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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití čchi kungu pro trénink vnímání tělesného schématu. / The usage of qi gong for training of perceiving body schema

Pospíšilová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Title: The usage of qi-gong for training of perceiving body schema Summary: The goal of the work is to prove the presence of alpha activity in the electroencencefalographic record throughout the duration of the exercise qi-gong with open eyes and closed eyes, and to evaluate changes in the distribution of the scalp alpha activity with native EEG before and after the exercise. The observed research file was created from five probands between the ages of twenty-seven to fifty-two, which all practiced qi-gong for a duration of at least twelve months. The results showed the presence of alpha activity during exercising qi-gong with closed eyes in four probands, and in three probands there was also a present alpha activity during the exercise of qi-gong with open eyes. Furthermore was proven that the change in distribution of alpha activity during exercise of qi-gong with open eyes was from parietooccipital regions going temporo-frontally in comparison with the exercise of qi- gong with closed eyes and native EEG before and after exercise. The acquired results support in literature the described change of generators of alpha activity localized in the deeper structures of the brain. This process is connected with the decreased activity of the cerebral cortex with an increase in the particular limbic structures....

Elektroencefalografické koreláty prolongovaného pohybového výkonu u profesionálních hudebníků / Electroencephalographic correlates of prolonged locomotor performance of professional musicians

Brabencová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Title: Electroencephalographic correlates of prolonged locomotor performance of professional musicians Summary: The aim of this work is to verify the presence of alpha activity in the electroencephalographic recording during prolonged (20 minute) violin play and compare its morphological and topical parameters with the native EEG record before and after the performance. Research sample consisted of five professional violinist in the age range of 25- 60 years. The results showed the occurrence of alpha activity for four of five probands, in one case with a very low incidence. There has been also demonstrated changes in the distribution of alpha activity from parietooccipital areas before the preformance to central areas during the play and immediately after finishing. All probands showed increased amplitude of the alpha activity immediately after finishing. The obtained results confirm the changes of morphology and the changes of topic alpha activity during cognitive activities and at the onset of central fatigue during physical aktivity described in literature. These changes were demonstrated by increasing the amplitude of alpha activity and the shift from parietooccipital areas to central areas. Keywords: EEG, alpha aktivity, violin performance, brain mapping

Vyšetření deficitu v alfa-1-antitrypsinovém genu pomocí real-time PCR / Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency analysis using real-time PCR

Blažková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Bc. Petra Blažková Supervisor: Doc. PharmDr. Martin Beránek Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency analysis using real-time PCR This diploma thesis focuses on the validation of the method PCR in real-time (real-time PCR) to investigate the Z and S mutations in the gene SERPINA1, located at the long arm of chromosome 14 (14q32.13) and provides instructions for making a protein named alpha-1- antitrypsin (A1AT). A1AT is a serine protease inhibitor that protects tissues from degradation by neutrophil elastase. Deficiency, which is most commonly caused by these mutations, can cause children and adult's liver and lung disease. A method of real-time PCR was applied after successful validation to a set of 46 clinical samples of DNA extracted from blood samples and 30 samples of the DNA from cells of the buccal mucosa. DNA isolation was performed by kit extraction QIAamp ® DNA Mini Kit by QIAGEN. I used a set of primers and hybridization probes according to Snyder (2006) for genotyping. Melting curve analysis was carried out in the thermocycler LightCycler 1.2. Results of DNA samples obtained from blood were compared with the results obtained through an accredited method...

Determinación de la actividad de la enzima catalasa en corteza cerebral, hipocampo y amigdala bilaterales de gatos con epilepsia experimental por ampa

Escobar Galiano, Andrea Lorena January 2009 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario / La epilepsia en animales y humanos se relaciona con la lesión oxidativa producida por el fenómeno de excitotoxicidad. Esta situación puede generar alteraciones en los mecanismos antioxidantes. En este trabajo se determinó la participación de una de las enzimas antioxidantes, específicamente la Catalasa que neutraliza el peroxido de hidrogeno (H2O2) catalizando la reacción hacia la formación de agua y oxígeno. En esta tesis se evaluó la actividad de esta enzima en Hipocampo, Amígdala y Corteza cerebral de gatos; las cuales son estructuras altamente interconectadas y de bajo umbral epileptogénico. Para tal efecto se utilizó como modelo animal de epilepsia experimental la microinyección en el hipocampo un agente epileptogénico como el AMPA (ácido α-amino-3-hidroxi-5-metil-4 isoxazolepropionico). Se utilizaron 3 grupos de animales, en dos grupos de animales experimentales y en un grupo control se implantó estereotáxicamente electrodos en Corteza cerebral, Amígdala e Hipocampo. Además se implanto una cánula en Hipocampo derecho la cual sirvió de guía para la posterior microinyección del agente proepiléptico. Los grupos experimentales fueron inyectados con AMPA y el control con solución salina. El grupo control y uno de de los grupos experimentales fueron sacrificados a las 24 horas; el segundo grupo experimental fue sacrificado a los 5 días pos inyección. En los tres grupos de animales se realizaron registros encefalográficos y conductuales antes y después de la microinyección. Al momento del sacrificio se extrajeron muestras bilaterales de las estructuras implantadas para la posterior determinación espectrofotométrica de la actividad de la enzima Catalasa. El estudio mostró que la administración de AMPA en la dosis umbral para desencadenar post descargas epilépticas fue capaz de generar focos epilépticos, los cuales tendieron a extinguirse a medida que transcurre el tiempo. En los animales controles los niveles de actividad enzimática de la Catalasa fueron diferentes para las diferentes para estructuras estudiadas. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la actividad enzimática de Amígdala y Corteza y entre Amígdala e Hipocampo. Al comparar la actividad de la enzima del grupo control con respecto a los grupos experimentales se observó una tendencia al aumento en el tiempo de la actividad enzimática; sin embargo, estas diferencias no alcanzaron significación estadística. Así, este modelo epiléptico fue lo suficientemente atenuado en intensidad y duración como para poder detectar cambios estadísticamente significativos en los niveles de actividad de la Catalasa.

Participación de moléculas pro- inflamatorias asociadas a obesidad en la función de células endometriales y endometrio de mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico : relación entre factor de necrosis tumoral alfa, adiponectina e insulina

Oróstica Arévalo, María Lorena January 2016 (has links)
Tesis presentada a la Universidad de Chile para optar al grado de Doctora en Bioquímica / Antecedentes: El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP), patología endocrinometabólica, afecta alrededor del 15% de mujeres en edad fértil, afectando principalmente la función del ovario, aunque también altera la función de otros tejidos de importancia reproductiva, como el endometrio. El 70% de las mujeres con SOP son obesas y entre el 60 – 80 % de ellas presentan resistencia a la insulina. La obesidad genera un ambiente pro-inflamatorio leve pero crónico, caracterizado por una alta producción de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias. Además, adiponectina y TNF-α, marcadores de obesidad, tienen un papel importante en la sensibilidad y la acción de insulina en los tejidos. Los niveles de adiponectina (sensibilizador de insulina) disminuyen, mientras que los de TNF-α (regulador negativo de la vía de la insulina) aumentan en mujeres obesas. Estos cambios podrían afectar el estado energético del endometrio, tejido que exhibe una anormal señalización de insulina bajo la condición SOP (ambiente hiperandrogénico / hiperinsulínico). Objetivo: Evaluar si el ambiente proinflamatorio representado por TNF-α, afecta la señalización de insulina a través de una disminución de la señalización de adiponectina o por la inactivación de IRS1, en endometrios de mujeres obesas con SOP. Metodología: En muestras de suero provenientes de cuatro grupos de estudio: Delgadas (peso normal), Delgadas-SOP, Obesas y Obesas-SOP (este último grupo es el único con hiperinsulinemia / hiperandrogenemia) (n=7 para cada grupo), se determinaron mediante ELISA los niveles de adiponectina, TNF-α e IL-6. En endometrios provenientes de los cuatro grupos de estudio, se determinó los niveles de proteína / mRNA de moléculas asociadas a las vías de señalización de TNF-α (TNF-α, TNFR1, TNFR2, NFκB (p65), IKK, IκB) y adiponectina (adiponectina, AdipoR1, AdipoR2, APPL1, AMPK) por IHQ / WB y qPCR; además, se evaluó el ambiente pro-inflamatorio a través de la proteína CD68 y los niveles de IL-6 e IL-6R, mediante IHQ. Los estudios in vitro se realizaron en cultivos de células estromales endometriales humanas (líneas T-HESC / St-T1b) bajo condiciones hiperandrogénicas / hiperinsulínicas, y se determinó el efecto de TNF-α sobre moléculas asociadas a su vía de señalización y a la vía de adiponectina. Se analizó además, la participación de NFκB, usando un inhibidor de NFκB (PDCT), en el efecto de TNF-α sobre la expresión de adiponectina en células St-T1b, por ICQ / WB; finalmente, se evaluó el efecto de TNF-α sobre los niveles de IRS1 fosforilado en tirosina (activante) o serina (inactivante) y sobre la activación de quinasas (S6K, JNK, AKT), posiblemente involucradas en la inactivación de IRS1 en una condición de resistencia a la insulina. Resultados: Se observó una menor concentración de adiponectina en sueros de Obesas-SOP (p<0,05), no se observaron cambios en las concentraciones de TNF-α sérica, mientras que IL-6 aumenta en sueros de Delgadas-SOP y ambos grupos de Obesas versus Delgadas (p<0,05). A nivel tisular, los niveles de adiponectina disminuyen (p<0,05) y los de TNF-α aumentan (p<0,001) en endometrios de Obesas-SOP. El contenido proteico de los receptores de TNF-α son mayores en grupos Delgadas-SOP y ambos grupos de Obesas (p<0,05); sin embargo, el nivel de TNFR2 y de NFκB nuclear presenta un importante aumento en endometrios de Obesas-SOP (p<0,001). En relación a IL-6 endometrial, ésta es menor en Delgadas versus los otros grupos (p<0,05), mientras que su receptor no cambia. Además, un mayor ambiente pro-inflamatorio se observó en endometrios de Obesas-SOP versus los otros grupos (p<0,01). Los ensayos in vitro, los cuales confirman en gran medida lo observado en el modelo ex vivo, muestran que la condición hiperandrogénica / hiperinsulínica disminuye los niveles de adiponectina y moléculas asociadas a su vía (APPL1 / AMPK), al igual que el efecto observado con TNF-α a través de la activación de NFκB (p<0,05). Además, TNF-α induce la expresión de su propia vía de señalización, aumentando los niveles de TNFR1 y -2, moléculas que activan NFκB y el contenido nuclear de NFκB. Por último, TNF-α aumenta la fosforilación en serina de IRS1 y la activación de S6K, JNK y AKT. Conclusión: En consecuencia, la obesidad podría afectar la señalización de insulina en el endometrio, a través del aumento del ambiente pro-inflamatorio y la producción de TNF-α local, lo que generaría una disminución de la señalización de adiponectina a través de NFκB y/o una inactivación de IRS1 a través de S6K/JNK bajo condiciones hiperandrogénicas / hiperinsulínicas, lo que comprometería el metabolismo energético necesario para el normal funcionamiento del tejido endometrial, lo que explicaría, en parte, las fallas reproductivas observadas en endometrios de mujeres obesas e hiperinsulínicas con SOP / Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine-metabolic disorder, affects about 15% of women of childbearing age, mainly affecting ovarian function, but also alters the function of other tissues of reproductive importance, such as the endometrium. Seventy percent of women with PCOS are obese and between 60 - 80% of them have insulin resistance. Obesity generates a mild but chronic pro-inflammatory environment, characterized by high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, TNF-α and adiponectin, obesity markers, have an important role in insulin sensitivity and action in tissues. In fact, adiponectin level (insulin sensitizer) decreases, whereas those of TNF-α (negative regulator of insulin pathway) increases in obese women. These changes could affect the energy state of the endometrium, tissue exhibiting abnormal insulin signaling under the SOP condition (hyperandrogenic / hyperinsulinemic environment). Objective: To evaluate whether the proinflammatory environment represented by TNF-α, affects insulin signaling through a decrease in adiponectin signaling or inactivation of IRS1, in endometrium of obese women with PCOS. Methodology: In serum samples from the four study groups: Lean (normal-weight), Lean-PCOS, Obese and Obese-PCOS (the latter group is the only one with hyperinsulinemia / hyperandrogenaemia) (n = 7 for each group) were determined: adiponectin, TNF-α and IL-6 levels by ELISA. In endometrium from the four study groups, was determined the levels of protein / mRNA of molecules associated with the signaling pathways of TNF-α (TNF-α, TNFR1, TNFR2, NFκB (p65), IKK, IκB) and adiponectin molecules (adiponectin, AdipoR1, AdipoR2, APPL1, AMPK) by IHC / WB and qPCR; additionally, the proinflammatory environment through CD68 protein and IL-6 / IL-6R levels, was evaluated by IHC. In vitro studies were conducted in human endometrial stromal cells (lines T-HESC / St-T1b) under hyperandrogenic / hyperinsulinic conditions, and the effect of TNF-α on molecule levels associated with its signaling pathway and adiponectin pathway, was determined by WB. NFκB participation was further analyzed using a NFκB inhibitor (PDCT) of TNF-α action on adiponectin expression in St-T1b cells by ICC; finally, it was evaluated the effect of TNF-α on in tyrosine phosphorylated levels of IRS1 (activating) or serine (inactivating) and kinases activation (S6K, JNK, AKT), possibly involved in the inactivation of IRS1 in an insulin resistance condition. Results: A lower concentration of adiponectin in serum from Obese- PCOS (p <0.05) was observed, no changes were found in serum concentrations of TNF-α, whereas IL-6 increases in serum from Lean-PCOS and both Obese groups versus the Lean group (p <0.05). At tissue level, adiponectin content decreases (p <0.05) and TNF-α increases (p <0.001) in Obese-PCOS endometrium. The protein content of TNF-α receptors are higher in Lean-PCOS groups and both Obese groups (p <0.05); however, nuclear NFκB and TNFR2 levels present an important increase in endometrium from Obese-PCOS (p <0.001). Regarding endometrial IL-6, a lower level in Lean versus the other groups was observed (p <0.05), while receptor content does not change. In addition, a higher pro-inflammatory environment was observed in Obese-PCOS endometrium versus the other studied groups (p <0.01). In vitro assays, which largely confirm what was observed in the ex vivo model, show a decrease of adiponectin levels and molecules associated with their pathway (APPL1 / AMPK) under hyperandrogenic / hyperinsulinic conditions, as well as, the effect observed with TNF-α through NFκB activation (p <0.05). In addition, TNF-α induces the expression of their own signaling pathway, increasing levels of TNFR1 and -2, molecules that activate NFκB and nuclear NFκB content. Finally, TNF-α increases phosphorylated IRS1 levels in serine and activation of S6K, JNK and AKT. Conclusion: Consequently, obesity may affect insulin signaling in the endometrium, by increasing the proinflammatory environment and local production of TNF-α, generating a decrease in adiponectin signaling through NFκB and / or inactivation of IRS1 through S6K / JNK under hyperandrogenic / hyperinsulinic conditions, which compromise the energy metabolism necessary for normal functioning of endometrial tissue. These abnormalities may explain in part, reproductive failures observed in endometria from obese and hyperinsulinic women with PCOS / Conicyt; Fondecyt

Momentumstrategier : En fallstudie på den schweiziska aktiemarknaden

Kostov Bredberg, Carl January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida momentumstrategier kan generera en abnormal avkastning på den schweiziska aktiemarknaden under perioden 2010-2019. Momentumstrategierna som testas bygger på att investera i tidigare vinnar- och förloraraktier och behålla dem i tre respektive tolv månader. Tidigare studier visar att köp som hålls över längre tidsperioder ökar avkastningen. Urvalet är taget från Swiss All Share Index som inkluderar alla noterade bolag på den schweiziska aktiemarknaden. Effektiva marknadshypotesen (EMH) utgör den teoretiska grunden i uppsatsen och strategiernas avkastning riskjusteras med Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) och Jensens alfa. Resultatet visar ett positivt alfa för samtliga strategier och innehavsperioder, men det är endast momentumportföljen för ena strategin som kan uppvisa en statistiskt säkerställd signifikans på femprocentsnivån. Trots att resultatet indikerar att momentumstrategier genererar en positiv abnormal avkastning, går det inte att dra en generell slutsats för hela studien. Därmed kan nollhypotesen inte förkastas och EMH anses vara effektiv i dess svaga form på den schweiziska marknaden.

Sensibilidade à insulina e metabolismo oxidativo em cordeiros provenientes de ovelhas suplementadas com vitamina E no período pré-parto / Insulin sensitivity and oxidative metabolism in lambs born from ewes supplemented with vitamin E in the peripartum period

Carvalho, Débora Dias de 06 March 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da administração parenteral de vitamina E no desempenho produtivo e na sensibilidade à insulina de cordeiros nascidos de ovelhas suplementadas ou não com vitamina E no 108º dia de gestação. Foram utilizados 28 cordeiros em delineamento de blocos casualizados, considerando o sexo dos cordeiros e tipo de gestação, se única ou gemelar; com planejamento fatorial 2X2, em que foram considerados cordeiros de ovelhas que receberam ou não vitamina E e cordeiros que receberam ou não vitamina E na dosagem de 60 UI/kg PV até 24 horas após o nascimento, distribuindo em quatro grupos: EE: Cordeiros e ovelhas que receberam vitamina E; EC: Cordeiros que receberam veículo oleoso (controle) nascidos de ovelhas que receberam vitamina E; CC: Cordeiros e ovelhas que receberam veículo oleoso; CE: Cordeiros que receberam vitamina E nascidos de ovelhas que receberam veículo oleoso. Para detecção da sensibilidade à insulina, aos 28 dias de vida (T1) os cordeiros foram submetidos ao teste de tolerância à glicose (TTG). Foram determinados aos dois (T0) e aos 28 (T1) dias de vida as atividades de CK, AST, GGT, SOD, GSH-Px; o status antioxidante total (TAS); a habilidade de redução do ferro plasmático (HRFP), as substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARs); as concentrações de ácido úrico, glicose, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), betahidroxibutirato (BHB), triglicerídeos, colesterol, cálcio total, cálcio ionizável, proteína total, albumina, ureia, creatinina e a concentração plasmática de vitamina E (alfa-tocoferol). Foram calculados os valores de RQUICKI e de RQUICKI BHB em T0 e em T1. Semanalmente foram acompanhados o peso e o escore de condição corporal dos cordeiros (ECC). Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o pacote estatístico STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM (SAS) e para todos os testes foi adotado o nível de significância de 5%. A administração parenteral de 60 UI/kg de vitamina E em ovelhas no 108o dia de gestação e/ou nas primeiras 24 horas de vida de cordeiros não influenciou as concentrações de cálcio total, proteína total, ureia, albumina, TAS, cortisol, insulina; as concentrações plasmáticas de glicose, colesterol, triglicérides, AGNE, HRFP; as atividades de AST, GGT, GSH-Px e SOD; e os valores de RQUICKI, peso e ECC. Foi observada diminuição da sensibilidade à insulina e concentração de alfa tocoferol no T0 para cordeiros nascidos de ovelhas suplementadas com vitamina E. A suplementação dos cordeiros melhorou o status antioxidante no T0 e a produção de BHB no T1. A suplementação com alfa tocoferol não influenciou no peso vivo e no ECC até a quarta semana de vida do cordeiro. / The objective of this work was to study the effects of parenteral administration of vitamin E on the productive performance and insulin sensitivity of lambs born from ewes supplemented or not with vitamin E on the 108th day of gestation. Twenty-eight lambs received intramuscularly 60 UI/kg BW of vitamin E or oily vehicle until 24 hours after birth and were distributed according to their sex and type of pregnancy (single or twin) into four groups using a 2x2 factorial design: EE: lambs and ewes treated with vitamin E; EC: Lambs that received oily vehicle (control) born from ewe treated with vitamin E; CC: Lambs and ewe that received oily vehicle; EC: Lambs that received vitamin E born from ewe treated with the oily vehicle. At 28 days old, all lambs were submitted to the glucose tolerance test (GTT). At 28 days old, all lambs were submitted to the glucose tolerance test (GTT) to detect insulin sensitivity. The activities of CK, AST, GGT, SOD, GSH-Px; total antioxidant status (TAS); the ability to reduce plasma iron (HRFP), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs); the concentrations of uric acid, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), betahydroxybutyrate (BHB), triglycerides, cholesterol, total calcium, ionizable calcium, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine and plasma concentration of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) were determined at 2 (T0) and at 28 (T1) days of life. The RQUICKI and RQUICKI BHB values were calculated in T0 and T1. The body condition score (BCS) and the live weight were measured every week. The data were analyzed using the statistical package STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM (SAS) and for all the tests was adopted the level of significance of 5%. Parenteral administration of 60 IU / kg vitamin E in sheep on the 108th day of gestation and / or during the first 24 hours of lamb life did not influence the concentrations of total calcium, total protein, urea, albumin, TAS, cortisol, insulin; plasma concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, NEFA, FRAP; the activities of AST, GGT, GSH-Px and SOD; and the RQUICKI, weight and BSC values. There was only effect related to the age of the lambs for these variables. Decreased insulin sensitivity and increased alpha tocopherol concentration was observed in T0 for lambs born from ewe supplemented with vitamin E. The supplementation of the lambs improved the antioxidant status in T0 and the BHB production in T1. Alfa Tocopherol supplementation did not influence the live weight and BSC until the fourth week of life of the lambs.

Determinação de isótopos de Urânio e Tório e Polônio em perfis de sedimento da Baixada Santista, SP / Determination of uranium and thorium isotopes and polonium in sediment profiles from Baixada Santista, SP

Ramos, Guilherme da Franca 24 November 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é determinar a concentração de atividade de isótopos de ocorrência natural de urânio e tório e o polônio em perfis de sedimento marinho da Baixada Santista. A Baixada Santista é uma região populosa e abrange os municípios de Bertioga, Guarujá, Santos, São Vicente, Cubatão, Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém e Peruíbe. Esta é uma das mais importantes regiões industriais do Brasil, dado ao grande número de indústrias, como as de fertilizantes, petroquímicas e do aço. A grande atividade industrial, juntamente com a grande população da região, exerce forte pressão sobre a biota marinha. O presente trabalho analisou 10 perfis de sedimentos marinhos extraídos da região. Foram coletados perfis com tamanhos variando de 41 a 98 cm, na região de Santos, Cubatão, São Vicente e Bertioga. Os perfis foram fatiados a cada 2 cm e passaram por um pré-tratamento físico e químico. Para a dissolução total e digestão foram utilizados ataques com ácidos fortes. As técnicas radioquímicas utilizadas para a separação dos radionuclídeos e preparação das fontes radioativas, para a contagem alfa, foram separação por cromatografia de troca iônica e eletrodeposição para urânio e tório e deposição espontânea para o polônio. Os resultados obtidos para as concentrações de atividade dos radionuclídeos são semelhantes aos de sedimentos marinhos em regiões não contaminadas, exceto em alguns pontos amostrados, nos quais foi possível identificar influência antrópica. / The objective of the present work is to determine the activity concentration of uranium and thorium isotopes and polonium in estuarine sediments from BaixadaSantista. The area comprehends nine cities in the Brazilian coast (Bertioga, Guarujá, Santos, São Vicente, Cubatão, Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe). It is one of the most important industrial areas in Brazil due to the large number of industries operating in Cubatão, such as steel, petrochemical and fertilizer industries. That, together with a large population, causes a negative impact on the marine biota. In the present work 10 profiles of sediment cores, with depth varying from 41 to 98 cm, were analyzed. The cores were obtained from Santos, Cubatão, São Vicente and Bertioga. The cores were sliced every 2 cm and were treated with both physical and chemical processes, including drying, grinding and sieving. The samples were dissolved by acid digestion, till total dissolution and destruction of organic matter. After the acid digestion, the samples were filtered and evaporated till dryness. The radiochemical techniques used to separate the radionuclides and to prepare the final source for alpha counting were ion exchange chromatography and spontaneous deposition for polonium and electrodeposition for U and Th. The final sources were counted in a surface barrier alpha spectrometer. Values obtained for the radionuclides analyzed were similar to the activity concentrations of sediments in non polluted areas, with the exception of a few samples that showed anthropic influence.

O efeito de estados de estrutura alfa no espalhamento 16O+12C e na reação de captura astrofísica 12C()16O / Effect of alfa states in the 16O+12C scattering and in the 12C+alfa, 8)16O capture reaction of astrophysical interest

Morais, Maria Carmen 31 August 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investigou-se o espalhamento elástico 16O+12C, considerando o efeito da troca de uma partícula alfa entre o projétil e o alvo que conduz aos mesmos núcleos do canal de entrada (transferência elástica). Foram analisadas distribuições angulares em uma faixa de energias que, no referencial de centro de massa, vai de 8,55 MeV até 56,57 MeV. A barreira coulombiana desse sistema está em torno de 11MeV. Foram realizadas medidas de distribuição angular das reações de transferência elástica e inelástica no sistema 16O+12C, em Elab = 46, 26 MeV. A análise dessas medidas forneceu os fatores espectroscópicos, 12C+_alfa _ 16O, do estado fundamental e dos estados excitados J_ = 2+ e J_ = 1, ambos logo abaixo do limiar de emissão alfa, em 7,16 MeV. A partir do valor da amplitude espectroscópica do estado J_ = 2+, determinou-se um valor confiável para o Coeficiente de Normalização Assintótica, 1,05± 0,13(105 fm1/2), este valor foi usado para calcular a largura reduzida desse estado e realizando um cálculo de matriz R determinou-se o fator S astrofísico em energias em torno do pico de Gamow, S(E2)=37keVb. / The 16O+12C elastic scattering was investigated considering the effect of exchange of an alpha particle between projectile and target leading to the same nuclei of the entrance channel (elastic transfer). Angular distributions were analyzed in an energy range from 8.55 MeV to 56.57 MeV in the center of mass frame. The Coulomb barrier is around 11MeV for this system. Measurements of angular distributions of elastic and inelastic transfer reactions to states of the 16O in the 16O+12C system were performed at Elab = 46, 26MeV. Those measurements provided the spectroscopic factors of 12C+_ 16O for the ground state and for J_ = 2+ and J_ = 1 16O excited states, both just below the _-threshold at 7.16 MeV. The Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient (ANC) for the J_ = 2+ state was obtained (1.05 ±0,13(105 fm1/2)) and used to calculate the reduced width of this state, with this value a R-matrix calculation was performed to determine the astrophysical S-factor in energies around the Gamow peak, S(E2)=37keVb.

"Estudo da cinética viral do vírus da hepatite C em pacientes co-infecatados com o HIV" / HCV Viral knetics among HIV co-infected patients

Araújo, Evaldo Stanislau Affonso de 15 February 2006 (has links)
Vinte e seis pacientes portadores de Hepatite C crônica e co-infectados pelo HIV, sem outras causas para hepatopatia e virgens para a terapia do VHC, foram tratados com Interferon Peguilado Alfa 2a de 40 KDa associado a Ribavirina por 48 semanas. Coletamos 20 amostras - horas 0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, dias 3, 4,7, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57 e semana 12 - para quantificação do HCV (TaqMan®) e do HIV após o início da terapia. Os dados basais evidenciavam que o Genótipo 1 correspondia a 15 pacientes, enquanto o Genótipo 3 a 11. A mediana do VHC foi de 1.285.000 UI/ml, CD4 médio 573/mm3 e a média da carga viral do HIV 1109 cp/ml. Em uma análise por intenção de tratamento, o percentual obtido de resposta virológica sustentada (RVS) foi 26,9%. A única correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as variáveis analisadas e parâmetros cinéticos calculados, e a obtenção de RVS ocorreu entre RVS e Genótipo 3 (p < 0,04). Houve ajuste para os parâmetros cinéticos calculados para 18 pacientes. Pacientes com RVS apresentaram maiores taxas de eficiência do Interferon, eliminação de células infectadas e eliminação de vírions livres, assim como as Fases 1 e 2 foram mais rápidas entre eles. A ausência de redução do VHC de um log10 em 24 ou 48 horas, obteve um VPN de 100% para RVS. Ausência de queda de dois log10 nos dias oito e 29 obteve VPN de 92,31% e 100%, havendo associação entre a presença dessa resposta virológica precoce (RVP) e a obtenção de RVS (p=0,003 e p=0,01). A cinética viral mostra-se uma ferramenta útil no manejo clínico e predição muito precoce da ausência de RVS, o que é muito importante, particularmente para os co-infectados com o HIV, ante o complexo manuseio clínico dessa situação. / Twenty six co-infected patients were treated with PegIFN A2A and Ribavirin for 48 weeks. Twenty samples were drew at hours 0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, days 3, 4, 7, 8, 22, 29, 43, 57 and week 12 to HIV and HCV (TaqMan®) quantification after began medication. Basal data showed Genotype 1 in 15 patients, 3 in 11. Median HCV were 1.285.000 UI/ml, mean CD4 573/mm3 and mean HIV 1109 cp/ml. SVR was associated only with Genotype 3 (p<0,04). Overal SVR (ITT) were 26,9%. We obtained fitted viral kinetics parameters for 18 patients. Patients with SVR showed higher Interferon efficacy, infected cells clearance, free virion clearance and faster phase 1 and 2. Reduction on HCV load of less than one log10 at 24 or 48 hs had a NPV of 100% for SVR. Less than two log decay at days 8 and 29 had 92,31 and 100% of NPV and the presence of those reduction were associated with SVR p=0,003 and p=0,01). Viral kinetics are an important tool regarding clinic management and very early prediction of absence of SVR, wich is very important for the HIV co-infected patients for whom the clicical management is very complex.

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