Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda experiences"" "subject:"ando experiences""
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Omvårdnad vid livets slutskede : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser / End of life care : Nurses' experiencesHenriksson, Stefan, Ågren, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Årligen avlider ca 92 000 personer i Sverige av dessa avlider ca 35 % på sjukhus eller på annan institution. Arbetet som sjuksköterska inom palliativ vård innebär nära kontakt med döden och insikten om sin egen dödlighet. Palliativ vård inriktar sig på att förbättra eller upprätthålla den sjukes livskvalitet men verkar inte för att vare sig påskynda eller fördröja döden. Syftet med denna litteratur studie var att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda en patient i livets slutskede. Arbetet utfördes som en litteraturstudie där 16 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. I resultatet framkom två kategorier, Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av relationer i vårdandet samt sjuksköterskors upplevelser av yrkeserfarenheter. Resultatet påvisade att sjuksköterskans relationer till patienter, kollegor och patientens anhöriga var viktiga. Relationerna kunde vara svårdefinierade men de gav bra stöd åt sjuksköterskan. Det framkom även att bristen på tid kunde vara ett stort problem. Hur sjuksköterskan upplevde att det var att vårda en patient inom palliativ vård påverkades av egna erfarenheter samt yrkeserfarenheter. Önskvärt är mer utbildning för sjuksköterskan kring vården av en patient i livets slutskede. / Every year about 92 000 people dies in Sweden, about 35% of these deaths occur in a hospital or at another institution. To work as a nurse in palliative involves close contact with death and the realization of the nurses own mortality. Palliative care focuses on improving or maintaining the patient's quality of life, but neither to hurry or slowdown death. The purpose of this scientific work was therefor to highlight nurses’ experiences of caring for patients at the end of life. The study was conducted as a literature review, 16 research articles were examined. The results revealed two categories, nurses' experiences of relationships in caring and nurses' experience of professional experience. The results demonstrate that nurses' relationships with patients, colleagues and relatives of the patients were important. Relations could have varied forms but they often gave support to the nurse. It was also found that lack of time could be a major problem. How the nurse came to experience nursing in palliative care was influenced both by personal experience and professional experience. More education is desirable for the nurses that are caring for patients at the end of life.
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Neuropsykiatriska utredningar : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett klientperspektiv /Frisk, Michaela, Malmgren, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa neuropsykiatriska utredningar utifrån ett klientperspektiv. Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex informanter som har genomgått en neuropsykiatrisk utredning. Avsikten med studien var att få en djupare och tydligare kunskap om klienternas upplevelse av att genomgå en neuropsykiatrisk utredning. Våra frågeställningar har belysts utifrån tre teman förväntningar, upplevelse och bemötande. Resultatet visade att det finns flera aspekter i utredningen som har upplevts som problematiska utifrån ett klientperspektiv, men också aspekter utanför utredningen som upplevts som bekymmersamma utifrån klienternas utsagor. De negativa upplevelserna från utredningen visade sig vara den neuropsykiatriska utredningens tidsomfattning som ansågs vara för lång, även återkopplingsmötet bedömdes vara för komplicerat och förvirrande. Flera informanter beskrev att de sökt hjälp tidigare, men att någon diagnos aldrig har fastställts, vilket bidrog till att samtliga informanter var ytterst angelägna om att genomgå en utredning. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett behov av att få prata och beskriva sina svårigheter, vilket det neuropsykiatriska utredningsteamet kunnat tillgodose genom sin professionalitet och goda kunskaper. Informanterna upplevde en lättnad efter fastställd diagnos och för många betydde en utredning att de fått rätsida på svårigheter som varit påtagliga under större delen av deras liv. Det finns i empirin tendenser till ett stort behov av att få uttrycka sig och en upplevelse av kunskapsbrist från omgivningen.
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Anhörigas erfarenheter : av att leva nära en person med psykossjukdom / Relatives´ experiences : of living near a person with psychosisGyllin, Sanela, Rosenberg, Catarina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Att åldras i marginalen : Upplevelsen av att vara äldre och icke-heterosexuell / Ageing in the margin : The experience of being elderly and non-heterosexualBagglund, Jessica, Blomqvist, Hanna January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Gruppen äldre icke-heterosexuella i Sverige beräknas omfatta 80 000 personer. I sjuksköterskeutbildningen existerar begränsad kunskap om äldre HBT-personer. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av att vara äldre och icke-heterosexuell. Metod: I litteraturstudien sammanställdes åtta kvalitativa artiklar publicerade mellan 2001 och 2009. Litteratursökningar genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL, PsychINFO och PubMed. Efter genomläsning, kvalitetsbestämning och analys av innehållet sammanställdes artiklarna i fem kategorier och 16 subkategorier. Resultat: Äldre icke-heterosexuella såg på och hanterade sin sexuella identitet på olika sätt. Överlag tyckte många deltagare att de hade ett gott självförtroende samt kände att de var nöjda med livet. Många upplevde dock ålderism och kände sig dåligt bemötta i vården samt upplevde att de inte hade samma lagliga rättigheter som heterosexuella. Vissa icke-heterosexuella valde att medvetet dölja sin sexuella läggning exempelvis av rädsla för negativa attityder. Andra levde öppet med sin sexuella identitet. Slutsats: Ett synliggörande av äldre icke-heterosexuella är nödvändigt. Ökad kunskap och attitydförändringar är viktiga för att äldre homo- och bisexuella ska känna sig likvärdigt behandlade och trygga i vården. Resultaten kommer förhoppningsvis att leda till en ökad kunskap om och större förståelse för äldre icke-heterosexuella personer i vården. Vidare forskning om äldre HBT-personer behövs. / Background: The group of elderly non-heterosexuals in Sweden is estimated to include 80,000 people. Within the nursing programme, there is limited knowledge about older LGBT people. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experience of being elderly and non-heterosexual. Method: In this literature study eight qualitative articles, published between 2001 and 2009, were compiled. Literature searches were performed in the databases CINAHL, PsychINFO and PubMed. After perusal, determination of the quality and analysis of the content, the articles were compiled into five categories and 16 subcategories. Results: Older non-heterosexuals viewed and dealt with their sexual identity in different ways. Overall, many participants in the studies experienced a high level of confidence and satisfaction with their lives but many experienced ageism and felt discriminated within nursing contexts. Several of the participants felt that they did not have the same legal rights as heterosexuals do. Some non-heterosexuals chose to deliberately conceal their sexual orientation due to fear of negative attitudes while others lived openly with their sexual identity. Conclusion: It is necessary to make the older non-heterosexuals visible. In order to make elderly non-heterosexuals feel secure and equally treated in health care, increased awareness and changes in attitudes are important. Hopefully, the findings will result in better knowledge and greater understanding of elderly non-heterosexuals in the nursing context. Further research is needed on older LGBT persons.
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Äldres erfarenheter av aktiviteter i ett socialt sammanhang. En narrativ studie om den åldrande människanBergström, Frida January 2011 (has links)
There is no general aging process therefore should health efforts directed at elderly population based on each individual as a unique person with specific needs. When aging becomes a fact not generally decrease the lust and the desire to be active but it is perhaps more about the body's ability to keep up on what the head wants. Therefore the range of activities towards the elderly population requires some adjustment that can partly be achieved by taking some of the older people’s experiences. The purpose of this study was that by the older people’s experiences of organized activities in a social context to illustrate how they perceive their participation. A qualitative approach with narrative theory was used and the study’s empirical results are based on stories from four elderly women. The result highlights the older person’s ability to create meaning in the moment from a life course context. The results are presented in three themes, the physical, social and finite context, that together can be traced to three perspectives on the cultural learning needs of the older person. Activities can thus assume to bring further value and visibility to older peoples need for social and cultural interaction. Prominent in this study is the importance of seeing the older person as a learning individual, which places demands on the society and the development opportunities available to older people’s disposal.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer : En litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses’ experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures : A literature reviewPanahi, Mirjam, Najafi, Azada January 2012 (has links)
Background: Sweden is one of many countries which have a long history of immigration during the past decades. Each yearSweden receives numerous immigrants from different parts of the world, which has madeSweden to a multi-culture country. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses’ experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures. Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research, nine scientific articles were performed. Result: The analysis of the data resulted in four themes such as; insufficient communication, family members as a link to the patient, unfamiliar situation, and attentive to the patients’ vulnerability with seven subthemes. Conclusion: For a well functioning encounter between nurse and patient from different cultures, a prerequisite is that the nurses establish a relationship based on good communication with the patient and relatives. This can prevent inequality, suffering based on lack of nursing, violation and misunderstandings. / Bakgrund: Sverige är ett av de länder som har en lång historia av invandring de senaste decennierna. Varje år tar Sverige emot ett stort antal personer med utländsk bakgrund och flyktingar från olika delar av världen. Detta har gjort Sverige till ett mångkulturellt land. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer. Metod: En litteraturbaserad studie med grund i kvalitativ forskning baserad på nio vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Resultat: Analysen av datamaterialet resulterade i fyra teman såsom; bristfällig kommunikation, anhöriga som länk till patienten, ovan situation samt uppmärksam på patientens utsatthet med sju underteman. Konklusion: För ett välfungerande möte mellan sjuksköterska och patient från olika kulturer, förutsätts att sjuksköterskan kan etablera en relation grundad på god kommunikation med patient och dennes anhöriga. Detta kan förebygga ojämlikhet, vårdlidande, kränkning och missförstånd.
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An Exploration of the Shopping ExperienceFung, Juliana January 2010 (has links)
Recreational shopping has long been of interest to business academics and practitioners, but research on it has been underdeveloped in the leisure field. Although the leisure literature and business literature represent distinct perspectives, there appears to be many significant parallels between recreational shopping and leisure. The purpose of this study was to examine the intrinsic meanings of shopping; to explore the experiential aspects of the recreational shopping experience (including the influences of the retail environment on individuals who regularly engage in recreational shopping). This study took place in Toronto, Ontario. The sample included five female self-proclaimed recreational shoppers. The researcher accompanied each participant on a shopping excursion which took place at a shopping mall selected by the participant. Data were collected through three qualitative methods. First, participant observation involved the researcher walking alongside the participant as she shopped. Following the shopping session, the researcher conducted an in-depth face-to-face interview with each participant; the interview was guided by a set of open-ended questions. In addition, this study utilized photo-elicitation in which the participants were asked to photograph ‘anything’ that made an impression during their visit to the mall. The photographs offered tangible illustrations of shopping experiences and were used as a catalyst for discussion during the interviews. The data was analyzed using Grounded Theory coding which lead to the identification of two main themes and six respective subthemes. The emergent themes are all connected to the key idea that shoppers are motivated by their expectations and desires when they partake in the recreational shopping activity. Shopping offers numerous opportunities that provide immediate hedonic pleasure as well as intrinsic rewards. Such opportunities often include, the ‘before and after’ phases of experiences of acquisition and unexpected discoveries, the positive interactions which occur both inside and outside a retail environment, and lastly, the individual’s use of shopping as a means of self-expression and a tool to manage their self image. Satisfaction, spontaneity, familiarity, mastery, accomplishment, and feelings of escape were all present in these shopping experiences. The findings also described the role of shopping malls as a leisure space and as facilitators of recreational shopping activities. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that shopping can offer a profound leisure experience for many people and the activity should not only be researched in terms of just ‘recreational shopping’ or ‘utilitarian shopping.’ Rather, the findings indicate several overlaps between the two types of shopping and further research is needed to more fully understand the complexities of the activity.
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Redefining parental involvement : the experiences of Wahpeton Dakota caregiversGreen, Brenda Lynne 14 September 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore Dakota Aboriginal caregivers' involvement in their children's education. The needs of Aboriginal parents, who may share different perspectives regarding the purposes of education, have been ignored historically because of North American assimilation policies. Thus, listening respectfully to the voices of the Wahpeton Dakota caregivers and understanding their involvement in their children's education has been the intent of this research. Qualitative research techniques were used to elicit narratives through semi-structured interviews. The participants in this research were able to reflect back to their childhood educational experiences- traditional and formal- and accept the sometimes troubled experiences that their education provided. Resilience prevailed, as the Aboriginal parents and care givers in this study envisioned a positive future for their own children.<p>
The participants' narratives reflected similar, yet different expectations for "formal" education. In mainstream research literature, when educators define parent/care giver involvement, the ideal parent has been described as somehow directly involved in the school setting. This thesis challenges that perception and creates a different understanding of education for Wahpeton caregivers and its relevance to their children's lives. The Wahpeton parents and caregivers saw education as much more than academics. This viewpoint has the potential to provide a much more balanced, inclusive education process for our Aboriginal children.
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Family structural and process variables in emerging adults' romantic relationship qualityVeprinska, Marina 18 September 2008 (has links)
Prior research has indicated that family experiences, including parental divorce, interparental conflict, and the parent-child relationship, play an important role in adult childrens romantic relationships (e.g., Wallerstein & Lewis, 1998; Mahl, 2001; Harvey & Fine, 2004). Research on how these variables may work in combination and on how these family experiences affect romantic relationships during the developmental period of emerging adulthood is lacking. The current study investigated the impact that family divorce has on features of emerging adults romantic relationships. It also examined whether these relationships are mediated by parent-child relationship, are moderated by interparental conflict, and vary with gender and age at the time of divorce.<p>A total of 310 students between the ages of 18-25 from University of Saskatchewan participated in this study. Contrary to the hypothesis, the findings showed that in their romantic relationships emerging adults from divorced families, compared to emerging adults from intact families, had a higher degree of three romantic features: care, commitment, and maintenance. Partly in line with the hypothesis, only retrospective interparental conflict moderated the link between family structure and romantic conflict. Finally, differences, regardless of family structure, were found between males and females, where females indicated having higher levels of intimacy and males indicated having higher levels of coercion in their romantic relationships. Possible explanations for the findings and implications for future research are discussed.
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Aboriginal women's visions of breast cancer survivorship : intersections of race(ism)/class/gender and "...diversity <i>as we define it</i>"Brooks, Carolyn Muriel 04 May 2009 (has links)
This dissertation combines the empowering methodology of photovoice with focus groups and in-depth interviews, to develop a contextual understanding of the meaning of breast cancer for Aboriginal women. Photovoice is a participatory action research method, as well as a process towards health promotion. The participants in this study took pictures to document their realities and engaged in critical reflection individually and in a group process, using images and stories to advocate community and policy changes. A combination of epidemiological, sociological, and anti-oppressive theoretical lenses were used to analyze the womens stories and data, which served to acknowledge heterogeneity, while integrating multiple social contexts.<p>
The emerging framework revealed multi-faceted identities, commonalities of situation, and prominent social forces that affect identity and cancer experience. Interpretation of the womens stories and pictures resulted in four general themes: 1) adjusting to physical and psychological changes; 2) the need for culturally relevant sources of support; 3) shifting identities; and 4) personal and political advocacy/policy directions. Prominent social forces include: culturally derived meanings of identity and sexuality, cultural and historical experiences/traditions of Aboriginal peoples, racism and racial stigmas, and socio-economic inequalities. Breast cancer experiences are shown to be significantly linked to history and the impact of colonization and neo-colonialism. Findings also point to the importance of recognizing heterogeneity, which does not minimize the impact of colonial histories and oppression, but points to the importance of employing an anti-oppressive theoretical lens and research framework, able to handle complex intersecting social forces and multiple agencies. These findings provide support for using the photovoice methodology with Aboriginal women, especially for its ability to shift power from researchers to insiders, privilege Indigenous knowledges, and for providing opportunities for critical and multiple tellings. The dissertation concludes by introducing a governmentality lens, which questions whether photovoice methods can address the social and historical problems at the level of policy. This study directs our attention to the need for further research on: 1) the link between breast cancer experiences to historical, political, and social contexts of lives of Aboriginal peoples; and 2) the potential of photovoice methods to affect policy and social justice.
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