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Recounting the AuthorGrgorinic, Natalija 22 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Negatively Disinhibited Online Communication: The Role of Visual Anonymity and Public Self-AwarenessFinn, Elizabeth M. 09 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Riktlinjer ett utvecklingsteam kan använda av för att skapa tillit till ett visselblåsarsystem / Guidelines a developerteam can use to create trust for a whistleblower systemLillienberg Öberg, Oliver, Jansson, Vera January 2022 (has links)
Tillit kan kännetecknas av sårbarhet och osäkerhet i en situation, eftersom det handlar om inställningen som en person har för att kunna uppnå individuella mål. Det är ett begrepp som är svårt definiera eftersom tillit hos människor kan se olika ut. Tillit till system är viktigt för att användare ska våga använda systemet. Företag med över 50 anställda måste enligt det nya EU-direktivet 5 maj 2022 inrätta digitala visselblåsarsystem för att anställda ska kunna rapportera missförhållanden på företaget. Denna studie gjordes med ett externt företag som var i behov av ett visselblåsarsystem och syftet var att undersöka ”Hur kan ett visselblåsarsystem designas för att en användare ska känna tillit till systemet?”. För att besvara denna fråga gjordes litteraturstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkäter. Utifrån insamlad empirisk data från dessa metoder gjordes en analys och triangulering. Slutresultatet blev tio riktlinjer riktat till utvecklare av visselblåsarsystem, riktlinjer som främst är tänkt att användas i analys- och kravfasen på UX-cykeln. Riktlinjerna är tänkta att underlätta en UX-designers arbete för att få användare att känna tillit till ett visselblåsarsystem. Studiens slutsats är att aspekter som påverkar tilliten är både funktionella, visuella och bakomliggande faktorer. Vilket är viktigt att ha med sig vid utvecklandet av ett visselblåsarsystem. / Trust can be characterized as vulnerability and insecurity in a situation because it’s about the mindset a person has to reach an individual goal. It’s a term that’s hard to define since trust is different for each individual. Trust is important in systems to make sure that a user dares to use it. According to the new EU directive 5 May 2022 Companies with more than 50 employees must establish a digital whistleblowing system so that employees can report malpractice. The purpose of this study was to investigate "How can a whistleblower system be designed so that a user trusts the system?" and collaborated with an external company that was in need of a whistleblower system and. To answer this question, a literature study, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were conducted. Based on empirical data, collected from these methods, analysis and triangulation were performed. The end result was ten guidelines aimed at developers of whistleblower systems, where they are primarily intended to be used in the analysis and requirements phase of the UX-cycle. The guidelines are intended to facilitate the workload for a UX-designer and to help users feel trust in a whistleblower system. The conclusion from this study is that aspects that affect trust are both functional, visual and underlying factors which are important to take into account when developing a whistleblower system.
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Dark Web Forensics : An Investigation of Tor and I2P Artifacts on Windows 11Abolghsemi, Seyedhesam, Chukwuneta, Chukwudalu January 2024 (has links)
With the rising use of the Internet by businesses and individuals for their regular activities and transactions, there has been increased attention to user privacy and data security on the web. While the adoption of dark web networks has ensured that users' privacy and anonymity concerns are being addressed, there has also been a consequential increase in illicit activities on the internet. The dark web remains a critical area for law enforcement investigations, providing a platform for criminal activities to thrive unchecked. This study evaluates the digital traces deposited by dark web browsers on the client side of user devices, providing a deep insight into the security features of Tor and I2P and outlining the potential areas where digital artifacts can be retrieved on a Windows 11 computer. By detailing the forensic acquisition process and subsequent artifact analysis, this research aims to enhance the capabilities of digital forensic examiners in tracking and prosecuting cybercriminals, thereby contributing to the broader field of digital forensics and cybersecurity.
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Relax the Reliance on Honesty in Distributed Cryptographic ProtocolsTiantian Gong (19838595) 14 October 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Distributed cryptographic protocols typically assume a bounded number of malicious parties (who behave arbitrarily) in the system---and in turn, a lower bound on the number of <i>honest</i> parties (who follow and only follow a protocol faithfully/honestly without performing unspecified computations)---for their respective security guarantees to hold. However, when deploying these protocols in practice, the nature of computing parties does not necessarily align nicely with the protocols' assumptions. Specifically, there may be only a few honest/compliant parties, or none exists. Instead, non-malicious parties may be <i>semi-honest</i> (who follow the protocol specifications but are curious to learn as much information as possible from semi-honest parties' transcripts) or <i>rational</i> (who take actions that maximize their utilities instead of actions benefiting the protocol the most, e.g., performing extra computations or not following protocols). In such cases, the security guarantees of such protocols may deviate greatly in real life from what is theoretically promised, leaving a huge gap between theory and practice. </p><p dir="ltr">In this thesis, I bridge such a gap by enhancing the fault tolerance of various distributed cryptographic primitives by <i>relaxing the assumption on the existence of honest parties</i>.</p><p dir="ltr">First, in the context of <b>secure multi-party computations</b>, without honest parties, my goal is to induce honest (i.e., not compromising correctness) and non-curious (i.e., not harming privacy) behaviors from rational participants via game theoretic and cryptographic techniques. In particular, I first demonstrate how to ensure protocol correctness and deter collusion among parties to recover secrets---which also breaks privacy---in multiserver private information retrieval with a singleton access structure. Then for primitives with more general (non-singleton) access structures, I introduce a distinct treatment through the lens of verifiable secret sharing. The two solutions are designed with a public bulletin board, commitment schemes, digital signature schemes, zkSNARKs (zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge), and distinct incentive structures tailored for varying access structures underlying the schemes.</p><p dir="ltr">Second, in <b>permissionless blockchain systems</b>, for protocols without privacy guarantees like computation outsourcing and consensus, my goal is to incentivize rational parties to behave correctly. This means to act according to the protocol specifications or as implied by the security requirements of the primitive, e.g., fairly distribute rewards to participants based on contributions in proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains. Specifically, I present a defense against an undercutting attack in PoW blockchains from a game theory perspective and propose a decentralized computation outsourcing protocol built on permissionless blockchain systems based on multi-unit auctions.</p>
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Leader Emergence and Effectiveness in Virtual Workgroups: Dispositional and Social Identity PerspectivesHite, Dwight M. 08 1900 (has links)
In today's global competitive environment, many organizations utilize virtual workgroups to overcome geographic and organizational boundaries. Research into their dynamics has received the attention of scholars within multiple disciplines, and the potential for an integrative approach to the study of virtual workgroups exists. This dissertation is a first step towards such an approach. The primary aim of this research is to examine antecedent and contextual factors that affect the emergence and effectiveness of leaders in virtual workgroups. To achieve this aim, an integrative model assembled from theory and empirical findings in leadership, management, social identity, and communications research is posited. Hypothesized relationships depicted in the model identify key dispositional and contextual variables linked to leader emergence, member behavior, and leader effectiveness within virtual workgroups. This study employed a nonexperimental research design, in which leader emergence and social identity manifest as naturally occurring phenomena. Data collection occurred via two web-based surveys administered at different points in time. Hypothesized relationships were tested utilizing correlational and hierarchical moderated multiple regression analyses. The findings of this dissertation suggest that traits, such as personality and cognitive ability, are not associated with leader emergence in virtual workgroups. In addition, the results indicate that the exhibition of relationship-oriented leader behaviors enhances group identity. In turn, identification is associated with increases in perceptions of leader effectiveness and decreases in counterproductive behavior exhibited by group members. This dissertation exposes an important limitation to the application of trait leadership theory. It also demonstrates the importance of relationship-oriented behavior and social identity in virtual contexts. Further, it advances an integrative theoretical model for the study of virtual workgroup phenomena. These contributions should assist and inform other researchers, as well as practitioners, interested in leadership and group member behavior in virtual workgroups.
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The liability of internet intermediariesRiordan, Jaani January 2013 (has links)
Internet intermediaries facilitate a wide range of conduct using services supplied over the layered architecture of modern communications networks. Members of this class include search engines, social networks, internet service providers, website operators, hosts, and payment gateways, which together exert a critical and growing influence upon national and global economies, governments and cultures. This research examines who should face legal responsibility when wrongdoers utilise these services tortiously to cause harm to others. It has three parts. Part 1 seeks to understand the nature of an intermediary and how its liability differs from the liability of primary defendants. It classifies intermediaries according to a new layered, functional taxonomy and argues that many instances of secondary liability in English private law reflect shared features and underlying policies, including optimal loss-avoidance and derivative liability premised on an assumption of responsibility. Part 2 analyses intermediaries’ monetary liability for secondary wrongdoing in two areas of English law: defamation and copyright. It traces the historical evolution of these doctrines at successive junctures in communications technology, before identifying and defending limits on that liability which derive from three main sources: (i) in-built limits contained in definitions of secondary wrongdoing; (ii) European safe harbours and general limits on remedies; and (iii) statutory defences and exceptions. Part 3 examines intermediaries’ non-monetary liability, in particular their obligations to disclose information about alleged primary wrongdoers and to cease facilitating wrongdoing where it is necessary and proportionate to do so. It proposes a new suite of non-facilitation remedies designed to restrict access to tortious internet materials, remove such materials from search engines, and reduce the profitability of wrongdoing. It concludes with several recommendations to improve the effectiveness and proportionality of remedies by reference to considerations of architecture, anonymity, efficient procedures, and fundamental rights.
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La protection des libertés individuelles sur le réseau internet / The protection of Individuals rights on the internetCriqui-Barthalais, Géraldine 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude envisage le réseau internet comme un nouvel espace invitant à réinterpréter les libertés de la personne physique. Au titre de celles-ci, sont protégées la liberté individuelle, entendue comme le fait de ne pouvoir être arbitrairement détenu et la liberté d’aller et venir. Il doit en aller de même sur le réseau. Etablissant une analogie avec ces libertés, la première partie de la thèse consacre deux libertés : la liberté d’accès au réseau et la liberté de naviguer sur le web. La première implique de définir le contenu d’un service public de l’accès. De plus, il faut affirmer que la coupure d’accès au réseau doit être envisagée comme une mesure privative de liberté ; elle ne peut donc être décidée que par le juge judiciaire. L’affirmation de la liberté de naviguer sur le web conduit à envisager le régime du blocage des sites, une mesure qui ne peut intervenir que dans le cadre d’une police administrative spéciale. Dans la seconde partie il apparaît que ces deux libertés n’ont toutefois de sens que si l’individu a accès au réseau anonymement et n’est pas surveillé arbitrairement quand il navigue sur le web. Cette étude cherche ainsi à préciser le régime devant encadrer le mécanisme d’adressage du réseau. Sont définies les conditions du contrôle de l’identité de l’internaute à partir de son adresse IP. Enfin, il est soutenu qu’un principe général d’effacement des données révélant les sites visités doit être affirmé, principe qui s’applique aux différents acteurs du réseau, notamment les moteurs de recherche. L’interception de ces données ne peut procéder que d’un pouvoir sécuritaire ou hiérarchique sur l’internaute. / This study considers the internet as a new territory where rights guaranteed to each individual in physical space can be promoted; not only free speech and privacy, but also the Habeas Corpus prerogative writ, which protects against unlawful imprisonment, and the right to freedom of movement. Thus, processing by analogy, the dissertation intends to promote two specific digital rights: the freedom to connect to the internet and the freedom to surf on the web. The freedom to connect should be part of a public service which promotes this access through public policies. Moreover, barring someone from using the internet can only be decided by a judge. The freedom to surf should protect the web users against unreasonable restrictions. Thus, measures blocking illegal websites should not come through self-regulation but through a legal framework which defines how administrative authorities are entitled to decide such restrictions. The protection of these two rights entails further obligations. Individuals must access the internet anonymously and they must be aware of how the government monitors their actions on the web. This study tries to outline the content of measures aiming to frame network addressing mechanisms. Identity checks based on the IP address should be subject to a strict legal regime. The study concludes that individuals have to be protected from surveillance when data reveal their choices among websites while they are connected. Internet access providers, but also search engines and browsers, must delete this data. Only special measures taken by a public entity or someone entitled to control the web users may lead to this kind of data retention.
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有影無隱?影音傳播隱私管理測量研究:以影音社交網站YouTube為例 / Tug of War, to Vlog or Not to Vlog? An Exploratory Measure Study of Communication Privacy Management Theory in Video Disclosure and Privacy: Take Online Social Networking Site YouTube for Instance鍾佩君, Chung, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
此外在使用者自我感知與各自隱私管理行為之間關係中,發現上傳影音的使用者,不會因為個人內容所感知到的風險程度,而進行自我資訊控制等隱私管理行為;反而會因為從他人的影音內容中辨識出他人,以及因為外在環境感知到的風險程度,而進行自我資訊控制以及自我資訊揭露程度行為的隱私管理。 / This study applies Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management theory to explore how YouTubers manage their disclosure in YouTube videos; whether YouTubers’ gender, motivation, internet experience, the degree of perceived identification and perceived risk have any impact on their privacy management behaviors in social networking site, YouTube. In addition, this study uses Child, Pearson & Petronio’s (2008) WPMM scale as reference; attempts to create an explanatory scale to measure YouTubers’ privacy concern and management for future research.
There are 617 YouTubers completed an online survey, including 527 YouTubers who have their video available in YouTube and 90 YouTubers who do not have their video available in YouTube. Results show female YouTubers disclose their personal information much less than male and have less linkage behavior. As for YouTubers’ motivation, users who do not regard using YouTube as entertainment will control their information; and users who often present themselves in YouTube will disclose their information. Additionally, users being used to presenting themselves will open more access and linkage to their personal information.
What’s more, YouTubers who can identify others from their own videos and perceive threat or risk from internet environment have the tendency to have their information controlled and limited, not to disclose more personal information and disallow others have the access to their video in YouTube. Following the results of the present study, suggestions for future research in the online management of privacy, especially in YouTube context, are also listed and discussed.
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eWOM-kommunikation på Facebook & Prisjakt : En studie av skillnader i konsumenters uppfattning om eWOMAxelsson, Emma, Wikström, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to identify and describe how consumer perceptions regarding information quality, sender credibility and effect of eWOM-communication differ between Facebook and Prisjakt. Approach – Based on previous research an analytical model was designed. The parts in the model were the aspects of the problem which the present study aimed to examine. An experimental design was applied in which ten students at Örebro University were exposed to a scenario where they took part of eWOM-communication concerning a specific product on Facebook and Prisjakt and then had to answer questions in an interview. The analytical model formed the base of the interview guide used in the interview and the specific product was chosen with help from a focus group. Implication – The study illustrates that consumers may perceive the quality higher on Prisjakt while the sender credibility can be perceived higher on Facebook. Despite this conclusion the effect of eWOM-communication in this study is that the information on Facebook is adopted to a greater degree than the information on Prisjakt. The reason for this is that the sender credibility appeared to be more important in the process of information adoption. / Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera och beskriva hur konsumenters uppfattning skiljer sig mellan Facebook och Prisjakt gällande informationens kvalitet, avsändarens trovärdighet och effekten av eWOM-kommunikation. Tillvägagångssätt – Utifrån tidigare forskning utformades en analysmodell vars delar var de aspekter av problemet som studien syftade till att undersöka. En experimentell design tillämpades där tio studenter vid Örebro universitet fick sätta sig in i ett scenario där de tog del av eWOM-kommunikation gällande en specifik produkt på Facebook respektive Prisjakt och sedan fick svara på frågor i en intervju. Analysmodellen låg till grund för en intervjuguide som användes vid intervjun och den specifika produkten diskuterades fram med hjälp av en fokusgrupp. Slutsats – Studien illustrerar att konsumenter kan uppfatta informationens kvalitet högre på Prisjakt medan avsändarens trovärdighet kan uppfattas högre på Facebook. Trots detta är slutsatsen gällande effekten av eWOM-kommunikation i studien att informationen på Facebook tenderar att anammas till en större grad än informationen på Prisjakt. Anledningen till detta är att avsändarens trovärdighet visade sig vara av större betydelse i processen av informationsanammande.
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