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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die hieratische Stele MAA 1939.552 aus Amara West – ein neuer Feldzug gegen die Philister

Popko, Lutz 26 January 2023 (has links)
Ausgabe der Stele MAA 1939.552, die 1938 in Amara West entdeckt wurde in Amara West im Jahr 1938 entdeckt, aber nie richtig veröffentlicht wurde. Der Text ist militärischer Natur und berichtet über eine noch unbekannte Landschlacht gegen die Philister im Jahr 3 eines Königs, dessen Name verloren ist. Während die Stele Ramses IV zugewiesen wurde, wird eine Datierung in die Regierungszeit Regierungszeit von Ramses III. vorgeschlagen, was den Beginn des Konflikts des Konflikts mit dieser Gruppe von Seevölkern um fünf Jahre fünf Jahre. Außerdem ist der Text teilweise in Hieratisch eingeritzt, was für königliche Kriegsberichte ungewöhnlich ist, und liefert somit einen weiteren, außergewöhnlichen Beleg für die lapidare Hieratik. / Edition of stela MAA 1939.552, which was discovered in Amara West in 1938, but which was never properly published. The text is of a military nature and records a yet unknown land battle against the Philistines in the year 3 of a king whose name is lost. Whereas the stela was previously assigned to Ramses IV, a dating into the reign of Ramses III is proposed, thereby predating the beginning of the conflict with this group of the Sea Peoples by five years. Moreover, the text is partially incised in hieratic, which is unusual for royal war reports, and thus it provides further, exceptional evidence for lapidary hieratic.

Rights of ownership in the United States as identified through defined benefit plan conversion

Burke, Richard 01 May 2012 (has links)
Employer provided Qualified Plans ("Qualified Plans") are the most efficient supplement to Social Security savings and benefits. Given the significance of the benefits provided as well as the short-term Revenue constraints upon the Federal government in the form of substantially protracted tax deferrals, Qualified Plan legislation should maintain a conservative disposition. Incremental legislative action in the right direction will steadily graduate ERISA to its intended purpose. Unfortunately ERISA is a convoluted maze of formalities, definitions, and regulation that are only substantially understood by an expert and have yet to be adequately explained to the public at large. Recent publications such as Retirement Heist rouse the public's consciousness of retirement Plans by enumerating perceived abuses by large corporations. These alleged abuses certainly reflect innovative manipulations within the constraints of Qualified Plans. However, my thesis will prove that these "abuses" reflect the United States' disposition toward the rights of proprietorship regarding the Qualified Plan. The intent of the thesis is to illustrate this disposition through a study of the Amara v. Cigna Corp. case as well as a review of an actual LLC's defined benefit plan conversion to a cash balance plan. I will compare and contrast the different approaches taken by these two employers and justify the varied success they each experienced in converting their plans. Through this process, the thesis shall draw conclusions on the United States' dispositions toward ownership of the qualified plan.

Female sterility associated with increased clonal propagation suggests a unique combination of androdioecy and asexual reproduction in populations of Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae)

Tedder, Andrew, Helling, M., Pannell, J.R., Shimizu-Inatsugi, R., Kawagoe, T., van Campen, J., Sese, J., Shimizu, K.K. 13 September 2019 (has links)
Yes / The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites. Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites. Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54 %; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29 %, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50 %. The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicaceae.

Gender treatment in Grade nine classroom instructional activities and representation in English textbook

Zenawi Nigussie Zewdie 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to explore how gender is perceived in classroom instructional activities and how it is represented in the Grade 9 English textbook in Ethiopia. To do this, the constructivist paradigm was used as a way of viewing the educational world. Underpinned by the Sociocultural Theory (SCT) and Gender Schema Theory (GST), the study was qualitative and used a multiple case study inquiry. The selection of participants was through purposive sampling and data were collected through interviews, observations and textbook review. The study was undertaken at four government high schools, and the focus was on Grade 9 at Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina and Mekoy Districts of North Shoa Zone in Amhara Region. Sixteen learners, four teachers and four principals were interviewed. The findings concluded in two significant findings: 1) improper gender treatment in classroom instructional activities, and 2) imbalance of gender representation in Grade 9 English textbook. The first finding generated emerging themes, for instance (a) imbalanced allocation of roles and responsibilities between girls and boys; (b) girls’ embarrassment by others; (c) girls’ incapability to manage group and use given opportunity in classroom; (d) male domination and female subordination; (e) gender policy implementation gap at school; (f) impediment of girls’ participation due to patriarchal thinking; (g) challenges of traditional gender thinking in classroom; (h) parents’ practices and experiences affected learners’ practices and experiences in classroom; (i) lack of girls’ recognition by others; and (j) self-overestimation seen by boys and self-underestimation seen by girls. The themes for the second major finding include: (a) men overrepresentation and women underrepresentation; (b) presence of gender-marked vocabularies to enhance women’s passive role; (c) encouragement of traditional gender representation by assigning women in baby-sitting, and domestic chores, such as cleaning, cooking or shopping; (d) manifestation of man first-ness; and (e) imbalance of pictorial representation between women and men. The study recommends that teaching gender equality to the school community and society could be used to discourage gender stereotyped and biased engagements. Female teachers should be role models for girls. Educators should use gender-sensitive materials for the development of a gender-free awareness by the young generation. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe gender in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite ervaar word en hoe dit in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek in Etiopië voorgestel word. Ten einde dit te doen, is die kontruktivistiese paradigma as beskouingswyse van die opvoedkundige wêreld gebruik. Die studie was kwalitatief, onderlê deur sosiokulturele teorie en genderskemateorie, en die ondersoekmetode van veelvuldige gevallestudies is gebruik. Deelnemers is met behulp van doelbewuste steekproefneming geselekteer en data is deur middel van onderhoude, observasies en 'n handboekoorsig ingesamel. Die studie is by vier regeringshoërskole onderneem, en die fokus was op Graad 9 in die Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina en Mekoy distrikte van die Noord-Shoa sone in die Amhara streek. Onderhoude is gevoer met sestien leerders, vier onderwysers en vier skoolhoofde. Daar was twee beduidende bevindings: 1) onvanpaste genderbehandeling in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite, en 2) 'n wanbalans in gendervoorstelling in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek. Verskillende temas het uit die eerste bevinding voortgespruit, byvoorbeeld (a) die ongebalanseerde toekenning van rolle en verantwoordelikhede tussen seuns en dogters; (b) die vernedering van dogters deur ander; (c) die onvermoë van dogters om groepe te beheer en van gegewe geleenthede in die klaskamer gebruik te maak; (d) manlike oorheersing en vroulike ondergeskiktheid; (e) 'n leemte in die implementering van genderbeleid op skool; (f) belemmering van dogters se deelname deur patriargale denke; (g) die uitdagings van tradisionele genderdenke in die klaskamer; (h) die invloed wat ouers se praktyke en ervarings op leerders se praktyke en ervarings in die klaskamer het; (i) gebrekkige erkenning van dogters deur ander; en (j) self-oorskatting onder die seuns en self-onderskatting onder die dogters. Die temas van die tweede hoofbevinding het ingesluit: (a) die óórverteenwoordiging van mans en onderverteenwoordiging van vroue; (b) die teenwoordigheid van gendergekleurde woordeskat om vroue se passiewe rol te beklemtoon; (c) die aanmoediging van tradisionele genderverteenwoordiging deur huishoudelike take soos skoonmaak, kook en inkopies doen aan vroue toe te ken; (d) die manifestering van manlike uitnemendheid/"eerste wees"; en (e) 'n wanbalans in die verteenwoordiging van vroue en mans in illustrasies. Die studie beveel aan dat die skoolgemeenskap en die gemeenskap in gendergelykheid onderrig word ten einde genderstereotipering en bevooroordeelde optredes te ontmoedig. Vroulike onderwyseres behoort 'n rolmodel vir dogters te wees. Onderwysers moet gendersensitiewe materiaal gebruik om gendervrye bewustheid onder die jong geslag te kweek / Inhloso yocwaningo bekuwukubheka ukuthi ubulili bubonwa kanjani kwimisebenzi efundiswa emakilasini, nokuthi ubulili bukhonjiswa kanjani ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezweni lase Ethiopia. Kulolu cwaningo kusetshenziswe i-constructivist paradigm njengendlela yokubheka ezemfundo. Ngokulandela ithiyori yezenhlalo namasiko i-sociocultural theory (SCT) kanye nethiyori i-gender schema theory (GST), ucwaningo lube yi-qualitative research kanti kusetshenziswe nocwaningo olubheka amacala amaningi i-multiple case study inquiry. Ababambe iqhaza bakhethwe ngokusebenzisa amasampula akhethwe ngenhlososo i-purposive sampling, kanti ulwazi luqoqwe ngokukuxoxisana ama-interviews, ukubhekisisa okwenzekayo (observations) kanye nokubuyekeza izincwadi zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ama-textbook. Ucwaningo lwenziwe ezikoleni eziphakeme ezine zikahulumeni, kanti kwagxilwa kakhulu ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezifundazweni zasezweni lase Ethiopia okuyi-Chacha, eMinjar, eDebreSina, kanye namaDistrikhthi aseNorth Shoa Zone kanye nasezifundazweni zase Amhara. Kuxoxiswene ngama-interviews nabafundi abayishumi nesithupha, othisha abane kanye nothishanhloko abane. Kutholakale imiphumela emibili esemqoka: 1) ukungaphathwa kahle kodaba lobulili kwimisebenzi yokufundisa emaklasini, kanye 2) nokungabekwa kahle ngokulingalingana kodaba lobulili ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa kubanga lika -Grade 9. Umphumela wokuqala uveze izingqikithi (themes) ezilandelayo, isibonelo, (a) ukungabiwa kahle ngokulingana ngendlela ehlelekile kwemisebenzi ngokubulili phakathi kwamantombazane kanye nabafana; (b) ukuhlazwa kwamantombazane okwenziwa ngabanye; (c), ukungabi nekhono kwamantombazane ukuhola amaqembu kanye nokusebenzisa amathuba emaklasini; (d) ukubhozomela kwabesilisa kanye nokuzithoba kwabesifazane; (e) igebe elikhona ngokusetshenziswa kwemigomo ebhekene nezobulili ezikoleni; (f) izihibe ezivimbela amantombazane ukubamba iqhaza ngenxa yemibono ebeka ukuthi abesilisa yibona ababalulekile (patriarchal thinking); (g) izinselele ezikhona ngezinkambiso zakudala maqondana nokucabanga ngezobulili emaklasini; (h) izindlela zezinkambiso zabazali zibe nomthelela kwizindlela zokwenza kanye nezipiliyoni zabafundi emaklasini; (i) ukungamukelwa kwamantombazane ngabanye; kanye (j) nokuzibeka phambili kakhulu kwabafana kanye nokuzibeka ezingeni eliphansi kwamantombazane. Izingqikithi (themes) zomphumela wesibili zibandakanya okulandelayo (a) ukumelwa kakhulu ngokweqile kwabesilisa kanye nezinga eliphansi lokumelwa kwabesifazane; (b) ubukhona besilulumagama i-vocabulary ephawula ngobulili nephakamisa nokungadlali ndima kwabesimame; (c) ukukhuthazwa kwezinkambiso zakudala zokumelwa kobulili ngokunikeza abesimame imisebenzi yokunakekela izingane kanye nokwenza imisebenzi yasendlini, efana nokuhlanza izindlu, ukupheka kanye nokuyothenga ezitolo; (d) umqondo wokubeka abesilisa phambili; kanye (e) nokungahleleki ngokufanele nokulingalingana ngokukhombisa ngezithombe phakathi kwabesimame nabesilisa. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukufundisa ngokulingana kwabafundi besilisa nabesifazane ezikoleni kanye nakwisizwe sonkana kungasetshenziswa ukudumaza umqondo wokubeka ubulili obuthile ngendlela nomqondo othize (gender-stereotyped) kanye nokwenza ukuthi abobulili obuthile kuphela okumele benze noma bangenzi imisebenzi ethile. Othisha besifazane kumele bebeyisibonelo kumantombazane. Abafundisi kumele basebenzise izincwadi zokufundisa ezingenabandlululo ngokobulili ukuze isizukulwane esisha bsiondisise ngezokulingana ngokobulili. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education in the subject Curriculum Studies)

Étude de substances bioactives issues de la flore amazonienne : analyse de préparations phytothérapeutiques à base de Quassia amara L (simaroubacae) et Psidium acutangulum DC (Myrtaceae) utilisées en Guyane française pour une indication antipaludique : identification et analyse métabolomique d'huiles essentielles à activité antifongique

Houël, Emeline 01 July 2011 (has links)
L’objectif du travail effectué était la recherche de nouvelles substances actives d’origine végétale, présentant soit une activité antiplasmodiale soit une activité antifongique. Cette étude a été menée suivant deux stratégies différentes: l’étude de remèdes traditionnels antipaludiques identifiés suite à des enquêtes ethnopharmacologiques, et la mise en évidence des propriétés antifongiques d’huiles essentielles grâce à une stratégie bioinspirée. La première partie du travail a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle d’un quassinoïde connu, la simalikalactone D, dans l’activité antipaludique d’une tisane de jeunes feuilles fraîches de Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Dans le cas de la décoction de rameaux de Psidium acutangulum DC. (Myrtaceae), c’est cette fois un mélange de flavonoïdes glycosylés qui est responsable de l’activité du remède. Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouvelles substances antifongiques, le criblage effectué a permis d’identifier de nombreuses huiles essentielles présentant des activités intéressantes, validant ainsi la démarche bioinspirée retenue dans ce cas. L’huile essentielle d’Otacanthus azureus (Linden) Ronse a en particulier démontré une activité remarquable, à la fois seule et en combinaison avec des antifongiques azolés. Enfin, l’étude métabolomique de la composition des huiles essentielles a permis de mettre au point un outil pouvant orienter la sélection des huiles en fonction des données obtenues en GC/MS dans l’optique de la recherche de nouvelles substances antifongiques. Ce travail démontre donc la validité des stratégies retenues – ethnopharmacologie et bioinspiration – dans la recherche de nouvelles substances bioactives. / The aim of this work was to search for new bioactive compounds, displaying either antiplasmodial or antifungal activity. Two strategies were developed here: the evaluation of traditional remedies identified as antimalarial through ethnopharmacological studies, and the search for antifungal essential oils, the criterium being here a bioinspired approach. Our work led to the discovery that the antimalarial activity of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae) fresh young leaves was due to the presence of a known quassinoid, simalikalactone D. In the case of Psidium acutangulum DC. (Myrtaceae), a flavonol glycosides mixture explained the activity observed for the decoction. The search for antifungal essential oils from the Amazonian flora led to the identification of several interesting species, thus validating our bioinspired strategy. The essential oil of Otacanthus azureus (Linden) Ronse was among the most active ones, either alone or in combination with azole drugs. Eventually, a metabolomic study of the GC/MS composition of these oils allowed us to develop a statistical tool which could help to select interesting antifungal products. This work thus demonstrates the major interest of the two strategies – ethnopharmacology and bioinspiration – for the search of new bioactive compounds.

ETUDE DE SUBSTANCES BIOACTIVES ISSUES DE LA FLORE AMAZONIENNE Analyse de préparations phytothérapeutiques à base de Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae) et de Psidium acutangulum DC. (Myrtaceae) utilisées en Guyane française pour une indication antipaludique. Identification et analyse métabolomique d'huiles essentielles à activité antifongique.

Houël, Emeline 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif du travail effectué était la recherche de nouvelles substances actives d'origine végétale, présentant soit une activité antiplasmodiale soit une activité antifongique. Cette étude a été menée suivant deux stratégies différentes: l'étude de remèdes traditionnels antipaludiques identifiés suite à des enquêtes ethnopharmacologiques, et la mise en évidence des propriétés antifongiques d'huiles essentielles grâce à une stratégie bioinspirée. La première partie du travail a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle d'un quassinoïde connu, la simalikalactone D, dans l'activité antipaludique d'une tisane de jeunes feuilles fraîches de Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Dans le cas de la décoction de rameaux de Psidium acutangulum DC. (Myrtaceae), c'est cette fois un mélange de flavonoïdes glycosylés qui est responsable de l'activité du remède. Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouvelles substances antifongiques, le criblage effectué a permis d'identifier de nombreuses huiles essentielles présentant des activités intéressantes, validant ainsi la démarche bioinspirée retenue dans ce cas. L'huile essentielle d'Otacanthus azureus (Linden) Ronse a en particulier démontré une activité remarquable, à la fois seule et en combinaison avec des antifongiques azolés. Enfin, l'étude métabolomique de la composition des huiles essentielles a permis de mettre au point un outil pouvant orienter la sélection des huiles en fonction des données obtenues en GC/MS dans l'optique de la recherche de nouvelles substances antifongiques. Ce travail démontre donc la validité des stratégies retenues - ethnopharmacologie et bioinspiration - dans la recherche de nouvelles substances bioactives.

Journeys beyond binaries : storytelling and polyphony in the narratives of Gabriella Ghermandi, Igiaba Scego, Ubax Cristina Ali Farah and Amara Lakhous

Prisco, Mario January 2015 (has links)
In the last two decades, in media and political discourses, Italianness has been increasingly represented as a homogeneous and compact entity, which is intruded on and contaminated by immigrants. In this study, the binary opposition between Italians and migrants is investigated from the perspective of writers who inhabit a liminal space, between at least two cultures, with the main intent to problematize the binary itself and to show its nature of fabrication. On the basis of Said's contrapuntal method, the novels by Ghermandi, Scego, Ali Farah and Lakhous are thought to establish a counterpoint with dominant discourses about Italianness. With the firm belief that discourses about postcolonial Italy must address its colonial past, the works analysed are considered as in dialogue with both colonial and postcolonial discourses. A dialogical relation is established, within the study, between Ghermandi's Regina di fiori e di perle and Flaiano's Tempo di uccidere. Written from the perspectives of the colonized and the colonizers respectively, both novels unveil colonial crimes and faults in Ethiopia, thus being counter-narratives about official representations of Italian colonialism. In Scego's Rhoda and Oltre Babilonia and Ali Farah's Madre piccolo, like threads, the individual stories of Somali exiles intertwine to create a fabric, whose pattern reveals the importance of the legacy of colonialism within contemporary Italy. Mainly situated between Italian and Somali cultures, the protagonists experience traumas, suffering and loss but finally attain a contrapuntal awareness between the two cultural poles. They become conscious of how enriching their in-between position is; they affirm the value of their hybrid identity. With a further zoom into postcolonial Italy, Lakhous' Scontro di civiltà per un ascensore a piazza Vittorio and Divorzio all'islamica a viale Marconi analyse the binary ‘us-Italians' versus ‘thosemigrants' in two microcosms in Rome. General polarizations such as Islam and the West emerge as factors which are exploited in order to exacerbate tensions and divisions. In addition, Italianness appears to be an internally fragmented entity, which is imagined as compact and homogeneous, as a reaction to the influx of immigrants. Against any logic of binarism, the novels by Ghermandi, Scego, Ali Farah and Lakhous reveal the constant effort to create a passage between two poles and to uphold a dialogical relation between them; crossings over and hybridity are continuously affirmed. With their highly important affirmation of multiplicity, the works challenge any essentializing notion of identity and any narrow representation of Italianness, within multiethnic contemporary Italy.

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