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Development of a Predictive Control Model for a Heat Pump System Based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) approachZare, Kourosh Abbas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Economic Performance Assessment of Three Renovated Multi-Family Houses with Different HVAC SystemsKhadra, Alaa January 2018 (has links)
Since the building sector is responsible for 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU, the reduction of energy use has become a priority in this sector. The EU has adopted several policies to improve energy efficiency. One of these policies aims to achieve energy efficient renovations in at least 3% of buildings owned and occupied by governments annually. In Sweden, a large part of existing buildings was built between 1965 and 1974, a period commonly referred to as ‘miljonprogrammet’. Stora Tunabyggen AB, the public housing company in Borlänge municipality, begun a renovation project in the Tjärna Ängar neighborhood within the municipality with the greatest share of its buildings stock from this period. The pilot project started in 2015. The aim of this project was to renovate three buildings with similar measures, that is, by adding 150 mm attic insulation, replacing windows with higher performing ones (U-value 1 W/m ²K), by adding 50 mm of insulation to the infill walls and by the installation of flowreducing taps. The essential difference between the three renovation packages is the HVAC systems. The selected HVAC systems are (1) exhaust air heat pump, (2) mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and (3) exhaust ventilation. Life cycle cost analysis was conducted for the three building and sensitivity analysis for different values of discount rate and energy price escalation was performed. The study found that the house with exhaust ventilation has the lowest life cycle cost and the highest energy cost. The house with exhaust air heat pump has 3% higher life cycle cost and 18% lower energy use at 3% discount rate and 3% energy price escalation. The study found that mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is not profitable, although it saves energy. The sensitivity analysis has shown that the possible increment of price energy and lower discount rate give higher value for the future costs in life cycle cost analysis. This lead to the main finding of this thesis, which is that exhaust air heat pump is the best choice for the owner according to the available data and the assessed parameters.
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En jämförelse ur energisynpunkt mellan roterande värmeväxlare och frånluftsvärmepump i universitetsbyggnad / A comparison in terms of energy between rotating heat exchanger and exhaust air heat pump in a university buildingCizmeli, Claudia January 2013 (has links)
För att tillgodose den studerande KTH byggnadens framtida krav kommer det befintliga ventilationssystemet att bytas ut. Två olika möjliga värmeåtervinningssystem har jämförts ur fjärrvärmebehovssynpunkt. Det befintliga systemet med vattenburen batterivärmeväxlare har en låg värmeåtervinningsgrad och Akademiska Hus önskar system med högre värmeåtervinning. I byggnaden har roterande värmeväxlare och frånluftsvärmepump för uppvärmning av tilluften jämförts. Då värmeåtervinning från dessa system inte är tillräckligt kommer fjärrvärme att används. I beräkningarna jämförs fem roterande värmeväxlare mot varierande antal frånluftsvärmepumpen. Genom detta fås varierande resultat och fjärrvärmebehovet ökar/minskar ju färre/fler värmepumpar som tas med i beräkningarna. Frånluftsvärmepumparna antas både vara konstanta och ”nedtrappande”. Vid de konstanta antal frånluftsvärmepumparna visar resultaten att, vid maximal personbelastning, är fjärrvärmebehovet för fem roterande värmeväxlare lägre än vid användning av fem (eller färre) frånluftsvärmepumpar. Vid sannolik personbelastning är fjärrvärmebehovet för fem roterande värmeväxlare lägre än vid användning av två (eller färre) frånluftsvärmepumpar. Vid de ”nedtrappande” antalen frånluftsvärmepumpar är fjärrvärmebehovet med roterande värmeväxlare lägre både vid maximal och också sannolik personnärvaro. Vid val av system har aggregat för fastighets- och lokalbyggnader jämförts då flödena är höga. I slutssats kan val av tillverkare för respektive system påverka fjärrvärmebehovet. / To meet the renovated KTH building’s future requirements, the existing ventilation system will be replaced. Two different possible heat recovery systems have been compared in regards of district heating. The existing system of water coil heat exchanger has low heat recovery efficiency and Akademiska Hus wishes for a system with higher heat recovery. A rotating heat exchanger and exhaust air heat pump have been compared in regards of heating the supply air. At times when heat recoveries from these systems are not sufficient, the district heating will be in use. In the calculations five rotating heat exchangers and varying number of exhaust air heat pumps have been compared. Through this varying results will occur and the district heating demand will increase/decrease the fewer/more pumps that are taken into account. The exhaust air heat pumps are assumed to be both constant and down going. At the constant use of exhaust air heat pumps the results show that (when in maximum occupancy) the district heating demand with five rotating heat exchangers is lower than when using the five (or fewer) exhaust air heat pumps. During probable occupancy the district heating demand with five rotating heat exchangers is lower than when using two (or fewer) exhaust air heat pumps. The district heating demand is lower when using rotating heat exchangers than the “down going” numbers of exhaust air heat pumps. Only office- and apartment building acquired heating systems have been compared due to the high air flows. The selection of manufacturer of these systems may affect the district heating demand.
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Fjärrvärme och frånluftsvärmepump : Systemets lönsamhet och primärenergitalets inverkanWennberg, Tim January 2019 (has links)
Kombinationen av fjärrvärme och frånluftsvärmepump (FVP) har blivit allt vanligare i Sverige. Detta kombinerade värmesystem är väl lämpat för att reducera energianvändningen i befintliga fastigheter med mekanisk frånluftventilation som saknar värmeåtervinning. Dock kan en FVP-installation leda till högre returtemperaturer i fjärrvärmenätet vilket det ofta finns avgifter för i dagsläget. För att främja fjärrvärmeanvändning sommartid använder fjärrvärmeleverantören sig av säsongsvarierande prismodeller i vilket fjärrvärmepriset varierar under en del av året. Genom att stänga av FVP sommartid och endast bruka fjärrvärme finns en potentiell kostnadsbesparing då fjärrvärmepriset är som lägst. Denna kostnadsbesparing undersöks utifrån olika typer av fjärrvärmetaxor, elnätsavgifter och elhandelspris. Det undersöks också hur Boverkets regler för beräkning av primärenergital påverkar denna värmesystemtyp. Typiska prismodeller för fjärrvärme har undersökts, samt så har energianvändning framräknats för sex fiktiva flerbostadshus runtom i landet. För varje byggnad beräknas energianvändningen utifrån tre fall. I referensfallet, Fall 1 används bara fjärrvärme och i Fall 2 används FVP till både uppvärmning och tappvarmvatten (TVV). Fall 3 är som Fall 2 fast FVP täcker inget TVV-behov och stängs av under sommar-perioden. Energianvändningen är framräknad över ett år och energikostnaden jämförs mellan fallen. I Fall 2 och Fall 3 är de totala energikostnaderna för byggnaderna mellan 61–75% respektive 67–78% av energikostnaderna i Fall 1. Mellan Fall 2- och 3 finns däremot ingen tydlig besparingstrend trots att alla fjärrvärmenät på orterna har ett säsongsvarierande fjärrvärmepris. Att ingen besparingstrend uppstår påvisar att kostnaden för varje levererad värmeenhet från FVP sommartid är ungefär lika stor som varje värmeenhet fjärrvärme. Detta beror på att en hög värmefaktor används vilket gör det väldigt kostnadseffektivt att köpa el. Med en lägre värmefaktor gynnas avstängning av FVP sommartid. Utifrån den framräknade energianvändningen beräknas primärenergitalet och den specifika energianvändningen för samtliga byggnader. Primärenergitalet är i de flesta fall större än den specifika energianvändningen för att elanvändningen räknas upp. I Luleå är däremot den specifika energianvändningen större än primärenergitalet, även vid användning av FVP. / The combination of district heating and exhaust air heat pump (EAHP) has become increasingly common in Sweden. This combined heating system is well suited for reducing energy use in existing buildings with mechanical exhaust air ventilation that lacks heat recovery. However, an EAHP installation can lead to higher return temperatures in the district heating network. In order to promote district heating use during the summer, the district heating supplier use seasonal varying price models in which the district heating price varies during some of the year. By shutting down EAHP in summer and only using district heating, there is a potential cost saving as the district heating price is at its lowest. This cost saving is investigated based on various types of district heating tariffs, electricity grid charges and electricity prices. It is also examined how Boverket's rules for calculating primary energy affects this type of heating system. Typical price models for district heating have been investigated. The energy use for six fictitious multi-dwelling buildings around the country has also been made. For each building, the energy use was calculated from three cases. For the reference case, Case 1, only district heating is used, for Case 2 EAHP is used for both heating and domestic hot water and Case 3 is as Case 2 fixed EAHP does not cover domestic hot water requirements and is switched off during the summer period. The energy consumption is calculated over a year and the energy cost is compared between the cases. In Case 2 and Case 3, the total energy costs for the buildings are between 61–75% and 67–78% of the energy costs in Case 1, respectively. However, between Case 2- and 3, there is no clear saving trend despite all the locations having a seasonally varying district heating price. The fact that no saving trend arises shows that the cost of each heat unit delivered from FVP in the summer is about the same as each heating unit of district heating. This is because a high COP (coefficient of performance) is used, which makes it very cost-effective to buy electricity. With a lower COP, shutdown of EAHP benefits summer time. Based on the calculated energy use, the primary energy and the specific energy use are calculated for all buildings. In most cases, the primary energy number is larger than the specific energy use, as the electricity consumption is going to be larger with primary energy. In Luleå, on the other hand, the energy-area ratio is greater than the primary energy number, even when using an EAHP.
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Att bygga energisnålt med olika ventilationssystem / To build energy efficient with various ventilation systemsBengtsdottir, Fanney, Hagerup Norrman, Christel January 2018 (has links)
Ett ventilationssystem i en byggnad ska tillföra en tillräcklig mängd frisk luft och skapa ett undertryck för att minska fuktrelaterade problem. Idag finns flera typer av ventilationssystem tillgängliga, några med värmeåtervinning, vilka bidrar med olika funktioner och begränsningar. Studien undersöker skillnaden mellan frånluftsventilation (F), frånluftsvärmepump (FVP) samt fläktstyrt till- och frånluftssystem med roterande återvinning (FTX) i NNE-hus. Tre enfamiljshus i Kronobergs län blev strategiskt utvalda för insamling av data, mätningar, intervjuer och beräkningar. Därefter gjordes en utvärdering och jämförelse mellan systemens prestanda med avseende på termisk komfort, luftomsättning, effektbehov, energianvändning och kostnader. Resultaten visar att kriterierna för termisk komfort uppfylls i samtliga hus under tiden för undersökningar och den specifika energiförbrukningen för de olika husen är mindre än hälften av det maximalt tillåtna. El- och värmeeffektbehovet är minst för F-systemet enligt resultaten men FVP är mest lönsam med hänsyn till återvinning. FVP är även mest lönsam med avseende på ackumulerade kostnader. Resultaten är begränsade för ett specifikt uteklimat under perioden för undersökningen. För en större översikt och tillförlitlighet i beräkningar rekommenderas studier som sträcker sig över ett år. / A ventilation system in a building provides sufficient amount of fresh air and create a negative pressure to reduce moisture-related problems. Today several ventilation systems, some with different energy recovery, are available and those inherence different features and limitations. This study examines differences between exhaust air ventilation without heat recovery (F), exhaust air heat pump (FVP) and exhaust and supply air ventilation with a rotating heat exchanger (FTX) in nearly zero-energy houses. Three single-family houses in Kronoberg County were strategically chosen for the data collection, measurements, interviews and calculations to evaluate and compare their system’s performances in terms of thermal comfort, air circulation, heat recovery effects, energy use and financial attractiveness. The results show that the criteria for thermal comfort are satisfied and the specific energy consumption are within the current requirements in all these houses. Under the period of investigation, the house without heat recovery requires minimum quantity of electricity for ventilation system where as the house with FVP is the most energy efficient. Also, the house with an FVP shows to be the most cost-efficient with lowest accumulated costs. The results are limited for a specific outdoor climate during the studied period. Therefore, examinations over a longer term in different contexts are recommended for a more comprehensive view.
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Evaluation of an Energy System for multi-family houses with Combination of Exhaust Air Heat Pump and PV : Case Study: Demonstration Building of The EU Energy Matching Project, Sweden-LudvikaAzad, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigated application of the heat recovery ventilation using an exhaust air heat pump and a roof top photovoltaic (PV) system for a group of three multi-family houses located in Ludvika, Sunnansjö. The buildings in the existing condition have mechanical ventilation and a centralized heating system consists of a pellet boiler as the main source and an oil boiler as back up. Exhaust air heat pump (EAHP) has been known by the previous relevant researches as an effective solution to promote the energy efficiency in the buildings. Furthermore, reduction in PV cost has made the PV as a financially viable option to be contributed in supplying electricity demand. In this respect, this thesis aimed to calculate the potential of energy saving in the case study using the combination of EAHP and PV. For this purpose, the buildings and the proposed energy system were simulated to enable the comparison of energy demand before and after the renovation. The simulation was gradually progressed through several phases and each stage created the prerequisites of the next. Since the buildings were relatively similar in terms of boundary conditions, one of the buildings were initially modeled and the concluded space heating (SH) demand was extrapolated to the three buildings scope. The simulation of the building was done using 3dimensional thermal model offered by Trnsys3d. The primary results were also calibrated against the available annual fuel consumption data. In the second phase, a pre-developed TRNSYS model of the energy system was completed using the result of previous step as the total SH demand as well as the estimated domestic hot water (DHW) consumption from a stochastic model. This simulation produced the electricity demand profile of the heat pump when the heat pump provided the total heat demand. Subsequently, the electricity consumption of the flats and operational equipment were estimated using stochastic model and available monthly measurement, respectively. Since the feasibility and optimal placement of 74 𝑘𝑊 PV modules offered for these buildings had been already examined by the author in another study, the final simulation were performed in an hourly basis considering PV production and total electricity demand; i.e. EAHP, flats consumption and operational equipment. The results of the simulation showed that 21 % of total electricity demand during a year could be supplied by the proposed PV system even without any electrical storage, whereas 74 % of total yearly PV production is consumed by the local loads. The results also proved that removing old inefficient oil boiler and supplementing the pellet boiler with the combination of EAHP and PV could mitigate the annual purchased energy (including electricity and pellet) by approximately 40 % compared to the current condition.
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Méthodes de mesure in situ des performances annuelles des pompes à chaleur air/air résidentielles / In situ measurement methods of residential air-to-air heat pump annual performancesTran, Cong-Toan 30 November 2012 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, la pompe à chaleur (PAC) est largement utilisée pour les applications de chauffage du bâtiment en raison de ses bonnes performances énergétiques. Elle est même considérée comme une source d'énergie renouvelable et, selon la Directive Européenne 2009/28/CE, la part «renouvelable» de l'énergie produite doit être calculée à partir de la performance annuelle. Il est donc important d'être à même de mesurer cette dernière. Or, il n'existe pas, pour les PAC air/air, de méthode fiable et simple permettant de mesurer la performance chez le client pendant une saison.Dans ce contexte, la thèse propose deux méthodes in situ qui répondent à ce besoin. La première est basée sur des mesures non-intrusives des propriétés du fluide frigorigène. Elle utilise le bilan énergétique du compresseur pour déterminer le débit du fluide. La deuxième, fondée sur les mesures côté air, utilise un ensemble de capteurs à fil chaud afin de mesurer le débit et les températures d'air.La thèse développe également une méthode de mesure intrusive du fluide frigorigène, qui n'est pas adaptée aux conditions in situ mais sert de référence pour valider les deux méthodes in situ. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la méthode de référence est précise non seulement en conditions stabilisées mais également en fonctionnement dynamique (y compris lors des dégivrages).La validation des deux méthodes in situ a été réalisée par une campagne d'essais spécifique en laboratoire. Une suite intéressante de la thèse consistera à intégrer la méthode non intrusive côté frigorigène directement dans l'équipement de mesure et d'affichage de la PAC. / Today, heat pumps (HP) are widely used as heating systems in building thanks to their high energy efficiency. They are even considered as a source of renewable energy and, according to the EU Directive 2009/28/EC, the amount of renewable energy has to be calculated from the annual performance. Therefore, it is important to be able to measure the annual performance. However, concerning the air-to-air HP there is no reliable and simple method which allows measuring the performance in situ during at least a season.In this context, the thesis proposes two in situ methods that could fill this gap. The first one is based on non-intrusive measurements on refrigerant side. It uses a compressor energy balance to determine the flow rate. The second one, based on air measurements, uses a distribution of hot-wire sensors to determine the air flow rate and temperatures.The thesis also develops an intrusive refrigerant method, which is not necessarily adapted for in situ conditions but can be used as a reference to validate the in situ methods. The experimental results show that the reference method is accurate both in stationary conditions and in dynamic operations (including during defrosting period).The validation of the in situ methods was performed by a specific test campaign in laboratory. As a perspective, the thesis makes it possible to develop on-board measurement methods using non-intrusive refrigerant sensors, providing an opportunity for manufacturers to display the in situ performance in real time.
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Energy saving opportunities in residential buildings: insights from technological and building energy code perspectivesLi, Bo 21 September 2020 (has links)
The residential building sector plays an important role in combating climate change in Canada. Many energy efficiency solutions along with new building energy standards have been implemented to improve building energy performance. However, their effects on energy saving and GHG emissions reduction vary due to the complexity of the building systems and the variability of their operational conditions. This work quantifies such variability in both energy efficiency devices and building energy standards implementation, respectively.
The first study in this dissertation assesses the energy savings from sensible heat recovery in a residential apartment suite in various locations across Canada. A series of detailed building energy performance models are developed in TRNSYS. The HVAC system’s annual energy consumption is simulated and the results are compared with and without HRV for each climate zone. The results show the heating energy savings of employing the HRV vary from 17 to 34% depending on the winter climatic conditions; while, the building cooling energy use can be increased due to the undesired thermal recovery occurring in the HRV during the cooling season.
The second study investigates the free cooling potential of outside air in various Canadian cities. A series of thermal models developed using BEopt 2.8 for a hypothetical single-family house with various window-to-wall ratios and building aspect ratios simulates hourly building cooling load profiles. The free cooling potential is analyzed by comparing the maximum available and the actual usable free cooling for various building features and different climates. The results indicate that, although free cooling is widely available in most areas of Canada during the summer and shoulder seasons, only 17-42% of such free cooling is usable without the use of thermal storage.
The last study examines the effects of two building energy standards - the BC Step Code and the Passive House criteria - on reductions in residential household space heating GHG emissions under different enforcement scenarios. The space heating energy and the GHG emissions are estimated using the forecast growth of single detached households for the period from 2020 to 2032. The results show that the space heating GHG emissions can be reduced by 77% and 89%, respectively if the BC Step Code or the Passive House criteria is implemented in Canada. It is also found the impacts of energy code on GHG emission mitigation are less significant in regions where the carbon intensity of the dominant heating fuels is low. / Graduate
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Jämförelse av värmekällor : Byte av värmekälla i ett småhus ur ett energi-, ekonomi- och klimatperspektivGoblirsch, Amanda, Izat, Banaz, Österblad Rintanen, Melinda January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this study is to present the economic, environmental impact, and energy saving benefits of replacing an electric boiler to a bedrock heat pump or district heating. Furthermore, the impact of additional insulation will also be presented. Method: The technical, environmental, and economical aspects of the various heat sources in this study are gathered through websites and reports from agencies, industry organisations and corporations. A case study on a family house built in 1971, heated with a combination of electric boiler and air-to-air heat pump has been made. The study investigates the impact of replacing the existing heat sources with newer and better alternatives along with additional insulation. Results: The results present the energy demand for active heating, economic analysis, environmental impact, and the impact of additional insulation. Moreover, a comparison between the heat sources and the additional insulation is presented to show the difference between them. The case study objects demand for active heating includes passive heating, heat losses through the building envelope, heat losses due to ventilation. With all these factors combined, the family house has an annual active heating demand of 11 700 kWh. The energy consumption of the electric boiler combined with air-to-air heat pump (COP 4) have an annual consumption of 7 500 kWh. The required energy from the district heating goes up to 11 700 kWh and the bedrock heat pump (COP 3) have the lowest energy consumption of 3 900 kWh. However, the amount of electricity needed is 400 kWh for district heating compared to the other alternatives that require 7 500 kWh and 3 900 kWh. For the economic aspects, the installation and operating costs for the electric boiler combined with the air-to-air heat pump, district heating and the bedrock heat pump are concluded. This shows that, on one hand the bedrock heat pump is the most expensive heat source to install but on the other hand, the cheapest to operate. Furthermore, this study compares the emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents from the production of district heating and electric energy. Due to the clean electric energy in Sweden, district heating has the highest negative impact on the greenhouse effect as it uses energy resources that have high emission of carbon dioxide equivalents. The environmental impact of the electric boiler, air-to-air heat pump and the bedrock heat pump vary depending on the energy source used to generate electricity and can in the worst case be higher than for district heating. New values with the additional insulation suggest that the improved building envelope will have a positive impact on the operation costs, energy saving and emissions. As an example, the demand for active heating can be reduced with up to 30%. Conclusions: The conclusion is that the comparison of heat sources contains many uncertain variables. Consequently, the result of this study does most likely not apply directly to other study objects. The results may vary if, for example, the geographical location or electricity agreement is changed.
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A Study of Energy Saving Actions in Older Buildings in Sweden / En Studie om Energibesparing i Äldre Byggnader i SverigeLEFFLER, OSCAR, MANSOUR, NASSIF January 2018 (has links)
Modern energy saving technologies are become increasingly mature, easier to implement and financially profitable. Both the European Union and the Swedish government have directives with goals regarding energy savings for the year 2020 and 2030. Here, making buildings more energy efficient plays a large role as around 40% of the total energy usage in Europe can be related to buildings. Constructing new, nearly zero energy houses is currently very popular, but as a vast majority of all buildings in a country like Sweden are older buildings, built before 1980, a majority of the used energy will come from these buildings. Hence, there is plenty of incentive for carrying out energy saving actions and investments in older buildings. From previous research and interviews with energy consultants, it can be concluded that energy saving actions are not being carried to the extent that is possible. This thesis aims to find out why this is and mainly what the main obstacles are when implementing energy saving solutions in older buildings. A case study, consisting of eight interviews with energy consultants and real estate owners was carried out in order to get an understanding of the current situation and the different stakeholders views on this issue. The results showed that, at least in the represented cases, there is a will among real estate owners for moving forward with energy saving. An understanding has also recently emerged where most real estate owners realize that there are great financial incentives connected to implementing energy saving solutions to current, older buildings. However, increased will of making a change has not yet resulted in a majority of buildings having installed energy saving solutions. One factor for this is that each building is its own individual case and therefore needs to be handled individually due to different conditions and are therefore suitable for different energy saving actions. Other factors include lack of technical and financial understanding among some real estate owners, slow decision making processes and ownership types. The research explores theories related to decision makings to provide a comprehensive overview regarding the current situation of energy saving in Sweden, as well as a contribution to the theoretical literature regarding decision making / Modern teknik inom energibesparing blir allt mer mognare, lättare att implementera och finansiellt lönsamt. Både den europeiska unionen och den svenska regeringen har direktiv med mål för energibesparing för år 2020 och 2030. Här spelar byggnader en viktig roll, då byggnader står för ca 40 % av den totala energianvändningen i Europa. Att bygga nya, nära noll energi byggnader är för närvarande väldigt populärt. Men i ett land som Sverige, där majoriteten av alla byggnader är äldre byggnader, kommer majoriteten av energianvändningen fortfarande från dessa. Därav finns det stora incitament till att genomföra energieffektiviserande åtgärder på äldre byggnader i Sverige. Från tidigare studier och intervjuer med energikonsulter kan det fastslås att energibesparande åtgärder ej genomförs i den grad som det är möjligt. Målet med denna rapport är att utröna varför det är så samt vilka huvudsakliga hinder som kan relateras till energibesparing i äldre byggnader. För att få en överblick av den befintliga situationen samt hur olika intressenter ser på denna fråga genomfördes en fallstudie bestående av åtta intervjuer med energikonsulter och fastighetsägare. Resultaten från studien pekade på att det finns en vilja bland fastighetsägare att gå vidare med energibesparande åtgärder. På senare tid har även en förståelse vuxit fram bland fastighetsägare där man inser att det även finns stora finansiella incitament med att implementera energibesparande åtgärder på äldre byggnader. Detta har dock ännu ej lett till att energibesparande åtgärder genomförts på en majoritet av befintliga byggnader. En anledning till detta är att varje byggnad måste hanteras individuellt då alla har olika förutsättningar och därmed lämpar sig för olika energibesparande lösningar. Andra faktorer inkluderar teknisk och ekonomisk kunskapsbrist bland vissa fastighetsägare, långsamma beslutsprocesser och ägarstrukturer. Studien nyttjar teorier relaterade till beslutsfattning för att ge läsaren en överblick av den befintliga situationen kring energibesparing i Sverige. I tillägg bidrar studien till den teoretiska litteraturen om beslutsfattning.
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