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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王清煌, Wang, Ching-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
外商來我國投資設廠後,外商(尤其是美商)在執行勞工安全衛生管理成效比本國類似事業單位優異,一樣的勞工在相同法律下會有如此的差異呢?藉由美商台灣開利股份有限公司與杜邦公司的安全衛生管理實務,來探討其成功的因素。 當然安全衛生管理工作有部分,涉及到ISO機構的基本精神是希望消除各國除關稅以外的貿易障礙,與全球分工與公平競爭部份並非屬於本研究的主題。但就生命的尊重與員工照顧而言是值得我們肯定與借鏡。 他山之石可以攻錯之,外商大部分的員工都是本國同胞,在相同的國家文化與法律制度下,安全衛生績效成果皆比大部分本國的企業優異。我們就可以從幾個安全衛生管理關鍵因素來探討,希望以此探討以期能使我國的企業安全衛生工作更加確實,減少職業災害的發生。讓勞工能從考量自身安全為出發成為最注意本身安全的人,而非一般勞工普遍存在安全衛生是老闆的事,是安全衛生專責人員的事的謬誤。 老實說發生事故造成傷害或是不幸死亡時,是自己最親近的人和自己受到傷害。要保護自己的安全只有靠自己,別人總是沒有辦法隨時盯著你所以安全是必須靠自己的。 一、安全衛生管理 研究探討美商安全衛生管理稽核管理制度,相同的人員與法律制度下,在不同的安全衛生管理系統下所產生的管理結果卻是不同。發現安全衛生管理是屬於生產活動的一部份而且是有系統化的管理工作,是與生產活動相結合的必要行為。 二、勞動檢查機構 專業和有效的稽核檢查工作,使企業推行的安全衛生管理工作可以被專業的安全衛生稽核人員仔細且確實的稽核審查,並在稽核後做確實可行的改善方案,追蹤企業對安全衛生管理做持續改善;讓安全衛生管理工作可被企業確實推行。 三、政府勞動主管單位 以安全衛生成效作為鼓勵投資的項目之一,配合政府採購法、結合商業保險的優惠費率、職業災害保護法的教育訓練與提供實際有效的安全衛生管理技術給本國企業,改善勞工安全衛生管理工作;配合消防法建築法與環保相關法規的修訂來增進「本質安全」的安全衛生管理理念。 四、如何從被動經驗轉換成主動經驗。所謂主動經驗就是我們一般所說的再哪裡跌倒,就要從哪裡爬起來。但是這就必須付出十分慘痛的經驗──例如:受傷、失能傷害、殘廢、嚴重者喪失寶貴的生命。將別人的主動經驗(相對是我們的是被動經驗)轉為我們的主動經驗,就是將被動經驗轉為主動經驗,也就是說不用跌倒也可以學到經驗。就如同經濟活動的進步一般迅速,安全衛生管理是隨著經濟活動而衍生出來,相同的安全衛生管理也應該隨著經濟成長而使得安全衛生管理更有績效。 五、安全衛生管理的教育訓練 美商安全衛生管理的教育訓練是持續的並且是有系統化的會配合安全衛生政策、安全衛生風險評估、事故調查、傷害趨勢與勞動相關法規配合的教育訓練。將一系列安全衛生教育融入事業的生產行事曆中,讓安全教育訓練需求是來自事業體中的各個單位。 並且讓勞工能了解安全衛生工作是在保護勞動者本身安全,唯有自己保護自己才是最上策。經由美商企業的投資可將其安全衛生管理技術在本國紮根,並藉由員工的流動可將安全衛生管理技術傳遞。其實這種經驗的傳遞方式非常類似經濟進步的脈絡,例如:歐美從工業革命至今約200年,經濟發展才有今日的水準,日本約追趕了百年才有今日的成就,台灣像歐美及日本學習約30年就有今日的規模,中國大陸改革開放約10年成長速度之迅速無與倫比。這就是企業投資與經驗迅速傳授的重要例證;相信只要安全衛生管理的成效有如經濟投資般的誘因,也可以讓安全衛生管理系統快速在企業界發展起來。 用以介紹美商安全衛生管理制度優點為借鏡,來找出如何確實做好安全衛生工作;使得勞工安全衛生法律在執行上能確實保護勞工安全與健康;進而減少相關的社會問題,並減少勞資在安全衛生管理的爭議,企業營運成本降低,使得企業獲利增加;國民生產毛額增加,國民的實質所得增加,使我們能與工業先進國家競爭。 其實就整個社會經濟而言,這是個內在成本與外在成本的問題而已。今天企業若只考慮其本身營運成本而部投資在安全衛生上,就等於將其內部成本推給社會(政府),由納稅人來補貼企業投資者,將企業風險轉嫁給社會大眾,雖然企業投資者也可能是納稅人之一。更使得資源分配不均勻。所以說讓企業從事安全衛生的投資也是促進實現社會公平的方法之一。 我們上學讀書就是一種快速的經驗累積,如何將別人的經驗累積成自己的經驗的最快方法就是學習,而且是有系統的學習,就可以非常快速的累積前人的經驗。在安全衛生管理上也是如此,如何讓員工很快速了解危害與危害可能造成的傷害,進而保護自己避免危害到自己的最好方式就是合適的教育訓練和充分的溝通。也就是說他人所犯的錯誤 (我的被動經驗)經由安全衛生管理系統作有系統的事故調查,結構化的事故原因分析,透過宣導溝通管道來讓員工吸收該經驗,並且依照嚴密的管理系統來改善發生事故原因,並透過美商跨國公司宣導管道將改善措施分發給每一家子公司作預防性的管理措施,來抑制職業傷害發生,別人跌倒我們就要小心,不再重蹈覆轍。就是職業災害發生後的事故調查,並且將調查結果與改善方案公告週知,事故單位的經驗就轉成其他單位的主動經驗。可迅速從相關單位得到相關經驗,也就是說不用跌倒也可以得到經驗。 在本文中會再詳細討論將被動經驗傳承為主動經驗的有效方法與實例。並以成功案例作為本研究之範例來詳細說明。 / Why are the American companies’ branches in Taiwan that is good for Environment, Health & Safety management system than local companies? These are same employees and regulations in Taiwan, but different performance result of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) management system. That is this paper to research approaches. I have been worked at Carrier Taiwan and position in EH&S coordinator. I try to study and find out American companies as Carrier Taiwan Co., Ltd and Du Pont Taiwan Co., Ltd. Environment, Health & Safety management systems practice advantages. Moreover, introduce them to local companies to learn it and improvement Environment, Health & Safety management system. Then let local companies reduce occupational injury, further approach to save company compensation expenses. Other issues are suggestion government relevant departments to quick get experiences to amend laws and regulations to improve local companies Environment, Health & Safety management system performance. Protect labors to keep away injury and illness is my paper study approach.

Méthodologie de dimensionnement d’un véhicule hybride électrique sous contrainte de minimisation des émissions de CO2 / Hybrid electric vehicle sizing methodology under CO2 emissions minimization constraint

Marc, Nicolas 26 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose une méthodologie systématique d’évaluation et de comparaison des gains en émissions de CO2 de véhicules hybrides électriques de différentes architectures et intégrant différentes fonctionnalités. Une méthodologie de dimensionnement a été mise en place, elle se base sur la définition d’un cahier des charges en performances dynamiques des véhicules, la mise en place d’algorithmes de mise à l’échelle afin de générer les données des composants de la chaîne de traction (batterie, machine électrique, moteur thermique), et l’utilisation de procédures de dimensionnement du véhicule sous contrainte de minimisation des émissions de CO2. L’évaluation énergétique des différentes configurations de véhicule ainsi dimensionnées s’articule autour de la définition de différents usages du véhicule et sur l’implémentation d’une loi de gestion optimale de l’énergie de type Principe du Minimum de Pontriaguine. Ces méthodologies ont été appliquées à une architecture conventionnelle, servant de référence pour les performances dynamiques et les consommations énergétiques, et d’une architecture hybride parallèle pré-transmission, pour laquelle une configuration hybride rechargeable et une configuration hybride non rechargeable ont été implémentées. / This thesis work proposes a systematic methodology dedicated to the evaluation and comparison of CO2 emissions’ reduction for hybrid electric vehicles with different architectures and different levels of functionality. A sizing methodology has been developed, which is based on the definition of the requirements for the dynamic performances of vehicles, on the development of scaling algorithms in order to generate the dataset for the powertrain components (battery, electric motor, engine), and on the application of procedures for the sizing of a vehicle under CO2 emissions’ minimization constraint. The energy consumption evaluation of the different vehicle configurations, which were previously sized, is founded on the definition of a variety of vehicle’s type of use, as well as on the implementation of an optimal energy management strategy, the Pontryaguin’s Minimum Principle. These methodologies have been applied to a conventional vehicle architecture, which has been used as a reference for dynamic performances and energy consumption, and to a hybrid parallel pre-transmission architecture, which has been defined in two configurations, a plug-in hybrid and a non plug-in full-hybrid.

Détection à large spectre de pathogènes bactériens à l'aide de peptides antimicrobiens / Wide-spectrum biosensors based on antimicrobial peptides for the detection of pathogenic bacteria

Pardoux, Éric 25 October 2019 (has links)
L’analyse microbiologique pour confirmer l’absence de bactéries dans des échantillons biologiques normalement sains, comme le sang, est une routine dans de nombreux laboratoires. En effet, la présence de bactéries dans le sang, appelée bactériémie, peut avoir des conséquences très graves, voire mortelles pour le patient. Le protocole standard pour la détection des bactériémies repose jusqu’ici sur l’enrichissement des échantillons sanguins prélevés sur les patients lors de l’hémoculture, afin d’obtenir une population suffisante pour analyse. La lenteur de ce procédé retarde ainsi de parfois plusieurs jours le diagnostic et donc l’adaptation du traitement antibiotique administré au patient. Ces dernières décennies, des techniques comme l’identification par spectrométrie de masse ou les analyses moléculaires, ont permis de diminuer le délai requis pour identifier les pathogènes en cause. Dans ce contexte, l’emploi de biocapteurs est également une alternative. Ce travail propose d’inclure des sondes à large spectre dans un capteur optique par imagerie SPR (résonance de plasmons de surface). Ce système est déjà développé pour la reconnaissance spécifique de pathogènes au cours de leur croissance dans le sang. Les nouveaux ligands proposés et évalués sont les peptides antimicrobiens (PAM). Ces courts peptides cationiques et amphiphiles, présentent l’avantage d’un large spectre d’interaction couplé à une haute stabilité (chimique, thermique et séchage) comparativement aux anticorps employés jusqu’ici. Leur immobilisation sur des prismes SPRI permet d’évaluer simultanément l’affinité de plusieurs PAM à la même souche bactérienne. Les biocapteurs ainsi préparés ont permis de détecter des souches pathogènes d’Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus aureus en milieu de culture simple, comme en plasma et en sang dilué au milieu d’hémoculture. Le système obtenu permet la détection des pathogènes présents à une concentration initiale de l’ordre de 1 UFC.ml-1, en moins de 24 heures et quel que soit le milieu. Enfin, la mise en place d’analyses statistiques multidimensionnelles a abouti à une classification cohérente des espèces ciblées en milieu simple, comme en sang. Ces résultats montrent le potentiel de ce système pour parvenir à développer un biocapteur à large spectre capable à la fois de détecter mais aussi d’identifier par affinité croisée des pathogènes bactériens. / Microbiological analysis to confirm the absence of bacteria in normally sterile biological samples, such as blood, is routine in many laboratories. The presence of bacteria in blood, called bacteremia, can have very serious, and even fatal consequences for the patient. So far, the standard protocol for their detection has been based on the enrichment of blood samples collected from patients, thanks to blood culture, in order to obtain a sufficient population for analysis. These procedures are time consuming which sometimes lead to delays in diagnosis and subsequent adaptation of antibiotic treatments by several days. In recent decades, techniques such as mass spectrometry identification or molecular analyses have reduced the time required to identify the pathogens involved. In this context, the use of biosensors is another promising alternative. This work proposes to include wide spectrum probes in an optical sensor using SPR imaging (surface plasmon resonance). This system is already developed for the specific recognition of pathogens during their growth in the blood. The new ligands we propose to evaluate are antimicrobial peptides (AMP). These short, cationic and amphiphilic peptides have the advantage of having a broad spectrum of interaction with bacteria, coupled with high stability (chemical, thermal and drying), especially compared to the antibodies used so far in this technique. Their immobilization on SPRI prisms allows the simultaneous evaluation of the affinity of several AMP to the same bacterial strain. The biosensors based on AMP were able to detect pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in simple culture medium, such as plasma and diluted blood in blood culture medium. The system obtained allows the detection of pathogens present at an initial concentration of about 1 CFU.ml-1, in less than 24 hours and in all assayed media. Finally, the implementation of multidimensional statistical analyses has resulted in a consistent classification of targeted species, in simple culture medium, such as blood. These results show the potential of this system to develop a wide-spectrum biosensor capable of both detecting and cross-referencing bacterial pathogens.

The effect of human resource information systems (HRIS) on staff retention : a study of recruitment and selection in a UK based hospitality organisation

Pouransari, Somayeh January 2016 (has links)
There is limited empirical research on the application of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in staff retention and management. This study aims to examine and analyse the impact of quality human resource information systems (e.g. recruitment information, personnel information, and audit of training sessions) on staff turnover factors at the recruitment and selection stage (e.g. remuneration, human resource planning, quality of training programmes, and lack of promotion opportunities), and consequently the impact of HIRS in managing staff retention. This research is conducted in the context of the hospitality sector. The research aim is achieved through satisfying the objectives and the development of a relevant and a novel framework. A conceptual framework is developed to address the use of HRIS with regard to the recruitment and selection process and in aiding managers in staff retention within the context of the hospitality sector. The framework consists of three phases: recruitment and selection process including human resource management (HRM) and information technology systems (ITS) in the recruitment and selection stage; human resource information systems (HRIS) application areas; and staff turnover factors (external and internal). This framework developed by using two theories, the institutional theory and job characteristics theory, as the theoretical underpinning of this study. A single case study with multiple subcases strategy is employed to evaluate, extend and theorise the effect of HRIS on staff retention. The data for this research is collected by using in-depth semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data are collected from four branches of the UK based hospitality organisation. 27 employees completed in-depth narrative interviews (13 managers and 14 non-managers), which the results were used to confirm and validate the developed framework. The findings are triangulated by the adoption of a series of techniques, including focus group discussion, and document analysis. This study has made use the qualitative analysis computer software NVivo V.10.This research study contributes to the literature of both HRM and IT/IS by developing a comprehensive theoretical framework that considers the relationship between staff retention and HRIS functions at the recruitment and selection stage. The research findings support and showed that, not all the factors affected staff turnover can be monitored by HRIS, and some staff turnover factors may require other strategies with respect to monitoring. The framework will benefit scholars and managers in understanding the impact of a quality HRIS on staff retention, and extends the knowledge in this regard. The framework is extended for usage by different hospitality organisations with similar business nature to the one understudy. Also, the findings show that relevant retention strategies could be applicable during the entire employment period, e.g. before, during and after recruitment. These strategies enable the organisation to be stable and improve managing retention at the very beginning period of employment and avoid the costs of staff turnover. The empirical findings also advance our understanding of the various HRM activities that are linked to retention at the recruitment and selection stage. More importantly, the research findings identify the immediate activities after recruitment which is linked to improving retention. The study aims at providing a valid framework that integrates both HRM, ITS, and identifies the role of HRIS with regard to improving retention, by identifying staff turnover factors and put in place retention strategies to deal with them, for new jobs’ applications at the recruitment and selection stage. The originality of this study is that provide fresh insights on the subjective of retention in the hospitality sector in the UK. This research complements and advances the current literature on having a quality IT/IS which provides vital information to help managers to make the right decisions on retention of members of staff. In addition, this research could prove beneficial to practitioner’s (managers) who involve in the decision making in the recruitment process, thus better retention in the hospitality sector.

BOZP v integrovaném systému řízení / OSHA in the Integrated Management System

Švecová, Pavlína January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the selection of a suitable Occupational Health and Safety management system as a part of the “Integrated Management System”, and practical implementation into the business. The current occupational health and safety management system is reviewed and compared with requirements in the OHSAS technical specification. The hazard identification and evaluate risks for the chosen workplace of the business is performed and corrective action are suggested.

Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolyte Evaporation

Dylan Michael Poe (15348418) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Energy storage has received much attention due to the increasing use of energy, especially renewable energy. Lithium-ion batteries have great characteristics for electrical energy storage. Higher specific energy density, cycle life, cell voltage, shorter charge times gives lithium-ion batteries favorable energy storage characteristics over other battery chemistries. Although lithium-ion batteries are increasing in use for electrical energy storage, their safety still poses an engineering problem. When lithium-ion batteries are abused, they can enter thermal runaway. This event is dangerous as it can eject hot gases and shrapnel. Previous studies focused on different aspects of thermal runaway, for example, heat generation from chemical reactions, propagation to other cells, and the physics of gas venting. One phenomenon that has not received much attention is the evaporation of the electrolyte out of a failed lithium-ion battery. Understanding the effect of electrolyte evaporation is key to having a more complete understanding of thermal runaway. In this thesis, the physics of electrolyte evaporation is studied with the purpose of developing more accurate thermal abuse models. An evaporation model was developed, based on porous drying theory and a 1-D liquid diffusion process. Experiments were conducted to identify the liquid diffusion coefficient which governs the rate of electrolyte transport within the porous separator within the battery. The 1-D liquid diffusion model was then implemented into an existing thermal abuse model and exercised for a typical oven test scenario. Results showed that the physics-based evaporation model resulted in excellent agreement with experimental data at different oven temperatures.</p>


Joshua David Fitch (16360641) 15 June 2023 (has links)
<p> Orbital Debris is a growing challenge for the Space Industry. The increasing density of derelict objects in high-value orbital regimes is resulting in more conjunction warnings and break-up events with cascading repercussions on active satellites and spacecraft. The recent rapid growth of the commercial space industry, in particular proliferated satellite constellations, has placed orbital debris remediation at the forefront of Space Industry efforts. The need to remove existing debris, combined with a growing demand for active satellite life extension services, has created an emerging market for space logistics, in particular spacecraft capable of rendezvous and docking, orbital refueling, debris deorbiting, or object relocation. This market has seen numerous companies emerge with multi-purpose on-orbit servicing platforms. This ecosystem poses technological, economical, and policy questions to decision-makers looking to acquire platforms or invest in technologies and requires a System-of-Systems approach to determine mission and system concepts of merit. An open-source modeling, analysis, and simulation software toolbox has been developed which enables rapid early-stage analysis and design of diverse fleets of on-orbit servicing platforms, with a specific emphasis on active debris removal applications. The toolbox provides fetching and processing of real-time orbital catalog data, clustering and scoring of high-value debris targets, flexible and efficient multi-vehicle multi-objective time-varying routing optimization, and fleet-level lifecycle cost estimation. The toolbox is applied to a diverse sample of promising commercial platforms to enable government decision-makers to make sound investment and acquisition decisions to support the development of ADR technologies, missions, and companies. </p>

An Agile Roadmap for Live, Virtual and Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA): A Case Study Using a Component based Integrated Simulation Engine

Park, Tae Woong 01 January 2015 (has links)
Conducting seamless Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) simulation remains the most challenging issue of Modeling and Simulation (M&S). There is a lack of interoperability, limited reuse and loose integration between the Live, Virtual and/or Constructive assets across multiple Standard Simulation Architectures (SSAs). There have been various theoretical research endeavors about solving these problems but their solutions resulted in complex and inflexible integration, long user-usage time and high cost for LVC simulation. The goal of this research is to provide an Agile Roadmap for the Live Virtual Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA) that will address the above problems and introduce interoperable LVC simulation. Therefore, this research describes how the newest M&S technologies can be utilized for LVC simulation interoperability and integration. Then, we will examine the optimal procedure to develop an agile roadmap for the LVC-ITA. In addition, this research illustrated a case study using an Adaptive distributed parallel Simulation environment for Interoperable and reusable Model (AddSIM) that is a component based integrated simulation engine. The agile roadmap of the LVC-ITA that reflects the lessons learned from the case study will contribute to guide M&S communities to an efficient path to increase interaction of M&S simulation across systems.


Yates, James William 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Current changes in the way that large flight test systems are utilized have affected the industry’s methodology in both the early design phases and in the implementation of nextgeneration hardware and software. The reduction of available RF spectrum, the implementation of packet telemetry methods and systems, and a desire to implement commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware are only some of the considerations that telemetry systems integrators and product houses have to face. This paper describes how test methodology changes affect current large systems design at both government test ranges and at airframe/missile manufacturer test facilities. In addition, consideration is given to the area of increased processing power as it affects hardware and software design, the leveraging of such current and future telecommunications technology as network switch technology and compression, cross utilization, standardized technology, and the movement toward platform-independent software.

R&S e produttività: evidenza empirica settoriale in italia e Germania / R & D and productivity: the industry evidence from Italy and Germany

BRUNATI, JACOPO MARIA 02 February 2009 (has links)
Le relazione tra R&S e produttività in Italia è di crescente interesse. L'analisi effettuata utilizza dati settoriali per verificare la relazione tra R&D e produttività in Italia tra il 1991 e il 2002. I risultati ottenuti sono confrontati con quelli ottenuti sugli stessi 21 settori in Germania. Le principali conclusioni sono che l'elasticità del valore aggiunto al capitale tecnologico (deprezzato al 15%) è uguale a 0.14 in Germania e 0.04 in Italia, che in Italia il capitale tecnologico si deprezza più lentamente e che un ruolo decisivo è svolto dall'interazione tra quota di ricercatori e capitale tecnologico e dagli spillover / The relation between R&D and productivity in Italy is of increasing interest. The analysis carried out uses industry data in order to verify the relation between R&D and productivity in Italy between 1991 and 2002. The results obtained were compared to those obtained on the same 21 manufacturing and commercial industries in Germany. The main findings are that elasticity of value added to technological capital (depreciated at 15%) is equal to 0.14 in Germany and 0.04 in Italy, that in Italy technological capital depreciates more slowly and that a decisive role is played by interaction between share of researchers and technological capital and by spillovers.

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