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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência da ingestão de bebida alcoólica e transtornos mentais comuns não psicóticos na pressão arterial dos indígenas Mura / The influence of alcoholic beverages consumption and common mental disorder on arterial blood pressure of the Mura Indigenous

Ferreira, Alaidistânia Aparecida 20 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial é de causa multifatorial, envolvendo hábitos de vida e estilos de vida inadequados como o consumo excessivo de bebida alcoólica que propiciam a elevação dos níveis pressóricos. Além disso, os sintomas relacionados ao transtorno mental comum também podem se associar ao estado de saúde, provocando mais danos ao sujeito com hipertensão arterial. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar associação entre a ocorrência de hipertensão arterial com o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a presença de transtorno mental comum em indígenas das aldeias Muras, residentes em região rural e urbana. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com 455 indígenas Mura residentes no município de Autazes, Amazonas, Brasil. Foi aplicada a entrevista semi-estruturada com questões referentes aos dados socioeconômicos e educacionais, hábitos de vida, história clínica, histórico familiar, além dos questionários Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) e Self-Reporting Questonnaire (SRQ-20), para avaliar o consumo de álcool e presença de transtorno mental, respectivamente. A pressão arterial foi medida com aparelho automático de braço validado. Foram realizadas três medidas e usada a média das duas últimas medidas. Realizaram-se ainda, medida do peso, altura, circunferência do pescoço, circunferência da cintura, avaliação de bioimpedância; glicemia, triglicérides e colesterol com medida capilar. Na análise bivariada, foi testada a associação entre hipertensos, separadamente, com os dois desfechos: consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a presença de transtorno mental comum explorando especialmente, os aspectos relacionados à hipertensão arterial. Foi ajustada a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, para ambos os desfechos, com modelagem em stepwise backward automatizado, tendo como critério de entrada, p<0,20 e de significância no modelo final, p0,05. Utilizou-se como estimativa, as razões de prevalência e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (57,8%), com 42,10 (16,74) anos, vivendo com companheiro (74,7%) e cerca de quatro filhos por família, baixo nível de escolaridade Analfabeto/Fundamental incompleto (41,1%) e renda até dois salários mínimos (85,0%). A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 26,6%, tabagismo (20,4%) e ser sedentário/irregularmente ativo (52,8%). O consumo de bebida alcoólica foi de 40,2%, sendo 13,4% classificados como alto risco para dependência alcoólica, e maior na área rural em comparação à urbana (57,3% vs 22,2%) p<0,001. Destacam-se os seguintes aspectos do uso abusivo de álcool: sentimento de culpa/remorso (45,9%); amnésia repentina por não lembrar o ocorrido na noite em que bebeu (31,7%); além de machucar-se ou sentir-se prejudicado por causa da bebida (29,6%); preocupação por parte de parentes, amigos ou profissionais de saúde, que aconselharam o entrevistado a interromper o consumo (51,5%). Não houve associação entre a presença e consumo de bebida alcoólica (23% e 26%). Os indígenas com diagnóstico de hipertensão referida, faziam menos uso de bebida alcoólica (14,2%vs 85,8%, p=0,009), porém nas ocasiões em que bebiam, ingeriam maior quantidade, comparado com os que não referiram hipertensão [55,3(72,2) vs 33,3(62,2) gramas de Etanol p=0,008]. A prevalência de transtorno mental comum foi de 45,7%, com destaque para os seguintes itens: referência de dores de cabeça frequentes (69,5%), sentir-se nervoso, tenso ou preocupado (66,2%), ter se sentido triste ultimamente (56,0%), dormir mal (55,2%) e ter sensações desagradáveis no estômago (42,9%). Além disso, destaca-se que 7,3% referiram ideia de acabar com a própria vida e 4,2% sentiram-se incapazes de desempenhar papel útil. Após análise ajustada a razão de prevalência após análise ajustada (Razão de prevalência, IC-95%), verificou-se associação positiva entre ingestão de bebida alcoólica e sexo masculino (2,72, IC-2,12-3,48), tabagismo (1,29, IC-1,06-1,56) e morar na zona rural (2,09, IC-1,61-2,72). Porém, a ação foi protetora para idade (0,98, IC-0,98-0,99), consumo de alimentos in natura (0,97, IC-0,95-0,99), e ausência de dislipidemias (0,75, IC-0,62-0,9). Entre os que apresentaram transtorno mental comum, a hipertensão arterial identificada esteve presente em 30,3% e o consumo de álcool uma vez ao mês em 22,1%. Após a análise ajustada (Razão de prevalência, IC-95%) verificou-se associação positiva entre o transtorno mental comum e a zona de moradia urbana (1.25, IC-1,02-1,54), não sabia que tinham antecedentes para diabetes (1.56, IC-1,24-1,96) e a ingestão de bebida alcoólica (1.01, IC-1,00-1,02). Porém, foi ação protetora não ter antecedentes pessoais de cardiopatia (0.59, IC-0,48-0,73). Conclusão: Observou-se que a presença de hipertensão arterial, consumo de bebida alcoólica e de transtorno mental comum foram elevados nos indígenas da etnia Mura. Esses achados podem ser decorrentes da aproximação e convivência entre indígenas e não indígenas favorecendo mudanças culturais, especialmente de hábitos e estilos de vida, com aumento do risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. / Background: The arterial hypertension has a multifactorial disorder, including unappropriated habits and lifestyle as the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages that may increase the blood pressure. Additionally, the symptoms related to the common mental disorder may be also associated with the health status, producing even more damages to the hypertensive subjects. Thus, this study aimed to identify the association of arterial hypertension occurrence with alcoholic beverages consumption and presence of common mental disorder in Indigenous from Mura villages, who live in rural and urban zones. Casuistic and Methods: Its a cross-sectional investigation, with demographic base, conducted with 455 Mura Indigenous from Autazes, Amazon, Brazil. Through a semi-structured interview, we gathered data about sociodemographic and educational profile, lifestyle, clinical records, family antecedents. In this occasion, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) were applied to assess respectively the alcohol consumption and the presence of common mental disorder. The blood pressure was measured with an arm automatic device, validated for this goal, being three measures taken and, from the two last of them, a mean was obtained. Furthermore, we gathered weight, height, neck circumference, waist circumference, bioimpedance, glycemia, triglycerides and cholesterol, capillary measure for the last ones. In the bivariate analysis, we analyzed the association between hypertensive persons and the both outcomes- the alcohol consumption and the presence of common mental disorder, emphasizing the issues hypertension-related issues. The Poison regression, with robust variance, was adjusted for both outcomes, with a modelling in automatized stepwise backward, being p<0,20 the entrance criteria and p<0,05 the significance level for the final model. As estimative, we used the odds ratios and their respective confidence intervals of 95%. Results: Most were females (57,8%), with mean age of 42,2(16,74) years, living with a partner (74,7%), with about four children per family, poor educational level- Illiterate/Incomplete Basic (41,1%) and income of up two minimum wages (85,0%). 26,6% of the sample had hypertension, 20,4% were smokers and 52,8% were sedentary/irregularly active. Alcohol consumption was of 40,2%, with 13,4% showed high risk for alcohol addiction, and the consumption was higher in rural area in comparison with the urban one (57,3% vs 22,2%) p<0,001. We emphasize the following aspects of alcohol abuse: feeling of guilty and remorse (45,9%); abrupt amnesia for not remembering what happened in the night that they had drunk (31,7%); feeling hurt or impaired due to the drink consumption (29,6%); concerns from relatives, friends or healthcare professionals who advised the interviewed to interrupt the consumption (51,5%). There was not association between presence and alcoholic beverages consumption (23% and 26%). Indigenous diagnosed with referred arterial hypertension drank less alcoholic beverages (14,2%vs 85,8% p=0,009), but, when they drank, they had a larger amount than those with referred hypertension [55,3(72,2) vs 33,3(62,2) grams of Ethanol p=0,008]. The common mental disorder was identified in 45,7% of the individuals, being highlighted the following items: reporting of frequent headaches (69,5%), feeling nervous, anxious or worried (66,2%), feeling sad in the last days (56,0%), sleeping badly (55,2%) and having upset stomach (42,9%). Additionally, 7.3% reported the idea of committing suicide, and 4,2% felt themselves unable to play a useful role. We verified positive association between alcoholic beverage consumption and male gender (2.72, CI-2,12-3,48); smoking (1.29, CI-1.06-1.56); and living in rural area (2.09, CI-1.61-2.72). However, the action was protective for the age (0.98, CI-0,98-0,99), intake of natural foods (0.97, CI-0,95-0,99), and absence of dyslipidemias (0.75, CI-0,62-0,9). Among those diagnosed with common mental disorder, the arterial hypertension was found in 30,3% and the alcohol consumption once a month in 22,1%. We observed a positive association of common mental disorder and: living in the urban area (1.25, CI-1,02-1,54); unknowing the antecedents for diabetes (1.56, CI-1,24-1,96); and the alcohol consumption (1.01,CI-1,00-1,02). However, the absence of personal background of heart diseases was not protective (0.59, CI-0,48-0,73). Conclusion: We observed that the presence of arterial hypertension, alcoholic beverages consumption and common mental disorder were high in the Mura ethnicity. This finding may be explained for the approach and interaction among Indigenous and non-Indigenous, which favors cultural changes, especially in habits and lifestyle, increasing the risk of non-transferable chronic diseases.

An investigation into digital alcohol marketing and user-created alcohol promotion, and the association with young adult's alcohol-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour

Critchlow, Nathan January 2017 (has links)
Context: There are two ways that digital media may influence alcohol use. The first is commercial alcohol marketing. The second is user-created alcohol promotion, defined as content distributed through new media that promotes consumption, but independent of commercial marketing. This thesis explores how both types of content promote alcohol, what association there is between exposure and alcohol-related attitudes and behaviour, and the differences between marketing and user-created promotion. Method: A mixed method design was employed, divided into two studies. The first was a content analysis of the design features, topical references, and messages suggested about alcohol in digital marketing and user-created promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The second was a cross-sectional survey with young adults (n = 405). This measured awareness of, and participation with, digital marketing and user-created promotion, and the association with consumption, higher-risk drinking, brand recall, expectancies, and drinking motives. Results: The content analysis found that digital marketing had personalised designs which contained subtle and positive messages about consumption, whereas user-created promotion had simpler designs, displayed little ethical practice, and contained overt messages about higher-risk drinking. The cross-sectional survey found that young adults were aware of, and participating with, both digital marketing and user-created promotion, with exposure greater for the latter. Exposure to both types of content was positively associated with alcohol use, higher-risk consumption, and drinking intentions. User-created promotion had a stronger association with all outcomes than marketing. The association between exposure and consumption, for both types of content, was mediated through drinking motives and expectancies. Conclusion: Young adults are aware of, and participating with, a range of digital marketing and user-created promotion. That such exposure is associated with alcohol-related attitudes and behaviour highlights the potential of new media to influence alcohol consumption. Further research is required to better understand young people’s experience with digital media and the challenges of addressing online health risk messages.

Consommation chronique d'alcool, exercice physique et tissu osseux : modifications densitométriques, architecturales, biomécaniques et métaboliques chez le rat / Chronic alcohol consumption, physical exercise and bone tissue : densitometric, microarchitectural, biomechanic and metabolic changes in the rat

Maurel, Delphine 24 November 2011 (has links)
La consommation d’alcool a des effets sur le tissu osseux. L’alcoolisme est une des causes d’ostéoporose secondaire chez l’homme. Dans ce travail nous avons mené différentes expérimentations chez le rat afin d’étudier les effets d’une consommation chronique d’alcool combinée ou non à un entraînement aérobie sur le tissu osseux. Nous avons montré qu’une faible dose d’alcool administrée pendant une période courte peut avoir un effet positif sur la densité minérale osseuse et l’épaisseur trabéculaire. En revanche, la combinaison activité physique et consommation modérée d’alcool n’a pas d’effet additif sur la potentialisation du tissu osseux. Nous avons également démontré un effet dose de l’alcool indiquant des effets délétères majorés sur la densité minérale osseuse (DMO), la microarchitecture corticale et la résistance osseuse avec des apports croissants (25%, 30% et 35% v/v). La modification de DMO s’accompagne d’un changement de composition corporelle et d’une diminution de la leptine systémique. Cependant, le nombre d’adipocytes augmente dans la moelle osseuse. Nous avons mis en évidence dans ce modèle d’ostéoporose secondaire due à l’alcool une augmentation de l’apoptose des ostéocytes, corrélée à la diminution de la DMO et à l’augmentation de l’adiposité médullaire. Nous avons de plus mis en évidence une incorporation de lipides dans les ostéocytes, incorporation fortement corrélée à l’apoptose de ces cellules. Enfin, nos résultats montrent qu’un exercice physique régulier combiné à une consommation chronique et excessive d’alcool permet de prévenir les effets délétères de l’alcool sur les paramètres osseux (porosité corticale, épaisseur corticale) et limite la diminution de la DMO. Cette diminution est associée à une régulation de l’apoptose des ostéocytes. / Heavy chronic alcohol consumption has deleterious effects on bone tissue. It is one of the major causes of secondary osteoporosis in men. In this work, we draw several experimentations to assess the effects of chronic alcohol consumption on bone, combined or not to an aerobic training in the rat. We showed that light to moderate chronic alcohol consumption during a short time lead to an increase of bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular thickness, whith no additive effects of physical exercise on bone tissue. When the alcohol doses were increased, we showed deleterious effects on BMD, microarchitecture, bone resistance with a dose effect with increasing alcohol doses (25%, 30% and 35% v/v): the more alcohol was concentrated and the more the bone parameters were decreased. The BMD decrease was associated with a change in body composition, and with a decrease in serum leptin. However, the number of lipid droplets in the bone marrow was increased dramatically. We demonstrated that there was a huge increase in osteocyte apoptosis with alcohol (35% v/v) in this alcohol-induced osteoporosis model, which was correlated with BMD and bone marrow adiposity. We have also shown that there was lipid incorporation in bone micro vessels and in osteocytes, which was correlated with osteocyte apoptosis. Lastly, we showed that when regular exercise was associated with heavy chronic alcohol consumption, the bone parameters were normal (trabecular, cortical thickness, femur length) and the BMD was less decreased compared to alcohol-fed and sedentary rats. These effects were associated with a regulation of osteocyte apoptosis.

Ocenění společnosti Měšťanský pivovar v Poličce, a.s. / The valuation of the company Měšťanský pivovar v Poličce, a.s.

Dvorský, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to determine the objectified value of the company Měšťanský pivovar v Poličce, a.s. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The relevant theoretical aspects of the business valuation are described in the theoretical part, with the focus on the introduction of categories of values, the valuation process, setting the discount rate and the basic forms of DCF models. The financial and strategic analysis, value drivers and the financial plan is composed in the practical part of the thesis. The company is valued using the method DCF Equity to 1.1.2010.

Aggression-related alcohol expectancies and exposure to community alcohol-related agression among students at the University of the Western Cape

Du Toit, Renier January 2010 (has links)
<p>The relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related violence has been firmly established in a wide array of studies concerning various forms of violence including intimate partner violence, domestic violence as well as sexual assault. One factor which has been highlighted as having a moderating effect on the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression is the specific aggression-related alcohol expectancies concerning the effects of alcohol consumption on aggressive behaviour. In light of the prevalence of alcohol-related violence in South African communities it becomes important to examine the specific factors that moderate the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression and violence. The aim of this study was to examine aggressionrelated alcohol expectancies as a moderating factor in the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression and to examine the possible influence of exposure to community alcohol-related aggression in the formulation of aggression-related alcohol expectancies. The main objectives of this were to examine aggression-related alcohol expectancies as well as exposure to community alcohol-related aggression as domains for intervention to prevent alcohol-related violence.</p>

Patrons de consum d'alcohol en estudiants universitaris

Salamó Avellaneda, Anna 10 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol d’una mostra de 2,137 estudiants de la Universitat de Girona (17-35 anys). S’utilitzà un disseny multimètode integrant la metodologia quantitativa (estudi d’enquesta) amb la metodología qualitativa (grups focals). Un 65% dels joves són consumidors habituals d’alcohol. La influència social de pares, germans i amics és una variable crucial en la iniciació i manteniment del consum d’aquesta droga. El consum habitual és més freqüent entre aquells que van experimentar més precoçment amb la substància. Entre els homes és més habitual el consum massiu, però més dones efectuen consums considerats d’alt risc. Els joves reconeixen algunes repercussions socials de l’abús de l’alcohol però no en perceben per a la salut física. Aquests resultats mostren la necessitat de: endarrerir l’edat de primera experimentació, informar del risc del consum d’alcohol i fomentar un oci nocturn alternatiu i saludable. / The main objective of this thesis was to determine the prevalence and patterns of alcohol consumption in a sample of 2137 college students from Girona (17-35 years old). A multimethod design using a quantitative methodology (survey) and qualitative methodology (focus groups) was employed. 65% of the participants were regular users of alcohol. The social influence of parents, siblings and friends was a crucial variable in the initiation and maintenance of alcohol use. In addition, regular use was more common amongthose who were younger when they first experimented with the substance. Binge drinking was more common among men, while high risk alcohol consumption was more common among women. However, participants acknowledged negative social consequences of alcohol abuse but they did not perceive any physical consequences. These results show the need to: delay the age of first experimentation, inform of the risks of alcohol consumption and promote a healthy alternative nightlife.

Consommation de substances psychotropes et violence chez les jeunes décrocheurs canadiens : analyse des liens distaux (capital social, familial, délinquant et individuel)

Nadeau, Marie-France 09 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire explore les liens entre les différents types de capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) et certains actes déviants, soit la consommation de substances psychotropes et l’implication criminelle violente chez un groupe de décrocheurs scolaires canadiens. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’établir la prévalence et les habitudes de consommation de cette population aliénée du système éducatif. De plus, cette étude concerne l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. Plus précisément, il s’agit de déterminer la fréquence des manifestations agressives et les types de violence perpétrés par ces jeunes, ainsi que d’examiner les liens qui se tissent entre la consommation de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents. Ensuite, il est question d’étudier l’impact des différents capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) sur la consommation de substances psychoactives et l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. En outre, dans une perspective davantage clinique, le dernier objectif aura pour but d’identifier différentes typologies de décrocheurs scolaires. Les analyses s’appuient sur un échantillon de 339 jeunes décrocheurs scolaires de Montréal et Toronto. Les informations amassées par rapport à l’usage de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents concernent les douze mois qui ont précédé la passation du questionnaire. Succinctement, les taux de prévalence de consommation des décrocheurs apparaissent plus importants que ceux de la population estudiantine, leur usage est plus inquiétant de même que l’auto-évaluation de leur dépendance. Les résultats révèlent également une implication criminelle violente importante, surtout chez les garçons et les consommateurs de substances psychotropes. Qui plus est, le capital délinquant semble avoir un impact majeur sur l’usage d’alcool et de drogues de même que sur les manifestations de violence perpétrées par les décrocheurs. Enfin, trois typologies de décrocheurs scolaires ont été identifiées, soit les invisibles, les détachés et les rebelles. / This paper explores the links between different types of capital (social, familial, criminal and individual) and some deviant acts, consumption of psychotropic drugs and violent criminal involvement among Canadian school drop-outs. In first place, the prevalence and habits of alcohol and drug consumption of this population alienated from the education system will be established. Moreover, this study concerns violence involvement of school drop-outs. More specifically, in determining the frequency of aggressive events and types of violence perpetrated by these young people, and to examine the relationships between the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts. Then, there is the impact of various capitals (social, familial, criminal and individual) on the consumption of psychoactive substances and violent criminal involvement of school drop-outs. In a more clinical perspective, the last goal will be to identify different types of school drop-outs. This analysis is based on a sample of 339 young school leavers in Montreal and Toronto. The information collected in relation to the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts involve the twelve months preceding the award of the questionnaire. Briefly, the prevalence of consumption of drop-outs is more important than the student population; their use is even more disturbing as well as the self-assessment of their dependency. The results also show a significant violent criminal involvement, especially among boys and consumers of psychotropic substances. Moreover, the criminal capital appears to have a major impact on the use of alcohol and drugs as well as the manifestations of violence perpetrated by drop-outs. Finally, three types of school dropouts have been identified: the invisible, the detached and the rebels.

Aggression-related alcohol expectancies and exposure to community alcohol-related agression among students at the University of the Western Cape

Du Toit, Renier January 2010 (has links)
<p>The relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related violence has been firmly established in a wide array of studies concerning various forms of violence including intimate partner violence, domestic violence as well as sexual assault. One factor which has been highlighted as having a moderating effect on the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression is the specific aggression-related alcohol expectancies concerning the effects of alcohol consumption on aggressive behaviour. In light of the prevalence of alcohol-related violence in South African communities it becomes important to examine the specific factors that moderate the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression and violence. The aim of this study was to examine aggressionrelated alcohol expectancies as a moderating factor in the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related aggression and to examine the possible influence of exposure to community alcohol-related aggression in the formulation of aggression-related alcohol expectancies. The main objectives of this were to examine aggression-related alcohol expectancies as well as exposure to community alcohol-related aggression as domains for intervention to prevent alcohol-related violence.</p>

La consommation d'alcool chez les Canadiens âgés de 55 ans et plus : étude des différences sur 10 ans et de l'association avec la perception de la santé.

Moriconi, Pascale-Audrey 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise un apport conceptuel et empirique au sujet du rapport à l’alcool chez les hommes et les femmes âgés de 55 ans et plus provenant de la population générale du Canada. Les deux objectifs généraux sont de mieux comprendre l’influence du contexte social/environnemental sur la consommation d’alcool des adultes âgés et de mieux comprendre la relation entre la consommation d’alcool et la santé. La thèse est composée de deux articles empiriques associés à chacun des objectifs. Plus précisément, le premier article tente d’évaluer l’impact des changements associés à l’alcool depuis les années 1990 dans le contexte canadien sur la consommation d’alcool (effet période) en comparant des adultes âgés de 55 à 74 ans provenant de deux enquêtes populationnelles canadiennes : CADS de 1994 (Canada’s Alcohol and other Drugs Survey) et GENACIS de 2004 (GENder, Alcohol, and Culture: an International Study). Il vérifie également si le contexte a un effet significatif sur les différences observées en tenant compte de l’âge, de la perception subjective de la santé et de la composition sociodémographique des échantillons. Les résultats montrent que les taux de buveurs, de consommation excessive, de buveurs de bière et de vin sont plus élevés en 2004, dans un contexte social/environnemental plus favorable à l’alcool. De plus, les profils de consommation d’alcool ne diffèrent pas entre 1994 et 2004 (volume, fréquence, quantité, quantité maximale), signifiant probablement l’influence des changements physiques qui accompagnent le vieillissement normal sur la modulation de la consommation d’alcool avec l’âge. Le deuxième article vise à dégager une typologie de buveurs et de non-buveurs chez les adultes âgés canadiens, à évaluer comment cette typologie est associée à l’état de santé ainsi qu’à comparer le rôle de l’alcool à celui d’un ensemble d’autres déterminants de la santé dans l’association à la santé (ici santé autoperçue). Les résultats issus de l’enquête GENACIS de 2004 montrent que les buveurs se perçoivent en meilleure santé que les non-buveurs, peu importe le profil de consommation d’alcool rapporté. Il est probable que l’état de santé autoperçue dicte le statut de buveur ou de non-buveur et non pas l’inverse. Les résultats montrent aussi que les caractéristiques démographiques, psychosociales et les comportements liés à la santé des adultes âgés sont davantage associés à la perception de leur santé que leur consommation (ou non-consommation) d’alcool seule. Les résultats de ce second article indiquent notamment que les bienfaits de la consommation d’alcool se définissent probablement par la biologie, mais pas seulement par la biologie. Il est recommandé de poursuivre l’étude du rapport à l’alcool chez les adultes âgés qui peut varier d’une cohorte et d’une période à l’autre. D’un point de vue de santé publique, la conceptualisation d’un modèle de santé qui cible les adultes âgés implique une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de la consommation d’alcool et d’autres déterminants de la santé sur l’état de santé. Les contributions et implications pratiques de la thèse ainsi que les principales limites et pistes de futures recherches sont présentées dans la discussion. / The aim of the thesis is to contribute to a better conceptual and empirical understanding of alcohol consumption among men and women aged 55 years and older from the general Canadian population. The two general objectives pursued are to gain a better understanding of the potential influence of the social/environmental context on drinking habits among older adults and to achieve a clearer discernment of the relation between alcohol consumption and health. The thesis comprises two empirical articles relating to each respective objective. More specifically, the first article verified whether contextual changes associated to alcohol and unique to the decade spanning the 1990s may have had an impact on alcohol consumption (period effect) by comparing two subsamples of older adults from two Canadian surveys: the 1994 CADS (Canada’s Alcohol and other Drugs Survey) and 2004 GENACIS (GENder, Alcohol, and Culture: an International Study). The article also assessed if the context had a significant effect on the differences observed when age, subjective perception of health and the sociodemographic composition of the samples were taken into consideration. Results first show that, in a social/environmental context that is more favourable to drinking in general, the rates of current drinkers, binge drinking, beer and wine drinkers are significantly higher in 2004. In addition, drinking profiles were not significantly different between 1994 and 2004 (volume, frequency, quantity, maximum quantity), pointing at the potential impact of normal physiological changes due to aging on drinking profiles. The second article aimed to build a drinking typology (including drinkers and non-drinkers) among older Canadian adults, to assess how the drinking typology was related to health status and to compare the role of alcohol with other determinants of health (demographic, psychosocial and health-related factors) in explaining health status. To do so, the subjective perception of health (subjective health) was used as a proxy for actual health status. Results from the 2004 GENACIS survey indicated that drinkers perceived themselves as being in better physical health than nondrinkers, regardless of the drinking pattern. Health status may explain drinking status and not the opposite. Results also showed that the demographic, psychosocial and health-related characteristics of older adults contributed significantly more to the variation in subjective health than the drinking status alone. Health benefits of drinking are explained by biological factors, but not exclusively by biological factors. In conclusion, alcohol research needs to emphasize the study of drinking among older adults, which can vary depending on the cohort and period under study. From a public health perspective, health-predicting models focusing on older adults need to be built on a better understanding of the impact of alcohol and other determinants of health on health status. Main contributions, practical implications, limitations of the thesis and recommendations for future research are presented in the discussion.

La consommation d'alcool chez les Canadiens âgés de 55 ans et plus : étude des différences sur 10 ans et de l'association avec la perception de la santé

Moriconi, Pascale-Audrey 01 1900 (has links)
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