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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Empirical Analysis of Decentralization, Fiscal Competition and Welfare Policy

Fiva, Jon H January 2006 (has links)
While competition among companies tends to be beneficial for the general public, this is not necessarily the case for competition among governments. Key in the fiscal competition theory is that the mobility of firms and households yields incentives for governments to aim to improve their relative position through successive undercutting of tax rates and welfare state arrangements. This mechanism has the potential to work as a disciplining device because it ensures that no jurisdiction is allowed to be grossly inefficient, because if it were grossly inefficient, mobile factors of production would move away. The main concern in the theoretical fiscal competition literature, however, has been that fiscal competition lowers government spending below their efficient levels. Another concern related to fiscal competition is that household mobility is likely to undermine attempts by governments to redistribute income. Empirical evaluation of both the existence and consequences of fiscal competition is the central topic of the thesis “An Empirical Analysis of Decentralization, Fiscal Competition and Welfare Policy”. A particular focus of this thesis is on fiscal competition in welfare policy. With decentralized responsibility for the welfare benefit system in Norway, theory predicts that local governments will behave strategically in setting their welfare policy in order to avoid becoming ‘welfare magnets’. The key finding in Chapter 2 of this thesis is that Norwegian local governments in fact engage in such a ‘welfare game’. A local government will respond with reducing their welfare benefits when neighboring local governments reduce their welfare benefits. Encouraged by the finding in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 seeks to answer the question: Does Welfare Policy Affect Residential Choices? The analysis shows that Norwegian welfare recipients respond to changes in welfare policy by migrating. Local politicians concern about being to generous compared to their peers seem warranted. The analysis in Chapter 4 evaluates whether strategic interaction among Norwegian local governments in property tax decisions occurs. With limited mobility of the tax base and politically highly visible decisions, we interpret the strategic interaction found to be driven by yardstick competition, rather than competition for a mobile tax base. The final chapter differs from the rest in that it utilizes data from 18 OECD countries. The essay analyzes the effects of decentralization of government on the size and composition of government spending. Since jurisdictions with limited geographic scope (such as local governments) are, in general, more likely to face greater competitive pressures than larger ones (such as countries), it follows that the more fiscally decentralized countries are expected to experience stronger fiscal competition. One of the key findings is that decentralization of taxing powers is associated with less transfer spending, but unrelated to government consumption. / Paper I reprinted with kind permission of Elsevier, Sciencedirect.com

Attityder till rasism, främlingsfientlighet och invandring : -en studie bland ungdomar / Attitudes toward racism, xenophobia and immigration : -a study among young people

Hermansson, Joakim January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån en teoretisk kunskap om ungdomars attityder till rasism, främlingsfientlighet och invandring utföra en studie som i praktiken undersöker ungdomars attityder, i årskurs 6 till 9, till invandring och invandrare. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som omfattade 83 elever fördelade på fyra klasser, en i varje årskurs. Undersökningen utfördes på en högstadieskola i en kommun med drygt 9000 invånare i västra Sverige. Enkäten bestod av 10 slutna frågor samt 2 delvis öppna, där eleverna fick möjlighet att motivera sina svar. Resultatet visar att flickor är mer toleranta än pojkar och att elever i årskurs 7 är mer toleranta än sina äldre kamrater. Den högsta andelen intoleranta elever finns i årskurs 9. Till denna tendens kan inte de tillfrågade ur årskurs 6 inräknas då en stor andel av dem anger att de är osäkra till frågeställningen i flera fall. Bland elevernas egna kommentarer visar någon enstaka elev hög intolerans när denne jämställer ett mångkulturellt samhälle med våldtäkter. Denna attityd är dock inte representativ i någon mening, då en sammanfattande värdering av resultatet visar hög tolerans för nästan samtliga av de tillfrågade eleverna. / The purpose of this paper is that from a theoretic knowledge of young people’s attitudes towards racism, xenophobia and immigration carry out a study that in practice investigates young people’s attitudes, in the sixth to ninth grade, towards immigration and immigrants. A survey was carried out that included 83 pupils divided in four school classes, one in every grade. The survey was carried out at a grammar school in a municipality with more than 9000 inhabitants located in the west part of Sweden. The survey contained 10 secluded questions and 2 partly open questions, where the pupils had the possibility to justify their answers. The results shows that girls are more tolerant than boys and that pupils in the seventh grade are more tolerant than their older friends. The highest share of intolerant pupils occurs in grade nine. It’s not possible to include those asked from the sixth grade into this tendency because of the high percentage share that answers “don’t know”. Among the pupils own comments there are very few that shows intolerance to a great extent and one pupil writes that a multicultural society equals rapes. This attitude is not by far representative since a summery of valuations in the survey shows that almost every of those asked are tolerant to a high extent.

Seeking Justice after a Dictatorship: Ethical Dilemmas

Medina Bustos, Ayeray Mirta January 2006 (has links)
The meaning that Justice has after a conflict in a society might vary regarding the political development and cultural and shared values of a certain society. Rawls, in his Theory of Justice gives his idea of what justice is and presents two principles of justice that he argues are required to live in a good society: a first principle that secures equal rights and liberties for all individuals and a second egalitarian principle that restrains the consequences of economic inequalities within societies. He also introduces the concept of “overlapping consensus” which I will use regarding the idea of Reconciliation, at the end of this paper. In the cases presented in this paper (i.e. Argentina and South Africa), essential human rights were violated, therefore wrongdoers made the society unjust. The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the conditions that are necessary to re-establish justice when a society goes through a conflict. I will introduce some ideas concerning that issue: ideas of retribution, reparation and reconciliation. These are seen as different paths for several countries when trying to tackle to the matter of achieving justice. In my view, this question can be answered appealing first to an intuitive conception of moral justice that may exist at an individual and collective level, as well. The ethical dilemmas both levels have are in relation to the harm done, punishments and how to balance them, limiting, for instance, the punishment in order to accomplish a just and a better society. I will also present how shared values can result from a process of reconciliation, which is considered as the ideal alternative to achieve justice. However, when the equilibrium between members of a community is broken, some people claim that punishment can restore that lost equilibrium that existed before in the community. Nevertheless, peace, reconciliation and justice cannot be constructed under the basis of silence. One way to keep memory alive is to let survivors, for instance, narrate what they have lived through; telling stories also creates a new space to share with others their experiences, revealing their fears and emotions. Regarding this theme, I will present the NUNCA MAS (Never Again) report, which is fundamental as it gives some testimonies, facts and proposals that will help to reach a consensus and therefore, future reconciliations. Why is important to achieve justice? Because then members of a certain community will be able to interact in the present with common shared values and thus, deal with the past. Not to consider reconciliation as one important step to achieve justice, and only think in terms of punishment, instead of giving way to peace and justice, could perhaps promote the possibility of further conflicts. To consider both punishment and reconciliation might just be one possible blueprint in the long and difficult way of searching for a just society.

A Diachronic Analysis of Southern Baptist Missions Among Hispanics in Kentucky

Young, Jonathan Paul 30 May 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT A DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF SOUTHERN BAPTIST MISSIONS AMONG HISPANICS IN KENTUCKY Jonathan Paul Young, D.Miss. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013 Chair: Dr. M. David Sills Chapter 1 examines the Hispanic community in the United States then in Kentucky. It provides an overview of the history of Southern Baptist missions among Hispanics in Kentucky as seen through the framework of the six regional Hispanic ministries. An overview of the importance of the Hispanic Statewide Council and the Hispanic Baptist Bible Institute are sketched. Finally, the chapter concludes with the background of the study, and the research methodology. Chapter 2 provides an in-depth sketch of the histories of the Central Hispanic Region and South Central Hispanic Region. I begin with a historical picture of the Central Hispanic Region. The beginnings, growth, and present standing are then examined. This chapter includes a brief look at other ministries geared towards Hispanics who are found within this geographical region. The Hispanic racetrack ministry of Churchill Downs in Louisville and of Turfway Park in Florence along with Northern Kentucky Baptist Association's Hispanic Ministry history serve as examples. Following this is an examination of South Central Hispanic Region. The beginnings, growth and present status will are provided chronologically. The chapter concludes with a few insights garnered from these two regions. Chapter 3 presents historical sketches of both the Bluegrass Hispanic Region and the Southwestern Hispanic Region. First, the beginnings, growth and present status of Hispanic Southern Baptists are examined. Second, Elkhorn Baptist Association's Hispanic ministry history is surveyed. Third, the Southwestern Hispanic Region is presented in the same manner. The chapter concludes with several insights learned from these two Kentucky Hispanic Baptist Regions. Chapter 4 chronicles the histories of the Southern Kentucky Hispanic Region and the Western Hispanic Region. Both of these regions are presented much like the other previous regional Hispanic regions in this dissertation while including the idiosyncrasies of the regions at hand. Chapter 5 begins by summarizing the findings of this diachronic analysis of Southern Baptist missions among Hispanics in Kentucky. Drawing upon previous chapters, I suggest several potential applications for Kentucky Baptists, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic alike. The dissertation concludes with recommendations for further research.

Soldatavgångar och det utvecklande ledarskapets betydelse : en studie av samband / Early attrition among conscripts and the importance of transformational leadership : a study on relations

Karlsson, Tommy January 2009 (has links)
Soldater som avbryter sin grundutbildning i förtid innebär onödiga kostnader och åtgärder för såväl organisationen som för de enskilda berörda. Försvarsmaktens mål är att avgångarna inte ska vara högre än 7 % av inryckande värnpliktiga. Målet har dock varit svårt att nå och för åren 2000-2005 ligger de genomsnittliga soldatavgångarna på cirka 13 %. Skillnaderna i avgångstal mellan olika förband är dock stora och den här undersökningen studerar om det kan bero på det ledarskap som praktiseras vid förbanden. Genom att mäta nivån avseende utvecklande ledarskap, vilken är Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell, vid sex arméförband och sen koppla ihop den med storleken på deras soldatavgångar identifieras olika samband. Därigenom framgår också faktorer som är viktiga för att nå låga avgångar. Resultaten pekar mot att det finns samband mellan storleken på soldatavgångarna och nivån på det utvecklande ledarskap som tillämpas. Särskilt betydelsefullt för låga avgångar förefaller personlig omtanke vara. / Early attrition among conscripts is a problem both for the organization and for the individuals due to the costs and efforts that arise. The goal of the Swedish Armed Forces is that early attrition rates should not be higher than 7 % of personnel reporting for duty. Nevertheless the goal has been difficult to achieve and between the years of 2000 and 2005 the average early attrition rate has been approximately 13 %. The disparity between different units is significant and this study will examine whether this can be due to the leadership that is executed at the units. By measuring the level of transformational leadership, which is the model of leadership in the Swedish Armed Forces, at six different army units and then connect that level to their level of early attrition rates, different relations will be identified. By doing this, important factors to prevent early attrition will also occur. The results indicate that there are relations between early attrition rates and the level of the transformational leadership that is executed. Especially individualised consideration seems to be of outmost importance for low attrition rates.

Känslor syns inte utanpå men känns inuti : Barns behov av vuxna i sin krisbearbetning / Emotions are not visible on the outside but feels inside : Children need adults in their crisis management

Gysell, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
Varje skola har skyldighet att inneha en aktuell krisplan att tillgå vid händelser och situationer som kan utlösa en krisreaktion hos en eller flera individer på skolan. Det finns inga direktiv från varken arbetsmiljöverket eller skolverket kring hur dessa krisplaner skall vara utformade eller vilka händelser och situationer som bör tas upp. Detta ger varje enskild skola stora friheter i utformningen av krisplanerna. Jag har inhämtat krisplaner från fem grundskolor med årskurser från förskoleklass till årskurs fem och gjort kritiska diskursanalyser av dessa varpå jag upptäckt stora skillnader och även likheter mellan dessa vilka jag ger en redogörelse för i mitt resultat. Jag har fokuserat på tre utkristalliserade teman: Elevs dödsfall Uppföljning av elever som mår dåligt till följd av inträffat dödsfall Situationer som en enskild skola är ensam om att lyfta upp Vidare för jag en diskussion kring krisplanernas utformning och de utkristalliserade teman jag funnit och kopplar dessa till psykologisk forskning kring barns känslor, krisreaktioner samt barnens bearbetningsprocess vid en kris. Jag söker även efter indikationer på att barn som mår dåligt till följd av att föräldrarna separerar lyfts upp i krisplanerna. Då jag inte finner några indikationer på att dessa barn omfattas av krisplanernas åtgärder för jag en diskussion om dessa barns specifika reaktioner på separationen i slutdiskussionen. Jag diskuterar även huruvida barnen får vara delaktiga i utformandet av krisplanerna på skolan utifrån barnkonventionens tredje artikel som belyser att barns bästa alltid skall komma i främsta rummet samt tolfte artikeln som lyfter fram att barns åsikter alltid skall tas i beaktande i situationer som rör dem. / Each school is obligated to maintain an emergency plan in case of events and situations that could lead to a state of crisis with one or among several individuals at school. There are no directives from the department of work environment or the department of education on how an emergency plan should look like or what topics to be covered. This gives each school the freedom of choice to form the emergency plan in their own manner. I have gathered emergency plans from five elementary schools ranging from preschool to fifth grade and upon critical analysis, great differences was noticed but also some similarities which I will describe in my results. Focus was put into three recurring themes noticed: Death of a pupil Follow up of pupil´s feeling depressed as a result of occurred death Emergency plan topics covered by one individual school only There is a discussion around how the emergency plans are formed and around the three themes which then are connected with psychological research around children’s emotions when a state of crisis occur and their ability to handle and process a state of crisis. I also seek indications that children feeling depressed as a result of parents separating are considered in the emergency plan. As no indications where found that this was covered in the emergency plans there is a discussion around children’s specific reactions to a separation within the end discussion. There is also a discussion if children can take part in the creation of the emergency plans at their school on the basis of the children’s convention, third article which points out that the children’s best must be of the highest interest and the twelfth article which points out that the children´s opinion must be considered in situations where they are affected.

The performances of different comparative distances on water turbine

Chiu, Po-lin 06 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the performance of a horizontal water turbine in ocean current. The design of the water turbine is based on the Blade Element Momentum theory to begin with. As the water current flows past a single turbine, the water inflow velocity and the rotational speed are the parameters to be investigated. Furthermore, the interaction of more than two turbines due to the relative distance is also discussed. The relative distance encompasses both the front and the back. The results show that the water inflow velocity and the turbine rotational speed influence the performance of the turbine. When two turbines function simultaneously, the flow field is different from the one of a single turbine and thus influences the performance of the other turbines in the vicinity. Lastly, the site arrangement of three turbines is discussed, and it is revealed that a proper arrangement can enhance the performance of the turbines.

Att vara familj, vän & förebild : En kvalitativ studie om integrationsassistenters arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn- och ungdomar under asylprocessen / Being a family, friend & rolemodel : A qualitative study about integrationassistants work with unaccompanied refugee children during the asylum process

Wiik Järvelin, Nathalie, Roukachi, Farah January 2015 (has links)
The aim with this study is to examine and analyze how the employees at two residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children work with the children during their pending decision for asylum in Sweden. The purpose is to gain insight into the employees’ daily work with the target audience and how they handle decisions with the children. The method to collect data is to carry 6 interviews with the employees at the residential care home. The interviews were semi-structured with purpose of letting the interviewee lead the content of the interview. The results of the interviews show that the employees have very varied types of duties within their profession. The employees must also maintain many different roles, for example family, teacher and friend. The employees do often have to face very difficult situations with the children during their wait for a residence permit decision. The result was analyzed with theories as Integration Theory and Coping theory. The conclusions of this study are that the employees at the residential care homes for refugee children have very multifaceted work tasks with a very important target group. The increased amount of unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents escaping to Sweden has led to a situation that the Swedish society haven’t had time to adjust to. Clarifying how the employees work and treat the unaccompanied children can contribute to spreading this knowledge to other community stakeholders.

Konkurrensklimat och dynamik : en studie av interaktion mellan konkurrenter / THE CLIMATE AND DYNAMICS OF COMPETITION : A Study of Interaction Between Competitors

Bengtsson, Maria January 1994 (has links)
A partly new train of thought has emerged during the last few years, which claims that national conditions are of importance for company strength in relation to international competitors. National competition has stood out as one of the most important explanatory factors, and is seen as the catalyst or motor in dynamic industrial environments. The demands and pressures that evolve from competition between geographically proximate companies stimulate the innovativeness within the industry. Thus, the question about why and how dynamics of competition develop and function has not been answered in existing research. The main purpose of this study is therefore to analyse the process of competition in industries with a high degree of geographical proximity between competitors, in order to improve the understanding of the character and dynamics of competition. A general review of literature dealing with competition at industry, strategic group, and organisation level was compiled. The review gave two dimensions by which four types of competition were possible to distinguish, degree of symmetry between competitores and degree of activity in competition. To obtain an understanding for the character and dynamics of competition, it is not enough to identify different types of competition. The process through which competition is formed over time also needs to be studied. Other theoretical approaches are therefore necessary. First, the companies' competitive actions should be understood from their experience and expectations of competition. Second, the specific competitive moves that are taken by individual companies are of importance for the competition. Third, competition has to be described as a process of interaction over time. A case-study approach has been used for the gathering of data. Case-studies have been conducted within three industries that differ from each other with regard to competition. Competition in the Frontloader industry has been driven by two companies equal in both size and relative strength. The competitors in the Lining industry are,on the other hand, dissimilar, both in respect to relative strength and to the orientation of their business. The third industry, that of Hoisters, is characterised by the domination by one company. Two major results have been reached in this study. First the concept climate of competition has been coined to analyse and describe the character of the four types of competition. The following four climates of competition emerge from the analysis; climate of rivalling competion, of co-existing competition, of evolutionary competition and climate of revolutionary competition. The climates of competition differ with regard to the functional and psychological distance between competitors, the possibility to survey competition, and the actors' acceptance of current rules-of-play and role distribution. The second result of the study is a greater understanding for the dynamics within competition. By analysing the character of and change in competition over time two partly different, but interwined forces, have been detected. Competition gives rise on the one hand to different kinds of learning processes, and on the other forces competitors to innovative and creative measures. / digitalisering@umu

"Galilean turbulence" : disruption and the bible in the poetry of W.B.Yeats

Horne, Nicholas Lawrence Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Disturbance has been recognised as a presence in Yeats’s poetry for some time, although its discussion has not been extensive. The purpose of this thesis is to explore a particular type of disturbance in Yeat’s poetry that has not yet been investigated: disruption, and its relation to the Bible. I argue that disruption, in its meanings of interruption, disorder, fracturing, and division, is a distinct presence in a number of Yeat’s poems, and that it manifests in three key categories: disruption relating to Yeatsian poiesis, Yeat’s interest in and use of instances of disruption in the Bible, and disruption of the Bible itself. / I begin by considering “The Second Coming” as a notable instance of disruption and its religious and biblical resonances. I argue that this work, in reference to an instance of disruption in the Bible, undergoes textual disruption close to its centre. I develop an account of the poem as divided into opposing texts, identities, and prophetic currents, all in close relation to the Bible. I then turn to a range of contextual matters raised by the discussion of “The Second Coming”. Starting with a consideration of religion and the Bible in Yeat’s artistic vision, I argue that these two factors are important to Yeat’s envisioning of art and that disruption is deeply involved with both. Following this I investigate the relation between disruption and the Bible itself, demonstrating that disruption is a strong presence in the biblical narrative. I then consider Yeat’s reception of the Bible, focusing on Yeat’s perception of the Authorised Version and on Blake as a precursor. I argue that the Authorised Version was significant for Yeats, and that Blake was influential in demonstrating the poetic possibilities of biblically-related disruption for Yeats. / After discussing these contextual matters I embark upon a wider survey of biblically-related disruption in Yeat’s poetry. First, I consider a group of poems from one of Yeat’s earlier poetic books, The Wind Among the Reeds. I argue that these works, through the figure of the biblical wind, explore the conjunction of disruption and the Bible in each of the three categories of disruption outlined above. I then turn to a second set of poems that I group together due to a shared theme of inspiration. I argue that these works also engage with disruption and the Bible, particularly in relation to the category of disruption relating to the act of poiesis. The last group of poems that I consider are concerned with central events in the life of Christ. I argue that these works demonstrate a dynamic exploration of disruption and the Bible in relation to these events, focusing particularly on the nature of Christ as God and Saviour. I then proceed to a consideration of disruption in Yeats apart from its expression in the poetry. Seeking to gain a deeper insight into disruption as an element of Yeatsian poiesis, I consider some relevant theoretical perspectives before suggesting that disruption in Yeats can be constructively interpreted in terms of potentiality.

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