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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Static analysis of numerical properties in the presence of pointers / Analyse statique de propriétés numériques en présence de pointeurs

Fu, Zhoulai 22 July 2013 (has links)
Si la production de logiciel fiable est depuis longtemps la préoccupation d'ingénieurs, elle devient à ce jour une branche de sujets de recherche riche en applications, dont l'analyse statique. Ce travail a porté sur l'analyse statique de programmes et, plus précisément, sur l'analyse des propriétés numériques. Ces analyses sont traditionnellement basées sur le concept de domaine abstrait. Le problème est que, ce n'est pas évident d'étendre ces domaines dans le contexte de programmes avec pointeurs. Nous avons proposé une approche qui sait systématiquement combiner ces domaines avec l'information de l'analyse de points-to (une sorte d'analyse de pointeurs). L'approche est formalisée en théorie de l'interprétation abstraite, prouvée correct et prototypée avec une modular implémentation qui sait inférer des propriétés numériques des programmes de millions de lignes de codes. La deuxième partie de la thèse vise à améliorer la précision de l'analyse points-to. Nous avons découvert que l'analyse de must-alias (qui analyse si deux variables sont nécessairement égaux) peut servir à raffiner l'analyse points-to. Nous avons formalisé cette combinaison en s'appuyant sur la notion de bisimulation, bien connue en vérification de modèle ou théorie de jeu... Un algorithme de complexité quadruple est proposé et prouvé correct. / The fast and furious pace of change in computing technology has become an article of faith for many. The reliability of computer-based systems cru- cially depends on the correctness of its computing. Can man, who created the computer, be capable of preventing machine-made misfortune? The theory of static analysis strives to achieve this ambition. The analysis of numerical properties of programs has been an essential research topic for static analysis. These kinds of properties are commonly modeled and handled by the concept of numerical abstract domains. Unfor- tunately, lifting these domains to heap-manipulating programs is not obvious. On the other hand, points-to analyses have been intensively studied to an- alyze pointer behaviors and some scale to very large programs but without inferring any numerical properties. We propose a framework based on the theory of abstract interpretation that is able to combine existing numerical domains and points-to analyses in a modular way. The static numerical anal- ysis is prototyped using the SOOT framework for pointer analyses and the PPL library for numerical domains. The implementation is able to analyze large Java program within several minutes. The second part of this thesis consists of a theoretical study of the com- bination of the points-to analysis with another pointer analysis providing information called must-alias. Two pointer variables must alias at some pro- gram control point if they hold equal reference whenever the control point is reached. We have developed an algorithm of quadruple complexity that sharpens points-to analysis using must-alias information. The algorithm is proved correct following a semantics-based formalization and the concept of bisimulation borrowed from the game theory, model checking etc.

Anonymitet och YouTube : Konsekvenser för YouTube-användares kommentarer i och med minskad anonymitet / Anonymity and YouTube : How reducing anonymity for YouTube-users affects their way of writing comments

Karlsson, Katarina, Andersén, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur minskad anonymitet kan förändra sättet människor skriver kommentarer på YouTube-videor. YouTube begärde nyligen att användarna skulle ange sina fullständiga namn. Användare är ännu inte skyldiga att ändra sitt användarnamn, men om de inte gör det ombes de att svara på varför de väljer att ha kvar sitt alias. För att undersöka detta lät vi först användare svara på en enkät för att se vad de tycker om att vara anonym kontra att ge ut sitt riktiga namn, och om att ge sitt riktiga namn gör dem mer uppmärksamma kring deras sätt att kommentera på YouTube. Sedan, för att se vad som verkligen händer i kommentarsfälten, gick vi igenom ett antal kommentarer för att hitta mönster i hur ett alias kontra ett riktigt namn relaterar till processen att skriva negativa kontra positiva kommentarer. Kommentarerna analyserades med hjälp av en modell som mäter olika grader av negativitet och positivitet i en kommentar. Våra studier visar att ändringen från ett alias till riktigt namn, påverkar hur kommentarer skrivs och att ett högre antal negativa kommentarer kommer från användare som använder ett alias. Resultatet är en indikation på hur minskning av anonymitet kan leda till mindre negativitet i YouTubes kommentarsfält. / This study examines how reducing anonymity options can change the way people write comments on YouTube-videos. YouTube recently requested users to enter their real names as a username. Users are not yet obligated to do so, but if they do not, they are asked to answer why they chose remain their alias. To investigate this we first let users answer a survey to see what they felt about being anonymous versus giving their real name, and if providing their real name made them more cautious about their way of interacting on YouTube. Then, to see what really is going on in the comment sections, we went through a group of comments to spot patterns in how an alias or a real name is related to the process of writing negative versus positive comments. Comments were analyzed with help from a model that measures the stages of negativity and positivity in a comment. Our studies indicate that the change from alias to real name, make an impact in how comments are made and that much higher rate of negative comments come from users using an alias. The result is an indication that less anonymity may lead to less negativity in YouTube’s comment sections.

A Compiler Target Model for Line Associative Registers

Eberhart, Paul S. 01 January 2019 (has links)
LARs (Line Associative Registers) are very wide tagged registers, used for both register-wide SWAR (SIMD Within a Register )operations and scalar operations on arbitrary fields. LARs include a large data field, type tags, source addresses, and a dirty bit, which allow them to not only replace both caches and registers in the conventional memory hierarchy, but improve on both their functions. This thesis details a LAR-based architecture, and describes the design of a compiler which can generate code for a LAR-based design. In particular, type conversion, alignment, and register allocation are discussed in detail.

Binary Redundancy Elimination

Fernández Gómez, Manuel 13 April 2005 (has links)
Dos de las limitaciones de rendimiento más importantes en los procesadores de hoy en día provienen de las operaciones de memoria y de las dependencias de control. Para resolver estos problemas, las memorias cache y los predictores de salto son dos alternativas hardware bien conocidas que explotan, entre otros factores, el reuso temporal de memoria y la correlación de saltos. En otras palabras, estas estructuras tratan de explotar la redundancia dinámica existente en los programas. Esta redundancia proviene parcialmente de la forma en que los programadores escriben código, pero también de limitaciones existentes en el modelo de compilación tradicional, lo cual introduce instrucciones de memoria y de salto innecesarias. Pensamos que los compiladores deberían ser muy agresivos optimizando programas, y por tanto ser capaces de eliminar una parte importante de esta redundancia. Por otro lado, las optimizaciones aplicadas en tiempo de enlace o directamente al programa ejecutable final han recibido una atención creciente en los últimos años, debido a limitaciones existentes en el modelo de compilación tradicional. Incluso aplicando sofisticados análisis y transformaciones interprocedurales, un compilador tradicional no es capaz de optimizar un programa como una entidad completa. Un problema similar aparece aplicando técnicas de compilación dirigidas por profiling: grandes proyectos se ven forzados a recompilar todos y cada uno de sus módulos para aprovechar dicha información. Por el contrario, seria más conveniente construir la aplicación completa, instrumentarla para obtener información de profiling y optimizar entonces el binario final sin recompilar ni un solo fichero fuente.En esta tesis presentamos nuevas técnicas de compilación dirigidas por profiling para eliminar la redundancia encontrada en programas ejecutables a nivel binario (esto es, redundancia binaria), incluso aunque estos programas hayan sido compilados agresivamente con un novísimo compilador comercial. Nuestras técnicas de eliminación de redundancia están diseñadas para eliminar operaciones de memoria y de salto redundantes, que son las más importantes para mitigar los problemas de rendimiento que hemos mencionado. Estas propuestas están basadas en técnicas de eliminación de redundancia parcial sensibles al camino de ejecución. Los resultados muestran que aplicando nuestras optimizaciones, somos capaces de alcanzar una reducción del 14% en el tiempo de ejecución de nuestro conjunto de programas.En este trabajo también revisamos el problemas del análisis de alias en programas ejecutables, identificando el por qué la desambiguación de memoria es uno de los puntos débiles en la modificación de código objeto. Proponemos varios análisis para ser aplicados en el contexto de optimizadores binarios. Primero un análisis de alias estricto para descubrir dependencias de memoria sensibles al camino de ejecución, el cual es usado en nuestras optimizaciones para la eliminación de redundancias de memoria. Seguidamente, dos análisis especulativos de posibles alias para detección de independencias de memoria. Estos análisis están basados en introducir información especulativa en tiempo de análisis, lo que incrementa la precisión en partes importantes de código manteniendo el análisis eficiente. Los resultados muestran que nuestras propuestas son altamente útiles para incrementar la desambiguación de memoria de código binario, lo que se traduce en oportunidades para aplicar optimizaciones. Todos nuestros algoritmos, tanto de análisis como de optimización, han sido implementados en un optimizador binario, enfatizando los problemas más relevantes en la aplicaciones de nuestros algoritmos en código ejecutable, sin la ayuda de gran parte de la información de alto nivel presente en compiladores tradicionales. / Two of the most important performance limiters in today's processor families comes from solving the memory wall and handling control dependencies. In order to address these issues, cache memories and branch predictors are well-known hardware proposals that take advantage of, among other things, exploiting both temporal memory reuse and branch correlation. In other words, they try to exploit the dynamic redundancy existing in programs. This redundancy comes partly from the way that programmers write source code, but also from limitations in the compilation model of traditional compilers, which introduces unnecessary memory and conditional branch instructions. We believe that today's optimizing compilers should be very aggressive in optimizing programs, and then they should be expected to optimize a significant part of this redundancy away.On the other hand, optimizations performed at link-time or directly applied to final program executables have received increased attention in recent years, due to limitations in the traditional compilation model. First, even though performing sophisticated interprocedural analyses and transformations, traditional compilers do not have the opportunity to optimize the program as a whole. A similar problem arises when applying profile-directe compilation techniques: large projects will be forced to re-build every source file to take advantage of profile information. By contrast, it would be more convenient to build the full application, instrument it to obtain profile data and then re-optimize the final binary without recompiling a single source file.In this thesis we present new profile-guided compiler optimizations for eliminating the redundancy encountered on executable programs at binary level (i.e.: binary redundancy), even though these programs have been compiled with full optimizations using a state-ofthe- art commercial compiler. In particular, our Binary Redundancy Elimination (BRE) techniques are targeted at eliminating both redundant memory operations and redundant conditional branches, which are the most important ones for addressing the performance issues that we mentioned above in today's microprocessors. These new proposals are mainly based on Partial Redundancy Elimination (PRE) techniques for eliminating partial redundancies in a path-sensitive fashion. Our results show that, by applying our optimizations, we are able to achieve a 14% execution time reduction in our benchmark suite.In this work we also review the problem of alias analysis at the executable program level, identifying why memory disambiguation is one of the weak points of object code modification. We then propose several alias analyses to be applied in the context of linktime or executable code optimizers. First, we present a must-alias analysis to recognize memory dependencies in a path- sensitive fashion, which is used in our optimization for eliminating redundant memory operations. Next, we propose two speculative may-alias data-flow algorithms to recognize memory independencies. These may-alias analyses are based on introducing unsafe speculation at analysis time, which increases alias precision on important portions of code while keeping the analysis reasonably cost-efficient. Our results show that our analyses prove to be very useful for increasing memory disambiguation accuracy of binary code, which turns out into opportunities for applying optimizations.All our algorithms, both for the analyses and the optimizations, have been implemented within a binary optimizer, which overcomes most of the existing limitations of traditional source-code compilers. Therefore, our work also points out the most relevant issues of applying our algorithms at the executable code level, since most of the high-level information available in traditional compilers is lost.

Language, Translation, and the Inscription of the Female Body in the Works of Margaret Atwood

Vaughan, Crystal A. 03 September 2010 (has links)
In The Handmaid’s Tale, Bodily Harm, and Alias Grace, Atwood demonstrates that the connection between language, translation, and the female body is evident in the ways in which language is used to control the female body. Atwood posits that language systems assume the female body is fixed; however, language is inherently unstable. Consequently, if the female body is inscribed by language, the female body is not fixed just as a text is not fixed. Atwood writes the female body as a translation of masculinist text in order to resist the tradition of constructing the female body reductively through masculinist language. Through the attempts of her female characters to represent themselves (rather than being represented) in her work, Atwood illustrates that ?authentic? linguistic representation of the female body is impossible because language is a patriarchal construction which defines limitations on female voice and articulates the female body in masculinist terms.

Expression data flow graph: precise flow-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs

Thiessen, Rei Unknown Date
No description available.


Sparks, Matthew A. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Modern processor architectures suffer from an ever increasing gap between processor and memory performance. The current memory-register model attempts to hide this gap by a system of cache memory. Line Associative Registers(LARs) are proposed as a new system to avoid the memory gap by pre-fetching and associative updating of both instructions and data. This thesis presents a fully LAR-based architecture, targeting a previously developed instruction set architecture. This architecture features an execution pipeline supporting SWAR operations, and a memory system supporting the associative behavior of LARs and lazy writeback to memory.

Combining Conditional Constant Propagation And Interprocedural Alias Analysis

Nandakumar, K S 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Simon Jordans Tystnad : En Berättarteknisk Adaptationsanalys av Alias Grace

Holm, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen jämför berättarteknikerna i romanen Alias Grace respektive dess adaptation, teveserien Alias Grace i en adaptationsanalys. Undersökningens fokus har lagts på en av de manliga huvudkaraktärerna, Simon Jordan. Analysen har jämfört hur denna karaktär har, genom de olika berättarteknikerna, konstruerats och vilka konsekvenser skillnaderna i konstruktionen får för berättelsen. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att en av de stora skillnaderna är att Jordans perspektiv i romanen är konstruerat genom en intern fokalisation. Denna fokalisation har inte översats i serien. Istället hålls många aspekter av Jordans personlighet dolda för publiken. Detta resulterar i att seriens Jordan skildras som en relativt platt karaktär i jämförelse med sin litterära motsvarighet. Uppsatsen diskuterar även det sexuella övergreppet i seriens sista avsnitt som begås av Jordan. Eftersom att övergreppet saknas i romanen debatteras dess roll som konsumtionsvåld och chockfaktor.

Analysis Methods for No-Confounding Screening Designs

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Nonregular designs are a preferable alternative to regular resolution four designs because they avoid confounding two-factor interactions. As a result nonregular designs can estimate and identify a few active two-factor interactions. However, due to the sometimes complex alias structure of nonregular designs, standard screening strategies can fail to identify all active effects. In this research, two-level nonregular screening designs with orthogonal main effects will be discussed. By utilizing knowledge of the alias structure, a design based model selection process for analyzing nonregular designs is proposed. The Aliased Informed Model Selection (AIMS) strategy is a design specific approach that is compared to three generic model selection methods; stepwise regression, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), and the Dantzig selector. The AIMS approach substantially increases the power to detect active main effects and two-factor interactions versus the aforementioned generic methodologies. This research identifies design specific model spaces; sets of models with strong heredity, all estimable, and exhibit no model confounding. These spaces are then used in the AIMS method along with design specific aliasing rules for model selection decisions. Model spaces and alias rules are identified for three designs; 16-run no-confounding 6, 7, and 8-factor designs. The designs are demonstrated with several examples as well as simulations to show the AIMS superiority in model selection. A final piece of the research provides a method for augmenting no-confounding designs based on a model spaces and maximum average D-efficiency. Several augmented designs are provided for different situations. A final simulation with the augmented designs shows strong results for augmenting four additional runs if time and resources permit. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 2020

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