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Acid Sulfate Soils and Metal Accumulation in Sediments in Rosån Catchment, Northern Sweden / Sura Sulfatjordar och Ackumulation av Metaller i Sediment Från Rosåns Avrinningsområde, Norra SverigeLindström, Carola January 2017 (has links)
Global environmental concerns arise when marine deposits with fine-grained iron sulfide-rich sediments (FeS and FeS2), now situated above sea level, oxidize from anthropogenic lowering of the groundwater table. The oxidation of iron sulfides decreases the soil pH and the acidic environment of these Acid Sulfate Soils (AS) soils increase weathering and mobilization of metals into adjacent watercourses, lakes and estuaries. Low pH and enhanced concentrations of metals are known to influence water quality negatively, causing fish kills and reduced aquatic diversity. Sulfide rich sediments were deposited in the Baltic Sea after the last glaciation and are now abundantly found along the coasts of for example the Bothnian Bay as a result of isostatic rebound. Recent studies from Finland have stated associations between leached (AS) soils and increased concentrations of metals in estuary sediments, thus the effects are likely to be similar in Sweden. With financial support from the Interreg Nord project “Ecological restoration in coastal river basins in the Bothnian Bay” in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), sediments from three lakes and two estuarine sites in the Rosån catchment in Norrbotten county, northern Sweden, were sampled and analyzed with fpXRF, ICP-MS and LOI methods. Elemental concentrations and organic contents were compared to establish accumulation trends over time and relationships between metal concentrations in recently deposited sediments and potential influence from previously sampled (AS) soils. Correlations in time, to anthropogenic activity, such as ditching were also considered. A primary allover trend with increasing concentrations of Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Cupper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Zinc (Zn), was noticed in a majority of the lake and estuary sediment samples. With some site variation, also two discrete peaks at different depth, were found in the upper 20 to 30 cm of the sampled sediments. Significant correlations to organic matter were also found for a considerable amount of the elements. Soil samples from (AS) soils in areas related to Rosån show pH values as low as 2.62 and oxidation depths down to 170 cm. Substantial elemental depletion in the oxidized zone suggest increased weathering, leaching and mobilization of Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, REE, Zn and to some extent As, Cu, Fe and Pb from the soil, as a consequence of the acidic environment. A relationship between (AS) soils and increased metal concentrations is therefore likely. The sedimentation rate of roughly 0.2 cm/year was calculated from the separation age of the lakes and the sediment depth to an interpreted transition from more marine environment to lake settings. Consequently the distinct peaks of increased metal concentrations are thus suggested to be related to anthropogenic activities as for example improved drainage methods after the Second World War, but proper dating of the sediments is needed to establish any certain correlations. / På senare tid har man uppmärksammat de miljöproblem som uppstår när finkorniga sediment, innehållande järnsulfider, oxiderar på grund av mänsklig påverkan, t ex. dikning, eller annan typ av aktivitet som sänker grundvattennivån. När järnsulfiderna oxiderar bildas svavelsyra som gör att pH- värdet i marken blir väldigt lågt. Den sura miljön i dessa så kallade sura sulfatjordar, gör i sin tur att mineraler i marken vittrar fortare med påföljden att både surt vatten och ökade mängder metaller, sprids till närliggande vattendrag, sjöar och hav. Lågt pH och höga halter av metaller i vatten påverkar även vattenkvalitén negativt och har rapporterats orsaka fiskdöd och minskad akvatisk mångfald. Sura sulfatjordar är globalt förekommande och återfinns bland annat längs Bottenvikens kuster. De har kunnat bildas genom att sulfidhaltiga sediment, som avsattes i Östersjön efter den senaste istiden, nu befinner sig ovan havsnivån på grund av landhöjningen. I Finland har man i flera studier sett ett samband mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta kustsediment och man kan anta att liknande förhållande gäller även i Sverige. Med finansiellt stöd från EU-projektet “Kustmynnande Vattendrag i Bottenviken-Metodutveckling och Ekologisk Restaurering” (Interreg Nord) genom Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) och i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten, har bottensediment från tre sjöar och två fjärdar i Rosåns avrinningsområde i Norrbotten provtagits och analyserats. För att fastställa hur koncentrationerna har förändrats över tiden har metallhalterna i de nyligen avsatta sedimenten jämförts med koncentrationerna i äldre sediment. Även jordprofiler från sura sulfatjordar i området har studerats för att kunna utvärdera ett ev. samband mellan urlakade ämnen i jordarna och ökade halter i sedimenten. Granskning av hur långt metallerna transporteras i systemet har gjorts, liksom försök att hitta kopplingar i tiden till mänsklig påverkan som t.ex. dikning. I de översta sedimenten kan man, förutom en generellt ökande trend av aluminium (Al), arsenik (As), kadmium (Cd), kobolt (Co), koppar (Cu), järn (Fe), mangan (Mn), nickel, (Ni) bly (Pb), sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE) och zink (Zn), också se tydliga toppar med ökade halter av dessa ämnen på minst två specifika djup. De sura sulfatjordarna, som uppmätte pH-värden ner till 2,62, visade tecken på urlakning av Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, REE, Zn och till viss del också As, Cu, Fe och Pb, varpå en trolig relation mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta sediment kan fastställas. En uppskattning av ackumulationshastigheten, som gjordes utifrån när de provtagna sjöarna skiljdes från havet, och sedimentdjupet som visar övergången från hav till sjö, visar att de observerade topparna av ökade metallkoncentrationer i sedimenten skulle kunna vara förknippade med dikning i början av 1900-talet och efter andra världskriget. För en säker bestämning av sambandet till specifika händelser behövs dock en riktig datering.
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Biodiversité spécifique et fonctionnelle des berges de cours d'eau : caractérisation des ouvrages de protection de berges suivant un gradient de "naturalité" / Riverbanks specific and fonctionnal biodiversity : a characterization of riverbank protection works depending on a naturality gradientCavaille, Paul 26 June 2014 (has links)
Les berges de cours d'eau constituent des zones d'interface (ou écotones) entre milieux terrestres et aquatiques, elles présentent une très grande richesse biologique, tant pour la flore que pour la faune. Les berges jouent également un rôle majeur de corridor biologique pour les vertébrés et les invertébrés. L'anthropisation croissante de ces milieux conduit fréquemment à leur stabilisation avec des techniques de protection de berges. Ces techniques de protection sont nombreuses et variées. Certains ouvrages sont purement minéraux et uniquement constitués de béton ou d'enrochement, d'autres par contre sont entièrement constitués de matériaux vivants et biodégradables (boutures, géotextiles, pieux…). Enfin, certains ouvrages sont dits «mixtes» et associent matériaux minéraux (enrochements, grillages…) et vivants. Le type de matériaux et leurs conditions de mise en oeuvre vont influer sur les capacités d'accueil de la biodiversité de ces différents ouvrages.L'objectif de ce travail est de quantifier et d'analyser la biodiversité taxonomique et fonctionnelle de ces berges aménagées, dans la perspective de contribuer à l'amélioration du fonctionnement écologique de ces milieux et des services écosystémiques associés.Dans ce travail nous avons évalué les diversités taxonomiques et fonctionnelles des plantes vasculaires terrestres, des coléoptères aériens et des macroinvertébrés benthiques présents en pied de berge de plusieurs types d'aménagement de berge. Ces résultats ont fait l'objet d'une analyse comparative avec ceux des berges de référence subnaturelles à saulaies basses.Nous avons ainsi montré que les techniques issues du génie végétal engendraient des diversités taxonomiques et fonctionnelles, animales et végétales, significativement plus grandes que celles observées sur les aménagements issus du génie civil. D'autre part, la compétition interspécifique sur les aménagements issus du génie végétal limite le développement et l'invasion des espèces végétales néophytes. Enfin, la structure et le fonctionnement des communautés d'organismes terrestres et aquatiques sont largement dépendants de la technique d'aménagement et des conditions biotiques et abiotiques associées. / Riverbanks are interfaces (or ecotones) between terrestrial and aquatic areas, they have a great biodiversity for both flora and fauna. Riverbanks also contribute to the set up of the biological corridor for vertebrates and invertebrates migrations. The increasing human impact on these environments often leads to their stabilization using several bank protection techniques. These techniques are many and varied. Some techniques are purely mineral and only consist of concrete or rock; others consist entirely of organic or even living materials (Geotextiles, cuttings, woody stakes...). Finally, some works are identified as "mixed" and they combine mineral (stones, blocs...) and alive materials. The material constitution and their implementation will affect the biodiversity of each riverbank work.This study aims to quantify and analyze the taxonomic and functional biodiversity of the riverbank works in order to improve our understanding of the ecological functioning of these anthropogenic areas and associated ecosystem services.In this work, we surveyed taxonomic and functional diversities of vascular land plants, flying and ground beetles and benthic macroinvertebrates supported on each riverbank and according to bank management type. These results have been benchmarked with subnatural low willow stand banks taken as control banks.We show that techniques stemmed from bioengineering lead to significantly larger plant and animal, taxonomic and functional diversity, than those surveyed on riverbanks stemmed from civil engineering. On the other hand, interspecific competition on the bioengineering techniques limits the development and invasion of plant species neophytes. Finally, community structures and functioning of terrestrial and aquatic organisms are largely dependent on the riverbank technique and associated biotic and abiotic conditions.
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Avaliação da taxa de remoção de material dissolvido devido ao intemperismo químico da formação Serra Geral na bacia do Ribeirão Preto /Santos, Carolina Mathias dos. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Este trabalho visou avaliar a taxa de remoção de material dissolvido devido ao intemperismo químico da rochas da Formação Serra Geral na bacia do Ribeirão Preto (SP). A taxa de intemperismo em rochas é um parâmetro de extrema importância na caracterização geomorfológica dos continentes, de maneira que todas as ferramentas disponíveis devem ser empregadas na sua avaliação, inserindo-se nesse contexto o método utilizado neste trabalho. Para tanto, foi avaliada a concentração dos principais cátions e ânions nas águas pluviais e fluviais desta bacia. A bacia do Ribeirão Preto apresenta sérios problemas ambientais na qualidade das águas pluviais e fluviais, que provavelmente estão interferindo no estudo do intemperismo das rochas nesta bacia. A taxa de intemperismo utilizando o Ca como traçador natural indicou um valor de 24,48 ton/km2/ano para as rochas da Formação Serra Geral encontradas na bacia do Ribeirão Preto. Assim, com este resultado, é possível indicar a seguinte seqüência de intemperismo para as rochas da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná: rochas ígneas básicas>arenitos>argilitos/siltitos. / Abstract: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the chemical weathering of the rocks from Serra Geral Formation at Ribeirão Preto basin (SP). The weathering rate in rocks is a parameter of extreme importance in the geomorphological characterization of the continents, and, therefore, all available tools must be used for its evaluation, including the method utilized in this work. In order to perform this, the major cations and anions concentrations were evaluated in rain and surface waters from this basin. The Ribeirão Preto basin has serious environmental problems in the quality of the rain and surface waters, which probably affect the study of the weathering of the rocks in this basin. The weathering rate utilizing the Ca as a natural tracer indicated a value of 24.48 ton/km2/year to rocks from Serra Geral Formation found at Ribeirão Preto basin. Thus, with this result, it is possible to indicate the following sequence of the weathering rates to rocks from Paraná Sedimentary basin: basic igneous rocks>sandstones>mudstones/siltstones. / Orientador: Fabiano Tomazini da Conceição / Coorientador: Marcos Aurélio Farias de Oliveira / Banca: Antonio Donizetti Gonçalves de Souza / Banca: Maria Margarita Torres Moreno / Mestre
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Geoglifos, zanjas ou earthworks? Levantamento geral dos sítios arqueológicos com estruturas de terra em vala no médio rio Guaporé (RO) e análise comparada com os demais sítios no Sudoeste da Bacia Amazônica. / Geoglifos, zanjas or earthworks? Survey of archaeological sites with anthropogenic ditch structures in the Guaporé river (brazilian state of Rondonia) and comparative analysis with the other sites in southwest amazona basinTrindade, Thiago Berlanga 06 July 2015 (has links)
Estudo sistemático de sítios com estruturas de terra em vala (mais conhecidos por \"geoglifos\") na calha direita do médio rio Guaporé, entre as cidades de São Francisco do Guaporé e Costa Marques, estado de Rondônia. Nesta região - nos limites sudoeste da floresta tropical que recobre a maior parte da bacia Amazônica - o conhecimento prévio de tais estruturas levou à prospecção e, com efeito, identificação de novos sítios a partir da análise de imagens aéreas disponibilizadas pelo programa Google Earth 5.1. Posteriormente, a recuperação de uma série de dados sobre estes sítios foi analisada de forma comparada aos demais sítios arqueológicos com estruturas de terra similares conhecidos no sudoeste da bacia Amazônica através de um SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) criado com o auxílio do programa ArcGIS 10.1. Além dos dados desse levantamento e da análise cruzada entre os atributos físicos e formais dos sítios levantados (tanto através da bibliografia consultada quanto através dos novos levantamentos remotos) esta dissertação apresenta também pequeno histórico de pesquisas sobre o tema, os conceitos teóricos que norteiam o seu estudo bem como a metodologia empregada durante seu levantamento e análise. / This work presents the general survey for new archaeological sites with anthropogenic ditched earthworks (also known as \"geoglyphs\" in Brazil) founded at the right margin of the middle Guaporé river, estate of Rondonia, Brazil. In this region - at the limits of the southwestern boarder of the Tropical Rain Forest in the Amazon river basin - the preview knowledge of structures like the ones cited above lead to the discovery of new sites out of the satellite imagery recovered from Google Earth software. After the discovery of these sites, their physical and formal attributes were analyzed comparatively with similar archaeological sites founded in western amazon with the help of an GIS (Geographical Information System) created in the ArcGIS ArcGIS 10.1 software platform. Beside the data from this survey and the comparative analysis made of them, this work also presents a little summary of the research focused on the theme, the theoretical concepts and the methodology used in the survey and analysis of these archaeological sites.
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Levantamento de agentes infecciosos nas sub-populações de sauim-de-coleira (Saguinus bicolor) na cidade de Manaus, Estado de Amazonas / Infectious agents survey in pied tamarins subpopulations in Manaus, Amazonas StateSolorio, Monica Romero 10 February 2015 (has links)
Estudos tem salientado que a expansão urbana, fragmentação do habitat, desmatamento e sobreposição das áreas de vida das populações humanas e silvestres tem constribuido para o surgimento de doenças emergentes e reemergentes nas últimas décadas. A paisagem da floresta amazônica vem sofrendo constantemente a dominância antropica e como resultado suas populações silvestres encontram-se cada vez mais expostas ao contato com populações humanas e domesticas com um alto risco de transmissão de agentes infecciosos. A cidade de Manaus, localizada na Amazônia Brasileira, tem afrontado um crescimento desordenado e vertiginoso devido ao seu desenvolvimento industrial causando uma alteração constante em sua paisagem; representando um modelo potencialmente útil para entender os mecanismos de transmissão de doenças. Os primatas são as espécies evolutivamente mais próximas dos humanos e essa proximidade filogenética tem facilitado o compartilhamento de diversos agentes infecciosos. O presente estudo propõe utilizar subpopulações de sauim-de-coleira (Saguinus bicolor) que ocupam os fragmentos urbanos de Manaus como espécie sentinela, para avaliar a presença de agentes infecciosos na interface-humano primata. A pesquisa objetiva também determinar se a perturbação antrópica dos locais de estudo estaria favorecendo a transmissão desses agentes. Entre os anos 2011 e 2014 um total de 55 sauins de coleira foram capturados em 9 fragmentos florestais urbanos e 1 area controle. Análises moleculares foram realizados para detectar Rotavirus A, Hantavirus, Coronavirus, Flavivirus, Enterovirus, Influenza A, Adenovirus, Metapneumovirus, Virus Sincitial Respiratório Humano, Parainfluenza 1, 2, 3, 4, Virus do Oeste de Nilo e Plasmodium spp. Os resultados indicaram uma prevalência para Hantavírus de (4/48), Rotavírus (9/48). Pela primeira vez é detectada a presença de hantavírus em primatas neotropicais. Nossos dados indicaram que a presença de infeção estaria associada com a existência de algum tipo de impacto antrópico nos locais pesquisados. Nenhum indivíduo resultou infectado na area controle. / In past decades, numerous studies have highlighted how urban expansion, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, and superposition of human and wildlife population areas contribute to surges in emergent and reemergent diseases. As a result of continuing anthropogenic disturbance in the Amazon, wildlife populations find themselves increasingly exposed to human populations and their domestic animals, bringing higher risks of transmission of a variety of infectious agents. Manaus, located in the Brazilian Amazon, represents a potentially useful model to understand the mechanisms of disease transmission. The city has undergone a disorganized and precipitous growth with ongoing industrial development, causing constant landscape alteration. Because non-human primates are closely evolutionary related to humans they share a diversity of infectious agents. The present study proposes to use subpopulations of Pied tamarins (Saguinus bicolor) occupying urban forest fragments in Manaus as a flagship species to evaluate the presence of infectious agents at the human-nonhuman primate interface. It will also assess whether anthropogenic perturbation at sites favors transmission of agents within this human dominated matrix. During the period of 2011-2014 a total of 55 pied tamarins in 9 urban forest fragments and 1 control area. Molecular analyses were performed for the detection of Rotavirus, Hantavirus, Coronavirus, Flavivirus, Enterovirus, Influenza A, Adenovirus, Metapneumovirus, Sincytial Human Respiratory virus, Parainfluenza 1, 2, 3, 4, West Nile Virus and Plasmodium spp. The results indicate prevalence for Hantavirus (n =4/48) and Rotavirus (n =9/48). This is the first record of Hantavirus in neotropical primates. Data indicate that the presence of infection in the study sites could be associated with anthropogenic impact. The control area resulted uninfected.
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Geomorfologia Urbana Histórica aplicada à análise das inundações na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Mooca - São Paulo/SP / Urban Historic Geomorphology applied to the analysis of floods in the Mooca Stream basin - São Paulo/SPBerges, Barbara 03 October 2013 (has links)
Com base nos procedimentos metodológicos da Geomorfologia Antropogênica (RODRIGUES 1997a, 1997b, 2004, 2005 e 2010) e na abordagem da Geomorfologia Urbana Histórica, esse trabalho objetiva avaliar as correlações entre as intervenções urbanas nos sistemas hidromorfológicos e as tendências espaciais e frequência das inundações na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Mooca. Para essa avaliação foram gerados o mapa da morfologia original na escala de 1:25.000, para o reconhecimento das tendências originais dos processos hidromorfológicos, e os mapas do uso do solo de diversos anos (1952, 1962, 1972, 1994 e 2008), para investigar a história cumulativa das intervenções urbanas e obter dados de indicadores morfológicos e de materiais superficiais para a avaliação dos impactos da urbanização (RODRIGUES, 2010). Foram também identificados os eventos de inundação que ocorreram na bacia do Córrego da Mooca entre os anos de 1971 e 2011, com base nos reportagens dos jornais Gazeta da Vila Prudente e Folha de Vila Prudente. Os 85 eventos de inundação identificados no levantamento histórico foram mapeados e suas informações sistematizadas no quadro de geoindicadores de mudanças. Com base nessa sistematização foram selecionados indicadores para a avaliação das variáveis antrópicas e naturais na ocorrência das inundações. Os resultados obtidos permitiram avaliar que as inundações ocorrem em setores da antiga planície de inundação onde as tendências da morfologia original foram potencializadas pela morfologia antropogênica. Identificou-se também que os eventos de inundação relatados ao longo de 40 anos foram mais frequentes nas faixas de precipitação com o total diário de até 60 mm, sendo que 82,5% ocorreram na faixa entre 0,1 e 15 mm. Além disso, concluiu-se que há uma tendência positiva entre o aumento da frequência e magnitude das inundações e as transgressões nos sistemas hidromorfológicos pela urbanização. Dessa forma, as derivações antrópicas são variáveis indispensáveis para o entendimento das tendências espaço-temporais das inundações em bacias hidrográficas urbanizadas. / Based on the methodological procedures of Anthropogenic Geomorphology (RODRIGUES 1997a, 1997b, 2004, 2005 and 2010) and the approach of the Urban Historical Geomorphology, this work aims to evaluate the correlation between urban interventions in hydromorphological systems and spatial trends and frequency of flooding in the Mooca Stream basin. For this evaluation and for the recognition of original hydromorphological processes trends were generated a map of the original morphology on the scale of 1:25,000 and land use maps from different years (1952, 1962, 1972, 1994 and 2008). Those maps were used to investigate the cumulative history of urban interventions and obtain data from morphological indicators and surface materials for assessing the impacts of urbanization (RODRIGUES, 2010). Flood events that occurred in the Mooca Stream basin between the years 1971 and 2011, were also identified based on newspaper reports of Gazeta da Vila Prudente and Folha de Vila Prudente. The 85 flood events identified in the historical survey were mapped and their information were systematized in framework geoindicators changes. Based on this systematic indicators were selected for the assessment of natural and anthropogenic variables on the occurrence of floods. The results obtained allowed us to evaluate the occurrence of floods in particular sectors of the old floodplain where original morphology probably were potentiated by anthropogenic morphology. It was also found that the flood events reported over 40 years were more frequent in total daily precipitation of up to 60 mm, and 82.5% occurred between 0.1 and 15 mm. Furthermore, the major positive correlationshipe between the analised variables is the frequency and magnitude of floods with the rate of spatial transgressions in hydromorphological systems by urbanization. Thus it was concluded that more studies that discriminate in the derivations anthropogenic are indispensable for modeling and understanding the spatial and temporal trends of flooding in urbanized watersheds.
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Avaliação da contaminação nos principais corpos d\'água do município de São Carlos/SP / Assessment of the contamination of the main water bodies in São Carlos/SPBaio, José Augusto Fragale 18 November 2009 (has links)
Os corpos d\'água do município de São Carlos/SP recebem esgotos domésticos, efluentes industriais e agrícolas, de tal forma que se propôs neste trabalho a identificação de possíveis correlações entre a contaminação antropogênica dos cursos d\'água com as fontes poluidoras. Escolheram-se 27 pontos de amostragem - localizados de maneira estratégica - para analisarem-se os parâmetros: pH, condutividade, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura e sólidos totais dissolvidos, na água; nutrientes (nitrogênio total Kjeldahl, fósforo total e carbono orgânico) e metais (Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn e Al) na água e nos sedimentos; além de ânions (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, SO42- e PO43-) e cátions (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+ e Ca2+) na água. A partir do conjunto de dados obtidos das análises, propôs-se o cálculo de um índice de qualidade (IQASC), de modo que pudesse ser feita a quantificação da qualidade da água destes cursos d\'água nos períodos das chuvas (verão) e das secas (inverno). Observou-se através dos valores dos índices que a sazonalidade é muito importante na qualidade dos cursos d\'água do município, de modo que no período das chuvas a qualidade da água é melhor do que no período das secas na maioria dos pontos de coleta. Utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman para distinguir se nutrientes, íons e metais poderiam vir da mesma fonte de poluição ou se os mesmo são devidos a contribuições naturais dos solos. Fizeram-se análises quimiométricas (HCA e PCA) com intenção de uma melhor interpretação dos resultados, pois o grande conjunto de dados dificultava a visualização dos mesmos. O método do \"refolding\" da matriz aumentada foi importante para, a partir dos parâmetros analisados, separarem-se os escores geográficos dos temporais. Através da HCA, obteve-se a separação da maioria dos grupos segundo as campanhas de amostragem, de tal forma que apenas em um ou dois dos grupos, no máximo, ocorreu à mistura de pontos de diferentes épocas de coleta. Na PCA, diferenciaram-se alguns grupos de amostras, a partir dos quais se pôde descobrir quais dos parâmetros analisados eram devidos a contaminação antropogênica ou contribuição natural dos solos. Através da análise dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que os pontos do Córrego do Gregório dentro do perímetro urbano, do Córrego do Tijuco Preto próximos da nascente, do Córrego Água Quente após receber o esgoto do bairro Cidade Araci e alguns pontos do Rio Monjolinho estão impactados pela presença de esgoto doméstico. / The water bodies of São Carlos/SP receive domestic sewage besides industrial and agricultural wastewaters, so that it was proposed in this work the identification of possible correlations between the waterways anthropogenic contamination and the pollution sources. Twenty-seven sampling points were chosen - strategically located - in order to analyze the following parameters: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and total dissolved solids in the water; nutrients (total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, and organic carbon) and metals (Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Al) in the water and sediments; anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, SO42- e PO43-) and cations (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+ e Ca2+) in the water. From the set of data obtained in the analyses, it has been proposed the calculation of a quality index (IQASC), so that the quantification of the water quality could be performed, during the summer (rainy weather) and the winter (dry weather). It was observed through the values of the indices that the seasonality is very important for the quality of watercourses in the city, so that during the rainy season the water quality is better than in the dry one in the majority of the sampling points. The Spearman correlation was used in order to distinguish if nutrients, ions, and metals could come from the same source of pollution or if the contributions are of naturally origin. Chemometric analyses (HCA and PCA) were also performed for better interpreting the results, due to the large amount of data. The method of refolding the augmented matrix was important for, through the analyzed data, separating geographical and temporal scores. Through the HCA, the separation of the majority of the groups according to the sampling campaigns was achieved. In one or two groups only the mixture of sampling campaigns were observed. The PCA differentiated some groups of samples, allowing the association of the parameters to anthropogenic or natural sources. By analyzing the obtained results, it could be concluded that the Gregório Stream (inside the urban perimeter), the Tijuco Preto Stream (near its spring), the Água Quente Stream after receiving the sewage of Cidade Araci Suburb, and some points of Monjolinho River are impacted by the presence of domestic sewage.
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Estruturas das comunidades e caracterizações metabólicas de leveduras em solos de Terra Preta Antropogênica / The communities structures and metabolic characterizations of yeasts in Anthropogenic Dark Earth soilsBigaton, Ademir Durrer 30 August 2010 (has links)
A Terra Preta Antropogênica (TPA) é considerada um dos solos mais férteis do mundo, constituída de pequenas faixas e distribuídos aleatoriamente pela região Amazônica. Sua denominação é decorrente da presença de grupos pré-históricos que viveram nestes sítios arqueológicos ao longo dos rios da Amazônia, principalmente Central e Oriental. A grande quantidade de material deixado por esses grupos indígenas como fragmentos cerâmicos, carvão, artefatos líticos, restos de animais e vegetais promoveu uma elevada concentração de matéria orgânica, fósforo, cálcio, magnésio, manganês e zinco. Contudo, pouco se conhece sobre a diversidade e funcionalidade microbiana na TPA sendo; tal conhecimento fundamental para auxiliar na formação e manutenção destes solos, levando ao desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis de agricultura que conservem a biodiversidade. Dentre os microrganismos, as leveduras apresentam um papel de destaque na indústria e mesmo no ambiente. Este grupo esta correlacionado a processos fermentativos de diversos tipos de açúcares, produção de vitaminas, enzimas, lipídeos e polissacarídeos. Além disso, sua presença em solos é diversificada e variável quanto à abundância e espécies presentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as estruturas das comunidades de leveduras presentes nos solos de TPA, compará-las com as suas adjacências e correlacionar a possíveis diferenças apresentadas com os atributos químicos do solo. Além disso, testes metabólicos para o consumo de carboidratos e produção de micotoxinas foram efetuados buscando uma melhor compreensão da funcionalidade das leveduras nos ambientes estudados. No isolamento foram identificadas 13 espécies na TPA, 9 nos solos adjacentes e seis comuns ao dois ambientes. As leveduras dos solos adjacentes demonstraram-se capazes de consumir um maior número de carboidratos distintos, especialmente: amido, celobiose e L-arabinose. Na análise de DGGE as comunidades de TPAs apresentaram-se distintas e com maiores índices de diversidade e riqueza, quando comparadas aos seus solos adjacentes. Atributos químicos do solo como: P, matéria orgânica (MO), soma de bases (SB), Al, K, Fe e Mg foram determinantes para a diferenciar as comunidades de leveduras dos solos adjacentes e da Terra Preta. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a comunidade de leveduras presentes nos diferentes sítios de TPA e adjacência são diferentes na sua estrutura e diversidade de espécies, estando isto correlacionado as distintas propriedades químicas dos solos estudados / Anthropogenic Dark Earth (ADE) is considered one of the most fertile soils of the world, consisting in small areas and randomly distributed throughout the Amazonian region. Its name derives from the presence of prehistoric groups who lived in these archaeological sites along the Amazonian rivers, mainly Central and Eastern. The large amount of material left by these indigenous groups as pottery fragments, charcoal, lithic artifacts, the remains of animals and vegetables promoted a high concentration of organic matter, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. However, little is known about the microbial diversity and functionality in ADE being this, fundamental to the knowledge of the formation and maintenance of these soils, leading to the development of sustainable farming practices that conserve the biodiversity. Among the microorganisms, the yeasts have interesting functionalities in the industry and even the environment. This group is correlated with fermentation processes of the several kinds of sugars, production of vitamins, enzymes, lipids and polysaccharides. Furthermore, its presence in soil is diverse and variable in abundance and species presence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the structures of the yeast communities present in the soil of ADE, to compare them with their surroundings and to correlate possible differences presented with the soil chemical properties. In addition, tests for metabolic consumption of carbohydrates and mycotoxin production were performed, seeking a better understanding of the yeast functionality in this study. In isolation were identified 13 species in the ADE , 9 in adjacent soil and six were common to both environments. Yeasts presents in adjacent soils shown are able to consume more distinct carbohydrates, especially: starch, cellobiose and L-arabinose. In DGGE analysis, the communities of ADE presented distinct and with higher levels of diversity and richness when compared to their adjacent soils. Soil chemical attributes as: P, organic matter (OM), total bases (SB), Al, K, Fe and Mg were determinates to differentiate yeast communities of adjacent soils and ADE. The results showed that yeast community in the different sites of ADE and adjacency are different in structure and diversity of the species, being this correlated to the different chemical properties found in these soils
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-27 / This study aims the characterization of the bird community structure of
savanna areas from the middle-inferior section of the Ribeirão João Leite basin,
Goiás. The avifauna data was collected every two month between August/2004
and June/2005 in 22 sampling points, which are located in the conservation unit
Parque Ecológico Altamiro de Moura Pacheco and in pasture areas. The
methodology used was sampling points with minimum distance of 200m
between points, where the birds observed during 20 minutes were identified and
counted. 5,834 specimens, distributed in 21 orders, 54 families and 184 species
were catalogued. 114 represent species with forest and rural habits, 31 are
strictly rural, 20 are forest and 19 of aquatic environments. The Cluster Analysis
indicated the presence of two distinct groups (A and B) (p=0.008) and five subgroups
(I, II, III, IV and V) (p=0.04). The group "A" and sub-group I and II
corresponds to the points located in forest areas and riparian vegetation, where
174 insectivorous species (3,887 specimens) were catalogued and of which 27
are constant such as Momotus momota, Basileuterus flaveolus and Monasa
nigrifons. The group "B" and sub-group III, IV and V is formed by points located
in anthropic areas, where avifauna presents minor richness (111 species) and
abundance (1,947 specimens) with predominance of granivorous species such
as Columbina talpacoti, Patagioenas picazuro and Jacarina volatinia. These
results indicate the influence of preserved areas of savanna on the avifauna
structure. / O presente estudo objetiva a caracterização da estrutura das
comunidades de aves em áreas de Cerrado, antropizadas ou não, localizadas
na região médio-inferior da sub-bacia do Ribeirão João Leite, Goiás. Os dados
da avifauna foram coletados bimestralmente entre agosto de 2004 e junho de
2005 em 22 pontos amostrais, os quais estão localizados em áreas
conservadas do Parque Ecológico de Moura Pacheco e em áreas antropizadas
(pastagens). A metodologia utilizada foi a de amostragem por pontos com
distância mínima de 200m entre um ponto amostral e outro, onde foram qualiquantificadas
as aves observadas num período de 20 minutos. Foram
catalogados 5.834 espécimes, distribuídos em 21 ordens, 54 famílias e 184
espécies. Destas últimas, 114 representam espécies com hábitos florestais e
campestres, 31 estritamente campestres, 20 estritamente florestais e 19 de
ambientes aquáticos. A Análise de Agrupamento indicou a presença de dois
grupos distintos (A e B) (p=0,008) e cinco subgrupos (I,II,III,IV e V) (p= 0,04). O
grupo A e subgrupo I e II correspondem a pontos localizados em áreas
florestais e de mata de galeria, onde 174 espécies insetívoras (3.887
espécimes) foram catalogadas e das quais 27 são constantes como é o caso
de Hudu (Momotus momota), Mariquita (Basileuterus flaveolus), e Bico-debrasa
(Monasa nigrifons). O grupo B e subgrupo III, IV e V é formado por
pontos localizados em regiões antropizadas, onde a avifauna apresenta menor
riqueza (111 espécies) e abundância (1.947 espécimes) sendo esta
predominantemente granívora como Sangue-de-boi (Columbina talpacoti),
Pomba-asa-branca (Patagioenas picazuro) e Tiziu (Volatinia jacarina). Estes
resultados indicam a influência de áreas conservadas sobre a estrutura da
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The biomass and biodiversity of African savanna woodlands : spatial patterns, environmental correlates and responses to land-use changeMcNicol, Iain Morton January 2015 (has links)
Tropical savannas and woodlands are the dominant vegetation cover in Southern Africa covering 4 million km2. Their large spatial extent means they are potentially a globally important store of biomass carbon with implications for global climate, and an area of high biodiversity value. They provide natural resources such as food, fuel and timber that help sustain the livelihoods of over 100 million people. The ability of these savanna woodlands to maintain these important ecological functions is under question due to increases in land use and land cover change. This thesis addresses a set of science questions aimed at (i) improving our knowledge of the amount of carbon and biodiversity stored in these ecosystems and how they co-vary, (ii) how these variables are spatially distributed at landscape scales and the factors which underlie these patterns, and (iii) how they respond over time to human disturbance. In Chapter 2 I examine how patterns in aboveground woody carbon storage (AGC) are linked to differences in forest structure, tree species diversity and floristic composition across a recently established network of 25 permanent sample plots in south-east Tanzania. Large stems were a significant contributor to plot-level AGC stocks with the top 3% of individuals (>40cm) in terms of size containing 35% of the total measured C. This data can potentially be used to simplify future measurements of biomass in these systems. Tree species diversity was positively related to AGC indicating the potential to align forest conservation efforts. The linear relationship suggests a functional relationship between the variables and is consistent with ecological theory on niche complementarity and selection effects, however based on the available data the mechanisms underlying this relationship can only be theorised. Changes in tree species composition were also noted across plots with differences in vegetation structure between plots explaining 16% of the variation in composition, with environmental differences related to climate and soils explaining only 3%. In Chapter 3, the focus shifts to understanding larger-scale spatial patterns in AGC. Field plots are spatially limited in this regard, therefore radar remote sensing data was used to generate a map of AGC in order to improve our knowledge on what principally controls its spatial variability at landscape scales. Results showed that factors related topography, climate and soils explained very little of the variation in C stocks across the landscape (r2 = 15 – 20%). Differences in slope angle and topographic position were important in discriminating between low biomass savannas and moderate biomass woodlands, while differences in annual precipitation were more important in separating woodlands and denser forests. A large proportion of the variation in C stocks (~80%) was unexplained highlighting the role of unmeasured variables. It is suggested that fire may play a key role in shaping patterns in tree species composition and C stocks across these landscapes. This data has important implications for a local REDD+ project which is aiming to generate carbon credits through improved fire management. In the second part of the thesis the attention shifts to understanding the long-term ecological impacts of shifting cultivation and the sensitivity and resilience of these woodlands to anthropogenic change. In Chapter 4 I examined how carbon stored in trees and soils recover across a 40-year chronosequence of abandoned agricultural land, and how this patchy disturbance impacts spatial pattern in tree species composition and diversity. I show that re-growing woodlands can act as carbon sinks through the accumulation of woody biomass (0.83 tC ha-1 yr-1), with soil texture having no clear impact on accumulation rates. Re-growing woodlands were also found to contain considerable biodiversity value by promoting novel species assemblages. Bulk soil carbon stocks appeared to be largely unaffected by the full cycle of shifting cultivation. However in Chapter 5 I show evidence of a previously unquantified legacy effect of land clearance on soil CO2 production with more recently abandoned fields (c. 6 years) exhibiting significantly higher efflux rates than the older abandonments (15 -25 years) and mature woodlands. Total soil nitrogen was the most important predictor of soil respiration across the plots (r2 = 0.3) followed by fine root density (r2 = 0.12). Soils in the younger sites were found to be more nitrogen rich which was used to explain the greater CO2 fluxes in these areas, however, it is still unclear why this pattern exists. The thesis concludes by discussing the wider implications of the results, as well as outlining further work needed to solidify some of the conclusions drawn in this thesis.
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