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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

COIN vs DynCorp International : Hur har nyttjandet av DynCorp International påverkat Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan genom sin medverkan i utbildningen av Afghan National Police? / COIN vs DynCorp International : How has the use of DynCorp International affected the Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan through their participation in the training of Afghan National Police?

Granroth, Emanuel January 2010 (has links)
2001 störtades ett antal flygplan in i World Trade Center och Pentagon i USA, detta genomfördes av organisationen al-Qaeda med Usama Bin Laden som ledare. Påföljden av detta blev att USA inledde sitt krig mot terrorismen. Skådeplatsen för detta blev Afghanistan som sedan tidigare har varit krigshärjat av Sovjet på 80-talet. 2003 vann DynCorp sitt första kontrakt kopplat till Afghan NationalPolice, detta innebar att de ansvarade för att utbilda poliser som skulle arbeta på lägre nivåer. Då Tyskland ansvarade för utbildning av poliser på nivåerna commissioned och non-commissioned. Frågeställningen som är kopplad till denna uppsats är huruvida DynCorps aktivitet haft någon påtaglig effekt på upprorsbekämpningen som bedrivs genom Operation Enduring Freedom? Författarens slutsatser pekar på ett antal faktorer som DynCorp kan ha haft viss medverkan i, och härleder dessa till teorin kring begreppet Counter Insurgency. Dock kan författaren inte utan tvekan påvisa att det finns direkta och tydliga kopplingar till DynCorp i de avseenden då Operation Enduring Freedom har blivit lidande av hur poliserna i Afghan National Police har agerat. / 2001 the World Trade Centers were destroyed and Pentagon was damaged when a number of airplanes where deliberately crashed in to these buildings, this was carried out by the Al-Qaeda with Osama Bin Laden as their leader. The consequence of this was that the U.S. launched its war on terror. The already war torn country of Afghanistan became the target for the U.S. invasion. In 2003 DynCorp won its first contract linked to the Afghan National Police, this meant that they were responsible for training police officers who would work at lower levels. Since Germany was responsible for the training of police officers at the levels of Commissioned and Non-Commissioned. Questions which are linked to this essay are whether DynCorp’s activity had any effect on the insurgency fighting conducted throughout Operation Enduring Freedom? The author's findings point to a number of factors that DynCorp may have had some involvement, and derive them to the theory around the concept COIN. However, the author can not clearly demonstrate that there is direct and clear links to DynCorp, in the ways in which Operation Enduring Freedom has suffered from the actions taken from policemen in the Afghan National Police.

Étude des effets du peptide natriurétique atrial sur les fibroblastes : implication physiopathologique dans le remodelage cardiaque / The effects of atrial natriuretic peptide on fibroblasts : Pathophysiological implication in cardiac remodeling

Moubarak, Majed 08 December 2014 (has links)
L'ANP est une hormone cardiaque libérée lors de l'insuffisance cardiaque. Les fibroblastes cardiaques, responsables de la synthèse des composants de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC), acquièrent dans les conditions pathologiques la capacité de se différencier en myofibroblastes, conduisant ainsi à une fibrose cardiaque. Les mécanismes de régulation impliquant l'ANP et ses récepteurs (NPR) restent peu connus et font l'objet de ce travail. Les fibroblastes ventriculaires ont été isolés à partir de coeurs de rats Wistar et mis en culture afin d'induire leur différenciation. Les cultures ont ensuite été soumises à différents traitements impliqués dans la voie ANP/NPR. L'ANP diminue le taux de prolifération, la migration cellulaire, et la sécrétion de collagène des myofibroblastes. Cet effet est mimé par le 8-Br-GMPc. L'analyse protéomique et génomique a permis de confirmer la présence des récepteurs natriurétiques A et B dans nos cellules. Par ailleurs, l'expression de dix isoformes de phosphodiestérases dans les myofibroblastes a été révélée par un criblage génomique. L'inhibition non sélective de ces phosphodiestérases provoque une diminution de la prolifération et de la sécrétion de collagène. Enfin, les concentrations intracellulaires de GMPc et d'AMPc ont été trouvées augmentées en présence de l'ANP. En parallèle, la caractérisation des courants ioniques présents sur les myofibroblastes a montré une absence des courants sodique rapide et potassique ATP-dépendant. Cette étude montre le rôle de la voie ANP/NPR/GMPc dans la modulation des propriétés fibroblastiques et illustre la complexité des processus de différenciation cellulaire au cours de la fibrogenèse cardiaque. / ANP is a cardiac hormone released during heart failure and acts as a regulator of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Cardiac fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of ECM components and acquire under pathological conditions the capacity to differentiate into myofibroblasts, leading to cardiac fibrosis. Regulatory mechanisms involving ANP and its receptors (NPR) are poorly known and make the subject of our work. Ventricular fibroblasts were isolated from Wistar rat hearts and cultured to induce differentiation. The cultures were then subjected to various treatments involved in the ANP/NPR pathway. ANP decreases the proliferation rate, cell migration and collagen secretion. This effect was mimicked by 8-Br-cGMP. In addition, genomic and proteomic analysis confirmed the presence of the natriuretic receptor A and B in our cells. Furthermore, the expression of ten phosphodiesterases isoforms in the myofibroblasts was revealed by genomic screening. The non-selective inhibition of these phosphodiesterases causes a decrease in the proliferation and secretion of collagen. Finally, the intracellular concentrations of cAMP and cGMP were increased in the presence of ANP. In parallel, the characterization of ionic currents present in myofibroblasts revealed the absence of rapid sodium and potassium ATP-dependent currents. This study shows the role of the ANP/NPR/cGMP pathway in modulating fibroblast properties and exposes the complexity of the cell differentiation process during cardiac fibrogenesis.

Das atriale natriuretische Peptid hemmt den vasokonstriktorischen Effekt von Angiotensin II in der Mikrozirkulation durch die Aktivierung des Regulators des G-Protein Signalweges 2 / Atrial Natriuretic Peptide counteracts the microvascular vasoconstrictory effect of angiotensin II via activation of RGS2

Höhne, Christian January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Interaktion von ANP und Ang II im Bereich der blutdruckbestimmenden Widerstandsgefäße zu untersuchen. Ein besonderer Augenmerk wurde hierbei auch auf die Bedeutung von RGS2 gerichtet. Durch das Zusammenspiel der beiden funktionellen Antagonisten ANP und Ang II wird der Blutdruck reguliert. ANP und Ang II üben hierbei jeweils gegenteilige Effekte aus. Ang II hat vasokonstriktorische Effekte auf die Blutgefäße, vermindert die Natriurese und Diurese und erhöht den Sympathikustonus. ANP hingegen besitzt blutdruckmindernde Effekte, hervorgerufen durch Vasodilatation, gesteigerte Diurese, die Erhöhung der endothelialen Durchlässigkeit und der Hemmung des Sympathikustonus. Da nichts über die Interaktion dieser beiden Hormone in der Mikrozirkulation bekannt ist, wurden im Rahmen der Dissertation intravitalmikroskopische Studien der Mikrozirkulation des Musculus cremaster der Maus, in Anlehnung an der von Baez (1973) publizierten Methode, durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden auch die Effekte von Ang II und ANP auf den Blutdruck durch invasive Blutdruckmessung untersucht. Der Durchmesser von präkapillären Arteriolen des M. cremaster wurde vor und während lokaler Superfusion von Ang II oder ANP gemessen. Ang II löste eine konzentrationsabhängige stabile Konstriktion aus. Bei der ausschließlichen Superfusion von ANP in verschiedenen Konzentrationen hingegen, zeigte sich kein Effekt auf den basalen Vasotonus. ANP war jedoch in der Lage, an Ang II vorkontrahierten Arteriolen, den konstriktorischen Effekt von Ang II aufzuheben und sogar darüber hinaus eine ausgeprägte Vasodilatation zu bewirken. Dieser Effekt konnte auch bei der invasiven Messung des mittleren arteriellen Blutdrucks nachgewiesen werden. Der durch Ang II ausgelöste Blutdruckanstieg wurde durch die zusätzliche Infusion von ANP gemindert. Ang II aktiviert die Kontraktion von glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen durch den Gαq-gekoppelten AT1-Rezeptor. RGS2 hingegen ist ein negativer Regulator von Gαq. Da von RGS2 bekannt ist, dass er von cGKI phosphoryliert und stimuliert wird (Osei-Owusu et al., 2007), stellte sich die Frage, ob ANP über RGS2 dem vasokonstriktiven Effekt von Ang II entgegenwirkt. Bei den Versuchen an RGS2-KO Mäusen zeigt sich hierbei, dass ANP nicht mehr in der Lage ist, den vasokonstriktiven Effekt von Ang II aufzuheben. Daraus ist nun der Schluss zu ziehen, dass RGS2 eine bedeutende Rolle für die Wechselwirkung zwischen ANP und Ang II in der Mikrozirkulation spielt und somit eine wichtige Aufgabe bei der Regulation des peripheren Widerstands und des Blutdrucks hat. / The aim of this dissertation was the investigation of the interactions between ANP and Ang II in the regulation of the tone of resistance vessels, with special focus on the role of RGS2. Arterial blood pressure is regulated by the interactions of ANP and Ang II, hormones which act as functional counterparts. Ang II leads to vasoconstriction, reduces natriuresis and diuresis, and enhances sympathetic tone. ANP on the contrary has hypotensive effects, mediated by vasodilatation, diuresis, increased endothelial permeability, and inhibition of sympathetic tone. Because nothing is known about the interaction of both hormones in resistance vessels, we performed intravital microscopy studies of the mouse cremaster microcirculation. The cremaster muscle was prepared as described by Baez (1973). Furthermore the effects of ANP and Ang II on arterial blood pressure were investigated by invasive blood pressure measurements. Arteriolar diameters were measured before and during local superfusion of Ang II or ANP. Ang II induced concentration dependent stable arteriolar constrictions. ANP did not affect diameters of unstimulated arterioles. However the peptide completely reversed the vasoconstrictory effect of Ang II. Moreover, in Ang II-preconstricted arterioles, ANP provoked a prominent dilatation. The interaction between ANP and Ang II was collaborated by invasive arterial blood pressure measurements. The hypertensive effect of Ang II was partly reversed by ANP. Ang II activates smooth muscle contraction through the the Gαq-coupled AT1 -receptor. The regulator of G protein signalling RGS2 is a negative regulator of Gαq. Because RGS2 is known to be phosphorylated and thereby stabilized by cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGKI) (Osei-Owusu et al., 2007), we hypothesized that ANP counteracts the vasoconstrictory actions of Ang II by activation of RGS2. Indeed in RGS2-KO mice ANP failed to reverse the vasoconstrictory actions of Ang II. We conclude that RGS2 mediates the interplay between ANP and Ang II, which is critically involved in the regulation of peripheral resistance and arterial blood pressure.

Constructing A Competence-based Model for Choosing Engineering Professional ¡V A Case of C Company

Wang, Tzu-chieh 25 July 2007 (has links)
Since hi-technology industry production is complex and with specific flow. One step mistake may cause huge loss. The professional engineer employee who deal with process problem are getting more and more important. To win the competition and market share, TFT-LCD manufacturers aggressively invest larger and advance product line, and create big gap between human resource demand and supply. However, TFT-LCD industry just developed a few years ago in Taiwan, experience engineers are not enough to satisfy these fast expand request. To choice suitable employee from volunteers, using Competence Choosing Model is considered and efficiently in particle and in academic analysis. Most researchs discuss Competency model with scales without weight. The study constructed a competence-based model for choosing engineers professional with Analytic Network Process (ANP), and this model include weight for each item. Besides, this model could help C company to select engineering professional efficiency, reduce corporation cost. The findings are as follows: 1.Confirm key competence items for engineering professional, and built up a analysis struce. Therefore, C company may would figure out important key items. 2.Deciding weight for each competency index with Analytic Network Process. The result considered depending relationship between indices correspond with practice, clearly numerical data also help to reduce uncertin in decision process. 3.Inspect with really engineering professional performance records and weight computed results, this model could identify high performance engineering professional correctly. 4.Comparing the results come from Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process, some weight difference between these 2 methods. That means depanding and feedback relationship between indeics may not ignored.

Angstausprägung, Inflammation und neurohumorale Aktivierung bei systolischer und diastolischer Dysfunktion / Ergebnisse aus der bevölkerungsbasierten Kohortenstudie DIAST-CHF / Anxiety, inflammation and neurohumoral activation in patients with diastolic and systolic dysfunction / Results from a multicenter cohort study DIAST-CHF

Pasedach, Caroline Anna 04 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Sustentabilidade no campus: análise da relevância dos eixos temáticos da A3P – método brasileiro de práticas mais sustentáveis em instituições de ensino superior / Sustainability on campus: relevancy analysis of main themes of A3P - brazilian method more sustainable practices in higher education institutions / Sostenibilidad en el campus : análisis relevancia de los temas principales de A3P - método brasileña prácticas más sostenibles en instituciones de educación superior

Bonifácio, Wagner da Silva [UNESP] 06 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by WAGNER DA SILVA BONIFACIO null (silva_wa@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-01T03:47:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_MES_PEP_2016_07_06_WAGNER_DA_SILVA_BONIFACIO.pdf: 2999428 bytes, checksum: 2ccb63ff7e69729ee7df73e6cbf890ee (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-01T19:57:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bonifacio_ws_me_bauru.pdf: 2999428 bytes, checksum: 2ccb63ff7e69729ee7df73e6cbf890ee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-01T19:57:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bonifacio_ws_me_bauru.pdf: 2999428 bytes, checksum: 2ccb63ff7e69729ee7df73e6cbf890ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Este trabalho tem como objetivo sugerir melhorias no processo de implementação da A3P (Agenda Ambiental para Administração Pública). A proposta é analisar o seu composto, verificando-se, em sua adesão por Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), se há alguma diferença nas contribuições das ações, sugeridas em seus Eixos e Variáveis, na promoção às práticas mais sustentáveis. Para responder a essa questão, adotou-se um framework que definiu etapas de condução dos trabalhos e desenvolvimento de pesquisa junto à Instituições de Ensino, campo da pesquisa. Realizou-se a revisão de literatura para indicar obtenção das publicações sobre o tema sustentabilidade e as suas métricas na Educação Superior bem como a caracterização da A3P. Através de um levantamento de campo buscou-se parâmetros definidos por especialistas no assunto, que ajustou o formato do Modelo de Referência da ferramenta ANP (Analytical Network Process), utilizada para tratar os dados coletados e chegar às conclusões, utilizando-se o software SUPERDECISION, específico para estudos de multicritério para modelagem do problema. Na consulta às IES que já adotaram a A3P, por meio de um instrumento de coleta de dados padronizado pelo formato ANP, os dados, à partir do software, foram analisados pelo modelo matemático proposto pela ferramenta. Como resultados, escalas numéricas para Eixos e Variáveis posicionam os mesmos entre si, definindo diferentes pesos para suas contribuições relativas às práticas mais sustentáveis com a adesão à Agenda. Como contribuição, foi sugerida melhoria no processo de implementação da A3P, definindo etapas para adesão em consonância com os resultados deste trabalho, através de um framework e um check-list de conduta. / This paper aims to suggest improvements in the implementation process of A3P (Environmental Agenda for Public Administration). The proposal is to analyze your compound, checking up on its accession by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), if there is any difference in the contributions of actions suggested in their axes and variables, to promote the most sustainable practices. To answer this question, we adopted a framework that defined driving stages of the work and research development with the education institutions, research field. We conducted a literature review to indicate obtaining publications on the subject of sustainability and its metrics in higher education as well as the characterization of A3P. Through a field survey sought to parameters defined by subject matter experts, who set the format of the ANP Tool Reference Model (Analytical Network Process), used to treat the collected data and reach conclusions using the SUPERDECISION software specific to multi-criteria studies for modeling the problem. In consultation with the HEIs that have adopted the A3P through an instrument of collecting standardized data by the ANP format, the data, from the software, were analyzed by the mathematical model proposed by the tool. As a result, numerical scales for axes and Variable position the same with each other by setting different weights for their relative contributions to more sustainable practices in the implementation of Agenda. As a contribution, it was suggested improvement in the implementation of A3P process, defining steps for membership in line with the results of this work through a framework and a checklist of conduct. / CNPq: 134375/2014-9

Avaliação da genotoxicidade dos gases derivados do petróleo em trabalhadores expostos ocupacionalmente em ambiente fechado

Araújo, Ana Elizabeth Oliveira de 02 1900 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, 2008. / Submitted by Kelly Marques (pereira.kelly@gmail.com) on 2009-11-13T18:46:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_AnaElizabethOliveiraAraujo.pdf: 688497 bytes, checksum: 33d29680404575512250d741564841f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gomes Neide(nagomes2005@gmail.com) on 2009-12-23T17:17:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_AnaElizabethOliveiraAraujo.pdf: 688497 bytes, checksum: 33d29680404575512250d741564841f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2009-12-23T17:17:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_AnaElizabethOliveiraAraujo.pdf: 688497 bytes, checksum: 33d29680404575512250d741564841f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02 / Os gases derivados do petroleo sao conhecidos por causar danos a saude das pessoas expostas ocupacionalmente, de modo cronico ou agudo. Funcionarios do Laboratorio de Controle de Qualidade dos Combustiveis, da Agencia Nacional do Petroleo-ANP, situada em Brasilia (Brasil), estao expostos a varias substancias quimicas, pois realizam analises para o controle de qualidade nas amostras dos combustiveis coletadas nos 306 postos de abastecimento do Distrito federal. Os monitoramentos citogeneticos desses trabalhadores foram realizados nos linfocitos retirados do sangue periferico e nas celulas esfoliadas da bexiga, extraidas da urina. A frequencia de aberracoes cromossomicas nos linfocitos e a quantidade de micronucleos nas celulas esfoliadas da bexiga foram utilizadas como biomarcadores para analisar o risco genotoxico. Como resultado, observamos aumentos significantes desses biomarcadores, tanto no sangue como na urina, indicando que a exposicao ocupacional aos derivados do petroleo pode estar envolvida nessas alteracoes citogeneticas encontradas. Dentre todas as substancias presentes no petroleo e seus derivados, a fracao benzeno, tolueno e xileno (BTX) e bastante volatil e toxicologicamente mais perigosa ao homem, com riscos conhecidos de carcinogenese. Observou-se tambem uma correlacao direta entre o numero de aberracoes cromossomicas e a frequencia de micronucleo no grupo exposto (r = 0,74). _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / It is well-known that vapours from petroleum derivates, specially aromatic compounds such as benzene, toluene and xilene, known as BTX fraction can be hazardous to human health. Chronic and acute exposure to petroleum derivative vapours are associated with several haematological disturbances. This study was carried out in a group of 21 individuals occupationally exposed to petroleum derivative vapours in a Laboratory of Quality Control from the brazilian government. Blood and urine samples were used to analyse chromosome aberration in lymphocytes cells and micronuclei in exfoliated cells from urinary bladder respectively. These results were compared with a control group of 10 non-exposed individuals working in office. Chromosome aberrations and micronuclei frequencies were statistically increased (P < 0.05) in the exposed group. A positive relationship was found between chromosome aberration and micronuclei in the exposed group (r = 0,74).

Índice multicritério de Inovação Sustentável para avaliação de pesquisas científicas em biotecnologia

Medeiros, Rafael Lima, 92-98123-2050 23 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2017-10-18T18:37:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese_Rafaela L. Medeiros.pdf: 4587592 bytes, checksum: 006ea660e1dfbb676df7e9ccba102f07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2017-10-18T18:38:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese_Rafaela L. Medeiros.pdf: 4587592 bytes, checksum: 006ea660e1dfbb676df7e9ccba102f07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-18T18:38:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese_Rafaela L. Medeiros.pdf: 4587592 bytes, checksum: 006ea660e1dfbb676df7e9ccba102f07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-23 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The increasing number of biotechnological research in the global and Brazilian context and the scarcity of public and private resources for investments in research and development make it critical for the actors of the national innovation system to adopt evaluation methodologies and research selection With greater innovative potential for prioritization in the allocation of resources and reduction of the risk of investment or return of the financial contribution. However, innovation, as it is directly linked to the promotion of sustainability, has the function of transforming the products and technologies used by society throughout the production chain of goods and services necessary for human consumption. In this way, sustainable innovation is the development of new products, processes, services and technologies that contribute to economic development and meeting human and institutional needs, respecting natural resources and their regenerative capacity. In this context, the problem of the present research was how to evaluate the potential for sustainable innovation of biotechnological scientific research. Therefore, the main objective was to develop an index for assessing the potential for sustainable innovation in scientific research in the field of biotechnology. To accomplish this mission, the research was divided into three distinct phases. The first one consisted in the selection of the conceptual model of the index, and the Cubo Sustainable Innovation framework was chosen because it is the most robust approach in the treatment of the effects generated by innovations orientated towards sustainability. The second step was the application of the multicriteria Analytic Network Process (ANP) to the chosen framework with the objective of making the practical use of the index possible. The third step was the practical application of the index in three different case studies. In the first case study, scientific researches were carried out to obtain and use the purple starch (Dioscorea trifida L.f) with a focus on the application of food supplements, since the evaluating company was the Complevida Produtos Naturais, which operates in this segment. In the second case study, the evaluated researches had as objective the production of bioactive extracts of agroindustrial residues of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) for the manufacture of cosmetics. These surveys were evaluated by Cheiro D'Folha da Amazônia, a small company in the cosmetics sector. The third case study was carried out with the company QLuz Ecoenergia evaluating scientific research for the production of bioactive extracts of açaí agroindustrial waste (Euterpe Olereace and Euterpe Precatoria). The scientific research to obtain the purple starch obtained the score of 57.2%, the highest among those evaluated, followed by the researches of bioactive extracts of agroindustrial residues of buriti (48%) and açaí (39.6%), . The most relevant criteria were Technology, Culture, Consumption and Production and Logistics. The results showed that the scientific researches in biotechnology carried out by researchers linked to the Multi-Institutional Biotechnology Graduate Program in the Federal University of Amazonas have significant innovative potential potential, but they need adjustments to be feasible to be Produced and marketed on a production scale appropriate to the needs of the consumer markets. The main suggestions for improving the innovative potential of the research were: the construction of production units and processing of purple and / or agroindustrial residues of açaí or buriti; The promotion of marketing based on the functional properties of food and cosmetics; The participation of local communities, cooperatives or small producers as beneficiaries of the purple or agro-industrial waste of açaí or buriti; And the creation of stamps of origin linked to the Federal University of Amazonas. / O número crescente de pesquisas biotecnológicas, no contexto global e brasileiro, e a escassez de recursos públicos e privados para investimentos em atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, tornam crítico para os atores do sistema de inovação nacional a adoção de metodologias de avaliação e seleção de pesquisas com maior potencial inovador para priorização na alocação de recursos e redução do risco de investimento ou retorno do aporte financeiro. No entanto, a inovação por estar diretamente ligada à promoção da sustentabilidade exerce função de transformação dos produtos e tecnologias utilizadas pela sociedade ao longo da cadeia produtiva de bens e serviços necessários ao consumo humano. Desta forma, inovação sustentável é o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, processos, serviços e tecnologias que contribuem para o desenvolvimento econômico e atendimento das necessidades humanas e institucionais, respeitando os recursos naturais e sua capacidade regenerativa. Neste contexto, o problema da presente pesquisa foi como avaliar o potencial de inovação sustentável das pesquisas científicas biotecnológicas. Logo, o objetivo principal foi elaborar um índice para avaliação do potencial de inovação sustentável de pesquisas científicas no campo da biotecnologia. Para realizar essa missão, a pesquisa foi dividida em três fases distintas. A primeira consistiu na seleção do modelo conceitual do índice, tendo sido escolhido o framework Cubo da Inovação Sustentável por ser a abordagem mais robusta no tratamento dos efeitos gerados por inovações orientadas para a sustentabilidade. A segunda etapa foi a aplicação do método multicritério Analytic Network Process (ANP) ao framework escolhido com o objetivo de viabilizar o uso prático do índice. Já a terceira etapa foi a aplicação prática do índice em três estudos de casos distintos. No primeiro estudo de caso foram avaliadas pesquisas científicas para obtenção e uso da fécula do cará-roxo (Dioscorea trifida L.f) com enfoque na aplicação em complementos alimentares, pois a empresa avaliadora foi a Complevida Produtos Naturais que atua nesse segmento. No segundo estudo de caso, as pesquisas avaliadas tinham como objetivo a produção de extratos bioativos de resíduos agroindustriais do buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) para fabricação de cosméticos. Estas pesquisas foram avaliadas pela Cheiro D’Folha da Amazônia, uma empresa de pequeno porte do setor de cosméticos. O terceiro estudo de caso foi realizado com a empresa QLuz Ecoenergia avaliando pesquisas científicas para produção de extratos bioativos de resíduos agroindustriais do açaí (Euterpe Olereace e Euterpe Precatoria). A pesquisa científica para obtenção da fécula do cará-roxo obteve a pontuação de 57,2%, a mais elevada dentre as avaliadas, seguida pelas pesquisas de extratos bioativos de resíduos agroindustriais de buriti (48%) e açaí (39,6%). Já os critérios mais relevantes foram Tecnologia, Cultura, Consumo e Produção e Logística. Os resultados mostraram que as pesquisas científicas em biotecnologia realizadas por pesquisadores vinculados ao Programa Multi-Institucional de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (PPGBIOTEC/UFAM) possuem potencial inovador sustentável significativo, mas precisam de ajustes para que sejam viáveis de serem produzidas e comercializadas em uma escala de produção adequada para as necessidades dos mercados consumidores. As principais sugestões para melhoria do potencial inovador das pesquisas foram: a construção de unidades modelos de produção e beneficiamento de cará-roxo e/ou resíduos agroindustriais de açaí ou buriti; a promoção de um marketing baseado nas propriedades funcionais de alimentos e cosméticos; a participação de comunidades, cooperativas ou pequenos produtores locais como beneficiadores do cará-roxo ou dos resíduos agroindustriais do açaí ou buriti; e a criação de selos de procedência vinculados à Universidade Federal do Amazonas.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Leistungs- und Stoffwechselparametern im ergometrischen Test an Land und im Wasser / Comparative studies on performance and metabolic parameters in the ergometric test on land and in water

Karnahl, Brita January 2010 (has links)
Einleitung: Vorliegende empirische Daten verdeutlichen, dass in der Fachwelt zwar weites gehend Einigkeit über die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf den Organismus in Ruhe (metabolisch und endokrin) besteht, aber differente Aussagen bei Immersion und Bewegung (hämodynamisch, metabolisch und endokrin) getroffen werden. Wie unterscheidet sich die physische Beanspruchung an Land und im Wasser? Gelten die allgemeingültigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erwünschter Trainings- bzw. Belastungseffekte auch für aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen? Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Die Herzfrequenz, der systolische Blutdruck und der Sauerstoffverbrauch waren in Ruhe (baseline) an der anaeroben Schwelle und während der Ausbelastung auf dem Land und im Wasser ähnlich. Der Respiratorische Quotient wurde gering reduziert, als die Probanden im Wasser trainierten. Die Glukose- und Laktatkonzentration wurden vermindert, wohingegen die freie Fettsäurekonzentration mit der Belastung im Wasser erhöht wurde. Wasserimmersion senkte die Adrenalin- und Noradrenalinkonzentration und erhöhte die vermehrte ANP-Produktion während der Belastung. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Adrenalin und Noradrenalin) sind im Wasser geringer ausgeprägt als an Land. Hinsichtlich der Stoffwechselregulation konnte beobachtet werden, dass ANP eine Rolle bei der Regulation des Fettstoffwechsels spielt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Belastungen im Wasser vor allem eine spezifische humorale und metabolische Antwort des Organismus entlocken. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Katecholamine) im Wasser sind geringer ausgeprägt als an Land. Immersions- und Belastungseffekte scheinen teilweise konträre Reize zu sein. Es sind daher weiterhin experimentelle Untersuchungen notwendig, um die Regulationsmechanismen des Organismus zur Kompensation eines erhöhten venösen Rückstroms bei Immersion ohne und vor allem mit Bewegung zu klären. Auf Grund der geringen Unterschiede in der hämodynamischen Reaktion des Körpers bei vergleichbarer körperlicher Belastung Land vs. Wasser kann sich an den allgemeingültigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erwünschter Trainings-bzw. Belastungseffekte auch für aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen orientiert werden. / Introduction: The empirical data we have shows clearly that that there may be a large area of agreement among professionals on the effect of water as a medium on the organism at rest (metabolic and endocrinal), but different conclusions have been drawn about immersion and exercise (hemodynamic, metabolic and endocrinal). How does physical stress differ on dry land and in the water? Do the general recommendations on land apply to control of desired training or stress effects as well as for aquatic types of exercise and training? Results and discussion: The heart rate, systolic blood pressure and uptake of oxygen at rest (baseline) were similar at the anaerobic threshold and during a workout on land and in the water. The respiratory quotient was slightly reduced when the test subjects were training in the water. Their glucose and lactate concentration was lowered, whereas the free fatty acid concentration was raised during physical workload in the water. Water immersion lowered adrenalin and noradrenalin concentration and raised the increased production of ANP during workload. Load-induced increases in endocrinal parameters (adrenalin and noradrenalin) are less marked in water than on land. When it comes to regulating the metabolism, it was possible to observe that ANP plays a role in regulating lipid metabolism. The results suggest that workloads in water elicit especially a specific humoral and metabolic response from the organism. Load-induced increases of endocrinal parameters (catecholamines) in water are less marked than on land. Immersion and load effects appear to be partly contrary stimuli. For this reason, further experimental tests are required in order to clarify the organism’s regulatory mechanisms to compensate for increased venous back current when immersed without and especially with exercise. Because of the slight differences in the body’s hemodynamic response at comparable physical loads on land versus water, the generally accepted recommendations to control the desired training and physical workload effects on land can be used as the basis for aquatic types of exercise and training as well.

Analytisk Hierarkisk Process och Analystisk Nätverksprocess : Metodutvärdering

Svensson, Susanna, Wallström, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Rädslan för att bli utsatt för ett brott och därmed bygga upp en otrygghetskänsla kan hämma människor att välja en specifik väg eller att vistas på speciella platser. Gävle kommun arbetar kontinuerligt för att skapa en trygg och säker miljö för invånarna där den upplevda tryggheten är lika viktig som den faktiska. Eftersom trygghet är något som påverkar alla i samhället applicerades denna studie på en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys (MKA) på tryggaste vägvalet för gång- och cykeltrafikanter i Gävle kommun. Analysteknikerna analytisk hierarkisk process (AHP) och analytisk nätverksprocess (ANP) tillämpades för att utvärdera hur respektive teknik påverkade resultatet i en MKA. Målet med studien var att analysera skillnaderna mellan AHP och ANP samt hur de påverkar resultatet, identifiera hur kriterier och vikt styr trygghetsanalysen samt formulera förslag på andra appliceringsområden. För att erhålla lokal kännedom om samt rangordning av relevanta kriterier, ur trygghetsperspektiv vid samhällsplanering, utfördes intervjuer med en trafikplanerare, en landskapsarkitekt samt en översiktsplanerare vid Gävle kommun. Kartlagren som användes erhölls från Gävle kommun, Lantmäteriet samt Gävle Energi. Programvaror för databearbetning och analys var ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine samt SuperDecisions.  Analysresultatet visade att de tryggaste områdena är Esplanaden i centrala Gävle, norra delen av stadsdelen Sätra samt Hille i norra Gävle. Platsbesöket gav en stark bild av att villaområden kändes tryggast utifrån gång- och cykeltrafikanters behov. De primära kriterierna att vara nära belysning, ha fri sikt, att det är människor i rörelse (relaterat till byggnader och busshållplatser) samt att vara långt ifrån tunnlar uppfylldes i olika villaområden runtom i Gävle. Fördelen med AHP var att den är enkel att bygga upp och kan tydligt visualisera hur olika parametrar påverkar varandra i en hierarkisk struktur. ANP däremot var något mer avancerad även i ett enkelt nätverk, men påverkades inte av den som utförde de parvisa jämförelserna på samma sätt som i AHP, eftersom det är svårare att förutse vilken rangordning de olika kriterierna tilldelas när klustren har inre och yttre beroende samt återkoppling till varandra. / The fear of being a victim of a crime can hamper people to choose a specific path or to reside in specific locations, and thus build up a sense of insecurity. Gävle kommun have a continuously work to create a safe and secure environment for residents, where the perceived safety is as important as the actual. Because safety is something that affects all of society the study was applied on a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for the safest route selection for pedestrians and cyclists in Gävle. The analysis techniques analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and analytic network process (ANP) was applied to evaluate how each technology affected the result in MCA. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences between the techniques and how they affect the results, identify the criteria and how weight control safety analysis, and formulate suggestions for other application areas. To obtain local knowledge and ranking of relevant criteria interviews with a traffic planner, a landscape architect and an overview planner at Gävle kommun was conducted. Software for data processing and analysis was ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine and SuperDecisions. After analyzing the results a site visit were performed. The site visit gave indications of the residential areas as safe due to the needs of a pedestrian or cyclist. The primary criteria are to be close to lighting, have a clear view, that there are people in motion (related to buildings and bus stops) and to be far from tunnels met in residential areas in different parts of Gävle. One advantage with the AHP was the simplicity of the hierarchical structure and the easy way of demonstrating the results. ANP on the other hand was more complex due to the network model. The pairwise comparisons did not get as much influence from the decision maker as in the AHP.

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