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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lekande allvar : En designstudie ämnat för barns ekonomiska lärande

Tatidou, Elpida, Petersson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete har handlat om att få förståelse vad barn eftersöker för designfaktorer i en mobilapplikation, som ska vara ekonomiskt lärande och hjälpa barn att planera vecko-och månadspengen. Studien skulle resultera i ett designkoncept baserat på barnens egna behövande och önskade faktorer för en ekonomiskt lärande mobilapplikation. Anledningen till att utföra en sådan studie uppkom då svenska banker uppmärksammat att barn har det idag svårare att förstå pengars värde och planera budgeten. Samtidigt som kontanthanteringen har minskat används heller inte fickpengar i samma grad, vilket har tidigare bevisats vara en bra praktik att lära barn med. Således saknas det ett naturligt sätt för dagens barn att handskas med budgetering och lära sig pengarsvärde. Studiens syfte var därför att synliggöra dessa transaktioner genom att främja vecko- och månadspengen och barnens finansiella lärdomar i ett designarbete. Därmed blev frågeställningen: “Vilka designfaktorer prioriterar barn i en ekonomsikt lärande mobilapplikation”, vilket var tänkt kunna besvaras med hjälp av en skolklass med barn i elva till tolv årsåldern. Projektets syfte var att ha en hög användarinvolvering för att kunna få djupare insikter för barnens behov och även låta dem vara en del av designarbetet för att åstadkomma ett resultat de gillar. Teori som spelifiering användes och även en del normativa teorier som bygger sin teori på att försöka förändra eller främja ett visst beteende hos användarna, vilket i denna studie har valts att kallas för teorier inom social design. För datainsamlingsmetoder genomfördes tre primära insamlingar med en femteklass, där barnen fick delas in i tre grupper och genomföra varsin metod. Metoderna ämnade antingen att framkalla empiri om barnens ekonomiska och sociala tillvaro, samt låta dem generera egna designförslag och koncept för vecko-och månadsplanering. För att sedan analysera datan anpassades Tromp och Heckerts teoretiska modell som uppvisar ett sexfaldig process: från att definiera ett socialt fenomen, hitta problemområden inom den, använda strategier för att motarbeta och slutligen att framkalla ett designförslag. I denna modell integrerades studiens teorier för att kunna nyttja de strategier vid dataanalysen. Slutsatsen blev att barnen vill lära sig med spel, kunna personifiera innehållet, kunna känna igen sin skolidentitet i tjänstens kontext, illustrera information med olika diagram och där de visats ha en fascination för högteknologiska prylar, som också tros ge dem social status. Barnen visade sig vilja vara ansvarsfulla och kunna planera sin egna budget, men vill kunna såväl belönas, antingen med godis eller pengar, samt även med roande och underhållande upplevelser. Därmed resulterade detta i en prototyp för en mobilapplikation som är format utefter barnens önskade funktioner. / This work is about gaining insight for what kinds of design elements children search in a mobile application, aimed for learning economics and help them plan their budget. This study would result with a design concept based on children’s own needed and wished elements for an economic learning mobile application. The reason to start a project like this is because Swedish banks have noticed that children today have it difficult to understand money’s worth and plan their budget. While the card-transactions have been reduced on the market have also the use of pocket money been minimized, even though it have been proved to be a good way to teach children money’s worth. Thus, there is not a natural way of today’s kids to deal with their budget and learn money’s worth. The study’s purpose was to visualize these transactions by promoting children’s weekly and monthly allowance and their financial lessons in a design work. This made the question: “What design elements prioritize children in an economic learning mobile application”, which was supposed to be answered by a school class with children at age eleven to twelve. The projects purpose was to have a high user involvement for gaining deeper insight for children’s needs and also let them be apart of the design work to achieve a result they would like.  Theory like gamification was used and a couple normative theories based their theory to promote a certain behavior of the users, which in this study have been choosed to call them all for theories of social design. There were three primary methods for data collection methods with a class from fifth-grade, were the children was divided in three groups to complete each method. The methods were aimed to either induce data for the children’s economic and social statement and also let them generate their own design concept for weekly and monthly allowance. Tromp and Heckerts theoretical model was used to analyze the data, were their model was costume to match this specific study. The model is a six fold process: from defining a social phenomenon, find issues with the area, then use strategies to counteract the problems and with developing design proposals. The studies theories was integrated in this model so that it would be possible to make use of the strategies during the analyses. The conclusion was that children want to learning with games, to personalize the content, to recognize their school identity in the service, to illustrate the information with different charts and that they have a big fascination with high-tech gadgets, that also give them social status. The children showed that they want to be responsible for their own actions and budget, but they want also to be reward when they do something good. The reward should then be money or candy and they wanted to have amusing experience during education. Therefore this project was result in a prototype for / <p>Hoppas ni finner rapporten intressant och kontanta oss vid eventuella frågor!</p>

Des enjeux juridiques concernant l'efficacité des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission

Brophy, Alain 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit et analyse différents types de systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission utilisés dans le cadre de politiques de gestion de la pollution atmosphérique. L'objectif premier est de répertorier des enjeux juridiques étant liés à l'efficacité de ces systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous attardons à la structure et aux mécanismes internes des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission. Tout d'abord, nous soulignons le fondement théorique de ce type de système. Nous évaluons par la suite la structure et certains litiges liés au système d'échange américain dans le cadre des émissions de dioxyde de soufre. Dans un deuxième temps, nous continuons la description de systèmes en nous attardant plus spécifiquement aux interactions entre les systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission et les autres politiques et règlementations environnementales (incluant d'autres systèmes d'échange d'émission) visant la même problématique environnementale. / The present essay describes and analyses different types of emissions trading schemes as an instrument in air quality and environmental policy. The objective is to index legal stakes or risks relating to the efficiency of emissions trading schemes. ln the first part, we evaluate the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes. The knowledge of the economic theory transcending those schemes is necessary to understand ail the structural mechanisms. After this evaluation, this essay proposes an analysis of the U.S. sulphur dioxide program based on the U.S. Clean Air Act and sorne of the litigations that occurred in the application of the said program. ln part two, we are describing the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes with the specific goal of underlining the interactions between different types of environmental policies or regulations and emissions trading schemes when they are ail used for the same environmental problem.

Dlouhodobá péče a neformální osoby pečující o klienty / Long-term Care And Non-formal Persons Caring For Clients

POUZAROVÁ, Dana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis themed Long-term care and the informal persons caring for clients is to identify both positive and negative aspects of the long-term care and its influence on physical and mental condition of persons taking care and their closest relatives. At first, the thesis deals with the issue of long-term care in the Czech republic and its division into two categories, formal and informal. Furthermore, the thesis presents the situation of the informal caregivers who have to face various obstacles arising from the nature of long-term care, such as their complicated relation with the formal institutions, lack of financial support, worsening of their lives' qualities and also lack of social recognition of their status. In order to retrieve the relevant information within the scope of the research question, the method using half-structured interviews was used. The research sample consisted of 7 female respondents from České Budějovice and its surroundings who were taking care of persons between the age of 5 and 71 years. The pesons suffered either physical or mental disorders. Some of them suffered both physical and mental disorder. At the beginning of the research the caregivers received two main questions. The first question was focusing on their perception of the current system of rules for informal caregivers, whether they support it or not. The second question aimed on describing the biggest positives and also the setbacks related to the care of person with some kind of disorder. The outcome of the interviews was that if a person decides to care of a close person with disorder there is a wide network of social services provided for him, even though it could be definitely improved. The issues which could be improved are primarily financial income of caregivers, accessibility and afffordability of relief services, providing more information and education for the informal caregivers, and last but not least the opportunity for caregivers' self-realization and their position at the labour market.


Ferreira, Laura Maria Darques 13 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LAURA MARIA DARQUES FERREIRA.pdf: 995605 bytes, checksum: 255cdf3519595a632f5bc36895664967 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-13 / In the present study we advocate that the Bolsa Família Program must be understood as a state policy, as it is a public policy essential to the efficacy of social rights. In being a state policy of Social Rights the Bolsa Família Program is implicitly constitutionalized, or the Constitutionalists advocates, integrates the material constitution . Social rights acquired constitutional status with the 1988 Constitution, and their positive nature, require public policies to effect them. / Na presente pesquisa, defende-se que o Programa Bolsa Família deve ser entendido como uma política de Estado, visto ser uma política pública assistencial imprescindível à efetivação dos direitos sociais. Como política de governo, transforma-se em instrumento de direcionamento de votos, estigmatização de indivíduos e enfraquecimento da democracia (revitalização do voto de cabresto). Por ser uma política de Estado efetivadora de direitos sociais, entende-se que o Programa Bolsa Família está, implicitamente,constitucionalizado; ou, como afirmam os constitucionalistas, integra a chamada constituição material. Os direitos sociais adquiriram status constitucional devido à Constituição de 1988 e, por ostentarem natureza prestacional, impõem que as políticas públicas que lhes efetivem também possuam essa guarida constitucional.

Régulation et prévision de l’ingestion des chèvres laitières au pâturage / Intake regulation and prediction of grazing dairy goats

Charpentier, Alexia 07 December 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte de fluctuation des prix des intrants et d’une demande croissante en produits à base de lait de chèvre issus de pratiques respectueuses de l’environnement et des animaux, le pâturage peut retrouver une place plus importante dans l’alimentation des chèvres laitières. D’après la synthèse bibliographique, les facteurs de variation de l’ingestion et des performances au pâturage ont été très peu étudiés chez les chèvres laitières en conditions tempérées. L’objectif de la thèse a été de comprendre quelle est l’influence des pratiques de gestion du pâturage (disponibilité en herbe et en temps pour pâturer) sur la régulation de l’ingestion et les performances des chèvres laitières, dans le but d’affiner les recommandations aux éleveurs et d’élaborer les bases d’un modèle de prévision de l’ingestion. D’après les 6 essais réalisés : (1) les chèvres recevant entre 0,6 et 1,0 kg/j de compléments s’adaptent à des restrictions de temps d’accès de 11 à 6 h/j, en augmentant leur vitesse d’ingestion et surtout le pourcentage du temps passé à pâturer jusqu’à 95 % du temps d’accès, (2) les chèvres recevant 0,6 kg de concentrés et un temps d’accès d’au moins 11 h/j peuvent s’adapter à une restriction de quantité d’herbe offerte jusqu’à 2,3-2,6 kg MS/chèvre/j, (3), le poids vif et la production laitière sont des paramètres déterminant de la quantité d’herbe ingérée alors que la parité et le stade de lactation n’ont pas montré d’effet significatif. Ce travail a permis d’établir les premières lois de réponse d’ingestion, de production laitière et d’adaptation comportementale des chèvres laitières à des variations de temps d’accès et de quantité d’herbe offerte au pâturage. / In the context of prices volatility and growing demand for goat's milk products from respectful practices of the environment and animals, grazing can become more important in the diet of dairy goats. According to the literature review, the factors of variation of intake and performance of grazing dairy goats have been poorly studied under temperate conditions. The aim of this thesis was to understand the influence of grazing management practices (availability of pasture and access time to grazing) on the regulation of intake and performance of dairy goats, with the aim of refining recommendations for farmers and to elaborate a model of intake prediction. Based on the six trials conducted: (1) goats receiving between 0.6 and 1.0 kg/day of supplements adapt themselves to access time restrictions from 11 to 6 h/d, by increasing their intake rate and especially the percentage of time spent grazing up to 95% of access time, (2) goats receiving 0.6 kg of concentrates and an access time of at least 11 h/day can adapt to a restriction of pasture allowance up to 2.3-2.6 kg DM/goat/day, (3) live weight and milk production are the main variables affecting intake while parity and stage of lactation had no significant effect. This work provides the first response laws of intake, milk production and behavioural adaptation of grazing dairy goats to variations of access time to pasture and to pasture allowance.

Sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária : desempenho de novilhos superprecoces e rendimento subseqüente da cultura de soja / Crop-livestock integration system: performance of superprecoce beef steers and the yield of succeeding soybean crop

Lopes, Marília Lazzarotto Terra January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o desempenho e a qualidade da carcaça de novilhos superprecoces submetidos a alturas de manejo de pastos de aveia preta e azevém anual (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm) e uma testemunha sem pastejo, bem como avaliar os efeitos dessas alturas de manejo sobre o estabelecimento e o rendimento da cultura de soja subseqüente. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda do Espinilho, município de Tupanciretã, entre julho de 2004 e maio de 2005. Animais jovens com idade média de dez meses e peso inicial de 190 kg foram distribuídos num delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. As ofertas diárias de forragem para os tratamentos 10, 20, 30 e 40 cm foram, respectivamente, 8,8, 14,7, 29,0 e 48,9 kg de matéria seca/100 kg de peso vivo (PV). O ganho de peso por hectare foi superior nos tratamentos com menor altura de manejo, em decorrência da maior carga animal empregada, sendo 529,7, 489,5, 320,9 e 201,6 kg de PV/ha, para os respectivos tratamentos. O ganho médio diário e peso ao abate apresentaram resposta quadrática (P<0,05) conforme o incremento na altura do pasto. A deposição de gordura apresentou média de 3,8 mm e o rendimento médio de carcaça fria foi de 53,3% (P<0,05). As alturas reais do pasto ficaram próximas daquelas pretendidas, havendo um aumento linear da massa de forragem com o aumento das alturas de manejo do pasto. A taxa de acúmulo não foi afetada pelos tratamentos. A taxa de lotação apresentou resposta linear decrescente com o aumento da altura do pasto. A massa de forragem remanescente aumentou na medida em que houve incremento na altura de manejo do pasto. Foi observada diferença entre os tratamentos para palhada residual e estande inicial de plantas de soja, porém, essas diferenças não afetaram o rendimento de grãos da cultura. Concluiu-se que novilhos superprecoces atingem peso de abate e grau de acabamento adequados quando terminados em pastagem de inverno e suplementados no terço final do ciclo de pastejo. O melhor ganho médio diário foi obtido em altura entre 25 a 30 cm e a maior produção por área em 10 cm de altura. A utilização de pastos durante o inverno não prejudica o rendimento de grãos na cultura de soja subseqüente, possibilitando aumento da renda do produtor pela oportunidade de gerar receitas durante a entressafra da soja. / This trial aimed to evaluate the performance and carcass quality of “superprecoce” steers grazing oat and annual ryegrass pastures managed at 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm with a no grazing reference, as well as sward height management effects on soybean establishment and grain yield. The experiment was carried at Fazenda do Espinilho, Tupanciretã municipality, from July 2004 until May 2005. Young animals with 10 months on average and initial live weight of 190 kg were distributed in a randomized block design with three replicates. The daily herbage allowances were 8.8, 14.7, 29.0 and 48.9 kg of dry matter/100kg of live weight, respectively treatments. The live weight gain per hectare was superior in treatments with lower management heights, due to the greater stocking rate employed, being 529.7, 489.5, 320.9 and 201.6 kg of LW, respectively for the treatments 10, 20, 30 and 40cm height. The average daily gain and slaughter weight increased with pasture height being fitted by a quadratic model (P<0.05). The fat deposition and the medium dressing of cold carcass averaged 3.8mm and 53.3%, respectively (P<0.05). The actual sward heights were very similar to those previously intended. There was a linear increase in herbage mass with the increase of sward height. The pasture accumulation rate was not influenced by treatments. The stocking rate showed a decreased linear response with increasing sward height. Post grazing herbage mass increased with increasing sward height. Treatments had effect on initial soybean stand, but not in soybean yield. It was concluded that “superprecoce” steers can reache slaughter weight and adequately finishing degree when finished in winter cultivated pasture supplemented in final third of the grazing cycle. Better individual animal performance is obtained when pasture height ranges from 25 to 30 cm and animal production per hectare when the pasture was managed at 10 cm height. Results suggest grazing animals do not damage succeeding soybean crop, allowing farmers profitability enhancement during soybean intercropping.


Klipa Đuro 10 April 2018 (has links)
<p>Osnovni problem ovog istraživanja je identifikacija indikatora performansi sistema socijalne za&scaron;tite i razvoj modela koji omogućuju monitoring i upravljanje određenim segmentima sistema socijalne za&scaron;tite, kao konceptualno i metodolo&scaron;ki novog pristupa koji će omogućiti unapređenje performansi, detekciju eventualnih neželjenih efekata i anomalija u sistemu prilokom uvođenja i tako obezbediti da se spreče sistemske zloupotrebe i umanje neželjeni efekti primene. Ovo istraživanje se zasniva na činjenici da određene regionalno zavisne fluktuacije parametara sistema indukuju odstupanje od matematičkih modela, &scaron;to jasno pokazuje gde su propusti koje treba re&scaron;iti odgovarajućim promenama zakonske regulative i podzakonskih akata na osnovu kojih se sprovodi odgovarajući sistem socijalne za&scaron;tite.Predloženi model i koncept transformacije e-uprave u pametnu upravu biti će testiran u okviru programa dečijeg dodatka, kao studije slučaja i jednog od najvećih segmenata sistema socijalne za&scaron;tite, a dobijeni rezultati će moći da se iskoriste za kontrolu i unapređenje sličnih složenih podsistema u okviru celokupnog sistema socijalne za&scaron;tite.</p> / <p>The main problem of this research is the identification of indicators of the performance of the social protection system and the development of models that enable monitoring and management of certain segments of the social protection system, as a conceptual and methodologically new approach that will enable improvement of performance, detection of possible adverse effects and anomalies in the system during the introduction. to prevent systemic abuse and reduce adverse effects of administration. This research is based on the fact that certain regionally dependent fluctuations in the system parameters induce deviation from mathematical models, which clearly shows where the flaws to be solved by appropriate changes in the legislation and bylaws on the basis of which the corresponding social protection system is implemented. The proposed model and the concept of e-government transformation into smart governance will be tested under the child-allowance program, as case studies and one of the largest segments of the social protection system, and the results obtained will be able to use for the control and improvement of similar complex subsystems within the overall social protection system.</p>

Faktory ovlivňující pracovní vytížení sociálních pracovníků Úřadu práce ČR oddělení příspěvku na péči / Factors affecting the workloads of social workers

DANIELOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a situations of workers of the labour Office of the CZECH republic department care allowance, who are in the performance of their work influenced by certain factors, which are in this thesis discussed. In the thesis is include the legislative framework of social work, of inclusive a participating observation, ethical dilemmas in connection with the entry into a dwelling, where is lived the dying person, and further includes claims on the moral quality of social workers. A purpose of the thesis is to approach the work of social workers, the labour Office of the CZECH republic at the department's contribution to care and their utilization in the performance of social work.

Fracionamento de carboidratos e proteínas e a predição da proteína bruta e suas frações e das fibras em detergentes neutro e ácido de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu por uma rede neural artificial / Fractions of carbohydrates and proteins and the prediction of the crude protein and its fractions and of fibres in detergents neutral and acid of Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu for artificial neural network

Brennecke, Käthery 28 February 2007 (has links)
Numa área experimental de 25,2 ha formada com o capim-braquiarão (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst) Stapf.) cv. Marandu e localizada no Campus da USP em Pirassununga/SP, durante o período de janeiro a julho de 2004, conduziu-se a presente pesquisa pela Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA/USP) com os seguintes objetivos: 1) Determinar as frações de carboidratos (A - açúcares solúveis com rápida degradação ruminal; B1- amido e pectina; B2 - parede celular com taxa de degradação mais lenta; C - fração não digerida) e as frações protéicas (A - NNP; B1 - peptídeos e oligopeptídeos; B2 - proteína verdadeira; B3 - NFDN; C - NIDA) na forragem da gramínea, baseados nas equações utilizadas pelo método de Cornell; 2) Relacionar outras variáveis com as medições em campo de experimentos paralelos e dados de elementos de clima com as frações protéicas e de carboidratos com o auxílio de um modelo computacional baseado em redes neurais artificiais (RNA). O delineamento foi em blocos completos e casualizados, com quatro tratamentos (ofertas de forragem de 5, 10, 15 e 20% - kg de massa seca por 100 kg de peso animal.dia) e quatro repetições. Cada bloco era dividido em quatro unidades experimentais de 1,575 ha, com cinco piquetes de 0,315 ha cada. Os animais eram manejados em cada unidade experimental em lotação rotacionada, com períodos de descanso de 28 dias no verão e 56 dias no inverno e período de ocupação de 7 dias, respectivamente. As amostras eram colhidas 2 dias antes da entrada dos animais à altura do resíduo do pastejo anterior. Foram determinados produção de massa seca (MS), alturas de pré e pós pastejo, fibras em detergente ácido (FDA) e neutro (FDN), sacarose, amido, lignina, extrato etéro (EE), carboidrato totais (CHO), carboidratos não estruturais (CNE), frações A, B1, B2 e C de carboidratos, proteína bruta (PB), frações A, B1, B2, B3 e C de proteínas e análise de uma rede neural artificial para uma predição dos teores de FDA, fibra em detergente neutro, PB e as frações protéicas. A produção de massa seca (MS) foi significativa, quando se estudou os efeitos da oferta de forragem (p<0,05), ciclo de pastejo (p<0,05) e da interação oferta de forragem x ciclo de pastejo (p<0,05). A maior produção foi no mês de março, quando se alcançou a média de 16140 kg MS/há para o oferta de 20%. Os teores de FDA foram significativos, quando se estudou a oferta de forragem (p<0,05) e seus maiores. Os teores médios da fibra em detergente neutro foram de 66,3 e 64,7% no verão e inverno respectivamente. Houve diferenças significativas para PB, quando se estudou a oferta de forragem (p<0,05), sendo seus teores médios de maior valor na OF a 5%. Observa aumento dos CNE em função de lâminas e colmos ao longo das estações do ano com interação no CP x OF (p<0,05) e seus maiores valores foram encontrados no ciclo de pastejo 3 na oferta de forragem 5%. Os teores de CHO totais apresentaram diferenças (p<0,10) em função da oferta de forragem, sendo os maiores teores médios encontrados na oferta de forragem de 20%. As frações A e B2 de CHO foram significativas em função da oferta de forragem (p<0,05), enquanto que os maiores teores médios da fração A foram encontrados nos ciclos de pastejo 3 e 4 e das frações B2 (%CHO) no ciclo de pastejo 1. As frações B2 e C de CHO apresentaram-se diferentes (p<0,05) nos ciclos de pastejo, sendo decrescentes para a fração B1 e crescentes para a fração C. As frações A (47%), B1 (11%) e B3 (10%) de proteínas foram significativas nos ciclos de pastejos. Os teores médios da fração B2 de proteínas apresentaram-se semelhantes (p>0,05) e os da fração C de proteínas foram diferentes (p<0,05) nas ofertas de forragem e ciclos de pastejo. Conclui-se que os ciclos de pastejos interferiram em todas as variáveis estudadas e que os teores das frações de proteínas e carboidratos estão dentro da variação (%) encontrada na literatura. A rede neural artificial conseguiu vincular as interações existentes de dados de campo e estimar os valores laboratoriais dentro de erros esperados, permitindo com isso desvincular análises laboratoriais, de qualidade de planta forrageira, à pesquisa agropecuária e com isso obter além de resultados mais rápidos, menor custo de pesquisa. / In a experimental área of 25.2 há formed with capim-braquiarão (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst) Stapf ) cv. Marandu located in University of São Paulo Campus of Pirassununga/SP, during the period of january to july of 2004 was lead the present recherché for Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA/USP) to appetent the following objectives: 1) Determine protein fractions (the NNP; B1 - peptides and oligopepitides; B2 - true protein; B3 - NDF, C - AND) and carbohydrates fractions (soluble sugars with fast rumem degradation); B1(starch and pectin); B2 (cell wall alower degradation rate; C (indigested fraction rate) in the fodder plant of the grass, as it\'s respetive dregadability rate, based on equations using Cornell model. 2) To relate other variables measurements in field to parallel experiments and climate elements to the protein and carbohydrate fractions was used a computacional model based in nets of artificial neural. The randomized complete block design with four treatments (herbage allowance of 5, 10, 15 and 20% - kg of dry mass for 100 kg of animal.dia weight) and four repetitions. Each block was divided in four experimental units of 1,575 ha, with five 0,315 poles of ha each. The animals were management in each experimental unit in rotational grazing capacity, with periods of rest of 28 days in the summer and 56 days in the winter and period of occupation of 7 days, respectively. The samples were harvested 2 days before the entrance of the animals to the height of the residue of pasture previous. Were conducted analysis of production of dry mass (DM), heights daily pay and after grazing, staple fibers in acid detergent (ADF) and neutral (NDF), sacarose, starch, lignina, extract etereo (EE), carbohydrate (CHO), not structural carbohydrate (NSC), fractions A, B1, B2 and C of carbohydrate, crude protein (CP), fractions protein A, B1, B2, B3 and C and analysis of artificial neural network for a prediction of levels of ADF, NDF, CP and protéicas fractions. The dry matter (DM) production was significant for herbage allowance (p<0,05), grazing periods (p<0,05) and interaction between allowances x grazing periods (p<0,05). The righ production was in February 13,352 kg MS/ha. The ADF was significant for allowance and grazing periods (p<0,05), with 34.8%, on summer and 35.9% on winter. The average measured of NDF on summer and winter was 66.3 and 64.7%, respectively. It showed significant differences of PC when studied the allowance (p<0,05) and its average measured on summer and winter was 8,3 and 8,1%, respectively. It observes increase of the CNE in function of blades and stem to the long one of the stations of the year with interaction in grazing periods x herbage allowance and its bigger values had been found in the grazing periods 3 with herbage allowance 5%. The total texts of CHO had presented differences (p<0,10) in function of herbage allowance, being biggest found average texts in herbage allowance of 20%. The fractions and the B2 of CHO had been significant, when studied in function of the herbage allowance (p<0,05) for the fraction A and for fraction B2 (p<0,05); the biggest average texts in % of CHO of the fraction had been found It in the cycles of grazing 3 and 4 and the B2 fractions (%CHO) in the grazing periods 1. Fractions B2 (p<0,05) and C (p<0,05) of CHO had presented significant differences, when studied the factor grazing periods, where the B1 fraction the texts had been diminishing the measure that increased the grazing periods and fraction C the texts had increased the measure that had increased the grazing periods. The A, B1 and B3 protein fraction was significant when was studied the grazing periods and the results were 0,47; 0,11; 0,10 respectively. The B2 fraction was not significant. C fraction was significant when studied the allowance (p<0,05) and grazing periods (p<0,05). It was concluded that the grazing periods had intervened with all the studied 0 variable and that the texts of the protein fractions and carbohydrates are inside of the variation (%) found in literature. The results from lab was used to train and test neural network. With a program developed by neural network in a mult layer perceptron with capacity to predict the parameters of nutrition and nourishing value from parameters of forage plant intrinsic and extrinsic, where it was allowed to disentail lab analysis of forage plant quality on the farm research, to get beyond faster and have less research costs.


王綺華, Wang Chii Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究目的,即在探討我國農民健康保險制度現存之問題,並藉由文獻分析,探討目前世界各國以特別體系辦理農民經濟安全保障之情形,瞭解農民健康保險現行制度運作情形及其所面臨之問題,以評析我國農民保險制度之缺失及可行之改進方向,最後提出農民健康保險條例之修正建議,以為未來修法之參考。 經本文之探討發現,目前世界各國以特別體系辦理農民經濟安全保障者僅數少數,且其農民保障制度除了立基於保障農民生活、改善農家所得水準之出發點外,也同時肩負改善農民地位,提昇務農意願、降低農業勞動者年齡等目標。 至於目前農保所面臨之課題方面,包括行政監理體系複雜,且中央主管機關與承保機關之隸屬關係薄弱;投保資格之規範與農民健康保險之制度目的不合,而與現實脫鉤,造成農保被保險人人數與實際從事農業人數之偏離;被保險人年齡結構老化,導致保險收支平衡;保險費率偏低,造成農保鉅額赤字及財務虧損;投保金額之不合理,影響被保險人權益及農保制度之財務健全等等。 最後,本文提出農民健康保險條例之修正建議,而朝向解決現行實務上缺失,維持保險財務健全、調和權利義務一致之方向發展,以期我國社會保險制度之發展更上一層樓。 關鍵字:農民健康保險;農民健康保險條例;老年農民福利津貼;社會保險。 / In an attempt to explore the main issue of Farmers' Health Insurance system, we investigate the current welfare systems that ensure the safety of farmers' health and economic status across the whole world. Based on the literature analysis, we understand how the system implement and what the critical issues are. This helps us make some key comments on the deficiency of Taiwan's farmer health insurance system. In this regard, some improvement guidelines and suggestions are proposed for the further revision Enactment of Taiwan's Farmer Health Insurance. The major findings indicate that few countries engage in establishing the specific scheme to ensure the health and economic status of farmers. Conversely, for those countries with the above insurance scheme, they not only ensure to advance the farmer's life and income, but also regard this system as a means to raise the devotion to farming and to lower the age of the farmers. Meanwhile, the deficiencies of Farmers' Health Insurance include the complicated regulatory structure, the inadequate regulations regarding the qualifications of the insured and the aging of the insured. Besides, the insurance rate is lower than the fair rate, resulting in insufficient insurance premium such that the financial health is weakened. Finally, the contribution of this study is devoted to the social insurance system, especially focused on some suggestions that should be constructive with respect to the emendation of Enactment of Farmers' Health Insurance. Keywords : Farmers' Health Insurance, Enactment of Farmers' Health Insurance, Old-Age Farmer's Allowance, Social Insurance.

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