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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan med användning av pedagogisk dokumentation

Muse, Amina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate how educational documentations in systematic quality work are used in pre-school practice. What are the possibilities and limitations of the use of pedagogical documentation as an instrument in systematic quality work in pre-school practices? Referring to previous research, theory and empirical data collection, I was able to conduct this study. In the theoretical part, I made use of the constructionist learning perspective. In the empirical part, I used a qualitative research method with interviews and observation in order to gain understanding of the way pre-school teachers use pedagogical documentation in a learning perspective.The study shows that pedagogical documentation used in systematic quality work is associated with opportunities and difficulties. Participants described that pedagogical documentation provides opportunities for children to achieve their potential, and that it focuses on the individual needs of development. In other words, the benefit of using pedagogical documentation of systematic quality work became a tool for the educational quality in the operation. The teachers constantly have the ability to monitor, document and reflect on their work to ensure children's learning and development. This also creates opportunities for children to become active participants in the educational activities. Some of the difficulties are lack of time, children's group size and staff nonattendance. The study's participants also highlight that there is a need for increased staff competence in the use of technical educational tools.

School Psychologists' Recommendations for Tiered Interventions That Target Social-Emotional Competencies

Bezzant, Brandi Alise 14 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Many schools advocate for addressing the diverse needs of students through a multi-tiered model of prevention and intervention known as the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. This framework often incorporates the use of universal screening to obtain data concerning students' academic and/or social-emotional and behavioral needs. School teams are expected to design and implement tiered strategies in response to data concerning students' social-emotional needs; this can be a challenging facet of MTSS. To aid in this endeavor, this qualitative study elicited school psychologists' recommendations for (a) tiered interventions that target secondary students' social-emotional competency needs and (b) professional learning opportunities that may be helpful in responding to the data from a district-designed social-emotional competency survey. Participants included 15 school psychologists from a school district in a northwestern state in the United States. Two focus groups were conducted using a video conferencing online platform. Focus group transcripts were used to identify emergent themes that were relevant to the purpose of the research. Four primary themes were identified as being important in designing, implementing, and meeting secondary students' social-emotional competency needs: (a) instruction, practice, and reinforcement in each social-emotional skill; (b) the building of staff-student and student-student relationships; (c) staff efforts being consistent, integrated, simple, and unified; and (d) adaptation of fundamental interventions by tier and social-emotional skill. To date, it is believed that school psychologists' ideas concerning tiered social-emotional interventions in response to data are not a part of the extant literature. The findings of this study build upon the current literature concerning the importance of collaboration, prioritization, alignment, explicit instruction, and professional learning opportunities in addressing students' social-emotional needs, suggesting that school psychologists are familiar with and apply current, verifiable research to their practice. The results of this study can aid school and district teams in designing, implementing, and meeting secondary students' social-emotional competency needs.

Assessing The Scope And Challenges Of Environmental Sustainability Reporting In Developing Countries. : A Study Of Telecommunications Companies In Kenya And Uganda.

Akware, Elda Mary January 2023 (has links)
There is a general agreement that human activities have a significant impact on environmentalsustainability, which leads to global warming and climate change. However, not much researchhas been done on how telecommunications firms in developing countries deal with environmentalrisks. This study aims to explore the specific strategies that these companies use to integratesustainable practices into their daily operations, as well as the challenges and opportunities theyencounter. Through interviews and a review of existing literature on environmental sustainability,this research shows that companies use various methods, such as intangible measures, formalsystems, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), industry benchmarks, and environment-centric tools,to promote sustainability. However, these companies also encounter obstacles like ensuring dataaccuracy and integrity, coordinating across departments, streamlining data collection, andinvolving stakeholders. Overall, adopting sustainable practices benefits both the companies andthe environment. This study is relevant to those interested in environmentally friendly operations,telecommunications management, prospective researchers, and society as a whole. Moreinvestigation is needed to understand environmental sustainability better.

Entrepreneurial Foresight: IKEA case

Chichilanov, Valeriy January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Entwicklung von Modellkompetenz - Längsschnittliche Betrachtungen

Patzke, Christiane 15 June 2023 (has links)
Damit Schüler:innen in der Lage sind, an einem zunehmend durch Naturwissenschaften geprägten Alltag teilzuhaben, ist es nötig, dass sie über eine naturwissenschaftliche Grundbildung verfügen. Diese steht in engem Zusammenhang mit einem wissenschaftlich adäquaten Verständnis von Modellen und deren Funktion als Medium zur Kommunikation bereits bekannter Sachverhalte sowie als Methode zur Generierung neuen Wissens. Upmeier zu Belzen und Krüger haben für den Biologieunterricht ein Kompetenzmodell der Modellkompetenz entwickelt, innerhalb dessen zwischen den Teilkompetenzen Eigenschaften von Modellen, Alternative Modelle, Zweck von Modellen, Testen und Ändern von Modellen differenziert wird, die in drei Niveaus graduiert sind. Eine hoch ausgeprägte Modellkompetenz zeichnet sich durch die Fähigkeit aus, über die hypothetischen und erkenntnisgenerierenden Eigenschaften von Modellen zu reflektieren. Für die Förderung einer entsprechenden Modellkompetenz sind Kenntnisse darüber bedeutend, in welchen Niveaus und in welchem Umfang sich die Modellkompetenz von Schüler:innen über mehrere Schuljahre entwickelt. Vor diesem Hintergrund verfolgt die Studie das Ziel, zu untersuchen, inwiefern die im Kompetenzmodell aufgeführten Niveaus eine Entwicklung von Modellkompetenz beschreiben. Dies wurde für die Teilkompetenzen Zweck, Testen und Ändern von Modellen bei zwei Kohorten in einem Längsschnitt von der siebten bis zehnten Jahrgangsstufe bei n = 380 Schüler:innen untersucht. Insgesamt sprechen die Befunde dafür, die im Kompetenzmodell der Modellkompetenz erläuterten Niveaus als Entwicklungsniveaus aufzufassen, die eine Kompetenzentwicklung über mehrere Schuljahre beschreiben und die Veränderung von Kompetenzstrukturen aufzeigen. Für die Klärung der Frage, inwiefern die Niveaus darüber hinaus Stufen darstellen, die im Zuge einer Progression in einer festgelegten Reihenfolge durchlaufen werden, sind weitere Untersuchungen sinnvoll. / In order that high-school level students are able to participate in an everyday life increasingly shaped by science, it is necessary that that they have a certain level of basic scientific literacy. This scientific literacy is closely related to an adequate understanding of models and their function as a medium for communicating already-known facts as well as a means for generating new knowledge. Upmeier zu Belzen and Krüger developed a framework for modeling competence for biology education. They identify five aspects: nature of models, multiple models, purpose of models, testing models, and changing models, each of which is differentiated in three levels. A highly developed modeling competence is characterized by the ability to reflect on the hypothetical character of models and their importance as tools for scientific inquiry. With the intention of fostering an adequate understanding of models and modelling, it is important to gain insight into how students’ abilities develop over time. This study investigates to what extent the theoretical levels of model competence describe different degrees of competence in student learning progression. This is explored for the three aspects purpose of models, testing models, and changing models through a longitudinal study with n = 380 students in grades seven to ten. The findings suggest that the levels of the framework for modeling competence should be regarded as developmental levels that describe a development in student competence over several school years. Yet there is still a research gap regarding the extent to which these levels additionally represent successive levels in a continuous development of competence.

A Lifespan Perspective on Entrepreneurship: Perceived Opportunities and Skills Explain the Negative Association between Age and Entrepreneurial Activity

Bohlmann, Clarissa, Rauch, Andreas, Zacher, Hannes 05 April 2023 (has links)
Researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in entrepreneurship as a means to fight youth unemployment and to improve financial stability at higher ages. However, only few studies so far have examined the association between age and entrepreneurial activity. Based on theories from the lifespan psychology literature and entrepreneurship, we develop and test a model in which perceived opportunities and skills explain the relationship between age and entrepreneurial activity. We analyzed data from the 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), while controlling for gender and potential variation between countries. Results showed that age related negatively to entrepreneurial activity, and that perceived opportunities and skills for entrepreneurship mediated this relationship. Overall, these findings suggest that entrepreneurship research should treat age as a substantial variable.

Battery Assembly Technology in the Nordics : Exploring Opportunities and Challenges for Equipment Manufacturers

Þorsteinsson, Steinar January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the opportunities and challenges in battery assembly technology for tool manufacturers in the sectors of e-mobility and energy storage systems in the Nordics. The research aims to understand how equipment manufacturers can contribute to the advancements of batteries and their assembly, ultimately fostering innovation and sustainability in these industries. The background and context of the study highlight the rising importance of battery technology in the Nordics, driven by the growing demand for e-mobility and energy storage solutions. The objectives of the thesis focus on identifying the current battery assembly methods, factors driving the choice of assembly methods, and the challenges and opportunities for innovation in assembly technology. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining a literature review, surveys, and interviews with key industry players and experts. The collected data were analysed to identify patterns, trends, and relationships related to the research questions utilizing Thematic analysis on interview results and data visualization on survey results. The findings reveal that tightening, adhesives, and laser welding are the most common battery assembly methods in the Nordics, with automation being favoured for high-volume production. Factors such as production volume, product complexity, cost considerations, quality requirements, and available expertise drive the choice of assembly methods. The study also highlights challenges related to adaptability to new tech, cost and flexibility, safety, and environmental sustainability in terms of serviceability, recyclability, and reusability, while opportunities lie in advanced automation, modular assembly approaches, and improved recyclability. The conclusion emphasizes the role of equipment manufacturers in contributing to battery advancements through compliance with regulations, collaboration with industry stakeholders, and leveraging competition for innovation and quality improvement. The study's significance lies in providing valuable insights and guidance for battery assembly equipment manufacturers, promoting market growth, and facilitating sustainable development in the e-mobility and energy storage sectors. / Denna avhandling undersöker möjligheterna och utmaningarna inom batterimonteringsteknik för verktygstillverkare inom områdena e-mobilitet och energilagringssystem i Norden. Forskningen syftar till att förstå hur utrustningstillverkare kan bidra till framstegen inom batterier och deras montering, vilket i slutändan främjar innovation och hållbarhet inom dessa branscher. Bakgrunden och sammanhanget i studien belyser den stigande betydelsen av batteriteknik i Norden, driven av den ökande efterfrågan på e-mobilitet och energilagringssystem. Avhandlingens mål fokuserar på att identifiera nuvarande batterimonteringsmetoder, faktorer som driver valet av monteringsmetoder samt utmaningar och möjligheter för innovation inom monteringsteknik. En blandad metod användes, vilket kombinerade litteraturgenomgång, enkäter och intervjuer med ledande branschaktörer och experter. De insamlade data analyserades för att identifiera mönster, trender och relationer relaterade till forskningsfrågorna, genom tematisk analys av intervjuresultat och datavisualisering av enkätresultat. Resultaten visar att åtdragning, limning och laserplåtsvetsning är de vanligaste batterimonteringsmetoderna i Norden, där automatisering föredras för produktion i stora volymer. Faktorer som produktionsvolym, produktkomplexitet, kostnadshänsyn, kvalitetskrav och tillgänglig expertis påverkar valet av monteringsmetoder. Studien belyser också utmaningar relaterade till anpassningsförmåga till ny teknik, kostnad och flexibilitet, säkerhet samt miljömässig hållbarhet avseende serviceförmåga, återvinningsbarhet och återanvändbarhet. Samtidigt finns det möjligheter inom avancerad automation, modulära monteringsmetoder och förbättrad återvinningsbarhet. Slutsatsen betonar verktygstillverkarnas roll i att bidra till batteriframsteg genom att följa föreskrifter, samarbeta med intressenter inom branschen samt utnyttja konkurrensen för innovation och förbättring av kvalitet. Studiens betydelse ligger i att ge värdefulla insikter och vägledning för tillverkare av batterimonteringsutrustning, främja marknadstillväxt och underlätta hållbar utveckling inom e-mobilitets- och energilagringssektorerna.

Effekter av land grabbing i Etiopien : En litteraturstudie med fokus på lokalbefolkningens försörjning och miljön / Effects of land grabbing in Ethiopia : A literature study with a focus on the local population's livelihood and the environment

Basha, Basha, Sadiqi, Amin January 2023 (has links)
Efter finanskrisen 2007–2008 blev jordbruksmark attraktiv som en investeringsmöjlighet, vilket innebar att många utländska företag, stater eller privata investerare förvärvade storskaliga områden av odlingsbar mark. Detta fenomen, som kallas för land grabbing, är särskilt förekommande i utvecklingsländer och det globala syd. Trots påståenden om att sådana investeringar kan bidra till utveckling och möjligheter i fattiga länder, visar forskning att det i själva verket har motsatt effekt. Syftet med detta arbete är att genomföra en litteraturstudie för att undersöka konsekvenser av land grabbing i Etiopien. En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi som består av litteraturstudie har använts. Med hjälp av aspekter inom teorier om försörjning såsom naturkapital, fysiskt kapital, mänskligt kapital, finansiellt kapital och socialt kapital samt tematisk analys har litteraturen analyserats. Resultatet visar att storskaliga land grabbing i Etiopien har en direkt påverkan på den lokala befolkningens försörjningsmöjligheter som undermineras genom förluster av mark samt tillgång till mark och viktiga naturresurser. Studien visar även att de utländska markinvesteringarnas hantering och produktion av bland annat kaffe, biobränsle, gruvdrift vidare har en negativ påverkan på miljön, biologisk mångfald och det lokala ekosystemet. Detta har resulterat i en matosäkerhet och socioekonomisk utsatthet bland befolkningen. Studien visar också att lokalbefolkningen inte inkluderas i beslutsfattande som rör deras mark och att de oftast inte får tillräcklig kompensation/ersättning för förlust av mark eller andra tillgångar, vilket tyder på brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. / After the financial crisis of 2007–2008, agricultural land became an attractive investment opportunity, which meant that many foreign companies, states, or private investors acquired large-scale land areas. This phenomenon, called land grabbing, is particularly prevalent in developing countries and the global south. Despite claims that such investment can contribute to development and opportunity in poorer countries, research shows it has the opposite effect. The purpose of this work is to conduct a literature study to investigate the consequences of land grabbing in Ethiopia. A qualitative research strategy consisting of a literature study has been used. The data was analyzed by using aspects of the livelihood approach such as natural capital, physical capital, human capital, financial capital, and social capital as well as a thematic analysis. The results show that large-scale land grabbing in Ethiopia has a direct impact on the livelihood of the local population, which is undermined through losses of land and access to land and important natural resources. The study also shows that the foreign land investments' management and production of, among other things, coffee, biofuel, and mining also harm the environment, biological diversity, and the local ecosystem. This has resulted in food insecurity and socioeconomic vulnerability among the population. Furthermore, the study also shows that local people are not included in decision-making concerning their land and they often do not receive sufficient compensation for the loss of land or other assets, which indicates violations of human rights.

Womens's Opportunities within the Audit Industry in San José, Costa Rica : an interview study of Costa Rican women's experiences

Ytterberg, Stina, Grimsdal, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to fill the gap identified in how women perceive their opportunities to advance in their careers as auditors in San José, Costa Rica. This study also seeks to get answers to what it is like to work as a woman in a male-dominated industry in the chosen country. Design/methodology/approach: This essay has been carried out using an abductive research approach. Three research questions have thereby been answered with the support of 11 semi- structured interviews with women in roles as auditors at various independent audit firms in San José, Costa Rica. 10 of the interviews were held at the respondent’s respective office and one of the interviews were held digitally. Findings: The study has resulted in women working as auditors in San José, Costa Rica, experiencing discrimination in the workplace. Various factors that underlie discrimination have been identified and these factors include culture and how the men see themselves in their professional role. A factor that has also been shown to have a large and almost decisive influence on the degree of discrimination and the opportunities for women to climb in their careers is the size of the audit firm. The bigger the audit firm, the more discrimination the women experience and the worse opportunities to climb in their career. Research implications: The leading implications are that women's opportunities to advance in their careers and be able to feel secure in their work as auditors in San José, Costa Rica, must be given further attention and be investigated further. This is because the situation that exists today is not sustainable and in order to develop the industry and to even out the skewness that exists between the genders in the country, this problem must be taken care of. This study can contribute as a basis for future research in the field to further investigate the factors that are causal factors for the reality for women in the industry that the study identified. Originality/value: This essay studies the topic of women's opportunities in the audit industry in Costa Rica, which has not been previously explored. Through unfiltered collected data from first-hand sources, the results generated are of high value and could be a good basis for future research within the area.

The Effect Of Pre-k Early Intervention Duration On Academic Achievement And Socialization Opportunities Of 3rd Grade Students Who Were Eligible For Special Education Services At Ages 3 To 5: An Exploratory Study Of Children With Developmental Delays

Lin, Mike Chang-Hui 01 January 2005 (has links)
The study focuses on young children with developmental delays (DD) in a large school district and explores the effects of Pre-Kindergarten Exceptional Student Education (Pre-K ESE) duration on 136 students' 3rd grade academic achievement and socialization opportunities. This study specifically examines the 2003 statewide assessment (i.e. Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, FCAT) results of children with DD and their 3rd grade special education status. The literature review showed that providing early intervention services for young children ages 3 through 5 with special needs in the public school system has become the movement of both the federal and state educational policies. However, the empirical studies regarding the effects of Pre-K early intervention programs provided within the public school system are few. A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to examine the effect of the Pre-K duration (1 year vs. 2 years) on students' 3rd grade performance as measured by FCAT Reading scores, FCAT Math scores, and socialization opportunities (i.e. weekly Non-ESE minutes) while controlling for students' socioeconomic status (i.e. free/reduced price lunch status) and gender. Moreover, a paired sample t test was conducted to examine the difference of the Matrix of Services scores between Pre-K and 3rd grade evaluations. The results of this study provide an insightful picture of Florida Pre-K intervention duration on the performance of children with special needs in public schools.

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