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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unexplainable experiences : -Interpretations and geographical effects

Fredholm, Lina January 2006 (has links)
Abstract This is a study of peoples interpretations of what they consider are unexplainable experiences, the geographical effects of it and the connection between the interpretations and effects. The phenomenon itself is not studied. The study is conducted in Sweden in the county of Värmland by a student, in Human Geography at Karlstads University. An inductive way to work, a behaviour ideology and qualitative method have been used to answer the questions. Data have been collected by a “structured open ended” interview technique. Seven people have been interviewed. No general conclusions are drawn because the low amount interviews. Similarities and differences on the other hand are showed.

Frakturdrabbade personers upplevelser av hemrehabilitering

Germer, Sofia, Astin, Malin January 2006 (has links)
En kvalitativ intervjustudie med syftet att beskriva hur personer med fraktur upplever rehabilitering i sitt eget hem. Intervjuerna ägde rum i sex personers hemmiljö med hjälp av bandspelare och en egenhändigt framarbetad intervjuguide. Deltagarna upplevde bland annat att det sociala nätverket och motivation hade stor betydelse samt att personalens goda bemötande, tillgång till hjälpmedel och den välkända hemmiljön bidrog till en upplevelse av trygghet under hemrerhabiliteringen. Slutsatsen är att deltagarna uppskattade möjligheten att få vara i sitt hem under rehabiliteringen.

Sjuksköterskors strategier för att upptäcka depression samt strategier och upplevelser i mötet med deprimerade ungdomar. : En intervjustudie

Hylander, Johan, Schöldborg, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka strategier sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att upptäcka depression bland ungdomar i åldrarna 13-19 år, samt vilka strategier de använder sig av i mötet med dessa. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor upplever mötet med deprimerade ungdomar i åldrarna 13-19 år. Metoden var att intervjua 6 sjuksköterskor inom skola och barn och ungdomspsykiatrin. Intervjuerna genomfördes under hösten 2007. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och transkriberades ordagrant. Materialet analyserades och meningsbärande enheter plockades ut samt delades in kategorier, resultatet blev fyra huvudkategorier samt tio subkategorier. Resultatet visade på att alla skolsköterskor som intervjuades hade ett samarbete med kuratorer, rektorer och lärare för att upptäcka ungdomar som befann sig i riskzonen för depression. Dessa ansåg dessutom att hög frånvaro från skolan kan bindas till fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Samtliga sjuksköterskor i studien använde sig av någon form av frågeformulär för att upptäcka depression. Alla sjuksköterskor var överrens om att det är viktigt att behandlingen planeras i samarbete med ungdomen. Alla sjuksköterskor i studien ansåg att det är mycket viktigt att informera ungdomarna om hur långt deras tystnadsplikt sträcker sig. Alla var även överrens om vikten att försöka involvera ungdomarnas föräldrar. Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde alla att de ibland tar jobbet med sig hem, dock har de med tiden blivit bättre på att distansera sig från arbetet. / The aim of this study was to examine which strategies nurses use to detect depression among adolescences in the ages 13 to19 and which strategies they use when meeting depressed adolescents. Another aim of this study was to examine the nurses' experience from that meeting. The method used was interviews with six school and psychiatric nurses. The interviews were recorded on tape and transcribed verbatim. Meaning units were extracted and the material was put into categories, which resulted in four main categories and ten subcategories. The result showed that all of the school nurses who participated in the study had cooperation with counsellors, principals and teachers to discover adolescence who where at risk of depression. Furthermore the nurses reckoned that a high amount of absence from school could be signs of physical or mental illness. The participants in this study used some form of questionnaire to detect depression. In addition all of the nurses agreed on the importance of planning the treatment together with the adolescence. Moreover the nurses in the study believed in the importance of informing the adolescence of their professional confidentiality and how far it reaches. Additionally every nurse who participated in this study agreed on the importance of involving the parents of the adolescences. The nurses in the current study experienced that they sometimes brought their work home with them, however distance oneself from work has become easier over time.

Hur anhörigvårdare till personer med demens upplever sin situation. : En litteraturöversikt. / The experiences of family caregivers to persons with dementia. : A literature review.

Eng , Caroline, Schön, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Barns upplevelser av att ha en förälder med cancer : En litteraturstudie

Cluer, Sarah, Åsblom, Lena January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att utifrån litteratur beskriva barns upplevelser av att ha en förälder med cancerdiagnos, samt att granska kvalitén på de i studien ingående artiklarna avseende urval och bortfall. Metod: Litteratur publicerad mellan 2003 och 2013 söktes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultatet är baserat på tretton artiklar. Resultat: Tre teman framkom.1) Hur barnens välmående påverkas: Barnen påverkades starkt av upplevelsen men uppvisade sällan kliniska symtom. Vissa barn löpte större risk att må sämre än andra. 2) Livsförändringar och rädslor som påverkar barnens upplevelser: Barnen bar på många rädslor som påverkade deras livskvalité. Livsförändringar bestod av ökat emotionellt och praktiskt ansvar i familjen. Stort behov av att bibehålla normalitet via socialt nätverk utanför hemmet identifierades. 3) Kommunikation och informationsbehov hos barnen: Behoven var stora och öppen kommunikation inom familjen var viktig för välbefinnandet. Information från professionella uppskattades. Flera studiers reliabilitet påverkades av svårigheter att rekrytera deltagare och högt bortfall. Slutsats: Resultatet stärker Socialstyrelsens uppmaning att personalen som vårdar den sjuka föräldern behöver uppmärksamma dessa barns behov. Allmänsjuksköterskan behöver därmed ha god kunskap och förståelse kring barns utveckling generellt och dessa barns situation specifikt, för att kunna stödja och hjälpa dem på bästa sätt. / Objective: The aim of this literature review was to describe children’s experiences of having a parent with cancer and to examine the quality of the articles relating to the sampling process, response rates and withdrawal. Method: Databases CINAHL and PubMed were used to search for relevant articles published between 2003 and 2013. The result is based on thirteen articles. Results: Three general themes were found. 1) The effects on children’s wellbeing: The children were strongly affected by their experience but rarely showed clinical symptoms. Some children were at greater risk of poor health than others. 2) Life changes and fears which influence the children’s experiences: The children had many fears which impinged on their quality of life. Life changes consisted of increased emotional and practical responsibility within the family. A need to maintain normality through a social network outside of the family-home was identified.  3) The children’s communication and information needs: The needs were great and open communication within the family was important for the children’s wellbeing. Professional information was appreciated. Difficulties in recruiting participants and possible response bias, affected the reliability of several studies. Conclusion: The result backs up Socialstyrelsen’s (The National board of Health and Welfare) staff looking after the ill parent sees to the needs of these children. The general nurse needs to have good knowledge and understanding of general child development and these children’s specific situations, in order to help and support them in the best way possible.

Gender (in)equality among employees in elder care : implications for health

Elwer, Sofia, Alex, Lena, Hammarström, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Gendered practices of working life create gender inequalities through horizontal and vertical gender segregation in work, which may lead to inequalities in health between women and men. Gender equality could therefore be a key element of health equity in working life. Our aim was to analyze what gender (in) equality means for the employees at a woman-dominated workplace and discuss possible implications for health experiences. Methods: All caregiving staff at two workplaces in elder care within a municipality in the north of Sweden were invited to participate in the study. Forty-five employees participated, 38 women and 7 men. Seven focus group discussions were performed and led by a moderator. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the focus groups. Results: We identified two themes. "Advocating gender equality in principle" showed how gender (in) equality was seen as a structural issue not connected to the individual health experiences. "Justifying inequality with individualism" showed how the caregivers focused on personalities and interests as a justification of gender inequalities in work division. The justification of gender inequality resulted in a gendered work division which may be related to health inequalities between women and men. Gender inequalities in work division were primarily understood in terms of personality and interests and not in terms of gender. Conclusion: The health experience of the participants was affected by gender (in) equality in terms of a gendered work division. However, the participants did not see the gendered work division as a gender equality issue. Gender perspectives are needed to improve the health of the employees at the workplaces through shifting from individual to structural solutions. A healthy-setting approach considering gender relations is needed to achieve gender equality and fairness in health status between women and men.

Upplevelser i vardagen hos personer med demenssjukdom och som bor i ordinärt boende.

Dragon, Anna, Persson, Margareta January 2013 (has links)
Många personer lever med demenssjukdom, och antalet beräknas stiga i takt med att befolkningen blir äldre. Syftet med studien var att utifrån personer med demenssjukdom och deras berättelser beskriva upplevelser av att bo i ordinärt boende och hantera vardagen. Studien har utförts genom ostrukturerade intervjuer med nio personer med demenssjukdom som är över 65 år och som bor i ordinärt boende. Data bearbetades genom kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet redovisas i sex olika kategorier som handlar om begränsningar i vardagen, förändrad självbild, känslan av missnöje, känslan av förnöjsamhet, sociala relationer och strategier.De äldre personerna upplevde begränsningar och varberoende av andra på grund av sin demenssjukdom. Bitterhet över att ha drabbats av sjukdom var den största källan till känslan av missnöje. Förnöjsamheten upplevdes av att känna trygghet och att kunna utföra för dem meningsfulla sysslor. Sociala relationer var viktiga, men påverkades ibland av känslan att inte duga. Vardagen i ordinärt boende innebar olika sysselsättningar och hanterades med hjälp av olika strategier och en viss acceptans. Studiens slutsats visar att personer med demenssjukdom upplever sin livssituation och vardag tillfredsställande och hanterbar i ordinärt boende med behovsanpassat stöd och hjälp. / Several people are living with dementia disease and the numbers are expected to rise as the population ages. The aim of the study was that by people with dementia disease and their narratives describe the experiences of living in ordinary housing and deal with daily life. The study has been carried out through unstructured interviews with nine people with dementia disease who are over 65 years old and living in ordinary housing. Data were processed by qualitative manifest content analysis. The results are presented in six categories dealing with limitations in daily life, altered self, feeling of dissatisfaction, the feeling of contentedness, social relationships and strategies.The older persons experienced limitations and were dependence on others because of their dementiadisease. Bitterness to have suffered illness was the main source of the feeling of dissatisfaction. Contentedness was perceived by feeling safe and be able to perform for them meaningful tasks. Social relations were important, but sometimes influenced by the feeling of not being good enough. Everyday living in ordinary housing meant different pursuits and handled by using different strategies and a certain acceptance. The conclusion of the study shows that people with dementia disease perceive their life situation and everyday living satisfying and manageable in ordinary housing with appropriate support and assistance.

Contributors to Optimal Sexual Experiences

Ménard, Amy D. 05 April 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to identify the contributors to optimal sexual experiences. At present, there is a lack of clinical knowledge, research knowledge and in-depth public discourse concerning the nature of healthy sexuality. The theoretical and research literature in this area has focused almost exclusively on defining and conceptualizing sexual dysfunctions with little attention paid to either normal or satisfactory experiences. Very little theory exists on the nature and components of optimal sexuality. To date, no empirical investigations have been done to determine the contributors to optimal sexual experiences. In order to identify the contributors to optimal sexual experiences, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 individuals who reported having experienced “great sex”. A phenomenologically-oriented content analysis was performed on interview transcripts to determine the contributors to optimal sexual experiences. Analysis led to the identification of seven major contributors, two pathways towards optimal sexual experiences and two minor contributors. The major contributors included developmental contributors, individual qualities overall, individual qualities in-the moment, skills, relationship qualities overall, relationship qualities in-the-moment and environmental, situational and preparatory contributors. Each of these larger themes was also characterized by a variety of more specific themes. The two pathways that led to optimal sexual experiences included individual qualities that facilitated relationship qualities and relationship qualities that facilitated individual qualities. Finally, the minor contributors consisted of personal proclivities and miscellaneous contributors. Noteworthy findings of this investigation are discussed and then compared and contrasted with existing research and theory. The implications of this work for the general public, sex therapy, sex education, theory and research are considered as well as the strengths and limitations of this study.

Understanding the Spiritual Experiences of Young Women: A Qualitative Inquiry of Inner Knowing

Csoli, Karen 24 February 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to address the problem of the silencing of adolescent girls and young women by exploring their spiritual experiences and knowledge of their inner selves. Five participants between the ages of 18 and 25 were interviewed 3 times over several weeks about their spiritual experiences, artefacts of spiritual significance, and beliefs about their inner selves. The findings of this study reveal that young women are deeply interested in nurturing their spirituality, which they are not finding in religion, and they are looking elsewhere for a spirituality that embraces a feminine ethic of care and responsibility.

Constructing Meaning with Spiritual Meditation : How spiritual experiences can influence psychological well being

Axnér, Maria January 2013 (has links)
A qualitative method was used to explore the construction of meaning in relation to spiritual meditation and spiritual experience. Meaning was considered a pathway between spiritual experience and psychological well being. 8 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people who meditate and report having had spiritual experiences during meditation. A cultural analysis was employed to understand spiritual meaning in secular, postmodern Sweden. Meaning was analyzed using a theory of global meaning where the meaning system is made up of three aspects; beliefs, goals and affect. Spiritual meditation and spiritual experiences were used by the participants to construct meaning in all three areas of global meaning. Beliefs about a spirit world and the eternal nature of a soul were confirmed and experienced in spiritual meditation which provided meaning to life and raised self-esteem. The spiritual meditation also helped the participants find and strive for important goals in life, often related to personal growth.

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