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THE SEARCH FOR CONTINENTAL SECURITY: The Development of the North American Air Defence System, 1949 to 1956TRUDGEN, MATTHEW PAUL 14 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the development of the North American air defence system from the beginning of the Cold War until 1956. It focuses on the political and diplomatic dynamics behind the emergence of these defences, which included several radar lines such as the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line as well as a number of initiatives to enhance co-operation between the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). This thesis argues that these measures were shaped by two historical factors.
The first was several different conceptions of what policy on air defence best served the Canadian national interest held by the Cabinet, the Department of External Affairs, the RCAF and the Other Government Departments (OGDs), namely Transport, Defence Production and Northern Affairs. For the Cabinet and External Affairs, their approach to air defence was motivated by the need to balance working with the Americans to defend the continent with the avoidance of any political fallout that would endanger the government‘s chance of reelection. Nationalist sentiments and the desire to ensure that Canada both benefited from these projects and that its sovereignty in the Arctic was protected further influenced these two groups. On the other hand, the RCAF was driven by a more functional approach to this issue, as they sought to work with the USAF to develop the best air defence system possible. Finally, the positions of the OGDs were shaped by more narrow priorities. For example, C.D. Howe and the Department of Defence Production sought to use these joint radar projects to build up the Canadian electronics industry. Canada‘s air defence policy in the 1950s, therefore, was a compromise between these various conceptions of the national interest.
The other major influence on this process was the attitude of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations towards continental air defence. This dissertation will argue that most of the measures to improve the security of the continent emerged because of the efforts of the United States, but at the same time, the Americans‘ level of interest in these defences varied greatly over this period and ultimately were not sustained. Moreover, both these administrations had to overcome opposition from the USAF‘s senior leadership, which preferred an emphasis on the offensive nuclear forces of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) over improved air defences. This dissertation thus makes an important and original argument that contributes to the scholarly literature on the Canada-U.S. defence relationship during the early Cold War. / Thesis (Ph.D, History) -- Queen's University, 2011-09-14 14:08:14.101
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RAF operational requirements 1923-1939Sinnott, Colin Sydney January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Vita praeponitur : Livet främstEricsson, Johnny January 2006 (has links)
<p>En teoretisk kontroll av luftvärnsbataljonens sjukvårdsfunktion</p><p>Syftet med detta arbete är att inom ramen för funktionsmålsättning för Försvarsmaktens hälso- och sjukvård kontrollera om luftvärnsbataljonens sjukvårdsfunktion enligt org. 09 är korrekt dimensionerad.</p><p> Frågeställningen är: När, med hänsyn till grupperingsgeometri, medicinska tidskrav samt evakueringskapacitet blir sjukvårdsfunktionen en begränsande faktor för luftvärnsbataljonen.</p><p> För att svara på detta jämförs luftvärnsbataljonens TOEM med kraven ur funktionsmålsättning för Försvarsmaktens hälso- sjukvård i syfte att kontrollera om sjukvårdsfunktionen ges förutsättning att lösa ställda uppgifter. Vidare analyseras faktorerna, aktionsradie, förlustskadeberäkningar preventiv medicin, samt evakueringskapacitet och grupperingsgeometri.</p><p>Den viktigaste slutsatsen ur arbetet är: Det är inte sannolikt att samtliga enheter inom bataljonen kan åtnjuta möjligheten till adekvat sjukvård inom de tider som de medicinska kraven ställer.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the medical function in the Air Defence Battalion is enough.</p><p> The question to be answered in this essay is as follows: When, considering deployment geometry, medical time-demands and evacuation capacity does the medical function become a limiting factor for the AD Battalion?</p><p> A descriptive method is used in this essay. Material has been gathered and analysed to show the limitations of the battalion considering the medical function. A study has also been made. The material and the study are used as a base in the discussion and from the discussion and the results from the analysis, conclusions are drawn.</p><p>One of these conclusions is that: It is not probable that all units in the Air Defence Battalion will receive proper medical attention within the time-span established in the guiding medical documents.</p>
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Vita praeponitur : Livet främstEricsson, Johnny January 2006 (has links)
En teoretisk kontroll av luftvärnsbataljonens sjukvårdsfunktion Syftet med detta arbete är att inom ramen för funktionsmålsättning för Försvarsmaktens hälso- och sjukvård kontrollera om luftvärnsbataljonens sjukvårdsfunktion enligt org. 09 är korrekt dimensionerad. Frågeställningen är: När, med hänsyn till grupperingsgeometri, medicinska tidskrav samt evakueringskapacitet blir sjukvårdsfunktionen en begränsande faktor för luftvärnsbataljonen. För att svara på detta jämförs luftvärnsbataljonens TOEM med kraven ur funktionsmålsättning för Försvarsmaktens hälso- sjukvård i syfte att kontrollera om sjukvårdsfunktionen ges förutsättning att lösa ställda uppgifter. Vidare analyseras faktorerna, aktionsradie, förlustskadeberäkningar preventiv medicin, samt evakueringskapacitet och grupperingsgeometri. Den viktigaste slutsatsen ur arbetet är: Det är inte sannolikt att samtliga enheter inom bataljonen kan åtnjuta möjligheten till adekvat sjukvård inom de tider som de medicinska kraven ställer. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the medical function in the Air Defence Battalion is enough. The question to be answered in this essay is as follows: When, considering deployment geometry, medical time-demands and evacuation capacity does the medical function become a limiting factor for the AD Battalion? A descriptive method is used in this essay. Material has been gathered and analysed to show the limitations of the battalion considering the medical function. A study has also been made. The material and the study are used as a base in the discussion and from the discussion and the results from the analysis, conclusions are drawn. One of these conclusions is that: It is not probable that all units in the Air Defence Battalion will receive proper medical attention within the time-span established in the guiding medical documents.
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Indirekta effekter av luftvärnsoperationer : En begreppsutredande studie kring luftvärnets indirekta effekter under KosovokonfliktenAndersson, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
Det serbiska luftvärnet sköt ner ytterst få av NATO:s flygplan under Kosovokonflikten. Trots det så visar det sig att NATO:s luftoperationer indirekt påverkades i stor skala av luftvärnet. Även om man sköt ner ytterst få av de anfallande flygplanen uppnådde serberna indirekta effekter på NATO som försvårade hela operationen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att problematisera och definiera begreppet indirekt effekt inom ramen för luftvärn samt att applicera detta begrepp på en vald konflikt. Uppsatsen består i huvudsak av två sammanhängande undersökningar. Först sker en begreppsutredande studie som resulterar i en definition av begreppet indirekt effekt. Därefter sker en fallstudie på Kosovokonflikten för att konkretisera och exemplifiera indirekt effekt. Dessa metoder kombineras med metoden kvalitativ textanalys. Valet av att använda denna konflikt gjordes då parterna använde sig främst av enbart flygstridskrafter respektive luftvärn mot varandra. Studien resulterade i en definition av indirekt effekt som kan användas för att beskriva effekter av luftvärnsoperationer. När begreppet analyserades i fallstudien visade det sig att luftvärnets indirekta effekter hade stor betydelse för konfliktens utveckling och i slutändan bland annat kan ha fördröjt Milosevics kapitulation. / The Serbian Air Defence shot down a small number of airplanes during the Kosovo War. Even so, it turns out that NATO’s air operations were indirectly affected a lot by the Serbian Air Defence. The purpose of this dissertation is to problematize and define the term of indirect effect in the context of air defence and to apply it to an authentic conflict. The dissertation consists primarily of two interrelated studies. The first is an investigative study that culminates in a definition of the term indirect effect. Thereafter, a case study on the Kosovo conflict is used to concretize and exemplify the indirect effect. This conflict was chosen as both parties used primarily air power and air defence against each other. The study resulted in a definition of indirect effects that can be used to describe the effects of air defence operations. The case study showed that the indirect effect of the air defence were important for the progression of the conflict and ultimately may have delayed Milosevic's capitulation.
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Migrating to a real-time distributed parallel simulator architectureDuvenhage, Bernardt 23 January 2009 (has links)
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) currently requires a system of systems simulation capability for supporting the different phases of a Ground Based Air Defence System (GBADS) acquisition program. A non-distributed, fast-as-possible simulator and its architectural predecessors developed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was able to provide the required capability during the concept and definition phases of the acquisition life cycle. The non-distributed simulator implements a 100Hz logical time Discrete Time System Specification (DTSS) in support of the existing models. However, real-time simulation execution has become a prioritised requirement to support the development phase of the acquisition life cycle. This dissertation is about the ongoing migration of the non-distributed simulator to a practical simulation architecture that supports the real-time requirement. The simulator simulates a synthetic environment inhabited by interacting GBAD systems and hostile airborne targets. The non-distributed simulator was parallelised across multiple Commod- ity Off the Shelf (COTS) PC nodes connected by a commercial Gigabit Eth- ernet infrastructure. Since model reuse was important for cost effectiveness, it was decided to reuse all the existing models, by retaining their 100Hz logical time DTSSs. The large scale and event-based High Level Architecture (HLA), an IEEE standard for large-scale distributed simulation interoperability, had been identified as the most suitable distribution and parallelisation technology. However, two categories of risks in directly migrating to the HLA were iden- tified. The choice was made, with motivations, to mitigate the identified risks by developing a specialised custom distributed architecture. In this dissertation, the custom discrete time, distributed, peer-to-peer, message-passing architecture that has been built by the author in support of the parallelised simulator requirements, is described and analysed. It reports on empirical studies in regard to performance and flexibility. The architecture is shown to be a suitable and cost effective distributed simulator architecture for supporting a speed-up of three to four times through parallelisation of the 100 Hz logical time DTSS. This distributed architecture is currently in use and working as expected, but results in a parallelisation speed-up ceiling irrespective of the number of distributed processors. In addition, a hybrid discrete-time/discrete-event modelling approach and simulator is proposed that lowers the distributed communication and time synchronisation overhead—to improve on the scalability of the discrete time simulator—while still economically reusing the existing models. The pro- posed hybrid architecture was implemented and its real-time performance analysed. The hybrid architecture is found to support a parallelisation speed- up that is not bounded, but linearly related to the number of distributed pro- cessors up to at least the 11 processing nodes available for experimentation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Orsaker till unga officerares avgångar / Recent resignations at the Air Defence Regiment : Experiences of young officersLundgren, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>När en nyutbildad officer som slutar är inte bara en ekonomisk förlust för Försvarsmakten, utan även en organisatorisk förlust eftersom brister i bemanningen inte går att åtgärda direkt. Medelåldern i Försvarsmakten har stigit de senaste åren. Syftet med denna uppsats är bidra till förståelse för varför unga officerare lämnar Försvarsmakten. Vid Luftvärnsregementet Lv 6 i Halmstad är medelåldern 40,6 år. Under de senaste fyra åren har sju unga officerare lämnat anställningen på regementet. Frågeställningarna som har besvarats är: Vilka är anledningarna till att de sju officerarna slutat på Luftvärnsregementet? – Finns det gemensamma orsaker? Delar andra officerare de erfarenheter som lett fram till avgångsbeslutet? - Av dessa, hur många funderar på att sluta?<em></em></p><p>Resultaten har nåtts genom intervjuer med sju officerare och en enkät där 686 unga officerare deltagit. Intervjuerna och svaren från enkäten ger en bild av att många unga officerare upplever stor arbetsbelastning och att det inte finns resurser i form av pengar eller personal att lösa tilldelade uppgifter. Officerare tvingas planera om verksamhet av besparingsskäl. Trots detta har majoriteten av enkätdeltagarna angett att förbandet bedriver en god utbildning av de värnpliktiga.</p> / <p>The average age in the Swedish Armed Forces has during the last four years increased from 39,5 to 42,2. According to a study from the 1990’s many young officers resign from the military organization, this is verified by the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarter. Becoming a commissioned officer in the Swedish Armed Forces requires three years of studies at a military academy. Young officers resigning from the Armed Forces lead to financial as well as organizational losses. This study aims to develop an understanding of the main reasons why young officers choose to find a career outside the Armed Forces. To do this seven young officers that have resigned from the Air Defence Regiment have been interviewed. A survey has been sent out to 686 officers that are still serving with the purpose of investigating whether they share similar experiences and if they are considering resigning the Armed Forces.</p><p>The most significant results show that the young officers tend not to feel appreciated by their superiors. Furthermore, Swedish officers experience that they are carrying a heavy workload. Some of the problems young officers are facing in their work situation are due to financial cutbacks.</p>
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Orsaker till unga officerares avgångar / Recent resignations at the Air Defence Regiment : Experiences of young officersLundgren, Anders January 2009 (has links)
När en nyutbildad officer som slutar är inte bara en ekonomisk förlust för Försvarsmakten, utan även en organisatorisk förlust eftersom brister i bemanningen inte går att åtgärda direkt. Medelåldern i Försvarsmakten har stigit de senaste åren. Syftet med denna uppsats är bidra till förståelse för varför unga officerare lämnar Försvarsmakten. Vid Luftvärnsregementet Lv 6 i Halmstad är medelåldern 40,6 år. Under de senaste fyra åren har sju unga officerare lämnat anställningen på regementet. Frågeställningarna som har besvarats är: Vilka är anledningarna till att de sju officerarna slutat på Luftvärnsregementet? – Finns det gemensamma orsaker? Delar andra officerare de erfarenheter som lett fram till avgångsbeslutet? - Av dessa, hur många funderar på att sluta? Resultaten har nåtts genom intervjuer med sju officerare och en enkät där 686 unga officerare deltagit. Intervjuerna och svaren från enkäten ger en bild av att många unga officerare upplever stor arbetsbelastning och att det inte finns resurser i form av pengar eller personal att lösa tilldelade uppgifter. Officerare tvingas planera om verksamhet av besparingsskäl. Trots detta har majoriteten av enkätdeltagarna angett att förbandet bedriver en god utbildning av de värnpliktiga. / The average age in the Swedish Armed Forces has during the last four years increased from 39,5 to 42,2. According to a study from the 1990’s many young officers resign from the military organization, this is verified by the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarter. Becoming a commissioned officer in the Swedish Armed Forces requires three years of studies at a military academy. Young officers resigning from the Armed Forces lead to financial as well as organizational losses. This study aims to develop an understanding of the main reasons why young officers choose to find a career outside the Armed Forces. To do this seven young officers that have resigned from the Air Defence Regiment have been interviewed. A survey has been sent out to 686 officers that are still serving with the purpose of investigating whether they share similar experiences and if they are considering resigning the Armed Forces. The most significant results show that the young officers tend not to feel appreciated by their superiors. Furthermore, Swedish officers experience that they are carrying a heavy workload. Some of the problems young officers are facing in their work situation are due to financial cutbacks.
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The Pre-History of Royal Air Force Area Bombing, 1917-1942Thin, Jeremy January 2008 (has links)
This thesis charts the development of area bombing in British theory and practice before its formal adoption in the Second World War, and seeks to discover where its earliest origins can be located. Area bombing was the official policy of Royal Air Force Bomber Command between 1942 and 1945 in its strategic air offensive against Germany, and involved the bombing of industrial cities with the purpose of breaking down civilian morale and disrupting the German war economy. Most historical accounts present area bombing as a gradual development in bombing policy during 1940 and 1941, forced by a lack of success in destroying precise industrial targets from the air. This was the Air Force’s stated policy during the previous two decades, but it proved impossible to implement under wartime conditions. Area bombing was thus gradually adopted by progressively broadening the definition of targets from individual installations to entire towns and cities. This thesis rejects the traditional view, arguing instead that area bombing was at the heart of British bombing policy as early as the First World War. The legacy of this saw an ‘area bombing mentality’ cemented in the strategy of the Royal Air Force during the interwar period. As it was not possible to openly advocate the bombing of civilians during the 1920s and 1930s, this was shrouded in ambiguous language and kept hidden. However, the roots of area bombing come to the surface several times between the wars, and the speed with which area bombing was adopted in 1940 and 1941 shows that they were never deeply buried. While many historians have uncovered individual details that collectively support this contention, none have traced the development of this thought across the period 1917-42. Using a selection of contemporary documents and a thorough review of the secondary literature, this work shows that far from being an improvisation forced by necessity, the adoption of area bombing was unsurprising and can be traced back to 1917.
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Teknisk växtvärk – hur kan Sveriges försvar attrahera tekniskt intresserade ungdomar? : En studie om Luftvärnets möjlighet att attrahera unga teknikintresserade människor.Carlsson, Per, Westermark, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Sveriges luftvärn står inför stora utmaningar vilka till stor del har orsakats av ett förändrat omvärldsläge med större osäkerheter. Osäkerheterna har i sin tur lett till att efterfrågan på förmågan luftvärn ökat och getts mer utrymme i samhällsdebatten. Konsekvensen av detta är att nya system ska införas, både på verkanssidan, bland ledningssystemen och bland sambandssystemen. Samtidigt ska en återaktiverad värnplikt implementeras och utgöra grunden för den framtida rekryteringen. Slutligen skall även de gamla systemen vidmakthållas med tillräckligt hög tillgänglighet, både gällande personal- och materieltillgång, så att de kan ingå i försvaret. Den beskrivna situationen innebär att ett avsevärt tekniksteg skall tas. Utmaningen denna studie fördjupar sig i behandlar organisationens förutsättningar att lyckas rekrytera tillräckligt många och tillräckligt duktiga ungdomar med förutsättningar att kunna underhålla denna teknik. Studien inriktas på värnpliktiga med tekniska befattningar och med en bakgrund i teknikinriktat studieförberedande gymnasieprogram. De är en eftertraktad kategori individer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden och många företag deltar i jakten på deras kompetens. Studien har genomförts kvalitativt genom djupintervjuer med individerna. Resultatet av empirin har sedan lett fram till slutsatserna att Försvarsmaktens marknadsföring inte träffar den beskrivna målgruppen. De individer vilka är avgörande för om organisationen kan klara sina uppgifter i framtiden känner endast vagt till Försvarsmakten och förknippar den inte med en teknisk yrkeskarriär. Samtidigt har det visat sig att den främsta påverkanskällan, deras föräldrar, är dåligt insatt i vad en fortsättning efter värnplikten kan innebära. Avgörande för hur den här kategorin individer väljer anställning är hur pass väl deras intressen och visioner passar in på det de uppfattat att Försvarsmakten erbjuder. Detta sammantaget skapar stora osäkerheter kring myndighetens förutsättningar att klara den framtida personalförsörjningen. Hur skall luftvärnet attrahera denna relativt lilla grupp med teknikintresserade ungdomar för att lyckas med en kraftig tillväxt och ett stort tekniksprång samt även behålla äldre materiel i drift? / The ground-based air defence of Sweden face some dire challenges in the near future. These have been caused by multiple converging reasons, the foremost of these being a change in the strategic situation in and around the Baltic Sea. This change has led to a publicly increased demand for army organic, ground based air defence capabilities. This in turn means that the government has ordered new systems to be introduced, both missile systems for intercepting airborne threats, new command and control systems and lastly, new communication systems. Parallel to the described shift in technology, recruitment through conscription has been reinstalled. The last part of this complex situation is comprised of maintaining all of the legacy systems for use by the national defence forces. Taking such a large technological step raises demands of recruiting a large amount of technologically interested young people. The aim of this study is to broaden the understanding of Sweden’s ability to succeed with this endeavour. We have interviewed conscripts during their basic training to become mechanics and maintenance personnel at the Lv 6 regiment in Halmstad. All our subjects have attended upper school and studied technology intended for preparing them for higher education. They are attractive to the general employment market and must be won in the battle for talent. This study has been designed using qualitative methods mainly comprised of individual interviews. The results from these interviews have been analysed using an inspired by grounded theory approach. Our results have then been analysed a second time on an organisational level and compared to findings in the area of Employer branding. Our main findings are that marketing and informational campaigns, carried out by the Swedish armed forces aren’t aimed towards this category of young people. They have no prior experience of the armed forces and the messages sent out are not registered by our subjects. Our study indicates that the parents and closest family project a large amount of influence on these young people. Sadly, this category of influencers also lacks knowledge and information about the armed forces. The studied category of young people chooses their employers through how well their interests match with the perceived job offering. All of this taken in mind raises a question of the ability to succeed with recruitment goals for this category of youths.
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