Spelling suggestions: "subject:"children's light"" "subject:"children's might""
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Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete - Ett verktyg för en likvärdig förskola? : En kvalitativ studie om hur systematiskt kvalitetsarbete kan användas som verktyg i sträva mot en likvärdig förskola, ur förskollärare och rektorers perspektivSusanna, Andersson, Pettersson, Hanne January 2021 (has links)
This study sheds light on preschool teacher’s and principal’s view and practice of how systematic quality work affects the equality in preschools. In January 2020, the convention on the rights of a child became part of Swedish law, which strengthened children’s rights in the Swedish society and childcare. The preschool’s current curriculum states that all children have the right to equivalent preschool education. In order to advance towards fulfilling this objective, the application of SKA is utilized as a means to monitor quality and ensure development. Our purpose with this study is to examine preschool teachers and assistant principal’s perception of systematic quality work in relation to equivalent preschool education along with the work of equal treatment - which is practiced within preschools. We will also define how they experience their opportunities within this matter. We mean to further examine how the convention on the right of a child’s integration in Swedish law affects the work of preschool staff. The desired outcome of this research study is for it to contribute to a more profound development of practices in preschool education. This qualitative study was supported by arranging interviews, involving four preschool teachers along with two assistant principals. When we compiled our data, we were able to draw a connection between the participant’s interpretation of the concept of equality and quality within preschools. In summary, we see a connection in children being deprived of their right to equality within the preschool and surrounding factors, which explains this finding. In our compiled data, there is seemingly a diversity in how concepts are perceived among the principles within the preschool organisation. Apparently, various structural frame factors also had a significant impact on the preschool’s equality. In our findings it appeared so that teachers' approach towards children’s different needs and prerequisites was vital to work supportively for children’s right to equality in preschools, which in turn also affects the quality of the preschool itself.
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Children’s right to health : a contextual analysis of the influences of Jehovah’s Witness-guardians’ consent to life-saving medical procedures for children in ZambiaChisanga, Bwalya 29 October 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into five Chapters. The first chapter provides the background and thereafter justifies the need for this research. It also includes the research questions, the methodology employed in undertaking this research, the literature review, and the limitations of the study. Chapter Two is the theoretical framework of this dissertation. It provides the theories which underpin and explain the interplay between JW guardians’ authority which form the basis of their children’s healthcare decisions on one hand, and children’s RTH on the other hand. Chapter Three examines the legal frameworks for the protection of children’s RTH in the United Kingdom and South Africa and further provides an analysis of the norms and operation of both legal frameworks. This is in order to highlight learning points for possible law reform in Zambia for attaining an effective framework for the protection of children’s RTH. Subsequently, Chapter Four delves into Zambia’s legal framework for the protection of children’s RTH. In view of the comparative study in the preceding Chapter, this Chapter identifies the weaknesses and gaps in Zambia’s children RTH framework by drawing lessons from the foreign laws examined. Subsequently, Chapter Five concludes the study. It summarises the findings and provides the appropriate recommendations for the implementation of effective and adequate children’s RTH framework in Zambia. / Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2021. / Centre for Human Rights / LLM / Unrestricted
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Förskolans utbildning utifrån barns rätt till stöd / Preschool education related to children's right to supportBlomberg, Git January 2022 (has links)
Licentiatuppsatsen handlar om förskolans utbildning utifrån barns rätt till stöd. Barns möjligheter till relationer, samspel och interaktion med sin omgivning påverkas av de förutsättningar som finns och skapas. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur förskollärare och rektorer beskriver sin förståelse av förskolans utbildning utifrån barn som anses vara i behov av särskilt stöd. I studien används en hermeneutisk forskningsansats tillsammans med ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv utifrån Bronfenbrenners ekologiska utvecklingsmodell (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1994) och bioekologiska modell (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006). Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts som metod. Totalt har 15 intervjuer genomförts med åtta rektorer och sju förskollärare. Studiens resultat visar att respondenterna anser att de arbetar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd men de har samtidigt svårt att definiera vilka barn som är barn i behov av särskilt stöd. De menar att alla barn, tillfälligt eller långvarigt, kan vara barn i behov av särskilt stöd och att barnen inte behöver ha någon funktionsnedsättning eller diagnos för att behöva stöd. Resultatet visar också att rektorer och förskollärare beskriver flera organisatoriska förutsättningar i arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Rektorns ledarskap och hur det specialpedagogiska stödet organiseras i förskolan är exempel på organisatoriska förutsättningar. Pedagogiska strategier handlar till exempel om hur förskollärare arbetar nära barnen för att kunna se vad om händer i barngruppen och för att kunna ge stöd till barnen om det behövs. Den komplexitet som framträder i resultatet på samhälls-, organisations-, grupp- och individnivå skapar både möjligheter och utmaningar att möta alla barn och att utveckla en likvärdig utbildning i förskolan. / The aim of the study is to examine how preschool teachers and preschool principals describe their understanding of preschool's education based on children in need of special support. The following research questions are in focus: How do preschool teachers and preschool principals describe children who they consider to be children in need of special support? What organizational conditions in education for children in need of special supports do the preschool teachers and preschool principals describe? What pedagogical strategies in education for children in need of special supports do the preschool teachers and preschool principals describe? The study applies a hermeneutics framework and a system theoretical perspective. Bronfenbrenner's ecological model (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1994) and the further developed bioecological model (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006), with its associated PPCT-components (process, person, context, time), are used. Semi-structured interviews have been used as a method. Fifteen interviews have been conducted, eight with preschool principals and seven with preschool teachers. The result shows that the respondents do consider themselves working with children in need of special support, but they explain that it is difficult to identify which children this applies to. They argue that all children can at some point, temporarily or permanently, need special support and the children do not necessarily need a diagnosis in order be in special needs. The result also shows that the preschool principals and the preschool teachers describe several organizational conditions that can be useful in their work with children in need special support. The leadership of the preschool principal and how the support to children in special need is organized are examples of organizational conditions. Other thing they discuss are the preschool staff´s education and competence. Pedagogical strategies are, for example, how preschool teachers describe their job near the children to monitor what happens in the child group and to be able to support the children. The results suggest that there are shortcomings regarding equity, based on the descriptions given by preschools teachers and principals. There are shortcomings in equity regarding educational issues and how the preschools organize and carry out the work with children in need of special support in preschool.
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Barnets vilja i tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge : En studie om hur barnets vilja framkommer och beaktas i svenska tingsrättsdomar / The child's will in custody, residence and visitation disputesVilander, Carolin, Johansson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase understanding of the extent to which the child's will is given in Swedish courts' overall assessments of the best interests of the child in disputes on custody, resident and visitation (VBU). 18 District Court judgments have been collected from the database Zeteo via court judgments from Sweden's six Courts of Appeal. Based on a qualitative research effort, a content analysis was conducted on the judgments. The content analysis resulted in the following three categories being identified: The court judges according to the expressed will of the child, The court judges against the expressed will of the child, and The will of the child was omitted in the district court's assessment. The results were mainly analyzed based on childhood sociological perspectives, Hart’s ladder of participation and family law regulations. The theoretical framework was used to illustrate how the child was presented and socially constructed, and what impact this had on the space the child's will was given in the court's assessments of the best interests of the child. This was then reflected in the prevailing laws. The results of the study showed that the child's will appeared in about half of the cases, and that the court judged according to the will of the child in less than one third of them. The study also showed that the court tended to question the authenticity of the will of the children whose wishes did not comply with what the court considered to be the best interests of the child. In the majority of the cases where the children’s will were not given any room in the judgment, the court generally gave no reasons why the will was not reported.
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Právo dítěte umístěného v ústavní výchově na kontakt s rodičem ve výkonu trestu / The right of child, who is placed under institutional care, to be in contact with one of its imprisoned parentsChocholoušová, Soňa January 2014 (has links)
CHOCHOLOUSOVA, S. The right of child, who is placed under institucional care, to be in contact with one of its imprisoned parents. Prague: Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, 2013. 140 s. Diploma thesis. This diploma thesis is focused on the children of imprisoned parents in the Czech Republic. It deals with the right of the child to have contact with a parent in prison, the actual realization of this contact and its support in Czech and international legal frameworks. In the center of attention is due to the imprisonment of parents and separated families. There are problems with severing emotional attachments between the separated child. Growing up in childcare institutions, without their biological parent, has implications for their upbringing. Thanks to theoretic knowledge and conclusions the theoretical part is drawn up and implemented by quantitative questionnaire surveys of all childcare institutions in the Czech Republic. Their purpose is to find out whether the child's right to contact with imprisoned parents is carried out, what type of contact is most often implemented, and what obstacles prevent most of the contact. On the basis of quantitative and partly qualitative data, this is assessing the current problem of "Children of imprisoned parents" and in conclusion, there are...
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The Perspectives of African Immigrants in Sweden on Intercountry Child AdoptionArmah, Collins January 2010 (has links)
The views of minority groups who speak on behalf of adopted children in Western countries like Sweden have relevance with regards to enriching the international adoption discourse; and to inform adoption policies in both sending and receiving countries. This study aimed at seeking the views of African immigrants in Sweden on intercountry adoption with the objective of bringing out the meanings they create on the major themes involved to enrich the international adoption debate and to inform policy formation. In all, twenty (20) participants who were grouped into Six (6) focus groups participated. There were mixed opinions on various themes involved. Some of their perspectives were consistent with previous political discourses on adoptions and others were not. These were discussed in the analysis accordingly. Contrary to international conventions, participants showed much relevance to intercountry adoption as against incountry adoption. However, there were predominant views in support of child adoption that is well regulated.
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Spänningen mellan barns rättigheter : En kritisk undersökning av förarbetena till lagen om barnfridsbrott / The tension between children’s rights : A critical review of the preparatory work of the child peace crimeWideskott, Linn, Nuija Sehlberg, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
Den här dokumentstudien har en kvalitativ ansats och ämnar analysera förarbeten till lagen om barnfridsbrott. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barns rätt till skydd samt barns aktörskap, i relation till barnkonventionens artikel 19 och 12, hanteras i förarbetena. Studien lyfter även den spänning som tidigare forskning visat finns mellan olika artiklar i barnkonventionen och i barns ökade autonomi kontra deras behov av samhällets skydd. Teorier om medborgarskap och barns medborgarskap används för att synliggöra och förklara barns ställning i samhället och det som händer med deras position när lagar verkar för en ökad ställning. Teori om barn som aktörer har använts som teoretisk utgångspunkt för att ge en förklaring till hur synen på barn i en svensk kontext har förändrats över tid, där individen nu fått en starkare ställning. De valda teorierna har även gett möjlighet att förklara hur lagen vi studerat förarbetena till kommer att verka i förhållande till barns delaktighet och ansvar.Metoden som använts är en innehållsanalys av regeringens proposition Barn som bevittnar brott (Justitiedepartementet 2021a) samt Statens offentliga utredning Straffrättsligt skydd för barn som bevittnar brott mellan närstående samt mot uppmaning och annan psykisk påverkan att begå självmord (Utredningen om skydd för barn som bevittnar våld eller andra brottsliga handlingar och ansvar för uppmaning att begå självmord 2019). Resultatet visar att när barnet får en ökad rättslig ställning som målsägande tenderar det att försvaga skyddet. Barn kommer bland annat behöva medverka i en rättsprocess mot en närstående, vilket kan vara riskfyllt för barnet utifrån flera synvinklar. Spänningen mellan barns rätt till skydd och barns aktörskap existerar och behöver tas hänsyn till när lagar inom området skrivs fram, vilket det material som analyserats i studien inte gjort.
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結構性宰制:反反色情到反分級 / Structural domination: from anti-antipornography to anti-censorship黃頌竹 Unknown Date (has links)
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