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Patuline, mycotoxine de Penicillium expansum, principal pathogène post-récolte des pommes : nouvelles données sur sa biosynthèse et développement d'approches préventives / Patulin, a mycotoxin of Penicillium expansum, the main apples postharvest pathogen : new data on its biosynthesis and development of preventive approachesTannous, Joanna 27 March 2015 (has links)
La pourriture bleue causée par Penicillium expansum est l'une des maladies les plus dommageables des fruits pomaceae (pommes et poires). Outre des dégâts directs, cette maladie pose un problème de santé publique car l'agent pathogène produit des mycotoxines nocives pour l'homme et les animaux dont la plus sérieuse est la patuline. La croissance du champignon pathogène et la production de patuline requièrent des conditions physico-chimiques particulières. Les informations existantes à ce propos demeurent cependant modestes et insuffisantes pour envisager de développer des moyens de lutte contre l'apparition du champignon. Par ailleurs, la patuline reste avec l'ochratoxine A, les seules toxines dont la voie de biosynthèse n'a pas encore été complètement établie, tant sur le plan chimique que moléculaire. Cette étude apporte dans un premier temps des données complémentaires sur les facteurs physico-chimiques (température, pH….) qui conditionnent la croissance de P. expansum de même que sa capacité à produire la patuline. La connaissance de ces besoins et de ces conditions conduit en pratique à lutter et contrôler la contamination par la patuline tout le long de la chaine alimentaire. Dans un deuxième temps, cette thèse apporte des améliorations spectaculaires sur le plan fondamental, en termes d'élucidation de la voie de biosynthèse de la patuline. Le cluster des gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse de cette mycotoxine chez l'espèce la plus préoccupante P. expansum a été entièrement identifié et caractérisé. Pour lever encore plus le voile sur la biosynthèse de cette mycotoxine, la caractérisation du facteur de régulation spécifique de cette voie (patL) a été également établie. Une perturbation de ce gène a provoqué une incapacité de production de patuline et une sévère diminution de l'expression des gènes Pat. De même, grâce à ce mutant déficient, il a été montré que la patuline pourrait agir comme facteur de virulence lors du développement de la moisissure dans les pommes. La caractérisation de la dernière étape de la voie de biosynthèse de la patuline a ensuite été entreprise par mutagenèse dirigée du gène patE du cluster de la patuline, chez la même espèce. Ce dernier code pour une Glucose méthanol Choline (GMC) oxydoréductase responsable de la conversion de l'ascladiol en patuline. L'ascladiol est également une molécule clé de la dégradation de la patuline par diverses espèces bactériennes ou de levures et plus particulièrement lors de la fermentation alcoolique. La non-toxicité de l'ascladiol accumulé chez le mutant ∆patE a été démontrée sur une lignée cellulaire intestinale humaine (Caco-2), suggérant que la patuline perd sa toxicité avec l'ouverture du deuxième cycle. Finalement, un système de détection et de quantification de P. expansum par PCR en temps réel a été développé en ciblant un gène hautement spécifique de la voie de biosynthèse de la patuline, patF. Cette approche préventive nous a ainsi permis d'avoir une estimation rapide de la contamination en patuline dans les pommes à partir de la quantification d'ADN de P. expansum. En conclusion, l'ensemble de ces travaux qui s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la gestion du risque « patuline » dans la filière fruit a permis d'amener des réponses tant sur le plan fondamental que sur le plan appliqué avec le séquençage du cluster, le développement d'un outil de diagnostic et la démonstration que l'ascladiol ne présentait aucune cytotoxicité. / Among diseases affecting apples, blue mold caused by Penicillium expansum is a major concern causing yield and quality losses due to the production of mycotoxins, of which patulin is the most alarming one. This mycotoxin was proven to be harmful for humans and animals. The pathogen growth and the patulin production occur under specific physico-chemical conditions (temperature, pH…). However, the description of these conditions in literature remains largely insufficient for the development of strategies to fight the development of the fungus. Furthermore, patulin remains, along with ochratoxin A, the only toxins for which the biosynthetic pathway is not fully established yet at both chemical and molecular levels. Firstly, this study provides supplementary data on the physico-chemical factors that modulate P. expansum growth and its ability to produce patulin. The acquaintance of these conditions leads, in practice, to the control of the patulin contamination along the food chain. Secondly, significant improvements were brought on the fundamental level, especially by elucidating the patulin biosynthetic pathway. The cluster of genes involved in the biosynthesis of this mycotoxin was fully identified and characterized in the species of greatest concern P. expansum. In order to reveal additional info on the biosynthesis of this mycotoxin, the specific factor of the pathway (patL) was characterized. The disruption of this gene has led to failure in patulin production and an important decrease in Pat genes expression. Furthermore, pathogenesis studies, using this same deficient strain showed that patulin potentially acts as a virulence factor during P. expansum development on apples. The last step of the patulin biosynthetic pathway was later characterized by site-directed mutagenesis of the patE gene in the same species. This gene encodes a Glucose Methanol Choline (GMC) oxidoreductase that is responsible for the conversion of ascladiol to patulin. Ascladiol is not only the last intermediate in the patulin pathway but also the main product of patulin degradation during the alcoholic fermentation of apple juice. The non-toxicity of ascladiol accumulated by the ΔpatE strain was proved against the human Caco-2 cell line. Finally a Real time PCR assay was developed to specifically detect and quantify P. expansum. This was done by targeting a highly specific gene from the patulin gene cluster in P. expansum, patF. This predictive approach allowed the quick estimation of the patulin content via the quantification of the P. expansum DNA in apples. To conclude, this thesis is part of the patulin's risk management study in the fruit sector; it provides significant improvements on both fundamental and practical levels. These advances are mainly characterized by the sequencing of the patulin gene cluster, the development of a molecular diagnostic tool and the demonstration of the non-cytotoxicity of ascladiol.
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Apple Disease Forecasting Models: When Climate Changes the RulesGarofalo, Elizabeth W 19 March 2019 (has links)
With a changing global climate, plant pathologists must understand the impact aberrant weather events may have on the development of plant diseases. Fungal plant infections are largely dependent on temperature and precipitation, climate parameters that are predicted to change more in this century. Venturia inaequalis causes apple scab, one of the most destructive apple diseases of temperate growing regions. Temperature and precipitation drive apple scab infections and forecast models, which guide growers in efficient, effective fungicide applications. In some recent years in the Northeast, these models have failed to accurately predict when ascospores of this fungus are available to cause primary infections, prompting more fungicide intensive management. Identifying cause(s) of model failures will restore confidence in them, enabling growers to reduce fungicide use. As technology becomes an increasingly important component of on farm decision-making, so does educating new farmers and agricultural students in the benefits of Integrated Pest Management and challenges associated with models early on in their college educational experience. This research attempts to identify reasons for ascospore maturity model failures, determine to what degree critical ascospore maturity parameters have changed and create a tool that educators may use to engage undergraduate students in the complexities of Integrated Pest Management research and modern farming. It will more specifically do the following: 1) Dry periods will be analyzed to determine if frequency and duration are increasing, causing the fungus to mature over a longer period of time than models currently estimate. 2) Degree-days during fall and winter will be examined to estimate what effect a warming climate may have on ascospore and tree development, and ultimately apple scab occurrence. The research will use lab and field observations to track the development of V. inaequalis ascospores, the source of primary apple scab infections. These observations will be compared to infection events and spore maturation forecasts from models currently used by apple growers in the Northeast. 3) A case study developed for publication in American Phytopathological Societies’ Plant Health Instructor will provide early career college students with an introduction to forecasting models, Integrated Pest Management and the challenges associated with climate variability.
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The identification of compounds from apples that regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesisIchwan, Muhammad 23 March 2016 (has links)
The high composition of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet is associated with cognitive well-being, especially in the elderly population. The phytonutrients are shown to have effects as antioxidants that neutralize oxidative stressors and can interact with molecular pathways to signal neuron survival. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is a dynamic lifelong process of generating functional newborn neurons in the granular layer of the dentate gyrus from adult precursor cells. This process contributes to brain plasticity and plays a role in learning and memory. External stimuli such as environmental enrichment and physical activity are known to positively regulate this process. However, the role of nutrition and whether nutritional compounds have pro-neurogenic effects on adult hippocampal precursor cells are still elusive.
In this study, I investigated the impact of dietary compounds in apples, a significant source of phytonutrients in our food, on adult hippocampal neurogenesis. I demonstrated that quercetin, the most abundant polyphenol in apple, induces cell cycle exit and differentiation of adult hippocampal precursor cells in monolayer culture. Furthermore, this compound also increases the number of surviving cells upon differentiation in vitro, through the activation of endogenous antioxidants in the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway and the prosurvival Akt pathway. Quercetin supplementation in vivo is also shown to significantly increase the number of surviving cells and new neurons in the dentate gyrus. To search for other potential active compounds in apple, I performed bioassay-guided fractionation whereby the flesh extract from apples of the Pinova cultivar was subjected to liquid- and solid phase separation and the active fraction was determined using primary neurosphere assays using cells derived from adult mouse dentate gyrus. Using mass spectometry, we revealed that the active compounds in the apple flesh extract are dihydroxybenzoate glycosides, which are non-flavonoid benzoic acid derivatives. I also confirmed that the isomers of these compounds; 2,3- and 3,5 dihydroxybenzoic acids significantly increase the number of neurospheres. Interestingly, 3,5 dihdroxybenzoic acid is an agonist of lactate receptor hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCAR1), with an even higher affinity than lactate. This receptor is suggested to mediate neurotrophic actions such as increasing production and release of BDNF. I also demonstrated for the first time that this receptor is presence in adult hippocampal precursor cells.
To observe whether customary fruits or fruit-related products consumption affects adult hippocampal neurogenesis, I performed an experiment giving apple juice supplementation ad libitum to mice. I did not find a significant increase in net neurogenesis or the performance in the Morris water maze after apple juice supplementation. This is likely due to the low concentration of active compounds in apple juice failing to reach an effective concentration in the body.
I conclude that apples provide potential proneurogenic compounds that can influence adult hippocampal neurogenesis through the activation of endogenous antioxidant mechanisms and molecular pathways for cell survival. Further studies are necessary to investigate the role of HCAR1 activation on adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which is a potential new mechanism to explain the health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. / Eine Ernährung die täglich reich an Obst und Gemüse ist, hat insbesondere bei älteren Menschen einen positiven Einfluss auf kognitive Fähigkeiten. Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe wirken als natürliche Antioxidantien, indem sie oxidative Stressoren neutralisieren. Weiterhin beeinflussen pflanzliche Nährstoffe molekulare Signalwege welche beim Überleben von Neuronen eine Rolle spielen. Die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese ist ein dynamischer, lebenslanger Prozess, bei dem aus Vorläuferzellen funktionelle neue Neuronen in der Körnerzellschicht des Gyrus dentatus gebildet werden. Dieser Prozess trägt zur Plastizität des Gehirns bei und spielt eine bedeutende Rolle beim Lernen und für das Gedächtnis. Externe Stimuli wie zum Beispiel eine reizreiche Umgebung und körperliche Aktivität wirken als positive Regulatoren und begünstigen die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese. Welche Rolle die Ernährung dabei spielt und ob Nahrungsbestandteile einen proneurogenen Effekt auf adulte hippocampale Vorläuferzellen haben ist kaum bekannt.
In diesem Projekt habe ich den Effekt von Nahrungsbestandteilen aus Äpfeln, welche eine bedeutende Quelle von pflanzlichen Nährstoffen in unserer Ernährung darstellen, auf die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese untersucht. Ich habe gezeigt, dass Querzetin, das am reichlichsten in Äpfeln enthaltende Polyphenol, in der Monolayer-Zellkultur den Austritt aus dem Zellzyklus induziert und die Differenzierung von adulten hippocampalen Vorläuferzellen fördert. Des Weiteren steigert Querzetin nach der Differenzierung in vitro die Anzahl an überlebenden Zellen. Dies geschieht durch die Aktivierung von endogenen Antioxidantien des Nrf2-Keap1-Signalweges und des für das Überleben von Zellen förderlichen Akt-Signalweges. Die Verabreichung von Querzetin in vivo als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel führte ebenfalls zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Anzahl an überlebenden Zellen und neu gebildeten Nervenzellen im Gyrus dentatus. Um weitere potentiell aktive Wirkstoffe von Äpfeln zu bestimmen, habe ich eine Bioassay-ausgerichtete Fraktionierung durchgeführt, wobei der Fruchtfleischextrakt von Äpfeln der Sorte Pinova einer Fest-/ Flüssig-Separation unterzogen wurde. Die aktive Fraktion wurde anhand der primären Neurosphäre-Assay-Methode mit Zellen aus dem Gyrus dentatus adulter Mäuse ermittelt. Mittels spektrometrischer Analyse habe ich gezeigt, dass die aktiven Wirkstoffe im Fruchtfleischextrakt von Äpfeln zur Gruppe der Dihydroxybenzol-Glykosiden gehören, welche den nicht-flavonoiden Benzoesäure-Derivaten zuzuordnen sind. Im in vitro Neurosphäre-Assay habe ich zudem gezeigt, dass die Isomere dieser Wirkstoffe, die 2,3- und die 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäuren, die Anzahl der Neurosphären signifikant erhöhen.
Interessanterweise ist die 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure ein Agonist des Laktatrezeptors Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCAR1) und weist sogar eine noch höhere Affinität als Laktat auf. Es wird suggeriert, dass dieser Rezeptor neurotrophische Wirkungen vermittelt, wie zum Beispiel eine erhöhte Produktion von BDNF und dessen Ausschüttung. Zudem habe ich das Vorkommen dieses Reporters erstmalig bei adulten hippocampalen Vorläuferzellen nachgewiesen.
Um zu untersuchen, ob der Konsum handelsüblicher Obstprodukte die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese beeinflusst, habe ich Mäusen Apfelsaft ad libitum verabreicht. Nach der Gabe von Apfelsaft sah ich keinen signifikanten Anstieg der Gesamtneurogenese und keine Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit im Morris-Wasserlabyrinth-Test. Dies ist bedingt durch eine zu geringe Konzentration der aktiven Wirkstoffe im Apfelsaft wodurch die wirksame Konzentration im Körper nicht erreicht wird.
Ich schlussfolgere, dass in Äpfeln potentielle pro-neurogene Inhaltsstoffe enthalten sind, welche die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese beeinflussen. Dies wird insbesondere durch die Aktivierung endogener antioxidativer Mechanismen und molekularer Signalwege vermittelt, die für das Überleben von Zellen von Bedeutung sind. Weitere Studien sind nötig, um zu bestimmen wie sich die Aktivierung von HCAR1 auf die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese auswirkt. Dies stellt einen potentiellen neuen Wirkmechanismus dar, welcher die gesundheitlichen Vorteile von Obst- und Gemüsekonsum belegt.
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Entomopathogenic nematodes : characterization of a new species, long–term storage and control of obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) under laboratory conditionsStokwe, Nomakholwa Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) (Pseudococcidae), is one of the
common and serious pests of apples and pears in South Africa. The management of this pest in
South Africa is dominated by the use of insecticides, while research into using natural enemies for
biological control of mealybugs is still ongoing. Increasing concern over the environmental impact,
pesticide residues in fruits, resistance, and expense associated with frequent use of insecticides
make it necessary to investigate alternative biological control methods, such as the use of
entomopathogenic nematodes, for the control of mealybugs. Entomopathogenic nematodes have
proven comparable or even superior to chemicals in controlling certain insect pests, without
residue problems or a harmful effect on the environment.
An important aspect of using endemic nematodes includes the identification of species of
nematodes and their symbiotic bacterial cells. A study was carried out to describe a new species
of Steinernema, which was recovered during a previous survey in citrus orchards in three
provinces of South Africa. Morphometrics, morphology, crossbreeding, drawings, light microscopy
and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photographs were used to describe the new species.
A cryopreservation method has been simplified and optimised for the long-term storage of
Steinernema khoisanae (SF87) and Heterorhabditis zealandica (J34). Different cryoprotectants
used included 15% glycerol, 8% ethylene glycol and 8% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), in which S.
khoisanae was incubated at room temperature for periods of two, three, four and five days,
followed by a methanol wash. An optimum survival rate of 69% was obtained for S. khoisanae
after a four-day incubation period in 15% glycerol. This technique has been used for the
cryopreservation of H. zealandica, with a 78% survival rate. The thawed nematodes of both
species were able to infect Galleria mellonella larvae after 42 days of cryopreservation (-196ºC)
and were able to complete their life cycles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ligrooswitluis, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) (Pseudococcidae), is een van die
algemene en ernstige peste van appels en pere in Suid-Afrika. Die bestuur van hierdie pes word
tans in Suid-Afrika deur die gebruik van insekdoders gedomineer terwyl navorsing oor die gebruik
van natuurlike vyande vir die beheer van P. viburni nog aan die gang is. Die verhoogde kommer
oor die omgewing, residue in vrugte, weerstand, en die koste verbonde aan die gereelde gebruik
van chemiese middels maak dit nodig om alternatiewe biologiese metodes van beheer, soos die
gebruik van entomopatogeniese nematodes vir die beheer van witluis, te ondersoek. In ander
lande is reeds aangetoon dat entomopatogeniese nematodes onder sekere omstandighede en vir
sekere insekte gelykwaardige of selfs beter beheer kan gee as chemiese middels.
ʼn Belangrike aspek van die gebruik van endemiese nematodes vir die beheer van insekte
sluit die korrekte identifikasie van die spesies met hul geassosieerde bakteriese simbionte in. ʼn
Nuwe spesie van Steinernema is uit ʼn vorige opname van entomopatogeniese nematodes in
sitrusboorde in drie provinsies van Suid-Afrika geïsoleer. Morfometrie, morfologie, kruisteling,
ligmikroskoop en SEM fotografie is gebruik om ʼn nuwe spesies te beskryf.
ʼn Kriopreserveringsmetode is ontwikkel en ge-optimaliseer vir die langtermyn bewaring van
Steinernema khoisanae (SF87) en Heterorhabditis zealandica (J34). Verskillende
kriobeskermingsmiddels insluitend 15% gliserol, 8% dimetiel sulfokied (DMSO) en 8% etileen
glikol, waarin S. khoisanae vir periodes van twee, drie, vier, en vyf dae geïnkubeer is, is teen
kamertemperatuur, getoets, gevolg deur ʼn metanolbad. Optimum oorlewing van 69% is verkry vir
S. khoisanae nadat die infektiewe larwes (IJ) vir vier dae in 15% gliserol gehou is. Hierdie tegniek
is ook toegepas op H. zealandica, met 78% oorlewing van die IJ. Die ontvriesde nematodes van
beide spesies was in staat om Galleria mellonella larwes suksesvol te infekteer en hulle
lewensiklus te voltooi nadat hulle vir 45 dae onder kriopreservering gehou is teen -196ºC.
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Significance of direct and indirect pollination ecosystem services to the apple industry in the Western Cape of South AfricaMouton, Madele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Insect pollinators play an important role in producing crops in global agriculture. Pollinatordependent
crops contribute to maintaining a healthy variety in the human diet and often have a
high market value, beneficial for local or regional economies. Insect crop pollinators can either
be from natural areas adjacent to orchards, or they can be brought into orchards by beekeepers
that manage them. Pollination by wild pollinators is an ecosystem service, while managed
pollinators (mostly honeybees) is a humanly managed service, considered not to be related to the
ecosystem. Ecosystem services and their economic value have often been used as an incentive
for conservation, although it is sometimes difficult to characterise and quantify them. Wild and
managed pollinators have been reported to be threatened in several regions around the world, and
there is concern about the effect a pollination deficit may have on crop production. Different
crops and cultivars have different levels of dependence on insect pollination due to a
combination of biological, physical and management factors. In this study, the pollination
dependence of the Granny Smith apple cultivar and the respective contributions of wild and
managed pollinators are investigated in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Granny
Smith apples show a significant increase in production with insect pollination (wild and
managed). Managed honeybees are more abundant in orchards than wild honeybees, and also
provide a better pollination service. This difference between the pollination service of wild and
managed honeybees are specifically noted in the quality, where managed honeybees pollination
result in significantly more seeds per fruit and consequently produce a better shaped apple. The
study goes further by quantifying the ecosystem services to the managed honeybee industry
through a questionnaire completed by beekeepers. It was found that 49% of the managed hives in
the Western Cape rely to some extent on natural vegetation as a forage source. Furthermore 18%
of honey produced is also from natural vegetation and the wild honeybee population replenish
managed honeybee stocks if they become depleted. Although managed honeybees are not
usually considered an ecosystem service, it is clear that they are still linked to the ecosystem via
these pathways. It is thus obvious that all pollination sources are linked to the environment, not
just wild pollinators. A further economic valuation of the ecosystem service studied, and to the
argument for conservation of pollinators and the resources they depend on. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Insek bestuiwing speel ‘n belangrike rol in die produksie van gewasse in landbou wêreldwyd.
Gewasse wat bestuiwing-afhanklik is, dra by tot ‘n gesonde verskeidenheid in die mens se dieët
en hul hoë mark waarde is voordelig vir plaaslike en streeks ekonomieë. Insek bestuiwers kan of
van natuurlike areas langs boorde afkomstig wees, of bestuurde bestuiwers kan deur byeboere in
boorde ingebring word. Bestuiwing deur wilde bestuiwers is ‘n ekosisteem diens, maar die
byeboere verskaf ‘n bestuurde diens, wat nie altyd gereken word om aan die ekosisteem verwant
te wees nie. Ekosisteem dienste en hul ekonomiese waarde word gereeld gebruik as insentief vir
bewaring, alhoewel dit soms moeilik is om dit te karaktariseer en te kwantifiseer. In sekere
streke wêreldwyd is dit bewys dat wilde, asook bestuurde bestuiwers, bedreig is en daar heers
bekommernis dat ‘n tekort aan bestuiwers gewas produksie negatief sal beïnvloed. Verskillende
gewasse en kultivars het verskillende vlakke van bestuiwing-afhanklikheid as gevolg van
verskillende biologiese en fisiese faktore en bestuurspraktyke. In hierdie studie is die
bestuiwings-afhanklikheid van die Granny Smith appel kultivar ondersoek, asook die bydrae van
wilde en bestuurde heuningbye in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid Afrika. Granny Smith appels
toon ‘n betekenisvolle produksie verbetering met insek bestuiwing (wilde en bestuurde bye).
Daar is ‘n groter hoeveelheid bestuurde bye in ‘n boord as wilde bye, en hulle verskaf ook dus ‘n
beter bestuiwingsdiens. Die voordeel van bestuurde bye bo wilde bye word veral in vrug
kwaliteit opgemerk. As bestuurde bye gebruik word, is daar betekenisvol meer sade per vrug en
gevolglik het die appels ook ‘n beter vorm. Verder fokus die studie ook op die kwantifisering
van ekosisteem dienste wat aan die bestuurde heuningby industrie verskaf word, deur inligting
van byeboere te gebruik. Daar is bevind dat 49% van die kolonies bestuurde bye in die Wes-
Kaap is tot ‘n mate afhanklik van natuurlike plantegroei vir voedsel. Verder is 18% van die
geproduseerde heuning ook afkomstig van natuurlike plantegroei se nektar en byeboere vang
wilde kolonies om uitgestorwe bestuurde kolonies te vervang. Dit is dus duidelik dat alle
bestuiwings bronne gekoppel is aan die omgewing, nie slegs wilde bestuiwers nie. ‘n Verdere
ekonomiese waardasie van die onderskeie ekosisteem dienste wat bestudeer is, voeg motivering
by tot die bewaring van bestuiwers en die hulpbronne waarvan hulle afhanklik is.
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Evaluation of integrated control of postharvest grey mould and blue mould of pome fruit using yeast, potassium silicate and hot water treatments.Mbili, Nokwazi Carol. January 2012 (has links)
The public concern over synthetic pesticides in foods and the environment has created an interest to find effective and safe non-fungicide means of controlling postharvest pathogens. The overall objective of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of potassium silicate, yeast antagonists and hot water dip treatment to control postharvest grey mould and blue mould of pome fruits, caused by Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum, respectively. Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum were isolated from infected strawberry and pear fruits, respectively. These isolates were found to be non-resistant to YieldPlus® (Anchor yeast, Cape Town, South Africa), a biofungicide containing a yeast Cryptococcus albidus. A total of 100 epiphytic yeast isolates were obtained from the fruit surface of “Golden Delicious” apples and “Packham’s Triumph” pears, and screened against B. cinerea and P. expansum. Fifteen yeast isolates reduced grey mould incidence by > 50%, when applied four hours before inoculation with B. cinerea. Similarly, seven yeast isolates reduced blue mould incidence by > 50%, when applied four hours before inoculation with P. expansum. YieldPlus® and yeast Isolate YP25 provided the best control of B. cinerea, while Isolate YP60 and YieldPlus® provided the best control of P. expansum on “Golden Delicious” apples. A mixture of YP25 and YP60 provided complete control of both B. cinerea and P. expansum, when applied to “Golden Delicious” apples before inoculation with either B. cinerea or P. expansum. Electron microscopy studies showed that yeast Isolates YP25 and YP60 inhibited the mycelial growth of B. cinerea and P. expansum, respectively. Preventative and curative application of potassium silicate resulted in reduced incidence of B. cinerea or P. expansum of “Golden Delicious” apples. Electron microscopy studies indicated that potassium silicate inhibited the growth of B. cinerea and P. expansum. Furthermore, treatment of “Golden Delicious” apples with either potassium chloride or potassium hydroxide resulted in reduced incidence of both B. cinerea and P. expansum. In vivo tests showed that the disease incidence of P. expansum and B. cinerea on “Golden Delicious” apples was reduced by hot water dip treatments at 58-60°C for 60 to 120 seconds, compared with the control fruit treated with sterile distilled water, without causing skin damage. The use of potassium silicate, yeasts (Isolates YP25 and YP60), YieldPlus® and the antagonists mixture (YP25+YP60) in combination, resulted in the control of B. cinerea and P. expansum of “Golden Delicious” apples compared with Imazalil® treated fruit. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Fighting tomorrow : a study of selected Southern African war fiction.Rogers, Sean Anthony. January 2005 (has links)
This research provides an analytical reading of five southern African war novels, in a transnational study of the experience of war as represented by the novels' authors. In order to situate the texts within a transnational tradition of writing about modern warfare, I draw on Paul Fussell's work on the fictional writings of the Second World War in combination with Tobey Herzog's work on the writings of America's war in Vietnam. Through a reading of Sousa Jamba's Patriots and Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples. I illustrate that while these and other southern African war texts can be situated within a transnational tradition of writing about modern warfare, they also extend the tradition by adding new and previously silenced voices. I then turn to a focus on specific experiences of southern African anti-colonial war as represented in Pepetela's Mayombe and Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples. These texts are read in light of Franz Fanon's extensive writings on the nature of colonial violence and with a focus on the role of the victim and perpetrator in violent resistance to colonial oppression. Following this, and keeping with my examination of the experience of war in southern Africa, I read Pepetela's Mayombe. Sousa Jamba's Patriots and Chenjerai Hove's Bones with a view to highlighting their writing of women in times of war. Using the work of Florence Stratton, this section exposes the great difficulties faced by women in times of war as a result of war's complicity in the maintenance of patriarchal societal structures. Finally, I read Chenjerai Hove's Bones and Mia Couto's Under the Frangipani as post-war texts so as to highlight the authors' use of organic images to imagine post-war futures that are not tainted by the experience of war. In examining this topic, I aim to suggest that all of the texts studied show war to be a continuum that results in failed societies. I therefore read the texts as active interventions that seek to break the destructive cycle of the region's wars in the hope of better and constructive futures. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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Inheriting man's estate : constructions of masculinity in selected popular narrative.January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the violence of patriarchal culture as it is staged in three twentieth century texts: the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), the South African novelist Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples (1993) and the American film Night of the Hunter (1954) directed by Charles Laughton. Each of these works focuses on the induction of the boy child into culture and the trauma attendant on this process of accession. The thesis is that if culture is violent then it must follow that damage is done to the developing subject in the process of its construction by the cultural forces that shape masculinity. The theoretical grounding of the analysis is derived from two main sources: Jacques Derrida's account of the violence of culture in Of Grammatology (1976) and the analysis of patriarchy and the Oedipal development of the boy child into manhood found in the work of Freud and Lacan. Derrida is used for his thinking on the inherently violent nature of culture and the way in which cultural discourse is structured through binary dualisms. The three chosen works all critique and dismantle binarist thinking as a move towards imagining a less destructive discursive order. The Oedipal narrative, as a myth which describes and explains the forces shaping the male child in the process of acculturation, exemplifies and illustrates cultural violence: As expounded by Freud and Lacan, the Oedipal myth is one which underpins all three of the chosen works. Derrida, Freud and Lacan have been very usefully mediated by several cultural critics and therefore extensive use is made of commentaries by Kaja Silverman, Frank Krutnik and Madan Sarup. Slavoj Zizek's interpretations of Lacan have also yielded much that is interesting about the nature of the Law of the Father and consequently reference is made to his ideas, principally in Chapter Four.This dissertation analyses the violence of patriarchal culture as it is staged in three twentieth century texts: the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), the South African novelist Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples (1993) and the American film Night of the Hunter (1954) directed by Charles Laughton. Each of these works focuses on the induction of the boy child into culture and the trauma attendant on this process of accession. The thesis is that if culture is violent then it must follow that damage is done to the developing subject in the process of its construction by the cultural forces that shape masculinity. The theoretical grounding of the analysis is derived from two main sources: Jacques Derrida's account of the violence of culture in Of Grammatology (1976) and the analysis of patriarchy and the Oedipal development of the boy child into manhood found in the work of Freud and Lacan. Derrida is used for his thinking on the inherently violent nature of culture and the way in which cultural discourse is structured through binary dualisms. The three chosen works all critique and dismantle binarist thinking as a move towards imagining a less destructive discursive order. The Oedipal narrative, as a myth which describes and explains the forces shaping the male child in the process of acculturation, exemplifies and illustrates cultural violence: As expounded by Freud and Lacan, the Oedipal myth is one which underpins all three of the chosen works. Derrida, Freud and Lacan have been very usefully mediated by several cultural critics and therefore extensive use is made of commentaries by Kaja Silverman, Frank Krutnik and Madan Sarup. Slavoj Zizek's interpretations of Lacan have also yielded much that is interesting about the nature of the Law of the Father and consequently reference is made to his ideas, principally in Chapter Four. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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Writing, reading ... reconciliation? : the role of literature in post-apartheid South AfricaBonthuys, Eugene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Socially responsible writing has been a feature of South African literature for many
years. Under apartheid, many novels dealt with apartheid, as it was one of the main
features of our social landscape. The end of apartheid did not however bring about the
end of a need for socially responsible writing. South Africa is still faced with many
problems, one of which is reconciliation. This thesis investigates whether
reconciliation may have become a new theme in South African novels, and whether
these novels could playa role in assisting the process of reconciliation in the country.
For this purpose, three South African works are analysed, namely Country of My
Skull by Antjie Krog, Smell of Apples by Mark Behr and Disgrace by J .M. Coetzee.
The introduction attempts to explain the psychological discourse surrounding
reconciliation, especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and parallels that
may exists. The main body presents detailed readings of the three works, with the
focus being on the presentation of reconciliation in the works, and the role that the
individual works could play in assisting the reader in coming to terms with his or her
feelings of guilt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir baie jare was apartheid die onderwerp van baie Suid Afrikaanse skrywers
aangesien dit die mees problematiese element van Suid Afrikaanse samelewing was.
Die einde van apartheid het egter nie die einde van alle probleme beteken nie. Een
van die belangrike probleme is versoening. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die moontlikheid
dat versoening die nuwe tema in Suid Afrikaanse letterkunde geword het en ofhierdie
werke 'n bydrae kan lewer tot werklike versoening. Vir hierdie doel word drie werke
behandel, naamlik Country of My Skull deur Antjie Krog, Smell of Apples deur Mark
Behr en Disgrace deur J .M. Coetzee.
Die inleiding poog om die sielkundige diskoers om versoening te verduidelik, veral
rondom posttraumatiese stres, en die ooreenkomste wat mag voorkom. Die hoofdeel
van die tesis bestaan uit 'n diepgaande bespreking van die drie werke, met die fokus
op versoening in die werk, maar ook die rol wat die werke kan speel om die leser deur
sy ofhaar skuld gevoelens te help.
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Masculinity and sexuality in South African border war literatureRees, Jennifer 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores masculinity and sexuality, hegemonic and “deviant” in the nation state of the
old apartheid South Africa, by addressing aspects of fatherhood, boyhood and motherhood in
white, predominantly Afrikaans family narratives. In doing this, I explore the ways in which the
young boys in texts such as The Smell of Apples (1995), by Mark Behr, and moffie (2006), by
André Carl van der Merwe, are systematically groomed to become the ideal stereotype of
masculinity at the time: rugged, intelligent, successful and heterosexual.
The main focus of this thesis is to explore the ideologies inherent in constructing the white,
Afrikaner man, his woman and their family. This will be done with specific reference to the time
frame between the early 1970s to the fall of the apartheid regime in the early 1990s, focussing on
the young white boys who are sent to do military training and oftentimes, a stint on the border
between Angola and the then South-West Africa, in order to keep the so-called threat of
communism at bay. I explore what happens when this white-centred patriarchal hegemony is
broken down, threatened or resisted when “deviance” in the form of homosexuality occurs.
A second focus of this thesis is that of “deviance” in the army. I analyse “deviance” in three
novels, moffie (2006) by André Carl van der Merwe, The Beautiful Screaming of Pigs (1991) by
Damon Galgut and Kings of the Water (2009) by Mark Behr. These novels foreground
“deviance” and I make use of them in exploring the punishment, or “consequences” of being
homosexual or “deviant” in the highly masculine environs of the South African National
Defence Force (SANDF) army. I also examine the muted yet, I argue, resistant voices of female
characters in these novels. This thesis concludes by briefly noting the aftermath of this war, the after-effects of a white,
hegemonic, conservative ruling party at the helm of a divided, war-faring country on its soldiers,
who are now middle-aged men. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek manlikheid en seksualiteit, hegemonie en “afwykings” in die staat van ou
apartheid Suid-Afrika deur te verwys na aspekte van vaderskap, seunwees en moederskap in
blanke, oorwegend Afrikaanse gesinsvertellings. Eerstens sal daar ondersoek ingestel word na
die wyses waarop jong seuns in tekste soos The Smell of Apples (1995) deur Mark Behr en moffie
(2006) deur André Carl van der Merwe stelselmatig gekweek word tot die ideale stereotipe van
manlikheid in die era: ongetem, intelligent, suksesvol en heteroseksueel.
Die hoofklem van hierdie tesis is om die denkwyses onderliggend aan die konstruksie van die
blanke Afrikaner man, sy vrou en hulle gesin, te verken. Dit sal bewerkstellig word deur na die
tydperk vanaf die vroeë 1970s tot en met die ondergang van die apartheidsbewind in die vroeë
1990s te verwys, met spesifieke klem op jeugdige blanke seuns wat gestuur is vir militêre
opleiding en dikwels ook diensplig aan die grens tussen Angola en destydse Suid-Wes Afrika
om die oënskynlike kommunistiese aanslag af te weer. Daar word verken wat plaasvind
wanneer hierdie blank-gesentreerde, patriargale oorwig afgebreek, bedreig of teengestaan
word deur “afwykings” soos die voorkoms van homoseksualiteit.
‘n Tweede fokuspunt van hierdie tesis is die “afwykings” in die weermag. Die volgende drie
“afwykingsromans” word ontleed: moffie (2006), The Beautiful Screaming of Pigs (1991) deur Damon Galgut en Kings of the Water (2009) deur Mark Behr. Hierdie romans ondervang die idee
van “afwykings” en word gebruik in die ondersoek na die straf of gevolge van homoseksueel of
“afwykend” wees in die uitsluitlik manlike omgewing geskep deur die SANW-opleiding. Daar
word ook ondersoek ingestel na die stilgemaakte; dog, soos aangetoon word, versettende stemme
van vroulike karakters in die romans.
Hierdie tesis sluit af deur vlugtig te verwys na die nasleep van die oorlog en die gevolge van ’n
blanke, heersende, konserwatiewe party aan die stuur van ’n verdeelde, oorlogvoerende land op
sy soldate wat tans middeljarige mans is.
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