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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rock Properties and Structure Within the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Borehold, Northwest of Parkfield, California: In Situ Observations of Rock Deformation Processes and Fluid-Rock Interactions of the San Andreas Fault Zone at ~ 3 km Depth

Keighley Bradbury, Kelly 01 May 2012 (has links)
This project examines the composition, structure, and geophysical properties of rocks sampled within the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) borehole drilling experiment near Parkfield, California. Cuttings, sidewall cores, spot-core, and whole-rock core are examined from the meso- to micro-scale to characterize the nearfault environment at shallow crustal levels (0-4 km) along the central segment of the San Andreas fault. The central segment deforms by contiuous aseismic creep and microseismicity. An integrated approach utilizing core-logging, detailed structural core mapping, petrology, microstructural analyses, whole-rock geochemistry, borehole geophysics, and analog field studies is followed. At SAFOD, fractured granitic rocks and arkosic sediments are identified west of the San Andreas fault zone on the Pacific Plate; whereas sheared fine-grained sediments, ultrafine black fault-related rocks, and serpentinite-bearing fault gouge are present within and northeast of the fault zone on the North American Plate. Here, the fault consists of a broad zone of variably damaged rock containing localized zones of highly concentrated shear that often juxtapose distinct rock-types. Two zones of serpentinite-bearing clay gouge, each meters-thick are found in two locations where active aseismic creep was identified in the borehole. The gouge is composed of Mg-rich clays, serpentinite (lizardite ± chrysotile) with notable increases in magnetite, and Fe-, Ni-, and Cr-oxides/hydroxides and Fe-sulfides relative to the surrounding host rock. Organic carbon is locally high within fractures and bounding slip surfaces. The rocks adjacent to and within the two gouge zones display a range of deformation including intensely fractured regions, blockin- matrix fabrics, and foliated cataclasite structure. The blocks and clasts predominately consist of competent sandstone and siltstone embedded in a clay-rich matrix that displays a penetrative scaly fabric. Mineral alteration, veins, fracture-surface coatings, and slickelined surfaces are present throughout the core, and reflect a long history of syndeformation and fluid-rock reaction that contributes to the low-strength and creep in the meters-thick gouge zones. Evaluation of borehole geophysical data and elastic modulii for the lithologic and structural units identified in the SAFOD Phase 3 core reveal a correlation between composition and textures and the structural and/or permeability architecture of the SAF at SAFOD. Highly reduced velocity and elastic modulii surround the two serpentinitev bearing gouge zones, the Buzzard Canyon fault to the southwest, and another bounding fault to the northeast. Velocity and elastic moduli values on the Pacific Plate or southeast of the active fault trace intersected by SAFOD are much higher relative to the values measured on the North American Plate, or northeast of the fault trace. Within and adjacent to the two active gouge zones, the rock properties are highly variable over short distances, however, they are significantly lower relative to material outside of the fault zones. This research contributes critical evidence for rock properties and slip behavior within an active plate boundary fault. Results from this research and the SAFOD experiment help to constrain numerous hypotheses related to fault zone behavior and earthquake generation within central California.

Boundary Element Method Numerical Modeling: An Approach for Analyzing the Complex Geometry and Evolution of the San Gorgonio Knot, San Andreas Fault, Southern California

Dair, Laura C 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The San Andreas fault forms the right lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. At various locations along the San Andreas fault the geometry of the fault surface is much more complex than a straight, vertical, plane. The San Bernardino Mountain segment of the San Andreas fault, in the San Gorgonio Pass region has one of the most complex active fault geometries in southern California due to a left-stepping restraining bend in the San Andreas fault. The evolution of the actively faulting pass has created an intricate network of active and formerly active, dipping and vertical, three-dimensionally irregular fault surfaces. The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the present day active fault geometry and the evolution in the San Gorgonio pass region, through numerical modeling. We use the three-dimensional Boundary Element Method modeling code Poly3D to simulate different fault configurations. We see that fault geometries that include geologically observed and inferred fault dips match geologic data more accurately than simplified, vertical faults in the San Gorgonio Pass region of the San Andreas fault. The evolution of the San Andreas Fault in the San Gorgonio Pass region over the past million years may follow the principle of work minimization in the Earth’s crust up until the present day configuration.

Exploring the Spectacle: Analyzing the Anatomical Prints in Andreas Vesalius' "De Humani Corporis Fabrica"

Wasylkiwskyj, Larissa Ariadne January 2011 (has links)
In his innovative publication of 1543, De Humani Corporis Fabrica, the anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) transformed the traditional definition, theories, and representations of human anatomy, dissection, and anatomical theater. This particular project explores the transformation through an analysis of the Fabrica's frontispiece, osteological, and myological woodcuts, which are found in Book I and Book II. This paper argues that Vesalius conceives of his book, beginning with the frontispiece, as a theatrum, a constructed space for presenting knowledge visually to its reader-viewers. Within that space there is a tension in the Fabrica between its new empirical claims and its modes of representation, which emphasize instead the artificial, theatrical, and rhetorical. By incorporating elements of performance and spectacle and by decontextualizing the anatomical theater and its figures through the use of recognizable artistic conventions--including allegorical Dances of Death and ancient statuary--Vesalius manages to capture the viewer's unflinching visual attention while also disguising some of the more gruesome realities and destructive methods of human dissection. / Art History

Biskoparnas strategier i relationen till församlingar inom Linköpings stift under tiden 1731–1761

Johansson, Annika Edit January 2024 (has links)
During the period 1731–1761, Erik Benzelius and Andreas Olavi Rhyzelius served as bishops in the diocese of Linköping. They were both learned men and diligent writers who were interested in science. Both had developed a large network within the church and society at large, and were politically active as members of the parliament. In their role as bishop in Linköping, they also had relations to the parishes within their diocese. The aim of this essay was to analyse and compare the strategies that these two bishops used in their contacts and relationships with the parishes.  Six thematic areas were selected for the study: Church construction Appointment of clerical positions Episcopal visitations Pastoral matters Clerical malfeasance and moral issues Unity in Religion The study is largely based on source material from the archives of the diocese chapters and from church archives. For each thematic area, cases have been identified and investigated and each area is concluded with a discussion and summary in which the respective bishops' strategies are discerned and compared. The results show that Rhyzelius' term in service as bishop is marked by his great interest in promoting church construction in the diocese. When Benzelius handles church construction matters, he tries to mediate conflicts and act strategically to push issues forward. Both bishops strategically act as mediators to reconcile people and move processes forward. Both are earnest in the matter of unity in the religion, but behave in different ways, Benzelius softer and Rhyzelius tougher. In pastoral matters, Rhyzelius supports the pastoral judgment of the local vicar, although this may lead to conflict within the parish. In matters of malfeasance, both bishops are determined to find out the truth to be able to properly assess the issues, and listens to the testimony of the congregations.

Chronotopos Ostdeutschland aus der Sicht westdeutscher Autoren : vergleichende Roman-Analyse zu einem Motiv bei Jan Böttcher und Andreas Maier / The chronotope of East-Germany from the West-German perspective : comparative novel analyzing to a motive at Jan Böttcher and Andreas Maier

Beck, Christoph January 2010 (has links)
Bislang konzentrierten sich die Untersuchungen des westdeutschen Blicks auf Ostdeutschland auf den Zeitraum vor der Wende oder auf Rundfunk- und Fernseh-Medien. Die Gegenwartsliteratur stellt einen weißen Fleck in dieser Frage dar. Anhand des Chronotopos-Konzepts von Michail Bachtin werden in dieser Arbeit daher zeitliche und räumliche Tiefenstrukturen in der Darstellung Ostdeutschlands in den Werken Jan Böttchers und Andreas Maiers herausgearbeitet und mit ihrer Darstellung Westdeutschlands verglichen. Neben grundsätzlichen Unterschieden fallen dabei signifikante Übereinstimmungen auf.

Grain-scale Comminution and Alteration of Arkosic Rocks in the Damage Zone of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD

Heron, Bretani 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Spot core from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) borehole provides the opportunity to characterize and quantify damage and mineral alteration of siliciclastics within an active, large-displacement plate-boundary fault zone. Deformed arkosic, coarse-grained, pebbly sandstone, and fine-grained sandstone and siltstone retrieved from 2.55 km depth represent the western damaged zone of the San Andreas Fault, approximately 130 m west of the Southwest Deforming Zone (SDZ). The sandstone is cut by numerous subsidiary faults that display extensive evidence of repeating episodes of compaction, shear, dilation, and cementation. The subsidiary faults are grouped into three size classes: 1) small faults, 1 to 2 mm thick, that record an early stage of fault development, 2) intermediate-size faults, 2 to 3 mm thick, that show cataclastic grain size reduction and flow, extensive cementation, and alteration of host particles, and 3) large subsidiary faults that have cemented cataclastic zones up to 10 mm thick. The cataclasites contain fractured host-rock particles of quartz, oligoclase, and orthoclase, in addition to albite and laumontite produced by syn-deformation alteration reactions. Five structural units are distinguished in the subsidiary fault zones: fractured sandstones, brecciated sandstones, microbreccias, microbreccias within distinct shear zones, and principal slip surfaces. We have quantified the particle size distributions and the particle shape of the host rock mineral phases and the volume fraction of the alteration products for these representative structural units. Shape characteristics vary as a function of shear strain and grain size, with smooth, more circular particles evolving as a result of increasing shear strain. Overall, the particle sizes are consistent with a power law distribution over the particle size range investigated (0.3 µm < d < 400 µm). The exponent (fractal dimension, D) is found to increase with shear strain and volume fraction of laumontite. This overall increase in D and evolution of shape with increasing shear strain reflects a general transition from constrained comminution, active at low shear strains to abrasion processes that dominate at high shear strains.

Erfolgreich ersteigert

Wiermann, Barbara 15 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Am 21. Februar 1741 war es endlich soweit, und ein lang gehegter Plan des Straßburger Orgelbauers Johann Andreas Silbermann ging in Erfüllung. Die nächsten vier Monate würde er auf einer „sächsischen Reysse“ verbringen, die dazu diente seine weitere Familie kennenzulernen, seine instrumentenkundlichen Kenntnisse zu vertiefen. 122 Tage war Silbermann unterwegs und führte während dieser Zeit ausführlich über seine Eindrücke, Erlebnisse und Begegnungen Tagebuch. Knapp 300 Seiten beschrieb er, die durch etwa 50 Stiche von Stadtansichten, Gebäuden und anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie durch zahlreiche selbstgefertigte Skizzen und Bilder ergänzt wurden. Nach der Reise nutzte er die Aufzeichnungen weiter, fügte beispielsweise Notizen zu bedeutenden Ereignissen an den besuchten Orten, wie die Zerstörungen in Heidelberg oder Zittau, hinzu. Er stellte die Bögen zu einem Band zusammen, den er mit dem Titel „Anmerckungen derer Auf meiner Sächsischen Reysse gesehenen Merckwürdigkeiten / Wie ich solche an unterschiedenen Orten meist nur kurtzlich aufgeschrieben“ versah.

Les Considerationes de Franz Lang SJ (1695-1717) : histoire des méditations munichoises, Analyse du Theatrum Solitudinis Asceticoe et de la musique de Johannes- Andreas Rauscher à partir des Exercices spirituels d’Ignace de Loyola / Franz Lang SJ's Considerationes (1695-1717) : a history of Jesuit meditation in Munich, An analysis of the Theatrum Solitudinis Asceticae and the music of Johannes-Andreas Rauscher based on Ignacio of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises

Magniez, Anne-Claire 13 November 2009 (has links)
De 1677 à 1776, la grande congrégation mariale de Munich représentait pendant le Carême des drames musicaux appelés Considerationes ou « méditations dramatiques » pour l’édification morale de ses membres. Ils étaient écrits par le président jésuite de cette sodalité et mis en musique par des compositeurs locaux.Cette thèse s’attache spécifiquement aux Considerationes du jésuite Franz Lang (1654-1725),créées entre 1695 et 1712. Ces œuvres se distinguent effectivement des autres méditations par le fait qu’elle furent intégralement éditées en 1717 sous la forme de trois recueils – Theatrum SolitudinisAsceticæ, Theatrum Affectuum Humanorum et Theatrum Doloris et Amoris - qui totalisent environ 850pages de livrets et plus de 3 000 pages de musique.Les recherches tiennent à expliquer d’abord l’existence de cette source exceptionnelle à tous égards par une étude précise des conditions de représentation, replacées dans le contexte plus général de la vie musicale à Munich. La thèse offre ensuite une analyse dramaturgique du Theatrum Solitudinis Asceticæ qui revendique une filiation directe aux Exercices spirituels de St Ignace de Loyola, fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus. Après une étude littéraire du recueil de Lang, elle apporte un éclairage musicologique sur les Considerationes mises en musique par Johannes-AndreasRauscher (mort en 1702), exemples remarquables « d’Exercices spirituels musicaux ». / Between 1677 and 1776, the great latin congregation of Munich used to perform musicaldramas during the Lenten season. These dramas were called Considerationes or « DramaticMeditations » and were intended for the moral edification of their congregation members. The dramas’plot was written by the congregation’s Jesuit priest while bavarian musicians composed the music.This work specifically treats the Considerationes by Franz Lang (1654 – 1725), which wereperformed between 1695 and 1712. As opposed to other meditations, Lang’s Considerationes wereentirely printed in the year 1717. They were brought together in three collections – TheatrumSolitudinis Asceticæ, Theatrum Affectuum Humanorum, Theatrum Doloris et Amoris – and togetherthey consist of about 850 pages of text and over 3000 pages of score.This research firstly explains the existance of this extraordinary source thanks to a precisestudy of the history of the performances which is then put in context with Munich’s musical life at thetime. Then follows a dramaturgical analysis of the Theatrum Solitudinis Asceticæ, which waspostulated by Ignatius of Loyola within the Spiritual Exercises. After a part about the literary work ofLang, my work closes with an analysis of the Considerationes – which were composed by Johannes-Andreas Rauscher, who died in 1702 - regarding musicology. These pieces finally are a noteworthyexample of the « musical Spiritual Exercises ».

"A literatura barroca na Alemanha. Andreas Gryphius: representação, vanitas e guerra" / Die Barock in der deutschen Literatur. Andreas Gryphius: Repräsentation, vanitas und Krieg

Brandão, Antonio Jackson de Souza 24 April 2003 (has links)
Para compreender o Barroco alemão iniciaremos uma explanação dos pressupostos sócio-culturais e políticos que levaram à Guerra dos Trinta Anos e sua relação com o poeta mais expressivo do momento, Andreas Gryphius. Além disso, a obra do poeta será analisada a partir do modelo de representação que havia na sociedade do século XVII, em especial em seus sonetos / Um den deutschen Barock zu verstehen, beginnen wir mit einer Erklärung de sozio-kulturellen und politischen Voraussetungen, die zum Dreissigjährigen Krieg führten und ihre Beziehung zu dem wichtigsten Dichter der Zeit, Andreas Gryphius. Ausserdem wird das Werk des Dichters im Hinblick auf das Repräsentationsmodell im 17. Jahrhundert untersucht, insbesondere seine Sonette.

Three-dimensional thermo-mechanical modeling of deformation at plate boundaries : case study San Andreas Fault System

Popov, Anton January 2008 (has links)
It has always been enigmatic which processes control the accretion of the North American terranes towards the Pacific plate and the landward migration of the San Andreas plate boundary. One of the theories suggests that the Pacific plate first cools and captures the uprising mantle in the slab window, and then it causes the accretion of the continental crustal blocks. The alternative theory attributes the accretion to the capture of Farallon plate fragments (microplates) stalled in the ceased Farallon-North America subduction zone. Quantitative judgement between these two end-member concepts requires a 3D thermomechanical numerical modeling. However, the software tool required for such modeling is not available at present in the geodynamic modeling community. The major aim of the presented work is comprised basically of two interconnected tasks. The first task is the development and testing of the research Finite Element code with sufficiently advanced facilities to perform the three-dimensional geological time scale simulations of lithospheric deformation. The second task consists in the application of the developed tool to the Neogene deformations of the crust and the mantle along the San Andreas Fault System in Central and northern California. The geological time scale modeling of lithospheric deformation poses numerous conceptual and implementation challenges for the software tools. Among them is the necessity to handle the brittle-ductile transition within the single computational domain, adequately represent the rock rheology in a broad range of temperatures and stresses, and resolve the extreme deformations of the free surface and internal boundaries. In the framework of this thesis the new Finite Element code (SLIM3D) has been successfully developed and tested. This code includes a coupled thermo-mechanical treatment of deformation processes and allows for an elasto-visco-plastic rheology with diffusion, dislocation and Peierls creep mechanisms and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity. The code incorporates an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation with free surface and Winkler boundary conditions. The modeling technique developed is used to study the aspects influencing the Neogene lithospheric deformation in central and northern California. The model setup is focused on the interaction between three major tectonic elements in the region: the North America plate, the Pacific plate and the Gorda plate, which join together near the Mendocino Triple Junction. Among the modeled effects is the influence of asthenosphere upwelling in the opening slab window on the overlying North American plate. The models also incorporate the captured microplate remnants in the fossil Farallon subduction zone, simplified subducting Gorda slab, and prominent crustal heterogeneity such as the Salinian block. The results show that heating of the mantle roots beneath the older fault zones and the transpression related to fault stepping, altogether, render cooling in the slab window alone incapable to explain eastward migration of the plate boundary. From the viewpoint of the thermomechanical modeling, the results confirm the geological concept, which assumes that a series of microplate capture events has been the primary reason of the inland migration of the San Andreas plate boundary over the recent 20 Ma. The remnants of the Farallon slab, stalled in the fossil subduction zone, create much stronger heterogeneity in the mantle than the cooling of the uprising asthenosphere, providing the more efficient and direct way for transferring the North American terranes to Pacific plate. The models demonstrate that a high effective friction coefficient on major faults fails to predict the distinct zones of strain localization in the brittle crust. The magnitude of friction coefficient inferred from the modeling is about 0.075, which is far less than typical values 0.6 – 0.8 obtained by variety of borehole stress measurements and laboratory data. Therefore, the model results presented in this thesis provide additional independent constrain which supports the “weak-fault” hypothesis in the long-term ongoing debate over the strength of major faults in the SAFS. / Seit jeher rätselhaft sind die Prozesse, die die Akkretion der Nordamerikanischen Terranen in Richtung der Pazifischen Platte sowie die Wanderung der Plattengrenze der San-Andreas-Verwerfung in Richtung Festland bestimmen. Eine Theorie besagt, dass sich die Pazifische Platte erst abkühlt und den aufsteigenden Mantel im „Slab Window“ fängt und somit die Akkretion der kontinentalen Krustenblöcke bewirkt. Die andere Theorie geht von einer Akkretion durch das Fangen von Teilen der Farallon-Platte (Mikroplatten) aus, die in der inaktiven nordamerikanischen Farallon-Subduktionszone fest stecken. Die quantitative Beurteilung dieser beiden gegensätzlichen Konzepte erfordert eine thermomechanische numerische 3-D-Modellierung. Das dafür benötigte Software Tool steht jedoch der geodynamischen Modellierung derzeit noch nicht zur Verfügung. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit umfasst im Wesentlichen zwei miteinander verbundene Aufgaben. Die erste besteht in der Entwicklung und Erprobung des Finite-Element-Codes, dessen Eigenschaften den hohen Anforderungen an die Ausführung der dreidimensionalen Simulationen lithosphärischer Deformation auf geologischer Zeitskala gerecht werden müssen. Die zweite Aufgabe ist die Anwendung des entwickelten Tools auf die neogenen Deformationen der Kruste und des Mantels entlang der San-Andreas-Verwerfung in Zentral- und Nordkalifornien. Die Modellierung auf geologischer Zeitskala lithosphärischer Deformation bringt für die Software Tools in Bezug auf Konzept und Durchführung zahlreiche Herausforderungen mit sich. Unter anderem gilt es, den Brittle-Ductile-Übergang in einem einzigen Modell sowie die Gesteinsrheologie in einer breiten Spanne unterschiedlicher Temperaturen und Spannungen adäquat darzustellen und die extremen Deformationen der freien Oberfläche und internen Grenzen aufzulösen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgte die erfolgreiche Entwicklung und Erprobung des neuen Finite-Element-Codes (SLIM3D). Dieser Code beinhaltet eine gekoppelte thermomechanische Behandlung von Deformationsprozessen und ermöglicht eine elasto-visko-plastische Rheologie mit Diffusion, Dislokation, Peierls Kriechmechanismen und Mohr-Coulomb-Plastizität. Der Code verbindet eine Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian kinematische Formulierung mit freien Oberflächen- und Winkler-Randbedingungen. Das entwickelte Modellierungsverfahren wird für die Untersuchung der Aspekte verwendet, die die neogene lithosphärische Deformation in Zentral- und Nordkalifornien beeinflussen. Die Modellanordnung konzentriert sich auf die Interaktion zwischen drei großen tektonischen Elementen in dieser Region: die Nordamerikanische Platte, die Pazifische Platte sowie die Gorda-Platte, die sich in der Mendocino-Triple-Junction treffen. Unter anderem verdeutlicht die Modellierung den Einfluss des Aufsteigens der Asthenosphäre in das sich öffnende „slab window“ der übergelagerten Nordamerikanischen Platte. Die Modelle beziehen auch die angelagerten Überreste der Mikroplatten in der fossilen Farallon-Subduktionszone, die vereinfachte subduzierende Gorda-Platte sowie markante Heterogenitäten der Kruste, wie beispielsweise den „Salinian Block“, mit ein. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Erwärmung der Mantellithosphäre unter den älteren Störungszonen sowie die Transpression eine Abkühlung im „Slab Window“ als alleinige Begründung für die Ostwärtsbewegung der Plattengrenze nicht zulassen. Aus Sicht der thermomechanischen Modellierung bestätigen die Ergebnisse das geologische Konzept, welches durch das mehrmalige Fangen von Mikroplatten den Hauptgrund für die Wanderung der Plattengrenze der San-Andreas-Verwerfung in Richtung Festland über die letzten 20 Millionen Jahre sieht. Die Überreste der Farallon-Platte, die in der fossilen Subduktionszone gefangen sind, verursachen im Mantel eine wesentlich stärkere Heterogenität als die Abkühlung der Asthenosphäre und stellen somit den effizienteren und direkteren Weg für die Anlagerung der nordamerikanischen Gebiete an die Pazifische Platte dar. Die Modelle demonstrieren, dass ein hoher effektiver Reibungskoeffizient an großen Störungen nicht in der Lage ist, die eindeutigen Zonen der Dehnungslokalisierung in der spröden Kruste vorherzusagen. Die Größe des Reibungskoeffizienten, die sich aus der Modellierung ableitet, beträgt etwa 0,075 und ist damit wesentlich kleiner als die durch unterschiedliche Bohrlochmessungen und Labordaten ermittelten Spannungswerte zwischen 0,6 und 0,8. Daher liefern die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse der Modelle in der seit langem geführten Debatte über die Stärke von großen Störungen in der San-Andreas-Verwerfung eine zusätzliche unabhängige Begründung der „Weak-Fault“-Hypothese.

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