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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La relación entre el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca a través de las redes sociales y la intención de compra de clientes de 25 a 45 años de cafeterías independientes de Lima, 2021 / The relationship between brand engagement, brand awareness, word of mouth through social networks and the purchase intention of customers aged 25 to 45 years of independent coffee shops in Lima, 2021

Molina Feijóo, Fiorella Rocío, Sánchez Vera, Franco Sergio 09 February 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer cuál es la relación que existe entre el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca en redes sociales y la intención de compra en clientes de 25 a 45 años de cafeterías independientes en Lima, Perú. Para ello, se plantea como propósito el análisis de las acciones digitales que usan como estrategia de marketing en redes sociales las cafeterías independientes en el contexto descrito con la finalidad de dar a conocer sus resultados respecto de grandes empresas de la industria y cómo estos impactan en diversos elementos como el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca e intención de compra de clientes peruanos de café y conocer el comportamiento de este consumidor en sí. Con esto encontrar puntos de mejora que podrían aplicar en redes sociales para ser más competitivos y de esta manera mejorar su posicionamiento y conocimiento dentro del mercado peruano. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa mediante encuestas realizadas a 300 personas pertenecientes al público objetivo de estudio y fueron divididas en 2 grupos según su género: Grupo 1 (150 mujeres) y Grupo 2 (150 hombres). Asimismo, con la finalidad de contar con un análisis y comprensión amplio del tema en estudio, se investigaron diversos temas relacionados, tales como el marketing digital y redes sociales, el mercado de café en el mundo, así como en el mercado peruano y su comercialización, entre otros. / The purpose of this research thesis is to know what is the relationship that exists between brand commitment, brand awareness, word of mouth on social networks and the intention of purchase in customers aged 25 to 45 years of independent coffee shops in Lima, Peru. To do this, the objective is to analyze the digital actions that independent coffee shops use as a strategy in the context described in order to publicize their weaknesses with respect to large companies in the industry and the points of improvement that can be applied to be more competitive. For this, a quantitative research was carried out through surveys carried out on 400 people belonging to the study's target audience and they were divided into 2 groups according to their gender: Group 1 (women) and Group 2 (men). Likewise, in order to have a broad analysis and understanding of the subject under study, various topics related to the thesis topic were investigated such as marketing and its evolution towards digital marketing and social networks, the coffee market in the world, as well as in the Peruvian market and its commercialization, among others. / Tesis

The Impact of Covid-19 on Restaurants and Consumer Behaviour with in Jönköping Region

Kunde, Belinda Lemini, Morgan, Inga.Britt, Genov, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Abstract   Background:  With the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behaviour has adjusted accordingly, especially in relation to the restaurant industry. This issue is also present in the restaurant managers responses displayed at this critical event. This disruption on both consumer and manager perspective can be researched for methods of regulating the impacts.   Purpose:   The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact COVID-19 has had on restaurants, their managers and consumer behaviour. This study investigates how managers of the local restaurants respond to the restrictions placed on them as well as how consumer behaviour has been affected by the pandemic.   Method:  This exploratory study is conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively using surveys with consumers by convenience sampling and semi-structured interviews with local restaurant managers.   Conclusion:  The results and analysis suggest that with the aid of the ADKAR and EKB model, there are varying degrees of influence an individual or manager has perceived with the arrival of the pandemic. This is generally due to their own circumstances and perspectives; however, consumers have seen a change in their decision-making journey while restaurant managers have seen changes in their daily operations. This study goes on to indicate that thorough use of the models can assist both consumers and managers in better preparation if such an event should happen again as well as comprehension of their unconscious decisions with such predicaments. / This thesis seeks to investigates "The Effects of COVID-19 on Restaurants and Consumer Behaviour in the Jönköping Region”. Adapted to the paper’s subject matter, this is offered at the beginning of each section and provides the reader with background information on that section’s contents. At this point, the main theme of the paper is introduced with supporting evidence which will be used for the duration of this project.

Consumers’ perception of Femvertising as a Digital Marketing Strategy in the Beauty- and Apparel Industry : A Qualitative Study of Swedish Gen Z Consumers

Borssén Myrén, Lovisa, Danås, Annie January 2022 (has links)
This paper is about femvertising which is used as a strategy within marketing to attract female consumers. This strategy is done by companies by pushing for gender equality and female empowerment in their ads. There is a lack of research regarding how femvertising affects consumers' purchase intentions and buying behavior. Further research also needs to be done examining female portrayals on digital platforms. The study is done with a qualitative method and inductive approach. In this paper, 20 respondents have participated in in-depth interviews and the respondents are all born between 1995 to 1998, which is called Gen Z, and are also all women. The paper is based on finding codes and converting them into categories which results in themes based on the different interviews. The conclusion of the paper is that social media are leading to purchases due to the possibility of targeting its consumers. Although, consumers easily tend to feel monitored when companies use them for targeting. Influencers can be successful for companies to use if the fit is good so it generates trust for the consumer. Another conclusion is that companies need to use different female portrayals, showing women in all of their uniqueness for them to be more relatable. Social media is an important part when it comes to if consumers will make purchases as it makes information and products easily accessible. Femvertising needs to shine through all of the company, not only the advertising. Companies should also monitor which type of WOM is out there about them as the point of view of other consumers is weighing heavily in affecting purchase intentions.

Las estrategias de marketing digital empleadas por la marca de moda Annaiss Yucra a consecuencia del Covid-19 / Digital marketing strategies use by the fashion brand Annaiss Yucra a result of the Covid-19

Pareja Sime , Diana Carolina 03 December 2020 (has links)
Durante el año 2020, la pandemia del Covid-19 trajo consecuencias negativas para todo el mundo y los cambios también se vieron reflejados en la industria de la moda. En consecuencia, muchas marcas de indumentaria se vieron en la necesidad de adaptar sus estrategias de marketing a un nuevo contexto digital con la finalidad de incrementar sus ventas y mantenerse en el mercado. Es por ello que la presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar cómo han cambiado las estrategias de marketing digital de la marca Annaiss Yucra en el año 2020 a consecuencia de la pandemia del Covid-19. Para ello se desarrollará una investigación de enfoque cualitativo con un diseño de estudio de caso de la marca mencionada. Cabe resaltar que esta tiene una importante presencia en el medio digital y fue una de las primeras en apostar por la digitalización en el sector de la moda peruana. En este sentido, se recogerá información a través de técnicas tales como entrevistas a profundidad, netnografía y revisión bibliográfica de la marca. Se entrevistará a la diseñadora de modas y al equipo de marketing. Es relevante mencionar que la investigación abordará dos grandes variables como: marketing digital de moda y consecuencias del covid-19 en la moda. / During 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic brought negative consequences for everyone and the changes were also reflected in the fashion industry. Consequently, many apparel brands found it necessary to adapt their marketing strategies to a new digital context in order to increase their sales and stay in the market. That is why the main objective of this thesis is to analyze how the digital marketing strategies of the fashion brand Annaiss Yucra have changed in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this, a qualitative approach research will be developed with a case study design of the mentioned brand. It should be noted that this brand has an important presence in the digital medium and was one of the first to bet on digitization in the peruvian fashion sector. Therefore, information will be collected through techniques such as in-depth interviews, netnography and bibliographic review of the brand. The fashion designer and marketing team will be interviewe. Instagram account will be analyzed. It is relevant to mention that the research will address two variables such as: fashion digital marketing and consequences of covid-19 in fashion. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación entre los principales factores y características de las aplicaciones móviles de pedidos de alimentos con la satisfacción electrónica e intención continúa de reúso según sexo y edad de 16 a 35 años de las zonas 6 y 7 de Lima Metropolitana / Relationship between the main factors and characteristics of mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) with e-satisfaction and continued intention to reuse in men and women between 16 and 35 years of age in Metropolitan Lima Zone 6 and 7

Muñante Arias, Hugo Daniel, Pinto Chirinos, Shirley Mary 14 May 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo identificar y examinar los principales factores que guarden relación con la satisfacción electrónica y la intención continua de reúso en usuarios de apps de pedidos de alimentos en las zonas 6 y 7 de Lima Metropolitana. La metodología incluyó una investigación cuantitativa, no probabilísitca, transeccional y correlacional. Los factores de estudio aplicados a esta investigación son la satisfacción electrónica, intención continua de reúso, expectativa de rendimiento, de esfuerzo, condiciones facilitadoras, influencia social, valor precio, motivación hedónica, habito, review online, calificación online y seguimiento online. Como instrumento de investigación cuantitativa, se aplicaron 339 encuestas para analizar la relación entre las variables de estudio. Los resultados de la investigación, se analizaron análisis descriptivo de la encuesta elaborada, análisis estadístico y pruebas Cronbach, Kolmogorov – Smirnnov y Spearman de las variables extraídas de la corrida de SPSS. Como resultados se obtuvo que la motivación hedónica y el seguimiento online son las variables que guardan mayor relación con la satisfacción electrónica. Así mismo, la influencia social y el hábito fueron las variables que guardaron mayor relación con la intención continua de reúso. Esperamos que los hallazgos de este trabajo contribuyan a un mejor entendimiento de los atributos de las apps de pedidos de alimentos desde la perspectiva de los usuarios, de tal modo que este sector de aplicaciones móviles pueda mejorar su oferta y amoldarla a lo que realmente buscan sus clientes. / This paper aims to identify and examine the main factors related to e-satisfaction and the continued intention to reuse of mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) in Zone 6 and Zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima. The methodology included a transectional non-probabilistic quantitative and correlational research. The study factors applied in this research are e-satisfaction, continued intention to reuse, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influence, price value, hedonic motivation, habit, online review, online rating and online tracking. We used an online survey as a quantitative research instrument, that was applied to 339 users with the objective to verify the relationship between the study factors. The results of the research where analyzed using descriptive analysis of the survey prepared, statistical analysis and tests Cronbach, Kolmogorov – Smirnnov and Spearman of the variables extracted from the SPSS analysis. As results, we obtained that hedonic motivation and online tracking are the variables that are most closely related to e-satisfaction. Likewise, social influence and habit were the variables that were most closely related to the continuous intention to reuse. We hope that the findings of this work contribute to a better understanding of the attributes of food ordering apps from the perspective of users, in such a way that this sector of mobile applications can improve its offer and adjust to what its customers are looking for. / Tesis

"Show, don't tell" : En studie om hur fastighetsmäklarföretag arbetar med digitala medier för att skapa långsiktiga relationer

Wahlstedt, Victoria, Vilén, Yolanda January 2016 (has links)
Fastighetsmäklarbranschen har börjat vända sig bort från den traditionella marknadskommunikationsmixen för att i allt större utsträckning marknadsföra sig på digitala kanaler. Samtidigt ökar konkurrensen på marknaden och många alternativa fastighetsbyråer har tillkommit. Bakgrunden belyser att om fastighetsmäklarföretag ska överleva på den rådande marknaden bör de applicera digitala strategier samtidigt som de arbetar med kundtillfredsställelse och relationsbyggande med potentiella konsumenter. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att studera vilka faktorer som är viktiga för fastighetsmäklarföretag när de använder sig av digitala marknadsföringskanaler för att nå ut till kunder på bostadsmarknaden och syftet mynnar ut i frågeställningen: ”Vilka faktorer är viktiga för fastighetsmäklarföretag att ta i beaktande när de använder digitala kanaler för att bygga relationer med potentiella kunder?” De teorier som har använts och som har fungerat som stöd för studiens fortsatta arbete är relevanta huvudspår inom relationsmarknadsföring och digital marknadsföring som sedan förankrats i empiri och analyskapitlet. Studien har ett kvalitativt utgångsläge och har genomförts via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra fastighetsmäklarföretag som är verksamma i Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet sammanställdes i slutsatsen där de viktigaste faktorerna för att bygga relationer i digitala kanaler diskuterades. De faktorer som studien kom fram till var att det är av stor vikt att interagera med konsumenterna, eftersom det har skett ett utbyte från att företagen har makten till att makten har flyttats över till konsumenten. Samtidigt måste företagen avspegla förtroendet i hela processen och aktivt arbeta med sociala medier samt hantera negativ och positiv kritik på ett lämpligt sätt. Slutligen visade studien att fastighetsmäklaren fortfarande har en betydande roll eftersom det huvudsakliga kundmötet sker via dem. / In recent years it has become apparent that the real estate market has turned its attention from traditional marketing strategies to promote itself through digital channels. Emerging alternative agencies have led to an increased competition on the real estate market. For traditional real estate firms to survive in the current market they have to apply digital strategies, while working to build closer relationships with potential customers to maintain customer satisfaction. The aim of this thesis was to analyze which factors real estate firms finds central when they working with digital channels to reach out to customers. To investigate this we posed the following question: "Which factors are important for real estate firms to take into account when using digital channels to build relationships with potential customers?" To answer this question we based our methods on established theories in relationship marketing and digital marketing. We performed a study based on a qualitative method through semistructured interviews with four real estate firms operating in the Stockholm area. The main conclusion of the study was that it is very important to interact with consumers, as the power has shifted from the business to the consumers. At the same time, companies must mediate trust in during the transaction process and actively work with social media to manage the negative and positive criticism in an appropriate manner. Finally, the study showed that even though we have seen big efforts in digitalization of the real estate market, the real estate agent still has a significant role to play in customer relations as the primary customer interaction is still mediated by them.

Digital transformation för en mer effektiv och tillgänglig detaljhandel : En kvalitativ studie för att analysera konsumenters kundresor och dess påverkan inom modebranschen / Digital transformation for a more efficient and accessible retail : A qualitative study to analyze consumers’ customer journeys and their impact in the fashion industry

Jonasson, Jonathan, Lundvall, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har blivit en av de viktigaste pågående omvandlingarna som sker i nutida samhället och denna utveckling är viktig inom specifikt detaljhandeln samt modebranschen. Då modebranschen befinner sig på en global marknad har de utvecklat olika försäljnings-strategier på olika plattformar, för att bemöta konsumenters efterfrågan till digitala lösningar. Digitaliseringen har därmed spelat en stor roll inom modebranschen och efter internets uppkomst har digitala transformationer blivit alltmer synligt inom modebranschen. Därmed har denna kvalitativa studie undersökt hur konsumentens kundresa påverkar organisationer till att genomföra digitala transformationer inom modebranschen i Stockholm. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur företag digitaliserar samt utvecklar sin verksamhet i form av att implementera digitala teknologier för att utveckla marknadsföringsstrategier samt digitala plattformar för att bemöta konsuments behov. För att undersöka studiens forskningsfråga har forskarna använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som består av semistrukturerade intervjuer, av totalt fem respondenter från tre olika företag. Ytterligare har tre fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförts där konsumenter bosatta i Stockholm och tillhörande generation Z har deltagit för att berätta kring sina kundresor och hur dessa påverkas av olika företag. En desktopstudie som analyserar ett företags digitala transformation har genomförts. Resultatet visa att konsumenter har en stor efterfrågan på digitala lösningar från företag samt att företag har genomfört digitala transformationer för att bemöta dessa behov. De har utvecklat nya digitala plattformar samt marknadsföringsstrategier för att bemöta konsumenternas önskemål, allt från att skapa samarbeten med influensers till att samarbeta med andra externa partners för att exponeras på fler digitala kanaler och plattformar. Konsumenter kan därmed anses som deltagare utöver kund i företags arbetssystem. Därmed kan slutsatserna dras att digital transformation är essentiellt för alla företag inom modebranschen för att kunna stötta konsumenter i dess kundresa hela vägen. / Digitization has become one of the most important transformations taking place and this development is important in the retail- and the fashion industry. This is due to the fashion industry being located on a global market where different sales strategies have evolved for different platforms, to respond on consumers demand for digital solutions. Digitalization has therefore played a major role in the fashion industry and with the origin of the internet, more companies in the fashion industry have implemented digital transformation. Therefore, this thesis has examined how the consumers’ customer journey affects organizations to implement digital transformation in Sweden’s fashion industry. The purpose of the present study was to examine how companies have digitized and developed their business, by implementing digital technologies to enable development of marketing strategies and digital platforms to meet consumer needs. To answer the thesis research question, the researchers used a qualitative research method consisting of semi-structured interviews, containing a total of five respondents from three different companies. In addition, three focus group interviews were conducted consisting of consumers living in Stockholm and belonging to generation Z. The participants spoke of their customer journey and how it is affected by different companies. The researchers also performed a desktop study consisting of a company’s digital transformation. This has led to the result that consumers are demanding digital solutions from companies as well as companies having to implement digital transformations. They have developed new digital platforms and marketing strategies to meet consumers’ needs. Companies have created collaborations with influencers and with other external partners to be exposed on more digital channels and platforms. Therefore, the studied consumers can be considered as participants in addition to being consumers in companies’ work systems. This has led to the conclusion that digital transformation is essential for companies in the fashion industry to be able to support consumers in their customer journey.

El Marketing Digital y su influencia en el posicionamiento del Gran Hotel Continental de la ciudad de Cajamarca durante el año 2019 / The Digital Marketing and its influence on the positioning of the Gran Hotel Continental in Cajamarca city for the 2019 period

Del Aguila Llaque, Maria Gracia, Murillo Andrade, Camila 22 April 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la influencia del correcto uso de Marketing Digital sobre el posicionamiento del Gran Hotel Continental de Cajamarca. Esta, reúne datos históricos y actuales del establecimiento, para recomendar los canales y estrategias de Marketing Digital adecuados para el hotel. Este establecimiento hotelero de 4 estrellas, lleva operando 16 años en Cajamarca. Su mercado objetivo es principalmente turistas nacionales y extranjeros, además de pequeños grupos corporativos de la región. Este estudio nace por la creciente digitalización de los medios de comunicación y, la fuerte presencia web que tienen los negocios. La propuesta de valor, nace del análisis de la situación actual, respecto a los temas digitales y los actores involucrados a nivel interno y externo; y como afectan al posicionamiento del establecimiento. Esto, para recomendar estrategias adecuadas que desarrollen su posicionamiento web; y la captura de clientes potenciales e ingresos. El primer capítulo expone el problema y traza los objetivos del estudio. El segundo, desarrolla el marco teórico, muestra información útil, y conceptos importantes de fuentes confiables, base de nuestra investigación. El tercero, muestra la metodología usada para profundizar la investigación,los instrumentos, muestra y población para lograr los objetivos. El cuarto, evidencia los resultados. El quinto la discusión de estos frente al marco teórico para afirmar la hipótesis. Finalmente, el sexto expone las conclusiones y recomendaciones a enviar al establecimiento. / This research aims to assess the influence of the correct use of Digital Marketing on the positioning of the Gran Hotel Continental Cajamarca. It gathers historical and current data from the establishment, to recommend the appropriate Digital Marketing channels and strategies for the hotel. This is a 4-star hotel and it has been operating for 16 years in Cajamarca. Its target is mainly domestic and foreign tourists, and small corporate groups in the region. This study begins from the increasing digitalization of media and the strong web presence that businesses have. The value proposition borns from the analysis of the current situation, regarding digital issues and the actors involved internally and externally; and how they affect the positioning of the establishment. This, to recommend suitable strategies to develop its web positioning; capturing potential clients and revenue. The first chapter exposes the problem and outlines the objectives of the study. The second, develops the theoretical framework, shows useful information, and important concepts from reliable sources, the basis of our research. The third shows the methodology used in the research, the instruments, the sample and population to achieve the objectives. The fourth evidences the results. The fifth is the discussion of these against the theoretical framework to confirm the hypothesis. Finally, the sixth exposes the conclusions and recommendations to be send. / Tesis

Acciones de la promoción digital en relación con el proceso de compra de ropa Plus Size en mujeres de 18 a 34 años de NSE B de Lima Metropolitana / Actions of digital promotion in relation to the process of buying Plus Size clothing in women from 18 to 34 years of age from NSE B of Metropolitan Lima

Chuquilin Zelada, Fiorella Elizabeth 10 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación académica está basado en el análisis de las acciones de la promoción digital en relación con el proceso de compra de ropa Plus Size en mujeres de 18 a 34 años de NSE B de Lima Metropolitana. En primer lugar, se dan a conocer cuales son las estrategias SEO y SEM, así mismo detalla cuales son las acciones comprendidas dentro de estas estrategias. Además, se investiga sobre la reacción del target a estas acciones y estímulos. En segundo lugar, se tomó muy en cuenta el análisis del proceso de compra de las mujeres del segmento, descubriéndose que el target prefiere realizar compras por internet antes que las tiendas físicas. Finalmente, se contrastaron ambas variables y se evaluó la influencia de las diferentes estrategias de marketing digital en las etapas del proceso de compra del segmento Plus Size. Adicionalmente, se presenta el contraste de los resultados con la hipótesis planteada y conclusiones de la investigación. / This academic research work is based on the analysis of the actions of digital promotion in relation to the process of buying Plus Size clothing in women from 18 to 34 years of age from NSE B of Metropolitan Lima. First of all, they are disclosed which are the SEO and SEM strategies, as well as detailing what are the actions included within these strategies. In addition, the target's reaction to these actions and stimuli is investigated. Secondly, I am very aware of the analysis of the purchasing process of women in the segment, discovering that the objective of making purchases online before physical stores. Finally, both variables were compared and the influence of the different digital marketing strategies in the stages of the Plus Size segment purchasing process was evaluated. In addition, the contrast of the results with the hypotheses and the conclusions of the investigation is presented. / Trabajo de investigación

Efectos del social media content en el engagement behaviour dentro de la industria de servicios video streaming / Effects of social media content on engagement behaviour within the video streaming services industry

Rumaldo Calderón, Camila Beatriz, Tupayachi Torres, Yerko Martín 27 November 2019 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / Utilizar Facebook se ha vuelto parte de la vida de las personas, pero dentro de esta plataforma, las personas pueden tener distintos tipos de comportamientos de engagement con diferentes personas o grupos, incluso con las marcas que generan contenido dentro de sus páginas, esta interacción entre el contenido generado y el comportamiento de su audiencia resulta ser una herramienta fundamental para conocer los aciertos y desaciertos del plan de marketing de las organizaciones. Este estudio tomó como ejemplo a las principales marcas de la industria del videostreaming, para entender qué influencia tienen en el comportamiento de engagement de sus fanáticos los diferentes tipos de contenidos que crean diariamente. Este artículo se apoya en la realización de encuestas online en Lima Metropolitana, dirigida a un público joven y busca revelar el impacto positivo de ciertos tipos de contenidos, a favor de las empresas de videostreaming. / Using Facebook has become part of people's lives, but within this platform, people can have different types of engagement behaviors with different people or groups, even with the brands that generate content within their pages. This interaction between the generated content and the behavior of your audience turns out to be a fundamental tool to know the successes and failures of the organizations' marketing plan. This study took as an example the main brands in the video streaming industry, to understand what influence the different types of content they create daily have on the engagement behavior of their fans. This article is based on online surveys conducted in Metropolitan Lima, aimed at a young audience and seeks to reveal the positive impact of certain types of content, in favor of video streaming companies. / Trabajo de investigación

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