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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolutveckling ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv : En kvantitativ studie om i vilken utsträckning skolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete utgår från ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. / : A quantitative study on the extend to which the school´s systematic quality work is based on a special educational perspective.

Almqvist, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Att möta elever i svårigheter blir allt vanligare i dagens skola. För att möta denna utveckling framgångsrikt, framhåller flera forskare en vinst med ett specialpedagogiskt förhållningssätt som genomsyrar verksamheten.Det råder dock delade meningar om huruvida problem med beteende och inlärning ska tillskrivas funktionsnedsättningar hos eleverna eller brister i den pedagogiska verksamheten. Ahlefeld Nisser (2009) menar i sin avhandling att de elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd är relativt få, men att ungefär 20% av samtliga elever befinner sig i en gråzon. Dessa elever skulle ha större möjlighet att nå kunskapskraven om skolans undervisning genomsyrades av ett specialpedagogiskt förhållningssätt. Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning den undersökta koncernen systematiska kvalitetsarbete utgår från ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats och datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjälp av en enkät. Enkäten tillverkades i enkätprogrammet Survey & Report för att sedan exporteras till analysprogrammet SPSS. Resultatet visar att medelvärdet på upprättat index indikerar att flertalet respondenter instämmer mellan "låg" och "hög grad" i påståendena angående uppfattningen om ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv på det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Resultatet visar också att de undersökta grupperna, rektor, biträdande rektor och specialpedagog inte skiljer sig signifikant i uppfattningen om ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv på det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet.

Kvalitet i skolan : Betyder höga meritvärden att man har en skola med hög kvalitet? / Quality in school : Do high grade ratings mean that the education of the school has a high quality?

Pettersson, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att kartlägga attityder och mönster i uppfattningar om begreppen kvalitet, mätning och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. Studien svarar på frågan vilka uppfattningar det finns hos nyckelpersoner i skolans utvecklingsarbetes runt begreppen kvalitet och mätning i förhållande till skolutveckling. Studien svarar också på om uppfattningarna kan leda till svårigheter eller problem utvecklingsarbetet att förbättra skolans kvalitet. Undersökningen är kvantitativ och har genomförts genom en webbenkät som riktades mot förstelärare och skolledare i grundskola och gymnasium. Studiens resultat visar mönster som har gemensamma drag med den utvecklingsform som benämns effektiva-skolor-modellen. Där ses mätvärden som viktiga och med dem som utgångspunkt söker man en ”best practice” som är generaliserbar för skolan. Studien visar också mönster som överensstämmer med skolutvecklingsmodellen där bedömningar av utbildningens kvalitet har fler utgångpunkter än mätvärden. I samma mönster finns upp-fattningar som värdesätter kollegiets betydelse för utveckling och överensstämmer med en verksamhetsinriktad skola.    Studien pekar på problem med att skolor drivs av mätfokus och lägger stor del av sin tid och energi på processer som tar resurser från kärnverksamheten. Andra problem är upplevda svårigheter i att bedöma utbildningens kvalitet samt upplevda svårigheter att få analysen att generera förbättringar av utbildningens kvalitet. Samma mönster visar och att mätning väger tyngst och är viktigast i utvärderingsarbetet. Resultaten kan användas för långsiktiga strategier runt kompetensutveckling samt för att hantera svårigheter i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. / The study aims to identify attitudes and patterns of perceptions concerning the concepts of quality and measurement. The study investigates the question of what the perceptions are of key functions in the school's development process, relating to concepts of quality and measurement in relation to school improvement. The study also answers about perceptions that can lead to difficulties or problems in the work of improving school quality. The study is quantitative and has been implemented through a web survey sent to teachers in career program and school-leaders in primary and secondary education. The study results show patterns that have features in common with the development of the form called effective-schools-model. Based on grades as the most dignified values, researchers and schools strive to find a "best practice" that is generalizable. The study also shows patterns consistent with models on development in schools, in which assessments of the quality of education have a better variety of information than the grade ratings. The same patterns are also perceptions that values ​​college collaboration to the development. The study indicates that the problem of the schools driven by focuses on measurement and puts much time and energy on documentation processes that take resources from the core of teaching. The study also demonstrates the problem through perceived difficulties in assessing the quality of education and to get the analysis to lead to improvements in the quality of education. At the same time the study shows that measuring grade ratings is the most important factor in the evaluation work. The results can be used for long-term strategies around skills development and to address difficulties in the systematic quality work.

Systematisk kvalitet? : En kvalitativ studie om det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet i gymnasieskolan / Systematic quality? : A qualitative study about the systematic quality work at the upper secondary school

Lindfors, Jimmie January 2019 (has links)
Swedish schools are required by law to conduct systematic quality work and it has a central position in the Swedish educational system. The work each school conduct is scrutinized by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate. The purpose of this study is to examine teachers´ experiences of systematic quality work at the upper secondary school and the advantages and disadvantages they identified when engaging in systematic quality work. The study used a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews. The analytical framework used was hermeneutics. The main theories used as a foundation were organizational theory and learning organization-perspective. A total of five teachers from two different upper secondary schools partook in the study. Their statements were categorized in accordance to the study´s three questions. The analysis of the results showed that the structuring of development teams among teachers had an impact on the effectiveness of systematic quality work. The teachers also expressed a lack of time dedicated to quality work and a desire for a variated time when engaging with systematic quality work. The teachers perceived their role as a teacher essential when engaged in systematic quality work.

Pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan : En studie om förskolans lärares uppfattning kring dokumentation, analys och utvärdering

Nilsson, Annika January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Studiens syfte var att undersöka förskolans dokumentation utifrån relationen till barnet, verksamheten och det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet, samt hur detta relateras till utvärderingsarbetet. Syftet preciserade med följande frågeställningar: I vilken grad används olika underlag i förskolans systematiska kvalitetsarbete för att dokumentera? I vilken grad uppfattar förskolans lärare att det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet i dokumentation, utvärdering och analys utförs? Finns det några samband av förskolans lärares syn mellan utvärderingens analys till det konkreta utvecklingsarbetet?   Enkätundersökningen genomfördes genom att 14 förskolor besöktes och totalt 100 enkäter delades personligen ut till förskolans lärare, varav 78 besvarades. Enkäten bestod av olika påståenden utifrån syfte och frågeställningar, som förskolans lärare skulle ta ställning till. De statistiska analyser som används var univariat deskriptiv analys, ANOVA, multivariat variationsanalys faktoranalys. Studien utgår från ett postmodernt synsätt, där det förstås att det inte finns någon absolut kunskap i pedagogiska sammanhang, och där vår värld och kunskap kan ses som en socialt konstruerad process, där alla aktivt deltar. Resultatet visade att det underlag som förskolans lärare använder för dokumentation är verktyget ”foto” och att pedagogisk dokumentation ses som ett arbetsredskap, som synliggör förskolans verksamhet, och kunskapsområden. I resultatet framkommer även att utvärdering ger redskap för vad som behöver utvecklas för att höja kvaliteten. Dessutom visar studien att  det finns samband mellan analys och framtida utvecklingsområde, genom att mönster framträder, faktorer som påverkar förskolans arbete identifieras, vilket leder till att arbetsformer i förskolans verksamhet utvecklas. Vikten av att arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation, utvärdering och analys genomförs framträder tydligt, genom att barnets utveckling och lärande framträder, men även verksamhetens framtida utvecklingsområde och förskolans lärares arbetssätt. / Abstract The study's purpose was to investigate the preschool documentation based on the relationship to the child, the business and the systematic quality work, and how this is related to the evaluation work. The purpose specified with the following questions:To what extent different basis in preschool systematic quality work to document? The degree to perceive the preschool teachers to the systematic quality work in the documentation, evaluation and analys is performed? Is there any relation of preschool teachers' views of evaluation analys is to the concrete development The survey was conducted by 14 pre-schools were visited and a total of 100 questionnaires were awarded personally distributed to pre-school teachers, of which 78 were answered. The questionnaire consisted of various claims on the basis of objective and issues that preschool teachers would take a stand. The statistic alanalyzes used were univariate descriptive analysis, ANOVA, multivariate analysis of variance factor analysis. The study is based on a postmodern approach, where it is understood that there is no absolute knowledge in the educational context, and where our world and knowledge can be seen as a socially constructed process, in which all participate actively. The results showed that the basis preschool teachers use the documentation tool is"photo" and educational documentation is seen as a work tool, which exposes preschool, and areas of knowledge. The result also suggests that the evaluation provides tools for what needs to be developed to raise the quality. In addition, the study shows that there is a connection between analysis and future development area, by pattern emerges, factors affecting preschool work identified, leading to the work of preschool development. The importance of the work on educational documentation, evaluation and analysis is carried out are clearly visible by the child's development and learning emerge, but also future business development area and the preschool teachers working.

Säkerställs kvalitetsarbetet i förskolan? : En vetenskaplig essä om kvalitetsarbete i förskolan

Erbayraktar Chamsine, Ipek January 2020 (has links)
The scientific essay begins with a figuration that will make the needs and guidance visible for the educator. This essay aims to investigate the educators work considering the quality process and where the systematic work take place, In relation to the guidance given by the preschool teacher and the principal of the preschool. I will describe and portray which kind of methods that I will use, and then explain what method means. The method is the scientific essay and is linked to Hermeneutics as a research approach. I will examine through the reflection of different types of perspective, partly my own, Zoias perspective and finally the principle. Further on will I continue with a discussion of different aspects such as the curriculum, criticism of norms, pedagogical leadership, quality-assurance and intercultural pedagogy. Finally, I will then Later on write about the previous research that have been done in this area. I will interlock these types of research with my analysis, so that I eventually can decide the final reflection in the last part called afterword. / Denna vetenskapliga essä inleds med en gestaltning som synliggör en pedagogs behov av vägledning och stöttning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att reflektera kring min gestaltning, för att undersöka hur det pedagogiska arbetet i praktiken synliggörs i kvalitetsarbetet. Jag beskriver vilken metod som jag kommer att använda mig utav, och förklarar vad metoden innebär. Metoden är vetenskaplig essä, sammankopplad med hermeneutiken som forskningsansats. Jag undersöker genom att reflektera över dilemmat från tre olika perspektiv som representeras av personer i mitt dilemma. Dessa perspektiv diskuteras vidare i förhållande till olika aspekter från läroplanen, normkritiskt arbete, pedagogiskt ledarskap, kvalitetssäkring och interkulturell pedagogik. Senare skriver jag i delen tidigare forskning om den forskning som gjorts inom området och kopplar denna till min undersökning.

Kvalitetsarbete i förskolan : Förskollärares uppfattningar och upplevelser av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan

Vikars, Maria January 2021 (has links)
This study examines preschool teachers' perceptions and experiences of systematic quality work in preschool. The purpose of making preschool teachers' perceptions and experiences visible is that they will provide new knowledge about the perceived reality of systematic quality work and what significance it has in preschool teachers' daily work. The questions in which the study seeks to answer are how preschool teachers perceive the systematic quality work? How preschool teachers perceive the work with documentation as part of the systematic quality work? And in what way preschool teachers feel that the systematic quality work helps them to develop the early childhood education? This is a qualitative study where preschool teachers have been interviewed in which a total of four interviews have been treated in the study. The interviews have been semi-structured with a low degree of structuring. The interviews were then transcribed where a qualitative analysis of the material was made. The theoretical concepts that permeate the analysis are the motives for evaluation, which consist of the control motive, the development motive and the knowledge motive. The results show that there are two themes in which the systematic quality work is understood. Systematic quality work in an overall perspective and systematic quality work from an operational perspective where the motives for evaluation are varied.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete - Ett verktyg för en likvärdig förskola? : En kvalitativ studie om hur systematiskt kvalitetsarbete kan användas som verktyg i sträva mot en likvärdig förskola, ur förskollärare och rektorers perspektiv

Susanna, Andersson, Pettersson, Hanne January 2021 (has links)
This study sheds light on preschool teacher’s and principal’s view and practice of how systematic quality work affects the equality in preschools. In January 2020, the convention on the rights of a child became part of Swedish law, which strengthened children’s rights in the Swedish society and childcare. The preschool’s current curriculum states that all children have the right to equivalent preschool education. In order to advance towards fulfilling this objective, the application of SKA is utilized as a means to monitor quality and ensure development. Our purpose with this study is to examine preschool teachers and assistant principal’s perception of systematic quality work in relation to equivalent preschool education along with the work of equal treatment - which is practiced within preschools. We will also define how they experience their opportunities within this matter. We mean to further examine how the convention on the right of a child’s integration in Swedish law affects the work of preschool staff. The desired outcome of this research study is for it to contribute to a more profound development of practices in preschool education. This qualitative study was supported by arranging interviews, involving four preschool teachers along with two assistant principals. When we compiled our data, we were able to draw a connection between the participant’s interpretation of the concept of equality and quality within preschools.  In summary, we see a connection in children being deprived of their right to equality within the preschool and surrounding factors, which explains this finding. In our compiled data, there is seemingly a diversity in how concepts are perceived among the principles within the preschool organisation. Apparently, various structural frame factors also had a significant impact on the preschool’s equality. In our findings it appeared so that teachers' approach towards children’s different needs and prerequisites was vital to work supportively for children’s right to equality in preschools, which in turn also affects the quality of the preschool itself.

Engagerat ledarskap och allas delaktighet i systematiskt kvalitetsarbete : En studie gjord på en verksamhet inom socialt arbete

Marini, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om medarbetare och chefer har samma bild av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete samt hur deras upplevelse av delaktighet och engagerat ledarskap är i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet.   Studien utgick från en hermeneutisk och deduktiv ansats. Insamling av data har varit utifrån kvantitativ design med en survey-undersökning baserat på studiens teoretiska ramverk, syfte och frågeställningar.   Resultatet i studien baseras på 53 respondenters svar varav sju enhetschefer och 46 medarbetare från en verksamhet inom socialt arbete. Resultatet har visat att bilden av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete är olika då det finns skillnader i om det görs regelbundna egenkontroller, mätningar av kundnöjdhet och om verksamheten följer socialstyrelsens SOSFS 2011:9. Båda grupperna upplevde delaktighet med undantag för att få tid till samarbete med kollegor och upplevelse i att ha fullt ansvar för kvalitetsarbetet. Enhetschefer upplever att det finns ett engagerat ledarskap medans medarbetare inte upplever att det finns i lika hög grad. / The purpose of the study was to investigate whether employees and managers have the same picture of systematic quality work as well as how their experience of participation and committed leadership is in the systematic quality work.   The study was based on a hermeneutic and deductive approach. Collection of data has been based on quantitative design with a survey study based on the study's theoretical framework, purpose and issues. The results of the study are based on 53 respondents' responses, of which seven are managers and 46 employees from a organization in social. The result has shown that the picture of systematic quality work is different as there are differences in whether regular self-checks, customer satisfaction measurements and whether the business follows the Socialstyrelsens SOSFS 2011: 9. Both groups experienced participation with the exception of allowing time for collaboration with colleagues and experience in having full responsibility for the quality work. Unit managers feel that there is committed leadership while employees do not feel that there is an equal degree. / <p>2020-06-26</p>

Att organisera och leda förebyggande och hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan

Schmidt, Lena January 2023 (has links)
Swedish school law stipulates that the work of student health teams in schools should be mainly health promoting. However, earlier scientific studies and reports from authorities show that most schools work aren’t. The aim of this study is to investigate how principals in five upper secondary schools organize and lead the health promoting work and what challenges they experience in their leadership with regards to health promoting work. The study is qualitative, based on a content analysis of semi-structured interviews with five upper secondary principals in Sweden. The results of the study show that even though the principals have access to interprofessional health teams and good organizational structures the student health work in four out of five schools mainly focus on remedial work and that more must be done in order develop their health promoting work. More focus must be appointed to developing teaching and teachers and student health team personnel must work closely together. In addition, principals must integrate their health promoting work in the systematic quality work of the school.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan med användning av pedagogisk dokumentation

Muse, Amina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate how educational documentations in systematic quality work are used in pre-school practice. What are the possibilities and limitations of the use of pedagogical documentation as an instrument in systematic quality work in pre-school practices? Referring to previous research, theory and empirical data collection, I was able to conduct this study. In the theoretical part, I made use of the constructionist learning perspective. In the empirical part, I used a qualitative research method with interviews and observation in order to gain understanding of the way pre-school teachers use pedagogical documentation in a learning perspective.The study shows that pedagogical documentation used in systematic quality work is associated with opportunities and difficulties. Participants described that pedagogical documentation provides opportunities for children to achieve their potential, and that it focuses on the individual needs of development. In other words, the benefit of using pedagogical documentation of systematic quality work became a tool for the educational quality in the operation. The teachers constantly have the ability to monitor, document and reflect on their work to ensure children's learning and development. This also creates opportunities for children to become active participants in the educational activities. Some of the difficulties are lack of time, children's group size and staff nonattendance. The study's participants also highlight that there is a need for increased staff competence in the use of technical educational tools.

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