in 'n wêreld wat nie voorheen veel aandag gekry het nie. As gevolg van die min navorsing oor die onderwerp, is 'n groot deel van die inligting ingesamel deur argivale navorsing. Daarbenewens was die mondelinge getuienisse van individue wat, in sommige gevalle, feitlik vanaf die begin van Kaya Mandi daar geleef het van onskatbare waarde. Boeke, tesisse, en artikels is hoofsaaklik gebruik as riglyne om bykomende konteks en begrip binne die groter prentjie van die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis te verskaf. Die enigste uitsondering is die gebruik van die M-tesis van 1956, Bantoegesinne in Kaya Mandi deur Cornelia Drotské, wat 'n groot hoeveelheid inligting uit daardie tydperk verskaf het. Uit die navorsing het dit geblyk dat die geskiedenis van Kaya Mandi baie meer kompleks is as wat voorheen veronderstel is. Kaya Mandi was nie net 'n passiewe lokasie in die Wes-Kaap, onderdanig aan die grille van diegene in beheer nie. In teendeel, hulle het gesukkel om hulle manier van lewe, hul kultuur en, in sommige gevalle, hul voortbestaan in stand te hou. Soms was dit 'n stryd tussen die inwoners en die plaaslike regering en ander kere was dit ' n stryd tussen die verskillende segmente van binne Kaya Mandi. Hierdie ondersoek oor die geskiedenis van Kaya Mandi bied meer insig oor hoe dit ontwikkel tot wat dit vandag is. Dit gee ook 'n dieper begrip van die huidige probleme en situasies wat die mense in die gesig staar. Dit is veral belangrik om ingeligte besluite te neem met betrekking tot noodsaaklike ontwikkeling en uitbreiding. Grootliks is Kaya Mandi in baie opsigte 'n mikrokosmos van die township-lewe in die Wes-Kaap. Die huidige ondersoek belig die kompleksiteit van hierdie gemeenskappe en die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing.

Die geskiedenis van die Kaapse Burgermag-Mediese eenhede, 1889-1939

Basson, Nicolaas Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (History))--University of Stellenbosch, 1988. / Die doel met hierdie studie is tweeledig. Eerstens word gepoog om die Kaapse burgermag-mediese eenhede se rol binne die verdedigingstelsels waarvan hulle op sekere stadia van hul bestaan deel was te ondersoek, hetsy as deel van die Kaapse Koloniale Magte vir die tydperk 1889 - 1913 of as deel van die burgermag-element van die Unieverdedigingsmag, 1913 - 1939. Tweedens word hierdie eenhede se ontwikkelingsgang nagegaan : van die stigting van die Volunteer Medical Staff Corps (VMSC) in 1889 af tot met die uitbreek van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog in 1939. As 'n titel vir hierdie onderwerp is besluit op Die Geskiedenis van die Kaapse Burgermag-mediese eenhede, 1889 - 1939. Die rede daarvoor is dat dit die hele tydperk onder bespreking volledig omskryf die aanloop tot die stigting van die VMSC, sy stigting in 1889, sy rol as 'n vrywilligereenheid, sy omskakeling na twee burgermag-mediese eenhede in 1913 asook hul rol en ontwikkeling in daardie verband tot met die uitbreek van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog in 1939. Aangesien hierdie tydperk van vyftig jaar 'n duidelike beeld rakende hierdie eenhede se rol en ontwikkeling gee, het die keuse daarom geval op 1889 en 1939 as onderskeidelik die begin- en einddatum vir hierdie onderwerp. Met die uitbreek van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog in 1939 het daar in die Kaapprovinsie twee burgermag-mediese eenhede binne die Unieverdedigingsmag gefunksioneer, naamlik 2 Veldambulans en 3 Veldambulans. Beide kan egter hul ontstaansgeskiedenis terugvoer na 21 Oktober 1889, toe. soos hierbo aangedui, die VMSC as die eerste selfstandige mediese eenheid in die Kaapkolonie gestig is. Met sy stigting het die eenheid uit twee kompanies bestaan. te wete A-kompanie en B-kompanie wat onderskeidelik in King William's Town en Kaapstad gesetel was. Daarna het die VMSC by twee verdere geleenthede naamsveranderinge ondergaan. In 1889 is sy naam na die Cape Medical Staff Corps (CMSC) verander en van 1903 af het dit as die Cape Medical Corps (CMC) bekend gestaan. Met die totstandkoming van die Suid-Afrikaanse Geneeskundige Diens (SAGD) in 1913, is die twee kompanies in twee afsonderlike burgermag-mediese eenhede omgeskakel en in die SAGD opgeneem. Dit het eweneens 'n naamsverandering tot gevolg gehad. A-kompanie sou voortaan as 1 Berede Brigade Veldambulans (1 BBVA) bekend staan terwy1 B-kompanie tot No. 1 Kompanie herdoop is. tn 1935 het die twee eenhede weer eens 'n naamsverandering ondergaan toe 1 BBVA tot 2 Veldambulans en No. 1 Kompanie tot 3 Veldambulans herdoop is. Die doel van hierdie studie in ag genome, word die rol en ontwikkeling van hierdie eenhede oor die tydperk van vyftig jaar bespreek. In die eerste hoofstuk word daar, as inleiding, kortliks verwys na die onderskeie militê re organisasies in die Kaapkolonie gedurende die neëntiende eeu waarvan die vrywilliger-mag een was. Daar het egter 'n behoefte bestaan aan voldoende mediese steun vir sy lede waaruit voortgevloei het die stigting van die St John's Ambulance Association en die ambulansafdeling van die King William's Town Volunteer Artillery om hierdie leemte te vul. Vervolgens word gekonsentreer op die stigtingsproses van die VMSC in 1889 asook die groei en ontwikkeling van die eenheid in die jare onmiddellik daarna...

Die geskiedenis van die Langkloof tot 1795

Swiegers, J. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1994. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Since the beginning ot the eighteenth century white cattle farmers passed regularly through the Langkloof. At the time they appeared on the scene native hunters and stock-farmers had already settled in the valley. By taking twenty farms on loan from the Dutch East India Colllpany the entire Langkloof was occupied by whites between the years 1760 to 1765. They were predominantly members d the second and third generation of the settlers who originally ca;ne to the Cape cl Good Hope. The community which evolved during the last four decades ot the eighteenth century in the Langkloof as a result or the influx cl whites, consisted of a small number of families. The majority oC these families were related to one another. Except for a few leading figures and persons notorious for their unconventional conduct, there were no other outstanding characters in the Langkloof. The first white inhabitants were pioneers who, living in isolation, had to struggle for survival. They were mainly stock-farmers, but as the result of the climate and vegetation, the large distances fn:Ma the market place, and the detrimental economic policy or the govern nent oC the Dutch East India Company, they could not prosper. Culturally they were deprived. There is only scanty evidence of formal education in the Langkloof, but the majority of white adults could at least sign their names. The only contact they had with the outside world was with expeditions travelling through the valley, and with the officials of the Company, especially those stationed at the drostdy at Swellendam. The churches closest to them, in Tulbagh and cape Town, were as a result of the distances, almost exclusively visited on occasions of baptism and weddings. During approximately the last two decades of the rule ot the Dutch East India Company, lite In the Langkloot gained an additional dimension as a result of the political turbulence surrounding the rebellion against the authorities at Swellendam, and the threat the Bantu east of the valley posed to the survival of the whites. Up to 1795 there were no significant dramatic happenings in the Langkloof. Without being in the centre of attention the community in the valley was developing an own unique identity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Toe blanke veeboere die Langkloof vanaf die begin van die agtiende eeu op 'n gereelde basis begin betree het, was daar alreeds inheemse jagters en veeboere, naamlik die Khwe en Boesmans, woonagtig. Tussen 1760 en 1765 is die hele Langkloof' deur blankes beset deurdat twintig plase volgens die leningsplaasstelsel deur bJanke kolonfste, wat hoofsaaklik van die tweede en derde geslag van die Suid-Mrikaanse stamvaders was, bekom is. Die gemeenskap wat as gevolg daarvan gedurende die laaste vier dekades van die agtiende eeu in die Langkloof ontstaan bet, het uit 'n paar families bestaan wat, .aet weinige uitsonderings na, aan mekaar verwant was. Behalwe vir enkele leiersfigure en persone wat berugtheid weens hul robuuste optrede verwerf het, was daar nie ander uitstaande persoonlikhede nie. Die eerste blanke Langklowers was pioniers wat in omstandighede van isolasie 'n worstelstryd om oorlewing gevoer het. Die hoofbedryf was veeboerdery. maar faktore soos bodemgesteldheid, afstand van die markte en die wurgende ekonomiese beleid van die Kompanjiesregering bet die Langklowers ekonomles agterlik gehou. Op kulturele gebied was daar weinig beskawingsinvloede. Van formele opvoeding in die Langkloof kon weinig spore gevind word, maar daar is bewyse dat die meeste volwasse blanke inwoners ten minste kon skryf. Die enigste aanraking met die buitewereld was met die reisgeselskappe en die amptenary van die Kompanjie, veral van die drosdy op Swellendam. Met die naaste kerke in die Land van Waveren (Tulbagh) en Kaapstad, is 'n kerk byna uitsluitlik net met doop- en huweliksgeleenthede besoek. Vir ongeveer die laaste twee dekades van die V.O.C.-bewind bet die alledaagse lewe in die Langkloof 'n nuwe dlmensle bygekry as gevoll van die polltlek woellnge, aangestlg deur ontevredenheid met die owerhede, wat op 'n opstand teen die regeringsgesag op Swellendam uitgeloop het, en die bedrelglng wat die Bantu oos van die vallel vir die blankes se voortbestaan ingehou bet. Tot 1795 bet daar in die Langkloof geen groat dramatiese gebeurtenlsse plaasgevind nie. Die gemeenskap daar was besig om sander opspraak 'n eie unieke identiteit te ontwikkel.

Tendense en tematologie in populêre werke oor Suid- Afrikaanse rugby, 1948-1995 : ’n historiografiese studie

De Wet, Wouter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is a historiographical study of popular rugby history covering the years 1948 to 1995. The aim of this study is to show how this sport is portrayed in popular history writing. This research will focus on the two forms of popular history during this time, namely general rugby history books and biographical works. In order to fulfil its goals, this thesis will identify tendencies and thematology in popular rugby history, as well as explore its development over the years. This work lies on the edge between a study of history and that of literature. By studying the content and literary aspects of the popular works, light will be shed on its ever changing tendencies and thematology. Throughout this thesis, there will be constant use of quotations in order to explain the development of popular rugby historiography over time. By exploring the aforementioned complexities, this study aims to make a contribution to the developing domain of South African sports history. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ’n historiografiese studie van populêre rugby geskiedskrywing, en dek die jare 1948 tot 1995. Die doel is om te dui op hoe dié sport in populêre skrywes uitgebeeld is. Die fokus gaan val op die twee vorme van populêre geskiedskrywing in hierdie tydperk, naamlik algemene rugbygeskiedenisboeke en biografiese werke. Die manier hoe hierdie verhandeling te werk gaan, is om tendense en tematologie in hierdie werke te identifiseer en die verandering daarvan oor die jare, na te volg. Hierdie werk lê op die breekvlak tussen ’n studie van die geskiedenis en die letterkunde. Deur die gewilde rugby skrywes inhoudelik en letterkundig in fyn detail te bestudeer, gaan lig op die veranderende tendense en tematologie gewerp word. Aanhalings word deurgans ingesluit en bespreek om die ontwikkeling van die populêre rugby geskiedskrywing oor die jare te verduidelik. Deur op hierdie kompleksiteite klem te lê, poog die studie om ’n bydrae te lewer tot die steeds ontwikkelende veld van Suid- Afrikaanse sportgeskiedenis.

The development of university education for blacks in South Africa with special reference to the Transvaal (1900-1970)

Kgoale, Mochacha Mathews 05 1900 (has links)
Before 1959 Blacks were admitted to study at certain White universities; Kollege ya Bana BaAfrika and Fort Hare. In 1959 Parliament passed two Acts of far reaching significance in the history of university education for Blacks in South Africa. These were the Extension of University Education Act (Ac t No . 45 of 1959) and the Fort Hare Transfer Act (Act No. 64 of 1959) . The first Act provided for the establishment of the university colleges of the North and that of Zululand. The second Act provided for the transfer of Fort Hare to the then Department of Bantu Education. This study will show why government found it necessary to establish Black universities, together with their merits and demerits. Suggestions are given as to how Black universities could become universally accepted academic institutions. Although dealing with Black university education in general , particular reference is made to Turfloop. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

Analysis of determinants of South Africa's sugar production and export performance within the tripartite free trade area : a case of raw and refined sugar

Mamashila, Mokgoshi John 03 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the trends and determinants of South Africa’s sugar production and exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014. The specific objectives of the study were (1) to identify trends in South Africa’s sugar production and exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014; (2) to determine the drift rate in South Africa’s sugar exports within the TFTA between 1996 and 2014; (3) to investigate the correlation between South Africa’s sugar production and exports between 1996 and 2014; and (4) to determine the factors that affect production and exports in South Africa’s sugar industry in order to identify the industry’s major challenges and opportunities for sustained performance. The secondary data, obtained from the Economic Analysis and Agricultural Statistics Directorate of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), were used to meet the first three objectives of the study. The primary data, obtained by means of a survey questionnaire and interviews with key stakeholders, were used to meet the fourth objective of the study. A 7-point Likert scale was applied to indicate the degree to which each of the determining factors are perceived to affect the performance and resulting competitiveness of the sugar industry. The Johansen test and Porter’s Diamond Model were the analytical techniques used in the study. The results of the analysis of the secondary data revealed continued fluctuations in sugar production in South Africa between 1996 and 2014. On the basis of this, the researcher rejected the hypothesis that there is no trend in South Africa’s sugar production. It was therefore concluded that seasonal variations accounted for these fluctuations in the sugar industry. As determined using the Johansen test, drift rate variations came to 51%, indicating that there is potential for growth in South Africa’s sugar exports. This was confirmed by the results of the bivariate correlation between production and exports which clearly indicated a positive relationship between the two and prompted the researcher to accept the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the production and export of sugar. In determining the factors that influence South Africa’s sugar production and exports, a number of obstacles to competitiveness success were identified. With regard to sugar production, applying Porter’s Diamond model revealed that the major constraints experienced by respondents in the study area were the availability of skilled labour; cost of doing business; level of infrastructure development; cost of infrastructure; water availability; climatic conditions; soil quality; rainfall patterns; availability of financial services; access to credit; crime; and HIV/AIDS. In terms of exports, tariffs were found to be the major constraint along with certain of the abovementioned factors. While the majority of respondents view macroeconomic policy and trade policy as export constraints, South Africa’s labour, B-BBEE and competition policies are seen as neither constraining nor supportive. Product design; packaging; labelling and pricing; as well as the manager’s willingness to export; level of education and training; length of time in the business; experience; and language had a positive effect on competitive success. / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

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