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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林秋琴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖探討中東歐國家由中央集權計劃經濟轉型為市場經濟之後,對其效率及生產力之影響。本研究針對1980至2000年的歐洲國家,採用資料包絡分析法(DEA)與大邊界法(Grand Frontier)畫出所有樣本的單一效率邊界並計算其整體技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率值。 新興主權國家的整體技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率值在經濟轉型後均降低,顯示經濟轉型後的新興主權國家的確有經濟效率低落的狀況,尤其在經濟轉型初期市場不健全、經濟體質不良使資源配置不佳。傳統工業國家的整體技術效率及純技術效率在經濟轉型後較高,規模效率經濟轉型後降低。傳統工業國家於經濟轉型後整體技術效率、純技術效率及規模效率顯著的高於轉型國家、新興主權國家。 Malmquist生產力指數分析,結果顯示傳統工業國家在經濟轉型後顯示生產力有進步,而生產力成長主要貢獻是技術進步(innovation),但傳統工業國家技術效率變動則呈現退步現象,進一步分析原因主要是由於規模效率變動退步所致。另外選擇1993年及2000年進行比較,結果發現傳統工業國家與新興國家的生產力均退步,主要原因是技術效率變動退步,但技術有進步。

我國金融控股公司子銀行經營績效之研究 / -資料包絡法之應用

林盈鑫, Lin,ing-shin Unknown Date (has links)
資料包絡分析法乃是利用數學規劃模式求取決策單位之相對效率,故本研究針對本文針對競爭激烈之金控環境下,14至15家金控子銀行進行推估其經營效率。 銀行經營效率評估,主要以財務比率法、資料包絡法及隨機生產(或成本)邊界法。財務比率法大多利用單一投入與產出之比值,不符合生產函數之理論架構;DEA已經針對投入與產出之關係,作一嚴謹的分析,而能推估數個投入與產出之效率指標,此一效率指標,較能評估各廠商之經營績效。本文運用Farrell對於多項投入及多項產出效率衡量的概念,去推估各金控子銀行從1999年至2004年的經營效率,並建議這些銀行如何去配置最佳技術效率組合。 本研究的結論得出公營金控公司子銀行的績效不如民營金控子銀行來的佳。且金控公司子銀行未來應加強創新,增進風險管理的能力,促使銀行、證券及保險平台的結合,以便提高競爭力。 / Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a mathematical programming approach to accessing relative efficiencies within a group of Decision Making Units (DMUS). therefore this research controls the environment in view of this article in view of the competition intense gold next the bank to carry on,14 to 15 Financial company bankings pushes estimates its management efficiency.   The bank management efficiency appraised, mainly by Financial Ratio Approachs, Data Envelopment Approachs and The Stochastic production (or cost) Frontier Approachs. The financial ratio Approachs mostly uses the sole investment with to deliver the ratio, does not conform to theory of overhead construction the production function; DEA already aimed at the investment with to deliver the relations, made a rigorous analysis, but could push estimates several investments with to deliver the efficiency target. This efficiency target, comparatively can appraise management achievements various merchants. This article utilizes Farrell delivers the efficiency weight regarding many investments and many items the concept, pushes estimates various Jin K'ungtzu the bank from 1999 to 2004 management efficiency, and suggested how these banks do dispose the best technical efficiency combination.   This research conclusion obtains the public-operated gold to control the company sub- bank the achievements to be inferior to privately operated Financial company bankings comes good. Also the gold will control the company sub- bank future to be supposed to strengthen the innovation, will promote the risk management the ability, will urge the bank, the negotiable securities and insures the platform the union, in order to enhancement competitive ability.


陳凌雯, Chen,Lin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融控股公司法的實施,國內的金融機構紛紛朝金融控股公司的型態發展。然而,金控銀行的經營效率是否如預期般的有明顯的改善? 隸屬於金控集團的銀行其生產力是否優於無金控背景銀行?其生產力差異源自於哪些因素?。本研究採DEA模型,衡量金融控股公司與非金融控股公司效率差異,並透過差額變數分析(Slack Variable Analysis),使相對無效率銀行瞭解其缺失所在,進而尋求改進之道,將過多的投入量減少及過少的產出量增加;再利用Tobit迴歸模型,探討銀行之資本適足率、逾放比率、市場佔有率、風險水準、成本收益指標與經營效率之關係。 研究發現「金融控股公司」的平均總效率、技術效率值均高於「非金融控股公司」 。且不論是「金融控股公司」或「非金融控股公司」相對上都需減少固定資產及增加非利息收入,因而全體樣本銀行不僅需裁減人員還需廣增存款以外的利息收入或費用,以免在存款減少下引發資金不足的營運危機。


潘思翰, Pan, Zsu-han Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 1980年代至90年代初期,東亞各國成為全球經濟重要的發展區域之一,泰國、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓等繼亞洲四小龍之後成為亞洲地區成長迅速的新興開發中國家。然而,自1995年起,東南亞各國經濟開始出現衰退現象,1997年7月泰國更出現泰銖貶值,匯價劇跌,造成泰國股市的崩盤,傳染性的匯率貶值壓力延伸至菲律賓、馬來西亞、印尼與新加坡,甚至連東北亞的韓國,日本、台灣與香港也受波及,使得整個東亞地區幾乎都遭受到金融風暴的衝擊。 因此本研究針對1984至2002年的東亞國家,採用資料包絡分析法探討亞洲金融風暴對東亞各國效率的影響,利用Malmquist指數計算分析生產力變動的來源,以研究東亞各國在歷經金融風暴後如何調整其生產力及效率。 本研究依東亞各國受金融風暴影響的程度分為金融風暴國以及非金融風暴國兩大群組,實證結果顯示,東亞地區國家之整體技術效率值以及純技術效率值於金融風暴發生後有提升的現象,相較於金融風暴國於風暴前後之整體技術效率值以及生產力變動有顯著差異,非金融風暴國則未發生此一現象。本研究利用國內固定資本形成毛額作為投入要素與實質國內生產毛額作為產出項所構成的效率前緣曲線圖,分析解釋前述現象,發現金融風暴國在風暴前確實有投資過剩的問題,風暴後金融風暴國效率的提升來自於調整其生產規模、減少不當投資。 此外,本研究發現中國大陸的生產力在金融風暴後有逐年衰退的趨勢,其主要原因是來自於規模變動的不利影響,意味著中國大陸在展現高度經濟成長的同時,似乎已產生供給過剩的現象,是否會為日後的經濟發展帶來隱憂,甚至成為二次亞洲金融風暴的起源,值得注意。 / Abstract From the1980s to early 1990s, East Asia became one of the most important areas in developing the global economy. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippine’s economy grew up fast and became the newly developing country following the Four little Dragons in Asia. However, since 1995, the economy of various countries in Southeast Asia began to decline. In July 1997 Thailand’s Thai Baht and exchange rate depreciated dramatically and crash of the Thai stock market. Then the Tai Baht currency depreciation rapidly spread to Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore; even South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong were involved in the crisis. As a result, the whole East Asia nearly all suffered this financial storm. Today, most of Asian countries are recovered from the Asia crisis. In order to analyze how East Asian countries to overcome the Asian financial crisis and adjust their productivity and efficiency, this study uses a panel data of 15 East Asian countries through 1984 to 2002 to apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the effects of the Asia financial crisis and measure the Malmquist productivity index to analyze the sources of the change in efficiency. The study breaks down the East Asian countries into two groups, Asian-crisis countries and non-Asian-crisis countries, depending on the extent to which they were affected by the Asian financial crisis. The major findings of this paper are as follows. The full samples denote that after crisis era the overall technical efficiency and the pure technical efficiency are higher than that of before crisis era. The further analysis demonstrates that such phenomenon only can be found in Asian-crisis group. This study constructs a two dimensions efficiency frontier curve graph by using gross fixed capital formation and gross domestic product as input and output proxy to analyze the efficiency change to help to explain the above phenomenon. The frontier efficiency curves find that the Asian-crisis countries indeed have over investment problem before the crisis, and the improvement of efficiencies after crisis is due to successful downsizing, such as reducing production scale and improper investments. In addition, this study illustrates that the productivity change in China has a tendency of declining over the last couple of years. The main reason comes from the unfavorable change in scale efficiency. The high economic growth accompanies over supply in China which reveals the similar phenomenon in Asia-crisis countries before the crisis. Therefore, it is worth to take a notice that whether the growth phenomenon in China becomes the source of the second Asian financial crisis in the future.

新北市特色小學經營效率之研究:資料包絡分析法的應用 / Operational efficiency of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City: application of data envelopment analysis

蘇明俊, Su, Ming Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市特色小學之經營效率,本研究使用資料包絡分析法對於新北市47 所特色小學的經營效率進行分析,投入指標與產出指標係來自文獻探討及專家審題後取得。投入指標包括師生比、職生比、用人經費與資本門經費四項投入項;在產出指標的選取上,本研究選用遊學人次、參訪人次、特色學校課程與活動時數與媒體報導次數四項產出項。本研究期望描繪出最真實的新北市特色小學經營成果現況,並了解新北市特色小學在各投入指標與產出指標之績效變化。此外,本研究運用Mann-Whitney 檢定,探討新北市特色小學依背景變項分類為偏遠小學及一般小學後的經營差異。 本研究之五項重要實證結果如下: 一、新北市特色小學中有17所總技術效率屬相對有效率 在99學年度新北市特色小學資料中,在研究樣本的47所小學中,共有17所學校在效率值上達到相對有效率境界。 二、新北市特色小學總體經營無效率同時受規模因素、技術因素影響 以資料包絡分析法所定義的兩大效率來源論之,新北市特色小學總體經營無效率,同時受於「規模因素」與「技術因素」影響。 三、職生比為影響經營績效的關鍵因子 在投入變項中,「職生比」的敏感度最高,為影響經營效率之關鍵因子。 四、特色學校對於每一個產出項都應重視 在產出變項中,「媒體報導次數」的敏感度最高,為影響經營效率之關鍵因子,但其他三項產出指標對於效率值影響也很大。 五、一般學校與偏遠學校經營表現無明顯差異 在99學年度新北市特色小學經營效率分析中,可發現一般學校與偏遠學校在經營表現尚無明顯差異之處。 最後依上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為新北市特色小學、新北市教育局及教育行政機關參考運用。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the operational efficiency of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was conducted to analyze the operational efficiency of 47 featured elementary schools in New Taipei City. The input indicators and output indicators were obtained from literature review and expert review. The four input indicators were teacher-student ratio, staff-student ratio, human resources budget, and capital budget; the four output indicators were study tour person/times, visitor person/times, specialty school courses and activity hours, and media report instances. The findings can be used to accurately depict the operational conditions of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City, and understand the performance changes in input indicators and output indicators of these schools. In addition, Mann-Whitney test was conducted to examine operational differences of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City, as classified according to background variables into remote elementary schools and general elementary schools. The five important empirical results are described as follows: 1. The total technical efficiency of 17 featured elementary schools in New Taipei City is relative efficiency. The data on featured elementary schools in New Taipei City for 2010 academic year, suggest that among the 47 elementary schools in the research sample, 17 schools reached relative efficiency. 2. The overall operational inefficiency rate of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City is simultaneously affected by size factors and technical factors. According to the two main sources of efficiency as defined by DEA, the overall operational inefficiency rate of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City are simultaneously affected by “size factors” and “technical factors.” 3. Staff-student ratio is a key factor that influences operational performance. Among input variables, “staff-student ratio” has the highest sensitivity, and is the key factor that influences operational efficiency. 4. Specialty schools should emphasize each output indicator. Among output variables, “media report instances” has the highest sensitivity, and is the key factor that influences operational efficiency, but the other three output indicators also have major influence on the efficiency value. 5. There are no significant differences between the operational performance of general schools and remote schools. The analysis of operational efficiency of featured elementary schools in New Taipei City for 2010 academic year found that, it is possible to find that there are no significant differences between general schools and remote schools in terms of operational performance. Finally, suggestions are proposed based on the above research conclusions, to serve as a reference for featured elementary schools in New Taipei City, Bureau of Education in New Taipei City, as well as educational administrative authorities.

Essays on the economics of medical practice variations

Eckerlund, Ingemar January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of an overview and five essays. The purpose of the thesis is to show how economics can contribute to a better understanding of medical practice variations – why they exist, their consequences, and the extent to which they can – and should – be influenced. The first essay, Econometric analysis of variation in cesarean section rates – a cross-sectional study of 59 obstetrical departments in Sweden, is an attempt to identify the causes of variation in cesarean section rates, and to discuss their economic consequences. The econometric model applied explains 27 percent of the variation. We conclude that the unexplained variation in cesarean section rates indicates inefficiency, mainly due to over-utilisation. Estimates of the economic consequences indicate an additional cost for "unnecessary" cesarean sections of 13-16 million SEK per year. The welfare loss to society due to undesired variation is tentatively estimated to be about twice as high. In the second essay, Estimating the effect of cesarean section rate on health outcome – evidence from Swedish hospital data, we test the null hypothesis of a zero effect of cesarean section rate on health outcome, against the alternative of a positive effect. We could not reject the null hypothesis of a zero effect, i.e., we did not find any significant positive relationship between cesarean section rate and health outcome, in terms of perinatal mortality or rate of asphyxia. In the third essay, Benchmarking in obstetric care – a comparative study based on data envelopment analysis (DEA), we apply the DEA method to compare technical efficiency (productivity) of inpatient obstetric care in Swedish hospitals in 1994 and 1995. The results indicate an average potential for enhanced productivity of at least 6-7 percent each year. Most hospitals show decreasing productivity 1994-1995, partly due to inability to adjust production capacity and costs to a decreasing demand. The last two essays apply a new method – Quality Satisfaction Performance (QSP) – for incorporating patient perspectives into the management of health care, i.e., as a basis for quality improvement. Change-oriented patient questionnaires – testing a new method at three departments of ophthalmology, is a pilot study. The results show consistently high patient satisfaction indices. Satisfaction varies somewhat among the different patient segments and departments. We conclude that decisions on improvements must be preceded by thorough assessment of costs as well as effects associated with the various changes. The last essay, Patient satisfaction and priority setting – an economic approach, aims at analysing if and how priorities according to the QSP approach are influenced when an economic perspective is explicitly included. This is accomplished by a cost-effectiveness analysis of certain proposed changes/improvements, and a cost-benefit analysis based upon the patients` willingness-to-pay for these changes. Our results show that the ranking between various improvements is strongly influenced when an economic dimension is included. We conclude that even a methodologically appropriate measurement of patient satisfaction may lead to cost-ineffective priority setting, unless economic consequences are explicitly considered. / Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

Ανάπτυξη υπολογιστικών αλγορίθμων τύπου bootstrap για την επιλογή MPSS σε περιπτώσεις ανάλυσης της αποτελεσματικότητας σε καθεστώς τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας

Βασιλείου, Παρασκευή 07 April 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη της μεθόδου bootstrap και η ανάπτυξη ενός αλγορίθμου bootstrap στη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού Matlab με σκοπό την επιλογή MPSS σε περιπτώσεις ανάλυσης της αποτελεσματικότητας όταν υπάρχει τεχνολογική ετερογένεια. Εκτός από τις τιμές της τεχνικής αποτελεσματικότητας με τη μέθοδο DEA που έχουν υλοποιηθεί και βρεθεί σε προηγούμενη εργασία, της οποίας συνέχεια είναι η παρούσα, βρίσκονται οι bootstrapped τιμές της αποτελεσματικότητας, δηλαδή οι τιμές χωρίς την παρουσία του θορύβου που μπορεί να αλλοιώσει τα αποτελέσματα καθώς και το διάστημα εμπιστοσύνης των τιμών. Δημιουργείται έτσι ένα ολοκληρωμένο πακέτο ώστε ο χρήστης να μπορεί να υπολογίζει τις παραπάνω τιμές των δεδομένων που θα εισάγει και οι οποίες θα αποθηκεύονται σε μορφή κατάλληλη για περαιτέρω επεξεργασία. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the bootstrap method and develop a bootstrap algorithm in Matlab programming language to select the MPSS analysis in cases of technical efficiency where there is technological heterogeneity.Besides the values of technical efficiency with DEA method that have been implemented and found in a previous work, we compute the bootstrapped values of efficiency, ie the values without the presence of noise that can affect the results and the confidence interval values. This creates a complete package so the user can calculate the above values of the data entered and will be stored in a form suitable for further processing.

Método para determinação do desempenho de cooperativas de reciclagem / Method for determining the performance of recycling cooperatives

Fidelis, Reginaldo 08 December 2017 (has links)
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) / Em países em estágio de desenvolvimento, as Cooperativas de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis apresentam-se como um modelo de política pública de gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos com Potencial Reciclável (RSUPR) e são fundamentais na cadeia de recuperação de recursos. Assim, este estudo objetiva propor um método para auxiliar a análise do desempenho das cooperativas em suas Atividades Operacionais na Cadeia da Reciclagem (AOCR): na gestão da coleta dos RSUPR, na gestão da produção, na gestão da comercialização dos resíduos e como um instrumento de inclusão social, geração de renda e redução de RSUPR. Para exemplificar a aplicação do método, realizou-se uma pesquisa longitudinal de algumas características das cooperativas sediadas em uma cidade brasileira de porte médio em suas AOCR. Foram utilizados para o tratamento dos dados os Modelos DEA-SBM e DEA-Window, Análise de Regressão Tobit, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, método AHP e SAW. Os resultados sugerem que os índices integrados de desempenho das cooperativas apresentam variabilidade nos cenários analisados (aspectos econômico, ambiental e social), indicando que as preferências de um decisor alteram os índices e ranking de desempenho das cooperativas. Apontam ainda, que as cooperativas são heterogêneas, com distintos níveis de desempenho e organização administrativa e possuem dificuldades de comunicação; os aluguéis pagos pelos centros de triagem e dos caminhões para coleta são muito distintos, há cooperativa organizada em setores administrativos e em outras o presidente exerce todas as funções administrativas. Indicam também a necessidade de manutenção e o aumento de ações públicas integradas às cooperativas de catadores, visando o maior controle nas operações de coleta, produção e comercialização dos RSUPR, pois o aumento no desempenho das cooperativas em suas AOCR é fundamental para a sua sobrevivência e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos seus cooperados. / In developing countries, Recyclable Material Collectors Cooperatives are presented as a public policy model for managing Urban Solid Wastes with Recyclable Potential (MSWRP) being fundamentals in the resources recovery chain. Thus, this study aims to propose a method to help analyze the management performance of cooperatives in their Operational Activities in the Recycling Chain (OARC): in the waste collection management, in production management, in waste marketing management and as an instrument of social inclusion, income generation and MSWRP reduction. To exemplify the application of the method, a longitudinal research was carried out on some characteristics of cooperatives based in a medium-sized city of Brazil in their OARC. For data treatment were used the DEA-SBM and DEA-Window Models, Tobit Regression, Kruskal-Wallis test, AHP and SAW method. The results suggest that the integrated performance indexes of cooperatives present variability in the scenarios analyzed (economic, environmental and social aspects), indicating that the preferences of a decision maker change the indexes and performance ranking of cooperatives. Furthermore, the results indicate that cooperatives are heterogeneous, with different levels of management performance and administrative organization, besides that presenting communication difficulties, and the rent paid by the collection centers for the collection trucks are very different, in some cases there is a cooperative organized with separated administrative sectors and in others all administrative functions are performed by the of the president of the same. Results also indicate the need for maintenance and increases of public actions thereby integrating the cooperatives and waste collectors, aiming to guarantee greater control in the collection, production and commercialization of MSWRP, since increases in cooperatives management performances in their OARC is fundamental for their survival and for the improvement of its member’s life quality.

Avalia??o de economias de escala e escopo no desempenho de equipes de servi?os aplicando An?lise de Envolt?ria de Dados DEA: um estudo em Empresa de Telecomunica??es no Brasil / Evaluating economies of scale ans scope in the performance of service teams applying data envelopment analysis - DEA : a study on a telecommunications company in Brazil

Cunha, Katia Ellaine Barros 31 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KatiaEBC.pdf: 420245 bytes, checksum: ea933f78f725cdad42680643833f131a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-31 / This Master s Thesis proposes the application of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA to evaluate economies of scale and economies of scope in the performance of service teams involved with installation of data communication circuits, based on the study of a major telecommunication company in Brazil. Data was collected from the company s Operational Performance Division. Initial analysis of a data set, including nineteen installation teams, was performed considering input oriented methods. Subsequently, the need for restrictions on weights is analyzed using the Assurance Region method, checking for the existence of zero-valued weights. The resulting returns to scale are then verified. Further analyses using the Assurance Region Constant (AR-I-C) and Variable (AR-I-V) models verify the existence of variable, rather than constant, returns to scale. Therefore, all of the final comparisons use scores obtained through the AR-I-V model. In sequence, we verify if the system has economies of scope by analyzing the behavior of the scores in terms of individual or multiple outputs. Finally, conventional results, used by the company in study to evaluate team performance, are compared to those generated using the DEA methodology. The results presented here show that DEA is a useful methodology for assessing team performance and that it may contribute to improvements on the quality of the goal setting procedure. / Esta tese de mestrado prop?e utilizar a An?lise de Envolt?ria de Dados - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) na avalia??o de economias de escala e economias de escopo no desempenho de equipes de instala??o de circuitos de comunica??o de dados a partir de um estudo em uma empresa de telecomunica??es do Brasil. S?o utilizados dados obtidos junto ? ?rea de Desempenho Operacional da empresa. O resultado da an?lise inicial do conjunto de dados das dezenove equipes de instala??o considera os m?todos orientados a insumos. A partir da? analisa-se a necessidade de restri??es de pesos, pelo m?todo da Regi?o de Garantia, analisando a exist?ncia de pesos com valor igual a zero. Ap?s essa an?lise ? verificado o retorno de escala gerado pelo sistema. Atrav?s de an?lises utilizando os modelos AR-I-C e AR-I-V ? verificada a exist?ncia de retornos vari?veis de escala ao inv?s de retornos constantes, em fun??o disso todos os comparativos finais usam escores obtidos pelo modelo AR-I-V. Em seguida ? verificado se o sistema ? economicamente de escopo pela an?lise do comportamento dos escores em termos de produtos individuais ou m?ltiplos produtos. Por ?ltimo ? feito um comparativo entre os resultados convencionais utilizados pela empresa em quest?o para avaliar o desempenho das equipes e aqueles gerados pela Metodologia DEA. Os resultados apresentados garantem a utilidade da DEA como metodologia para a avalia??o de desempenho dessas equipes podendo contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do processo de defini??o de metas.

An?lise de retorno de escala e tamanho do mercado no desempenho de equipes de vendas aplicando an?lise de envolt?ria de dados DEA: um estudo em empresa de Telecomunica??es no Brasil / Analysis of returns to scale and market size on sales team performance applying data envelopment analysis - DEA: a study on a telecom firm in Brazil

Almeida, Samary Carvalho de 31 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SamaryCA.pdf: 539977 bytes, checksum: 04f5275248b46b145b22c75ed28b86b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-31 / This Master s Thesis proposes the application of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA to evaluate the performance of sales teams, based on a study of their coverage areas. Data was collected from the company contracted to distribute the products in the state of Cear?. Analyses of thirteen sales coverage areas were performed considering first the output-oriented constant return to scale method (CCR-O), then this method with assurance region (AR-O-C) and finally the method of variable returns to scale with assurance region (AR-O-V). The method used in the first approach is shown to be inappropriate for this study, since it inconveniently generates zero-valued weights, allowing that an area under evaluation obtain the maximal score by not producing. Using weight restrictions, through the assurance region methods AR-O-C and AR-O-V, decreasing returns to scale are identified, meaning that the improvement in performance is not proportional to the size of the areas being analyzed. Observing data generated by the analysis, a study is carried out, aiming to design improvement goals for the inefficient areas. Complementing this study, GDP data for each area was compared with scores obtained using AR-O-V analysis. The results presented in this work show that DEA is a useful methodology for assessing sales team performance and that it may contribute to improvements on the quality of the management process. / Esta tese de mestrado prop?e utilizar a An?lise de Envolt?ria de Dados - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) na avalia??o de desempenho das equipes de vendas a partir de um estudo de suas ?reas de atua??o. S?o utilizados dados obtidos junto ? empresa contratada para distribui??o dos produtos no estado do Cear?. As an?lises das treze ?reas de vendas foram realizadas considerando o m?todo de retorno constante de escala orientado a produto (CCR-O), em seguida, esse m?todo com utiliza??o de regi?o de garantia (AR-O-C) e por ?ltimo o m?todo de retorno vari?vel de escala com utiliza??o de regi?o de garantia (AR-O-V). O m?todo utilizado na primeira abordagem mostra-se inapropriado para este estudo pois apresenta o inconveniente de gerar pesos com valor igual a zero, permitindo que uma ?rea avaliada obtenha escore m?ximo n?o produzindo. Utilizando-se restri??es de pesos, atrav?s dos m?todos da Regi?o de Garantia AR-O-C e AR-O-V, identificam-se a exist?ncia de retornos decrescentes de escala significando que a melhoria de desempenho n?o ? proporcional ao tamanho das ?reas analisadas. Atrav?s do m?todo AR-O-V foram encontradas nove ?reas eficientes. Observando os dados gerados pelas an?lises faz -se um estudo para projetar metas de melhoria para as ?reas ineficientes. Complementando o estudo, comparam-se os dados do PIB de cada ?rea com os escores obtidos na an?lise A R-O-V. Os resultados apresentados nesse trabalho garantem a utilidade da DEA como metodologia para a avalia??o de desempenho das equipes de vendas podendo contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do seu processo de gest?o.

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