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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural competence in action : an interview study with registered nurses in Israel

Tuononen, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
Background The population in Israel is heterogeneous with inhabitants from diverse backgrounds with different religious affiliations, languages and customs. The diversity of cultural backgrounds can create a challenge for the healthcare system. Cultural competence is stated to be a necessary ability of a nurse when caring for culturally diverse persons, further promoted by the Israeli Ministry of health. Aim The aim of the study is to describe Registered Nurses experiences of working with cultural competence in caring for persons with culturally diverse backgrounds in Israel. Method A qualitative design was used. Five semi-structured telephone interviews with registered nurses working in a city in Israel, was conducted. The data was analysed using a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Findings Four categories were identified in the findings: Understanding cultural needs, Addressing cultural needs, Challenges in caring for culturally diverse persons and Incidential finding: Risk of stereotyping, all further represented with the theme: Embracing patient’s cultural needs In healthcare. Approaches to understand cultural needs emphasised on seeing the whole person and being sensitive to their needs, depending on clear communication, although neglect of cultural needs occurred. Acceptance and respect for persons choices as well as adaptions made both in nurses encounter and hospital environment. Experiences of cultural differences evoked feelings of inconvenience and insecurities. Incidental findings show stereotyping as a challenge. Conclusion Approaches and behaviours in line with the values of cultural competence were learned through in-practice experiences. Implementation of the recommended guidelines in healthcare could further enhance nurse’s cultural competence and guidance when caring for culturally diverse persons.

Experiências de seringueiros de Xapuri no Estado do Acre e outras histórias / Experiences of Xapuri rubber tappers in Acre and other stories

Castelo, Carlos Estevão Ferreira 16 May 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho procura-se desenvolver reflexões acerca das mudanças nos modos de vida que os seringueiros de Xapuri/AC vêm experimentando desde o assassinato de Chico Mendes, em 1988. Neste sentido, as atenções e energias do estudo foram concentradas na tentativa de perceber, principalmente a partir de relatos coletados com moradores do Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista Cachoeira e Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, os novos temores, as novas experiências e os novos desafios, entre outras histórias experimentadas pelos seringueiros residentes nos locais pesquisados. Para isso, procurou-se estabelecer um diálogo com as experiências desses sujeitos sociais, objetivando traduzir, por meio de relatos colhidos, in loco, as vozes, os rostos e as vivências humanas na cena do estudo. A História Oral foi a estratégia metodológica principal utilizada para a obtenção das fontes. Entretanto, também fontes escritas foram utilizadas. A análise e o diálogo com as fontes apontam que as principais modificações no viver dos sujeitos pesquisados aconteceram, principalmente, após a chegada ao poder estadual de um grupo político denominado Frente Popular do Acre. Esse Governo, que se autodenominou Governo da Floresta, realizou investimentos patrocinados por organizações internacionais que trouxeram mudanças significativas no modus vivendi das pessoas do interior das matas xapurienses. Essas mudanças melhoraram a vida dos sujeitos, mas também trouxeram problemas, riscos e prejuízos. A possibilidade do desaparecimento dos seringueiros, deixando o território limpo para outras explorações, constituiu-se em uma das importantes questões que a pesquisa evidenciou e suscita no meio social da floresta xapuriense / This work seeks to develop reflections on the changes in the lifestyles the rubber tappers from Xapuri/AC have been experiencing since the murder of Chico Mendes, in 1988. In this sense, the attention and the energy of the study were concentrated on trying to perceive, mainly from the reports of the dwellers of the Cachoeira Extractive Settlement Project and the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, the new fears, the new experiences and the new challenges, among other stories the rubber tappers residing in the surveyed areas have gone through. For this purpose, a dialogue was established with the experiences of those social subjects, aiming to translate, through the reports collected, in loco, the voices, the faces and the living experiences in the scene of the study. The Oral History was the main methodological estrategy used to obtain the sources. However, written sources were also used. The analysis and the dialogue with the sources indicate that the major changes in the living of the studied subjects happened, primarily, after a political group called Popular Front of Acre came to power state. That Governance, which called itself Government of the Forest, sponsored investments held by international organizations which brought significant changes to the modus vivendi of the people from the interior of Xapuris forest. Those changes have improved the life of the subjects, but they also brought problems, risks and damages. The possibility of disappearance of the rubber tappers, leaving the territory clean for other holdings, constituted itself into one of the important questions that the survey evidenced and raises in the social environment of Xapuris forest

Post Stroke Survivors' Experiences of the First Four Weeks During the Transition Directly Home From the Hospital

Connolly, Teresa January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Ellen K. Mahoney / Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to investigate the experiences of post stroke survivors (PSSs) during transition from hospital discharge home during the first four weeks. Background: PSSs describe the transition from hospital to home as an important time in recovery and stress various physical and cognitive concerns early within the recovery period. Research to date fails to adequately reflect PSSs' experiences early after discharge home. This gap in research limits the ability to create interventions for PSSs during this critical time period. Methods/analysis: Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 31 participants, recruited from a large metropolitan hospital in the northeastern United States. The use of in-vivo codes lead to the development of themes that described PSSs' experiences during the four week transitional period. Credibility and transferability of findings were strengthened through memoing, field notes, reflexivity of analysis, member checking, and peer review throughout the analysis process by qualitative experts. Results: The five major themes were: (a) the shock of a stroke interrupting a normal day, (b) transition to an unfamiliar home, (c) experiencing a life riddled with uncertainty, (d) a journey to a new sense of self, and (e) adjusting to a new sense of self. Throughout their journey all PSSs had to cope with uncertainty and adjust to a new sense of self. PSSs that experienced less uncertainty were able to return to their prior daily routine, knew how to prevent another stroke, had a helpful support system, and had frequent follow-up and communication with health care professionals. Conclusion: All PSSs are at risk for complications regardless of stroke severity. To address PSSs complex needs, nurses can provide care beyond symptom management by fostering a dynamic intentional relationship to support recovery. The framework resulting from this study can provide the platform for advanced neuroscience nurses to engage with PSSs to improve their recovery and adjustment to a new sense of self as they transition from hospital to home. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Philosophy.

Graduate International Students' Social Experiences Examined Through Their Transient Lives: A Phenomenological Study at a Private Research University in the United States

Kashyap, Nishmin January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Philip G. Altbach / This is a phenomenological study of ten graduate international students at Chardin University (pseudonym). Through 30 in-depth interviews, multiple social contacts, and group and member checking sessions, stories emerged that highlight the social experiences of these graduate international students through their transient lives. Theoretical frameworks used to interpret the findings were transnationalism, adult transitional theory, and the graduate socialization model. This study provides a forum for participants to narrate their stories instead of being invisible and silent as they pass through our institutional corridors. What emerged from these narratives is that graduate international students cannot be grouped as one monolithic entity because they all lead variant and divergent lives. This research enumerates the intricacies, shades, and textures of their lives as they persist, succeed, and develop identities. In the past, graduate international students' social experiences have been portrayed in an oversimplified fashion, when in fact such students lead extremely complex lives as they negotiate a world that comprises both home and host country. Strongly lacking in the realm of social experiences have been meaningful relationships with American peers (looking beyond superficial ones), the university, and the local community. Operating within transnational social fields, regular prolonged conversations with family and friends from home tend to prevent participants from seeking out new connections in the United States. Most participants find comfort within their own ethnic enclaves, leading to cross-cultural isolation, which is still prevalent after decades of research conducted on this population. This study challenges universities to forge new pathways to engage with this vital and vibrant student body in meaningful, innovative, and creative ways. It is the responsibility of institutions of higher learning to understand the intricacies of their lives, as well as differences in religion, language, and socialization patterns. Universities need to find new ways to stay relevant in the lives of graduate international students during their tenure in the United States. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Vivência de luto em adultos que perderam a mãe na infância / Mourning in adults who have lost their mothers in the childhood

Fujisaka, Ana Paula 07 August 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender a vivência de luto em adultos pela perda de suas mães na infância e como pode ser ressignificada em outras fases da vida. A morte de um ente querido leva a processos de luto dolorosos e, no caso de crianças que perdem uma figura parental, este sofrimento pode se agravar pelo fato de serem ainda dependentes física e emocionalmente de seus pais. Assim, buscou-se compreender, a partir do relato de adultos, a experiência vivida na infância e a possibilidade de ressignificações na história de vida de cada indivíduo. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com inspiração em aspectos da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, teoria desenvolvida por Carl Rogers. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas, que partiram da pergunta: como foi ter vivido a perda de sua mãe? e foram acompanhadas de acordo com o que os colaboradores consideravam relevante. Participaram deste estudo seis adultos, 3 homens e 3 mulheres, com idades entre 32 e 61 anos, que perderam a mãe por morte quando tinham entre 5 e 12 anos de idade. Os colaboradores foram localizados pela divulgação do trabalho entre pessoas conhecidas e escolheram participar voluntariamente. Na análise compreensiva das narrativas foram destacados os trechos mais representativos e apresentados por categorias temáticas, as quais foram surgindo e se estruturando a partir dos relatos, não tendo sido estabelecidas a priori. A análise mostrou que: 1) É preciso compreender a vivência de perda da mãe no início da vida como processo dinâmico, havendo inúmeras variáveis envolvidas em cada história individual, não se podendo determinar ou prever como a criança que perdeu a mãe será quando adulta; 2) Mostrou-se importante lidar com a experiência da perda e com a dor para poder ressignificá-las, enxergando-as de maneiras diferentes, e assim integrá-las à vida, diminuindo o medo de sentimentos negativos do passado retornarem; 3) Foi possível perceber que o comportamento de permanecer vinculado à mãe ajudou os participantes a lidar com a ausência desta e a redefinir este relacionamento, integrandoo em suas vidas, não da mesma forma como era quando estava viva, mas ainda como figura importante e significativa em suas histórias. Tendo como base estes três aspectos observados, foram apresentadas orientações a profissionais de saúde, familiares e pessoas que estão próximos a crianças e adultos que perderam suas mães em idade precoce. Este trabalho pode contribuir com reflexões no sentido de minimizar o estigma social em relação a crianças e adultos que perderam suas mães de maneira prematura. E, ainda, incentivar esforços para auxiliar pessoas enlutadas em direção a maior comunicação e expressão de sentimentos relacionados à perda por morte, acreditando que um acolhimento adequado pode ajudar a lidar com essa dor e crescer por meio dela. / The present work aims at comprehending the mourning in adults who have lost their mothers during childhood and how this experience can be resignified in other life stages. The loved persons death leads to a painful mourning and, in the case of children who have lost a parent, this suffering might get worse because they are still physically and emotionally dependent on their parents. Thus, it was intended to comprehend, from adult narrative, the loss experience in the childhood and the possibility of resignification in each individual life. We used the qualitative approach with inspiration in some aspects of the Approach Centered in the Person, theory developed by Carl Rogers. The interviews had a non-directive approach and were started with the question: how did you experience your mother loss? and were conducted taking in account what the participants considered as relevant issues. Six adults participated, three men and three women, ranging from 32 to 61 years of age, whose mothers died when they were between 5 and 12 years old. The collaborators were people who had knowledge about the study through divulgation and voluntarily wished to cooperate with the research. In the narrative comprehensive analysis, outstanding issues were categorized considering thematic points, which have stood out from the speeches since they were not previously established. The analysis showed that: 1) Mother loss in the beginning of life must be understood as a dynamic process, considering that there are many factors involved in each individual life. Therefore it is not possible to determine or foresee how the child who has lost his mother will be as an adult; 2) It was shown that it is important to face the loss and grief, in order to resignify and to perceive them by different forms, and consequently be able to integrate them to the life, reducing the fear of past negative feelings; 3) It was realized that the behavior of been kept attached to their mothers aids the participants to deal with such absence and to redefine this relationship, integrating it in their life. Although it is not just same way when their mothers were alive, it keeps meaningful and important figure in their own histories. Based on these three considerations, orientations were presented to health professionals, relatives and people who are near of bereaved children and adults who suffered from mothers loss at an early ages. This study can contribute with the reflection on a way to soften the social stigma of children and adults who have lost their mother prematurely. Moreover, it can encourage the assistance to bereaved people toward a larger communication and expression of the loss feelings, considering that an adequate care can help to deal with grief and can help to grow through this situation.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter under sekundärtransport : En kvalitativ studie

Persson, Carl, Adielsson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskan har omvårdnadsansvaret för patienter under sekundärtransport i Sverige och har därför en viktig roll. Nuvarande forskning beskriver att anestesisjuksköterskor upplever bristande kommunikation och svårigheter med att vårda i ambulans. Forskning som belyser just anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter under sekundärtransport är sparsam och därmed önskvärd. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter under sekundärtransport. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en beskrivande design och kvalitativ ansats. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio anestesisjuksköterskor på två sjukhus i Mellansverige. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades för att transkribera och analysera intervjuerna. Resultat: Studiens resultat delades in i fyra olika kategorier, Att vara steget före, Yrkesroll och ansvarsförhållanden, Att vårda under specifika omständigheter och Teamarbete samt åtta underkategorier. Dessa underkategorier var; Att ha en handlingsplan, Att vara förberedd, Ansvar och personlig utveckling, Yrkeserfarenhet och kompetens, Att vårda unga patienter, Att vårda i ambulans, Stöd från kollegor samt Kommunikation och information. Slutsats: Att ha en handlingsplan, tidigare yrkeserfarenhet, kommunikation samt stöd från kollegor var faktorer som påverkade anestesisjuksköterskornas upplevelser av att vårda patienter under sekundärtransport. Dessa faktorer var avgörande för om anestesisjuksköterskorna upplevde vårdandet som positivt eller negativt. Studiens resultat tyder på behov av tydliga rutiner samt gemensamma utbildningstillfällen för alla involverade yrkesgrupper. Nyckelord: anestesisjuksköterska, sekundärtransport, upplevelser / Abstract Background: The nurse anesthetist is responsible for the patient care during interhospital transport in Sweden and therefore has an important role. Current research describes how nurse anesthetists’ often experience difficulties in their work, in the forms of inadequate communication and the challenges of out-of-hospital patient care. When it comes to nurse anesthetists’ experiences of patient care, however, there is a lack of research in the area of interhospital transport, which thus deserves further attention. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe nurse anesthetists’ experiences of caring for patients during interhospital transports. Method: The study was conducted according to a descriptive design using a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten nurse anesthetists’ at two hospitals located in the middle part of Sweden to collect data. A qualitative content analysis was used to transcribe and analyze the interviews. Result: The study results were divided into four categories: To be one step ahead, Profession and responsibility, Patient care during specific circumstances and Teamwork with eight subcategories. These subcategories were; To have a plan of action, To be prepared, Responsibility and personal development, Work experience and competence, To care for young patients, Patient care in ambulance, Support from colleagues and Communication and information. Conclusion: To have a plan of action, previous work experience, communication and support from colleagues were factors that affected the nurse anesthetists’ experiences of caring for patients during interhospital transport. These factors were decisive for whether the nurse anesthetists’ experienced caring as positive or negative. The study results indicate that there is a need for clear routines as well as team-based training sessions for every professional involved within interhospital transport. Keywords: experiences, interhospital transport, nurse anesthetist

Sjuksköterskor i mötet med suicidnära patienter : En litteraturöversikt om attityder och erfarenheter / Nurses’ in the encounter with suicidal patients : A literature review of attitudes and experiences

Waltzhagen, Sanna, Gault, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Suicid är ett folkhälsoproblem som globalt visat sig vara den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken för personer mellan 15–29 år. Psykisk ohälsa och psykiatriska diagnoser kan i många fall kopplas till suicid. Suicidnära patienter berättar om sitt lidande och vikten av stöd i form av tillit, förståelse och bekräftelse. Sjuksköterskor förväntas, i sin yrkesroll, vara lyhörda och ge ett respektfullt bemötande oberoende av vårdkontext. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa sjuksköterskors attityder och erfarenheter i mötet med suicidnära patienter. Metod: Litteraturöversikt i enlighet med Fribergs (2017) metod. Litteraturöversikten är baserad på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar från databaserna PsycINFO, Cinahl Complete samt PubMed. Analysen genererade två huvudteman och fem subteman. Resultat: Resultatet består av två huvudteman samt fem subteman. Det första huvudtemat innefattar Inre faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskor med subteman den känslomässiga reaktionen samt sjuksköterskors tro och kulturens påverkan. Det andra huvudtemat innefattar Yttre faktorer som påverkar vårdandet med subteman brister i sjuksköterskors utbildning, behovet av stöttning samt barriärer för vårdandet. Diskussion: Sjuksköterskors attityder och erfarenheter hade en direkt påverkan på omvårdnaden av suicidnära patienter. Sjuksköterskor hade olika attityder och erfarenheter kring suicid vilket kunde relateras till bland annat utbildningsnivån. I mötet med suicidnära patienter är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor lägger sina egna värderingar åt sidan. Phil Barker betonar vikten av att skapa ett samspel mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter samt vara lyhörda inför patienternas upplevelser i det enskilda mötet. / Background: Suicide is a public health issue that has proved to be the second most common cause of death globally for people aged 15–29. Mental illness and psychiatric diagnoses can in many cases connect to suicide. Suicidal patients communicate their suffering and the importance of support in the form of trust, understanding and confirmation. In the nurse's professional role, it is expected to be responsive and to give a respectful receiving regardless of the care context. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to highlight nurses' attitudes and experiences in the encounter with suicidal patients. Method: Literature review in accordance with Friberg's (2017) method. The literature review is based on twelve scientific articles from the databases PsycINFO, Cinahl Complete and PubMed. The analysis generated two main themes and five sub-themes. Results: The result consists of two main themes and five sub-themes. The first main theme included Inner factors affecting nurses with sub-themes the emotional reaction as well as nurses’ faith and the impact of culture. The second main theme includes External factors affecting caring with sub-themes deficiencies in nursing education, the need for support and barriers for caring. Discussion: Nurses’ attitudes and experiences had a direct impact on the care of suicidal patients. Nurses had different attitudes and experiences regarding suicide which could be related to, among other things, the level of education. In the meeting with suicidal patients, it is important that nurses put their own values aside. Phil Barker emphasizes the importance of creating an interaction between nurses and patients and being responsive to the patients’ experiences in the individual meeting.

Äldres upplevelse av depression : En litteraturöversikt / Elderlys experience of depression : A literature review

Arrak, Milad, Madlool, Aya January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige har psykisk ohälsa ökat de senaste åren och ses därmed som en avde största folksjukdomarna. Det är framför allt diagnoser för depressionersom bidrar till ökningen av den psykiska ohälsan. I dag lider cirka 20 procentav alla äldre personer av psykisk ohälsa. Uppkomsten av depression hos äldrekan både ha biologiska och sociala faktorer. Det kan vara svårare att ställarätt diagnos hos äldre jämfört med yngre, eftersom äldre uppvisar depressionsymtom på ett annorlunda sätt. / In today's Sweden the rise of psychological illness has increased with eachpassing year, and is now one of the greatest ailments in our society. The maincontributer to this rise correlates to the diagnoses of depression. The latestfigures shows that 20 percent of our elders suffers from psychological illness.The origins of depression, both for young and old alike, may stem frombiological and social factors. The difficulty in establishing a diagnosis ofdepression with elderly - unlike with the young - is partly because elderlydepression manifests itself differently.

Understanding the experience and multidimensional needs of Ugandan patients with advanced heart failure

Namukwaya, Elizabeth Kiwuuwa January 2016 (has links)
Background: The burden of non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure in Africa is rising rapidly, and they are now recognised as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the continent. Heart failure causes significant multidimensional impact (physical, social, psychological and spiritual), even with the advent of medicines that offer mortality benefit. Comprehensive care for heart failure must include palliative care that addresses multidimensional needs in line with patient-centered care. However, most research on heart failure in Africa has not explored these multidimensional needs from the patients’ perspective, and palliative care is still seen as being for those with cancer and HIV/AIDS. Aims: To understand the multidimensional experiences, needs, and use of services by patients with heart failure during their disease trajectory. To understand health care professionals’ perceptions of patients’ needs, the care required and the availability of services for patients with advanced heart failure in Uganda. Methods: A total of 48 face to face qualitative longitudinal interviews (36-patient alone, 4 paired-patient and family carer, 8 with bereaved carers), were conducted with 21 patients with stage 3 or 4 heart failure being treated in Mulago Hospital and some of their family carers. Patient interviews were followed by the administration of the African Palliative Care Association African Palliative Outcome Scale supplemented with the broader symptom assessment tool the POS-S. Patients were interviewed during the time of hospitalisation when the researcher first made contact with them, and were followed up monthly by phone. Longitudinal interviews were conducted at 3 and 6 months after the first interview if their clinical condition remained stable, and earlier if there were major concerns or changes in their multidimensional experiences. Eight single interviews were conducted with health professionals (5 doctors, 2 nurses and 1 social worker) involved in the care of the patients. All interviews were audio recorded, and those of the health professionals transcribed verbatim, those of the patients were first translated to English and transcribed and all were exported into QSR Nvivo software version 10 for analysis. Principles from Charmaz’s grounded theory (line by line coding, focused coding, constant comparison and theoretical coding) were employed for analysis. Findings: The patients’ experience was that of learning to live with the unknown in a life dominated by symptoms despite, and because of, treatments. The impact of the various symptoms limited physical performance leading to multiple losses. Presence of a high level of health illiteracy, lack of information on their illness coupled with a high reliance on local cultural beliefs to make health decisions, led to the following: delayed recognition of illness and seeking of care; inappropriate self- care and poor adherence to medications; poor understanding of illness and its prognosis; unrealistic expectations of treatment; and inappropriate choices of where to seek care. Patients were often faced with health system challenges that contributed to late diagnosis and exacerbated the problem of poor adherence to treatment because of lack of medicines and lack of information. The illness impact was also observed in the social, psychological and spiritual domains of patients’ lives causing anxiety and worry, isolation, rejection and stigma, spiritual pain and spiritual growth. Patients expressed the need for normal functioning, information, to be in control and to be facilitated to cope and adapt to the unknown. Patients employed different mechanisms of coping and adaptation, with hope being central in coping as they tried to live with the unknown. Patients suggested changes to the health system and in the conduct of health professionals to improve future care. Health professionals were able to recognise the multidimensional impact of the illness on the patients, but the details of the concerns tended to differ for the patients and health professionals. Health professionals’ proposals on improving care tended to emphasise interventions that would improve physical care as opposed to the other dimensions. Conclusion: This is the first qualitative longitudinal research in Uganda that has explored the experiences of patients with advanced heart failure to gain an understanding of their needs and concerns from their perspective over the course of their illness. Many concerns such as a lack of information, challenges with coping, the symptom experience and its impact on function and the psychological, social and spiritual aspects of their lives are enduring in literature. However, this study also identified other concerns less common in the literature that could have led to a unique illness experience. These included: health system challenges; the impact of culture; beliefs and poverty; and a high level of health illiteracy.

Lived experiences of marriage : regional and cross-regional brides in rural North India

Chaudhry, Shruti January 2016 (has links)
Based on eleven months of ethnographic fieldwork (September 2012-August 2013) in a village in Baghpat district located in the western part of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP), the thesis compares the lived experiences of marriage of women in what I describe as regional marriage (RM) with women in cross-regional marriage (CRM). RMs are marriages that conform to caste and community norms (caste endogamy, gotrā [clan] and village/territorial exogamy) and are negotiated within a limited geographical region, i.e., the state. CRMs are those between men in north India and women from the southern, eastern and north-eastern parts of the country. Such marriages cross caste, linguistic and state boundaries with the marriage distance exceeding 1000 kms. CRMs also differ from RMs with regard to their modes of arrangement and the payments involved. They result from two sets of factors – one operating at bride-sending regions (mainly poverty) and the other at bride-receiving regions (masculine sex ratios and the difficulties some men have in achieving “eligibility” for marriage). NGO and journalistic accounts and some academic work has focused on CRMs: being a consequence only of masculine sex ratios and bride shortages; deviating from north Indian marriage norms; involving the “sale” and “purchase” of poor women from poor districts and states; and CRBs’ low status and lack of agency in receiving communities. This research aims to interrogate the moral panic surrounding the “plight” of CRBs. The thesis begins by contextualising CRM by exploring the factors that lead some (UP) men of particular castes to seek brides from other states and those that influence the migration of women over long-distances for marriages. It examines the process of negotiation entailed in making a RM and a CRM – the role of matchmakers, marriage payments and the rituals regarded as necessary to make a marriage “legitimate”. The thesis then focuses on the question of lived experiences of marriage by examining different aspects of regional brides’ (RB) and cross-regional brides’ (CRB) everyday lives – what the process of adjustment in a new (marital) home means for women when they leave their natal homes to live in their husbands’ homes and villages, the work that married women do, their relationships with other women in their marital villages, their relationships with their husbands and with their natal kin. Married women’s lives are embedded in various power dynamics and this research aims to address how factors such as caste, class, religion and age/years of marriage shape women’s post-marital experiences, in addition to their regional origins. This ethnographic study also attempts to outline issues specific to CRBs, particularly discrimination, belonging and incorporation within a culturally and linguistically different context, as well as the intergenerational implications of these marriages in terms of the (caste) status, rights and marriages of children of cross-regional couples. This research departs from existing studies on CRM as it attempts to understand postmarital experiences through a comparison with RM. Such an approach makes it possible to recognise similarities in the lived experiences of RBs and CRBs that enables a more nuanced understanding of the gendering of intimate/marital relationships in contemporary rural India within a context of caste inequalities and poverty.

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