Spelling suggestions: "subject:"also""
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Inter-Professional ALS Clinic Response to COVID-19 PandemicMcHenry, Kristin, Andrews, Courtney, Mueller, Kathryn, Burford, Michael L., Lee, Michelle 27 September 2021 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disease with no cure. An interdisciplinary care model is the treatment standard for patients with ALS (PALS). An interprofessional ALS clinic provides PALS and their families with evidence-based care that focuses on improved quality of life and optimization of medical services. This lightening talk will highlight how an interprofessional group of providers serving in an out-patient ALS clinic shifted their practice during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure patients and their families received the care and guidance needed to navigate their disease process. The clinic team is composed of professionals from neurology, speech language pathology, respiratory care, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, pharmacy, equipment specialist, and nursing (representing the ALS Association). Our discussion will provide the audience with a modified telehealth model that could be replicated within their own interprofessional clinic setting. This IP team was able to maintain continuity of care and meaningful connections with our PALS during an unprecedented time, through interviewing, screening, remote assessment, debriefing, and follow ups with patients and primary caregivers. As vaccinations became available to healthcare providers and specific patient populations, we responded by shifting to a hybrid model. Many PALS and their caregivers expressed gratitude for the telehealth option as they were fearful to attend an in-person visit, but hesitant to miss a clinical appointment due to their multifaceted needs. Additionally, as the condition progresses, traveling to an office, pandemic or not, becomes a significant burden for PALS and their caregivers. As things return to a new-normal, modified telehealth should be considered as a viable option for those taking care of PALS in order to maintain the delivery of services, obtain the essential equipment in this patient population, and provide caregiver support.
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Angstgeneralisierung bei Deletionssyndrom 22q11.2 / Fear Generalization in 22q11.2 Deletion SyndromeStork, Tabea January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung. Personen mit Deletionssyndrom 22q11.2 (DS22q11) weisen eine hohe Prävalenz von Angststörungen auf. Ein Faktor, der in der Entstehung von Angststörungen diskutiert wird, ist eine veränderte Angstgeneralisierung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Menschen mit bestimmten Angsterkrankungen eine stärkere Angstgeneralisierung aufweisen als gesunde Vergleichspersonen. Dies kann experimentell untersucht werden, indem die Übertragung einer konditionierten Angstreaktion auf andere Stimuli gemessen wird, welche dem konditioniertem Stimulus ähneln, aber nie zusammen mit dem unkonditioniertem Stimulus präsentiert wurden. Auf Grund der hohen Prävalenz von Angststörungen bei DS22q11 wurde in der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass Menschen mit DS22q11 eine ausgeprägtere Angstgeneralisierung aufweisen als gesunde Kontrollproband*innen. Menschen mit einer gesteigerten Trait-Angst neigen dazu Situationen eher als bedrohlich einzuschätzen. Eine erhöhte Trait-Angst geht wiederum mit einer stärkeren Angstgeneralisierung einher. Dieser Befund wurde auch bei Personen mit DS22q11 erwartet. Darauf aufbauend überprüft die hier vorgelegte Arbeit die Hypothese, dass die Trait-Angst bei Personen mit DS22q11 ebenso wie bei den Kontrollproband*innen positiv mit der Angstgeneralisierung korreliert.
Methoden. Es wurden Proband*innen mit DS22q11 rekrutiert und mit gesunden Kontrollproband*innen nach Alter und Geschlecht gematcht. Für die Untersuchung der Angstgeneralisierung wurde auf ein bereits etabliertes Konditionierungs- und Generalisierungsparadigma zurückgegriffen, in dem weibliche Gesichter als Stimuli zum Einsatz kommen. Die Trait-Angst wurde mit dem State-Trait-Angstinventar erhoben.
Ergebnisse. In der Gruppe der Kinder und Jugendlichen zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Angstgeneralisierung zwischen den Proband*innen mit DS22q11 und den Kontrollproband*innen. Dies war ebenso bei den Erwachsenen der Fall, jedoch fanden sich hier Anhaltspunkte für eine mögliche stärkere Angstgeneralisierung seitens der Proband*innen mit DS22q11. In Bezug auf die Trait-Angst konnte bei den Kindern und Jugendlichen weder in der Gruppe mit DS22q11 noch in der Kontrollgruppe eine Korrelation mit der Angstgeneralisierung festgestellt werden. Bei den Erwachsenen hingegen korrelierte sowohl bei den Proband*innen mit DS22q11 als auch bei den Kontrollproband*innen die Trait-Angst positiv mit der Angstgeneralisierung. Des Weiteren erbrachte die Studie Hinweise darauf, dass die Eignung des verwendeten Paradigmas zur Konditionierung von Menschen mit DS22q11 limitiert ist.
Diskussion. Die Beobachtung, dass in der vorliegenden Studie Kinder und Jugendliche mit DS22q11 keine stärkere Angstgeneralisierung als ihre gesunden Altersgenossen zeigten, lässt die Interpretation zu, dass der Angstgeneralisierung im Kindesalter keine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entstehung von Angststörungen zukommt. Jedoch wurden bei den eingeschlossenen Personen mit DS22q11 vorrangig spezifische Phobien festgestellt, welche laut Studienlage eher nicht mit einer gesteigerten Angstgeneralisierung einhergehen. Die erwachsenen Personen mit DS22q11 wiesen in dieser Studie geringere Raten von Angsterkrankungen auf als in der Literatur beschrieben, wodurch fehlende signifikante Unterschiede in der Angstgeneralisierung gegenüber den Kontrollproband*innen erklärt werden könnten. Zudem wurden im Erwachsenenalter ausschließlich generalisierte Angststörungen festgestellt, bei welchen unklar ist, ob eine gesteigerte Angstgeneralisierung vorliegt. Schließlich könnten die Ergebnisse auch dafür sprechen, dass bei DS22q11 andere Pathomechanismen als die Übergeneralisierung von Angst bei der Entwicklung von Angststörungen im Vordergrund stehen. Überdies könnten mögliche Defizite in der Gesichtsverarbeitung bei Menschen mit DS22q11 die Ergebnisse beeinflusst haben und die Eignung des Paradigmas für diese Population in Frage stellen. Dass die Trait-Angst bei den Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht mit der Angstgeneralisierung korrelierte, könnte darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass die Angstgeneralisierung in dieser Altersgruppe eventuell physiologischerweise schon so stark ist, dass eine erhöhte Trait-Angst diese nicht weiter steigern „kann“. Bei den Erwachsenen stimmt das Ergebnis, dass die Trait-Angst positiv mit der Angstgeneralisierung korrelierte, mit der überwiegenden Mehrheit der Literatur überein. Da sich die Gruppen diesbezüglich nicht signifikant voneinander unterschieden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass das Vorliegen von DS22q11 den Einfluss der Trait-Angst auf die Angstgeneralisierung nicht verändert. / Introduction. People with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (DS22q11) have a high prevalence of anxiety disorders. One factor discussed in the development of anxiety disorders is an altered fear generalization. It has been shown that people with certain anxiety disorders exhibit greater fear generalization than healthy comparison subjects. This can be studied experimentally by measuring the transfer of a conditioned fear response to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus but have never been presented together with the unconditioned stimulus. Based on the high prevalence of anxiety disorders in DS22q11, it was hypothesized that individuals with DS22q11 would exhibit stronger fear generalization than healthy controls. People with high trait anxiety tend to assess situations as more threatening. Increased trait anxiety is in turn associated with stronger fear generalization. This finding was also expected in individuals with DS22q11. Based on this, the thesis presented here tests the hypothesis that trait anxiety correlates positively with fear generalization in both individuals with DS22q11 and control subjects.
Methods. Individuals with DS22q11 were compared with age- and gender-matched healthy controls. For the study of fear generalization, an established conditioning and generalization paradigm with female faces as stimuli was used. Trait anxiety was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
Results. In the group of children and adolescents, there were no significant differences in fear generalization between the subjects with DS22q11 and control subjects. This was also the case for the adults, but there were signs for a possible stronger fear generalization in the group with DS22q11. With regard to trait anxiety, no correlation with fear generalization was found in children and adolescents in either the group with DS22q11 or the control group. In adults, however, trait anxiety correlated positively with fear generalization in both subjects with DS22q11 and control subjects. Furthermore, the study yielded evidence that the suitability of the paradigm for conditioning individuals with DS22q11 is limited.
Discussion. The observation that in the present study children and adolescents with DS22q11 did not show stronger fear generalization than their healthy peers suggests that fear generalization may not play a pivotal role in the development of anxiety disorders during childhood. However, the subjects with DS22q11 were primarily found to have specific phobias, which tend not to be associated with enhanced fear generalization according to the literature. The adult subjects with DS22q11 showed lower rates of anxiety disorders in this study than described in the literature, which could explain the lack of significant differences in fear generalization compared to control subjects. In addition, only generalized anxiety disorders were found in the adult subjects, in which it is unclear whether heightened fear generalization is present. Finally, the results may also suggest that pathomechanisms other than overgeneralization of fear are decisive in the development of anxiety disorders in DS22q11. Moreover, possible deficits in face processing in individuals with DS22q11 may have influenced the results and call into question the suitability of the paradigm for this population. One reason why trait anxiety does not correlate with fear generalization in children and adolescents lies in the supposition that fear generalization in this age group may already be so strong physiologically that high trait anxiety “cannot” increase it further. In adults, the finding that trait anxiety correlates positively with fear generalization is consistent with the majority of the literature, and since the groups did not differ significantly in this regard, it can be assumed that the presence of DS22q11 does not alter the influence of trait anxiety on fear generalization.
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Seletividade de herbicidas aplicados de forma isolada e associada em soja RR/STS / Selectivity of herbicides applied alone and associated on RR/STS soybeanSilva, André Felipe Moreira 29 January 2016 (has links)
Mundialmente, a soja é considerada uma das principais fontes de produção de óleos e proteínas vegetais para alimentação humana e animal. Constitui-se atualmente um dos produtos de maior importância na economia brasileira. É notório o crescimento das áreas ocupadas pelas lavouras de soja no Brasil, que na safra 2014/2015 atingiram 32,09 milhões de hectares, com previsão de expansão para 32,20 milhões de hectares para a safra 2015/2016. Outro aspecto a ser salientado é que as lavouras de soja RR (Roundup Ready) corresponderam a 93,5%, da área total cultivada com soja no Brasil na safra 2014/2015. Cultivares STS (Soja Tolerante à Sulfoniluréias) contém um gene que aumenta a degradação de alguns herbicidas na planta, como por exemplo, o chlorimuron-ethyl, para o qual são posicionados tolerando doses até quatro vezes as doses recomendadas para cultivares não tolerantes, sem apresentar danos significativos. A soja STS foi desenvolvida através da técnica de mutagênese de sementes utilizando o agente alquilante etilmetanosulfonato (EMS), não sendo uma cultura transgênica. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: avaliar a seletividade do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl aplicado em pós-emergência de soja RR/STS; avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas inibidores da ALS aplicados em pós-emergência de soja RR/STS. Para tanto foram conduzidos dois experimentos principais. O primeiro conduzido durante quatro safras (2011/2012 a 2014/2015), os tratamentos foram constituídos por sete doses do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 g i. a. ha-1). Foi realizada avaliação das variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho agronômico (altura, número de vagens por planta, produtividade, e massa de mil sementes). O segundo durante a safra 2014/2015 no campo e casa de vegetação, em que a soja RR/STS foi submetida à aplicação de herbicidas inibidores da ALS, associados ou não ao glyphosate. Foi realizada avaliação de fitointoxicação, índice SPAD, bem como variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho agronômico para o experimento no campo (número de vagens por planta e produtividade). Os cultivares de soja CD 250 e CD 2630 RR/STS apresentaram-se tolerantes para aplicação, em pós-emergência (V4), do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl até a dose de 90 g i. a. ha-1. O cultivar de soja CD 2630 RR/STS apresentou-se tolerante à aplicação, em pós-emergência, dos herbicidas utilizados, isolada ou em associação com glyphosate. Exceção feita ao metsulfuron-methy (2,4 g i. a. ha-1), associado ou não com glyphosate (960 g e. a. ha-1). / Worldwide soybean is considered one of the major sources of production of vegetable oils and proteins for food and feed. It currently is one of the most important products in the Brazilian economy. It is notable growth areas occupied by soybean crops in Brazil, that in the 2014/2015 season reached 32.09 million hectares, with expansion forecast to 32.20 million hectares for the season 2015/2016. Another aspect to be noted is that the RR soybean (Roundup Ready) crops corresponded to 93.5% of the total area cultivated with soybeans in Brazil in the 2014/2015 season. Cultivars STS (Sulfonylurea Tolerant Soybeans) contains a gene that increases the degradation of some herbicides in the plant, for example, chlorimuron-ethyl, to which are positioned tolerated doses up to four times the recommended dosages for nontolerant cultivars, without presenting significant damage. STS soybean was developed by seed mutagenesis technique using the alkylating agent ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), not being a transgenic crop. The aims of this study were to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl applied post-emergence of RR/STS soybean; evaluate the selectivity of ALS-inhibiting herbicides applied postemergence of RR/STS soybean. Therefore, two main experiments were conducted. The first conducted for four seasons (2011/2012 to 2014/2015), the treatments were seven doses of the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 g a. i. ha-1). Performed an assessment of variables related to agronomic performance (height, number of pods per plant, yield and mass of one thousand seeds). The second during the 2014/2014 season in the field and the greenhouse, where RR/STS soybean was subjected to application of ALS inhibitor herbicides, with or without glyphosate. It was conducted evaluation phytointoxication, SPAD index, as well as variables related to agronomic performance (number of pods per plant and productivity). The soybean cultivars CD 250 and CD 2630 RR/STS were tolerant to application, post-emergence (V4) of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl up to a dose of 90 g a. i. ha-1. Cultivar CD 2630 RR/STS presented tolerance to application in postemergence herbicides used alone or in combination with glyphosate. Except for the metsulfuron-methy (2.4 g a. i. ha-1), associated or not with glyphosate (960 g a. e. ha-1).
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Seletividade de herbicidas aplicados de forma isolada e associada em soja RR/STS / Selectivity of herbicides applied alone and associated on RR/STS soybeanAndré Felipe Moreira Silva 29 January 2016 (has links)
Mundialmente, a soja é considerada uma das principais fontes de produção de óleos e proteínas vegetais para alimentação humana e animal. Constitui-se atualmente um dos produtos de maior importância na economia brasileira. É notório o crescimento das áreas ocupadas pelas lavouras de soja no Brasil, que na safra 2014/2015 atingiram 32,09 milhões de hectares, com previsão de expansão para 32,20 milhões de hectares para a safra 2015/2016. Outro aspecto a ser salientado é que as lavouras de soja RR (Roundup Ready) corresponderam a 93,5%, da área total cultivada com soja no Brasil na safra 2014/2015. Cultivares STS (Soja Tolerante à Sulfoniluréias) contém um gene que aumenta a degradação de alguns herbicidas na planta, como por exemplo, o chlorimuron-ethyl, para o qual são posicionados tolerando doses até quatro vezes as doses recomendadas para cultivares não tolerantes, sem apresentar danos significativos. A soja STS foi desenvolvida através da técnica de mutagênese de sementes utilizando o agente alquilante etilmetanosulfonato (EMS), não sendo uma cultura transgênica. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: avaliar a seletividade do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl aplicado em pós-emergência de soja RR/STS; avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas inibidores da ALS aplicados em pós-emergência de soja RR/STS. Para tanto foram conduzidos dois experimentos principais. O primeiro conduzido durante quatro safras (2011/2012 a 2014/2015), os tratamentos foram constituídos por sete doses do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 g i. a. ha-1). Foi realizada avaliação das variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho agronômico (altura, número de vagens por planta, produtividade, e massa de mil sementes). O segundo durante a safra 2014/2015 no campo e casa de vegetação, em que a soja RR/STS foi submetida à aplicação de herbicidas inibidores da ALS, associados ou não ao glyphosate. Foi realizada avaliação de fitointoxicação, índice SPAD, bem como variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho agronômico para o experimento no campo (número de vagens por planta e produtividade). Os cultivares de soja CD 250 e CD 2630 RR/STS apresentaram-se tolerantes para aplicação, em pós-emergência (V4), do herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl até a dose de 90 g i. a. ha-1. O cultivar de soja CD 2630 RR/STS apresentou-se tolerante à aplicação, em pós-emergência, dos herbicidas utilizados, isolada ou em associação com glyphosate. Exceção feita ao metsulfuron-methy (2,4 g i. a. ha-1), associado ou não com glyphosate (960 g e. a. ha-1). / Worldwide soybean is considered one of the major sources of production of vegetable oils and proteins for food and feed. It currently is one of the most important products in the Brazilian economy. It is notable growth areas occupied by soybean crops in Brazil, that in the 2014/2015 season reached 32.09 million hectares, with expansion forecast to 32.20 million hectares for the season 2015/2016. Another aspect to be noted is that the RR soybean (Roundup Ready) crops corresponded to 93.5% of the total area cultivated with soybeans in Brazil in the 2014/2015 season. Cultivars STS (Sulfonylurea Tolerant Soybeans) contains a gene that increases the degradation of some herbicides in the plant, for example, chlorimuron-ethyl, to which are positioned tolerated doses up to four times the recommended dosages for nontolerant cultivars, without presenting significant damage. STS soybean was developed by seed mutagenesis technique using the alkylating agent ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), not being a transgenic crop. The aims of this study were to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl applied post-emergence of RR/STS soybean; evaluate the selectivity of ALS-inhibiting herbicides applied postemergence of RR/STS soybean. Therefore, two main experiments were conducted. The first conducted for four seasons (2011/2012 to 2014/2015), the treatments were seven doses of the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 g a. i. ha-1). Performed an assessment of variables related to agronomic performance (height, number of pods per plant, yield and mass of one thousand seeds). The second during the 2014/2014 season in the field and the greenhouse, where RR/STS soybean was subjected to application of ALS inhibitor herbicides, with or without glyphosate. It was conducted evaluation phytointoxication, SPAD index, as well as variables related to agronomic performance (number of pods per plant and productivity). The soybean cultivars CD 250 and CD 2630 RR/STS were tolerant to application, post-emergence (V4) of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl up to a dose of 90 g a. i. ha-1. Cultivar CD 2630 RR/STS presented tolerance to application in postemergence herbicides used alone or in combination with glyphosate. Except for the metsulfuron-methy (2.4 g a. i. ha-1), associated or not with glyphosate (960 g a. e. ha-1).
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Komplexität oder Kontrastivität der L2 : Worin liegt das Problem für DaZ/DaF?Wegener, Heide January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) : Ur ett patientperspektiv / Living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) : From a patient’s perspectivePetersson, Emelie, Pölönen, Katrin January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: ALS är en förkortning av amyotrofisk lateralskleros och är en obotlig neurologisk sjukdom. Sjukdomen orsakas av att bindväv ersätter den laterala delen av ryggmärgen vilket leder till impulsbrist och förlamning genom muskelförtvining. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur personer med ALS upplever sitt dagliga liv. Metod: En studie av självbiografier gjordes och gav en helhetsbild av individens upplevelse av sjukdomen. Resultat: Personer med ALS påverkades av sin sjukdom både psykiskt och fysiskt. Detta kunde komma både av sjukdomen men också av omgivningen. De upplevde skam och isolering och försökte dölja sin sjukdom. De värdesatte sin självständighet och de hjälpande händerna från personal och assistenter. Diskussion: Ett av huvudfynden i resultatet var att patienter som har ALS kände sig fångade i sina egna kroppar på grund av att de successivt tappade kontrollen över sina förmågor. Ett annat fynd var hur viktigt det var med rätt information, och att ett fel i kommunikationen orsakade missnöje och en känsla av att bli kränkt. Slutligen framkom hur förändringar i omgivningen kunde göra personen mer självständig. / Background: ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and is an incurable neurologic disease. The disease is caused by the degeneration of motor neurons that is being replaced by connective tissue, this leads to paralysis through muscle atrophy. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate how people with ALS experience their daily life. Method: This study was based on self biographies to get a general impression of their experience of the disease. Result: Patients with ALS were affected by their surroundings, both mentally and physically. They experienced shame and isolation and they tried to hide their disease. They valued their independence and the helping hands from the family and personal assistants. Discussion: One of the main findings in the study was that patients found themselves imprisoned in their own bodies because they gradually lost their physical abilities. Another finding was how important it was been given the right information and how miscommunication could cause a feeling of being displeased and psychologically abused. A final finding
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Numerical methods in Tensor NetworksHandschuh, Stefan 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In many applications that deal with high dimensional data, it is important to not store the high dimensional object itself, but its representation in a data sparse way. This aims to reduce the storage and computational complexity.
There is a general scheme for representing tensors with the help of sums of elementary tensors, where the summation structure is defined by a graph/network. This scheme allows to generalize commonly used approaches in representing a large amount of numerical data (that can be interpreted as a high dimensional object) using sums of elementary tensors. The classification does not only distinguish between elementary tensors and non-elementary tensors, but also describes the number of terms that is needed to represent an object of the tensor space. This classification is referred to as tensor network (format).
This work uses the tensor network based approach and describes non-linear block Gauss-Seidel methods (ALS and DMRG) in the context of the general tensor network framework.
Another contribution of the thesis is the general conversion of different tensor formats. We are able to efficiently change the underlying graph topology of a given tensor representation while using the similarities (if present) of both the original and the desired structure. This is an important feature in case only minor structural changes are required.
In all approximation cases involving iterative methods, it is crucial to find and use a proper initial guess. For linear iteration schemes, a good initial guess helps to decrease the number of iteration steps that are needed to reach a certain accuracy, but it does not change the approximation result. For non-linear iteration schemes, the approximation result may depend on the initial guess. This work introduces a method to successively create an initial guess that improves some approximation results. This algorithm is based on successive rank 1 increments for the r-term format.
There are still open questions about how to find the optimal tensor format for a given general problem (e.g. storage, operations, etc.). For instance in the case where a physical background is given, it might be efficient to use this knowledge to create a good network structure. There is however, no guarantee that a better (with respect to the problem) representation structure does not exist.
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Die "als"-Prädikative im Deutschen eine syntaktisch-semantische AnalyseFlaate, Inghild January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Trondheim, Univ., Diss.
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Avaliação da degradação do sistema isolante óleo-papel usando análise de imagens e técnicas espectroscópicas combinadas com métodos de calibração multivariada e resolução de curvas / Evaluation of the degradation of oil-paper insulating system using image analysis and spectroscopic techniques combined with multivariate calibration and curve resolutionGodinho, Mariana da Silva 27 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T07:36:16Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T07:42:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Mariana da Silva Godinho - 2014.pdf: 11659350 bytes, checksum: 36a0ea84b6d0c992d5629322e89390a3 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-01T07:42:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Mariana da Silva Godinho - 2014.pdf: 11659350 bytes, checksum: 36a0ea84b6d0c992d5629322e89390a3 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The lifetime of a power transformer is determined by the state of degradation of its insulation system. This system consists of Kraft paper immersed in insulating oil (IMO). In order to prevent an abrupt crash transformer its oxidation state should be monitored. This monitoring is performed using physico-chemical and chromatographic assays. The physico-chemical parameter of greatest importance is the interfacial tension (IT), which is a measure for assessing indirectly the oxidation state of the Kraft paper. The objective of this thesis to propose analytical methodologies to evaluate the oxidation process of the insulation system, both in naturally and accelerated degraded oil samples, using Image Analysis and spectroscopic techniques combined with methods of Multivariate Calibration (Partial Least Squares - PLS), Resolution Multivariate Curve and Data Fusion. Spectra of Moleculular Fluorescence (MF), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 1H (1H NMR), Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) and RGB images were obtained for a set of 268 oil samples provided by CELG Distribuição S.A. (CELG D). Subsequently, spectra in the Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) region, FM and RGB images were obtained for a set of 24 oil samples subjected to an accelerated degradation. PLS models were obtained in order to predict the IT and color parameters for the set of samples provided by CELG D. For the set of degraded samples PLS models were obtained for prediction of degradation time. PARAFAC and MCR-ALS models were obtained to evaluate the oxidation process of the insulating system and too identify the pure spectra of possible compounds formed during this process. Furthermore, low level data fusion combined with variable selection using the Variables Importance in the Projection (VIPs) was used in this study to obtain PLS models. The best PLS model for the set of samples provided by CELG D was obtained for the fused spectroscopic data using variable selection by VIPS. This model provided a mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 2.9 mN/m for IT and 0.3 for the color parameter (dimensionless units). PARAFAC and MCR-ALS models allowed to assess the process of system degradation. The proposed methodologies are fast and non-destructive, showing great advantages over traditional methods, which take a long time, and generate a lot of waste. This work opens perspectives for an online monitoring to assess the degradation of the insulating system besides having permitted a more detailed study on the compounds formed during the degradation process. / A vida útil de um transformador de potência é determinada pelo estado de degradação de seu sistema isolante. Esse sistema é constituído pelo papel tipo Kraft imerso em óleo mineral isolante (OMI). Para evitar que um transformador chegue ao seu fim de vida de forma abrupta é necessário que seja realizado o monitoramento do seu estado de oxidação. Esse monitoramento é feito através de ensaios físico-químicos e cromatográficos. O parâmetro físico-químico de maior importância é a tensão interfacial (TI), pois é uma medida que avalia indiretamente o estado de oxidação do papel. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor metodologias analíticas para avaliar o processo de degradação do sistema isolante tanto em amostras degradadas naturalmente quanto em amostras degradadas aceleradamente, usando Análise de Imagens e técnicas espectroscópicas aliadas a métodos de Calibração Multivariada (Mínimos Quadrados Parciais - PLS), Resolução de Curva Multivariada e Fusão de Dados. Foram obtidos espectros de Fluorescência Molecular (FM), Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de 1H (RMN de 1H), Infravermelho na região do próximo (FT-NIR) e imagens RGB de um conjunto de 268 amostras de OMI fornecidas pela CELG Distribuição S.A. (CELG D). Posteriormente, foram obtidos espectros de UV-Vis, FM e imagens RGB de um conjunto de 24 amostras degradadas aceleradamente. Modelos PLS foram construídos para prever os parâmetros TI e cor para o conjunto de amostras fornecidas pela CELG D. Para as amostras degradadas aceleradamente modelos PLS foram obtidos para previsão do tempo de degradação. Modelos PARAFAC e MCR-ALS foram construídos com objetivo de avaliar o processo de oxidação do sistema isolante e identificar os espectros puros de possíveis compostos formados durante esse processo. Além disso, Fusão de Dados de baixo nível aliada à seleção de variáveis usando as Variáveis de Importância na Projeção (VIPs) foram utilizadas neste trabalho para a obtenção de modelos PLS. O melhor modelo PLS para o conjunto de amostras fornecidas pela CELG D foi obtido para os dados espectroscópicos fundidos usando seleção de variáveis por VIPS. Esse modelo forneceu um erro médio quadrático de previsão (RMSEP) de 2,9 mN/m para previsão da TI e 0,3 para o parâmetro cor (unidade adimensional). Os modelos PARAFAC e MCR-ALS permitiram avaliar o processo de degradação do sistema isolante. As metodologias propostas são rápidas e não destrutivas, mostrando grandes vantagens sobre os métodos tradicionais, os quais demandam muito tempo, além de gerar uma grande quantidade de resíduos. Este trabalho abre perspectivas para um monitoramento direto (on-line) para avaliar a degradação do sistema isolante, além de ter permitido um estudo mais aprofundado a respeito dos compostos formados durante o processo de degradação.
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Performative Writing - Schreiben als Kunst der AufzeichnungWortelkamp, Isa 21 June 2016 (has links)
Mit der kritischen Revision wissenschaftlicher Schreibweisen, die seit den 1990er Jahren vor allem im angloamerikanischen Diskurs von Performancetheoretikerinnen wie Della Pollock oder Peggy Phelan unter dem Begriff des Performative Writing unternommen wurde, tritt das Schreiben als Akt und Aktion sowie als Prozess und Produktion des Schreibenden in seinen eigenen Bedingungen hervor. Es kommt zu einer Verschiebung des Was zum Wie wodurch auch die Gestalt und Gestaltung von Struktur und Textur des Geschriebenen lesbar werden. Anhand von künstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Formen der Übertragung von Bewegung in die Zeichnung und experimentellen Schreibprojekten der Verfasserin wird gefragt, was in den performativ verfassten Aufzeichnungen von Aufführungen sicht- und lesbar wird.
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