Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ambassadors"" "subject:"ambassador""
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'Many kinds of strong voices' : transnational encounters and literary ambassadorship in the fiction of Margaret Atwood and Hanan Al-ShaykhKarmi, Sali January 2008 (has links)
This research began as an attempt to question to what extent a politics of solidarity and the evolution of a ‘transnational feminism’ which travels across borders can be established within Arab and Western literary novels. While this study, in spirit, takes its lead from the call for ‘feminism without borders’ within the writings of two contemporary women writers, the Canadian Margaret Atwood and the Lebanese Hanan Al-Shaykh, it responds to the notion of transnationalism and literary ambassadorship from the perspective of Arab-Western relations. This process raises key questions for the reading of women’s writings across sensitive cultural divides: How can the literary contributions of Margaret Atwood and Hanan Al-Shaykh help in reshaping the form and content of a transnational and cultural interaction between the Arab World and the West? Do women writers articulate their concerns in the same manner across cultures? To what extent can literature cross borders and be fully engaged within diverse women’s concerns? And what might hinder the circulation of a transnational literary interaction? These contemporary women writers have been studied in the belief that their novels are committed to a transnational feminist agenda. Both writers place their feminist concerns within a national framework that they constantly negotiate. However, this comparison to test the value of women’s writings across borders has been challenged by a more complex study of factors that intervene along the way. The politics of reception, the processes of production, circulation, and consumption of the writers’ literary texts, the writers’ own shifting allegiances moving from nationalism to broader multicultural, cosmopolitan and transnational frameworks, are all factors to be taken into account. These factors have a direct impact on the context through which the literary texts have to be studied. Hence, this study seeks to contribute to this task by showing how these writers are engaged in the process of adjusting, reconstructing and even transcending their cultural milieus.
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Är företagen maktlösta? : En studie om hur tjänsteverksamheter kan gynnas av eWOM.Persson, Sofia, Pettersson, Sofia, Thunberg, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Syfte & Forskningsfråga: Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur regionala flygbolag arbetar med elektronisk word-of-mouth (eWOM) genom att undersöka och analysera på vilket sätt företag kan arbeta med eWOM, vilken betydelse eWOM har för tjänster inom turismsektorns privata marknad samt vilket inflytande konsumenter har genom eWOM. Med syftet i baktanke formulerades forskningsfrågan: Vilken betydelse har eWOM för företag inom turismsektorn och hur kan de använda eWOM i sin marknadsföring? Metod: I denna studie har vi använt oss utav en kvalitativ metod för att ha möjlighet att få en djupare förståelse för det valda forskningsämnet. Redan från början av studien har vi haft ett växelspel mellan teori och empiri, varför det abduktiva synsättet har använts. Vidare har empiriska data samlats in genom sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med användandet av en intervjuguide för att till viss del kunna styra samtalet men samtidigt få mer flexibilitet där respondenterna haft möjlighet att svara fritt. Under intervjuerna har vi använt oss utav en intervjuguide för att till viss del kunna styra samtalet. De valda respondenterna har alla kunskap från arbete med marknadsföring men arbetar i olika positioner och företag. Slutsatser: I studiens analys har vi kunnat se både instämningar och motsägelser mellan teori och empiri. Det har framkommit att eWOM har en stor betydelse för konsumenter och att de till stor del litar mer på andra kunders åsikter än företagets egen marknadsföring. Det poängteras även att tjänster inom turismsektorn är immateriella och ofta inte möjliga att pröva innan köp, vilket bidrar med osäkerhet för kunden. Utifrån detta har det kunnat konstateras att eWOM är betydelsefullt för att kunden ska kunna skapa sig en uppfattning och kunna utvärdera tjänsten. eWOM har således en stor betydelse för företagets kunder och det är därför direkt centralt för företagen att arbeta med detta i sin marknadsföring. / The purpose of this study has been to develop an understanding of how regional airlines are working with electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) through examining and analyzing in which way companies can work with eWOM, what significance eWOM has to services within the tourism sectors private market and what influence consumers has through eWOM. With the purpose in mind the following research questions has been formulated: What significance has eWOM for companies within the tourism sector and how can they use eWOM in their marketing? In this study we have used a qualitative method to have the possibility to develop a greater understanding of the chosen research topic. From the start of the study we have had an interplay between the theoretical and empirical material and therefore the abductive approach has been used. Furthermore the empirical material has been gathered through six semi-structured interviews with the use of an interview guide. In this way we could to some extent control and steer the conversation but at the same time bring flexibility where the informants had the possibility to speak freely. All the chosen informants have knowledge in marketing but they all work in different positions and companies. Through the analysis of this study we have been able to both see agreements and disagreements between the theoretical and empirical material. It has been revealed that eWOM has a great significance to consumers and that they to a large extent trust other customers opinions more than they trust the companies own marketing. It has been pointed out that services within the tourism sector are immaterial and often not possible to try before being bought, which contributes with an uncertainty for the customer. Based on this we have found that eWOM has a great meaning for the customers creation of their perception and evaluation of services. eWOM therefore have a great importance for the company's customers and is thereby essential for the company’s marketing strategy.
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The rise of store personnel : an exploratory study on how to utilize the grocery retail store personnel in the marketing of sustainable products toward consumersBorgström, Bendik, Knese, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Globalization has influenced the grocery retail industry and the most impactful changes are the preferences and habits of consumers. The increased consumption of consumers is one of the habits that have created a demand for sustainable products. The sustainable products can be marketed towards consumers by the frontline employees. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how grocery retail store personnel can be used as ambassadors toward consumers that will result in sustainable purchase behaviour. To answer the research question, several interviews have been conducted. The interview with the grocery retail expert aided us in the formulation of interview questions. The four interviews with two ICA stores’ personnel provided us with the empirical data needed for reaching the conclusions. Findings reveal that the involvement of personnel in communication with the consumers has positive a positive outcome. In this way, they can be seen as CSR ambassadors and, therefore, efficiently market the organization. To achieve CSR ambassadorship, employees and consumers must enhance organizational identification. One conclusion is that consumers may reach sustainable purchase behaviour when CSR ambassadorship is developed in coherence with a grocery retail store.
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Asking for a friend : Youths experience with youth health centres in SwedenBjörkqvist, Maja January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the stigmas and taboos surrounding youth health centers in Sweden and how this might be hindering young people to visit the youth health centers. It’s exploring how this can be challenged and how the threshold can be lowered by involving the informal support system and bringing the youth health center to the youth arena which allows for a more informal type of support and guidance. The youth health centers in Sweden have been around since 1970 and are a well known and established form of healthcare, yet the majority of the visitors are young women. How come? I’ve been working from the hypothesis that there is a need for more youth to seek help but that they for various reasons don’t manage to make it all the way there. There are many stigmas surrounding topics that the youth health center is dealing with, such as sex, depression, or domestic violence. This is especially true for young people on the edge between childhood and adulthood. Using a human-centered design approach this project has through the involvement of adolescents, midwives and youth workers among others, been exploring challenges and finding opportunities where interaction design can be used to improve the situation for the youth that do not make it to the youth health centers but that want and would benefit from their services. The final design proposal is an ambassadorship, aimed towards adults already part of the informal support system, that will enable youth to feel more empowered to seek help. It is set up to reach the youth in new ways, in an informal manner to bring the solution to the youth and to create a more comfortable space for them to open up within. Part of this is also a service for youth to effortlessly get in contact with the youth health center and to create personal connections to its personnel through link cards and video presentations. These connections are there to prepare the youth and to lower the bar of contact by building trust and humanize the help-seeking process. To make it clear that they are not trying to contact an institution but a person.
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Vilka roller och intentioner har era invånare? : En studie om platsambassadörskap online / Which are the roles and intentions of your residents? : A study about place ambassadorship onlineNilsson, Mia, Hansson, Emelie, Andersson, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Forskning visar att platsmarknadsföring som strategi används alltmer frekvent. Städer och platser uppfattas inte längre som konstanta utan befinner sig i en ständig utvecklingsprocess och behöver hanteras därefter. Då många platser konkurrerar om bland annat besökare, invånare och studenter är det viktigt att kunna differentiera sitt platsvarumärke och kommunicera platsens identitet på önskat sätt. Tidigare forskning har visat att invånare är en av de viktigaste intressenterna för destinationsmarknadsföringsorganisationer (DMO) på grund av deras inflytande på en plats. Invånarna är dock svåra att styra i önskad riktning då de är en heterogen grupp där åsikter, preferenser och attityder skiljer sig åt. Om detta inte sker finns en risk att invånarna inte känner delaktighet med platsen och dess platsvarumärke. Därför är syftet med denna studie att bidra till förståelsen för invånare som platsvarumärkesambassadörer (PVA) med nytta för DMO:s. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har 272 stycken Instagraminlägg samlats in från tre olika svenska DMO-konton på Instagram. I ett nästa steg analyserades dessa genom att applicera fyra roller och fyra intentioner som identifierats i tidigare forskning (Uchinaka, Yoganathan & Osburg 2019). Resultatet visar att invånarnas roller och intentioner skiljer sig åt mellan de olika platserna och därför inte kan generaliseras. Dessa variationer diskuteras och slutligen resulterar i förståelse för invånare som PVA:s. Med resultatet som stöd, uppmanar forskarna i denna studie att DMO:s bör intressera sig för invånarna på platsen vars platsvarumärke de verkar för. Det, då det mest effektiva sättet att skapa och bibehålla ett framgångsrikt platsvarumärke är genom samarbete med dess invånare. / In recent years, place marketing as a strategy has been more frequently implemented. Cities and places today are not seen as constant but as continual processes of development, in need of being treated with the dynamic in mind. As many places compete for, among other things, visitors, residents, and students it is of great importance to be able to differentiate and communicate the place's identity. Previous research has shown that residents are one of the most important stakeholders for destination marketing organizations (DMO) due to their influence on a place. However, residents are difficult to steer in the desired direction as they are a heterogeneous group where opinions, preferences and attitudes differentiate. If this does not happen, there is a risk that the residents do not feel involved with the place and its place brand. Therefore, it is crucial for DMO:s to understand the residents of the place in order to work effectively with the place brand. Hence, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of residents as place branding ambassadors online with use for DMO:s. Through a qualitative content analysis, 272 Instagram posts have been collected from three different Swedish DMO accounts on Instagram. Furthermore, these were analyzed by applying four roles and four intentions identified in previous research (Uchinaka, Yoganathan & Osburg 2019). Findings reveal that residents' roles and intentions differ between places and therefore can not be generalized. This variation is being discussed and the outcome of the discussions is understanding for residents as place brand ambassadors. With support from the result, the researchers of this study urge DMO:s to invest their interest in the residents of the place in order to create and maintain a successful place brand. (This study is written in Swedish.)
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