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Iluminação natural em projetos de escolas: uma proposta de metodologia para melhorar a qualidade da iluminação e conservar energia / Daylighting in schools projects: a proposition of a methodology to enhance lighting quality and energy savings.Bertolotti, Dimas 18 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar estratégias de iluminação natural utilizadas nos estágios iniciais do projeto de arquitetura capazes de aumentar a qualidade da iluminação e a conservação de energia nos edifícios escolares. Essas estratégias têm sido aplicadas com sucesso em edifícios escolares em vários países, melhorando o desempenho e o bem-estar dos estudantes e conservando energia. Entre essas estratégias, o autor selecionou um dispositivo zenital para iluminação natural com seleção angular e difusores opacos, realizou um ensaio experimental em um modelo físico reduzido de uma sala de aula padrão, sob condições de céu real e analisou comparativamente os resultados. O estudo mostrou que a adoção de uma metodologia para utilizar estratégias como a analisada neste trabalho pode conseguir um adequado controle da radiação solar para evitar a incidência direta da luz do Sol, evitar o ofuscamento e o aquecimento excessivo de ambientes de salas de aula em climas quentes e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar a iluminação natural, tanto difusa quanto direta refletida, para obter maior conforto visual e economizar energia. / This work aims to analyse daylighting strategies applied in early stages of architectural design as to improve lighting quality and energy savings in school buildings. Similar strategies have already been successfully applied in many countries around the world, enhancing student?s performance and well being while helping to save energy. Among the strategies studied, the author describes an experiment under real sky conditions using a physical scale model of a standard classroom equipped with a roof monitor combined with an overhang and interior vertical diffusing baffles as a way to check its influence in interior lighting conditions. The experiment has shown that the use of daylighting strategies can promote an adequate control of solar radiation, avoiding direct sunlight penetration inside the classrooms, limiting glare problems and excessive heat of hot climates. At the same time, such strategies optimise both direct and defuse use of daylight to improve visual comfort and energy savings.
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Studying the impact of a mobile application in food waste reduction, circular economy, and social interaction inside the community.Gkalfas, Christos January 2019 (has links)
Social and ecological sustainability applications are a significant way to bring equality, equity, and happiness in society. Food waste and food security are two of the most significant problems the people have to tackle the next years. In every country, there are huge problems regarding the food waste which cause serious health problems and pollution not only in the atmosphere but in the subsoil as well. Contrary to that, there is a countless number of people facing food security issues every day across the globe. These problems occurred in Greece as well due to the modern way of living on one hand and the financial crisis on the other. A combination of technological ideas in the economic field of the circular economy could be applied to succeed in sustainable solutions. In this thesis, a literature search conducted in order to identify similar problems in Greece. There are very worrying statistics that indicate the massive food waste that is happening in Greek households. Additionally, the literature search for food security and unemployment reveals the significant problem occurred in society as a result of the financial crisis. An additional search in the field of the circular economy reveals excellent solutions in the agricultural machinery sharing and refactoring that could be applied locally, exploiting the existing infrastructure of the community. These solutions help small and young farmers to improve their financial situations. The author is exploring the effects of the financial crisis in the local economy in an effort to apply technological solutions in a form of a mobile application to interconnect people and make the donation, sharing and job search easier for the community. The ultimate goal of this study is to develop an application that could help the community to move towards social and ecological sustainability. Even though the ideas applied in this thesis are fresh to the community in the author’s region, the results of this work indicate that there are significant support and willingness to contribute. The development efforts are focusing on a mobile application where its features are focusing on the best possible interconnection among people of the community. Participants believe that the application interconnection along with the features provided, like the food donation, food sales, machinery sharing and job search among people of the community, could bring positive results reducing the food waste, promoting the circular economy, and toning the local economy in general. The data have shown that the author is moving towards the right path in his first attempt to present these ideas to the community in his region. Every participant in this study embraces his efforts finding potential value in the provided features of the application.
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Development of a wireless MEMS inertial system for health monitoring of structuresKok, Wing Hang (Ronald) 24 November 2004 (has links)
"Health monitoring of structures by experimental modal analysis is typically performed with piezoelectric based transducers. These transducers are usually heavy, large in size, and require high power to operate, all of which reduce their versatility and applicability to small components and structures. The advanced developments of microfabrication and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have lead to progressive designs of small footprint, low dynamic mass and actuation power, and high-resolution inertial sensors. Because of their small dimensions and masses, MEMS inertial sensors could potentially replace the piezoelectric transducers for experimental modal analysis of small components and structures. To transfer data from MEMS inertial sensors to signal analyzers, traditional wiring methods may be utilized. Such methods provide reliable data transfer and are simple to integrate. However, in order to study complex structures, multiple inertial sensors, attached to different locations on a structure, are required. In such cases, using wires increases complexity and eliminates possibility of achieving long distance monitoring. Therefore, there is a need to implement wireless communications capabilities to MEMS sensors. In this thesis, two different wireless communication systems have been developed to achieve wireless health monitoring of structures using MEMS inertial sensors. One of the systems is designed to transmit analog signals, while the other transmits digital signals. The analog wireless system is characterized by a linear frequency response function in the range of 400 Hz to 16 kHz, which covers the frequency bandwidth of the MEMS inertial sensors. This system is used to perform modal analysis of a test structure by applying multiple sensors to the structure. To verify the results obtained with MEMS inertial sensors, noninvasive, laser optoelectronic holography (OEH) methodology is utilized to determine modal characteristics of the structure. The structure is also modeled with analytical and computational methods for correlation of and verification with the experimental measurements. Results indicate that attachment of MEMS inertial sensors, in spite of their small mass, has measurable effects on the modal characteristics of the structure being considered, verifying their applicability in health monitoring of structures. The digital wireless system is used to perform high resolution tilt and rotation measurements of an object subjected to angular and linear accelerations. Since the system has been developed based on a microcontroller, programs have been developed to interface the output signals of the sensors to the microcontroller and RF components. The system is calibrated using the actual driving electronics of the MEMS sensors, and it has achieved an angular resolution of 1.8 mrad. The results show viability of the wireless MEMS inertial sensors in applications requiring accurate tilt and rotation measurements. Additional results presented included application of a MEMS gyroscope and microcontroller to perform angular rate measurements. Since the MEMS gyroscope only generates analog output signals, an analog to digital conversion circuit was developed. Also, a program has been developed to perform analog to digital conversion with two decimal places of accuracy. The experimental results demonstrate feasibility of using the microcontroller and the gyroscope to perform wireless angular rate measurements."
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Imagerie de l'environnement protoplanétaire des étoiles jeunes par interférométrie optique / Imaging the protoplanetary environment of young stellar objects by optical interferometryKluska, Jacques 06 October 2014 (has links)
Une manière efficace de contraindre la formation des planètes est l'étude des disques protoplanétaires. Les premières images de ces disques ont été obtenues dans les années 80 en infrarouge et en millimétrique. Ces images dévoilaient pour la première fois la morphologie de l'excès infrarouge vu dans les distributions spectrales d'énergies des étoiles jeunes. Depuis, de nets progrès ont été faits et, outre la détection directe de planètes, nous sommes capables de distinguer les perturbations que celles-ci pourraient engendrer dans ces disques. La région interne de ces disques, où la majorité des planètes sont détectées, est complexe car étant le théâtre de nombreux phénomènes encore mal contraints (sublimation de la poussière, vents, accrétion). Pour les étoiles jeunes les plus proches, observer ces régions revient à atteindre une résolution angulaire de l'ordre de la milliseconde d'arc, inatteignable avec un télescope monolithique. L'interférométrie optique permet de satisfaire cette contrainte. Cette technique consiste à combiner la lumière de deux télescopes ou plus afin de la faire interférer. Ces interférences permettent de contraindre la morphologie de l'objet observé à l'aide de modèles. Mais afin de comprendre les phénomènes en jeu il est nécessaire d'avoir une image indépendante de ces modèles. La reconstruction d'images est possible avec l'avènement récent d'interféromètres à 4 télescopes ou plus. Les premières images ont ainsi pu être reconstruites. Cependant, l'étoile centrale ne permet pas d'accéder facilement à l'image de l'environnement. Ma thèse a donc consisté à outrepasser cette difficulté en développant une méthode de reconstruction d'image adaptée à l'environnement protoplanétaire des étoiles jeunes. Elle consiste à séparer l'étoile centrale de l'image afin de reconstruire son environnement tout en prenant en compte la différence de température entre ces deux éléments. Grâce à cette méthode et aux instruments interférométriques du VLTI, j'ai pu reconstruire les images des premières unités astronomiques d'une douzaine d'étoiles de Herbig et de révéler leurs morphologies. J'ai ainsi pu appliquer une analyse géométrique originale afin de les caractériser. Enfin, j'ai analysé plus en détail un étoile particulière, MWC158, dont j'ai imagé la variabilité qui pourrait être interprétée comme une éjection de matière. Ma thèse démontre l'importance de la prise en compte des aspects chromatiques dans la reconstruction d'image ainsi que de l'adaptation de cette méthode à la spécificité des étoiles jeunes. / An effective way to understand the formation of planets is the study of protoplanetary disks. The first images of these disks were obtained in the infrared and the millimeter in the 80s. These images unveiled for the first time the morphology of the infrared excess seen in the spectral energy distributions of young stellar objects. Since then, significant progress has been made and, in addition to the direct detection of planets, we are able to distinguish the disruption they could cause in these disks. The inner region of these disks, where the majority of planets are found, is complex as being the scene of many phenomena still poorly constrained (dust sublimation, winds, accretion). For the closest young stars, observing these regions amounts to achieve an angular resolution of the order of a milliarcsecond, unattainable with monolithic telescopes. The optical interferometry can reach such a small angle. This technique consists in combining the light of two or more telescopes to make it interfere. These interferences can be used to constrain the morphology of the observed object by using models. But to understand the phenomena involved in the inner parts of young stellar objects, it is necessary to have an independent image. Image reconstruction is possible with the recent advent of interferometers with 4 or more telescopes. The first images were able to be rebuilt. However, the central star does not allow easy access to the environment morphology. The goal of my thesis was to bypass this difficulty by developing a method of image reconstruction which is adapted to the protoplanetary environment of young stars. It consists in separating the central star of the image to reconstruct its environment while taking into account the temperature difference between the two. With this method and the VLTI interferometric instruments, I reconstructed the images of the first astronomical unit of a dozen of Herbig stars and revealed their morphologies. I was able to apply a novel geometric analysis to characterize them. Finally, I have analyzed in more detail a particular star, MWC158, which I imaged the variability that could be interpreted as a matter ejection. My thesis demonstrates the importance of the inclusion of chromatic aspects in image reconstruction and adaptation of this method to the specific characteristics of young stars.
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Bell inequalities with Orbital Angular Momentum of Light / Inégalités de Bell avec le Moment Angulaire Orbital de la lumièreVannier Dos Santos Borges, Carolina 08 October 2012 (has links)
Dans une première partie introductive, nous rappelons la description théorique de la propagation de faisceaux optiques en terme des modes solutions de l'équation de propagation dans l'approximation paraxialle. Dans ce cadre, nous présentons les notions de moment cinétique transporté par les faisceaux lumineux, et de sa décomposition en moment cinétique intrinsèque (ou spin) et en moment angulaire.La seconde partie est consacrée au codage de l'information dans les degrés de libertés de polarisation et de modes transverses des faisceaux optiques. Les modes spin-orbites sont définis et un dispositif expérimental optique pour produire ces modes est présenté. Les modes spin-orbites sont alors exploités pour implémenter un protocole de distribution de clés BB84 ne nécessitant pas le partage à priori d'une base de référence.Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons un critère de type inégalité de Bell, qui constitue une condition suffisante pour caractériser la non-séparabilité en spin-orbite d'un faisceau optique classique. Nous montrons ensuite que la notion de modes spin-orbite séparable ou non-séparable constitue une analogie pertinente avec la notion d'intrication d'états quantiques et permet l'étude de certaines de ses propriétés fondamentales. Enfin, une implémentation expérimentale de cette simulation de tests de Bell avec des faisceaux optiques classiques est présentée, ainsi que sa description détaillée dans le cadre de l'optique quantique.Dans une dernière partie, nous nous intéressons à des inégalités de Bell, pour des états quantiques de systèmes quantiques à deux parties, qui sont caractérisées chacune par une variable continue de type angulaire (périodique). Nous montrons comment détecter la non-localité sur ce type de système, avec des inégalités qui sont similaires aux inégalités CHSH; inégalités qui avaient été développées originellement pour des systèmes de type spin 1/2. Nos inégalités, sont construites à partir de la mesure de la corrélation de fonctions angulaires. Nous montrons qu'elles sont en fait la superposition continue d'inégalités CHSH de type spin 1/2. Nous envisageons une possible implémentation expérimentale, où les corrélations mesurées sont les corrélations angulaires du profil transverse des photons intriqués. / We shall present a theoretical description of paraxial beams, showing the propagation modes that arise from the solution of the paraxial equation in free space. We then discuss the angular momentum carried by light beams, with its decomposition in spin and orbital angular momentum and its quantization. We present the polarization and transverse modes of a beam as potential degrees of freedom to encode information. We define the Spin-Orbit modes and explain the experimental methods to produce such modes. We then apply the Spin-Orbit modes to perform a BB84 quantum key distribution protocol without a shared reference frame.We propose a Bell-like inequality criterion as a sufficient condition for the spin-orbit non-separability of a classical laser beam. We show that the notion of separable and non-separable spin-orbit modes in classical optics builds a useful analogy with entangled quantum states, allowing for the study of some of their important mathematical properties. We present a detailed quantum optical description of the experiment in which a comprehensive range of quantum states are considered.Following the study of Bell's inequalities we consider bipartite quantum systems characterized by a continuous angular variable θ. We show how to reveal non-locality on this type of system using inequalities similar to CHSH ones, originally derived for bipartite spin 1/2 like systems. Such inequalities involve correlated measurement of continuous angular functions and are equivalent to the continuous superposition of CHSH inequalities acting on two-dimensional subspaces of the infinite dimensional Hilbert space. As an example, we discuss in detail one application of our results, which consists in measuring orientation correlations on the transverse profile of entangled photons.
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Estimação de velocidade angular de geradores síncronos para estudo da estabilidade a pequenas perturbações em sistemas de potência / Estimation of rotor speed of synchronous generators for small-signal stability assessment in power systemsTatiane Cristina da Costa Fernandes 20 February 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado é proposta uma abordagem para estimar a velocidade angular de geradores síncronos conectados em um sistema elétrico de potência, a partir de sinais que podem ser facilmente mensurados, tais como a corrente e a tensão na barra do lado de alta tensão do transformador que conecta o gerador em análise ao restante do sistema. Uma vez que informações precisas sobre o comportamento dinâmico do sistema são de elevada importância para um controle efetivo do SEP, especialmente com o aumento da complexidade da rede, a abordagem proposta nesta tese fornece uma estimativa do sinal de velocidade que pode ser aplicada no estudo da estabilidade a pequenas perturbações para mitigar os problemas inerentes a presença das oscilações eletromecânicas mal amortecidas nos SEPs. A abordagem desenvolvida é composta por dois métodos sendo cada um deles aplicável dependendo das características do problema a ser resolvido e das informações disponíveis para tanto. No primeiro método, uma técnica de sensibilidade da trajetória é aplicada ao sinal de diferença entre a resposta obtida pelo modelo simulado e aquela fornecida por dados amostrados no sistema real emulado. A partir desse sinal de erro e das curvas de sensibilidade, a técnica possibilita calibrar os coeficientes de um modelo linear do SEP e, consequentemente, descrever de forma precisa a resposta da velocidade do gerador em análise. No segundo método, uma técnica de filtragem é utilizada (filtro de Kalman Unscented) a qual fornece uma estimativa adequada para a velocidade angular do rotor mesmo quando elevadas discrepâncias são observadas entre a saída do modelo simulado e a resposta amostrada no sistema real. Os resultados obtidos sobre diferentes sistemas testes evidenciam a eficiência da abordagem proposta. / In this thesis, an approach is proposed to estimate the rotor speed of synchronous generators connected to an electric power system (EPS), from signals that can be easily sampled by measuring equipment, such as current and voltage in high voltage side of the step-up transformer of the power plant. Accurate information about the dynamic behavior of system is essential for effective control and reliable operation of EPS, especially with the increasing complexity of the grid. Hence, the main aim of this work is to provide an estimate of the rotor speed signal that can be applied in the area of small-signal stability, in order to mitigate the detrimental effects of poorly damped electromechanical oscillations in EPSs. The developed approach is composed of two methods, where each of them is applicable depending on the characteristics of the problem to be solved and the available information. In the first method, a trajectory sensitivity technique is applied on the mismatch between the simulated output in the system linear model and the response of the real system. Using this error signal and the sensitivity curves, this method allows to identify and to calibrate some coefficients of the linear model and, consequently, to adequately describe the speed response of the generator under analysis. In this second method, a filtering technique is used, the Unscented Kalman Filter, which provides an adequate estimate for rotor speed even when high discrepancies are observed between the linear model and the sampled response of real system. The results obtained on test systems with different characteristics show the efficiency of the proposed approach.
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Iluminação natural em projetos de escolas: uma proposta de metodologia para melhorar a qualidade da iluminação e conservar energia / Daylighting in schools projects: a proposition of a methodology to enhance lighting quality and energy savings.Dimas Bertolotti 18 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar estratégias de iluminação natural utilizadas nos estágios iniciais do projeto de arquitetura capazes de aumentar a qualidade da iluminação e a conservação de energia nos edifícios escolares. Essas estratégias têm sido aplicadas com sucesso em edifícios escolares em vários países, melhorando o desempenho e o bem-estar dos estudantes e conservando energia. Entre essas estratégias, o autor selecionou um dispositivo zenital para iluminação natural com seleção angular e difusores opacos, realizou um ensaio experimental em um modelo físico reduzido de uma sala de aula padrão, sob condições de céu real e analisou comparativamente os resultados. O estudo mostrou que a adoção de uma metodologia para utilizar estratégias como a analisada neste trabalho pode conseguir um adequado controle da radiação solar para evitar a incidência direta da luz do Sol, evitar o ofuscamento e o aquecimento excessivo de ambientes de salas de aula em climas quentes e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar a iluminação natural, tanto difusa quanto direta refletida, para obter maior conforto visual e economizar energia. / This work aims to analyse daylighting strategies applied in early stages of architectural design as to improve lighting quality and energy savings in school buildings. Similar strategies have already been successfully applied in many countries around the world, enhancing student?s performance and well being while helping to save energy. Among the strategies studied, the author describes an experiment under real sky conditions using a physical scale model of a standard classroom equipped with a roof monitor combined with an overhang and interior vertical diffusing baffles as a way to check its influence in interior lighting conditions. The experiment has shown that the use of daylighting strategies can promote an adequate control of solar radiation, avoiding direct sunlight penetration inside the classrooms, limiting glare problems and excessive heat of hot climates. At the same time, such strategies optimise both direct and defuse use of daylight to improve visual comfort and energy savings.
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Mesure des rendements de fission de l’Am-242 auprès du spectromètre Lohengrin (réacteur ILL) & Amélioration et validation du code semi empirique GEF / Measurement of Am-242 fission yields at the Lohengrin spectrometer & Improvement and Benchmarking of the semi-empirical code GEFAmouroux, Charlotte 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’étude des rendements de fission a un impact majeur sur la caractérisation du processus de fission mais également sur le fonctionnement des réacteurs nucléaires. Bien que les rendements de fission thermiques des actinides majeurs (U-235, Pu-239) soient bien connus, ce n’est pas le cas de ceux de l’Am-242, ce que confirment les désaccords observés entre les principales bases de données évaluées. L’utilisation grandissante du combustible MOX dans les réacteurs nucléaires et la réduction de la radiotoxicité des déchets nucléaires nous poussent à étudier l’Am-241 et l’Am-242. Ainsi, les rendements issus de la fission de la réaction Am-241(2n,f) ont été mesurés auprès du spectromètre de masse Lohengrin situé à l’Institut Laue Langevin de Grenoble (France). Ces mesures ont permis la détermination de 41 rendements en masse. De plus, 20 rendements isotopiques ont pu être mesurés par spectrométrie gamma. Les expériences menées dans le cadre de cette thèse avaient également pour but de déterminer si les rendements de fission sont influencés par l’état de spin de l’Am-242. Afin de répondre à cette question, la mesure répétitive de rendements en masse pour différents rapports de taux de fission (Am-242m/Am-242g) a été réalisée. Nos résultats montrent que le spin du noyau cible n’a que peu d’influence sur les rendements en masse. De nouvelles expériences sont proposées afin de déterminer son influence sur les rapports isomériques. Les modèles théoriques actuels sont dans l’incapacité de prédire avec une précision suffisante les rendements de fission. Ainsi, l’industrie nucléaire a recours aux bases de données évaluées et aux modèles phénoménologiques. Néanmoins, les prédictions issues de modèles semi-empiriques implémentés dans le code GEF ont atteint un niveau suffisant pour faire de ce code un outil d’évaluation performant. Le contenu physique, les développements, les validations et l’extension du code seront également présentés dans cette thèse. / The study of fission yields has a major impact on the characterization and understanding of the fission process and is mandatory for reactor applications. While the yields are known for the major actinides (U-235, Pu-239) in the thermal neutron-induced fission, only few measurements were performed on Am-242. Moreover, the two main data libraries do not agree among each other on the light peak. Am-241 and Am-242 are nuclei of interest for the MOX-fuel reactors and for the reduction of nuclear waste radiotoxicity using transmutation reactions. Thus, a campaign of precise measurement of the fission mass yields from the reaction Am-241(2n,f) was performed at the Lohengrin mass spectrometer (ILL, France) for both the light and the heavy peak. Forty-one masses were measured. Moreover, the measurement of the isotopic fission yields on the heavy peak by gamma-ray spectrometry led to the extraction of 20 independent isotopic yields. Our measurement was also meant to determine whether there is a difference in fission yields between the Am-242 isomeric state and its ground state as it exists in fission cross sections. The experimental method used to answer this question is based on the measurement a set of fission mass yields as a function of the ratio of Am-242gs to Am-242m fission rate. Results show that the mass yields are independent of the fission rate ratio. A future experimental campaign is proposed to observe a possible influence on the isomeric yields. The theoretical models are nowadays unable to predict the fission yields with enough accuracy and therefore we have to rely on experimental data and phenomenological models. The accuracy of the predictions of the semi empirical GEF fission model predictions makes it a useful tool for evaluation. This thesis also presents the physical content and part of the development of this model. Validation of the kinetic energy distributions, isomeric yields and fission yields predictions was performed. The extension of the GEF model at high energy is also presented.
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Imagerie haute dynamique en larges bandes : coronographie et minimisation des tavelures en plan focal / High contrast imaging in broadband : coronagraphy and speckles minimisation in focal planeDelorme, Jacques-Robert 29 September 2016 (has links)
Parmi les 3000 exoplanètes détectées à ce jour, seule une cinquantaine ont été observées par imagerie dont l’avantage est de donner accès à la lumière des exoplanètes, ce qui ouvre la voie aux études spectrales de leur atmosphère et de leur surface. L’imagerie est aussi la seule méthode permettant d’étudier des exoplanètes situées dans les parties externes des systèmes stellaires ainsi que les disques circumstellaires, ce qui est fondamental pour comprendre les différentes étapes de la formation planétaires. Cependant, ces techniques doivent relever deux défis : la faible séparation angulaire qui existe entre une exoplanète et son étoile, ainsi que le contraste entre ces deux objets qui est de l’ordre de 10-4 dans l'infrarouge proche pour des Jupiter jeunes et de l'ordre de 10-10 dans le visible pour des planètes matures telles la Terre et Jupiter. Les instruments actuels utilisent des coronographes pour filtrer la lumière de l'étoile hôte et observer son voisinage ténu. Ils utilisent également des techniques actives qui compensent les effets des aberrations de surface d’onde pour minimiser le niveau des tavelures dans l'image finale. Couplés à des techniques d'imagerie différentielle, ces instruments ont permis la découverte et l'étude d'exoplanètes jeunes et massives, et de disques circumstellaires. Cependant, pour détecter des exoplanètes moins lumineuses et plus proches de leur étoile, les techniques d’imagerie font aujourd’hui l’objet d'une recherche active en laboratoire. Par exemple, l’Observatoire de Paris a développé le banc très haute dynamique (THD) pour tester et optimiser l’association de plusieurs techniques d’imagerie haute dynamique comme le four quadrants phase masque (FQPM) ou la self-coherent camera (SCC) qui est une technique d’analyse de surface d’onde en plan focal.Au début de ma thèse, mes travaux se sont concentrés sur le développement et l’étude de coronographes et d’analyseurs en plan focal pouvant travailler en larges bandes spectrales (typiquement 12,5 % à 40 %). J’ai testé sur le banc THD deux coronographes, le multi four-quadrant phase-mask (MFQPM) et le dual-zone phase-mask (DZPM). J’ai prouvé que le DZPM peut atteindre des contrastes de l’ordre de 4 10-8 pour des séparations angulaires comprises entre 7 et 16 λ/D et une bande spectrale de 250 nm centrée à 640 nm. J’ai également développé et testé une version de la SCC moins sensible au chromatisme appelée multireference self-coherent camera (MRSCC). En la combinant au DZPM, j’ai réussi à atteindre en boucle fermée des contrastes de l’ordre de 4.5 10-8 entre 5 et 17 λ/D pour une bande spectrale de 80 nm centrée à 640 nm. Ces deux résultats sont importants, car ils montrent qu'il est possible de construire un instrument qui atténue la lumière et contrôle activement les aberrations optiques directement à partir de l'image scientifique en large bande spectrale. À la fin de ma thèse, nous avons mis en place une collaboration visant à tester la SCC sur le télescope Hale du mont Palomar. Lors de deux missions auxquelles j’ai participé, nous avons prouvé que la SCC pouvait être associée avec un coronographe de type vortex ce qui n’avait jamais était fait auparavant. De plus, suite aux résultats obtenus sur source interne, nous prévoyons une démonstration sur ciel à l'automne 2016 / Among the 3000 exoplanets detected at this time, about 50 have been observed by direct imaging. The benefit of direct imaging is to give access to exoplanet light, paving the way for spectroscopic study of their atmospheres and surfaces. Moreover, direct imaging is also the only method that enables the study of exoplanets located in the outer parts of the stellar systems as well as circumstellar disks, which are fundamental to understand the different stages of planetary formation. However, there are two challenges : the small angular separation between an exoplanet and its star (less than a fraction of 1’’), and the contrast between the two objects which is of the order of 10-4 in near infrared for young Jupiter and of the order of 10-10 in visible light for Earth like planets. Existing instruments use coronagraphs to filter light from the host star and observe its tenuous neighborhood. They also use active techniques in order to minimize, in the final image, the brightness of speckles induced by wavefront aberrations. Coupled with differential imaging techniques, these instruments led to the discovery and study of young and massive exoplanets and circumstellar disks. However, to detect fainter exoplanets closer to their star, imaging techniques are now at the heart of an active research. For example, the Paris Observatory developed the banc très haute dynamique (THD bench) aiming at testing several high contrast imaging techniques and their associations as the four quadrants phase masque (FQPM) and the self-coherent camera (SCC) which is a focal plane wavefront sensor.At the beginning of my PHD, I mainly focused my work on the development and the study of coronagraphs and focal plane wavefront sensors able to work in broadband (between 12,5 % and 40 %). I tested on the THD bench two coronagraphs, the multi four-quadrant phase-mask (MFQPM) and the dual-zone phase-mask (DZPM). I proved that the DZPM is able to reach contrasts of 4 10-8 at angular separations ranging from 7 to 16 λ/D using a spectral bandwidth of 250 nm centered on 640 nm (40 %). I also developed and tested a new version of the SCC, less sensitive to chromatism, called the multireference self-coherent camera (MRSCC). By combining both DZPM and MRSCC, I reached in closed loop contrasts of 4.5 10-8 between 5 and 17 λ/D for a spectral bandwidth of 80 nm centered on 640 nm (12,5 %). These two results are important because they show that it is possible to build an instrument able to reduce the stellar light and actively control optical aberrations directly from a scientific image registered in a large spectral bandwidth which is requiered for the next generation of instruments. During my PHD, we also strated a collaboration to install the SCC at the Palomar Observatory. During two missions in which I took part, we proved, for the first time, that the SCC can be associated with a vortex coronagraph. Finally, based on these results, we plan to demonstrate the SCC concept on sky in the fall of this year
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Magneto-optical materials such as permalloy can be used to create artificial spin- ice (ASI) lattices with antiferromagnetic ordering. Magneto-optical materials used to create diffraction lattices are known to exhibit magnetic scattering at the half- order Bragg peak while in the ground state. The significant drawbacks of studying the magneto-optical generation of OAM using x-rays are cost, time, and access to proper equipment. In this work, it is shown that the possibility of studying OAM and magneto-optical materials in the spectrum of visible light at or around 2 eV is viable. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry it is possible to detect a change in the magnetization of thin permalloy films with thicknesses between 5 and 20 nm. Patterns consistent with OAM were found at 1.95 eV using a square lattice with a 4𝜋 radial phase shift in the antiferromagnetic ground state. Evidence of magnetic scattering at the half-order Bragg peak using 1.95 eV was also found.
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