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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religion in the making; or, The Modern Prometheus : Om Syntheiströrelsen och samtida religion och religiositet

Karlsson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Syntheiströrelsen (The Syntheist Movement) kan förstås som en konsekvens av individualismens framfart, kommersialism, globalisering och framväxten av IT-samhället. Syntheiströrelsen strävar efter att återupprätta en kollektiv gemenskap de upplever gått förlorad genom att själva skapa ny religion relevant för samtiden och framtiden. Benämningen deriveras från grekiska – syntheos, den skapade guden. Med avstamp i Den mediterande dalahästen: Religion på nya arenor i samtidens Sverige (Frisk & Åkerbäck 2013) för uppsatsen ett resonemang kring hur Syntheiströrelsen kan förstås utifrån teorier om samtida religion och religiositet. Syntheiströrelsen förklaras mot bakgrund av en mindre intervjustudie med tongivande medlemmar i stockholmsförsamlingen samt undersökning av näraliggande material.

Infrastruktur och miljöpåverkan från tunga transporter vid ett slutförvar av kärnavfall i Oskarshamns kommun

Nilsson, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport utreder översiktligt regional och kommunal infrastruktur ochmiljöpåverkan från transporter av bergmassor, bentonit och lera vid ett slutförvar avkärnavfall eller om det inte blir ett slutförvar i Oskarshamns kommun. Strategin harvarit att utefter de regionala miljökvalitetsmålen begränsad klimatpåverkan, frisk luftsamt det länsegna målet fossilbränslefri zon år 2030 undersöka hur olika lastbärare(lastbil, tåg och fartyg) bidrar till måluppfyllelse. Slutsatsen är att det mest troligascenariot med transporterna är olika transportalternativ beroende på vart materialetskall någonstans och vad det skall användas till. Oavsett om det blir ett slutförvar ellerej i Oskarshamns kommun, kommer infrastrukturen att bli förändrad, speciellt för deboende i Misterhults socken. Fossilbränslefrizon år 2030 är det målet som inte skullenå måluppfyllelse ifall enbart lastbärare med fossilt bränsle skulle användas vidtransporterna.</p><p>2008:Nr 3 Teknik</p>

Associationen mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och övervikt/fetma bland barn mellan 0 - 12 år : En litteraturöversikt / Association between socioeconomic factors and overweight/obesity among children between 0 – 12 years : A literature review

Hungefält, Laura, Lager, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Övervikt och fetma bland barn har de senaste 30 åren ökat över hela världen. Att barn utvecklar övervikt eller fetma har inte bara att göra med deras livsstil utan bakomliggande orsaker kan kopplas till föräldrars socioekonomiska status, SES (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2017). SES kan beskrivas som ett samlingsbegrepp för utbildning, yrkesnivå och inkomst. Syftet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga associationen mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och övervikt/fetma bland barn mellan 0 – 12 år gamla. Metod: Tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut för denna litteraturöversikt. Ur dessa artiklar utkristalliserades fem olika teman som litteraturöversikten baserades på. Resultat: Studien visade att det finns ett samband mellan SES och övervikt/fetma hos barn. Föräldrars utbildningsnivå, moderns vikt och tillgång till fysisk aktivitet och även Tv-vanor kan kopplas till SES som anses som riskfaktorer gällande övervikt/fetma. Diskussion: Resultaten från artiklarna visar att förekomsten av samhälleliga, ekonomiska och miljömässiga determinanter påverkar livsstil. Samhällets beslutsfattare har ett ansvar att underlätta individers beslutsprocesser kring hälsosamma val, då är det viktigt att samhällets olika aktörer är inblandade i den övergripande strävan att främja hälsan. / Introduction: Overweight and obesity among children have increased worldwide over the last 30 years. The fact that children develop overweight and obesity isn’t only related to lifestyle, but an underlying cause can be linked to parents’ socioeconomic status, SES (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2017). SES can be described as a collective term for educational and occupational level as well as income. The purpose of this thesis was to map the relationship between socioeconomic factors and overweight/obesity among children between 0 – 12 years old. Method: Ten scientific articles were selected for this literature review. From these articles, five themes emerged which outlined the base for this literature review. Results: The studies showed that a connection between SES and overweight/obesity in children exists. The parents’ educational level, the weight of the mother, access to physical activity and also TV viewing habits can be linked to SES and considered as risk factors for overweight and obesity. Discussion: The results from the articles show that the existence of societal, economic and environmental determinants affect lifestyle. Society’s decision makers have a responsibility to facilitate individuals’ decision-making processes regarding health choices, therefore it’s important that society’s various actors are involved in the overall endeavor to promote health.
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Konsten att hålla sig frisk : En intervjustudie med medarbetare inom äldreomsorgen

Andersson, Gunilla, Stenmarck, Ulrika January 2020 (has links)
Sjukfrånvaron och personalomsättningen är hög inom vård- och omsorgssektorn och medarbetarnas arbetssituation är många gånger krävande. Ändå har vissa verksamheter lyckats med att upprätthålla låga sjuktal. Vad föranleder att medarbetare inom dessa verksamheter håller sig friska? Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka åtgärder medarbetare inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen vidtar för att hålla sig friska och vad de anser bidrar till friskare arbetsplatser och mer hälsofrämjande och hållbar arbetsmiljö. Med hjälp av innehållsanalys har intervjusvar från nio medarbetare granskats. Resultatet pekar på att medarbetarna har utarbetat strategier samt besitter ett slags inre driv som hjälper dem hantera sin arbetssituation. Det som förhöjer arbetsglädjen, inger trygghetskänsla och skapar trivsel är arbetsgruppen. Arbetsgruppens betydelse är central i resultatet. Genom att skapa rutiner, ställa upp på varandra och ha roligt tillsammans lyckas arbetsgruppen med gemensamma krafter axla vardagens utmaningar. Ledarskapet däremot anses relativt osynligt. En avvägd balans mellan återhämtning och stimulerande sysselsättning på fritiden genererar ny energi som medarbetarna anser är en viktig förutsättning för att klara av arbetsdagen med hälsan i behåll. Ambitionen med studien är att besvara syftet men även att föra en diskussion kring resultatet utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Detta för att den fortsatta verksamhetsutvecklingen inom vård- och omsorgssektorn ska bli så hälsofrämjande och hållbar som möjligt, både för nuvarande och kommande generation. / Sick leave and staff turnover is high in the healthcare system where its professionals work environment is very often demanding. Nonetheless, some organizations have succeeded in maintaining low absence due to sickness. What keeps the personnel in these organizations healthy? The aim of this study is to investigate which strategies employees in the public healthcare system apply to maintain their health and what they acknowledge to be a contributive factor for a healthier workplace and a more health promoting work environment. We have, with content analysis as a working tool, reviewed a total of nine health workers interviews. The result shows that the employees have developed both strategies and acquired a sort of inner drive that helps them to handle their working situation. What improves their happiness at work are the colleagues, that gives them a sense of security and creates comfort. The importance of the working group is central to the result. Through the creation of routines, by helping and having fun together the group succeeds in pushing through day-to-day challenges. Leadership on the other hand is considered to be relatively inexistent. A balance between recovery and stimulating activities contributes in replenishing energy that health workers consider to be key to guarantee a healthier work-life. The ambition with this study is to provide answers regarding the purpose but also serve as a basis for a discussion from a sustainability perspective. This in order to that organizations in the healthcare business continue developing whilst focusing on promoting health and sustainability as much as possible, both for the present and future generations.
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Blue Laws Matter: Post-Jim Crow Police Power, Stop and Frisk, and the Agents that Populated the Carceral State

Di Carlo, Jonathan Michael 25 August 2023 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the legal history of the Supreme Court’s Fourth Amendment case law as it relates to the police practice of Stop and Frisk which shifted drastically in 1968 with the creation of the “Terry Stop”. From that decision, it analyzes the broader role that both the Judiciary and Law Enforcement, as fundamental American institutions, played in the creation of the Carceral State. This research draws on archival Supreme Court records to demonstrate that the decision to reinterpret the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on warrantless searches and seizures was made in full view of the politicization and racialization of crime. Further, it shows that the Supreme Court both faced and succumbed to the immense pressure that Law Enforcement, lobbyists, and the United States Department of Justice placed on it. In response, the Court created a semantic carveout of the Fourth Amendment that permitted the practice of racially motivated Stop and Frisk, and the confiscation of contraband found during such frisks as evidence of a crime. In doing so, the Court demonstrated its allegiance to Law Enforcement—in the face of significant evidence to the contrary—by continually dismissing arguments that police practices were motivated by negative stereotypes. In legalizing the Stop and Frisk in 1968, the Court empowered Law Enforcement to practices to gradually shift away from the racially motivated police harassment from the Vagrancy Regime of the Jim Crow era to a constitutionally permissible Stop and Frisk regime. This thesis situates the advent of that change in Police Power which brought about this new regime as a primordial cornerstone in the creation of the Carceral State which was characterized by police as the agents who gathered Black bodies from American streets into the justice system.
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Colored Bodies Matter: The Relationships Between Our Bodies & Power

Olurin, Olayemi 15 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Medarbetares arbetsmiljö inom vård och omsorg : friskfaktorer och riskfaktorer

Jansson, Rebecka, Wilsson, Theresia January 2024 (has links)
Idag består befolkningen av flera generationer som är i åldersgrupperna 65 år och äldre som behöver hjälp med olika vård- och omsorgsinsatser. Inom vård och omsorg förekommer en hög sjukfrånvaro och uppsägningar som bidrar till en hög personalomsättning. Arbetsmiljön brister där det är vanligt med hög arbetsbelastning, stress och underbemanning. Därför är det användbart att ta reda på vad det finns för friskfaktorer och riskfaktorer så arbetsmiljön blir bättre och undvika att medarbetare blir sjuka. Studiens syfte är att studera och analysera tidigare forskning för att undersöka vad det finns för riskfaktorer och friskfaktorer som påverkar arbetslivet och arbetsmiljön för medarbetare inom vård och omsorg. Metoden är en litteraturstudie där befintlig forskning i form av vetenskapliga artiklar analyseras och sammanställs. Denna metod gör så att det går att få en bra översikt kring vad det finns för forskning kring litteraturstudiens syfte. De viktigaste slutsatserna i resultatet är att det finns en rad olika faktorer som påverkar medarbetarnas upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse och som i sin tur påverkar viljan att stanna kvar i yrket. Dessa faktorer är bland annat arbetsvillkor, engagemang, delaktighet, meningsfullhet, få uppskattning och att kunna kombinera arbetsliv med privatliv. I diskussionen framkommer det att mer forskning behövs kring friskfaktorer samt hälsosam arbetsmiljö. Det resoneras kring de utmaningar som finns inom vård och omsorg som handlar om att det finns hög sjukfrånvaro och brist på medarbetare som dessutom saknar relevant kompetens. Med hjälp av arbetsmiljöarbete går det att utveckla arbetsplatser som är attraktiva och hälsosamma där medarbetarna är hållbara.
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A Study on the Stop-and-Frisk Legal System of the Police Officers ¡V¡V Taking Five Main Structures of the Administration Act as the Means of Analysis

Lai, Chi-hsiung 18 July 2007 (has links)
The implementation of the stop-and-frisk duty of the police is extremely closely related to the intervention of people¡¦s freedom of action, privacy and moral integrity right. In the past, the basis of law for the fulfillment of the stop-and-frisk duty by the police authorities was only the ¡§Regulations of the Police Duties.¡¨ Nevertheless, the Regulations contained no content of the objective for initiating the stop-and-frisk duty, the stop-and-frisk procedures and the means of relief. The Regulations only mention the term of stop and frisk, but lack the soul and body of stop and frisk. Based on the term of stop and frisk, the police always legitimized the enforcement of many banning acts, such as searching the house of a citizen in the midnight in the name of fulfilling the stop-and-frisk duty of the household. Similar behaviors were frequently found, thus creating many complaints from the citizens. After the chancellor of Judicial Yuan made an explanation of Shih No. 535, a lot of feedbacks from the police were undoubtedly created. To Taiwan, this is a great leap in marching towards a country under the rule of law. It has made the police authorities understand the importance of administrative procedures, and urged the birth of ¡§Act of Exercise of the Police Powers.¡¨ In the new Act, the behavior of stop and frisk is replaced by the term ¡§checking of identity.¡¨ A local scholar, Wu Keng once mentioned that ¡§stop and frisk¡¨ had been abolished and not been used. However, is it the fact? This paper is going to investigate the issue. Besides, does the constitution of the Act mean that the stop-and-frisk legal system is sound enough? This is another issue worthy of studying. Due to the vastness and un-limitedness of Administration Act, there is no country in the world having a sound and complete Administration Act. Nevertheless, viewing at the theories and principles of Administration Act, it can be generally divided into five main structures: basic principles, administrative organization, limit of administrative rights, administrative relief and administrative surveillance. If an administrative legal system is fearless to receive the examination based on each item of the five main structures of Administrative Law, it can be called a sound and complete administrative legal system. Another local scholar, Li Chen-Shan thinks that the separation of criminal law from Administration Act has led to the division of the police¡¦s mission of maintaining public security into two parts: ¡§prevention of harm¡¨ and ¡§criminal arrest,¡¨ which prevents the administrative harm and the criminal harm respectively. While they cross over the administrative area and the criminal area, stop-and-frisk duty belongs to an administrative behavior. Since it just belongs to the ¡§prevention of harm,¡¨ it should be regulated by the theories and principles of Administration Act. Therefore, this paper takes the stop-and-frisk legal system of police officers as the main body of the study. From the viewpoint of the science of law, this paper employs the abovementioned basic theories of Administration Act, i.e. the ¡§five major structures¡¨ of administrative principles, administrative organization, limit of administrative rights, administrative relief and administrative surveillance, as the research approaches of the study to examine the stop-and-frisk system of the police officers of Taiwan. Under this mode of thinking, the study is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is Introduction, which firstly raises queries over the practice of fulfilling stop-and-frisk duty by the police authorities, and then introduces the motives, objectives, research approaches, research area and research structure of the paper. Chapter 2 is Basic Principles of Stop-and-Frisk Legal System, which firstly reviews the basic concepts of the two terms, the police and stop and frisk, and then investigates the background for the constitution of stop-and-frisk legal system. In this chapter, substantial information from the social aspect of the practical phenomena, the economic aspect of the optimal adjustment, the political aspect of negotiation and compromising, and the legal aspect of acts and regulations, is presented, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the practical phenomena of stop-and-frisk legal system. After that, the chapter analyzes and compares the international aspects of the stop-and-frisk legal system of three countries, Germany, Japan and the United States, so as to take them as the references for the improvement of local legal system. Then, the chapter investigates the concepts of the rule of law of stop-and-frisk legal system, as well as the nature of stop and frisk from the angles of the three administrative principles according to laws and the seven principles of procedural justice. Finally, the chapter explores the relationship between stop-and-frisk legal system and the participation of the parties concerned. It is hoped that through the participation methods of the parties concerned, the stop-and-frisk legal system can become more sound and complete. Chapter 3 introduces the administrative organization of stop-and-frisk legal system by starting from the organizational structure of the existing police organization, and then investigates the organizational structure of the police authorities, staff on duty (including the assistants on duty), the budget and other problems. It is expected that a complete organizational structure can be formed to achieve a smooth operation of the stop-and-frisk practices of police officers. Chapter 4 discusses about the design and use of the limit of the rights of stop-and-frisk legal system. The chapter investigates each item stipulated in Administrative Procedure Act,¡¨ including the administrative plan, administrative legislation, legislative punishment, administrative investigation, administrative agreement, administrative guidance and the fulfillment of administrative obligations, hoping to make a comprehensive investigation of the limit of the stop-and-frisk rights. Chapter 5 introduces the relief and problem-solving measures of stop-and-frisk legal system. There is an ancient saying about law, ¡§Where there is right, there is relief.¡¨ This chapter firstly mentions the right of dissent, and then discusses about the issues of pleading, administrative lawsuit, national compensation, compensation of loss and referendum, intending to cover every detail of the rights of citizens. Chapter 6 talks about the administrative surveillance of stop-and-frisk legal system, and investigates the internal surveillance mechanism of the police authorities themselves and the external fair surveillance mechanism of the third parties. It is hoped that the surveillance mechanisms can meet the national and public requirements, no matter from the legal facet or the practical facet. Chapter 7 is the Conclusions and Suggestions, which synthesize the researcher¡¦s discussion of the five main structures of Administration Act. Over some specific items of the existing stop-and-frisk legal system of the police officers that need to be revised or deleted, the chapter proposes concrete suggestions, which can be a reference for the police authorities in exercising their powers, and working on the goals of building the administrative standards of Taiwan according to law, and improving the legal image of Taiwan under the rule of law.
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Da prevenção à incriminação: os múltiplos sentidos da abordagem policial

Risso, Melina Ingrid 02 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Melina Risso (melina.risso@gmail.com) on 2018-04-02T22:10:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão FINAL FECHADA@02abr18.pdf: 1702268 bytes, checksum: 5609f9b04f31ed38487e68828b056222 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2018-04-04T22:56:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão FINAL FECHADA@02abr18.pdf: 1702268 bytes, checksum: 5609f9b04f31ed38487e68828b056222 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-04-05T13:51:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão FINAL FECHADA@02abr18.pdf: 1702268 bytes, checksum: 5609f9b04f31ed38487e68828b056222 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T13:51:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão FINAL FECHADA@02abr18.pdf: 1702268 bytes, checksum: 5609f9b04f31ed38487e68828b056222 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-02 / O presente estudo pretende contribuir com as análises sobre abordagem policial no contexto brasileiro, buscando identificar os sentidos atribuídos a esta prática por policiais militares no estado de São Paulo. A partir de uma perspectiva interpretativa, que no campo das políticas públicas está voltada à análise dos sentidos, o trabalho busca identificar e comparar os sentidos implícitos na formulação da política e também os sentidos atribuídos por seus implementadores, ou seja, os policiais da ponta da linha. Também pretende inferir em que medida a relação entre a polícia e a comunidade interfere na forma como o policial realiza a abordagem. A pesquisa se ancora nos conceitos de legitimidade e autoridade policial para discutir de que maneira estes aspectos são influenciados pela atual política de abordagem policial, que contabiliza mais de 14 milhões de abordagens realizadas anualmente sem avaliação crítica de sua efetividade. Foram utilizados métodos qualitativos baseados em entrevistas e análise documental. / This study aims to contribute to the analysis of police stop-and-frisk in the Brazilian context, seeking to identify the meanings attributed to this practice in the state of São Paulo. Using an interpretive approach, the work aims to identify and compare the meanings of the stop-and-frisk policy both in terms of its formulation and implementation. It also seeks to infer to what extent the relationship between the police and the community interferes with the way police officers implement stop-and-frisk policy. The research discusses how the current stop-and-frisk policy affects police officers’ authority and police legitimacy. Annually, the Military Police of the state of São Paulo conducts more than 14 million stop-and-frisks without critical evaluation of their effectiveness. Qualitative methods based on interviews and document analysis were used.
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