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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Becoming deafblind: Negotiating a place in a hostile world

Schneider, Julie January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This study addresses the situation of adults who become deafblind. To date, their everday lives have received little attention in the research literature. Of the few studies conducted many involve surveys, the findings of which present the characteristics of people who are deafblind such as their rates of employment, need for support, or use of equipment. There are also a small number of qualitative studies that have explored the effects of having dual sensory impairment, and particularly in relation to communication and psycho-social wellbeing. Important as these research efforts have been, there is little empirical information available about the everyday lives of people who become deafblind and their concerns, nor any systematic attempt to theorise their experiences. There are however many personal anecdotes typically presented at conferences or through community publications and newsletters. This project aimed to redress the gap in the literature by developing a theoretical framework to explain the everyday experiences of adult who become deafblind. In doing so, it built upon the research and anecdotal literature with an overall purpose of presenting, through rigorous research, the experiences of adults who become deafblind and to do so within the broader discourse on disability and disablism. The study was informed by the social relational understanding of disability developed within the Nordic countries. Grounded theory was the method of choice to examine the lives of adults who become deafblind from their own perspective.Participant observation was employed through direct engagement in shared experiences with adults who have become deafblind both at a social group and via an e-mail list group. Mulitple in-depth interviews were undertaken both face to face and by e-mail with a smaller group of eight participants.The core finding from this study is that people who become deafblind are rendered interactionally powerless in a society predicated on seeing and hearing. The powerlessness that they experience comes from having this dual impairment in a world in which being able to see and hear are expected both in the physical and social environment. The inability of people who become deafblind to 'know and be' in the world in the same way as others results in them feeling, and experienceing, interactional powerlessness. In response, people who become deafblind actively engage in trying to minimise or remove their powerlessness. They do so by working to negotiate a place in this hostile world. They adopt four interrelated strategies, namely, doing things differently, managing support relationships, survivings others' perceptions and presenting sides of self.This study, with its central tenet that interactional powerlessness drives ongoing attempts to negotiate a place makes a theoretical contribution to understanding the experience of becoming deafblind. The findings support the concept of disbaility as social relational. Disability is not the same as the sensory impairment, rather it is expressed in the organisation of personal relations in society which render some more powerful than others and in this case, some less powerful due to their inability to use the natural means of communication of hearing and sight. Moreover, the study findings propose that professionals working with people with this dual sensory impairment must endeavour to reduce their part in the hostile world by providing information about options and support available; recognising the complexity of these adults support requirements; and considering the link between psycho-emotional issues and disablism. Further research is needed to understand empirically and theoretically the relative contribution of personal relationships vis a vis organisational or structural relationships in disabling people who become deafblind.

The poetry of response : adolescent experiences of two class novels

Clarke, Penny L., n/a January 1993 (has links)
This study, conducted in a junior high school in Canberra, used naturalistic research methodology and idiographic data analysis. As the results obtained in the study were time and context specific, the object was to reveal the personal factors which affected the nature of the reading experience for individual research participants. The theoretical basis of the research was derived from Louise Rosenblatt's transactional theory and focused on the reading experiences of adolescents with whole class novels. Three research techniques were employed in the exploration of aesthetic reader responses to two whole class novels. The techniques: reading journals, small group discussions and creative written responses to the text were implemented sequentially and revealed different levels and stages of individual and group responses from the 'primary spontaneous' to a considered reflective response. Data was explored through the case study mode of analysis which included information relevant to the individual research participants and the study context. The research explored the integration of the individual's evocation of the text with the individual's awareness of self, text, literature and the wider social context. The research data concluded that the employment of classroom practices which focus on a full, individual transaction with a text promotes the development of critical awareness of and familiarity with the text. This sound understanding of the individual's evocation of the text forms a self-aware and firm basis for the development of active, engaged and critical readers of texts.

Hypokondri : Upplevelser och behandlingsmetoder

Lundin, Karin, Svensson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Hypochondriasis is associated with marked impairments in physical and psychological functioning, work performance and increased health care utilization. The prevalence among medical outpatients is estimated to be between 4,2 % and 6,3 %. Notwithstanding there is deficient research in this area. Until recently no specific treatment has been clearly demonstrated to be effective. Objective: The aim was to investigate experiences of what it is like to live with hypochondriasis, but also to examine different treatment options. Methods: In order to illustrate the experiences a latent content analyses was made on a documentary named “Hypokondrikerna” and to examine the treatment options a systematic review was made. Result: The content analysis revealed three categories and nine sub-categories concerning the experiences. The three categories were “health anxiety”, “individual coping strategies” and “emotional consequences”. The systematic review revealed medical treatment which consisted of three different antidepressants as well as seven different kinds of psychological treatments and other interventions, which all reduced hypocondriacal symptoms. Discussion: The findings show that hypochondriasis causes a chronic suffering and indicates that potential treatments are available. Hypochondriasis causes an unproductive health care utilization. A more effective management could reduce the costs and ease the suffering. Therefore we suggest that this disease should be observed and treated. The nurse has an important function to maintain a positive relationship with the patient and create a therapeutic dialogue.</p>

Sjuksköterskors strategier för att upptäcka depression samt strategier och upplevelser i mötet med deprimerade ungdomar. : En intervjustudie

Hylander, Johan, Schöldborg, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka strategier sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att upptäcka depression bland ungdomar i åldrarna 13-19 år, samt vilka strategier de använder sig av i mötet med dessa. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor upplever mötet med deprimerade ungdomar i åldrarna 13-19 år. Metoden<strong> </strong>var att intervjua 6 sjuksköterskor inom skola och barn och ungdomspsykiatrin. Intervjuerna genomfördes under hösten 2007. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och transkriberades ordagrant. Materialet analyserades och meningsbärande enheter plockades ut samt delades in kategorier, resultatet blev fyra huvudkategorier samt tio subkategorier. Resultatet visade på att alla skolsköterskor som intervjuades hade ett samarbete med kuratorer, rektorer och lärare för att upptäcka ungdomar som befann sig i riskzonen för depression. Dessa ansåg dessutom att hög frånvaro från skolan kan bindas till fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Samtliga sjuksköterskor i studien använde sig av någon form av frågeformulär för att upptäcka depression. Alla sjuksköterskor var överrens om att det är viktigt att behandlingen planeras i samarbete med ungdomen. Alla sjuksköterskor i studien ansåg att det är mycket viktigt att informera ungdomarna om hur långt deras tystnadsplikt sträcker sig. Alla var även överrens om vikten att försöka involvera ungdomarnas föräldrar. Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde alla att de ibland tar jobbet med sig hem, dock har de med tiden blivit bättre på att distansera sig från arbetet.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to examine which strategies nurses use to detect depression among adolescences in the ages 13 to19 and which strategies they use when meeting depressed adolescents. Another aim of this study was to examine the nurses' experience from that meeting. The method used was interviews with six school and psychiatric nurses. The interviews were recorded on tape and transcribed verbatim. Meaning units were extracted and the material was put into categories, which resulted in four main categories and ten subcategories. The result showed that all of the school nurses who participated in the study had cooperation with counsellors, principals and teachers to discover adolescence who where at risk of depression. Furthermore the nurses reckoned that a high amount of absence from school could be signs of physical or mental illness. The participants in this study used some form of questionnaire to detect depression. In addition all of the nurses agreed on the importance of planning the treatment together with the adolescence. Moreover the nurses in the study believed in the importance of informing the adolescence of their professional confidentiality and how far it reaches. Additionally every nurse who participated in this study agreed on the importance of involving the parents of the adolescences. The nurses in the current study experienced that they sometimes brought their work home with them, however distance oneself from work has become easier over time.</p>

Frakturdrabbade personers upplevelser av hemrehabilitering

Germer, Sofia, Astin, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>En kvalitativ intervjustudie med syftet att beskriva hur personer med fraktur upplever rehabilitering i sitt eget hem. Intervjuerna ägde rum i sex personers hemmiljö med hjälp av bandspelare och en egenhändigt framarbetad intervjuguide. Deltagarna upplevde bland annat att det sociala nätverket och motivation hade stor betydelse samt att personalens goda bemötande, tillgång till hjälpmedel och den välkända hemmiljön bidrog till en upplevelse av trygghet under hemrerhabiliteringen.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att deltagarna uppskattade möjligheten att få vara i sitt hem under rehabiliteringen.</p>

Eutanasi : Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv / Euthanasia : From a nurse perspective

Svensson, Per, Bjerkeborn, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund</strong>: En utmaning för många sjuksköterskor är att bemöta patienter som efterfrågar eutanasi. När en sjuksköterska möter en patient som efterfrågar eutanasi är det till fördel om hon kan förstå varför patienten efterfrågar detta och försöka sätta sig in i patientens situation. <strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet var att belysa eutanasi ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv. <strong>Metod</strong>: En allmän litteraturstudie har genomförts där 15 artiklar har använts. Artiklarna analyserades och resultatet presenterades i fem kategorier.<strong> Resultat</strong>: Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av mötet med patienten som efterfrågar eutanasi påverkades av hennes moraliska värderingar, relationer med övrig vårdpersonal och anhöriga, kunskap, juridiska begränsningar och bristen av stöd från läkare. Det framkom att sjuksköterskorna upplevde en brist på stöd från kollegorna och att kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskorna och läkarna inte alltid var tillfredsställande. <strong>Slutsats</strong>: Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att kunna reflektera och sätta sina egna värderingar åt sidan samt att lyssna på patienten och skapa förtroende. Att skapa relationer med samtliga inblandade i patientens vård, samt att ha en öppen kommunikation påverkar sjuksköterskans upplevelser positivt. För att få en ökad förståelse och kunskap för ämnet krävs mer undervisning under sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Debriefing efter krävande situationer skulle leda till en ökad trygghet hos sjuksköterskor.</p> / <p><strong>Background</strong>: A challenge for many registrated nurses is responding to patients who request euthanasia. When nurses meet patients who requests euthanasia, it is beneficial if they can understand why the patient made the request. <strong>Aim:</strong> The aim was to illustrate euthanasia from the nurse´s perspective. <strong>Method</strong>: The study was written as a common literature review, encompassing 15 articles. The articles were analysed and the result was presented in five categories. <strong>Result</strong>: The result indicates that nurses´experiences were influenced by her moral values. Other factors found were relationsships, knowledge and law and support. It was found that nurses experienced a lack of support by colleagues and that communication among nurses and doctors was not always satisfactory. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: As a nurse, it is important to reflect and listen to the patient to build trust. To create relationships and to have an open communication affects the nurse´s experience in a positive way. To get a better understanding and knowledge of the subject, more education is needed during nursing education. Debriefing after demanding situations would lead to a greater confidence among nurses.</p>

Att leva med ADHD : Vuxnas upplevelser av funktionshindret i vardagslivet.

Bengtsson, Madeleine, Andersson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>ADHD är en neuropsykiatrisk sjukdom. Det är en relativt ny kunskap att även vuxna lever med ADHD och ett område som är under ständig utveckling. <strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med studien är att belysa hur det är att vara vuxen och leva med ADHD, med fokus på funktionshindret. <strong>Metod: </strong>En litteraturstudie har genomförts där sju stycken kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar granskades och analyserades.<strong> Resultat: </strong>Analysen påvisade fem gemensamma nämnare vid ADHD: Brist på impulskontroll, social problematik i mötet med andra, problem att organisera vardagen, diagnos: för eller nackdel för att kunna hantera vardagslivet och medicinens inverkan på personligheten i dagligt liv. <strong>Diskussion: </strong>Det<strong> </strong>framkom att<strong> </strong>personer som lever med ADHD använder sig av olika strategier för att hantera sin vardag. Strategierna kan ha både positiv och negativ inverkan på den funktionshindrades liv. Det visade sig också att impulsiviteten gjorde dem till mer olycksdrabbade bilförare.<strong> Slutsats: </strong>Sjukvårdspersonal kan behöva en ökad kunskap om funktionshindret ADHD för att lättare kunna bemöta och stötta individen på ett respektfullt sätt.</p> / <p><strong>Background:</strong> ADHD is a neuropsychiatric disease. It has only recently been discovered that also adults suffer from ADHD and this is an area under development. <strong>Aim:</strong> The aim is to illustrate what it is like to be an adult living with ADHD, with a focus on the functional disorder. <strong> Method: </strong>A literature study has been<strong> </strong>performed in which seven qualitative and quantitative articles were examined and analyzed. <strong>Result: </strong>The analysis showed five common denominators in the case of ADHD: loss of impulse control, difficulties socializing with others, problems organizing their everyday life, diagnosis: an advantage or a disadvantage in handling everyday life, and the effect of medication on their personality. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Persons living<strong> </strong>with ADHD use different strategies to cope with their everyday life. The strategies can have a positive or negative impact on the life of the person with the functional disorder. It was also shown that the impulsivity made them more accident-prone as car drivers. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Healthcare staff may need more knowledge about ADHD to be able to treat and support affected persons in a respectful manner.</p>

Unexplainable experiences : -Interpretations and geographical effects

Fredholm, Lina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This is a study of peoples interpretations of what they consider are unexplainable experiences, the geographical effects of it and the connection between the interpretations and effects. The phenomenon itself is not studied. The study is conducted in Sweden in the county of Värmland by a student, in Human Geography at Karlstads University. An inductive way to work, a behaviour ideology and qualitative method have been used to answer the questions. Data have been collected by a “structured open ended” interview technique. Seven people have been interviewed. No general conclusions are drawn because the low amount interviews. Similarities and differences on the other hand are showed.</p>

Triage på akutmottagning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av nuvarande triagemodell

Östlund, Charlotte, Åhlin, Ida January 2009 (has links)
<p>To sort, is the meaning of the word “triage”. Triage is used at emergency departments to facilitate prioritization of patients according to the urgency of the chief complaint.<em> </em>The aim of this study was to investigate how the nurses experience the triage model at the emergency department at Uppsala university hospital.</p><p>Twelve nurses were interviewed. The mean age was 40 years and the mean work experience was three years and four months. An interview guide was used, consisting of questions about triage, collaboration and work situation.</p><p>The nurses perceived that triage supports assessment and prioritization of patients. Different triage models were used depending on the nurses’ level of triage-education, which was perceived as problematic. The nurses perceived safety when triage was performed together with the physician. The level of collaboration, between the nurses and the physicians, was experienced to be person-dependent. The importance of good communication between nurses and physicians were highlighted.</p><p>Triage supports the assessment and prioritization of patients.<strong> </strong>A standardized triage model would increase the quality of care. The collaboration between nurses and physicians could be improved if they receive the same information and education about triage. Improved communication will facilitate the collaboration. Physicians should participate in the triage process.</p>

The Enduring Effects of Early Literacy Experiences: A Retrospective Interview Study

Anderson, Karen Suzanne Sigmon 01 May 2011 (has links)
Abstract This qualitative interview study was designed to understand how early literacy experiences continue to influence individuals as they become adult readers. The study utilized a case study methodology that allowed detailed descriptions of participants’ recollections of early literacy experiences and descriptions of the participants’ current reading habits. The researcher, working from a constructivist paradigm, worked to find evidence to explore what features of early reading experiences might compel an individual to turn to reading again and again, or to choose to abstain from reading. The following research questions guided this study: “What specific memories do adult readers recall about early reading experiences?” “What is the nature of the influence of early reading experiences on lifelong reading habits as reported by adults?” and “What is the nature of the influence of lifelong reading habits on social and professional life as reported by adults?” Seven participants shared their earliest memories of literacy experiences, as rooted in family and school contexts, along with explanations of the uses of reading in their adult lives. The researcher employed a typological analysis to determine how participants’ memories of early literacy experiences impacted their adult reading habits. The many facets of early reading experiences that influenced the participants’ reading habits could be categorized as positive, neutral, or negative. Most individuals experienced a combination of positive and negative literacy experiences, and the nature of these experiences influenced the participants’ adult reading habits in particular ways. The results of the analysis supported prior research in the field about the influence of teachers and the importance of early literacy instruction, and highlighted in particular, the emotional impact of successes or perceived failure in learning to read.

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