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L'anticipation syndicale des restructurations d'entreprise : une étude de cas dans le secteur de la fabrication et l'emballage de verreLeclerc, Magali 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, la mondialisation des marchés a radicalement modifié les activités économiques des entreprises et le tissu productif à travers la planète. Les restructurations deviennent dès lors des options avantageuses pour les entreprises afin de demeurer concurrentielles. Alors qu’auparavant les restructurations consistaient essentiellement en une réduction d’effectifs dans un site considéré peu rentable, elles sont aujourd’hui polymorphes: fermeture de site, délocalisations, sous-traitance, ouverture de nouvelles unités au pays et hors pays, relocalisation et fusions-acquisitions (Rouleau, 2000) et (AgirE, 2008). Or, les restructurations posent un problème pour l’action syndicale qui doit composer avec ces processus complexes en raison de leur caractère multidimensionnel, multi niveaux et multi acteurs. Les réponses syndicales aux restructurations s’élaborent toujours dans un contexte d’asymétrie de pouvoirs dans la mesure où l’employeur est maître des dimensions spatiales et temporelles des restructurations. L'anticipation syndicale des restructurations apparaît être une stratégie innovante qui permet aux syndicats de réduire ou mieux, de prévenir les conséquences négatives qui découlent des restructurations. Cette recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les facteurs influençant l’anticipation des restructurations en vue d’en dégager les conditions se rattachant à un tel exercice pour les syndicats. À cette fin, deux modèles d'analyse ont été mobilisés. En premier lieu, les ressources de pouvoir syndicales de Lévesque et Murray (2003) permettent d'expliquer l'anticipation syndicale des restructurations dans la mesure où la capacité d'action du syndicat local constitue un facteur qui ne dépend que du syndicat lui-même. Puis, le modèle d'analyse d'AgirE (2008) permet d'expliquer l'espace et le temps d'action alloués au syndicat par l'employeur pour anticiper les restructurations. Les variables indépendantes provenant de ce modèle d'analyse sont les suivantes: les caractéristiques de l'entreprise, les caractéristiques du territoire et la stratégie patronale de restructuration.
Cette présente recherche a été réalisée sous la forme d'une étude de cas. Il s'agit ici de l'étude d'un cas critique d'anticipation syndicale d'une restructuration ayant eu cours en 2004-2005 dans une usine du secteur manufacturier québécois. Des entrevues ont été effectuées auprès de représentants syndicaux de l'usine, d'un ex-cadre de l'usine et de deux intervenants importants du milieu communautaire.
Les résultats de notre recherche montrent sans équivoque que la capacité d'action du syndicat local est un facteur-clé qui a permis d'expliquer l'anticipation stratégique et opérationnelle de la restructuration interne ayant eu lieu dans l'usine de fabrication et d'emballage de verre. En dépit des caractéristiques de l'entreprise et de la stratégie patronale de restructuration défavorable à l'implication syndicale, le syndicat local a su lui-même se créer un espace d'action lui ayant permis de sauver l'établissement d'une possible fermeture à moyen-long terme. Les caractéristiques territoriales favorables à une action concertée entre les différents acteurs du territoire où est située l'usine se sont également avérées une condition importante pour l'anticipation syndicale de la restructuration.
Mots-clés: (1) anticipation, (2) mondialisation, (3) Québec, (4) restructuration,
(5) secteur manufacturier , (6) stratégie, (7) syndicat / Over the last few years, market globalization has radically changed business activity and production across the world. Hence forward, firms have turned advantageously to company restructuring in order to remain competitive. Traditionally, company restructuring consisted in job cutback on unprofitable sites, but today various forms coexist such as site closures, relocations, mergers and acquisitions (Rouleau,2000) and (AgirE,2008). Consequently, company restructuring represent an important issue for union action when trade unions are faced to cope with complex multi-dimensional, multi-level and multi-stakeholders processes. Union response to restructuring processes always develops in a context of power asymmetry where temporal and spatial dimensions of company restructuring are driven by employers. Therefore, trade unions respond and adapt their own strategies around this new economic reality. Union anticipation of company restructuring activities appears to be an innovating strategy by allowing unions to alleviate or better still, prevent negative consequences of restructuring activities. The objective of this research is to examine the factors impacting on anticipation of restructuring to determine for unions the conditions associated with a successful approach. To this end, two analysis models have been retained. The first model, Levesque and Murray`s Union Power Resources (2003), describes unions anticipation of restructuring in terms of its capacity of action at the local level. The second analysis model, AgirE (2008), explains the importance of allowing time and space to the union for anticipating company restructuring.
The independent variables of this analysis model are the following: firm characteristics, territorial characteristics and employer`s restructuring strategy.
This research has been undertaken as a case study. It has been carried out on a critical case of union anticipation which took place during years 2004-2005 in a Quebec manufacturing plant. Interviews were conducted with the plant`s union representative, with one former manager and with two important community stakeholders.
Results of our research unequivocally demonstrate that the capacity of action of the local union is a key factor which allowed to explain why a strategic and operational anticipation of internal restructuring was possible in this glass manufacturing and packaging plant. Despite firm characteristics unfavorable to union`s involvement, the local union was successful in establishing its own sphere of action which allowed the firm to avoid a potential medium to long term plant closure.
Territorial characteristics favorable to concerted action among the various stakeholders in the territory where the plant is located have proved to be a critical factor in the union`s anticipation of the plant`s restructuring activity
Key words: (1)Anticipation, (2) Company restructuring, (3) Globalization, (4) Manufacturing sector, (5) Quebec, (6) Strategy, (7) Union
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Observateurs d'état pour le diagnostic de comportement dynamique de véhicules automobiles en environnement réel de conduite / State observer for diagnosis of dynamic behavior of vehicle in its environmentWang, Bin 11 December 2013 (has links)
Le contrôle de stabilité est un sujet essentiel dans les systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite développés par les constructeurs et équipementiers automobiles. Les systèmes de sécurité actifs sont devenus un standard dans les véhicules particuliers, tels que : le contrôle électronique de la stabilité (ESC) et le système de contrôle de traction (TCS). La description du comportement dynamique du véhicule pendant le mouvement, est fondamental dans le fonctionnement des nouveaux systèmes de sécurité active. Certains systèmes actifs sont déjà implémentés dans des véhicules standards comme des options supplémentaires, pour améliorer la sécurité sur la route ou pour le confort du conducteur et des passagers. Cependant, ces systèmes ont besoin d’informations sur la dynamique de véhicule, qui représente les caractéristiques de mouvement du véhicule sur la route. L’accès à ces informations est souvent difficile, pour des raisons technologiques ou économiques. De ce fait, nous développons des algorithmes, basés sur la technique d’observation d’état, pour estimer une partie de ces variables notamment, les efforts dynamiques du contact pneumatique/chaussée et l’angle de dérive dans son environnement. En revanche, ces systèmes sont conçus pour faire face à l’état actuel du véhicule où la situation de danger a toujours eu lieu, la capacité de ces systèmes est limitée à minimiser les effets de danger. L’objectif ultime est de prévoir et d’éviter efficacement un accident avant qu’il se produise. Par conséquent, ce travail est dédié aussi à développer une méthode de prédiction des risques pour rappeler au conducteur la vitesse de sécurité pour négocier les virages à venir. Dans un premier temps, nous développons dans ce mémoire une nouvelle approche pour estimer la répartition de la charge verticale sur chaque roue dans un environnement réel. L’influence de l’angle de pente est considérée dans la phase de reconstruction du modèle du véhicule. Les forces verticales sont estimées en utilisant un filtre de Kalman. Afin d’estimer la force latérale du pneu, un filtre de Kalman entendu et un filtre Particulaire ont appliqués pour tenir compte des non-linéarités du modèle de véhicule. Deux techniques différentes d’observateurs sont proposées et comparées avec des données expérimentales. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étendons, à l’instant futur, la prise en compte de l’évaluation de risque d’accidents. La prédiction des paramètres de la dynamique du véhicule, l’évaluation du risque potentiel ainsi que la détermination d’une vitesse d’alerte à l’approche des virages, sont introduites pour réduire le risque potentiel d’accident dans les virages. Enfin, la dernière partie du mémoire est consacrée à l’application en temps réel, sur un véhicule démonstrateur, du processus d’observation d’état développé précédemment. Les résultats expérimentaux sont réalisés pour démontrer la performance des estimateurs intégrés en temps réel. / Nowadays, a variety of advanced driving assistance systems are being developed by research centers and automobile manufactures. Stability control is an essential topic in the modern industrial automobile society. Driving safety is widely concerned in the passenger cars to prevent potential risks. More and more electronic active safety systems are fitted out as a standard option, such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Traction Control System (TCS). These safety systems are efficient in helping the driver maintain control of the car and also are considered highly cost-effective. However, for the future development trend of these systems, a more complex and integrated control unit requires more information about the vehicle dynamics. Some fundamental parameters such as tire road forces and sideslip angle are effective in describing vehicle dynamics. Nevertheless, it is lacking an effective and low-cost sensor to measure directly. Therefore, this study presents amethod to estimate these parameters using observer technologies and low-cost sensors which are available on the passenger cars in real environment. In addition, these systems are designed for dealing with vehicle current state where danger situation has always occurred, the capacity of these systems is limited to minimize the effects. We were wondering whether shall we predict and effectively avoid a crash before it occurred. Therefore, this work is also addressed to develop a risk prediction method for proposing driver a safe speed to negotiate the upcoming curves. First, this dissertation develops a new approach to estimate the vertical load distribution in real environment. The influence of bank angle is considered in the phase of reconstruction of vehicle model. The vertical tire force on banked road is estimated by using Kalman filter. In order to estimate the lateral tire force, two nonlinear observers are addressed to solve the nonlinearity of vehicle model. The Extended Kalman filter is widely discussed in the previous literature, while we firstly use a Particle filter to estimate the vehicle dynamics parameters. Two different observer technologies are proposed and compared using the experimental data. Second, extending the consideration of road safety to the future instant. Prediction of vehicle dynamics parameters, evaluation of potential risk as well as establishment of advisory speed on curves are introduced to reduce the possibility of crash occurrence on curves. Last but not least, the real-time sampling and process system is presented, the estimator with EKF and PF has been developed as a real-time application. Experimental results are performed to demonstrate the performance of these integrated systems in real-time.
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Modélisation et analyse comportementale du système Pilote-fauteuil roulant électrique / Modeling and behavioral analysis of the pilot-powered wheelchair systemZatla, Hicham 11 December 2018 (has links)
Les fauteuils roulants électriques (FRE) ont permis à nombre de personnes handicapés moteurs de retrouver une mobilité satisfaisante, ce qui a amélioré leur qualité de vie, un vaste champ d’activités leur étant devenu accessible. Lors de la prescription d’un FRE ou d’une phase d’apprentissage à la conduite il est cependant nécessaire d’évaluer les capacités de ces personnes à piloter un fauteuil. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif consiste à déterminer des paramètres pertinents permettant de décrire la qualité de la conduite d’un FRE pour des personnes ayant des déficiences motrices sévères. Tout d’abord, nous avons modélisé le système pilote-FRE par le modèle OPCM (Optimal Preview Control Model) de Sharp. Ce modèle est basé sur la distance anticipée (Dp) par l’utilisateur durant sa conduite du FRE. Cette distance a été estimée grâce à un système de suivi du regard combiné avec le simulateur 3D ViEW du laboratoire LCOMS. Un panel de 15 sujets valides a été recruté pour faire des tests de conduite sur simulateur et valider la modélisation OPCM. La distance Dp a permis de décrire le comportement du pilote. Ensuite, une analyse de la distance anticipée Dp en fonction de différentes zones du parcours (slalom serré, virage, slalom large), a montré que ce paramètre peut être utilisé pour différencier les différents comportements de conduite liées aux différentes situations du parcours. Ensuite nous avons comparé cette distance anticipée entre deux groupes, familiarisés et novices vis-à-vis de la conduite en FRE. L’analyse a montré que le groupe familiarisé présente une distance Dp plus importante que le groupe novice. Enfin, une dernière expérience a eu lieu au Centre de Réadaptation de Flavigny sur Moselle (54, France). Nous avons estimé la distance anticipée (Dp) pour des sujets à déficiences motrices sévères, afin de valider le paramètre Dp comme indicateur de performance. Une étude de cas a été établie portant sur 5 enfants en situation de handicap, en comparant leurs résultats à ceux obtenus précédemment sur un panel de personnes valides / The Powered wheelchairs (PW) allowed many people with motor disabilities to find a suitable mobility, which improved their quality of life. Hence, a vast field of activities has become accessible for them. When prescribing a PW or in a learning phase, however, it is necessary to evaluate the ability of these people to drive a wheelchair. In this context, our goal is to determine relevant parameters to describe the quality of driving on PW for people with disabilities. First, we modeled the pilot-PW system using the OPCM (Optimal Preview Control Model) model proposed by Sharp. This model is based on the preview distance (Dp) of the user during his driving. This distance has been estimated thanks to an eye-tracking system combined with the ViEW 3D simulator of the LCOMS laboratory. A panel of 15 healthy subjects was recruited to drive the PW on a 3D simulator and to validate the OPCM modeling. This distance Dp allows to describe the behavior of the pilot. If this distance is important, it guarantees the tracking trajectory of the OPCM model. Otherwise, the OPCM model diverges. This shows that if the user looks a long part of his future path, he will better anticipate the future control applied to the PW (change of direction, braking, etc.), which allows him to follow his path. In this situation the user has a tracking behavior. In the otherwise, the user’s behavior is rather compensatory. Then, an analysis of preview distance Dp with respect to the different zones of the path (tight slalom, turn, wide slalom), showed that the parameter Dp can be used to differentiate the different driving behaviors related to the different situations of the path. Next, we compared the preview distance between two groups, familiar and novice with regard to the PW driving. The analysis showed that the familiar group has a greater distance value than the novice group. Finally, a last experiment took place at the Rehabilitation Center of Flavigny sur Moselle (54, France). We estimated the preview distance (Dp) for subjects with severe motor impairment, in order to validate the parameter Dp as a performance indicator. A case study analysis was established on five children with disabilities comparing their results with those previously obtained with the healthy subjects
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L'état stratège / The strategic stateTirera, Lamine 09 April 2015 (has links)
Concept forgé par le Commissariat Général du Plan au début des années 1990 autour de la redéfinition de l'intérêt général, le thème de I'«État stratège» a émergé dans l'espace public afin d'apporter une réponse adaptée à la crise de l’État planificateur. Dès lors, l'interrogation sur le nouveau rôle de l’État dans l'économie se pose. Confronté à un univers hyper concurrentiel et aux impératifs de la nouvelle gestion publique, l’État est appelé à être davantage partenaire et stratège que providentiel. Cette présente thèse a donc pour ambition d'étudier les implications juridiques et administratives de la thématique de l’État stratège. L'étude comprend trois parties. En premier lieu, l'accent sera mis sur la nouvelle conception du rôle de l’État. En deuxième lieu, on évoquera le renouveau du procédé contractuel dans l'action publique. Enfin, on insistera sur l'impact du thème sur les principes d'organisation de l’État. Tels sont donc les enjeux de cette recherche. Au final, si la formule de l’État stratège privilégie davantage de souplesse, d'efficacité et la recherche d'un appareil étatique plus resserré, plus recentré et adossé sur un personnel réduit, mobilisant le droit souple au côté du droit classique, force est de constater que les structures nouvellement créées n'ont pas remplacé l'administration existante. Bien au contraire, tous ces éléments cohabitent. Une telle situation est tout à fait inédite et singulière dans la vie de l’État au 21e siècle. / The concept was introduced by the French General Plan Commission in the early 1990s over the redefinition of public interest. The subject of "strategic state" emerged into the public space to bring an adequate response to the crisis of the planning state. Therefore, the question about the new role of the state in the new economy arises. The state must now be more of a partner and more strategic than providential, in this highly competitive environment and with the demands of new public management. Our main objective, in this thesis, is to pinpoint the legal and administrative implications of the subject of strategic state. We will firstly emphasize on the new conception of the role of the state. Secondly, we will touch upon the renewal of the contractual procedures in the public action. And, in a final part, we will analyse the impact that this concept has had on the state's organizational principles. Those will be the three main points dealt with throughout this research. Ali in all, the renewal structures have not taken over the current administration. On the contrary, they coexist, side by side, in a quest for a tighter, more refocused government apparatus, with less staff than ever. Moreover there seems to be more flexibility and a further quest for performance in the concept of a strategic state. This situation is unheard of-in the life of the state in the-21st century as it brings together soft and traditional-law.
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A antecipação da tutela específica no processo civil coletivoAlamo, Fabrício Peloia Del' 11 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-11 / This dissertation deals with the specific tutelage antecipation in collective lawsuits, as a means of effectivity of the jurisdictional fulfillment. The main differences between the injunctive relief and tutelage antecipation are analyzed, as well as the specific tutelage concerning obligations to do and not to do in the Consumer Defense Code and in the Civil Procedure Rules. Based on the idea of a microsystem for latu sensu collective interests protection, this paper also goes over the specific tutelage anticipation, with the traits of the current collective procedural rules / Esta dissertação versa sobre a antecipação da tutela específica nas ações coletivas, como instrumento de efetividade da prestação jurisdicional. Analisam-se as principais diferenças entre a medida cautelar e a tutela antecipada, bem ainda a tutela específica das obrigações de fazer e de não fazer, no Código de Defesa do Consumidor e no Código de Processo Civil. A partir da ideia de um microssistema para a proteção dos interesses coletivos lato sensu, o trabalho examina, igualmente, a tutela específica antecipada, com as peculiaridades do regime processual coletivo vigente
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A tutela de urgência no novo CPC: avanços e retrocessosSanches Junior, Antonio Roberto 14 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-16T12:55:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This paper proposes to study the way taken by the guardianship of urgency in Brazilian law, from the Portuguese Ordinances to the 2015 CPC. It also undertakes research with the purpose of demonstrating the origin and evolution of urgent protection in foreign law, specifically in the legal orders from which the Brazilian guardianship of urgency was derived (Italian, French and Portuguese), with the purpose of discovering if the Brazilian legal order remained parallel or distanced from its origins. The first chapter describes the evolution of the protection of the guardianship of urgency in the national legal order, by means of the comparison of the legislative texts that were in force until the advent of CPC of 1939. The second chapter lends itself to studying the guardianship of urgency in the CPC of 1973, initially represented only by the precautionary process and by some special procedures (v.g. possessory injunction), being, from 1994, inserted the anticipation of guardianship for the common procedure. The third chapter is devoted to reporting the guardianship of urgency in the foreign law that, according to the doctrine, influenced the Brazilian, in order to demonstrate (at the end of the work) whether there has been a parallel evolution of the systems or if the systems have distanced. The fourth chapter lends itself to the investigation of the main exponents of both foreign law and national law, with regard to guardianship of urgency, adopting as a methodological proposal the separation of authors into two groups, taking into account that they had written before (when everyone were dedicated only to the study of precautionary measures) or after Law 8.952/94, which introduced the anticipation of guardianship in the Brazilian CPC (when they went to the study of anticipation of guardianship and its comparison with the system called precautionary). The fifth chapter lends itself to the study of the CPC of 2015 since the draft, through legislative discussions and culminating in the enacted text, as well are inquired controversial issues about the system of "temporary" guardianship of urgency in the manner in which it is promulgated, based on a unitary concept of precautionary guardianship of urgency, which includes conservative and satisfying techniques. The sixth chapter proposes a new approach to the guardianship of urgency system, from a new concept of guardianship precautionary/urgency, with possible changes de lege lata and suggestions de lege ferenda, in order to make the institutes more effective, in the light of its constitutional mission: provide justice promptly or, where this is not possible, prevent events from rendering ineffective the future judgment of merit / Este trabalho se propõe a estudar o caminho percorrido pela tutela de urgência no direito brasileiro, desde as Ordenações Portuguesas até o CPC de 2015. Também empreende pesquisa com a finalidade de demonstrar a origem e a evolução da tutela de urgência no direito estrangeiro, especificamente nos ordenamentos dos quais derivou a tutela de urgência brasileira (italiano, francês e português), com vistas a descobrir se o ordenamento brasileiro se manteve paralelo ou se distanciou de suas origens. O primeiro capítulo descreve a evolução da tutela de urgência no ordenamento nacional, por meio do cotejo dos textos legislativos que vigoraram até o advento do CPC de 1939. O segundo capítulo se presta a estudar a tutela de urgência no CPC de 1973, inicialmente representada somente pelo processo cautelar e por alguns procedimentos especiais (v.g. liminar possessória), sendo, a partir de 1994, inserida a antecipação de tutela para o procedimento comum. O terceiro capítulo se dedica a noticiar a tutela de urgência no direito estrangeiro que, segundo a doutrina, influenciou o brasileiro, a fim de demonstrar (ao final do trabalho) se houve evolução, em paralelo, dos sistemas ou se os sistemas distanciaram. O quarto capítulo se presta à investigação dos principais expoentes, tanto do direito estrangeiro, quanto do direito nacional, no que respeita à tutela de urgência, adotando-se, como proposta metodológica, a separação dos autores em dois grupos, levando em consideração terem escrito antes (quando todos se dedicavam somente ao estudo das cautelares) ou depois da Lei 8.952/94, que introduziu a tutela antecipada no CPC brasileiro (quando passaram ao estudo da tutela antecipada e seu cotejo com o sistema chamado de cautelar). O quinto capítulo se presta ao estudo do CPC de 2015 desde o anteprojeto, passando pelas discussões legislativas e culminando no texto promulgado, bem como são perquiridas questões controvertidas acerca do sistema da tutela “provisória” de urgência, nos moldes em que promulgada, a partir de um conceito unitário de tutela de urgência cautelar, que engloba técnicas conservativas e satisfativas. O sexto capítulo propõe uma nova abordagem do sistema da tutela de urgência, a partir de um novo conceito de tutela cautelar/de urgência, com alterações possíveis de lege lata e sugestões de lege ferenda a fim de conferir maior eficácia aos institutos, à luz de sua missão constitucional: prestar a justiça de forma rápida ou, quando não for possível, impedir que acontecimentos tornem ineficaz a futura sentença de mérito
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Variação sazonal do metabolismo energético no primeiro ciclo anual de lagartos teiú Tupinambis merianae: correlatos com atividades diárias, adiposidade e proteção antioxidante / Seasonal variation in energy metabolism during the first annual cycle of tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae: correlates with daily activities, adiposity and antioxidant protectionSilveira, Lilian Cristina da 04 February 2016 (has links)
Lagartos teiú eclodem no verão e enfrentam o desafio de crescer e armazenar substratos em um curto período de tempo, antes do início do período de jejum e depressão metabólica (≈80%) a temperaturas amenas durante o inverno (≈17 °C). No despertar, o aumento do metabolismo e a reperfusão de órgãos favoreceriam a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo. Na primeira parte do presente estudo investigou−se os ajustes que compatibilizam as demandas em teiús neonatos, especialmente na pré-hibernação, por meio da gravação do comportamento em vídeo e da análise da massa dos corpos gordurosos abdominais e do nível plasmático de corticosterona (CORT) durante o primeiro ciclo anual. No início do outono a massa corpórea dos teiús foi 27 g e o comprimento rostro−cloacal 9,3 cm e aumentaram 40% e 20%, respectivamente, ao longo do outono, enquanto que as taxas diminuíram progressivamente até atingirem o valor zero no início do inverno. Na primavera, a massa corpórea dos teiús aumentou 80% em relação ao despertar e dobrou em relação ao final do verão; o comprimento acumulou um aumento de 27% em relação ao final do verão. A massa relativa dos corpos gordurosos foi 3,7% no início do outono e diminuiu nos meses subsequentes; no despertar, este estoque acumulou uma perda de 63% da sua massa. No início do outono 74% dos teiús estavam ativos por 4,7 h e permaneceram 2 h assoalhando diariamente; ao longo do outono o número de animais ativos e o tempo em atividade diminuíram até que todos se tornaram inativos. Na primavera 83% dos teiús estavam ativos por 7 h e permaneceram 4 h assoalhando. Um padrão sazonal similar foi observado na atividade locomotora e na alimentação. No outono, a alimentação cessou antes da atividade diária e os teiús tornaram−se afágicos algumas semanas antes da entrada em hibernação. Os maiores níveis de CORT foram observados no início do outono, reduzindo progressivamente até valores 75 e 86% menores na dormência e despertar, respectivamente; na primavera os níveis de CORT foram 32% menores em comparação com o início do outono. Este padrão sugere um papel da CORT nos ajustes que promovem a ingestão de alimento e a deposição de substratos energéticos no outono. A redução da atividade geral no final do outono contribuiria para a economia energética e manutenção da massa corpórea, apesar da redução da ingestão de alimento. O curso temporal das alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais em neonatos reforça a ideia de que a dormência sazonal nos teiús é o resultado da expressão de um ritmo endógeno. Na segunda parte do estudo foi investigada a hipótese de que ocorreriam ajustes das defesas antioxidantes durante a hibernação, em antecipação ao despertar. Foram analisados marcadores de estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em vários órgãos de teiús em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual. A CS, um indicador do potencial oxidante, não variou no fígado e foi menor no rim e no pulmão na hibernação. As enzimas antioxidantes revelaram (1) um efeito abrangente de redução das taxas na hibernação e despertar; por exemplo, GR e CAT foram menores em todos órgãos analisados e a GST tendeu a diminuir no fígado e no rim, embora constante no coração e no pulmão. A G6PDH no fígado e no rim não variou. (2) No fígado, a GST, a Se−GPX e o teor de TBARS foram maiores na atividade de outono em relação à primavera e a Se−GPX permaneceu elevada na hibernação. (3) No fígado, a SOD foi maior na hibernação e despertar em relação ao outono e a Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão. Em contraste, no rim, coração e pulmão a SOD foi menor na hibernação e as taxas se recuperaram no coração e pulmão no despertar. A Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão no pulmão. A concentração e o estado redox da glutationa não variaram no fígado, rim e coração; no pulmão o teor de Eq−GSH e GSH foi menor na hibernação, com tendência à recuperação no despertar. O teor de PC no rim foi maior na hibernação e diminuiu no despertar. No fígado, as alterações no jejum se assemelham às sazonais, como sugerem a inibição da CAT e GR e aumento da Se−GPX. Os efeitos do jejum na primavera no rim diferem dos efeitos sazonais, como sugerem a redução do teor de Eq−GSH e GSH e o aumento da razão GSSG:GSH, a redução da G6PDH e o aumento de PC. No conjunto, houve um efeito predominante de redução das taxas enzimáticas na hibernação e no despertar, exceto pelas taxas aumentadas da SOD e Se−GPX no fígado e pela recuperação da SOD no coração e da GR, SOD e Mn−SOD no pulmão no despertar. As elevadas taxas das enzimas antioxidantes no teiú em comparação a outros ectotermos e a ausência de evidências de estresse oxidativo no despertar sugerem que a atividade enzimática remanescente é suficiente para prevenir danos aos tecidos face às flutuações do metabolismo / The tegu lizards hatch during the summer, when they face the challenge of growing and storing substrates during a short time before going into fasting and metabolic depression (≈80% at 17 °C) during winter. The reactivation of metabolism and of blood perfusion during arousal could favor the occurrence of oxidative stress in the tissues. The first part of his study investigated adjustments which potentially conciliate energy demands in neonatal tegus, particularly during pre-hibernation, by video recording of animal behavior and by measuring the mass of fat bodies and levels of plasma corticosterone (CORT) during the annual cycle. In the early autumn the body mass of the tegu was 27 g and the rostro−cloacal length was 9.3 cm, which increased 40% and 20%, respectively, while the rates decreased progressively until reach zero in winter. In spring activity body mass increased 80% in relation to values during arousal and duplicated in relation to late summer. The fat bodies mass relative to body mass was 3.7% in early autumn, and decreased during the subsequent months accumulating a mass loss of 63% during arousal. In early autumn, 74% of the tegus were active for 4.7 h and they basked for 2 h daily; during the autumn the number of animals and the time spent in activity decreased until they become totally inactive. In spring 83% of the tegus were active for 7 h and they basked for 4 h daily. Similar seasonal pattern was observed in the locomotory and feeding activities. In the autumn, feeding was interrupted prior to the interruption of daily activity and the tegus were aphagic a few weeks before the entry into hibernation. The CORT level was the highest in early autumn and reduced progressively to 75% and 86% during winter and arousal in early spring, respectively; later during spring the levels were 32% lower than the autumn levels. These changes suggest a role of CORT in the adjustments which promote food intake and substrate storage during the autumn. Despite a reduced food intake, the widespread decrease of daily activities in late autumn would contribute to energy saving and body mass maintenance. The time course of physiological and behavioral changes in neonates reinforces the idea of an endogenous rhythm underlying seasonal dormancy in the tegu. The second part of this study investigated the hypothesis of adjustments in antioxidant system preparatory to the moment of arousal by the analysis of markers of oxidative stress and of antioxidants in several organs of neonatal tegus, during different phases of the annual cycle and during starvation in the spring. The Vmax of CS, an indicator of the oxidative potential, did not vary in the liver and was smaller in the kidney and lung of dormant tegus. The antioxidant enzymes revealed (1) a widespread effect of lowering rates during dormancy and arousal; for instance, GR and CAT were lower in all organs examined and GST had a tendency to be lower in the liver and in the kidney tissues, although it was constant in the heart and in the lung. (2) In the liver, GST and Se-GPX, and the levels of TBARs were higher in the autumn than in the spring activity. (3) In the liver, SOD was higher during dormancy and arousal in relation to the autumn, and Mn−SOD followed this pattern. Contrastingly, SOD in the kidney, heart and lung was lower during dormancy, and rates recovered in the heart and lung during arousal before food intake. The Mn-SOD followed this pattern in the lung. The glutathione concentration and the redox balance did not change in the liver, kidney and heart; in the lung, the levels of Eq−GSH and GSH were lower and had a tendency to increase during arousal. Importantly, carbonyl proteins were increased in the kidney during dormancy and recovered during arousal. The effects of starvation during spring differed of those of fasting during winter in the kidney, as shown by the lower Eq−GSH levels and increased GSSG:GSH ratio, the lower G6PDH, and the increased carbonyl proteins. In the liver, changes during starvation followed seasonal patterns, as shown by increased Se-GPX, and decreased CAT and GR, together indicating a consistent effect exerted by interruption of food intake. The high rates of antioxidant enzymes in neonatal tegus compared with other ectotherms, and the absence of evidence of oxidative stress at arousal suggest that remaining enzyme activities are sufficient to prevent tissue damage that could be caused by the metabolic fluctuations during the annual cycle in the tegu
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Investigating the neural processes underpinning the production and anticipation of stuttering in Adults who Stutter / Neural Processes Underpinning StutteringWhillier, Alexander Sean 08 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Cette étude fondée sur l'analyse du cas des très fortes précipitations du 19 septembre 2000 qui s'est produit en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur et en particulier sur la région marseillaise a pour but d'anticiper à courte échéance les fortes pluies à partir de l'activité électrique.<br />La méthodologie mise en place permet, par une analyse statistique, d'une part de déterminer les trajectoires d'activité électrique et de précipitations (calcul des centres de gravité pondérés de chaque noyau de cellule), et d'autre part de les associer (à l'aide de requètes spatiales et temporelles au sein de S.I.G.) afin de déterminer des délais d'anticipation des fortes pluies. Les pluies estimées par le radar de Nîmes-Garons (réseau A.R.A.M.I.S.), les données des stations météorologiques, et l'activité électrique issue du système SAFIR sont intégrées dans un S.I.G. puis couplées à un modèle numérique de terrain sur le département des Bouches-du-Rhône. Le suivi des images radar et de l'activité électrique s'effectue au pas de temps de 5 minutes.<br />Nous avons observé dans notre étude des décalages temporels des pluies par rapport aux mesures des stations météorologiques. Ces résultats ont été intégrés dans différentes méthodes pour l'anticipation des pluies par l'activité électrique (mesure du décalage temporel entre les maximums, variance commune synchrone et asynchrone, délais de mise en place des orientations définitives des trajectoires). L'activité électrique (associée à une trajectoire de précipitations) permet, avec un délai de 15 à 20 minutes en moyenne, d'anticiper les maximums des précipitations de chaque épisode de pluies estimées par le radar. Les résultats bien que significatifs sont limités par le très faible échantillonnage disponible (quatre couples de trajectoires).<br />Les résultats de ce travail ouvrent un champ d'investigation important sur la méthodologie à mettre en place pour la quantification des délais d'anticipations des pluies exceptionnelles dans la région méditerranéenne ou ailleurs.
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Conception de lois de commande structurées (hiérarchisées, décentralisées) pour les chaînes de traction pilotéesBen Slimen, Bilel 13 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Un contrôle moteur conventionnel se compose de deux niveaux de commande dénommés strates " groupe motopropulseur " et " moteur ". Historiquement, la conception de ce dispositif s'est organisée autour d'une logique organique, focalisée sur la composition matérielle de la chaîne de production de couple. Ceci explique que les moyens de développement soient, aujourd'hui encore, découplés et spécifiques à chaque type de motorisation, diesel ou essence. L'heure est désormais à la recherche d'une approche davantage fonctionnelle, et de chaînes de développement aussi génériques et mutualisées (en diesel, essence, voire hybride) que possibles, dans l'objectif de réduire les temps et coûts de développement. En effet, le besoin fonctionnel de la strate GMP est indépendant de l'architecture moteur, et, vue du GMP, la strate moteur n'est autre qu'un générateur de couple aux amplitudes et dynamiques diverses. Cette structuration ouvre la possibilité de traiter les spécificités Essence et Diesel au travers d'une gestion appropriée des dynamiques, dans le sens GMP vers moteur, et de la prise en compte de fonctions de contrainte transversales dans le sens moteur vers GMP. Dans ce contexte et à cette fin, cette thèse inventorie et explore différentes possibilités offertes par la théorie de la commande : commande hiérarchisée, commande optimale, commande prédictive, commande avec anticipation. In fine, la thèse met à disposition du projet une architecture de commande (articulation commande prédite / commande anticipée à l'interface des deux strates), et des outils pour son développement. Elle donne également quelques éléments permettant de jauger son intérêt et faisabilité de mise en œuvre.
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